GE :: Volume #6

#570: Struggles hard Primordial

Holds the axe Tree King right hand to turn, in the hand are many a black copper lamp. 持斧树王右手一翻,手中多出一盏黑色的铜灯。 At this moment he experiences personally serious injury, is not suitable spells to fight with Ning Fan directly, in order to avoid additional serious injury potential, therefore extinguishes by Magical Treasure kills Ning Fan. 此刻他身受重伤,不宜直接与宁凡拼斗,以免加重伤势,故而以法宝灭杀宁凡 The copper lamp lamp body is the shape of tree, on the branch twig holds seven copper lamp small dishes. 铜灯灯体为树形,树枝枝杈上托着七个铜制灯碟。 In seven lamp small dishes, only has in four small dishes also several drops of lamp oil, in other three small dishes completely empty. 七个灯碟中,只有四个碟中还有几滴灯油,其余三个碟中空空如也。 Holds axe Tree King Magic Force to urge, that still had in the four lamp small dishes of lamp oil, the wick of 1st lamp small dish burns the dark-red flame immediately. 持斧树王法力一催,那尚有灯油的四个灯碟之中,第一个灯碟的灯芯立刻燃暗红色的火苗。 „The 1st lamp, the scarlet lamp, burns!” 第一灯,赤灯,燃!” Ning Fan gaze falls above that dark red flame, complexion is instantaneous. 宁凡目光落在那暗红火苗之上,面色瞬间凝重。 In an instant that the copper lamp lights, the Ning Fan heart does not have the indication to raise feeling of the crisis. 在铜灯点燃的一瞬,宁凡心头毫无征兆地升起一股危机之感。 Draws back hundred steps without hesitation continually, under the moonlight, the Ning Fan black clothes flap flap, just like Black Butterfly that flies in a hurry. 毫不犹豫地连退百步,月色之下,宁凡黑衣猎猎,犹如一只匆匆飞动的黑色蝴蝶 In split second that he draws back, the original standing place splits a giant crack suddenly! 就在他退开的一瞬间,原先站立处忽然裂开一道巨大裂缝! Under that crack hidden, impressively is copper lamp bringing heavenly dwelling Space! 那裂缝之下隐藏的,赫然是铜灯自带的洞天空间 In that heavenly dwelling crack finds out in pairs giant hand suddenly, rips open the crack fiercely. 洞天裂缝之中忽然探出一双双巨手,将裂缝猛地撕开。 The crack gap is getting bigger and bigger, from that crack, rumble goes out of the each and every single (person) height to count the 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) great ghost ghost. 裂缝缺口越来越大,自那裂缝之中,轰隆隆走出一个个身高数千丈的巨鬼鬼影。 A head, two... 24 head. 一头,两头...二十四头。 A altogether 24 great ghost, each has Void Glimpse cultivation base, sets up in an array above Ye Kong (night sky), the ghost air/Qi dense, dense terrifying! 一共二十四头巨鬼,各个都有着窥虚修为,在夜空之上一字排开,鬼气森森,森然恐怖 This is... Illuminate Ghost Technique!” “这是...照鬼之术!” Ning Fan gaze one cold, looked through the details of copper lamp. His Demonic Cultivation many years, have heard many Demon Path Secret Technique, have heard Illuminate Ghost Technique, have actually never personally seen. 宁凡目光一凛,看破了铜灯的底细。他修魔多年,听说过不少魔道秘术,也听说过照鬼之术,却从未亲眼见过。 The present great ghost is not the real ghost, but is the shadow that the lights shine! 眼前的巨鬼不是真实的鬼魂,而是灯火照耀出的影子! The seven lamp small dishes of this copper lamp, implied heavenly dwelling Space respectively, receive many ghosts. 这铜灯的七个灯碟,各自暗含一个洞天空间,收纳着诸多鬼影。 These ghosts by Secret Technique refining, each ghost must slaughter innumerable cultivator to be possible refining to leave. 这些鬼影是以秘术炼制,每一个鬼影都要杀戮无数修士才可炼制出。 After ghost refining . Accepts in the lamp small dish, when the wick lightens, will then shine upon the flickering ghost. 鬼影炼制之后。收容在灯碟中,当灯芯点亮,便会映照出憧憧鬼影。 Lamp oil that in that lamp small dish lights, is the fat in human body... each drop of lamp oil, must slaughter innumerable cultivator, takes the dead fat refined into lamp oil. 那灯碟之中点燃的灯油,是人体内的油脂...每一滴灯油,都要杀戮无数修士,取死者油脂炼成灯油。 These ghost each and every single (person) cultivation base are extremely strong, and without/has not entity, shadow that but the lights photo has, so long as lights Inextinguishable/not exterminates, the ghost will then not perish... 这些鬼影一个个修为极强,且没有实体,只是灯火照出的影子,只要灯火不灭,鬼影便不会灭亡... Still had the lamp small dish of lamp oil to only have four. The 1st lamp small dish lightens, then illuminated 24 Void Glimpse ghosts. 