GE :: Volume #6

#566: The catastrophe before 10,000 years

May I ask Country Lord, corpse Puppet of Ming Luo Clan person... is what! “敢问国主,冥罗族人的尸身傀儡...是什么! In the Ning Fan eye flashes through together the cold light, he has not thought actually, the Ming Luo Tree Clan clansman corpse refined into Puppet, will be treated as the duty reward to provide. 宁凡眼中闪过一道寒光,他倒是没想到,冥罗树族族人尸身会被人炼成傀儡,当做任务奖励发放。 Before coming Tree World, he complies with the Ming Luo Tree essence to come Tree World to seek for Ming Luo Tree Clan, when necessary assisted 12. 在前来树界之前,他答应冥罗树精来树界寻找冥罗树族,必要时帮扶一二。 Now Ning Fan also without/has not starts to seek for Ming Luo Tree Clan, actually first sees this duty reward, in the heart sinks. 如今宁凡没有开始着手寻找冥罗树族,却先看到这种任务奖励,不由心中一沉。 can it be Ming Luo Tree Clan in Eastern Tree Sea? 难道冥罗树族就在东树海 can it be Ming Luo Tree Clan has been on the decline, is on the decline to is humiliated at will, captures clansman refining Puppet, treats as the duty reward? 难道冥罗树族已十分衰微,衰微到被人随意欺凌,抓取族人炼制傀儡,当做任务奖励? What by Ming Luo Tree Clan clansman refining Puppet is, is Bamboo Sovereign? 冥罗树族族人炼制傀儡的是谁,是竹皇么? If so, Ning Fan said that can not probably stand Ming Luo Tree Clan, with Bamboo Sovereign for enemy. After all morally said that the Ming Luo Tree fine body he protected Yue Country, he had the responsibility to protect Ming Luo Clan for the Ming Luo Tree essence! 若真是如此,宁凡说不得要站在冥罗树族这边,与竹皇为敌了。毕竟从道义上讲,冥罗树精体他守护越国,他有责任替冥罗树精守护冥罗一族 an instant that Ning Fan cold light flashes before, is Supreme Void cultivation base Tang Xiong feels fearful, has a big shock. 宁凡寒芒闪现的一瞬,便是太虚修为汤雄都感到一阵心寒,大惊失色。 The Tang Xiong itself thinks that Ning Fan is only ordinary Void Inquire, now actually detects the extremely dangerous feeling from Ning Fan look! 汤雄本以为宁凡只是一名普通问虚,如今却从宁凡眼神中察觉到极危险的感觉! In that look, Evil Qi containing heaven shaking, that powerful Evil Qi, terrifying to unthinkable! 那一个眼神之中,含有惊天煞气,那种强大的煞气,恐怖到匪夷所思! By Ning Fan cold vision, a Tang Xiong Sea of Consciousness pain, is reappeared at present layer on layer/heavily Illusion! 宁凡一个冷视,汤雄识海一痛,眼前浮现重重幻象 That is bloodsea, is Ning Fan dreadful bloodsea! 那是一幕幕血海,是宁凡趟过的滔天血海 In these bloodsea, the dead is countless, was Void Refinement died innumerably, even also Void Fragmentation cultivator died of the hand of Ning Fan! 在那些血海之中,死者不计其数,便是炼虚都死去无数,甚至还有碎虚修士死于宁凡之手! this child can it be is killing excessively broken... Void Fragmentation cultivator?! But this is how possible! Void Inquire cultivator Divine Ability again Nitian (heaven defying), is impossible to cut to kill Void Fragmentation!” 此子难道击杀过碎...碎虚修士?!但这怎么可能!一个问虚修士神通逆天,也不可能斩杀碎虚!” But this Evil Qi cannot make... Old Man to experience countless people absolutely false entire life, has seen many Devil, which Devil but never sees to have such terrifying Evil Qi! merely one look, then made the Old Man mind chaos!” “但这煞气绝对做不得假...老夫一生阅人无数,见过不少魔头,但从未见过哪个魔头拥有如此恐怖煞气只一眼,便令老夫心神大乱!” split second, Tang Xiong has an misconception unexpectedly... Ning Fan, although is Void Inquire cultivator, but kills his Tang Xiong, just like takes something out of the pocket, easy! 一瞬间,汤雄竟心生一种错觉...宁凡虽是问虚修士,但杀他汤雄,犹如探囊取物,轻而易举! In Tang Xiong heart anxious extremely. He knows Ning Fan at this moment is how dangerous character! 汤雄心中紧张万分。他此刻才知宁凡是多么危险的人物! That look, Yun Jinghong is not even able to withstand, how Tang Xiong can withstand! 那一个眼神,连云惊虹都无法承受,汤雄如何能够承受! Tang Xiong strong self-stabilization mind, he knows that Ning Fan look transfers suddenly coldly, decided moved the anger. 汤雄强自镇定心神,他知道宁凡突然眼神转冷,定是动了怒。 