GE :: Volume #6

#572: Tree Ancestor Fruit

Tang Xiong changes to together the escaping rainbow, flies toward the place bottom. 汤雄化作一道遁虹,朝地底飞去。 Ning Fan eyes reveal pondering look, sleeve robe one volume, vanishes with Qing Dai in the palace a moment later. 宁凡目露思索之色,片刻之后袖袍一卷,与青黛消失于宫殿之中。 the next moment, two people appear outside the treasure house under place bottom million zhang (3.33 m). 下一刻,二人出现在地底百万丈之下的宝库之外。 The bottom is very open, opens has a giant treasure house. 地底十分开阔,开辟有一个巨大宝库。 Guard formation light of treasure house has not opened, perhaps because of Fusang Old Monster here, without/has not necessary opening. 宝库的守卫阵光并未开启,或许是因为扶桑老妖在此,没有必要开启。 At this moment, Jumang Country lord Tang Xiong to stand respectfully in Fusang Old Monster behind, the stance of complete younger generation, does not have Country Lord again proudly. 此刻,句芒国汤雄恭敬侍立在扶桑老妖身后,完全一副晚辈的姿态,再无一丝国主的傲然。 A Fusang Old Monster black robe, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the white hair and place, the white eyebrows does not need. 扶桑老妖一袭黑袍,负手而立,白发及地,白眉无须。 His eye Godly Void narrows the eyes, with the Ning Fan gaze connection, the dispersing imposing manner, covers entire bottom Space quietly. 他眼神虚眯,与宁凡目光交汇,悄然散开气势,覆盖整个地底空间 That is the Void Fragmentation Expert imposing manner! Under Void Fragmentation all ants! 那是碎虚强者的气势!碎虚之下皆蝼蚁! Ning Fan does not evade Fusang Old Monster gaze, with Fusang Old Monster imposing looking at each other. 宁凡毫不避讳扶桑老妖目光,与扶桑老妖凛然对视。 Invisible Qi Aura, spreads in two people. 一股无形的气场,在二人之间扩散开来。 Tang Xiong solemn Supreme Void cultivator, feels the breath to be sad under two people of imposing manners unexpectedly, after drawing back several continually steps, thought that the breath is smoother. 汤雄堂堂太虚修士,在二人的气势之下竟觉得呼吸沉闷,连退数步之后,才觉得呼吸顺畅些。 Qing Dai is only Void Glimpse cultivation base, how can withstand the Void Fragmentation cultivator imposing manner. 青黛仅是窥虚修为,如何能承受碎虚修士的气势。 Her sprout/slender white hand shivers slightly, this is her first time short distance feels the Void Fragmentation Old Monster imposing manner... 她柔荑微微颤抖,这是她第一次近距离感受碎虚老怪的气势... Very strong, strong fearful... in the Void Fragmentation cultivator front, she radically is only ants, pants for breath continually cannot achieve... 很强,强的可怕...在碎虚修士的面前,她根本只是一只蝼蚁,连喘息都做不到... In the dantian, Medicine Soul is trembling! 丹田之中,药魂在瑟瑟发抖! In Heavenly Spirit, Sea of Consciousness wants to collapse in the tremor! 天灵之内,识海在颤动欲崩! She only thinks that the breath is getting more and more difficult, almost must be struck to fly by the Fusang Old Monster imposing manner. 她只觉呼吸越来越困难,几乎要被扶桑老妖的气势击飞。 She was usually stubborn, is not willing to submit in front of Void Fragmentation Old Monster, is not willing such as Tang Xiong to regress to unload the potential generally. 只是她素来倔强,不肯在碎虚老怪面前屈服,不愿如汤雄一般退步卸势。 Cannot dread... my Ming Luo Clan also Void Fragmentation cultivation base big personal enemy, the name Wan Changkong, is Tree World most powerful Puppet Master... has 1 day finally, I on behalf of Ming Luo Clan, to that Wan Changkong revenge. If I feared the Void Fragmentation pressure here. His year also has what qualifications, stands... I cannot fear in front of that Wan Changkong...” “不能畏惧...