尚有灯油的灯碟只有四个。第一个灯碟点亮,便照出了24头窥虚鬼影。 If lets hold axe Tree King to continue to light a lamp, will decide the photo to have more ghosts... 若让持斧树王继续点灯,定会照出更多鬼影... Ning Fan gaze sinks, lifts the right hand suddenly, lifts to direct to the 24 great ghost ghosts above Ye Kong (night sky). 宁凡目光一沉,骤然抬起右手,向夜空之上的24头巨鬼鬼影抬指点去。 Although is only one finger/refers, contained Sword Glow that is inconceivable, the technique of indeed Small Void Sword. 虽只是一指,却蕴含了难以想象的剑芒,正是小虚空剑之术。 Above dark Ye Kong (night sky), presented million Void Space sword light in a twinkling, the Jinghong passing over gently and swiftly dim light of night. 幽暗的夜空之上,霎时间出现百万虚空剑光,惊虹般掠过夜色。 million Sword Glow plunders the ghost to go. Has to cut the broken Void Space prestige energy! 百万剑芒直掠鬼影而去。有着斩碎虚空的威能! Ning Fan strength fully opened at this moment, cultivation base is close to Primordial Supreme Void, Small Void Sword that displays, extinguishes sufficiently kills ordinary Supreme Void! 此刻的宁凡实力全开,修为接近归元太虚,施展出的小虚空剑,足以灭杀普通太虚 24 great ghost ghosts. Each is Void Glimpse cultivation base. In the Supreme Void cultivator eye, Void Glimpse cultivator lifts hand Extinguish! 24头巨鬼鬼影。各个都是窥虚修为。在太虚修士眼中,窥虚修士抬手可灭! Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! A leader Void Glimpse great ghost was cut the smashing by Small Void Sword, falls from the sky in abundance, without/has not least bit flesh and blood remains. 一头头窥虚巨鬼被小虚空剑斩成粉碎,纷纷陨灭,却没有半点血肉残留。 sword light diverges. Above Ye Kong (night sky) is filling the extremely thick ghost air/Qi, the atmosphere is very strange. 剑光散去。夜空之上弥漫着极浓的鬼气,气氛十分诡异。 Holds axe Tree King gaze one startled, subsequently reveals to sneer. Good fierce Void Space sword technique, pitifully, this sword technique might is also not enough to cut to kill the this King ghost! this King this treasure, the named seven life lamps, are my Ghost Wood Clan the treasure of town/subdues clan, Divine Ability far exceed you can imagine! Concentrates!” 持斧树王目光一惊,继而露出冷笑。“好厉害的虚空剑术,不过可惜,此剑术威力还不足以斩杀本王的鬼影!本王此宝,名为七命灯,是我鬼木一族的镇族之宝,神通远超你能想象!凝!” Holds copper lamp of axe Tree King to the palm to make Dao Secret Art, the lights of 1st lamp small dish are even more bright, ghost air/Qi that above Ye Kong (night sky) fills, instantaneous recongeal becomes Void Glimpse great ghosts. 持斧树王向掌中铜灯打出一道法诀,第一盏灯碟的灯火愈加明亮,夜空之上弥漫的鬼气,瞬间重凝成一尊尊窥虚巨鬼。 A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, these ghosts imagine him are more difficult than to extinguish kill. 宁凡眉头一皱,这些鬼影比他想象中更难灭杀。 At this time, held the axe Tree King complexion ash to defeat suddenly rapidly, the vitality is passing unceasingly, the body seemed soon decayed general, the imposing manner was getting more and more astonishing. 这时候,持斧树王面色忽然急速灰败起来,生机在不断流逝,身体好似快要腐朽一般,气势却越来越惊人。 That is vicissitudes Magic Force aura, seems the Eternal years to flow in within the body. 那是一股沧桑之极的法力气息,好似万古岁月在其体内流淌。 That Magic Force aura, absolutely not 60 years one sixty year cycle armors magic force may compare... 那股法力气息,绝非六十年一甲子甲子法力可比... That is Primordial Magic Force! Primordial is 129600 years, is 2160 armor! 那是元会法力!一元会是129600年,是2160甲子 The Primordial Magic Force aura, is sincerer than armors magic force, displayed Magic Technique might is also far from armors magic force may compare. 元会法力的气息,远比甲子法力厚重,施展的法术威力也远非甲子法力可比。 Although former Ning Fan has also confronted Void Fragmentation, but limited to cultivation base, never raised the so clear feeling to Primordial Magic Force. 从前的宁凡虽也对阵过碎虚,但限于修为,从未对元会法力升起如此清晰的感受。 Made Magic Force armor Primordial, may attack Void Fragmentation bottleneck! 法力甲子归元,才可冲击碎虚瓶颈 Primordial and armor, are not the differences of quantity, but is the qualitative is different! 