GE :: Volume #6

#567: Assassination

Lu Bei! This duty you gave up any idea of that a person monopolizes! Ming Luo Puppet, Old Man must decide!” 陆北!这个任务你休想一人独占!冥罗傀儡,老夫要定了!” white-eyed old man sneers unceasingly, he called Ning Fan is Lu Bei, obviously has looked at the Vine Sovereign issue warrant for arrest, knows that Ning Fan was Lu Bei. 白眼老者冷笑不绝,他称呼宁凡陆北,显然是看过藤皇发布的通缉令,知道宁凡就是陆北 Pointed out frankly the status, Ning Fan by no means is surprised, the opposite party as Void Refinement cultivator, having the method obtains warrant for arrest by no means to be strange. 被道破身份,宁凡并不惊讶,对方身为炼虚修士,有门路获得一份通缉令并不奇怪。 Ning Fan did not fear that issued a warrant for arrest by Vine Sovereign, he flies to escape, and without/has not conceals the appearance, without/has not deliberately avoids. If meets the invading enemy, kills then. 宁凡不怕被藤皇通缉,他一路飞遁,并没有掩饰容貌,亦没有刻意躲避。若遇上来犯之敌,杀之即可。 Ning Fan gaze sweeps lightly, in nine Puppet Master, eight people of gaze were bad, resembles has recognized oneself identity. 宁凡目光淡淡一扫,九名傀儡师中,八人目光不善,似早已认出自己的身份。 Only has that Void Glimpse cultivation base azure clothes young female(s), originally tranquil such as water gaze, at this moment had several points to be astonished. 唯有那窥虚修为青衣少女,本来平静如水的目光,此刻带了几分讶异。 She seems like without/has not to expect, at present youth in white clothes of elegant bearing, then angers Vine Sovereign Devil. 她似乎没有料到,眼前风度翩翩的白衣青年,便是惹怒藤皇魔头 Thinks the Ning Fan intention monopolizes the duty, wrests away all Ming Luo Puppet, azure clothes young female(s) looks to Ning Fan gaze takes a hostility. 只是一想到宁凡意图独占任务,霸占所有冥罗傀儡,青衣少女望向宁凡目光不由带上一丝敌意。 If I insist on the monopoly duty, how you do treat?” “若我执意独占任务,你待如何?” Ning Fan gaze sweeps to white-eyed old man, light opens the mouth. 宁凡目光扫向白眼老者,淡淡开口。 white-eyed old man is startled, not seem to expect the Ning Fan tone is so strong, dares to disregard own threat. 白眼老者一怔,似乎没料到宁凡口气如此强硬,竟敢无视自己的威胁。 His old eyes empty narrows the eyes, snorted coldly said, on the cultivation road, Expert is to revere. If your excellency wants to monopolize the duty, then putting out lets the strength that Old Man and the others believed!” 老眼虚眯,冷哼道,“修真路上,强者为尊。若阁下想独占任务,便拿出让老夫等人信服的实力!” The word, white-eyed old man one step takes suddenly forward, the skin is rapid, both eyes projects two radiant white glow, towards Ning Fan sweeps. 言罢,白眼老者忽然一步向前迈出,皮肤飞速干枯,双目射出两道璀璨的白芒,朝宁凡扫来。 Was swept by this white glow, Ning Fan only thinks that the body is gradually stiff, the skin has the Tree Transformation sign. Floats off the 1st stratum white bark, seems wants turned into woodcarving Puppet. 被这白芒扫到,宁凡只觉身体逐渐僵硬,皮肤出现树化的迹象。浮起一层白色树皮,好似要变成一尊木雕傀儡 Ning Fan once looted Vast Cold City. Has seen many Tree Clan Magic Technique, the one who knows the old man to display is a Tree World very fierce pupil technique. 宁凡曾洗劫广寒城。见过不少树族法术,知道老者施展的是树界一种十分厉害的瞳术。 This technique named Transforming Tree Eye, melts Secret Technique of Mu Yi clan, if this technique cultivation to highest Realm, look can Void Refinement cultivator Tree Transformation. 此术名为‘化木之目’,是化木一族的秘术,若将此术修炼至最高境界,一个眼神便可将炼虚修士树化 This technique extremely difficult cultivation, this white-eyed old man to be able cultivate successfully this technique, the chance to be actually big. 此术极难修炼,这白眼老者修成此术,倒是机缘不小。 By this white-eyed old man Supreme Void cultivation base, uses the technique of wood. Only needs look, can make Void Pierce cultivator Tree Transformation. 