我冥罗一族还有一个碎虚修为的大仇人,其名万长空,是树界最强傀儡师...终有一日,我会代表冥罗一族,向那万长空复仇。若我在这里惧怕了碎虚威压。他年又有什么资格,站在那万长空面前...我不能怕...” Qing Dai is nipping the lip, suppresses the heart to be scared forcefully, complexion gradually is pale, seemed shaken the bottom of one's heart of wound by the imposing manner. 青黛咬着唇,强行压制着心头恐慌,脸色渐渐苍白,似乎被气势震伤的肺腑。 Even so, she is not willing to retrocede, is not willing to evade... 纵然如此,她也不愿后退,不愿逃避... Small and weak is not fearful, what is fearful is without/has not defeats the determination of Expert. 弱小不可怕,可怕的是没有战胜强者的决心。 When her Monster Soul was almost shaken the wound by the Void Fragmentation imposing manner, the gentle sound spreads to her ear together, subsequently. Makes the Void Fragmentation imposing manner that she oppresses is unable to pant for breath, slowly dissipation. 在她妖魂几乎被碎虚气势震伤之时,一道温柔的声音传入她的耳中,继而。令她压迫地无法喘息的碎虚气势,徐徐消散。 Do not fear.” “不要怕。” Ning Fan turn head smiles, flicks the sleeve gently, the five fingers grasp, according to oppresses the Qing Dai imposing manner broken. 宁凡回头一笑,轻轻拂袖,五指一抓,按碎压迫青黛的气势。 Qing Dai obtains the asylum of Ning Fan, the body ill feels gradually to vanish, half is feels grateful half to Ning Fan is the apologetic say/way, sorry... because of me...” 青黛得到宁凡的庇护,身上不适之感渐渐消失,对宁凡半是感激半是歉然道,“对不起...都是因为我...” She knows, Ning Fan is competing the imposing manner with Fusang Old Monster in secret. 她知道,宁凡是在与扶桑老妖暗中比拼气势。 She knows. Because she is not willing to withdraw, Ning Fan has to take action protect her. 她知道。因为她不肯退避,宁凡不得不出手保护她。 Because Ning Fan takes the lead take action, then the struggle of this imposing manner, was Ning Fan fell leeward. 而因为宁凡率先出手,则这场气势之争,算是宁凡落了下风。 Qing Dai rebukes oneself. If her little darling retrocedes some, Ning Fan then not to save her will be defeated. 青黛十分自责。若她乖乖后退一些,宁凡便不会为了救她落败了。 Minor matter nothing more, does not need to worry about.” “小事而已,不必挂心。” Ning Fan smiles with something else in mind, has turned around. Looks to Fusang Old Monster. 宁凡不以为然地一笑,转过身。重新望向扶桑老妖 To him, the harmless victory and defeat, by no means is worth worrying about. 对他而言,无伤大雅的胜负,并不值得挂心。 little girl is good. natural talent perhaps is not excellent, but this Dao Heart does not fear the domineering, was very commendable. Cannot think that now Ming Luo Clan can also have this younger generation appearance, is really rare. 100,000 many years ago, Old Man was still only Void Pierce cultivation base, with Ming Luo Clan High Priest also calculates that the knowledge made the good friend, you also calculated the Old Man younger generation, this jade slip was Old Man in the past obtained, now gives to you, was the thing returning to rightful owner.” 小丫头不错。资质或许并非绝佳,但这道心不惧强势,却十分难能可贵了。想不到如今冥罗一族还能有这种后辈出现,真是难得。十万多年前,老夫尚只是冲虚修为,与冥罗一族大祭司也算知交好友,你也算老夫晚辈,这个玉简老夫当年所得,如今送给你,也算物归原主。” Fusang Old Monster chuckled, shows the satisfactory smile to Qing Dai. 