GE :: Volume #6

#571: Fusang Old Monster

Tang Valley eventually is the place of Tree Demon lying in wait from all sides, is not suitable closes up therapy. 汤谷终究是树魔环伺之地,不宜闭关疗伤。 The Ning Fan left hand holds injured Tongtong, the right hand is stroking, uses the technique of Void Teleportation, curls up Qing Dai and other Sword Spirit, changes to together mist threads, flutters to Tang Valley. 宁凡左手捧着受伤的彤彤,右手一拂,施展出虚空挪移之术,卷起青黛及其他剑灵,化作一道烟丝,向汤谷之外飘去。 Beside Tang Valley, in a tree valley of desolate nobody smoke, the Ning Fan escaping light receives, comes floating, is setting up above the mountain opens up simple Immortal Cave, making Qing Dai and four Sword Spirit guard outside, oneself , then brought Tongtong to enter the hole therapy. 汤谷之外,一座荒无人烟的树谷之中,宁凡遁光一收,飘然现身,在树山之上开辟出一间简易洞府,令青黛、四名剑灵在外把守,自己则带着彤彤入洞疗伤。 Four Sword Spirit hear Ning Fan to order, is startled completely. 四名剑灵听闻宁凡下令,全部一怔。 Before then, four Sword Spirit not pledge allegiance to Ning Fan sincerely, always dislikes Ning Fan to give orders to them. 在此之前,四名剑灵并非真心归顺宁凡,一向反感宁凡对她们发号施令。 Now to treat the wound to Tongtong, four Sword Spirit always follow to Ning Fan, hesitant, decides the command prompt, goes to outside Immortal Cave to guard. 如今为了给彤彤治伤,四名剑灵宁凡言听计从,犹豫了一番,决定服从命令,前往洞府外守卫。 You must cure Tongtong, so long as you cure Tongtong, Big Sister will listen to your words from now on! I guaranteed!” “你一定要治好彤彤,只要你治好彤彤,大姐姐从今往后都听你话!我保证!” Second Sister will also be obedient!” 二姐姐也会听话的!” Third Sister will also be obedient!” 三姐姐也会听话的!” Fourth Sister will also be obedient!” 四姐姐也会听话的!” Little Fanfan, you must cure Tongtong!” 小凡凡,你一定要治好彤彤!” Hears four little girl so to say a word, Ning Fan nods satisfied. 听到四个小丫头这般言语,宁凡满意地点点头。 Ning Fan treats the wound to Tongtong, since to be responsible for own Sword Spirit , the part of reasons want to relax with Sword Spirit awkward relationship, making five Sword Spirit sincerity pledge allegiance. 宁凡彤彤治伤,既是为了对自己剑灵负责,也有一部分原因是想缓和与剑灵们的尴尬关系,令五个剑灵真心归顺。 Life and Death Ban eventually is only a method. 生死禁终究只是一个手段。 Qing Dai hears Ning Fan to order, bites the lip , the decision complies with the command of Ning Fan, goes to outside Immortal Cave to guard. 青黛听闻宁凡下令,咬咬唇,亦决定遵从宁凡之令,前往洞府外守卫。 She is still not able entirely to believe that Ning Fan is this generation of Tree Sovereign fact, after all Black Wood Command is missing for many years, suddenly appears on Ning Fan, no matter what everybody will doubt this matter's authenticity. 她尚无法完全相信宁凡是此代树皇的事实,毕竟黑木令失踪多年,忽然出现在宁凡手上,任谁都会怀疑此事的真实性。 However Qing Dai can determine a matter: Ning Fan is the sincerity protects her, is malicious to her without/has not. 不过青黛可以确定一件事:宁凡是真心保护她,对她没有恶意。 If not she intrudes Tang Valley arbitrarily, Ning Fan will not battle with two Tree King under the hastiness. 若非她擅自闯入汤谷,宁凡不会在仓促之下与两名树王交战。 If Ning Fan enters Tang Valley, will draw support from the Heaven Deceiving Cloak Stealth ambush surely, preemptive. Assassination Tree King, besieges another Tree King with five Sword Spirit again... this is the safe plan. 宁凡独自一人进入汤谷,必定会借助欺天斗篷隐身潜伏,先发制人。暗杀一名树王,再与五名剑灵围攻另一名树王...这才是稳妥的计划。 Qing Dai disrupted the plan of Ning Fan, but Ning Fan still not dreaded to save her from the Tree King hand. 青黛打乱了宁凡的计划,但宁凡仍是毫无畏惧地从树王手中救下了她。 After rescuing Qing Dai, Ning Fan even without/has not plants Mental Seal, Monster Restriction and other restriction to her. 在救出青黛之后,宁凡甚至没有给她种下念禁妖禁禁制 The Qing Dai strength is not high, mental is not stupid. All sorts of signs fully showed, Ning Fan is harmless to her, can trust. 