GE :: Volume #6

#569: Burning Soldiers Become a Finger

Towering Ancient Tree in million li, changes to the number by the million Golden Armor wooden soldier. 百万里内的参天古木,化作数以百万金甲木兵。 Ning Fan recalls Rain Granting Pagoda, pinches finger joints with the thumb toward the Black Wood Command ten fingers that offers a sacrifice to high, Finger Secret Art fluctuates to be quick, afterimage flies. 宁凡召回封雨之塔,向着高高祭起的黑木令十指掐诀,指诀变幻极快,残影飞逝。 The distant place, five Sword Spirit with blowing ocarina Tree King battle, the war is farther. 远处,五个剑灵已与吹埙树王交战一处,越战越远。 This side, holds axe Tree King is not possible to believe looks at Ning Fan, when gaze touches that Black Wood Command, in the eye reveals a panic-stricken meaning unexpectedly. 这一边,持斧树王不可置信地看着宁凡,当目光触及那黑木令之时,眼中竟流露出一丝惊恐之意。 He, has heard this Black Wood Command! 他,听说过这块黑木令 Holding axe Tree King was Ghost Wood Clan clansman, Ghost Wood Clan once also calculated Tree World Great Clan, but by the Ming Luo Clan destruction, was declined long before then. 持斧树王鬼木一族族人,鬼木一族曾经也算树界大族,但在很早以前就被冥罗一族覆灭,从此没落。 In the Ming Luo Clan prosperous years, this Black Wood Command also another Name Tree Sovereign Command! 冥罗一族兴盛的岁月里,这块黑木令还有另一个名字-树皇令 The hearsay any has Black Wood Command cultivator, when to fighting the wood cultivates, will have an unsurpassed Sovereign pressure, making wooden cultivating be hard to contend. 传闻任何持有黑木令修士,对战木修之时,都会生出一股无上的皇者威压,令木修难以抗衡。 After Ning Fan takes out Black Wood Command, holds axe Tree King to feel an intermittent palpitation, Wood Attribute Magic Force some detentions. 宁凡取出黑木令之后,持斧树王感到一阵阵心悸,一身木属性法力都有些滞涩了。 He determined, token that Ning Fan offers a sacrifice, indeed Black Wood Command! 他十分确定,宁凡祭出的令牌,正是黑木令 That irresistible Sovereign pressure, silk threads the powder from the token, will not be wrong! 那无可抗拒的皇者威压,从令牌之中丝丝缕缕的散出,绝不会错! That age, Tree World not just Ming Luo Clan Tree Sovereign, but Tree Sovereign Ming Luo is Tree World strongest, lords over Tree World, throughout other Commander Tree Sovereign influences. 那个年代,树界并非只有冥罗族一名树皇,但冥罗树皇乃是树界至强者,独霸树界,始终统领其他树皇势力。 All previous Tree Sovereign Ming Luo most powerful Divine Ability, mostly is closely linked with Black Wood Command, needs self-torture Sovereign Qi, and draws support from Black Wood Command use technique. 历代冥罗树皇最强神通,大多都与黑木令息息相关,需苦修皇气,并借助黑木令才可施术 In hearsay, this Black Wood Command already with last Tree Sovereign Ming Luo is missing to vanish, why will appear in this place?! 传闻中,这块黑木令早已随着最后一位冥罗树皇的失踪而消失,为何会出现在此地?! Holds axe Tree King extremely to shock, after seeing that Ning Fan made to summon the wooden soldier, was shocking. 持斧树王太过震撼,当看到宁凡施令召唤木兵之后,更是震惊不已。 Towering Ancient Tree Incarnation are the Golden Armor wooden soldiers, lowly is Gold Core cultivation base! 一株株参天古木化身金甲木兵,最低都是金丹修为 Only one Magic Technique, then summoned about the 5 million Golden Armor wooden soldier! 只一个法术,便召唤了五百万左右的金甲木兵! This extinguishes the technique of country! Type Magic Technique summoned the 5 million wooden soldier, only depending on this 5 million wooden soldier then sufficiently destruction country!” Holds axe Tree King to can hardly calm down. “此乃灭国之术!一式法术召唤出五百万木兵,只凭这五百万木兵便足以覆灭一国!”持斧树王心潮难平。 After he sees Ning Fan to display another type Divine Ability, is shocking. 当他见宁凡施展出另一式神通后,更是震惊。 Actually sees Ning Fan suddenly bend the palm one move. Black Wood Command income sleeve. 却见宁凡忽然屈掌一招。将黑木令收入袖中。 At once cuts by biting the little finger, offers a sacrifice to finger bone, the broken ossification makes the innumerable fragments to sprinkle to the land. 