GE :: Volume #6

#568: This generation of Tree Sovereign, Every Plant is a Soldier!

The night falls, the bright moonlight in the sky, sets up the night wind of summit of mountain to disclose cold. 夜幕降临,明月当空,树山之巅的夜风透露着一丝寒凉。 azure clothes young female(s) holds the short-sword, arrives in the Ning Fan vest, in the beautiful pupil was disclosing struggles. 青衣少女手执短剑,抵在宁凡背心,美眸之中透露着一丝挣扎。 She knows, present youth in white clothes is Devil, is robs Ming Luo Puppet. 她知道,眼前的白衣青年是一个魔头,是来抢夺冥罗傀儡的。 She knows, completes the task depending on own Void Glimpse cultivation base certainly uncertainly, cannot obtain Ming Luo Puppet, is actually not willing Puppet to fall into Ning Fan this person hand. 她知道,凭自己窥虚修为绝无把握完成任务,得不到冥罗傀儡,却也不愿傀儡落入宁凡这种人手中。 These Puppet, make by her clansman corpse, she must retrieve completely! 那些傀儡,是以她族人们的尸身所制成,她必须全部寻回! Even if cannot seek, may not, no matter what Puppet falls into the Demon Cultivator hand! 纵然寻不回,也决不可任傀儡落入魔修手中! She hates Demon Cultivator, hating these murders to be innumerable, cold blood brutal Devil! 她恨魔修,恨那些杀人无数、冷血无情的魔头 Her hand shivers gently, so long as this Sword punctures, can extinguish kills Ning Fan, preventing Ning Fan to complete the task, to obtain Puppet... 她的手轻轻颤抖,只要这一剑刺下去,便可灭杀宁凡,阻止宁凡完成任务、获得傀儡... That is sword of the azure Ice Crystal, is exceptionally sharp, the Sword Glow chill/yin cold, in Sword Bone the resentment woods are heavy. 那是一柄青色水晶之剑,异常锋利,剑芒却过于阴寒,剑骨之中怨气森重。 azure clothes young female(s) Sword punctures, the heart actually in hesitant, struggles, without/has not punctures this Sword slowly. 青衣少女一剑刺出,心却在犹豫、挣扎,迟迟没有刺下这一剑 She is not one murders the decisive person eventually. 她终究不是一个杀伐果断之人。 You want to kill me , the heart has the hesitation. Such disposition, can actually cultivation to Void Glimpse Realm, the process very be difficult.” “你想杀我,却又心有犹豫。这样的心性,却能修炼窥虚境界,想必过程十分艰难吧。” Bang! 嘭! The body of Ning Fan breaks into pieces a path of ink trace suddenly, ink trace recongeal becomes youth in white clothes, stands in azure clothes young female(s) behind, gaze gradually is profound. 宁凡的身体忽然碎散成一道道墨影,墨影重凝成一个白衣青年,站立在青衣少女身后,目光渐渐深邃。 How can...” young female(s) calls out in alarm one, the material does not attend the meeting to be fled by Ning Fan to behind. “怎么会...”少女惊呼一声,料不到会被宁凡窜至身后 She turns around fiercely, very sword then towards Ning Fan punctures. 她猛地转身,挺剑便朝宁凡刺去。 Ning Fan finds out two fingers, grips sword tip of short-sword accurate, that short-sword is not then able to prick the half a point again forward. 宁凡探出二指,准确无误地夹住短剑的剑尖,那短剑便再无法向前刺入半分。 Skill is very jerky, not frequently fighting method reason...” “身手十分生涩,是不经常斗法的缘故么...” Ning Fan loosens two fingers, the finger shoots sword tip gently, a vast great strength transmits from the short-sword, shakes the azure clothes young female(s) arm bone to want broken, draws back more than ten talents to stand firm figure continually reluctantly. Is staring Ning Fan unwillingly. 宁凡松开二指,手指轻轻一弹剑尖,一股浩瀚的巨力自短剑传来,震得青衣少女臂骨欲碎,连退十余步才勉强稳住身形。不甘地瞪着宁凡 She unexpectedly is completely not his opponent! Even sneak attacks and assassinates, still occupies less than the least bit winning side! 她竟完全不是他的对手!即便偷袭、暗杀,也占不到半点上风! Her itself is being ignorant of affair Eldest Young Lady, cultivation base is clansman trades by the blood, she does not excel at fighting method, is not good at killing people... 她本就是一个不谙世事的大小姐,一身修为都是族人以血换来的,她不擅长斗法,不擅长杀人... Also calculates to excel only, only then the wood of this clan escapes Secret Technique. 唯一还算擅长的,只有本族的木遁秘术 without/has not any odds of success, can only run away temporarily... 