扶桑老妖呵呵一笑,对青黛露出满意的笑容。 His palm searches into the sleeve robe, takes out one to damage jade slip from the sleeve robe, counts on the fingers a ball, throws to Qing Dai. 他手掌探入袖袍,从袖袍中取出一个破损玉简,屈指一弹,抛给青黛 Ning Fan waves to block, blocks jade slip for Qing Dai, Divine Sense sweeps the jade slip content, reveals the strange color, gives Qing Dai jade slip, Fusang Senior gives to you, you accept.” 宁凡挥手一拦,替青黛拦下玉简,神念一扫玉简内容,露出古怪之色,将玉简递给青黛,“扶桑前辈送给你的,你就收下吧。” Oh.” 。” Qing Dai nods cleverly, received jade slip, Divine Sense searches. 青黛乖巧地点了点头,接过玉简,神念一探。 At first not unusual look, but more looks at the jade slip content is pleasantly surprised, and finally, filled with unexpectedly grateful to the Fusang Old Monster graceful ritual. 起初并无异色,但越看玉简内容越是惊喜,到了最后,竟满怀感激地向扶桑老妖盈盈一礼。 Many thanks Senior bestows jade slip!” “多谢前辈赠送玉简!” What in this jade slip records is dozens Ming Luo Clan being lost Secret Technique, when is Fusang Old Monster is young obtains from Ming Luo Clan. 玉简之中记载的是数十种冥罗一族的失传秘术,是扶桑老妖年轻之时从冥罗一族获得。 At that time he was Fusang Clan Patriarch, was on good terms with Ming Luo Clan, between two clans each other has bestowed many Secret Technique. 那时候他是扶桑一族族长,与冥罗一族交好,两族之间彼此赠送过不少秘术 The catastrophe before 10,000 years, Ming Luo Clan not only Expert dies certainly, in the clan Secret Technique jade slip was ruins many, many Secret Technique is lost. 万年前的浩劫,冥罗一族不但高手死绝,族中秘术玉简更是毁掉不少,不少秘术都失传了。 Fusang Old Monster bestows Qing Dai this jade slip, is very significant to the Ming Luo Clan significance, Qing Dai is very naturally grateful. 扶桑老妖赠送青黛这枚玉简,对冥罗一族的意义十分重大,青黛自然十分感激。 Hehe, does not need to be polite, Fusang Clan and Ming Luo Clan generation is on good terms, returning Secret Technique is also natural.” 呵呵,不必客气,扶桑一族冥罗一族世代交好,归还秘术也是理所当然。” This saying to be only polite speech nothing more. 这话只是场面话而已 Perhaps in Ming Luo Clan is powerful, two clans are truly on good terms. 或许在冥罗一族强盛之时,两族确实交好。 But as Ming Luo Clan declines, Fusang Clan has not been on good terms with Ming Luo Clan again. 但随着冥罗一族没落,扶桑一族并未再与冥罗一族过于交好。 Otherwise, Tang Xiong will treat as the duty reward by ten Ming Luo Puppet, why doesn't return Puppet to Ming Luo Clan directly? 否则,汤雄怎会以十具冥罗傀儡当做任务奖励,为何不直接将傀儡归还给冥罗族 Otherwise, why Fusang Old Monster does not return jade slip early, late does not return jade slip, after Ning Fan appears, returns jade slip? 否则,扶桑老妖为何早不归还玉简,晚不归还玉简,偏偏在宁凡出现之后,才归还玉简 Ning Fan by the polite speech not fooling, him could see, Fusang Old Monster shows good will to Qing Dai, shows good will to Ming Luo Clan, looks is actually his face. 宁凡自不会被场面话给唬住,他看得出,扶桑老妖之所以向青黛示好,向冥罗一族示好,实际看得是他的面子。 Fusang Old Monster, has demanding in me...” The Ning Fan heart said. 扶桑老妖,有求于我...”宁凡心道。 Holding tall Caidi this/Ben is the way things should be, Ming Luo Clan declines, Fusang Clan without/has not continues to be on good terms with Ming Luo Clan, and no mistake. 捧高踩低本是人之常情,冥罗族没落,扶桑族没有继续与冥罗族交好,并无任何过错。 In cultivation world, two families' friendship, to put it bluntly are only the communications in benefit. 