元会甲子,不是量的不同,而是质的不同! „The 2nd lamp, azure lamp, burns!” 第二灯,青灯,燃!” Holds axe Tree King Magic Force to converge in the 2nd lamp small dish, in the lamp small dish, the wick ignites the azure flame immediately. 持斧树王一身法力都汇入第二盏灯碟之中,灯碟之中,灯芯立刻燃起青色火苗。 In this moment, night Spatial Crack has a 2nd giant crack, 12 great ghost ghosts crawl from the crack. 在这一刻,夜空裂第二道巨大裂缝,12头巨鬼鬼影从裂缝中爬出。 These 12 great ghosts, each one are Void Inquire cultivation base! 这12头巨鬼,个个都是问虚修为 Killed him!” “杀了他!” Holds axe Tree King to make entire life, 24 Void Glimpse great ghosts with 12 Void Inquire great ghosts, all tread the expansive sky, towards Ning Fan encircle. 持斧树王一生令下,24头窥虚巨鬼与12头问虚巨鬼,俱都踏碎长空,朝宁凡围来。 Ning Fan lifts to refer to cutting Small Void Sword, million Sword Glow sweeps away, cuts to kill 36 great ghosts completely. 宁凡抬指斩出小虚空剑,百万剑芒横扫,将36头巨鬼全部斩杀。 But drags along with the lights, 36 great ghost lamplight recongeal, will then reappear instantaneously, wields fist glow again, towards Ning Fan launches the attack. 但伴随着灯火摇曳,36头巨鬼灯影重凝,瞬间便会重新浮现,再次挥动拳芒,朝宁凡发动进攻。 The Ning Fan whole body is twining Void Space Sword Glow, waving is million sword light, may easily crush the ghost, is actually not able ghost thorough killing. 宁凡周身缠绕着虚空剑芒,挥手便是百万剑光,可轻易击碎鬼影,却无法将鬼影彻底击杀 Although these ghosts are unable to extinguish kill, the strength is not strong, the wound does not get Ning Fan 12. 那些鬼影虽然无法灭杀,却实力不强,伤不得宁凡一二。 Holds an axe Tree King brow wrinkle, gaze reveals several points of gloomy color. 持斧树王眉头一皱,目光露出几分阴沉之色。 His black hair becomes white, the facial features start old, just guy appearance, then turned into drooping old man. 他黑发变白,面容开始苍老,刚刚还是大汉模样,转而便变成一个垂垂老矣的老者。 He paid a big price, only to light 3rd lamp small dish! 他付出了不小的代价,只为点燃第三盏灯碟! The Ghost Wood Clan seven life lamps, seven lamp small dishes, the scarlet lamp is the 1st lamp, azure lamp is the 2nd lamp, the ghost that more in the future, the lights ignition photo will have will be fiercer. 鬼木一族的七命灯,七盏灯碟,赤灯为第一灯,青灯第二灯,越往后,灯火点燃照出的鬼影越厉害。 By holding axe Tree King cultivation base, many may light the 4th lamp, and starts from the 3rd lamp, every time lights a lamp to need to pay a big price. 以持斧树王修为,最多可点燃第四灯,且从第三灯开始,每点燃一灯都需要付出不小代价。 „The 3rd lamp, golden lamp, burns!” 第三灯,金灯,燃!” Lightens along with the 3rd lamp small dish, broken above of Ye Kong (night sky) has 3rd to say the heavenly dwelling crack, crawls 7 Void Pierce great ghosts. 伴随着第三盏灯碟点亮,夜空之上裂出第三洞天裂缝,爬出七头冲虚巨鬼。 7 Void Pierce great ghosts join the regiment, Ning Fan the pressure increase immediately. 七头冲虚巨鬼加入战团,宁凡顿时压力大增。 Facing 36 Void Glimpse and Void Inquire great ghosts. Dealing that Ning Fan still can also accomplish a task with ease. 面对36头窥虚问虚的巨鬼。宁凡尚还能游刃有余的应对。 Although cut unable to extinguish these ghosts, but in the Fist Sword confrontation, poured is also insufficient injured. 虽说斩灭不了这些鬼影,但拳剑交锋中,倒也不至于受伤。 But after seven Void Pierce great ghosts join besieges the Ning Fan regiment, the situation starts to change. 但当七头冲虚巨鬼加入围攻宁凡的战团后,形势开始变化。 Ning Fan eventually is only one person, the opposite party is actually the great ghost who 43 are unable to extinguish kills. 宁凡终究只是一人,对方却是43头无法灭杀的巨鬼。 Each one time take action, just cuts million Void Space sword light nothing more, kills not all Ghost Creature, but must branch out the ample force to prevent the attack of great ghost. 一次出手,也只不过斩出百万虚空剑光而已,杀不尽所有鬼物,还要分出余力阻挡巨鬼的攻击。 36 Void Glimpse and Void Inquire great ghosts use the body as the meat shield, resisted Ning Fan all sword light hardly. 36头窥虚问虚巨鬼以身体为肉盾,硬抗了宁凡的所有剑光 7 Void Pierce great ghosts tread the group ghost stump residual limb, simultaneously are shaking the fist. Bang in the Ning Fan chest. 七头冲虚巨鬼踏着群鬼的残肢,齐齐挥拳。轰在宁凡胸口。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! By Ning Fan Mortal Body, if withstands seven Void Pierce to strike, will receive some injury unavoidably. 