青黛战力不高,心智却不笨。种种迹象足以说明,宁凡对她并无恶意,可以信任。 She did not worry that Ning Fan has ulterior motives to Ming Luo Clan... 她也不担心宁凡冥罗一族心怀叵测... The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, present Ming Luo Clan declines the second-class influence, besides Qing Dai, already without/has not 2nd Void Refinement cultivator. 说句不好听的,如今的冥罗一族没落成二流势力,除了青黛之外,已经没有第二炼虚修士 Ming Luo Clan is so small and weak. If Ning Fan has ulterior motives seriously, does not need to show good will to Qing Dai, can suppress Ming Luo Clan relied on the strength directly, does not need any treacherous method. 冥罗一族如此弱小。若宁凡当真心怀叵测,根本无需对青黛示好,直接凭实力便可镇压冥罗一族,不需任何诡谲手段。 Lu Bei is the trustworthy person, he said that he by the request of friend, coming to shelter Ming Luo Clan... is only I a little does not think clearly, the friend who he said who can be...” 陆北是值得信任的人,他说他是受朋友之托,前来庇护冥罗一族...只是我有一点想不明白,他说的朋友会是谁呢...” ... ... Ning Fan marches into Immortal Cave, flicks the sleeve conveniently, in being empty Immortal Cave. Immediately presents the furniture bed. 宁凡步入洞府,随手一拂袖,空无一物的洞府之中。立刻出现桌椅床榻。 Tongtong that will suffocate places on the cot, Ning Fan pats storage pouch, takes out several pill bottle, as well as some quality not low Flying Sword. Places in nearby jade case. 将奄奄一息的彤彤放在榻上,宁凡一拍储物袋,取出数个丹瓶,以及一些品质不低的飞剑。放在一旁的玉案上。 The Tongtong Huang Shan (yellow garment) many breakages, the plain small skirt was been incarnadine by the blood. 彤彤黄衫多处破损,素净的小裙子被血染红。 Her body only then the Ning Fan thumb is big, the small face is pale, the grief made her moan not just, cry the pear flower belt/bring rain. 她的身体只有宁凡拇指大,小脸苍白,伤痛令她呻吟不止、哭得梨花带雨。 Hurts... hurts...” “疼...疼...” Ning Fan tender looks at Tongtong. Obviously is Little Stutter, fears death obviously, actually also saves others. Really is a silly child. 宁凡怜惜地看着彤彤。明明是个小结巴,明明十分怕死,却还去救人。真是个傻孩子。 Rests a while.” “睡一会儿吧。” Ning Fan branches out a Yin Plucking Finger strength, infiltrates Tongtong within the body, made her lethargic sleep in the past. 宁凡分出一丝采阴指力,打入彤彤体内,令她昏睡过去。 Then has taken pill bottle on jade case, Medicine Pill will all take out, pours into a Jadeite bowl. 而后取过玉案上的丹瓶,将其中丹药全部取出,倒入一个翡翠碗中。 These Medicine Pill all are promoting sword cultivator cultivation base Medicine Pill, to Tongtong, was best therapy Medicine Pill. 这些丹药皆是提升剑修修为丹药,对彤彤而言,则是最好的疗伤丹药了。 Tongtong is Sword Spirit, her body is Spirit Body, has unlike the cultivator body structure greatly. 彤彤剑灵,她的身体是灵体,与修士的身体结构大有不同。 General therapy Medicine Pill is unable to help her therapy. Wound that she receives, is not the wound of flesh and blood, but injures Sword Spirit Spirit Body. 一般的疗伤丹药无法助她疗伤。她所受的伤,并非血肉之伤,而是伤到了剑灵灵体 Therefore Ning Fan takes out sword cultivator Medicine Pill, is Tongtong reinforces Sword Spirit Spirit Body, then can help she therapy. 故而宁凡取出剑修丹药,为彤彤加固剑灵灵体,便可助她疗伤。 Said easily, process by no means is simple. 说起来容易,过程却并不简单。 The body of Tongtong is too small, is unable to swallow entire Medicine Pill. 彤彤的身体太小,根本无法咽下一整颗丹药 Therefore Ning Fan needs to take other methods to take pill as Tongtong. 故而宁凡需要以其他方法为彤彤服丹。 Puts in the jade bowl dozens sword pill, melts by clear water. 将数十颗剑丹放入玉碗,以清水化开。 Refers to shows fire glow, making clear water warm. 指间透出一丝火芒,令清水温热。 At once, Ning Fan lethargic sleep Tongtong handful, under a direction, making the Tongtong clothing become the flying ash broken, put in the jade bowl her petite body. 