没有任何胜算,只能暂时逃遁么... Wooden Escaping Technique, deep wooden teleportation!” “木遁术,‘冥木挪移’!” The azure clothes young female(s) right hand holds the sword, the left hand pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, the whole body changes to together the secret escaping light suddenly. towards the north runs away, escapes is 200,000 li. 青衣少女右手持剑,左手单手掐诀,周身忽而化作一道隐秘之极的遁光。朝北方逃遁,一遁便是二十万里 Although is Void Glimpse cultivation base, escape speed actually endured to compare Void Inquire. 虽是窥虚修为,遁速却堪比问虚了。 This deep wooden teleportation escaping light is not only quicker than the same level teleportation escaping light, and when teleportation is very secret, flies escaping Stealth to sneak in Tree Sea, the average person is very difficult to discover that the deep wooden teleportation escaping light is. 这冥木挪移的遁光不但比同级挪移遁光更快,且挪移之时十分隐秘,飞遁者隐身树海潜行,一般人很难发现冥木挪移的遁光所在。 By azure clothes young female(s) cultivation base, is ordinary Void Inquire cultivator is also then hard to discover that her escaping light, what a pity, Ning Fan is not ordinary Void Inquire. 青衣少女修为,便是普通问虚修士也难以发现她的遁光,可惜,宁凡不是普通问虚 Northern North Korea flies to escape. Really is the Ming Luo Clan wood escapes Secret Technique...” “朝北飞遁么。果然是冥罗一族的木遁秘术...” Ning Fan looking pensive, changes to the escaping rainbow, northern North Korea pursues together. 宁凡若有所思,亦化作一道遁虹,朝北追去。 Seeing azure clothes young female(s) is so rigid in Ming Luo Puppet, the status of Ning Fan to young female(s) has the guess early. At this moment sees young female(s) to display Ming Luo Clan Escaping Technique, was definite the suspicion. 青衣少女如此执着于冥罗傀儡,宁凡少女的身份早有猜测。此刻见少女施展出冥罗一族遁术,更是确定了猜想。 This young female(s), has the origin with Ming Luo Clan surely greatly! 少女,必定与冥罗一族大有渊源! indeed because of having this guess, Ning Fan without/has not because of the assassination of young female(s), but under cruel methods to her. 正是因为有着这个猜测,宁凡没有少女的暗杀而对她下狠手。 After several teleportation . Ning Fan then caught up with azure clothes young female(s) outside million li. 几次挪移之后。宁凡便在百万里外追上了青衣少女 Skices above Ye Kong (night sky), Ning Fan receives the escaping light suddenly, treads the heaven stands. 疾行于夜空之上,宁凡蓦然收住遁光,踏天而立。 both eyes sword light flashes. Black Sword Sense and dim light of night fuse together, sweep away to count 100,000 li (50,000 km), will count the trees in 100,000 li (50,000 km) to cut off completely. 双目剑光一闪。墨色的剑念与夜色融为一体,横扫数十万里,将数十万里内的树木全部斩断。 Sword Sense is the gold/metal, Metal subdues Wood! 剑念属金,金克木 Was flushed by Sword Qi, the azure clothes young female(s) wood escapes is broken, the form in a flash and presently, appears above the Tree Sea ruins, somewhat is quite distressed. 剑气一冲,青衣少女的木遁被破掉,身影一晃而现,出现在树海废墟之上,颇有几分狼狈。 Hateful, he wants to be ruthless to me! No, I cannot die, I am the Ming Luo Clan final hope, I cannot die...” “可恶,他想对我赶尽杀绝么!不,我不能死,我是冥罗一族最后的希望,我不能死...” azure clothes young female(s) reveals sorrowful and uneasy gaze, she seems like remembers sad past events. 青衣少女露出凄惶的目光,她似乎回忆起一幕幕悲伤往事。 Ming Luo Clan has declined, without/has not Void Refinement birth, but by her natural talent, by the decline family's cultivation resources, is insufficient cultivation by far to Void Glimpse Realm... 冥罗一族早已没落,没有炼虚诞生,而以她的资质,凭借没落家族的修炼资源,远远不足以修炼窥虚境界... Is each and every single (person) clansman , always does not enter the Samsara price by Soul Destruction, is concise Cultivation Pill, for her take, made her step by step cultivation to Void Glimpse... 一个个族人,以魂飞魄散、永世不入轮回的代价,凝练出一颗颗修丹,供她服下,令她一步步修炼窥虚... Her body, shouldered the 100,000 clansman life, shouldered the last wish and anticipation of 100,000 victim, she cannot die, cannot! 她的身上,背负了十万族人的性命,背负了十万死难者的遗愿、期待,她不能死,不能! Before she must 10,000 years , the die ten Void Refinement Ancestor remains... bring back to the clan to bury! 