旋即一口咬断小指,将指骨祭出,碎骨化作无数碎片洒向大地。 next instant, little finger rebirth, but above the land presents 6 million bone armor Demon Armament in turn! 下一瞬,小指重生,而大地之上依次出现六百万骨甲魔兵 5 million Golden Armor wooden soldier, 6 million bone armor Demon Armament! 五百万金甲木兵,六百万骨甲魔兵 Two type Magic Technique display, Ning Fan Magic Force loses big, summoned the 11 million Gold Core puppet soldier! 两式法术施展完毕,宁凡法力损耗不小,却召唤出1100万金丹傀兵! This moment Ning Fan, the body is twining Golden Dragon shadow, that Golden Dragon shadow. All is Sovereign Qi! 这一刻的宁凡,身上缠绕着金龙虚影,那金龙虚影。皆是皇气 azure clothes young female(s) in ground, the name Qing Dai. Her looks at Ning Fan, in the bright eyes full is the inconceivable expression. 地面上的青衣少女,其名青黛。她怔怔看着宁凡,明眸之中满是不可思议的表情。 This moment Ning Fan Sovereign Qi presently, treads in vertical Ye Kong (night sky) greatly, just like Golden Sun is ordinary. 这一刻的宁凡皇气大现,踏立夜空之中,犹如一尊金阳一般耀眼。 His treads the sky stands, just like Sovereign to rule, the under foot is the soldiers who 11 million submits to! 踏空而立,犹如一个皇者君临,脚下是一千一百万臣服的士卒! He holds Black Wood Command to come, said that is Ming Luo Clan the generation of Tree Sovereign, his appearance. To shelter Ming Luo Clan... 他持黑木令而来,自称是冥罗一族的此代树皇,他的出现。是为了庇护冥罗一族... His appearance 30% (slightly) is handsome, 70% is natural. The slanting eyebrow enters the temple, a pair of black pupil has the prestige of Sovereign, ancient well without ripples. If woof Shentan is as deep as a well. 他容貌三分俊朗,七分潇洒。斜眉入鬓,一双黑眸带着皇者之威,偏偏又古井无波。如一汪深潭高深莫测。 At this moment changes to the body of black clothes, his black hair lengthens, already and waist, dance in night wind. The left belt/bring the monster different trace, the whole body also has not being able to say demon charm makings. 此刻化作黑衣之身,他黑发变长,已然及腰,在夜风中狂舞。左面带着妖异的纹路,周身又带着一股说不出的魔魅气质。 He, actually is really my Ming Luo Clan the generation of Tree Sovereign... he is what kind of person...” “他,真的是我冥罗一族的此代树皇么...他究竟是一个怎样的人...” I assassinate in him. He actually must protect me...” “我暗杀于他。他却要保护我...” Ning Fan without/has not looks at Qing Dai one, his take action protects this young female(s), repays Ming Luo Tree fine benevolence nothing more merely. 宁凡没有多看青黛一眼,他之所以出手保护这个少女,仅仅是偿还冥罗树精的恩情而已 Ning Fan at this moment, mind all immerses in two type Magic Technique. 此刻的宁凡,心神全部沉浸在两式法术之中。 Formerly displayed Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, calculates that displayed many times, but has never had the today's such mysterious feeling. 从前施展碎骨成兵,也算施展许多次了,但却从未有过今日这样玄妙的感觉。 At this moment, he also displays Every Plant is a Soldier and Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, under the contrast, obtained some Comprehend unexpectedly. 此时此刻,他将草木皆兵碎骨成兵同时施展,对比之下,竟获得了一些体悟 This Comprehend was formerly had not had! 体悟是从前不曾有过的! The technique of Every Plant is a Soldier, the vegetation is real exist(ence), the wooden soldier is the false life. 草木皆兵之术,草木是真实存在的,木兵是虚假的生命。 The technique of Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, finger bone is real exist(ence), the bone soldier is the false life. 碎骨成兵之术,指骨是真实存在的,骨兵是虚假的生命。 Every Plant is a Soldier or Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, all containing actually empty highest good. 无论是草木皆兵还是碎骨成兵,皆含有化实为虚的至理。 Melting actually empty is Supreme Void insights, these two type Magic Technique might, are closely linked with Void [虚] Character insights. 化实为虚已经算是太虚感悟,这两式法术威力,与虚字感悟息息相关。 