修真界中,两个家族的交情,说白了只是利益上的来往。 If each other influence is not coordinated, nature without/has not happening together. 若彼此势力不对等,自然没有交集。 Ning Fan to Fusang Old Monster without/has not any prejudice, is only very curious, actually Fusang Old Monster has anything to be busy at asking him to help. 宁凡扶桑老妖没有任何成见,只是很好奇,扶桑老妖究竟有什么忙求他帮助。 If is really that busy that he guessed, he could not add on absolutely... 若真是他猜测的那个忙,他绝对帮不上的... Fellow Daoist Lu by a person of strength, cuts two Primordial Tree King continually, so the strength really made Old Man surprised... I listen to Tang Xiong saying that your Evil Qi very terrifying, even, Tang Xiong thought that you cut to kill Void Fragmentation cultivator... Hehe, does not know whether Old Man did see Fellow Daoist Evil Qi fortunately?” The Fusang Old Monster tone is very polite. 陆道友以一人之力,连斩两名归元树王,如此实力真是让老夫惊讶...我听汤雄说,你的煞气十分恐怖,甚至于,汤雄觉得你斩杀过碎虚修士...呵呵,不知老夫是否有幸一睹道友煞气?”扶桑老妖语气十分客气。 Ning Fan heart Dao Fruit however, Void Fragmentation Old Monster is so impossible to show good will to Void Refinement cultivator with no reason at all. 宁凡道果然如此,一名碎虚老怪是不可能无缘无故向炼虚修士示好的。 Fusang Old Monster is polite to him. Heard the matter of Ning Fan dreadful Evil Qi from the Tang Xiong mouth probably. 扶桑老妖之所以对他客气。大概是从汤雄口中听说了宁凡滔天煞气之事。 Then sees him to cut to kill two Tree King to return seriously, to his favor, regards as the peer, something requested. 而后见他当真斩杀两名树王归来,才对他青眼有加,视为同辈,更有事相求。 Ning Fan touches does not permit the Fusang Old Monster thoughts, evades the subject to the Evil Qi issue, said with a smile, Senior facial expression as if not good...” 宁凡摸不准扶桑老妖的心思,对煞气问题避而不谈,微笑道,“前辈气色似乎不太好...” One hear of Ning Fan this words, Fusang Old Monster complexion changing suddenly, reveals the color of forced smile subsequently, Fellow Daoist good eye. Fellow Daoist also sees. Shortly after Old Man life, therefore Old Man will have the matter to request to Fellow Daoist.” 一听宁凡此言,扶桑老妖面色陡变,继而露出苦笑之色,“道友好眼力。想必道友也看出。老夫命不久矣,所以老夫才会对道友有事相求。” This matter, the younger generation did not help. Life and Death has the life, is not exactable!” Ning Fan shakes the head to say. “这件事,晚辈帮不了。生死有命,不可强求!”宁凡摇头道。 Old Man obtains, is not this matter...” Fusang Old Monster this had not planned that asked Ning Fan to help this matter, but heard Ning Fan one Life and Death to have life, was still some vicissitudes and moved. 老夫求得,不是这件事...”扶桑老妖本没打算求宁凡帮助此事,但听到宁凡一句‘生死有命’,仍是有些沧桑与伤感。 Qing Dai reveals the puzzled color, does not know that two people are hitting what riddle. 青黛露出困惑之色,不知道二人在打什么哑谜。 Tang Xiong knows actually two people are discussing what topic, has not interrupted. 汤雄倒是知道二人在谈什么话题,却并未插嘴。 Oh? Does not know that what matter Fusang Senior has to ask the younger generation to assist. If in one's power, the younger generation can also help 12 but actually.” ?不知扶桑前辈有何事求晚辈相助。若是力所能及,晚辈倒也可以帮忙一二的。” Ning Fan big feeling surprise. 宁凡大感诧异。 He can see, Fusang Old Monster is a being on the verge of death person. Reason that is on the verge of death, merely is because the age exhausts. Predestined time of death. 