她要将万年之前陨落的十位炼虚先祖遗体...带回族中安葬! I cannot die in your hands! Wooden Escaping Technique, the deep wooden blood escapes!” “我决不能死在你的手中!木遁术,冥木血遁!” azure clothes young female(s) suddenly breaking by biting tip of tongue, spits out several Blood Essence, whole body floating off light blood glow. 青衣少女骤然咬破舌尖,喷出数口精血,周身浮起淡淡血芒。 She taking advantage of remaining rich Wood Qi, transfers the direction from this suddenly, changes to together the blood-color escaping light, speeds away to go in the Tang Valley direction. 她借由此地残余的浓郁木气,忽然调转方向,化作一道血色遁光,朝汤谷方向疾驰而去。 The deep wooden blood escapes is also the wood of deep Mu Yi clan escapes Secret Technique, without/has not deep wooden teleportation is so secret, is quicker than the teleportation escaping light a point, but each one time displays, must lose many Blood Essence, is big to the bodily injury. 冥木血遁亦是冥木一族的木遁秘术,没有冥木挪移那么隐秘,却比挪移遁光更快一分,只是每一次施展,都需损耗不少精血,对身体伤害不小。 Displayed the deep wooden blood to escape, azure clothes young female(s) escape speed escaped can reach 300,000 miles, endured to compare Void Pierce! 施展了冥木血遁,青衣少女遁速一遁30万,堪比冲虚 azure clothes young female(s) understands, although she damages the blood of Blood Essence to escape teleportation is quicker, but eventually compared with on Ning Fan escape speed slow many. 青衣少女明白,虽说她自损精血的血遁比挪移更快,但终究还是比宁凡遁速慢上许多。 If no unusual strategies, her without/has not any opportunity escapes from Ning Fan Demon Palm. 若不出奇策,她没有任何机会逃出宁凡魔掌 Therefore she no longer flies to escape to north, the tone flies back to south on the contrary. 故而她不再向北飞遁,反倒调头向南飞回。 The south side is Tang Valley, is the place of Tree Demon living in groups. 南边就是汤谷,是树魔群居之地。 So long as she flies into Tang Valley, even if Ning Fan pursues into Tang Valley, will be besieged by Tree Demon, decides however the without/has not thoughts to continue to chase her. 只要她飞入汤谷之中,宁凡纵然追入汤谷,也会被树魔围攻,定然没有心思继续追赶她。 Naturally, this is a danger incurs, azure clothes young female(s) will enter Tang Valley, oneself is also besieged by Tree Demon. 当然,这是一个险招,青衣少女进入汤谷,本人也会被树魔围攻。 Now in Tang Valley is born newly two Primordial Tree King, if runs upon Tree King, azure clothes young female(s) perishes surely. 如今汤谷之中新诞生了两名归元树王,若撞上树王,青衣少女必定殒命。 My escape speed is inferior to Lu Bei, if runs into Tang Valley, also opportunity throws off Lu Bei, if not enter Tang Valley, will be seized eventually by Lu Bei, dies a violent death... I, without/has not choice!” “我遁速不如陆北,若逃入汤谷,还有一线机会甩掉陆北,若不进入汤谷,终究会被陆北擒下,死于非命...我,没有选择!” young female(s) clenches teeth, spits out several Blood Essence, the small face is pallid, several times after escaping body, the escaping light speeds away million li, breaks in Tang Valley. 少女一咬牙,再次喷出几口精血,小脸煞白,数次遁身之后,遁光疾驰百万里,冲入汤谷之中。 This female does not excel at fighting method, the feelings are too soft, but actually understood that sets at the deathtrap then fresh truth. Actually also rare... in her eye, obsession that obsession, must go on living...” “此女不擅斗法,心肠太软,但却懂得置之死地而后生的道理。却也难得...她的眼中,有一股执念,必须活下去的执念...” Ning Fan looking pensive, pats storage pouch, takes out Golden Ancient Sword, treads the sword to pursue into Tang Valley. 宁凡若有所思,一拍储物袋,取出黄金古剑,踏剑追入汤谷 This is one by sets up mountain Weicheng the tree valley layer on layer/heavily, occupied a land area of 10 million li, in the valley was covered with various Ancient Tree, is perching innumerable Tree Demon. 这是一个由重重树山围成的树谷,占地千万里,谷中长满了各类古树,亦栖息着无数树魔 The dim light of night arrives, most Tree Demon change to the shape of tree. Takes root in the soil the sleep. 夜色降临,大多数树魔都化作树形。扎根于土壤中睡眠。 At this moment, quiet Tang Valley because of intrusion of azure clothes young female(s), alarmed innumerable Tree Demon, but is flooding dense killing intent. 