The wooden soldier and bone soldier who Ning Fan summoned only had Gold Core cultivation base, but if he to empty insights promoting to higher Realm, these two type Magic Technique might surely promoting... 宁凡所召唤的木兵、骨兵只有金丹修为,但若他对虚的感悟提升至更高境界,这两式法术威力定将提升... Wooden soldier bone soldier who now he summons, is Gold Core cultivation base. 现在他召唤的木兵骨兵,都是金丹修为 With his Void [虚] Character insights promoting, has toward 1 day, the soldiers who he summoned will promote are Nascent Soul cultivation base, even higher... 随着他虚字感悟提升,有朝一日,他所召唤的兵卒会升级为元婴修为,甚至更高... Does not know whether Supreme Void insights enough summoned the Nascent Soul puppet soldier. 只是不知道,太虚感悟是否足够召唤出元婴傀兵。 Void [虚] Character insights achieves shatter Void Space Rank, can summon the Nascent Soul puppet soldier... 或者,虚字感悟达到破碎虚空级别,才能召唤出元婴傀兵么... Rain World Nascent Soul cultivator, does not surpass 5 million, if I summoned the 11 million Nascent Soul puppet soldier depending on two type Magic Technique, perhaps only these two type Magic Technique, swept away one sufficiently...” 雨界一界的元婴修士,都不超过500万,若我凭两式法术召唤出1100万元婴傀兵,恐怕单凭这两式法术,就足以横扫一界...” Ning Fan lifts gaze, sweeps to the distant place holds axe Tree King. 宁凡抬起目光,扫向远处的持斧树王 In his eye gradually reveals a crazy color, reason that summoned the 11 million puppet soldier, to strike heavy injury held axe Tree King! 他的眼中渐渐流露出一丝疯狂之色,之所以召唤出1100万傀兵,是为了一击重创持斧树王 He must make all puppet soldier self-detonation that summoned, held axe Tree King with the aid of strength of heavy injury self-detonation! 他要令召唤出的所有傀兵自爆,借助自爆之力重创持斧树王 11 million Gold Core self-detonation, is Primordial Supreme Void will also then be injured! 1100万金丹自爆,便是归元太虚也会受伤! Burns!” “燃!” Ning Fan Finger Secret Art changes, the 11 million puppet soldier, the whole body ignites Golden Flame completely! 宁凡指诀一变,1100万傀兵,周身全部燃起金色火焰 These Puppet soar respectively, the body burns rapidly. 这些傀儡各自腾空而起,身躯飞速燃烧。 They are the dying thing, complies with the order of Ning Fan, each fierce does not fear the deathtrap to charge into holds axe Tree King, only strove for by the casualty and Tree King. 他们是死物,遵从宁凡的命令,各个悍不畏死地冲向持斧树王,只求以死伤及树王 Holds axe Tree King to be startled, his was still suspecting why Ning Fan summoned such many puppet soldier. 持斧树王一怔,他本还在猜想宁凡为何召唤出如此之多的傀兵。 Although must know these puppet soldier quantity are many, but cultivation base is too low, each and every single (person) is only Gold Core nothing more, not too big use in the war of Supreme Void. 须知这些傀兵数量虽多,但修为太低,一个个才只是金丹而已,在太虚之战中并无太大用处。 But at this moment, holds axe Tree King actually to understand that the intention of Ning Fan summon puppet soldier, sees the puppet soldier self-ignition, immediately guesses correctly Ning Fan to detonate the puppet soldier, under the startled anger, almost wants to shout abuse. 但这一刻,持斧树王却了解到宁凡召唤傀兵的用意,一见傀兵自燃,立刻猜出宁凡是要引爆傀兵,惊怒之下,几乎想要破口大骂。 Lunatic!” “疯子!” Looks to well up Ye Kong (night sky), to encircle tidal to own 11 million puppet soldier, holds axe Tree King only to think scalp feeling numb. 望着潮水般涌上夜空、围向自己的1100万傀兵,持斧树王只觉头皮发麻 He wants teleportation to escape, had died of suffocation by the puppet soldier in all directions. Counts above 100,000 li (50,000 km) Ye Kong (night sky), the migratory locust was filled with the puppet soldier. 他想要挪移远遁,偏偏四面八方已被傀兵堵死。数十万里夜空之上,飞蝗般挤满了傀兵。 Holds the axe Tree King great axe to sweep away, each axe can chop into pieces the expansive sky, chops several tens of thousands Gold Core puppet soldiers. 持斧树王巨斧横扫,每一斧都能劈碎长空,劈死数万金丹傀兵。 