He considers the inquiry of Ning Fan carefully, pondered that the Ning Fan losing one's temper reason, realizes immediately. Reason that Ning Fan loses one's temper, is Bamboo Sovereign treats as the reward of 5-stars duty with Ming Luo Puppet... 他细细斟酌宁凡的提问,思考宁凡动怒原因,立刻意识到。宁凡动怒的原因,是竹皇冥罗傀儡当作五星任务的奖励... What origin can it be this Lu Bei and Ming Luo Tree Clan have to be inadequate, or radically is Ming Luo Tree Monster? Therefore he saw that clansman became Puppet refining, will so lose one's temper? Right, certainly is this!” 难道陆北冥罗树族有什么渊源不成,或者根本就是一只冥罗树妖?所以他见到族人被人炼制傀儡,才会如此动怒?对,一定是这样!” This person of Evil Qi heaven shaking, absolute killing Void Fragmentation cultivator... this person has dared to offend Vine Sovereign no wonder. originally is secure, the Old Man absolutely not this enemy of person gathering! About this Ming Luo Puppet origin, Old Man must tell clearly him, cannot make him have any misunderstanding! If he lost one's temper mistakenly killed Old Man, Old Man may die injust...” “此人煞气惊天,绝对击杀碎虚修士...难怪此人敢得罪藤皇原本就是有恃无恐的,老夫绝非此人一合之敌!关于这冥罗傀儡来历,老夫必须跟他讲清楚,不能让他有任何误会!若他动怒误杀老夫,老夫可就死得太冤了...” The Tang Xiong thoughts revolve rapidly, hollow laugh, compensates to smile to answer. Fellow Daoist appeases anger! Fellow Daoist does not do to misunderstand, these Ming Luo Puppet are Bamboo Sovereign gives Old Man, is Old Man independently decides to take to treat as the duty reward, but these Ming Luo Puppet actually non- Bamboo Sovereign refining! Old Man is malicious to Ming Luo Tree Clan without/has not, without/has not malicious...” 汤雄心思飞转,干笑一声,赔笑解释道。“道友息怒!道友休要误会,这些冥罗傀儡竹皇交给老夫,亦是老夫自作主张拿出来当作任务奖励的,但这些冥罗傀儡却非竹皇炼制老夫冥罗树族没有恶意,没有恶意...” Ning Fan one hear refining up puppet is not Bamboo Sovereign, in the eye cold light reduces slightly. 宁凡一听炼傀者不是竹皇,眼中寒芒稍减。 Tang Xiong sees Ning Fan complexion to relax, secretly thought really guessed right, Ning Fan mostly is Ming Luo Tree Monster. Therefore can see Ming Luo Puppet then to lose one's temper. 汤雄宁凡面色缓和,暗道自己果然猜对了,宁凡多半就是一个冥罗树妖。所以才会一见冥罗傀儡便动怒。 Read reaches to this, Tang Xiong asked that 念及于此,汤雄开口询问道, May I ask Fellow Daoist Lu, but 10,000 years before, Ming Luo Tree Clan survivor?” Tang Xiong cannot see the Ning Fan details, cannot distinguish his Monster Blood, therefore there is this one to ask. “敢问陆道友可是万年之前、冥罗树族的幸存者?”汤雄看不出宁凡的底细,辨不出他的妖血,故而有此一问。 Survivor?” Ning Fan without/has not replied that the inquiry of Tang Xiong, three characters has changed countenance to survivor on the contrary. “幸存者?”宁凡没有回答汤雄的提问,反倒对‘幸存者’三字有所动容。 Listens to the Tang Xiong tone, before 10,000 years . Ming Luo Tree Clan as if suffered what disaster, therefore so the Ming Luo Clan people of survival are the survivor... 汤雄的语气,万年之前。冥罗树族似乎遭受了什么大难,所以如此存活的冥罗族人都是幸存者么... It seems like Fellow Daoist by no means knows the Ming Luo Tree Clan disaster...” The Tang Xiong secret surprise, the Ming Luo Tree Clan catastrophe, many Tree World cultivator have heard. Cannot think that the Ning Fan least bit does not know unexpectedly... “看来道友并不知道冥罗树族的大难...”汤雄暗暗诧异,冥罗树族的浩劫,不少树界修士都听说过。想不到宁凡竟半点不知... Tang Xiong without/has not goes into seriously Ning Fan not to know the reason of that catastrophe, but clears throat, reveals the color of memories, is the Ning Fan explanation said. 汤雄没有深究宁凡不知那场浩劫的原因,只是清了清嗓子,露出回忆之色,为宁凡讲解道。 „Before 10,000 years, Tree World had once had a catastrophe... Western Tree Sea Void Fragmentation Puppet Master, submerged eastern, southern and northern Three Great Tree Sea, the slaughter extinguished more than 30 Tree Clan, and by innumerable Tree Clan clansman corpse refining Puppet. Ming Luo Tree Clan situated in Eastern Tree Sea, then... hearsay Ming Luo Tree Clan also was born Tree Sovereign in this person of slaughtering, is the Tree World top influence, but since some generation of Tree Sovereign are missing, this clan then gradually declines, again no Void Fragmentation birth...” 