以这白眼老者太虚修为,施展化木之术。只需一个眼神,便可令冲虚修士树化 But wants to depend on this technique Tree Transformation Ning Fan, is actually insufficient. 但想凭此术树化宁凡,却是不够。 Broken!” “破!” Ning Fan Magic Force, the body flakes bark, the body returns to a piece by piece normal, broke Tree Transformation. 宁凡法力一荡,身上剥落一片片树皮,身体恢复正常,破掉了树化 At once one step takes, right arm white glow flashes before. Appears silver gauntlet. figure one vertical, searches the hand to grasp toward white-eyed old man both eyes! 旋即一步迈出,右臂白芒闪现。浮现一个银色臂甲身形一纵,探手朝白眼老者双目抓去! This strikes has not stimulated White Tiger gauntlet attack Divine Ability, even if so, strength of the striking then endures compared with Body Cultivation of Golden Body 4th boundary strikes! 这一击并未激发白虎臂甲的攻击神通,饶是如此,一击之力便堪比金身第四境的体修一击! Profound God Spirit Equipment!” In the main hall, everyone gaze shakes. 神玄灵装!”大殿之中,所有人目光一震。 white-eyed old man gaze in great surprise, not being able to expect Ning Fan Mortal Body is so fierce. Cannot expect Ning Fan to have Profound God Spirit Equipment. 白眼老者目光大惊,料不到宁凡肉身如此厉害。更料不到宁凡持有神玄灵装 He is Puppet Master, is skilled in Puppet Technique, Divine Ability is mostly connected with Puppet, only Mortal Body is unable to receive Ning Fan to strike. 他是一名傀儡师,精通傀儡术,神通大多与傀儡相连,单凭肉身无法接下宁凡一击。 He thinks without enough time, slightly draws back Half-Step. Pats storage pouch, takes out innumerable Puppet. 他来不及多想,略退半步。一拍储物袋,取出无数傀儡 split second. In the main hall presents 216 Divine Transformation Peak Puppet in turn, all array in the white-eyed old man front. 一瞬间。大殿之中依次出现216具化神巅峰傀儡,皆列阵在白眼老者前方。 white-eyed old man takes out Formation Plate subsequently, one after activates, the under feet of 216 Puppet presents silver-white gigantic Array Diagram, formation light establishes contacts all Puppet bodies continuously. 白眼老者继而取出一个阵盘,一经催动,216具傀儡的脚下出现一个银白色的硕大阵图,一缕缕阵光将所有傀儡身体串连。 At the same time, 216 Puppet knock out the fist simultaneously, formation light flashes, fist glow unites! 在同一时间,216具傀儡同时出拳,阵光一闪,拳芒合一! Melts wooden Puppet!” “化木傀儡阵!” 216 Puppet struck, integrated Puppet formation light, changed to radiant fist glow, might endures compared with Supreme Void together strikes. 216道傀儡一击,融入了傀儡阵的阵光,化作一道璀璨之极的拳芒,威力堪比太虚一击。 Ning Fan gaze slightly cold, changing the claw is the fist, fought with the fists to Puppet, activates White Tiger gauntlet Divine Ability, ejected together White Tiger fist glow. 宁凡目光微凛,变爪为拳,一拳打向傀儡阵,催动白虎臂甲神通,击出一道白虎拳芒 Void Technique, White Tiger! 虚术,白虎 Strikes to the bang, Puppet crushes loudly, entire Yuyi City rocks fiercely, under the royal palace main hall trembles, the be continuous hundred li (0.5 km) palace pavilion changes to the flying ash to dissipate completely. 一击对轰,傀儡阵轰然粉碎,整个嵎夷城剧烈晃动,王宫大殿一颤之下,绵延百里的宫殿楼阁全部化作飞灰消散。 In entire Yuyi City, is flooding angry roaring of White Tiger, innumerable cultivator during the shock, were frightened by this fearful fighting method fluctuation. 整个嵎夷城中,充斥着白虎的怒吼,无数修士处在震惊之中,被这可怕的斗法波动吓到了。 For a long time later, in the city shake/shock stops, the mist and dust diverges. 许久之后,城中震动停止,烟尘散去。 Ning Fan receives fist glow, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. But white-eyed old man covers the chest, the aura disorder, the corners of the mouth is overflowing a blood threads, in the eye the color of shock is quite strong. 宁凡收起拳芒,负手而立。而白眼老者则捂着胸口,气息紊乱,嘴角溢出一丝血丝,眼中震撼之色颇浓。 