旋即,宁凡将昏睡的彤彤捧起,一指点下,令彤彤衣衫碎成飞灰,将她娇小的身体放入玉碗。 To Tongtong, this small jade bowl is a giant bathing pool. 彤彤而言,这小小的玉碗便是一个巨大浴池。 But clear water that this bowl melts Medicine Pill, was the best medicinal bath. 而这一碗化开丹药清水,便是最好的药浴了。 Lethargic sleep Tongtong soaks in the jade bowl, the liquid medicines seep in the wound, washed off the blood stain, the wound heals slowly, made her comfortable gently ahem, the painful color on small face reduced slightly. 昏睡的彤彤泡在玉碗中,药水沁在伤口上,洗去血污,伤口徐徐愈合,令她舒服的轻轻哼唧了一声,小脸上的痛苦之色稍减。 Her small face is bright, brings to be childish and naive, is very cute, if grows into Big Young Lady, can be a beautiful woman mostly. 她小脸明净,带着童稚与天真,十分可爱,若长成大姑娘,多半会是一个美人。 At this moment she in the jade bowl take a bath, Ning Fan looks at carefully her appearance stark naked carefully, the nature without/has not least bit desire. 此刻她赤身露体地在玉碗泡澡,宁凡细细端详她的容颜,自然没有半点欲念。 She is only a thumb-sized villain, who will move the desire to her? 她只是一个拇指大的小人,谁会对她动欲念? Sees Tongtong complexion gradually to change for the better, Ning Fan nods satisfied, takes up in the jade case Flying Sword, holds the strength to spit, breaks completely. 彤彤的脸色渐渐好转,宁凡满意地点了点头,拿起玉案上一柄柄飞剑,掌力一吐,全部震碎。 These Flying Sword Spiritual Nature are not completely weak, is Ning Fan seizes from Vast Cold City, lowly is Transformation Level Flying Sword. 这些飞剑全部灵性不弱,都是宁凡广寒城夺来,最低都是化级飞剑 His altogether shakes smash into pieces 63 Transformation Level Flying Sword, 15 Mortal Void Level Flying Sword, refining up all Flying Sword Sword Spirit, in investment jade bowl, for Tongtong Devour(ing), stable Spirit Body. 一共碎了六十三化级飞剑,十五凡虚级飞剑,将所有飞剑剑灵炼出,投入玉碗中,供彤彤吞噬,稳固灵体 Absorbed the strength and Sword Spirit strength of Medicine Pill, Tongtong wound gradually heals, Spirit Body gradually is stable. 吸收了丹药之力与剑灵之力,彤彤身上的伤口渐渐愈合,灵体渐渐稳固。 The small face somewhat was still pale, also some weak, needs to pour into several days in the jade bowl mostly, can injury recover. 只是小脸仍有些苍白,还有些虚弱,多半还需要在玉碗中泡上好几天,才能伤势痊愈。 Knew in the heart that Tongtong injury has not been affected much, Ning Fan sound transmission made Jingjing enter Immortal Cave to look after Tongtong, others continued to guard Immortal Cave. 心知彤彤伤势已无大碍,宁凡传音晶晶洞府照顾彤彤,其他人继续把守洞府 His figure in a flash, enters Yuan Jade World Dark Gold Pagoda, summons Life Source Black Star, starts therapy for oneself. 身形一晃,进入元瑶界暗金宝塔,召出本命黑星,开始为自己疗伤。 take Six Revolutions Medicine Pill, sits cross-legged immediately refining medicinal power... 服下一颗六转丹药,立刻盘膝炼化药力... After 3 days, Tongtong stretches oneself, has a comfortable yawn, awaken came. 三日后,彤彤伸了个懒腰,打了个舒服的哈欠,苏醒过来。 outside world 3 days. Then is in Dark Gold Pagoda Seventh Stratum one year. Ning Fan has also lived in injury stably, is very difficult to make injury recover. 外界三日。便是暗金宝塔第七层中一年时间。宁凡也已将伤势稳固住,却很难令伤势痊愈。 The great ghost attacks injury that creates is not difficult to cure, what difficult cure being Void Burning Technique backlash creates the burn. 巨鬼攻击造成的伤势不难治愈,难治愈的是燃虚之术反噬所造成的灼伤。 That burnt backlash to Nascent Divinity, main injury above Nascent Divinity, but Nascent Divinity was the Void Refinement cultivator basis is. 那灼伤反噬到了元神,主要伤势都在元神之上,而元神乃是炼虚修士的根本所在。 Mortal Body destroys, Nascent Divinity, cultivator was still survivable. 肉身毁,元神在,修士仍可存活。 Mortal Body, Nascent Divinity dies, cultivator was die. 肉身在,元神死,修士便算是陨落了。 Ning Fan is not considered as eventually true Primordial Supreme Void, is only Void Inquire cultivator. Even with the aid of all sorts of methods, displayed Butterfly Fire 4th to incite still extremely reluctantly. 