But puppet soldier quantity too many, several axes get down, destroys completely the insufficient 300,000 puppet soldier, is unable to kill an outlet. 但傀兵数量太多,几斧下来,也不过灭掉不足30万傀兵,根本无法杀出一条出路。 As Ning Fan Finger Secret Art again changes, whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier in this moment, soon complete self-detonation! 随着宁凡指诀再变,千万傀兵在这一刻,即将全部自爆 Holds axe Tree King gaze severely shakes slightly chaotically, mind. He ponders. If oneself withstand whatever happens/10 million Gold Core the strength of self-detonation directly, must die without doubt! 持斧树王目光剧震,心神微乱。他自忖。若自己直接承受千万金丹自爆之力,必死无疑! He is Primordial Supreme Void, has touched the palm to open heavenly dwelling Divine Ability faintly, Finger Secret Art changes, immediately starts out a heavenly dwelling light gate before the body, one step enters into the light gate, hides into heavenly dwelling Space. 他是归元太虚,已隐隐触摸到掌开洞天神通,指诀一变,立刻在身前开出一个洞天光门,一步迈入光门之内,躲入洞天空间之中。 Holds axe Tree King to know in the heart, by whatever happens/10 million Gold Core the strength of self-detonation, is heavenly dwelling Space can also explode turn into ash. 持斧树王心知,以千万金丹自爆之力,便是洞天空间也能炸成灰烬 He escapes into heavenly dwelling Space. Only strove for preventing the strength of some self-detonation with the aid of heavenly dwelling Space Space barrier. 他之所以遁入洞天空间。只求借助洞天空间空间障壁阻挡一些自爆之力。 After entering Space, holds axe Tree King to pat storage pouch immediately, takes out seven Mortal Void Formation Plate, opens 7 Layers Mortal Void Grand Formation. Reinforces the defense of heavenly dwelling Space. 在进入空间之后,持斧树王立刻一拍储物袋,取出七个凡虚阵盘,张开七重凡虚大阵。加固洞天空间的防御。 Simultaneously swings figure, transforms the great tree root of 9000 zhang (30,000 meters). 同时一摇身形,变换成九千丈的巨树本相。 He is Ghost Wood Clan, this tree trunk defense is extremely strong, is common Supreme Void strikes not to injure his slightest. 他是鬼木一族,本相树身防御极强,便是寻常的太虚一击都伤不到他分毫。 All defensive measures are completed in the wink of an eye. 一切防御手段都是在瞬息之间完成。 In he fluctuates this an instant. Above outside world Ye Kong (night sky), whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier simultaneously drinks greatly, simultaneously self-detonation! 在他变幻出本相的一瞬外界夜空之上,千万傀兵齐齐大喝,同时自爆 „The soldier of broken whatever happens/10 million. Melts Fiendgod one finger/refers!” The whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier also shouted! “碎千万之兵。化神魔一指!”千万傀兵同时喝道! This whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier, or wooden soldier, the bone soldier, is Ning Fan Magic Technique changes. 千万傀兵,或是木兵,或是骨兵,皆是宁凡法术所变化。 Their without/has not Spiritual Wisdom, is unable to ponder, in the heart only then a thought that that then from the moment of birth, is Ning Fan fights, up to died in battle! 他们没有灵智,无法思考,心中只有一个念头,那便是从诞生的一刻,为宁凡而战,直至战死! The whatever happens/10 million Gold Core puppet soldier self-detonation, starts together the terrifying Golden storm above Ye Kong (night sky) simultaneously! 千万金丹傀兵同时自爆,在夜空之上掀起一道恐怖金色风暴! Above Ye Kong (night sky), in the Golden storm, presents a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant Golden finger suddenly, but storm gradually subsides, all explosion energies integrated in Golden Finger! 夜空之上,金色风暴之中,忽然出现一个万丈巨大的金色手指,而风暴渐渐平息,所有爆炸能量都融入了金指之中! How does that Golden finger appear? Ning Fan does not know! 金色手指如何出现?宁凡丝毫不知! Above that Golden finger, disclosed that a god Demonic Qi breath of Eternal vicissitudes, under this aura, is Ning Fan breathes stagnates! 