宁凡肉身之强,若生生承受七道冲虚一击,都难免会受些伤势 Is good in the chest an instant of fist, the Ning Fan body changes to ink trace to break into pieces, disperses concentrates, evaded seven Void Pierce fist glow. 好在胸口中拳的一瞬,宁凡身体化作墨影碎散,一散一凝,避过了七道冲虚拳芒 Ning Fan gaze sinks, this Ghost Eye Clan seven life lamps, some are really nasty. 宁凡目光一沉,这鬼目一族的七命灯,果然有些难以对付。 Then lights the 3rd lamp small dish, then summons the Void Pierce ghost that is unable to extinguish kills. 这才点燃第三盏灯碟,便召出了无法灭杀的冲虚鬼影。 Ex analogia. The 4th lamp small dish perhaps is the Supreme Void ghost... 以此类推。第四盏灯碟或许是太虚鬼影... It seems like, holds axe Tree King unable to light 5th, 6th and 7th lamp small dish. 看起来,持斧树王无法点燃第五第六第七盏灯碟。 If can light, perhaps only these seven life lamps, then summon the Void Fragmentation ghost sufficiently... 若是可以点燃,恐怕单凭这七命灯,便足以召出碎虚鬼影... Cannot drag..., if makes this person light the 4th lamp. Presents the Supreme Void ghost, is I also has to the avoidance point... be able to destroy completely this ghost, perhaps only then Void Burning Technique, but if merely is the fire of Void Ignition Butterfly Wings 3rd incites. Perhaps was still not enough to extinguish this ghost...” “不能拖了...若让此人点燃第四灯。出现太虚鬼影,便是我也不得不退避锋芒...能灭掉这鬼影的,或许只有燃虚之术了,但若仅仅是蝶翼第三煽的燃虚之火。恐怕仍不足以灭此鬼影...” The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, changed to ink trace to scatter suddenly, avoids the numerous ghosts to besiege. To holding axe Tree King flies. 宁凡心思飞转,骤然化作墨影流散,避开了重重鬼影围攻。向持斧树王飞来。 Holds the axe Tree King slightly heart startled, changes Ning Fan that ink trace breaks into pieces, gives him unexpectedly a sense of crisis. 持斧树王微微心惊,化作墨影碎散的宁凡,竟给他一丝危机感。 He guessed secretly, among Ning Fan Incarnation one fragment one condensation, then must display fierce Divine Ability. Vision one cold, suddenly breaking by biting tip of tongue, toward seven life lamp spits out several Blood Essence. 他暗暗猜测,宁凡化身一碎一凝间,便是要施展厉害神通。眼光一寒,猛然咬破舌尖,朝七命灯喷出数口精血 After spits out several Blood Essence, originally experiences personally serious injury him, aura dispirited. 喷出数口精血之后,原本身受重伤的他,气息更加萎靡。 Blood Essence spurts on seven life lamps, submerges in the lamp body. 精血喷在七命灯上,没入灯体之中。 split second, the 4th lamp small dish was lightened, ignites the black lights. 一瞬间,第四盏灯碟被点亮,燃起黑色的灯火。 „The 4th lamp, the black lamp, burns!” 第四灯,黑灯,燃!” In an instant that the 4th lamp lights, before holding the body of axe Tree King, splits 4th to say the heavenly dwelling crack suddenly, crawls four Supreme Void great ghosts. 第四灯点燃的一瞬,持斧树王的身前骤然裂开第四洞天裂缝,从中爬出四头太虚巨鬼。 an instant that four great ghosts come, wields fist glow to everywhere ink trace that scattering to come immediately. 四头巨鬼现身的一瞬,立刻向流散而来的漫天墨影挥动拳芒 Under four Supreme Void strike to jointly attack, might is not inferior in Primordial strikes. 四道太虚一击合击之下,威力丝毫不逊色于归元一击。 Even if ink trace condition Ning Fan, does not dare to bear four ghost fist glow, ink trace concentrates in a hurry, changes to the youth in black clothes form, avoided four fist glow, is unable to bully nearly holds axe Tree King. 纵然是墨影状态的宁凡,都不敢硬受四鬼拳芒,墨影匆匆一凝,化作黑衣青年的身影,避开了四道拳芒,无法欺近持斧树王 Holds axe Tree King to sneer, he has lit four lamp small dishes, summons such many ghosts. 持斧树王冷笑一声,他已点燃四盏灯碟,召出如此之多的鬼影。 24 Void Glimpse, 12 Void Inquire, 7 Void Pierce, 4 Supreme Void. 24头窥虚,12头问虚,七头冲虚,四头太虚 altogether 47 Void Refinement ghosts, and these ghosts are unable to extinguish kill. Any Primordial Supreme Void was besieged by such many ghosts, is difficult to escape dies! 一共47头炼虚鬼影,且这些鬼影无法灭杀。任何归元太虚被如此之多的鬼影围攻,都难逃一死! At this moment, holds axe Tree King not to doubt group of ghosts to kill Ning Fan. 此刻,持斧树王丝毫不怀疑群鬼能够杀死宁凡 He worried only, is Ning Fan sees group of ghosts to be fierce, will have timid intent to escape. 