GE :: Volume #6

#573: Teng Xianrou

Ning Fan first is intent moves, gaze also gradually is later tranquil, seems has not fluctuated the half a point. 宁凡先是意动,随后目光渐渐平静,好似不曾波动过半分。 The Fusang Old Monster what kind of meaningful glance, naturally sees the Ning Fan subtle expression change, heaves a deep sigh saying that 扶桑老妖何等眼色,自然看出宁凡微妙的表情变化,摇头叹息道, Fellow Daoist is not willing to make Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, why?” 道友不愿做竹殿八长老么,为何?” May I ask Fusang Senior, why so makes the younger generation work as that Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder rigid?” Ning Fan did not answer asked back. “敢问扶桑前辈,为何如此执着地让晚辈当那竹殿八长老?”宁凡不答反问。 Fusang Old Monster sighed, answered, 扶桑老妖一面叹息,一面解释道, Fellow Daoist should know, Old Man is Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, also 10 years then meets the longevity completely to perish, this Eighth Elder naturally must exchange the person... according to the Bamboo Palace custom, the Elder successor needs all Elder to recommend three people respectively, then establishes the inspection in the candidate, designated that a person succeeds.” 道友应知,老夫竹殿八长老,还有十年便会寿尽而亡,这八长老自然是要换人的...按照竹殿的规矩,长老的继任人需要所有长老各自推荐三人,而后在候选者中设置考核,选定一人继任。” Is open about the facts Fellow Daoist, Old Man except for recommending Fellow Daoist succeeds the position of Eighth Elder, in addition recommended two people, these two people all are Primordial Supreme Void, and has... Old Man without/has not to recommend Tang Xiong with my Fusang Clan old, even Tang Xiong is Supreme Void cultivator! Because of ordinary Supreme Void, cannot struggle the Eighth Elder position.” “不瞒道友,老夫除了推荐道友继任八长老之位,另外还推荐了两人,这二人皆是归元太虚,且与我扶桑一族有旧...老夫没有推荐汤雄,即便汤雄是一名太虚修士!因为普通太虚,根本争不到八长老的位置。” Old Man heard that Fellow Daoist Evil Qi heaven shaking, was then guessing at that time, Fellow Daoist Divine Ability decides will not be weak. Heard again Fellow Daoist cuts to kill two Primordial Supreme Void, completes the 5-stars task, Old Man decides immediately, wants to deliver the last recommendation position with Fellow Daoist! The 5-stars duty, only has Void Fragmentation cultivator to be accomplished generally speaking! Fellow Daoist can complete the 5-stars task alone, can cut to kill Primordial Supreme Void, how the strength, without a doubt!” 老夫听说道友煞气惊天,当时便在猜测,道友神通定不会弱。再听说道友独自一人斩杀两名归元太虚,完成了五星任务,老夫立刻决定,想将最后一个推荐位送与道友五星任务,一般而言唯有碎虚修士才能完成!道友能独自完成五星任务,能斩杀归元太虚,实力如何,毋庸置疑!” Fellow Daoist may know, becoming does Eighth Elder have how big advantage? In the past when Old Man succeeded Eighth Elder, was only Primordial Supreme Void, after succeeding, obtained Bamboo Palace to train full power. After succeeding 1000 years, the Old Man success breaks through Void Fragmentation! By Fellow Daoist natural talent, if succeeds Eighth Elder, may result in Bamboo Sovereign to train surely full power, counts 1000 years, surely is another Void Fragmentation Expert!” 道友可知,成为八长老有多么大的好处?当年老夫继任八长老之时,只是一名归元太虚,继任后,得到了竹殿全力培养。继任千年之后,老夫成功突破碎虚!