216 Divine Transformation Puppet that the old men summon, were rumbled completely the fragment by Ning Fan, does not have the possibility of restore again! 老者召出的216具化神傀儡,全部被宁凡轰成碎片,再无修复的可能! His take Medicine Pill, suppresses injury, gaze reveals the color of wariness, does not dare with Ning Fan looking at each other. 服下一颗丹药,压住伤势,目光露出忌惮之色,不敢与宁凡对视。 He, is not the Ning Fan opponent! 他,不是宁凡对手! He knew in the heart, if no 216 Puppet to keep off in the front, he will be hit by Ning Fan White Tiger fist glow surely, is either dead or wounded... 他心知,若无216具傀儡挡在前方,他必定会被宁凡白虎拳芒击中,非死即伤... This strikes to spelling, superficially white-eyed old man has not dropped the wind, he has defeated actually. 这一击对拼,表面上看白眼老者并未太落下风,实则他已败了。 Ning Fan makes a fist taking advantage of Spirit Equipment, without/has not consumes the too many Magic Force physical strength, was still the condition of accomplishing a task with ease. 宁凡只是借灵装打出一拳,没有耗费太多法力体力,仍是游刃有余的状态。 white-eyed old man actually lost 216 Divine Transformation Peak Puppet... this is almost his completely Puppet! 白眼老者却损失了216具化神巅峰傀儡...这几乎是他全部傀儡 Loses Puppet Puppet Master, means that Divine Ability subtracts 90%, he does not excel at other Magic Technique and Physique Technique, if continues with Ning Fan fighting method, must defeat without doubt. 失去傀儡傀儡师,意味着神通减去九成,他不擅长其他法术体术,若继续与宁凡斗法,必败无疑。 Loses so many Puppet, white-eyed old man does not dare to go to Tang Valley to hunt and kill Tree King, the without/has not Puppet approaching body, the risk is too big. 失去这么多傀儡,白眼老者已不敢前往汤谷猎杀树王,没有傀儡傍身,风险太大。 At this moment, he must collect the material, the refining Puppet approaching body... 此刻,他必须重新搜集材料,炼制傀儡傍身... Snort! Fellow Daoist Lu good method! Old Man is not as skillful as others, did not have the face to struggle the duty here, said goodbye!” “哼!陆道友好手段!老夫技不如人,也没脸在这里争任务了,告辞!” white-eyed old man snorted coldly, turns around to change to the escaping light, leaves Jumang Country directly... 白眼老者冷哼一声,转身化作遁光,直接离开句芒国... Tang Xiong deeply looked at Ning Fan one, that fist White Tiger fist glow, he self-examined that is unable without injuring to receive. In the heart secretly thought, Ning Fan Divine Ability is really astonishing. 汤雄深深看了宁凡一眼,那一拳白虎拳芒,他自问无法无伤接下。心中暗道,宁凡果然神通惊人。 The Tang Xiong secret guess, this fist perhaps is not Ning Fan most powerful Divine Ability. 汤雄暗暗猜测,这一拳或许并非宁凡最强神通 white-eyed old man walks, remaining 8 Void Refinement Puppet Master, perhaps nobody is the Ning Fan opponent. 白眼老者一走,剩下的八名炼虚傀儡师,恐怕无人宁凡的对手。 also who wants to struggle the duty with this Lu, stands to grant instruction.” Ning Fan gaze has swept other eight Puppet Master lightly. 还有谁想和陆某争任务的,站出来赐教吧。”宁凡目光淡淡扫过余下八名傀儡师 Was swept by Ning Fan gaze, in four Void Pierce and three Supreme Void Puppet Master hearts all disturbedly. 宁凡目光扫中,四名冲虚、三名太虚傀儡师心中俱都忐忑不已。 They as Puppet Master, are Puppet that fighting method depends on. Loses Puppet, then has no merit to speak. 他们身为傀儡师,斗法凭的便是傀儡。失去傀儡,便一无是处。 Sees Ning Fan Profound God gauntlet is so overbearing. A fist destroys completely 216 Divine Transformation Peak Puppet, how they also dare to take out Puppet and Ning Fan battle. 宁凡神玄臂甲如此霸道。一拳灭掉216具化神巅峰傀儡,他们怎么还敢取出傀儡宁凡交战。 Their Puppet Technique without/has not white-eyed old man is strong. Puppet without/has not white-eyed old man are also many, white-eyed old man is not the Ning Fan opponent. 他们的傀儡术没有白眼老者强。傀儡没有白眼老者多,连白眼老者都不是宁凡对手。 