宁凡终究不算是真正的归元太虚,只是一名问虚修士。即便借助种种手段,施展蝶火第四煽仍然太过勉强。 Only if my cultivation base enters one step again, otherwise is unable to achieve Butterfly Fire 4th to incite perfectly...” “除非我修为再进一步,否则无法完美做到蝶火第四煽...” this time uses the technique of Butterfly Fire, injured the Nascent Divinity foundation, damaged many life Yuan, needs to recuperate well. Had better be able seek Dual Cauldron, after harvested cultivation, makes up the life Yuan of together scattering rapidly... harvested cultivation High Level Dual Cauldron, compared with taking any therapy Medicine Pill effectively...” 这一次施展蝶火之术,伤到了元神根基,损了不少命元,需要好好调养。最好能寻一个鼎炉,采补之后,迅速补齐流散的命元...采补一个高阶鼎炉,比服食任何疗伤丹药都有效...” Primordial Supreme Void. Although I may fight, but also fights nothing more sufficiently, by my present strength, but also is not enough to sweep away Primordial Supreme Void...” 归元太虚。我虽可一战,但也只是足以一战而已,以我如今实力,还不足以横扫归元太虚...” Ning Fan spits out a mouthful of impure air. figure in a flash, leaves Yuan Jade World, returns to outside world Immortal Cave. 宁凡呼出一口浊气身形一晃,离开元瑶界,回到外界洞府之中。 He at this moment still had injury except for Nascent Divinity, injury of Immortal Veins and internal organs has all been getting better. 此刻的他除了元神尚有伤势,仙脉、脏腑的伤势皆已痊愈。 Tongtong has recovered the health. Stands with other four Sword Spirit in the jade case respectfully, waits for Ning Fan to return. 彤彤已恢复健康。与其他四个剑灵恭恭敬敬站在玉案上,等候宁凡归来。 Sees Ning Fan to escape Yuan Jade World, five Sword Spirit blush completely. Respectfully bending the waist luck a ritual. 宁凡遁出元瑶界,五个剑灵全部红了脸。恭恭敬敬地弯腰福了一礼。 Big Sister see Little Fanfan!” 大姐姐参见小凡凡!” Second Sister see Little Fanfan!” 二姐姐参见小凡凡!” Third Sister see Little Fanfan!” 三姐姐参见小凡凡!” Fourth Sister see Little Fanfan!” 四姐姐参见小凡凡!” Five... five... five...” “五...五...五...” Tongtong was Little Stutter, the words says not entire. She wants saying that thank you saved her, she is willing to pledge yourself to marry you!” 彤彤是个小结巴,话都说不全。她是想说,谢谢你救了她,她愿意以身相许嫁给你!” Other Sword Spirit see the Tongtong stutter, immediately teases. 其他剑灵彤彤结巴,立刻打趣道。 One hear pledging yourself the joke, the Tongtong small face is more crimson, beckons with the hand to deny again and again. 一听‘以身相许’的玩笑话,彤彤小脸更加绯红,连连摆手否认道。 „...... It is not...” “不...不...不...不是...” Several little girl kid around one group, because Tongtong injury recovers, the each and every single (person) mood is excellent. 几个小丫头嬉闹一团,因为彤彤伤势痊愈,一个个心情都是大好。 Ning Fan shows a faint smile, after this event, five little girls was the sincerity pledges allegiance to him, this was very good. 宁凡微微一笑,经过此次事件之后,五个小丫头算是真心归顺他了,这很好。 His gaze casts a sidelong glance slantingly nearby Qing Dai, suddenly asked with a smile, Tang Valley Tree King I killing, must return to Yuyi City deliver the duty now, passes through Realm Gate to go to Eastern Tree Sea. After going to Eastern Tree Sea, I will go to Ming Luo Clan to have a look, can you return to Eastern Tree Sea along with me? Said, you can still keep Northern Tree Sea?” 目光斜睨一旁的青黛,忽然笑问道,“汤谷树王我已击杀,如今要回嵎夷城交任务,穿越界门前往东树海。前往东树海之后,我会去冥罗一族看看,你要不要随我返回东树海?还是说,你仍要留在北树海呢?” I return to Eastern Tree Sea... I to leave Eastern Tree Sea as you like, but to retrieve ten Void Refinement Ancestor remains...” “我随你回东树海吧...我之所以离开东树海,只是为了寻回十具炼虚老祖的遗体...” The words saying half, Qing Dai shows the expression that starts to speak but hesitates suddenly, asked to look at Ning Fan earnestly, clenched teeth, opens the mouth to say. 