此刻,安静汤谷因为青衣少女的闯入,惊动了无数树魔,而充斥着森森杀机 Innumerable towering Ancient Tree eradicate to stand up suddenly, swings the body to change to the each and every single (person) shape of tree giant, pursues toward azure clothes young female(s). 无数参天古树忽然拔根站起,摇身化作一个个树形巨人,朝青衣少女追去。 azure clothes young female(s) is to avoid Ning Fan pursues, clenches teeth, runs away toward the Tang Valley deep place. 青衣少女为躲避宁凡追击,一咬牙,朝汤谷深处遁去。 more flies to escape toward the deep place, all around pursues Tree Demon that stops up to be then more. Made azure clothes young female(s) be hard to start, finally was encircled by several Void Glimpse Tree Demon in the Tang Valley deep place. 越往深处飞遁,四周追堵的树魔便越多。令青衣少女举步维艰,最终被数头窥虚树魔围在汤谷深处。 After Ning Fan enters Tang Valley, then there is a partial tree Demon General attention to place on Ning Fan, abandons young female(s). Encircles to Ning Fan. 宁凡进入汤谷之后,则有部分树魔将注意力放在宁凡身上,撇下少女。向宁凡围来。 each and every single (person) Tree Demon partly sets up half person, shortest have several ten zhang (3.33 m) high, highest have several 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) even is high. 一个个树魔半树半人,最矮的都有数十丈高,最高的甚至有数千丈高。 In Tang Valley is filling the thick mist, has extremely strong isolation effect on Divine Sense. 汤谷之中弥漫着浓浓的雾气,对神念有极强的隔绝效果。 By Ning Fan Supreme Void Level Divine Sense. After Tang Valley disperses , can only investigate the sound in 100,000 li (50,000 km). 宁凡太虚级神念。在汤谷之中散开之后,也只能探查十万里之内的动静。 In 100,000 li (50,000 km), have several ten thousand Tree Demon are dormant. Mostly is Gold Core and Nascent Soul Level Tree Demon, melts the Divine Tree demon to have 11 heads, a Void Glimpse Tree Demon head. 十万里之内,共有数万头树魔蛰伏。大多是金丹元婴级树魔,化神树魔有十一头,窥虚树魔一头。 Ning Fan takes back Divine Sense, gaze sinks slightly. 宁凡收回神念,目光微微一沉。 In 100,000 li (50,000 km) by no means sees the azure clothes young female(s) person's shadow, she has escaped into the Tang Valley deep place... 十万里并不青衣少女的人影,她已遁入汤谷深处了么... Tang Valley is I and other Tree Demon habitats, if some people dare trespasses, kills without the amnesty!” 汤谷乃是我等树魔的栖息之地,若有人胆敢擅闯,杀无赦!” That five 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) high Void Glimpse Tree Demon, angrily roars, the smiling face is dense, the sound is hoarse. 那五千丈之高的窥虚树魔,怒吼一声,笑容森然,声音沙哑。 As his angrily roars, innumerable Tree Demon display Magic Technique, launches the attack to Ning Fan. 随着他一声怒吼,无数树魔施展法术,向宁凡发动攻击。 The Ning Fan big hand wields, in Tang Valley blows the hurricane suddenly, blows off each and every single (person) boundary Tree Demon Magic Technique. 宁凡大手一挥,汤谷之中忽然刮起飓风,将一个个地界树魔法术吹散。 His black color Sword Sense dispersing, strangles to death suddenly, in 100,000 li (50,000 km) sword light vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, suddenly is piece of bloodsea! 他墨色剑念散开,猛然绞杀,十万里之内剑光纵横,瞬息间已是一片血海 Several tens of thousands Low-Rank Tree Demon, the twinkling extinguish completely. 数万低阶树魔,瞬息灭尽。 In 100,000 li (50,000 km), only remains 78 Divine Tree demons, as well as dumbfounded Void Glimpse Tree Demon. 十万里之内,只剩七八个化神树魔,以及一头目瞪口呆的窥虚树魔 Void...Void Inquire Old Monster!” 问、问虚老怪!” Under Void Glimpse Tree Demon terrified, turns around then to escape toward the Tang Valley deep place. 窥虚树魔惊骇之下,转身便往汤谷深处逃去。 The Ning Fan right arm lifts, summons White Tiger gauntlet, fights with the fists to Void Glimpse Tree Demon. 宁凡右臂一抬,召出白虎臂甲,一拳打向窥虚树魔 Only one fist, in Ye Kong (night sky) appears huge White Tiger shadow, changes to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) silver fist glow, blasts out in Tang Valley Outer Circle. 只一拳,夜空中浮现巨大的白虎虚影,化作万丈银色拳芒,在汤谷外围炸开。 