他唯一担心的,是宁凡见群鬼厉害,会心生怯意而逃跑。 He disperses Magic Force secretly, displays the palm to open the technique of heavenly dwelling, will count the 100,000 li (50,000 km) expansive sky to block completely, does not give opportunity that Ning Fan runs away. 他暗暗散出法力,施展掌开洞天之术,将数十万里的长空全部封锁,不给宁凡逃遁的机会 this child Divine Ability is big, but cannot do to my Ghost Wood Clan ghost, must die without doubt!” 此子神通不小,但奈何不了我鬼木一族的鬼影,必死无疑!” Group ghost obeyed orders, killed him!” “群鬼听令,杀了他!” 47 great ghost hears Ling, all sends out the Honglei ghost roar. 47头巨鬼闻令,皆是发出轰雷般的鬼吼。 Four sides four Supreme Void Ghost Creature occupy, from four sides use technique attack. 四头太虚鬼物占据四面,从四面施术攻击。 36 Void Glimpse Void Inquire Ghost Creature fierce do not fear the deathtrap to bully near, is 7 Void Pierce Ghost Creature manufacture crevices attacks Ning Fan. 36头窥虚问虚鬼物悍不畏死地欺近,为七头冲虚鬼物制造空隙攻击宁凡 Under group ghost besieging, Ning Fan ink trace again and again breaks into pieces, again and again recongeal. 在群鬼的围攻下,宁凡墨影一次次碎散,一次次重凝 After four Supreme Void Ghost Creature join fights the circle, only ink trace breaks into pieces insufficiently has removed all injuries, the Ning Fan body starts to present injury. 在四头太虚鬼物加入战圈之后,单凭墨影碎散已不足以卸去所有伤害,宁凡身体开始出现伤势 He summons Armor of Primordial Thunder, counter-balances group ghost besieging with the aid of the terrifying defense of Armor of Primordial Thunder. 他召出元雷之甲,借助元雷之甲恐怖防御才堪堪抵消群鬼的围攻。 Although Armor of Primordial Thunder is Golden Armor Peak Rank, may defend the attack of Primordial Supreme Void, gradually under the group ghost attack presents the fissure. 虽说元雷之甲已是金甲巅峰级别,可防御归元太虚的攻击,却也在群鬼的攻击之下渐渐出现裂痕。 Four sides the expansive sky was locked, is unable to run away. 四面长空被锁,无法逃遁。 Around four Supreme Void guardian, is unable to jump to excel the ghost war circle. 四位太虚镇守四面,无法跳出群鬼的战圈。 Ning Fan deeply inspires, he knows, if not use the strong method, extinguishes truly kills these ghosts, is unable to defeat to hold axe Tree King. 宁凡深吸一口气,他知道,若不施展强硬手段,真正灭杀这些鬼影,便无法战败持斧树王 Burning Soldiers Become a Finger and Sun and Moon Stele technique is very fierce, actually cannot cut to kill the ghost Divine Ability. 焚兵成指日月碑术都很厉害,却不是能够斩杀鬼影的神通 Small Void Sword can cut empty. But this technique to the empty utilization, was inferior obviously Void Burning Technique is wise. 小虚空剑可以斩虚。但此术对虚的运用,显然不如燃虚之术高明。 Finally can only display Void Burning Technique... 最终还是只能施展燃虚之术么... Ning Fan lifts to direct million Void Space Sword Shadow, repels the group ghost slightly, suddenly stands firm the footsteps, in the eye flashes before the black flame. 宁凡抬指点出百万虚空剑影,将群鬼略略击退,忽然稳住脚步,眼中闪现出黑色火光。 His under foot appears suddenly huge Black Fire Array Diagram, above Ye Kong (night sky), presents countless Black Fire Butterfly suddenly. 他的脚下骤然浮现一个巨大的黑火阵图,夜空之上,骤然出现数之不尽的黑色火蝶 3rd incites, is not enough to extinguish kills the ghost... 4th to incite, does not know whether to display...” 第三煽,不足以灭杀鬼影...第四煽,不知能否施展出来...” Ning Fan displays 4th to incite uncertainly. 宁凡并无把握施展出第四煽。 When he and Yun Daoku fights, not yet Void Glimpse. It is not able to display Butterfly Fire 4th to incite. 他与云道枯交手之时,尚未窥虚。无法施展出蝶火第四煽。 When he and Bone Sovereign fights, Void Glimpse, is not just able to display Butterfly Fire 4th to incite similarly. 他与骨皇交手之时,刚刚窥虚,同样无法施展蝶火第四煽。 Now he Void Inquire, is more profound to empty insights, after displaying Incarnation and Drawing Out Soul two Great Divine Ability, cultivation base is close to Primordial Supreme Void infinitely. 如今他已问虚,对虚的感悟更加高深,在施展化身抽魂大神通之后,修为无限接近归元太虚 Such cultivation base displays Butterfly Fire 4th to incite, should not by Butterfly Fire backlash to the degree of unravelling, but will receive heavy injury mostly... 