以道友资质,若继任八长老,必定可得竹皇全力培养,不出数千年,必定又是另一位碎虚强者!” Has such big advantage. Why isn't Fellow Daoist willing to succeed Eighth Elder?” “有如此之大的好处。道友为何不愿继任八长老?” Ning Fan does not say a word, is only the shaking the head chuckle. 宁凡不发一言,只是摇头轻笑。 Fusang Old Monster is puzzled, a moment later, Ning Fan received the smile suddenly, said seriously, Senior wanting makes me succeed the Eighth Elder reason, indeed I am not willing to succeed the Eighth Elder reason!” 扶桑老妖不解,片刻之后,宁凡忽然收了笑容,郑重言道,“前辈欲让我继任八长老的原因,正是我不愿继任八长老的原因!” Fusang Old Monster hearing this stares, then forced smile. 扶桑老妖闻言一愣,而后苦笑。 In this other Elder candidates of Elder recommendation, the person only misses one step to break through Void Fragmentation, is called in Eastern Tree Sea under Void Fragmentation first person. This person captures the possibility of position of Eighth Elder to be biggest... he is Bai Li Clan Patriarch, my Fusang Clan and Bai Li Clan, are the irreconcilable until death bitter enemy...” “此次其他长老推荐的长老候选人中,有一人只差一步便可突破碎虚,被称为东树海之中‘碎虚之下第一人’。此人夺得八长老之位的可能性最大...他是百黎一族族长,我扶桑一族百黎一族,是不死不休的世仇...” Fusang Old Monster mentioned in this, no longer talked too much. 扶桑老妖言及于此,不再多言。 Obviously, Fusang Old Monster hopes Ning Fan captures the position of Eighth Elder, is not willing this position to be taken away by Bai Li Patriarch. 很显然,扶桑老妖之所以希望宁凡夺得八长老之位,是不愿此位置被百黎族长夺去。 If Bai Li Patriarch becoming Bamboo Palace new Eighth Elder, has toward 1 day must be possible Void Fragmentation to succeed, 百黎族长成为竹殿新任八长老,有朝一日必可碎虚成功, But when the day of Bai Li Clan birth Void Fragmentation, was Fusang Clan declines. Two families have the irreconcilable until death bitter enemy, at the appointed time will use surely suppresses Fusang Clan full power... 百黎一族诞生碎虚之日,便是扶桑一族没落之时。两个家族有着不死不休的世仇,届时必定会倾尽全力打压扶桑一族... Fusang Old Monster to refusing stubbornly far, he does not care about Life and Death, only after striving , the family will not decline. 扶桑老妖离死不远,他不在乎自己生死,只求死后家族不会没落。 Elder candidate who he recommends. If without/has not struggles the position of Elder also on forget it/that's all, if struggles the position of Elder, will offend Bai Li Clan inevitably. 他推荐的长老候选人。若没有争到长老之位也就罢了,若争到长老之位,势必得罪百黎一族 Offends Bai Li Clan also on forget it/that's all, after all present Bai Li Clan still did not have Void Fragmentation. 得罪百黎一族也就罢了,毕竟如今的百黎一族尚无碎虚 Knows only want. Recommends Bai Li Patriarch to participate in Elder candidate that Elder, is surely significant with the Bai Li Clan friendship. 但须知。推荐百黎族长参加长老候选的那位长老,必定与百黎一族交情匪浅。 Offends Bai Li, meanwhile will offend one not to know cultivation base Void Fragmentation Elder. 得罪百黎,同时还会得罪一位不知修为碎虚长老 Ning Fan is not willing to mix the Fusang Clan matter. Does not want to annoy to trouble nothing more merely. 宁凡之所以不愿掺和扶桑一族的事。仅仅是不想惹麻烦而已 The Eighth Elder position cannot seduce him, because he dull will not be long in Tree World, vigorously training of Bamboo Palace, to his without/has not any attraction. 八长老的位置诱惑不到他,因为他不会在树界呆太久,竹殿的倾力培养,对他没有任何诱惑力。 