话说一半,青黛忽然露出欲言又止的表情,求恳地望着宁凡,一咬牙,开口道。 Qing Dai with great courage, wants to ask a Senior Lu matter...” She declared Senior, did not call Tree Sovereign, was only important because of the Tree Sovereign Ming Luo status, not possible, because Ning Fan had Black Wood Command, then recognized that he was Tree Sovereign. 青黛斗胆,想求陆前辈一件事...”她口称前辈,不称树皇,只因冥罗树皇的身份事关重大,不可能因为宁凡持有黑木令,便认定他是树皇 How does Ning Fan obtain Black Wood Command? Was he held to shelter Ming Luo Clan by who? These matters must always ask that understands. 宁凡如何得到黑木令?他是受何人所托庇护冥罗一族?这些事总是要问个明白的。 What matter?” Ning Fan has Speech Stealing Art, naturally peeps completely the Qing Dai concern, knows that Qing Dai is thinking anything, actually by no means exposes, is only faint smile looks at Qing Dai. “何事?”宁凡拥有窃言术,自然窥尽青黛心事,知道青黛在想什么,却并不点破,只是似笑非笑看着青黛 Sir killing two Tree King, completed the 5-stars task alone, may obtain ten Void Glimpse cultivation base Ming Luo Puppet from the Jumang Country Lord hand, and 20 billion Immortal Jade... Qing Dai has my presumptuous request, wants from the Sir hand, to purchase ten Ming Luo Puppet...” 大人击杀两名树王,独自完成了五星任务,可从句芒国主手中获得十具窥虚修为冥罗傀儡,及200亿仙玉...青黛有个不情之请,想从大人手中,购买十具冥罗傀儡...” Qing Dai had requirement, immediately anxiously looks at Ning Fan, for fear that Ning Fan rejection. 青黛提出请求,立刻紧张地看着宁凡,生怕宁凡拒绝。 Ning Fan did not say the agreement, did not say the rejection, gaze has the profound meaning one on Qing Dai to sweep greatly, asking, „are you Puppet Master?” 宁凡不说同意,也不说拒绝,目光大有深意地在青黛身上一扫,问道,“你是傀儡师?” Yes! Although the Qing Dai strength is weak, but Puppet Technique takes a broad view at entire Eastern Tree Sea, is the outstanding people.” “是!青黛实力虽弱,但一身傀儡术放眼整个东树海,都算是佼佼者。” Your Puppet Technique compared with Vast Cold City City Lord how?” “你的傀儡术比起广寒城城主如何?” Vast Cold City lord? Is Guang Hanzi Fellow Daoist?” Qing Dai is surprised, subsequently from the channel, my Puppet Technique, is my Ming Luo Clan is in sole possession. Guang Hanzi is inferior to me! However heard that Guang Hanzi Master is very fierce Puppet Master, but already die. If thinks with his Master, I am inferior to his Master.” 广寒城主?是广寒子道友么?”青黛一诧,继而自信道,“我的傀儡术,是我冥罗一族所独有。广寒子不如我!不过听说广寒子师父是一名十分厉害的傀儡师,但早已陨落。若与他师父想必,我不如他师父。” Oh? You have the self-confidence to your Puppet Technique actually very much, but as far as I know, in your storage pouch, as if including Void Refinement cultivation base Puppet without/has not? As if only then 200 Divine Transformation Puppet...” ?你对自己的傀儡术倒是很有自信,不过据我所知,你的储物袋中,似乎连一具炼虚修为傀儡没有吧?似乎只有200具化神傀儡...” Yes, my without/has not Void Refinement Puppet...” Qing Dai faintly sighed, by her Puppet Technique. Manufacturing Void Glimpse Puppet is not difficult, is Void Inquire Puppet can also refining... “是,我身上没有炼虚傀儡...”青黛幽幽一叹,以她的傀儡术。制作窥虚傀儡不难,便是问虚傀儡也可以炼制... Her Puppet Technique is very excellent, almost may include first three in Eastern Tree Sea. 她的傀儡术十分高超,在东树海几乎可列入前三。 Only pitifully, Ming Luo Clan has declined, sacrificing 100,000 clansman made Qing Dai break through Void Glimpse is the difficult, fundamental without/has not financial resource gives Qing Dai refining Void Glimpse Puppet... 只可惜,冥罗一族已经没落,牺牲十万族人青黛突破窥虚已是艰难,根本没有财力给青黛炼制窥虚傀儡... You want these ten Puppet, for the promoting strength?” Ning Fan asked intentionally. “你要这十具傀儡,是为了提升实力么?”宁凡故意问道。 