金色手指之上,透露出一股万古沧桑的神魔气息,在这股气息之下,便是宁凡都呼吸一滞! Ning Fan is looking at that Golden finger, the gaze shock. Obviously the appearance of this Golden Finger came as a surprise to his. 宁凡望着那金色手指,目光震惊。显然这金指的出现出乎了他的预料。 He displays technique of Every Plant is a Soldier and Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, to make 11 million puppet soldier simultaneously self-detonation. 他施展草木皆兵碎骨成兵之术,是为了令1100万傀兵同时自爆 But does not know Ning Fan, when whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier simultaneously self-detonation, can stimulate another type Ancient Demon Divine Ability. 但连宁凡都不知道,当千万傀兵同时自爆之时,可以激发另一式古魔神通 This is... Ancient Fiendgod Lost Divine Ability... Burning Soldiers Become a Finger!!! Elder Sister or first time saw with own eyes some people display this type Divine Ability!” In Profound Yin World, Luo You loses the sound said. “这是...上古神魔失落神通...‘焚兵成指’!!!姐姐还是第一次亲眼见到有人施展出这式神通!”玄阴界中,洛幽失声道。 Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers and Burning Soldiers Become a Finger are on Ancient God Demon God, the former also some people display occasionally, the latter is rare the person to display... 碎骨成兵焚兵成指都是上古神魔神通,前者倒还偶尔有人施展,后者却罕有人可以施展... By the Luo You former True Immortal experience, never saw some people to display Burning Soldiers Become a Finger Divine Ability. 洛幽从前的真仙经历,都从未见过有人施展焚兵成指神通 She knows today, originally so-called Burning Soldiers Become a Finger Divine Ability, needs first to summon the whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier by the technique of Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers, made puppet soldier self-immolation self-detonation, may display! 她今日才知道,原来所谓的焚兵成指神通,需要先以碎骨成兵之术召唤千万傀兵,令傀兵自焚自爆,才可施展出来! Even if Sovereign Nie, can summon 100,000 puppet soldier nothing more by the technique of Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers. 纵然是涅皇,也不过能以碎骨成兵之术召唤10万傀兵而已 Even True Immortal above Four Heavens, still nobody can summon the whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier through the broken bone. 即便是四天之上的真仙,也无人能通过碎骨召出千万傀兵。 It is not able to summon the whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier, then cannot achieve to display the Burning Soldiers Become a Finger premise! 无法召唤出千万傀兵,便达不到施展焚兵成指的前提! Ning Fan learns complete Broken Bone Becomes Soldiers from the Immortal Emperor Mo Zhong place, and draws support from Black Wood Command to use Ming Luo Clan the technique of Every Plant is a Soldier. 宁凡墨重仙帝处习得完整的碎骨成兵,并借助黑木令施展出冥罗一族草木皆兵之术。 Puppet soldier quantity that he summoned has achieved whatever happens/10 million, when made whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier self-detonation, embarked unexpectedly accidentally Burning Soldiers Become a Finger Divine Ability! 他召唤的傀兵数量已达到千万,令千万傀兵自爆之时,竟偶然出发了焚兵成指神通 Burns the soldier... to become finger/refer!” “焚兵...成指!” Ning Fan receives Finger Secret Art, gaze is looking at ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Finger above Ye Kong (night sky), gradually is fiery. 宁凡收住指诀,目光望着夜空之上的万丈金指,渐渐火热。 That ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Finger, is self-detonation whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier a Fiendgod finger/refers! 那万丈金指,是自爆千万傀兵化出的神魔一指! Originally self-detonation whatever happens/10 million Puppet, may stimulate so terrifying Divine Ability! 原来自爆千万傀儡,可激发如此恐怖神通么! Fiendgod finger/refers of might that now self-detonation whatever happens/10 million Gold Core, melts, unexpectedly is a Nirvana 1st Heavenly Layer Body Cultivation finger/refers of strength! 