fist glow spreads, in 100,000 li (50,000 km) changes to stretch of ruins, that Void Glimpse Tree Demon and several Divine Tree demons, all die under fist glow. 拳芒扩散,十万里内化作一片废墟,那窥虚树魔及几名化神树魔,皆陨落拳芒之下。 Ning Fan foot sharp Golden Ancient Sword, escape speed activates sends, not to fear to fly toward the Tang Valley deep place. 宁凡足尖一点黄金古剑,将遁速催动至极致,毫无所惧地朝汤谷深处飞去。 His both eyes floats the blood glow, whole body cage its 1st stratum light bloody glow, will slaughter Evil Qi that saves to disperse entire life completely! 双目浮上血芒,周身笼其一层淡淡血光,将一生杀戮积攒的煞气全部散开! At this moment, Tang Valley above half Ye Kong (night sky), changes to the blood-color completely, even the moonlight dyes Blood Moon! 这一刻,汤谷上空的半边夜空,全部化作血色,连月光都染成血月 Innumerable Tree Demon feel Ning Fan terrifying Evil Qi along the way, each and every single (person) all trembles. 沿途无数树魔感受到宁凡恐怖煞气,一个个皆瑟瑟发抖。 Tree Demon Spiritual Wisdom in Tang Valley is mostly low, actually can also the instinct detect the fearfulness of Ning Fan. 汤谷之中的树魔大多灵智低下,却也能本能察觉宁凡的可怕。 No Tree Demon dares to prevent again in the Ning Fan front, several Void Glimpse and Void Inquire Tree Demon, feels Ning Fan dreadful Evil Qi, the avoidance, does not dare quietly with it fighting! 再无任何树魔敢阻挡在宁凡前方,就连几名窥虚问虚树魔,感受到宁凡的滔天煞气,都悄然退避,不敢与之争锋! Sets up the Demon Heart bosom awe to look innumerably to Ning Fan, looks to that yellow golden sword light and blood-color moonlight! 无数树魔心怀敬畏地望向宁凡,望向那黄金剑光、血色月光! This was one violates to kill the evil dreadfully Devil, is Devil that Heavenly Dao is not even able to tolerate! 这是一个犯下了滔天杀孽的魔头,是一个连天道都无法容忍的魔头 If not annoy him, he will then not kill people. 若不惹他,他便不会杀人。 If provokes him, must die without doubt! 若招惹他,必死无疑! The Tang Valley deep place, azure clothes young female(s) again and again displays the wood to escape, more escapes more approaches abyss Lair of Tang Valley most deep place. 汤谷深处,青衣少女一次次施展木遁,越逃越逼近汤谷最深处的深渊巢穴 That is one just like the bottomless trench tunnel, dark does not bottom. 那是一个犹如无底深渊般的地洞,幽暗不见底。 In the tunnel is growing two black great trees, each great tree has high of 9000 zhang (30,000 meters)! 地洞之中生长着两棵黑色巨树,每一颗巨树都有九千丈之高! As azure clothes young female(s) approaches the abyss, Tree Demon that behind pursues gradually reduces. 随着青衣少女逼近深渊,身后追击的树魔逐渐减少。 When azure clothes young female(s) stands when the abyss side, behind no Tree Demon has pursued again. 待得青衣少女立在深渊之旁时,身后已再无任何树魔追赶。 young female(s) lowers the head to look to the under foot jet black abyss, in the heart some round of cold. 少女低头望向脚下漆黑的深渊,心中有些发寒。 Under this abyss, is it possible that is the Tang Valley Tree King habitat? Because these Tree Demon do not dare to approach here, doesn't dare to pursue me again?” “这深渊之下,莫非就是汤谷树王的栖息之地?那些树魔因为不敢靠近这里,才不敢再追击我?” Thinks under the abyss possibly dwells two Primordial Tree King, some young female(s) air/Qi was instigating, turns around then to fleeing the abyss. 一想到深渊之下可能栖息着两名归元树王,少女有些气怂,转身便向逃离深渊。 Although she thinks that killing Tree King completes the task, actually also only depends on oneself without/has not killing Tree King skill. 她虽想击杀树王完成任务,却也只凭自己一人没有击杀树王的本事。 This time enters Tang Valley rashly, but to escape Ning Fan pursuit nothing more. 此次贸然进入汤谷,只是为了逃开宁凡的追击而已 Since this moment, she has thrown off Ning Fan, and threw off innumerable Tree Demon, was the time leaves Tang Valley. 此时此刻,她既然已甩掉了宁凡,并甩掉了无数树魔,是时候离开汤谷了。 Sees young female(s) to turn around to want. In the abyss hears the laughter that two measure Yin suddenly. 少女转身欲走。深渊之内忽然传来两道阴测测的笑声。 Jie Jie Jie, there is outside newcomer to enter Tang Valley to court death, is a woman, Hehe...” “桀桀桀,又有外来者进入汤谷找死么,还是一个女人,嘿嘿...” On this female has the aura that made me loathe, if my without/has not misread, this female should be Ming Luo Clan Tree Monster. Hehe, Ming Luo Clan, very good very good... is first harvested cultivation this female, first eats her!” “此女身上有一股令我厌恶的气息,若我没有看错,此女应是冥罗一族树妖呵呵,冥罗一族,很好很好...