这样的修为施展蝶火第四煽,应该不会被蝶火反噬到灰飞烟灭的程度,但多半会受不轻伤势... Primordial Supreme Void, really fierce... by my Divine Ability. Only has to use, puts together actually serious injury full power, but killing Primordial Supreme Void...” 归元太虚,果然厉害...以我的神通。唯有倾尽全力、拼却重伤,才可击杀归元太虚...” Ning Fan gaze decided that pinches Finger Secret Art. 宁凡目光一决,掐动了指诀 In this moment, million Black Fire Butterfly burns down Butterfly Wings. Condenses huge Fire Butterfly. 在这一刻,百万黑火蝴蝶焚烧蝶翼。凝聚成一只巨大火蝶 That Fire Butterfly is extremely huge, pair of Black Fire Butterfly Wings camouflages entire Ye Kong (night sky) sufficiently! 火蝶太过巨大,一双黑火蝶翼足以遮蔽整个夜空 In an instant that this Fire Butterfly presents, unexpectedly holds the axe Tree King whole body unable to stop shivers! 在这火蝶出现的一瞬,持斧树王周身竟止不住的颤抖起来! This is... what Magic Technique! Why gives me unexpectedly so powerful sense of crisis!” “这是...什么法术!为何竟给我如此强大的危机感!” He is also Primordial Supreme Void, under Void Fragmentation the rare rival. 他好歹也是一个归元太虚,碎虚之下罕有敌手。 He also once by the Old Monster attack of Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer. But even faces Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Old Monster, without/has not has felt so huge sense of crisis. 他也曾被碎虚一重天老怪攻击。但就算面对碎虚一重天老怪,都没有感受过如此巨大的危机感。 He already Primordial, with the Void Fragmentation cultivator disparity. No longer is the qualitative disparity, is only the Magic Force height. 他已归元,与碎虚修士的差距。不再是质的差距,仅是法力的高低。 But he and detection of this Black Fire Butterfly, actually clearly is the qualitative disparity, the difference of Realm! 但他与这黑色火蝶的察觉,却分明是质的差距,境界的不同! This Void Burning Technique still had the slight defect, is not perfect, even if so, has been close to Immortal Technique infinitely! 燃虚之术尚有瑕疵,并无完美,饶是如此,已无限接近仙术 Facing Void Burning Technique, is Yun Daoku feels to dread, let alone is trivial Primordial Supreme Void holds axe Tree King! 面对燃虚之术,便是云道枯都感到畏惧,更何况是区区归元太虚的持斧树王 Killed him, do not make him use this technique! Even the self-destroying ghost, must kill him!” Holds axe Tree King to order to say intensely. “杀了他,不要让他施展此术!即便是自灭鬼影,也要杀了他!”持斧树王紧张地命令道。 The self-destroying ghost, lets these ghost self-detonation, taking advantage of strength of heavy injury Ning Fan self-detonation. 自灭鬼影,是让这些鬼影自爆,借自爆之力重创宁凡 The ghost is unable to ruin through the ordinary hand kills, but if self-detonation, will still die. 鬼影无法通过普通手段灭杀,但若是自爆,仍然会死。 In the future will hold the axe to set up king if also to use seven life lamps, then needs to kill people to refine the ghost. 日后持斧树王若还想使用七命灯,便需要重新杀人炼鬼了。 Holds axe Tree King the sense of crisis that feels to die from Fire Butterfly, he spares nothing also to prevent Ning Fan use technique! 持斧树王火蝶之中感受到必死的危机感,他不惜一切代价也要阻止宁凡施术 12 Void Glimpse great ghost strides forward, suddenly the self-ignition ghost, blasts out before the Ning Fan body. 12头窥虚巨鬼大步向前,忽然自燃鬼影,在宁凡身前炸开。 6 Void Inquire great ghosts, fierce do not fear the deathtrap to charge into Ning Fan, suddenly self-detonation. 六头问虚巨鬼,悍不畏死地冲向宁凡,骤然自爆 3 Void Pierce great ghosts, the whole body is burning Ghost Flame, detonates before the Ning Fan body, three Void Pierce self-detonation are Supreme Void cultivator does not dare to shake hardly! 三头冲虚巨鬼,周身燃着鬼火,在宁凡身前引爆,三名冲虚自爆便是太虚修士也不敢硬撼! 2 Supreme Void great ghost facial expressions are indifferent, pinches finger joints with the thumb in Ning Fan about suddenly, the self-detonation ghost, two Supreme Void self-detonation, are Primordial Supreme Void also wants serious injury! 二头太虚巨鬼神情冷漠,在宁凡左右骤然掐诀,自爆鬼影,两名太虚自爆,便是归元太虚也要重伤 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Center of Ning Fan at self-detonation, ink trace was exploded the powder by group ghost self-detonation. 宁凡处在自爆的中心,墨影被群鬼的自爆生生炸散。 ink trace recongeal, Ning Fan injury is extremely heavy, is at the point of death, but vision actually indifferent like stone, is not myriad things fluctuates. 