No, is not... I want to retrieve the Ancestor remains, burying imaginary grave in the clan ‚’... this is the innumerable clansman wishes, does not endure the ancestor corpse to wander about destitute outside...” Qing Dai remembers for her, but clansman of death. Eye socket one red. “不,不是的...我只是想将先祖的遗体寻回,葬在族内‘幻坟’...这是无数族人的心愿,不忍祖先尸身在外流落...”青黛想起为她而死的族人们。眼圈不由一红。 so that's how it is... this, you accept my condition, I then give you ten Ming Luo Puppet, no matter what you bring back to the family to bury.” 原来如此...这样吧,你答应我一个条件,我便将十具冥罗傀儡送给你,任你带回家族安葬。” What condition?” Qing Dai charming face blushed, dangling head, look is somewhat flurried. “什么条件?”青黛俏脸一红,垂下头,眼神有些慌乱。 In order to retrieve ancestor's remains, regardless of Ning Fan put forward what condition, so long as will not injure to the Ming Luo Clan person, she will comply. 为了寻回祖先的遗体,无论宁凡提出什么条件,只要不会伤害到冥罗族人,她都会答应下来。 Even if Ning Fan put forward the excessive condition. To receive her for the concubine, she will not have any complaint. 就算宁凡提出过分条件。欲收她为姬妾,她也绝不会有任何怨言。 relax, my condition will not make you feel embarrassed, but wants to use taking advantage of your Puppet Technique with... forget it/that's all. This matter will tell you in the future, now first returns to Yuyi City.” 放心,我的条件绝不会让你为难,只是想借你傀儡术用用...罢了。此事日后会告诉你,如今先返回嵎夷城吧。” The meaning of Ning Fan, is to make Qing Dai help him restore Void Fragmentation Puppet. 宁凡的意思,是让青黛帮他修复碎虚傀儡 Since her Puppet Technique high Guang Hanzi, is repaired Puppet by her. success rate is naturally bigger. 她的傀儡术既然高过广寒子,由她修复傀儡成功率自然更大。 He proposed this condition, also another reason, wants to give Qing Dai Ming Luo Puppet justifiablily. 他之所以提出这个条件,还有另一个原因,是想将冥罗傀儡名正言顺送给青黛 He competes for this duty. To obtain Ming Luo Puppet merely, delivers to the Ming Luo Clan burial. 他之所以争夺这个任务。仅仅是为了获得冥罗傀儡,送至冥罗一族安葬。 Now, Qing Dai with the similar goal, wants to retrieve Ming Luo Puppet. 如今,青黛怀着同样的目的,想要寻回冥罗傀儡 So, Ning Fan is willing to give her Puppet actually, making her bring back to the burial. 如此,宁凡倒是愿意将傀儡送给她,让她带回安葬。 After all Qing Dai is true Ming Luo High Priest, Ning Fan is only nominal Tree Sovereign Ming Luo, is acted by Qing Dai, is more appropriate... 毕竟青黛是真正的冥罗大祭司,宁凡则只是名义上的冥罗树皇,由青黛出面,更合适吧... Walks.” “走吧。” Ning Fan takes back sword pouch five Sword Spirit, sleeve robe one volume, uses the technique of Void Teleportation, bringing Qing Dai to return to Yuyi City. 宁凡将五个剑灵收回剑袋,袖袍一卷,施展起虚空挪移之术,带着青黛返回嵎夷城 Jumang Country, Yuyi City! 句芒国,嵎夷城 Receives the duty from Ning Fan, has passed 3 days. 距离宁凡接下任务,已过去三日 In the royal palace main hall, Jumang Country lord Tang Xiong to sit in meditation above the throne, closed eyes maintains mental tranquility. 王宫大殿中,句芒国汤雄静坐在王座之上,闭目养神。 Breeze has blown, in the main hall suddenly are many Ning Fan and Qing Dai two people of forms. 一阵微风吹过,大殿中忽然多出宁凡青黛二人身影。 Tang Xiong opens both eyes, sweeps the Ning Fan two people, said with a smile, Fellow Daoist Lu whether has completed the task?” 汤雄睁开双目,一扫宁凡二人,微笑道,“陆道友是否已完成了任务?” Tang Xiong said this word, but guessed nothing more. 汤雄说出此言,只是猜测而已 He can see Ning Fan is not the generation of lies, since the same day Ning Fan threatened the monopoly duty, naturally had confidence killing two Tree King. 他看得出宁凡并非虚言之辈,当日宁凡既然扬言独占任务,自然有把握击杀两名树王的。 Before 3 days, Ning Fan receives the duty to depart. 三日前,宁凡接取任务离去。 Now since returns, perhaps was the duty had/left the accident, had the matter to consult with. 如今既然归来,或许是任务出了变故,有事与自己相商。 Perhaps, is Ning Fan has completed the task, this time comes back is deliver the duty, trades the reward completely. 