是先采补此女呢,还是先吃掉她呢!” Two an instant that sneers to resound, two terrifying imposing manners just like the day to lean general. towards azure clothes young female(s) duplicate pressure under. 两道冷笑响起的一瞬,两股恐怖之极的气势犹如天倾一般。朝青衣少女覆压而下。 This imposing manner gloomy and cold, made shivering that the azure clothes young female(s) whole body did not control self extremely, just like sews unexpectedly is ordinary on the ground, is unable to move the lotus steps to depart. 这股气势极其阴冷,令青衣少女浑身不自禁的颤抖,竟犹如钉在地上一般,无法挪动莲步离去。 The body imitates, if lost the control... young female(s) to reveal the color of being frightened, this was the Primordial Supreme Void pressure! 身体仿若失去了控制...少女露出惊惶之色,这就是归元太虚的威压! This is not the armors magic force imposing manner, but is the Primordial Magic Force imposing manner! 这不是甲子法力的气势,而是元会法力的气势! Under this Primordial Magic Force imposing manner, young female(s) only thinks oneself like the ants, are unable to calm the mind to revolt against two Tree King base and low. 在这股元会法力的气势之下,少女只觉自己卑微如蝼蚁,根本无法静下心反抗两名树王 Above Ye Kong (night sky), two black flowing light project from the abyss. Changes to two Black Armor guys, treads the sky stands. 夜空之上,两道黑色流光从深渊射出。化作两名黑甲大汉,踏空而立。 A guy holds wooden ocarina Magical Treasure, the oval-shape, on has six. The night wind sways, that wooden ocarina exudes the ghost cries the sound of Demon Sound from time to time, has Divine Ability that absorbs the person soul, obviously is treasure of the Demon Sound. 一个大汉持着一个木埙法宝,椭圆形,上有六孔。夜风吹拂间,那木埙时而发出鬼哭般的魔音之声,有摄人心魂的神通,显然是一件魔音之宝。 Another guy carries a black great axe. On the face the picture has black rune, he overlooks azure clothes young female(s), licked the tongue. said with a sneer, 另一大汉扛着一柄黑色巨斧。脸上画有黑色符文,他俯视青衣少女,舔了舔舌头。冷笑道, Ming Luo Clan, once was also the Tree World Sovereign influence, once destruction my Ghost Wood Clan, like ants. What a pity with missing of some generation of Tree Sovereign, Ming Luo Clan will decline from now on. The 10,000 years beforehand catastrophe, is to make Ming Luo Clan degenerate into the second-class influence... this King also in ponders, after a period of time then went to the Eastern Tree Sea slaughter barely managing to maintain a feeble existence Ming Luo Clan, cannot think, tonight then Ming Luo Void Refinement came to bring death...” 冥罗一族,曾经也算是树界皇者势力,曾覆灭我鬼木一族,有如蝼蚁。可惜随着某代树皇的失踪,冥罗一族自此没落。万年之前的浩劫,更是令冥罗一族沦为二流势力...本王还在寻思,过段时间便去东树海屠了苟延残喘的冥罗一族,想不到,今夜便有一名冥罗炼虚上门送死...” The guys sneer have not stopped, suddenly one step takes, wields the great axe, separates to divide spatially toward azure clothes young female(s) that is unable to move. 大汉冷笑未止,忽然一步迈出,挥动巨斧,朝无法动弹的青衣少女隔空劈下。 Strength of the axe, changes to together the radiant black axe glow, chops into pieces the expansive sky, is ordinary Supreme Void cultivator is also hard to receive this together axe glow! 一斧之力,化作一道璀璨之极的黑色斧芒,将长空都劈碎,便是普通太虚修士也难以接下这一道斧芒! azure clothes young female(s) looks at the black axe glow that the overhead is dividing, reveals the desperate color. 青衣少女望着当头劈下的黑色斧芒,露出绝望之色。 She is Puppet Master, what excelled is only Puppet Technique nothing more. She depends on Cultivation Pill cultivation, Monster Force is impractical, then when is most flourishing cannot receive the Tree King together axe glow, let alone was set up the king's aura potential to suppress at this moment, is unable to move. 她是一名傀儡师,擅长的只是傀儡术而已。她靠着修丹一路修炼,妖力虚浮,便是全盛之时也接不下树王一道斧芒,何况是此刻被树王气势压制,无法动弹。 That axe glow is getting more and more near, by the young female(s) ear gradually quiet, only remains sound of wind, she never thought that so approached the death. 