As for one of the becoming Eighth Elder benefits... Tree Ancestor Fruit! 至于成为八长老的福利之一...树祖果 Since this is Bamboo Palace grants new Eighth Elder, nature originally belongs to Bamboo Palace. 此果既然是竹殿赐予新任八长老,自然原本是属于竹殿所有的。 In Bamboo Palace, surely many Tree Ancestor Fruit. 竹殿之中,必定有不少树祖果 In the Ning Fan method, always has the means and Bamboo Palace transaction, gets so far as some Tree Ancestor Fruit, without/has not annoys necessary troublesome, works as that Eighth Elder. 宁凡的手段,总有办法与竹殿交易,弄到些树祖果的,没有必要多惹麻烦,去当那八长老 Ning Fan without/has not brings to light the words, but Fusang Old Monster has guessed correctly the Ning Fan thoughts. 宁凡没有将话挑明,但扶桑老妖已猜到宁凡心思。 forget it/that's all, Fellow Daoist, since is not willing to be involved in this trouble, when this matter Old Man has not raised, the 3rd recommendation quota, Old Man will give Tang Xiong, how making him struggle the position of Eighth Elder... as for the result, to look at Heaven's Will, was not exactable.” 罢了,道友既然不愿卷入这场麻烦,此事就当老夫不曾提过,第三个推荐名额,老夫会送给汤雄,令他去争八长老之位...至于结果如何,皆看天意,不可强求。” Fusang Old Monster continuously the sigh, by his status, to Ning Fan proposed that the request is very rare. 扶桑老妖不住叹息,以他的身份,向宁凡提出请求已经十分难得了。 If Ning Fan is unwillying to do, he will not force, will not be hard to solve. After all he is solemn Void Fragmentation Old Monster, has own dignity. 宁凡若执意不从,他也不会强迫,更不会纠缠不清。毕竟他可是堂堂碎虚老怪,有自己的尊严。 Fusang Old Monster but sees the lip to move, does not see the sound, to distant place sound transmission several. 扶桑老妖但见唇动,不见声音,对远处传音了几句。 After more than ten breaths, Tang Xiong grasps storage pouch, since the treasure house comes out, obviously obtains sound transmission, knows two people to talk dares to come out. 十余息之后,汤雄手持一个储物袋,从宝库出来,显然是得到传音,知晓二人谈完话才敢出来。 This is ten Ming Luo Puppet and 20 billion Immortal Jade, is the duty reward of Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist might as well takes inventory, has a look to have short leaking. In storage pouch also jade slip, is Tang Valley Realm Gate World Passage jade slip, may open Realm Gate to pass through depending on jade slip.” “这是十具冥罗傀儡200亿仙玉,是道友的任务奖励,道友不妨清点一番,看看可有短漏。储物袋还有一枚玉简,是汤谷界门界路玉简,可凭玉简开启界门通行。” Ning Fan received storage pouch from the Tang Xiong hand, Divine Sense sweeps, the check is unmistakable, holds the fist in the other hand to Fusang Tree Monster and Tang Xiong, 宁凡汤雄手中接过储物袋,神念一扫,查点无误,向扶桑树妖汤雄一抱拳, Said goodbye!” “告辞!” Ning Fan turns around then to walk, was stopped by calling out by Fusang Old Monster. 宁凡转身便走,却被扶桑老妖叫住。 Fellow Daoist invited stay.” 道友留步。” What matter?” “何事?” Some Old Man here things want to give Fellow Daoist, wants to tie good karma with Fellow Daoist, these things should to some Fellow Daoist help.” 老夫这里有些东西想送给道友,想与道友结个善缘,这些东西应该对道友有些帮助的。” Fusang Old Monster gives Ning Fan storage pouch, Ning Fan Divine Sense sweeps, including 10 billion Immortal Jade, 1000 Tree God Fruit, and has Eastern, Southern, and Western Three Great Tree Sea Map. 