或许,是宁凡已经完成任务,此次回来完全是交任务、换奖励的。 Tang Xiong gaze sweeps the Ning Fan expression, seeing the Ning Fan smile is unflustered, did not seem like the duty to have the accident. 汤雄目光一扫宁凡的表情,见宁凡笑容从容不迫,不像是任务出了变故。 Therefore he asks, then asked whether Ning Fan has completed the task. 故而他开口一问,便问宁凡是否已完成任务。 Although asked that Tang Xiong is whispering at heart, some do not dare to believe Ning Fan to be able in 3 days to complete the task. 虽然这么问了,汤雄心里却在嘀咕,有些不敢置信宁凡能在三日之内完成任务。 Ning Fan merely one look, then looked through the Tang Xiong thoughts, said with a smile pale. 宁凡只一眼,便看破了汤雄的心思,淡笑道。 Good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” “幸不辱命。” The word, Ning Fan pats storage pouch, takes out two dense Seal Nascent Divinity, indeed two Tree King Nascent Divinity! 言罢,宁凡一拍储物袋,取出两个密密封印元神,正是两名树王元神 Reply of Ning Fan only then four characters, but these four characters fall in the Tang Xiong ear, made latter gaze shake, verified the beforehand guess! 宁凡的回答只有四个字,但这四个字落在汤雄耳中,却令后者目光一震,印证了之前的猜测! These two Nascent Divinity dispirited appearances fall on Tang Xiong at present, making Tang Xiong breathe stagnates... 这两个元神萎靡不振的模样落在汤雄眼前,令汤雄呼吸一滞... This is two Primordial cultivator Nascent Divinity! Unexpectedly by Ning Fan so easily captured? 这可是两名归元修士元神啊!竟被宁凡如此轻易的擒拿住了? In the past 3 days, Ning Fan killing two Primordial Tree King, completed the task unexpectedly seriously! 仅仅过去三日,宁凡竟然当真击杀了两名归元树王,完成了任务! Fellow Daoist Divine Ability is astonishing, Old Man feels ashamed of one's inferiority! Does not know how Fellow Daoist is killing two Tree King?” Tang Xiong sets out, gasps in admiration to Ning Fan. 道友神通惊人,老夫自愧弗如!不知道友是如何击杀两名树王的?”汤雄起身,对宁凡叹服不已。 „Is process very important?” Ning Fan reveals the color of faint smile. “过程很重要么?”宁凡露出似笑非笑之色。 Haha, Fellow Daoist said is extremely, process by no means was important, what was important was only the result. Fellow Daoist seizes two Tree King Nascent Divinity, this Nascent Divinity naturally cannot do false. This 5-stars duty, Fellow Daoist completes, may obtain ten Ming Luo Puppet and duty reward of 20 billion Immortal Jade. Can Fellow Daoist, receive the duty reward now?” “哈哈,道友所言极是,过程并不重要,重要的只是结果。道友擒来两名树王元神,这元神自然是做不得假的。这个五星任务,道友独自一人完成,可获得十具冥罗傀儡200亿仙玉的任务奖励。请问道友,现在就要领取任务奖励吗?” Good.” The Ning Fan nod said. “不错。”宁凡点头道。 Good, in view of this, Fellow Daoist, and enters the King City bottom along with me the treasure house, all duty rewards, provide from there.” “好吧,既如此,道友且随我进入王城地底的宝库,所有任务奖励,都是从那里发放的。” King City bottom treasure house?” Ning Fan is surprised the different way. 王城地底的宝库?”宁凡诧异道。 Good, Bamboo Sovereign your majesty promulgates the duty, naturally needs to provide the corresponding duty reward. The rewards of all duties add, is a big wealth, makes Void Fragmentation Old Monster move sufficiently... that treasure house by my Fusang Clan Ancestor oversee, if no Ancestor, depending on Old Man's cultivation base, how can in Northern Tree Sea that in the group wolf lies in wait from all sides, protects big quantity Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures...” “不错,竹皇陛下颁布任务,自然需要发放相应的任务奖励。所有任务的奖励加起来,可是一笔不小的财富,足以让碎虚老怪动心...那座宝库由我扶桑一族老祖坐镇,若无老祖在,凭老夫的修为,如何能在群狼环伺的北树海之中,守护住偌大数量天材地宝...” Tang Xiong explained that took out a token, toward throne activates, the throne changes to the light shadow to vanish immediately, reveals its next dark said/tunnel, went nonstop to the King City bottom. 汤雄一面解释,一面取出一个令牌,朝王座一催动,王座立刻化作光影消失,露出其下一个幽暗的地道,直通王城地底。 