那斧芒越来越近,少女耳旁渐渐安静,只剩风声,她从未觉得如此逼近死亡。 Her bright eyes are unwilling completely, her white teeth bites the lip, bites continuously the blood threads, she is not willing dead in this place! 她明眸满是不甘,她贝齿咬唇,咬出缕缕血丝,她不愿死在此地! Qing Dai, you cannot die here, cannot... you be the Ming Luo Clan final hope, you carry the 100,000 clansman life, before retrieving ancestor corpse, you cannot die!” 青黛,你不能死在这里,不能...你是冥罗一族最后的希望,你身负十万族人的性命,在寻回祖先尸身前,你不能死!” Qing Dai... you, cannot die!” 青黛...你,不能死!” young female(s) reveals the crazy color, in her dantian, is hiding azure precious pearl. 少女露出疯狂之色,在她的丹田之中,藏着一颗青色宝珠。 That is the Ming Luo Clan last Bloodlines monster treasure, the ancestor containing Void Fragmentation that leaves behind strikes, is clansman gives her thing of life saving... 那是冥罗一族最后一件血脉妖宝,含有祖先遗留的碎虚一击,是族人们给她的保命之物... This treasure must sacrifice Ming Luo Clan the strength of Bloodlines to detonate! 这件宝物必须牺牲冥罗一族血脉之力才能引爆! Once detonates, even Primordial Supreme Void, will still be injured and 12! 一旦引爆,想必就算是归元太虚,也会被伤及一二! At this moment, young female(s) decides to take out the precious pearl, combustion Monster Blood, goes all out with two Tree King! 这一刻,少女决定取出宝珠,燃烧妖血,与两名树王拼命! Her look so renounces, is so reckless, containing ten thousand dies the focus that draws back not. 她的眼神如此决绝,如此不顾一切,含有万死莫退的执着。 In an instant that axe glow chops, in an instant of that precious pearl detonation, in the dim light of night, resounds together the silent sigh suddenly. 在那斧芒劈下的一瞬,在那宝珠引爆的一瞬,夜色之中,忽然响起一道寂静的叹息。 Then, gaze indifferent youth in white clothes, appears before the azure clothes young female(s) body, grasps silver Pagoda, offers a sacrifice to suddenly. 而后,一名目光冷漠的白衣青年,出现在青衣少女身前,手持一尊银色宝塔,骤然祭起。 That Pagoda once were soared, against the wind is immediately long, disperses silver Spirit Wheel. 宝塔一经腾空,立刻迎风而长,散出一圈圈银色灵轮 Above Ye Kong (night sky), presents huge silver ring of light suddenly. 夜空之上,骤然出现一个巨大的银色光环 In ring of light, gradually appears breaking into pieces silver light dot, the next instance, the innumerable silver rain arrow shoots the expansive sky from ring of light, punctures that black axe glow easily broken! 光环之中,渐渐浮现一颗颗碎散的银色光点,下一个瞬间,无数银色雨箭自光环中倒射长空,将那黑色斧芒轻而易举地刺碎! When this treasure is Ning Fan sweeps away the Vast Heaven Palace spoils of war, Rain Granting Pagoda! 此宝是宁凡横扫昊天殿之时的战利品,封雨之塔 Strikes the crushing axe glow, the Ning Fan form seems the ghosts and demons, split second takes 9 steps, after 9 steps takes, actually returns to same place strangely, does not seem to moved. 一击击碎斧芒,宁凡身影好似鬼魅,一瞬间迈出九步,九步迈出之后,却又诡异地回到原地,仿佛不曾移动过。 After 9 steps, Heaven and Earth great power shakes, two Tree King imposing manners all break, at this moment, azure clothes young female(s) restores to move! 九步之后,天地大势一震,两名树王的气势俱都震碎,这一刻,青衣少女恢复动弹! You, who are!” Two Tree King regard Ning Fan coldly, is all critical situation. “你,是谁!”两名树王冷视宁凡,皆是如临大敌。 cultivation base that although Ning Fan reveals is only Void Inquire, but strikes the crushing axe glow, 9 steps broken goes to two people of imposing manners, Divine Ability is very fierce. Two Tree King all are wisdom generations certainly, naturally knew in the heart that cannot belittle Ning Fan! 虽说宁凡表露的修为只是问虚,但一击击碎斧芒,九步破去二人气势,神通十分厉害。两名树王皆是智绝之辈,自然心知不可小觑宁凡 „Are you rescue my? Kills my...” azure clothes young female(s) was startled, she assassinated the Ning Fan failure, to escape from Ning Fan Demon Palm entered Tang Valley. “你是来救我的?还是来杀我的...”青衣少女怔住了,她暗杀宁凡失败,为逃脱宁凡魔掌才进入汤谷 She is not clear, does Ning Fan hold true by saving her... perhaps is comes to here to kill her. 她不明白,宁凡有什么理由救她...或许是来这里杀她的么。 