如今自爆千万金丹,化出的神魔一指威力,竟然已是涅槃一重天体修一指之力! If Void Space insights promoting high Realm, summoned whatever happens/10 million Nascent Soul self-detonation, a Fiendgod finger/refers that melted does not know that will have what kind of might... 虚空感悟提升至极高境界,召唤千万元婴自爆,化出的神魔一指不知会有何等威力... And Ning Fan also has other insights, broken finger bone became Armament, the broken whatever happens/10 million soldier also refers to... these, as if there is wonderful principle of not being able saying that is he is unable temporarily Comprehend... 宁凡亦有其他感悟,碎指骨成兵,碎千万兵还指...这其中,似乎有着说不出的妙理,是他暂时无法体悟的... Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Finger radiant like Sun, is particularly bright in Ye Kong (night sky). 万丈金指璀璨如太阳,在夜空中分外明亮。 Golden Finger according to heavenly dwelling Space that holding axe Tree King hides, that heavenly dwelling Space cannot withstand a Fiendgod finger/refers of strength, loudly smashing! 金指按向持斧树王躲藏的洞天空间,那洞天空间根本承受不住神魔一指之力,轰然粉碎! Hides in heavenly dwelling Space holds axe Tree King, with the Space smashing, appears above Ye Kong (night sky). 躲藏在洞天空间的持斧树王,随着空间粉碎,出现在夜空之上。 He is looking at ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Finger above Ye Kong (night sky), suddenly stares, perplexed. 他望着夜空之上的万丈金指,忽然一愣,不明所以。 What this is Golden Finger...? The boy was not self-detonation the whatever happens/10 million puppet soldier, why did not see self-detonation to fluctuate, instead presented Golden Finger... is not good!” “这金指...是什么?那小子不是自爆千万傀兵么,为何不见自爆波动,反而出现了一个金指...不好!” Holds axe Tree King, although does not know that Golden Finger came from where, actually feels dying out might from Golden Finger. 持斧树王虽不知金指从何而来,却从金指之上感受到一股寂灭的威力 He already Ghost Wood Clan, changes to the ghost wooden tree trunk of 9000 zhang (30,000 meters), defends extremely firmly. 他已化出的鬼木一族的本相,化作九千丈的鬼木树身,防御极其坚固。 His side has the 7 Layers Mortal Void Grand Formation protection, however all of these actually without/has not gives him any security sense. 他的身边更有七重凡虚大阵守护,然而这一切没有给他任何安全感。 Facing these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Finger, holds axe Tree King to have an misconception. 面对这万丈金指,持斧树王心生一种错觉。 As if he faces is not Golden Finger, when is Ancient sweeps away Heaven and Earth Fiendgod! 仿佛他面对的不是一根金指,而是一个远古之时横扫天地的一尊神魔 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Golden Finger according to above 7 Layers Mortal Void formation light, seven layers formation light crushes completely! 金指按在七重凡虚阵光之上,七重阵光全部粉碎! Golden Finger according to above holding the great Great Tree body of axe Tree King, that tree trunk trembles immediately. 金指按在持斧树王的巨大树身之上,那树身立刻一颤。 Holds the great tree defense of axe Tree King to be extremely fierce, is the common Supreme Void wound does not get the tree trunk slightest, although Golden Finger is fierce, for a short time cannot break the great tree defense. 持斧树王的巨树防御极其厉害,便是寻常太虚都伤不得树身分毫,金指虽然厉害,一时半刻也破不开巨树防御。 But with the lapse of time, the bark gradually smashing of great tree, by the Golden Finger referring to strength according to becoming flying ash. 但随着时间的推移,巨树的树皮渐渐粉碎,被金指的指力按成飞灰。 The Golden Finger strength also passes in a faint trace, but before thorough draining away, breaks off that great tree eventually around the middle! 金指的力量亦在一丝丝流逝,但在彻底流尽之前,终究将那巨树拦腰折断! In split second that the great tree breaks off, refers to the strength exploding dispersing to the bang, razes to the ground the tree mountain in million li! 