扶桑老妖递给宁凡一个储物袋,宁凡神念一扫,其中有百亿仙玉,一千树神果,并有东、南、西三大树海的地图 In addition, in storage pouch also many rare and precious Spirit Ore and Spirit Wood, all are manufacture Puppet, restore the thing of Puppet. 除此之外,储物袋还有不少珍稀灵矿灵木,皆是制作傀儡、修复傀儡之物。 Ning Fan looking pensive, it seems like Fusang Old Monster adjusts researched carefully he, from him in the thing of Yuyi City purchase, guessed that he wants to restore Puppet. 宁凡若有所思,看来扶桑老妖仔细调查过他,从他在嵎夷城购买的东西之中,猜测出他想修复傀儡 Indeed, the thing that Fusang Old Monster gives is Ning Fan required thing. 诚然,扶桑老妖给的东西皆是宁凡所需之物 Ning Fan also knows, accepts this storage pouch to mean anything. 宁凡也知道,收下这个储物袋意味着什么。 forget it/that's all, these thing this Lu accepted, if another day Fusang Clan has difficult, this Lu place in one's power, must take action 12.” 罢了,这些东西陆某收下了,若他日扶桑一族有难,陆某力所能及之处,必出手一二。” The Ning Fan word, receives storage pouch, holds the fist in the other hand to say goodbye. 宁凡言罢,收起储物袋,抱拳告辞。 Accepts this storage pouch, means that accepts showing good will of Fusang Old Monster. 收下这储物袋,意味着接受扶桑老妖的示好。 With the Ning Fan character, for no reason the kindness, will not another day be seen Fusang Clan to have difficult. Unavoidably naturally meets take action 12. 宁凡的性格,不会平白受人恩惠,他日见扶桑一族有难。自然难免会出手一二的。 Fusang Old Monster grasps to the Ning Fan character very accurate. 扶桑老妖宁凡性格把握的十分精准。 Sees Ning Fan to look through his intention, and makes the promise, Fusang Old Monster reveals the gratified color, actually after Ning Fan departs sighed however sighs deeply. 宁凡看破他的用意,并做出许诺,扶桑老妖露出欣慰之色,却又在宁凡离去之后喟然长叹。 Why did Ancestor sigh?” Tang Xiong asked puzzled. 老祖为何叹气?”汤雄不解问道。 Pitifully... this Lu Bei hid is extremely deep. If this child accepts the Old Man recommendation, results in Old Man boost, captures opportunity of position of Eighth Elder big absolutely... he, although without/has not reveals Evil Qi from beginning to end, but Old Man still detected that from him an extremely dangerous feeling... before him, Old Man actually lived an absurd misconception..., if a word did not gather a moment ago, contracts enmity with this child, this child has ability instant kill Old Man! This feeling is so absurd. Also is so real...” “可惜了...这陆北隐藏极深。若此子接受老夫推荐,得老夫一把助力,夺得八长老之位的机会绝对不小...他虽然从始至终没有流露一丝煞气,但老夫仍从他身上察觉到一丝极其危险的感觉...在他面前,老夫竟然生了一种荒谬错觉...若刚才一言不合,与此子结怨,此子有能力瞬杀老夫!这种感觉如此荒谬。却又如此真实...” what! this does Lu Bei have means instant kill Ancestor unexpectedly?! This, this...” Tang Xiong knew in the heart that Ancestor does not have the lies, perhaps Ning Fan really has method instant kill Fusang Old Monster. 什么!陆北竟有办法瞬杀老祖?!这,这...”汤雄心知老祖从无虚言,或许宁凡真有手段瞬杀扶桑老妖 If the fact is really so, Ning Fan is extremely rather fearful... 若事实真是如此,宁凡未免太过可怕... ... ... Ning Fan returns to the royal palace, sleeve robe one volume, uses the technique of Void Teleportation, vanishes with Qing Dai in Yuyi City. 宁凡返回王宫,袖袍一卷,施展虚空挪移之术,与青黛消失于嵎夷城 He to east the line, crosses Tang Valley, goes toward Jumang Country boundary —— Tang Valley Realm Gate. 他一路向东而行,越过汤谷,朝句芒国的边界——汤谷界门而去。 