You called Qing Dai, were you in Ming Luo Clan, what status?” Ning Fan turns head, without/has not replied that azure clothes young female(s) issue, smiles to inquire to young female(s) on the contrary. “你叫青黛么,你在冥罗一族之中,是何身份?”宁凡回头,没有回答青衣少女的问题,反倒向少女微笑提问。 I... I am Ming Luo Clan the generation of High Priest...” Qing Dai is clenching teeth, calm mind, was not revealed the timid color by oneself in front of Ning Fan diligently. “我...我是冥罗一族的此代大祭司...”青黛咬着牙,努力镇定心神,不让自己在宁凡面前露出怯色。 Yes, Ning Fan is very fierce, opposite two Tree King are also very fierce, depending on her Void Glimpse cultivation base, cannot escape from the evil clutches of several archenemies in any event. 是,宁凡很厉害,对面的两名树王也很厉害,凭她窥虚修为,无论如何逃不出几名大敌的魔爪。 But she is not willing to submit, would rather die. 但她不愿屈服,宁死也不愿。 She is Ming Luo Clan High Priest, is Ming Luo Clan hopes finally... 她是冥罗一族大祭司,是冥罗一族最后希望... Even if knew perfectly well oneself are small and weak, even if knows perfectly well the enemy to be powerful, she did not allow oneself dread! 就算明知自己弱小,就算明知敌人强大,她也不容许自己畏惧! High Priest..., I will so protect you today, nobody may injure you. I have promised a friend, protects Ming Luo Clan for him...” 大祭司么...既如此,今日我会保护你,无人可伤你。我答应过一位朋友,替他守护冥罗一族...” The Ning Fan words saying half, pats storage pouch suddenly, takes out the a piece black wooden token, demonstrated that looks to azure clothes young female(s). 宁凡话说一半,忽而一拍储物袋,取出一块黒木令牌,展示给青衣少女看。 In an instant that this token takes out, azure clothes young female(s) feels Monster Blood boiling unexpectedly, the bright eyes reveals the color of shock. 在这令牌取出的一瞬,青衣少女竟觉得妖血沸腾,明眸露出震惊之色。 This, this is... you, you are...” She has shocked does not know that said what good. “这,这是...你,你是...”她已震撼地不知说什么好。 My friend, holding me to protect Ming Luo Clan, he also asked my another matter... to accept Black Wood Command, succeeding was Ming Luo Tree Clan this generation of Tree Sovereign!” “我那位朋友,托我守护冥罗一族,他还拜托我另一件事...接受黑木令,继任为冥罗树族此代树皇!” esteemed me as Ming Luo Clan this generation of Tree Sovereign, has the duty to shelter the Ming Luo Clan person!” 本座身为冥罗族此代树皇,有义务庇护冥罗族人!” Ning Fan grasps Black Wood Command, one step treads the heaven, split second changes to the body of black clothes, the whole body reveals the Supreme Void imposing manner. 宁凡手持黑木令,一步踏天而起,一瞬间化作黑衣之身,周身流露出太虚气势。 His five fingers grasp to the land and Void Space, display Drawing Out Soul Technique, an imposing manner increases successively, is close to Primordial Supreme Void infinitely! 他五指向大地、虚空一抓,施展出抽魂之术,一身气势节节攀升,无限接近归元太虚 Unties sword pouch suddenly, emits five petite Sword Spirit, Ning Fan the instruction that allows to reject did not say. 骤然解开剑袋,放出五个娇小剑灵,宁凡不容拒绝的吩咐道。 You killed that to blow the demon of ocarina, holds the demon of axe as for this, gives me!” “尔等杀那吹埙之魔,至于这持斧之魔,交给我!” The Ning Fan word, offers a sacrifice to the black wooden command suddenly, activates Sovereign Qi! 宁凡言罢,猛然祭起黒木令,催动皇气 This Black Wood Command itself is Supreme Treasure, urges to by Sovereign Qi activates, one after activates, ten thousand wood submits, arrives like Tree Sovereign! 黑木令本就是一件至宝,催要以皇气催动,一经催动,万木臣服,有如树皇亲临! Heaven and Earth vegetation, all for my feudal official. My root is, is our country! Sovereign Technique, Every Plant is a Soldier!” 天地草木,皆为吾臣。吾根所在,即是吾国!皇术,‘草木皆兵’!” In Ning Fan use technique split second, all towering Ancient Tree in million li, rise straight from the ground completely, changes to each and every single (person) to wear the Golden Armor Puppet wooden soldier...( to search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 宁凡施术一瞬间,百万里内的所有参天古树,全部拔地而起,化作一个个身披金甲傀儡木兵...(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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