他看得出,扶桑老妖已是一个濒死之人。之所以濒死,仅仅是因为寿数用尽。大限将至。 The Fusang Old Monster skeletal age, has exceeded the 110,000 year, has overshot the Void Fragmentation cultivator skeletal age upper limit. 扶桑老妖的骨龄,已超过十一万年,早已超出碎虚修士的骨龄上限。 Before 100,000 years, Fusang Old Monster is Void Pierce cultivator. 十万年前,扶桑老妖便是一名冲虚修士 After 100,000 years . His limit , is still only Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivation base, life without/has not opportunity become Immortal. 十万年后。他大限已至,仍只是碎虚一重天修为,此生都没有机会成仙了。 The Ning Fan itself/Ben thinks. Fusang Old Monster the matter of asking is related with the long life, therefore claimed that is incapable of assisting. 宁凡本以为。扶桑老妖所求之事与延寿有关,故而才声称无力相助。 Obviously, Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures that all can prolong life, Fusang Old Monster has eaten, the age is unable to delay again. 显而易见,一切可以延寿的天材地宝,扶桑老妖都吃过了,寿数再无法拖延。 According to Ning Fan estimated, crosses 10 years again, Fusang Old Monster must the lifetime determination completely perish. 宁凡估计,再过十年,扶桑老妖必定寿尽而亡。 Since Fusang Old Monster did not seek the long life, did not know and asks anything. 既然扶桑老妖不求延寿,不知又求什么。 Yeah, Old Man the matter of asking, does not calculate the matter of feeling embarrassed to Fellow Daoist, and to Fellow Daoist also many advantage... Tang Xiong, you goes to the treasure house, takes out the duty reward of Fellow Daoist Lu.” “哎,老夫所求之事,对道友而言绝不算为难之事,且对道友还有不少好处...汤雄,你去宝库之内,将陆道友的任务奖励取出吧。” The Fusang Old Monster words saying half, makes Tang Xiong take the thing, obviously wants to open him very much, does not want to make Tang Xiong hear the later words. 扶桑老妖话说一半,却让汤雄去取东西,很显然是要支开他,不欲让汤雄听到之后的话。 Ning Fan understands, said with a smile to Qing Dai, you first returned to the palace, I discussed something with Fusang Senior here.” 宁凡心领神会,对青黛笑道,“你先回宫殿吧,我在这里和扶桑前辈谈些事情。” Qing Dai is not stupid, knows that two people of institutes discussed the matter is important surely, nods cleverly, returns to the ground palace alone. 青黛不笨,知道二人所谈之事必定事关重大,乖巧地点点头,独自返回地面宫殿。 Before departing, enters to Ning Fan sound transmission quietly densely, urged one, is more careful, do not enrage Fusang Senior...” 只是离去之前,悄悄对宁凡传音入密,叮嘱了一句,“小心些,不要触怒了扶桑前辈...” Qing Dai was worried that Ning Fan is extremely extremely arrogant, speaks to enrage Fusang Old Monster, by the Fusang Old Monster injury. 青黛是担心宁凡太过狂妄,出言触怒扶桑老妖,被扶桑老妖伤害。 After all before Ning Fan , when struggles the duty, a Son of Heaven father tone, cannot anybody seize his duty, made a bad impression to Qing Dai. 毕竟宁凡之前争任务之时,一副天王老子的口气,不许任何人夺他任务,给青黛留下了一个坏印象。 Sometimes in the impression of Qing Dai, Ning Fan likes causing trouble very much... 青黛的印象里,宁凡有时候很喜欢惹是生非... Ning Fan laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, he has not expected Qing Dai to care about him, is afraid him by the Fusang Old Monster injury. 宁凡失笑摇头,他倒没料到青黛会关心他,害怕他被扶桑老妖伤害。 The truth said, Ning Fan is seeing the 1st eye of Fusang Old Monster, then does not fear Fusang Old Monster, even this person is Void Fragmentation cultivator. 