Rejects the proposition of Fusang Old Monster. Ning Fan by no means regretted, he has oneself matter to do, is impossible excessively to mix others 's trouble. 拒绝扶桑老妖的提议。宁凡并不后悔,他有自己的事情要做,不可能过多掺和他人的麻烦。 Can achieve when Fusang Clan has is difficult take action to assist, is the limit. 能做到在扶桑一族有难之时出手相助,已是极限。 Flies to escape. After incense stick, Ning Fan receives the escaping light, descends beside Tang Valley Realm Gate. 一路飞遁。一炷香之后,宁凡收住遁光,降落在汤谷界门之外。 Here is Northern Tree Sea and Eastern Tree Sea intersection point, the dark Purple light wall separates two big Tree Sea together. 这里是北树海东树海的交界处,一道暗紫色光墙将两大树海从中断开。 Under light wall to place bottom nether world. From the summit of Vault of Heaven, did not keep any slit to pass. 光墙下至地底幽冥。上至苍穹之巅,不留任何缝隙供人度过。 The light of that dark Purple is separating territories light, even Loose Immortal. Intrudes separating territories light by mistake, only has the die fate. 那暗紫色之光是破界之光,就算是散仙。误闯入破界之光,也唯有陨落的下场。 Above the light wall has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Giant Gate, in the gate is equipped with layer on layer/heavily formation restriction, formation is not fierce, is close to separating territories light. 光墙之上有一座万丈之高的巨门,门上设有重重阵法禁制,阵法本身不厉害,却与破界之光紧密相连。 Once some people of trespasses Realm Gate, will then be towed the separating territories light attack by formation, under Immortal, trespasses must die! 一旦有人擅闯界门,便会被阵法牵引破界之光攻击,仙人之下,擅闯者必死! Ning Fan takes out the duty reward storage pouch, takes out World Passage Rain World, and shifts 20 billion Immortal Jade to waist storage pouch. 宁凡取出任务奖励的储物袋,将界路雨界取出,并将200亿仙玉转移到腰间储物袋 In this storage pouch only remains 10 Void Glimpse cultivation base Ming Luo Puppet, before is 10,000 years, Ming Luo Clan ten Void Refinement Ancestor corpses refining. 储物袋中仅剩十具窥虚修为冥罗傀儡,是万年之前冥罗一族十名炼虚老祖的尸身所炼制 Ning Fan gives Qing Dai storage pouch, without/has not talks too much. 宁凡储物袋递给青黛,没有多言。 Qing Dai received storage pouch, only looked at one, immediately reveals pleasantly surprised look, fills with said to Ning Fan grateful, thanks...” 青黛接过储物袋,只看了一眼,立刻露出惊喜之色,满怀感激地对宁凡道,“谢谢...” Does not need to be polite, if another day I have the matter to ask you, do not reject are.” Ning Fan said with a smile. “不必客气,他日我若有事求你,你不要拒绝便是。”宁凡笑道。 Un...” Qing Dai nods to say. “嗯...”青黛点头应道。 Walks.” “走吧。” Ning Fan one according to Broken World road jade slip, in jade slip Purple Light departs together suddenly, submerges in Giant Gate. 宁凡一把按碎界玉简,玉简之中一道紫光忽然飞出,没入巨门之中。 Giant Gate trembles ruthlessly, opens a slit, the land shivers fiercely, raises the innumerable mist and dust. 巨门狠狠一颤,开启一条缝隙,大地剧烈颤动,扬起无数烟尘。 Reveals slit an instant in Giant Gate, Ning Fan sleeve robe one volume, makes teleportation mist threads with the Qing Dai two hominizations, sifts in Realm Gate. 巨门露出缝隙的一瞬,宁凡袖袍一卷,与青黛二人化作挪移烟丝,飘入界门之内。 The escaping light receives, above path of rays that two people descend in dark Purple, World Passage of indeed to Eastern Tree Sea. 遁光一收,二人降落在一座暗紫色的光路之上,正是通往东树海界路 After two people enter, Giant Gate closes slowly. 在二人进入之后,巨门徐徐关闭。 