墨影重凝,宁凡伤势极重,气息奄奄,但眼光却冷漠如石,不为万物所波动。 If he has made up mind Fen Chi (Burning Wings) turn to ash, then does not allow anybody to extinguish his Flame! 若他决意焚翅成灰,便不容任何人熄灭他的火焰 Void Ignition...” 燃虚...” He read these two characters lightly, Finger Secret Art suddenly changed, camouflages Ye Kong (night sky) huge Fire Butterfly to turn toward immediately holds the axe Tree King direction, stirred up Butterfly Wings fiercely! 他淡淡念出这二字,指诀猛然一变,遮蔽夜空的巨大火蝶立刻向着持斧树王的方向,猛地煽动蝶翼 1st incites, the other 12 Void Glimpse great ghosts change to the flying ash! 第一煽,剩余的12头窥虚巨鬼化作飞灰! 2nd incites, the other 6 Void Inquire great ghosts change to the flying ash! 第二煽,余下的六头问虚巨鬼化作飞灰! 3rd incites, 4 Void Pierce great ghosts who only remain change to the flying ash! 第三煽,仅剩的四头冲虚巨鬼化作飞灰! 4th incites! 第四煽! Ning Fan felt that own Mortal Body soon collapses, is soon buried in Butterfly Fire. 宁凡感觉自己的肉身快要崩溃,快要葬身于蝶火 Void Burning Technique Grade is too high, is close to Immortal Technique infinitely, by his cultivation base at this moment, was still not enough to display Butterfly Fire 4th to incite perfectly. 燃虚之术等级太高,无限接近仙术,以他此刻的修为,仍不足以完美施展出蝶火第四煽。 But he today we are no longer as we have been, cultivation base promoting, Void [虚] Character insights promoting, cultivation has had Lesser Five Elements Physique, had certain defense to Fire Technique. 但他已今非昔比,修为提升,虚字感悟提升,更修炼小五行体,对火术有了一定防御。 Even if displays Butterfly Fire 4th to incite forcefully, not by Butterfly Fire backlash to degree of unravelling. 纵然强行施展蝶火第四煽,也不会被蝶火反噬到灰飞烟灭的程度。 The five main internal organs (entrails) was lit completely, Immortal Veins is burningly painful, Nascent Divinity combustion! 五脏六腑全部被点燃,仙脉灼痛,元神燃烧! Ning Fan injury aggravates, complexion is pale, but look is actually ruthless certainly! 宁凡伤势加重,面色苍白之极,但眼神却是狠绝! Void Ignition!” 燃虚!” This an instant, the Ning Fan whole body burns Black Fire! 一瞬,宁凡全身燃烧起黑火 He displays the Butterfly Fire burning down enemy, oneself also fell into during burning down! 他施展蝶火焚烧敌人,自己去也陷入了焚烧之中! This an instant, great butterfly 4th time stirs up Butterfly Wings, prestige of not the unimaginable Void Fire, changes to the black hot smoke, the volume to holding axe Tree King! 一瞬,巨蝶第四次煽动蝶翼,一股无法想象的虚火之威,化作黑色的火烟,卷向持斧树王 Protects two Supreme Void great ghosts before its, was incited the flying ash by Butterfly Fire directly! 护在其身前的两头太虚巨鬼,直接被蝶火煽成飞灰! Primordial cultivation base holds axe Tree King, under Butterfly Fire 4th incites, runs away unexpectedly continually without enough time, old Mortal Body only an instant then changes to flying ash dissipate! 归元修为的持斧树王,在蝶火第四煽之下,竟连逃遁都来不及,苍老的肉身一瞬便化作飞灰消散! If he is the most flourishing condition, can put together actually serious injury to flee the attack of Butterfly Fire. 若他是全盛状态,尚可拼却重伤逃离蝶火的攻击。 But he was struck serious injury by Burning Soldiers Become a Finger, because lights four lamp small dish backlash to be heavy forcefully, where can resist the prestige of Butterfly Fire. 但他被焚兵成指击成重伤,又因强行点燃四盏灯碟反噬不轻,哪里能够抵挡蝶火之威。 In the pitiful yell sound, holds axe Tree King Nascent Divinity to be completely panic-stricken, curls up seven life lamps, rushes on ahead then to escape. 惨叫声中,持斧树王元神满是惊恐,卷起七命灯,夺路便逃。 Although he is Ghost Wood Clan, actually non- Tree Monster, but is the Human Clan wood is Demon Cultivator, cultivation sets up Demon Technique. 他虽是鬼木一族,却非树妖,而是人族的木系魔修,修炼魔功 At this moment, he feared! 这一刻,他怕了! Theoretically said that without/has not any Void Inquire cultivator can defeat Primordial Supreme Void, gully that only one armor Primordial, is not then able to overstep. 理论上讲,没有任何问虚修士能够战胜归元太虚,仅一个甲子归元,便是无法逾越的沟壑。 But Ning Fan cannot estimate by the common sense, held axe Tree King to be scared by Void Burning Technique, he had seen, this Void Burning Technique was close to Immortal Technique Divine Ability infinitely! 