实话说,宁凡在见到扶桑老妖第一眼,便丝毫不惧扶桑老妖,即便此人是一名碎虚修士 Fusang Old Monster only remains the 10 years age, if he dares to begin to Ning Fan, Ning Fan only need display Mutual Death Technique, the rejection a hundred or so years age, can eliminate the Fusang Old Monster surplus complete ages, making Fusang Old Monster stand executes here... 扶桑老妖只剩十年寿数,若他敢对宁凡动手,宁凡只需施展共死之术,舍弃个百十年寿数,就能剥夺扶桑老妖剩余的全部寿数,令扶桑老妖立毙此处... The security without/has not issue, he compares to care that is Fusang Old Monster then the words that wanted to speak. 安全没有问题,他比较关心的,是扶桑老妖接下来想要说的话。 Old Man has the incident to request, hopes Fellow Daoist complies!” After the person of having nothing to do departs, Fusang Old Monster holds the fist in the other hand suddenly, said to the Ning Fan serious plea. 老夫有一事相求,希望道友答应!”无关之人离去后,扶桑老妖忽而抱拳,对宁凡郑重恳求道。 His life, rides roughshod, killing people like scything flax, never asks others for help. 他之一生,横行无忌,杀人如麻,从不求人。 If is not related to the Fusang Clan rise and fall, he will not lower the head to a junior... 若非事关扶桑一族的兴亡,他绝不会对一个小辈低头... Senior first said matter that seeks help.” Ning Fan has not clarified the long and short of the story, naturally cannot acknowledge casually. 前辈先说说求助的事情吧。”宁凡没弄清事情的来龙去脉,自然不会随便应诺。 Fusang Old Monster deeply sighed, bitterly smiled and said, Fellow Daoist thinks, Old Man can also live for several years?” 扶桑老妖深深一叹,苦笑道,“道友以为,老夫还能活几年?” Many 10 years.” “最多十年。” Good, Old Man's age only then 10 years, after 10 years, Old Man must die, this is the number of days, cannot demand... Old Man not to fear death, only after fearing Old Man dies, Fusang Clan will gradually decline...” “不错,老夫的寿数只有十年了,十年之后,老夫必死,此乃天数,不可强求...老夫不怕死,只怕老夫死后,扶桑一族会逐渐没落...” Senior chatted, even if Senior died during meditation, Fusang Clan were still Tree World Great Clan. Tang Xiong Fellow Daoist is Fusang Clan current Patriarch, is solemn Supreme Void cultivator. Will the family that has Supreme Void oversee, how decline?” 前辈说笑了,纵然前辈坐化,扶桑一族仍是树界大族汤雄道友扶桑一族的现任族长,乃是堂堂太虚修士。一个拥有太虚坐镇的家族,如何会没落?” Ning Fan shakes the head, thinks otherwise. Ming Luo Clan declines , because in the catastrophe before 10,000 years, in the clan Void Refinement dies certainly. 宁凡摇头,不以为然。冥罗一族之所以没落,是因为万年前的浩劫之中,族内炼虚死绝。 Fusang Clan has Supreme Void oversee, even the Void Fragmentation Ancestor death, was still Tree World Great Clan, how to decline? 扶桑一族拥有太虚坐镇,就算是碎虚老祖逝世,仍是树界大族,怎会没落? Fellow Daoist has not to know that... Fellow Daoist may know, is Old Man in Eastern Tree Sea Bamboo Palace what status?” 道友有所不知...道友可知,老夫东树海竹殿是何身份?” Hearing Senior is Eastern Tree Sea bamboo forest eight old, is Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder.” Ning Fan replied. “听说前辈东树海竹林八老,是竹殿八长老。”宁凡答道。 