Has walked along this World Passage, the end place has teleportation formation, but Teleportation to the Eastern Tree Sea boundary.” Qing Dai was not first time passes World Passage. “沿着这界路一直走,尽头处有一个传送阵,可传送东树海的地界。”青黛并非第一次通过界路了。 Un, you first walk, my also matter processing...” Ning Fan receives the footsteps suddenly, a brow wrinkle, in step above World Passage. “嗯,你先走,我还有事处理...”宁凡忽然收住脚步,眉头一皱,驻步于界路之上。 Has matter processing? You are quicker, I in Eastern Tree Sea wait/etc. you.” Qing Dai is startled, does not know that Ning Fan said what meaning. “有事处理?那你快些,我在东树海等你。”青黛一怔,不知宁凡所言何意 Her gaze is puzzled , to continue, enters teleportation formation in the World Passage end place, Teleportation to Eastern Tree Sea. 目光困惑,继续前行,在界路尽头处进入传送阵,传送东树海 After Qing Dai departs, Ning Fan turns around suddenly, the eye such as the cold electricity sweeps the rearward. 青黛离去之后,宁凡忽然转身,目如冷电地扫向后方。 Has not come out... the Vine Sovereign person, likes so revealing only part of the truth?” “还不出来么...藤皇的人,都爱这般藏头露尾么?” After Ning Fan spoke, the place of nobody left, resounds the tender laughter that disdained together immediately. 宁凡出言之后,那空无一人的地方,立刻响起一道不屑的娇笑声。 Reveals only part of the truth? Depending on your only Void Inquire, reveals only part of the truth, the dark method with this Palace Master? this Palace Master does not want to kill your nothing more above World Passage!” “藏头露尾?凭你区区一介问虚,也配本宫藏头露尾、暗施手段?本宫只是不想在界路之上杀你而已!” In the tender laughter, a long hair and waist, wear the pink attire female to appear above World Passage floating, the beautiful pupil is extremely clearly beautiful, brings cold and severe killing intent. 娇笑声中,一个长发及腰、身着粉衣的女子飘然出现在界路之上,美眸分明极美,却带着冷厉杀机 Her waist is pink sword pouch, the whole body is revealing silk threads Sword Intent, that Sword Intent interweaves like the vine, growing continually, is the pure vine Wooden Sword intent! 她腰间系着一个粉色剑袋,周身流露着丝丝缕缕的剑意,那剑意交织如藤,生生不息,是纯正的藤木剑意! The place that her imposing manner such as day, stands, Void Space shivers slightly. 她气势如天,所站立的地方,虚空微微颤抖。 This is sword cultivator, Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer sword cultivator! 这是一个剑修,一个碎虚一重天剑修 this Palace Master is Vine Sovereign under tutelage Wisteria Palace Palace Master... Teng Xianrou! Today this, only to kill you, Lu Bei, suffers to death!” 本宫藤皇座下紫藤宫宫主...藤纤柔!今日来此,只为杀你,陆北,受死吧!” sword cultivator... female?” The corners of the mouth of Ning Fan bring back wipe the smile of ridicule. 剑修...还是女子?”宁凡的嘴角勾起一抹嘲弄的笑容。 He expects Vine Sovereign Subordinate not to give up early, perhaps will ambush he in six big Realm Gate places. 他早料到藤皇属下不会善罢甘休,恐怕会在六大界门处埋伏他。 Has not actually expected, will run upon an ambush of Void Fragmentation female sword cultivator. 却未曾料到,会撞上一名碎虚剑修的埋伏。 This where is ambushes, clearly is a big ritual... delivering Void Fragmentation Dual Cauldron! 这哪里是埋伏,分明是一件大礼...一个送上门的碎虚鼎炉 ( 4th)( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! (第四更)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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