在巨树折断的一瞬间,对轰指力爆散开,将百万里内的树山夷为平地! ! 噗! Holds axe Tree King to spurt the blood crazily, he was destroyed the tree trunk by this Golden Finger one finger/refers directly, the striking back person. 持斧树王狂喷鲜血,他直接被这金指一指打碎树身,打回人相。 His surface like the spirit money, injury is extremely heavy, chest Black Armor is completely broken, draws back hundred steps in Ye Kong (night sky) continually, just now stands firm figure, double eyes reveal has the panic-stricken color. 他面如金纸,伤势极重,胸口黑甲尽碎,在夜空中连退百步,方才稳住身形,双目露出惊恐之色。 Good fearful Golden Finger! Is Nirvana Body Cultivation fingers of strength is also then mediocre!” “好可怕的金指!便是涅槃体修的一指指力也不过如此!” He escapes into heavenly dwelling Space, opens 7 Layers Mortal Void formation light, melts the great tree root, unexpectedly still by Golden Finger serious injury... 他遁入洞天空间,张开七重凡虚阵光,化出巨树本相,竟然仍被金指重伤... This Golden Finger finger/refers of strength, is extremely fearful! 金指一指之力,太过可怕! A Nirvana finger/refers... 涅槃一指... Ning Fan lowers the expansive sky promptly, keeps off before the Qing Dai body, kept off for her to the bang complementary waves. 宁凡及时降下长空,挡在青黛身前,替她挡下了对轰余波。 His eyes reveal complex color, cannot think that meets accident/surprise to embark Burning Soldiers Become a Finger god Demon God... 目露复杂之色,想不到会意外出发焚兵成指的神魔神通... Before his self-detonation whatever happens/10 million Puppet, although there is a wound to holding the axe Tree King assurance, actually did not think whatever happens/10 million Gold Core self-detonation to be able serious injury Tree King. 之前他自爆千万傀儡,虽然有伤到持斧树王的把握,却不认为千万金丹自爆重伤树王 But after whatever happens/10 million Puppet the strength of self-detonation changes to Fiendgod one finger/refers, self-detonation might suddenly promoting, Tree King is actually direct serious injury. 但当千万傀儡自爆之力化作神魔一指之后,自爆威力陡然提升,树王却是直接重伤 Now my most powerful Divine Ability, except for Void Burning Technique and Sun and Moon Stele technique, many Burning Soldiers Become a Finger!” “如今我的最强神通,除了燃虚之术日月碑术,又多了一个焚兵成指!” But this Three Types Magic Technique, still without/has not grasps even strikes to defeat Primordial Supreme Void... Primordial later Supreme Void cultivator, with Primordial Supreme Void cultivator, the strength really has not been difference of cloud mud the!” “但就算是这三式法术,也没有把握一击击败归元太虚...归元之后的太虚修士,与未归元太虚修士,实力实在是云泥之差!” His gaze sweeps, sees Qing Dai, although the pupil light shocks, has not actually been injured, slightly relax. 目光一扫,见青黛虽然眸光震撼,却并未受伤,略略放心 Escapes again, flies the expansive sky, with holding axe Tree King confronts. 重新一遁,飞上长空,与持斧树王对峙。 You, are very strong! Incarnation, Drawing Out Soul, Sovereign Qi..., if I have not misread, the Void Fragmentation 3 Layers technique, you have learned completely, no wonder you can by Void Inquire cultivation base, the display endure compared with the Primordial Supreme Void strength... but, you eventually are not I and other Primordial Supreme Void opponents!” “你,很强!化身,抽魂,皇气...若我没看错,碎虚三重术,你已全部习得,难怪你能以问虚修为,发挥堪比归元太虚的实力...但,你终究不是我等归元太虚的对手!” Holds axe Tree King mind to decide gradually, both eyes gradually reappearing ominous light. 持斧树王心神渐定,双目渐渐浮现凶光。 He decides to use most powerful Divine Ability, destroys completely Ning Fan, cannot give Ning Fan to display Golden Finger opportunity again!( Please search floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker!) 他决定动用最强神通,灭掉宁凡,不能再给宁凡施展金指机会!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!)
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