Good, Old Man is Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, is Bamboo Sovereign Subordinate. Old Man oversee Bamboo Palace divides the palace, named Ghost Bamboo Palace. The Old Man life is near, at the point of death before, wants to recommend Fellow Daoist to Bamboo Sovereign, lets Fellow Daoist, when Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, how doesn't know under the Fellow Daoist intent?” “不错,老夫竹殿八长老,是竹皇属下老夫坐镇竹殿分殿,名为煞竹殿老夫寿元将近,临死之前,想向竹皇举荐道友,让道友竹殿八长老,不知道友意下如何?” Senior chatted, Bamboo Palace Elder is Void Fragmentation cultivator, younger generation have what skills and abilities, can becoming bamboo forest eight old one...” 前辈说笑了,竹殿长老俱是碎虚修士,晚辈何德何能,能成为竹林八老之一...” Ning Fan just wanted to shirk, the thread of conversation was then broken by Fusang Old Monster. 宁凡刚欲推脱,话头便被扶桑老妖打断。 Heard that Fellow Daoist is purchasing Tree God Fruit, for promoting Concept cultivation base?” Fusang Old Monster changed the topic suddenly. “听说道友正在收购树神果,想必是为了提升意境修为吧?”扶桑老妖忽然转了话题。 Oh? The Senior news is actually very quick.” Ning Fan is startled, at once understands clearly. He has bought anything in Yuyi City, cannot hide the truth from Fusang Old Monster mostly. 前辈的消息倒是十分灵通。”宁凡一怔,旋即了然。他在嵎夷城买过什么东西,多半瞒不过扶桑老妖的。 May I ask Fellow Daoist Lu, your goal, is Concept promoting to several! If latter Seventh Grade is then enough, Old Man were not then many says anything. If Concept of Fellow Daoist pursue, is Second Grade even First Grade, then must consider that Old Man's proposed!” “敢问陆道友,你的目标,是将意境提升至几品!若是后七品便足够,老夫便不多说什么了。若道友追求的意境,是二品甚至一品,则一定要考虑考虑老夫的提议!” Old Man is to recommend you for Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder. If Fellow Daoist really can through the Bamboo Sovereign test, becoming Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, then at the appointed time, Fellow Daoist will obtain a greatest advantage... becoming Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, can obtain many to reward, Bao Kuo (including) ten Tree Ancestor Fruit!” 老夫意欲举荐你为竹殿八长老。若道友真能通过竹皇考验,成为竹殿八长老,则届时,道友会得到一个莫大好处...成为竹殿八长老,可以获得诸多赏赐,其中包括十颗‘树祖果’!” My Eastern Tree Sea is rich in Tree God Fruit, Tree God Fruit has promoting Concept cultivation base medicine effect, but most can only cultivator Concept promoting to Third Grade. After Concept Third Grade, taking Tree God Fruit is then useless, only has to take Tree Ancestor Fruit, but promoting Concept cultivation base!” “我东树海盛产树神果,树神果提升意境修为药效,但最多只能将修士意境提升三品意境三品之后,服食树神果便毫无用处,唯有服食树祖果,才可提升意境修为!” If Fellow Daoist Concept cultivation base achieves Third Grade, then after taking ten Tree Ancestor Fruit, may make Concept break through the boundary of Second Grade directly!” “若道友意境修为达到三品,则服食十颗树祖果之后,可直接令意境突破二品之境!” The Ning Fan expression deep like the water, in the heart actually some meanings moves. 宁凡表情深沉如水,心中却有些意动。 Tree Ancestor Fruit..., if he wants to break through First Grade Rain Intent, this thing must absolutely the thing... 树祖果...若他想突破一品雨意,此物绝对是必须之物... But, he wants becoming Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, can get so far as Tree Ancestor Fruit? 但,他就一定要成为竹殿八长老,才能弄到树祖果么? ( 3rd)( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! (第三更)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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