If they and Ning Fan battle, mostly is also the fate that Puppet all destroys... 若他们与宁凡交战,多半也是傀儡全毁的下场... Suddenly, all people all silent. 一时间,诸人俱都沉默。 Four Void Pierce Puppet Master shook the head sighs, turns around to depart, gave up this duty. Although Wan Changkong Grandmaster refining Puppet is scarce, but for Void Glimpse Puppet compensates the complete net worth, is extremely rather unworthy. 四名冲虚傀儡师摇头一叹,转身离去,放弃了这个任务。万长空大师炼制傀儡虽然稀少,但为了一具窥虚傀儡赔上全部身家,未免太过不值。 Three Supreme Void Puppet Master various are snorted coldly one. The hate gazes at fixedly Ning Fan, nobody dares take action, to flick the sleeve eventually again completely departs. 三名太虚傀儡师各是冷哼一声。怨恨地瞪视宁凡,终究无人敢再出手,全部拂袖离去。 Only has that azure clothes young female(s) eyes reveal to struggle, without/has not departs immediately. 唯有那青衣少女目露挣扎,没有立刻离去。 She is nipping the lip, as to say anything, but sighed slightly, departed eventually. 她咬着唇,似乎想说什么,但微微一叹,终究还是离去了。 Above the ruins of royal palace main hall. Finally only remains Ning Fan and Tang Xiong two people. 王宫大殿的废墟之上。最终只剩宁凡汤雄二人。 Tang Xiong sighed, spread more than ten sound transmission Flying Sword to the entire city, informing Subordinate not to need to be anxious, beforehand fighting method fluctuated some not people to attack Yuyi City, but fighting method compared notes nothing more. 汤雄感叹不已,对全城传出十余道传音飞剑,通知诸位属下不必紧张,之前的斗法波动并非有人攻打嵎夷城,只是斗法切磋而已 He counts on the fingers, Wood Element Magic Force spreads hundred li (0.5 km). In the land grows a great tree, the tree heart pulls out spatially, changes to a completely new royal palace. 他屈指一点,木行法力扩散百里。大地上重新长出一株巨树,树心掏空,化作一座全新的王宫。 Does not know when Fellow Daoist enters Tang Valley killing Tree King, completes the task?” Tang Xiong asked very politely. “不知道友何时进入汤谷击杀树王,完成任务?”汤雄十分客气地问道。 And other dim light of night arrived, I then enter Tang Valley... to say goodbye!” “等夜色降临,我便进入汤谷...告辞!” Ning Fan takes duty jade slip. Holds the fist in the other hand to Tang Xiong slightly, changes to together the escaping light. Outside the towards city flies. 宁凡取走任务玉简。对汤雄微微抱拳,化作一道遁光。朝城外飞去。 He chooses enters Tang Valley at night , because Tree Demon Clan may draw support from the sunlight photosynthesis self-recovery in the daytime, is quite formidabe. 他之所以选择夜晚进入汤谷,是因为树魔一族在白天可借助日光光合自愈,颇难对付。 At night killing Tree King, the difficulty slightly is actually smaller. 夜晚击杀树王,难度倒是略小一些。 Ning Fan leaves Yuyi City, travels to the East, roughly good three 10 million li, flies beside Tang Valley, receives the escaping light, stands in summit of the tree mountain, calmly waits for the night to fall. 宁凡离开嵎夷城,一路东行,约莫行了三千万里,才飞到汤谷之外,收住遁光,立在一座树山之巅,静静等待夜幕降临。 At this moment is sun set, the night breeze blows, the setting sun wants to sink. 此刻已是日暮时分,晚风拂面,夕阳欲沉。 In Ning Fan heart a tranquility, does not fear chasing down of Vine Sovereign, did not fear that offended nine Puppet Master. 宁凡心中一片平静,既不惧怕藤皇的追杀,也不怕得罪了九名傀儡师 In duty jade slip attaches the Tang Valley map, Ning Fan plans in the heart carefully, how at the shortest time and minimal cost, killing two Primordial cultivation base Tree King. 任务玉简中附有汤谷的地图,宁凡在心中细细谋划,如何以最短时间、最小代价,击杀两名归元修为树王 In Tang Valley occupies has innumerable Tree Demon, these set up the Demon Spirit wisdom to be low, is vicious, meets indiscriminate attack to enter valley cultivator. 汤谷之中盘踞有无数树魔,这些树魔灵智低下,性格凶狠,会无差别攻击一切入谷修士 These Tree Demon Mortal Body are tenacious, suits refining to become Puppet, in Jumang Country many Puppet Master like coming Tang Valley to catch Tree Demon to refine puppet... 