Ning Fan Divine Sense sweeps, in this bottom without/has not any restriction, is not improper, can enter. 宁凡神念一扫,这地底之内没有任何禁制,并无不妥,可以进入。 Under bottom of million zhang (3.33 m) that said/tunnel, there is a giant treasure house, outside the treasure house, is planting a giant Fusang tree. 在那地道之底百万丈之下,有一个巨大的宝库,宝库之外,种着一颗巨大的扶桑树。 Naturally sees at the Ning Fan eyesight, that Fusang tree is not trees, but is Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Fusang Tree Monster! 宁凡眼力自然看出,那扶桑树并非树木,而是一名碎虚一重天扶桑树妖 This person thinks that was Fusang Ancestor that Tang Xiong said that was responsible for in this place guarding treasure house. 此人想必就是汤雄所说的扶桑老祖了,负责在此地看守宝库。 Has this person, even the duty reward in treasure house is rich, still without/has not Void Fragmentation Old Monster dares the Noble storehouse to seize the treasure. 有此人在,就算宝库之中的任务奖励再丰厚,也没有碎虚老怪敢来宝库夺宝。 „Is your excellency completes the 5-stars task Fellow Daoist Lu? Hehe, Fellow Daoist is quite young, skeletal age 900, can cut to kill two Primordial Supreme Void unexpectedly alone... Old Man in Fellow Daoist this age, but also is only Divine Transformation nothing more... yeah, ashamed, ashamed...” “阁下就是完成五星任务的陆道友么?呵呵,道友好生年轻,骨龄不过九百,竟然能独自斩杀两名归元太虚...老夫道友这个年纪,还只是一名化神而已...哎,惭愧,惭愧...” Outside the bottom treasure house, that Fusang great tree radiance flashes, changes to a black robe old man. 地底宝库之外,那扶桑巨树光华一闪,化作一个黑袍老者。 Black robe old man gaze profound like sea, is away from the million zhang (3.33 m) place bottom, with the Ning Fan gaze connection. 黑袍老者目光深邃如海,隔着百万丈地底,与宁凡目光交汇。 Old Man is Fusang Clan Ancestor, person Fusang Old Monster. Fellow Daoist Lu invited the bottom to chat, Old Man had the matter to request...” 老夫扶桑一族老祖,人称‘扶桑老妖’。陆道友请来地底叙话,老夫有事相求...” The black robe old man holds the fist in the other hand to the ground direction suddenly, sound transmission arrives above the ground, the meaning of facial expression unexpectedly somewhat plea... 黑袍老者忽然向地面方向一抱拳,传音到地面之上,神情竟有几分恳求之意... Fusang Old Monster? can it be this is Senior Eastern Tree Sea bamboo forest eight old in Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder?!” 扶桑老妖难道这位前辈就是东树海竹林八老’之中的竹殿八长老?!” Qing Dai Divine Sense is not weak, naturally also investigates the bottom sound. 青黛神念不弱,自然也探查到地底的动静。 Hears the spoken language of black robe old man again, shows several points of shocking expression unexpectedly. 再听闻黑袍老者的言语,竟露出几分震惊的表情。 bamboo forest eight old, is oversee Eastern Tree Sea Bamboo Palace eight Void Fragmentation Elder, the status venerates every people! 竹林八老,是坐镇东树海竹殿的八位碎虚长老,每一人身份都尊崇至极! This has the person of status greatly, is so unexpectedly polite to Ning Fan, and opens the mouth to have the matter to request? 这样大有身份之人,竟然对宁凡如此客气,且一开口就有事相求? Qing Dai was somewhat stunned, she has never thought that Ning Fan fierce enough to can make Void Fragmentation Expert treat respectfully... 青黛有些错愕了,她从未想过,宁凡厉害到能让碎虚强者恭敬相待... A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, a black robe old man of his Divine Sense sweeping the floor bottom, as if understood anything slightly... 宁凡眉头微微一皱,他神念一扫地底的黑袍老者,似乎明白了什么... „Does Senior have the matter to request? What if asked was this matter, perhaps younger generation anything busy could not add on...” 前辈有事相求?若求的是这件事,恐怕晚辈什么忙也帮不上的...” ( 2nd)( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! (第二更)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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