宁凡不能以常理揣度,持斧树王燃虚之术吓傻了,他已经看出,这燃虚之术是无限接近仙术神通 This technique is close to Immortal Technique infinitely, if this child can use completely this technique, is Loose Immortal can fight!” “此术无限接近仙术,若此子能将此术施展完整,便是散仙都可一战!” this child cannot resist with all one's strength, this King is not his opponent, must escape!” 此子不可力敌,本王不是他的对手,必须逃!” He flees in panic, Ning Fan actually lifts hand one finger/refers, separates spatially. 他仓皇逃遁,宁凡却抬手一指,隔空一点。 Under only one point, in Tree King Nascent Divinity disperses the bleeding line densely, decides it above Ye Kong (night sky). 只一点之下,树王元神之中密密散出血线,将其生生定在夜空之上。 You, cannot escape!” “你,逃不掉!” Ning Fan lifts the hand to absorb, absorbs to start Tree King Nascent Divinity, plants dense restriction, Seal, together with seven life lamp same places, transitory income storage pouch. 宁凡抬手一摄,将树王元神摄入手中,种下密密禁制,将之封印,连同七命灯一起,暂时收入储物袋 in the night sky of distant place, five Sword Spirit activates sword silk, bundle weak Nascent Divinity to return. 远处的夜空上,五个剑灵催动剑丝,捆着一个虚弱的元神返回。 That Nascent Divinity, indeed blows ocarina Tree King! 元神,正是吹埙树王 Five Sword Spirit, destroyed completely with joint forces similarly blew ocarina Tree King, but fighting method process by no means was relaxed. 五个剑灵合力之下,同样灭掉了吹埙树王,但斗法过程并不轻松。 Four Sword Spirit lost some injury, but the 5th Sword Spirit whole body is the blood, the body of Sword Spirit is extremely unreal, almost soon vanishes... 四个剑灵都负了些许伤势,而第五剑灵浑身是血,剑灵之体极其虚幻,几乎快要消失... Little Fanfan, rescues Tongtong quickly! Tongtong injury is too heavy, soon died!” 小凡凡,快救救彤彤彤彤伤势太重,快要死了!” looks at Ning Fan that four Sword Spirit little girl implored urgently. 四名剑灵小丫头苦苦哀求的看着宁凡 Especially 1st Sword Spirit Jingjing, was tearful eyes tearfully looks at Ning Fan, without/has not formerly the least bit unruly color. 尤其是第一剑灵晶晶,更是泪眼汪汪地看着宁凡,没有从前半点桀骜之色。 Properly speaking, five Sword Spirit joint efforts, the strength blows above ocarina Tree King. 按理说,五名剑灵合力,实力更加吹埙树王之上。 But five little girls is extremely proud, underestimate the enemy, particularly Jingjing, as Eldest Sister more self-designated Extraordinary. 五个小丫头太过自负、轻敌,尤其是晶晶,身为大姐更加自命不凡 She is not serious Tree King, under the general idea/careless was plotted by Tree King, nearly die. 她不将树王当一回事,大意之下被树王暗算,险些陨落 If not the critical moment, 5th Sword Spirit Tongtong helps her keep off to strike, serious injury certainly will not be Tongtong, but will be she. 若非关键时刻,第五剑灵彤彤帮她挡下一击,重伤的一定不会是彤彤,而是她。 Tongtong, is unfair to... you not dead...” Jingjing Thunder Water is tearful, other three little girl also cry the tears person. 彤彤,对不起...你别死...”晶晶雷水汪汪,其他三名小丫头同样哭成泪人。 The Tongtong small face is very pale, similarly cannot stop the teardrops, on her hurts everywhere, she quite fears death, she does not want dead... 彤彤小脸十分苍白,同样止不住泪珠,她身上到处都疼,她好怕死,她不想死... Ning Fan received to blow ocarina Tree King Nascent Divinity, Seal, receives storage pouch conveniently. 宁凡接过吹埙树王元神,随手封印,收入储物袋 Lifts the palm, holds serious injury Tongtong carefully in the palm, sighed gently. 抬起手掌,将重伤彤彤小心捧在掌心,轻轻一叹。 relax, you are my Sword Spirit, I will not make you die.” 放心,你们是我的剑灵,我自不会让你们死的。” Ning Fan injury is also heavy, but at this moment, the decision first gives 5th Sword Spirit therapy. 宁凡伤势亦重,不过此刻,还是决定先给第五剑灵疗伤。 His injury is heavy, has the Black Star Technique self-recovery, the body of 5th Sword Spirit is very frail. 伤势再重,都有黑星之术自愈,第五剑灵的身体却十分脆弱。 If not help this little girl therapy, how long could not want, this little girl wanted Spirit Body to dissipate... 若不帮这小丫头疗伤,要不了多久,这小丫头就要灵体消散了... ( 1st)( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! (第一更)(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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