这些树魔肉身坚韧,适合炼制傀儡,句芒国中不少傀儡师都爱来汤谷捕捉树魔炼傀... Before for several years, in Tang Valley was born two Tree King, cut to kill Puppet Master that entered Tang Valley much..., therefore, Bamboo Sovereign supposed this duty, made person killing Tree King. 数年之前,汤谷之中诞生了两名树王,斩杀了不少进入汤谷傀儡师...所以,竹皇设下这个任务,令人击杀树王 Puppet Technique, is sometimes very cruel...” 傀儡术,有时候很残忍...” Ning Fan open eyes, sighed gently. 宁凡睁开眼,轻轻叹息。 He heard at first when some people slaughter Ming Luo Tree Clan to refine puppet, is very angry. 他最初听说有人杀戮冥罗树族炼傀之时,十分愤怒。 But after repeatedly thinking, thought that the murder refining up puppet the behavior to be normal in cultivation world. 但反复思索之后,却又觉得杀人炼傀的行为在修真界中再正常不过。 Ning Fan oneself is Devil, slaughters innumerably, the without/has not qualifications blamed Wan Changkong to be tyrannical. 宁凡本人便是一个魔头,杀戮无数,没有资格责备万长空暴虐。 Wan Changkong slaughters Ming Luo Clan, slaughters Monster Ghost Forest, Star Sea and Thunder Tower with Ning Fan differently, the without/has not essence... 万长空屠戮冥罗一族,与宁凡屠戮妖鬼林星海雷塔,没有本质不同... However Ning Fan stands in the Ming Luo Clan standpoint, must be hostile toward Wan Changkong eventually. 然而宁凡站在冥罗一族的立场,终究是要仇视万长空的。 With to wrong has nothing to do, world not absolute... is only related with the standpoint to the division of mistake. 与对错无关,世间并无绝对的对错之分...只与立场有关。 Ning Fan lifts the palm, the looks at fair and clear palm, actually knew in the heart that this palm stained bloody. 宁凡抬起手掌,看着白净的掌心,却心知这手掌沾满了血腥。 He hangs starts, one time closes one's eyes again, talked to oneself silent, 他垂下手,再一次闭上眼,沉默自语, If there is 1 day, does not have hateful enemy all over the world again, I then can put down to slaughter... am only that day, is extremely remote.” “若有一日,普天之下再无仇寇,我便可以放下杀戮...只是那一日,太过遥远。” Under Nine Worlds, is flooding the battle, above Four Heavens, is flooding the battle, is on among Ancient Immortal Emperor, fights... the without/has not person to avoid the battle continuous, the places of some people, have the battle...” 九界之下,充斥着争斗,四天之上,充斥着争斗,便是上古仙帝之间,也争战不休...没有人可以避开争斗,有人的地方,就有争斗...” This cultivation bloodsea, once steps into, is not always able then...” “这修真血海,一旦踏入,便永世无法回头...” When Ning Fan sighed, a twilight faint trace was also quiet. 宁凡感叹之际,暮色亦一丝丝沉寂。 When stars rise Ye Kong (night sky), the Ning Fan footsteps step, he knows, should go to Tang Valley. 当一颗颗星辰升上夜空,宁凡脚步一迈,他知道,该前往汤谷了。 Then at this time, vague killing intent, raised from Ning Fan together suddenly. 便在这时,一道若有若无的杀机,忽然间从宁凡背后升起。 A incomparably swift and fierce azure Ice Crystal short-sword, arrives in the Ning Fan vest, a petite form, does not know how to ambush Ning Fan behind, started the sneak attack to Ning Fan. 一柄无比凌厉的青色水晶短剑,抵在宁凡背心,一个娇小的身影,不知如何潜伏到宁凡身后,对宁凡发动了偷袭。 „Did you come finally? this Lu is very curious, trivial Void Glimpse cultivation base you, why so dedicated in Ming Luo Puppet.” On the color of Ning Fan face and no accident/surprise, as if knows that early some people ambush in behind tag along. “你终于还是现身了?陆某十分好奇,区区窥虚修为的你,为何如此执着于冥罗傀儡。”宁凡脸上并无任何意外之色,似乎早知道有人潜伏在身后尾随。 Few idle talk! Ming Luo Puppet, cannot fall in your such Devil hand!” In Ning Fan behind, transmits has the young female(s) sound of several points of hate together. “少废话!冥罗傀儡,绝不能落在你这样的魔头手中!”在宁凡身后,传来一道带有几分怨恨的少女声音。
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