万年之前,树界曾发生过一场浩劫...西树海的一名碎虚傀儡师,潜入东、南、北三大树海,屠灭了三十多树族,并以无数树族族人的尸身炼制傀儡冥罗树族位于东树海,便在此人屠戮之列...传闻冥罗树族曾经也诞生过树皇,是树界的顶尖势力,但自从某代树皇失踪之后,此族便渐渐没落,再无任何碎虚诞生...” Before 10,000 years, Ming Luo Tree Clan still 10 Void Refinement oversee, but can also advance into the Tree World first-class influence. But in that catastrophe, Ming Luo Tree Clan 10 Void Refinement die, clansman almost died... present Ming Luo Tree Clan still to have the survivor completely certainly, ruled in one corner of the kingdom still at Eastern Tree Sea, but in the clan no Void Refinement oversee, is Divine Transformation is it is said few, has declined the second-class influence...” “直到万年之前,冥罗树族尚有十名炼虚坐镇,还能跻身于树界一流势力之中。但在那场浩劫之中,冥罗树族的十名炼虚全部陨落,族人几乎死绝...如今冥罗树族仍有幸存者,尚在东树海偏安一隅,但族中据说已无炼虚坐镇,便是化神都寥寥无几,已没落成二流势力...” These 10 Void Glimpse cultivation base Ming Luo Puppet, all were in the past that Void Fragmentation Puppet Master refining, after his refining succeeded, this desire carried over Eastern Tree Sea, was actually blocked by Bamboo Sovereign, under the truncation this batch of Puppet... Bamboo Sovereign has not just returned Ming Luo Clan these Puppet, but kept the side...” “这十具窥虚修为冥罗傀儡,皆是当年那个碎虚傀儡师炼制,他炼制成功之后,本欲带出东树海,却被竹皇拦住,截下这批傀儡...只不过竹皇并未将这些傀儡归还冥罗一族,而是留在身边...” Listens to explanations of Tang Xiong, Ning Fan cold light to clear finally, the pupil color is deep gradually. 听着汤雄的一句句解释,宁凡寒芒最终散尽,眸色渐深。 From the Bamboo Sovereign starting point, treats as the duty reward 10 Ming Luo Puppet, and no mistake. 竹皇的出发点来看,将十具冥罗傀儡当做任务奖励,并无什么过错。 Bamboo Sovereign snatches Puppet from that Void Fragmentation Puppet Master hand, this Puppet naturally belongs to Bamboo Sovereign. 竹皇从那名碎虚傀儡师手中抢得傀儡,这傀儡自然属于竹皇 Ming Luo Tree Clan declines, Bamboo Sovereign naturally cannot return Puppet, he does not need to show good will to a second-class influence of decline. 冥罗树族没落,竹皇自然不会归还傀儡,他没必要向一个没落的二流势力示好。 In this event, the Bamboo Sovereign not blunder, violates blunder to Ming Luo Clan, should be that Void Fragmentation Puppet Master. 这个事件之中,竹皇并无大错,对冥罗一族犯下大错者,应是那名碎虚傀儡师 Ning Fan pupil color one cold, the Ming Luo Tree essence helps him protect Yue Country, he then has the responsibility to help the Ming Luo Tree essence protect Ming Luo Tree Clan. 宁凡眸色一寒,冥罗树精帮他守护越国,他便有责任帮冥罗树精守护冥罗树族 In any event, here treats as the duty reward Ming Luo Puppet to succeed in obtaining completely, returns to the Ming Luo Tree Clan burial... 无论如何,这里当做任务奖励的冥罗傀儡必须全部到手,送回冥罗树族安葬... These are Ming Luo Tree fine clansman, if he knows, because his missing, causing Ming Luo Tree Clan to decline, was slaughtered and refine puppet, will lament surely distressed. 这些都是冥罗树精的族人,若他知晓因为他的失踪,导致冥罗树族没落,被人屠戮、炼傀,必定会悔恨痛心。 Ning Fan must carry off the body of Ming Luo Clan people, back native place. Wants merely also the Ming Luo Tree fine favor. 宁凡要将冥罗族人们的尸体带走,送回故里。仅仅是想还冥罗树精的人情。 Slaughters the Ming Luo Clan person, is not the Eastern Tree Sea influence, this matter cannot complain actually on Eastern Tree Sea.” Tang Xiong urged. “屠戮冥罗一族的人,并非东树海势力,此事倒是不能怨在东树海头上。”汤雄劝道。 „... Slaughters Ming Luo Clan Void Fragmentation Puppet Master, is who?” Ning Fan opens the mouth to ask suddenly. “...屠戮冥罗一族碎虚傀儡师,是谁?”宁凡忽然开口问道。 That person is under the Vine Sovereign place one of the Three Great Void Fragmentation, named Wan Changkong, although is only Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer cultivator, but Puppet Technique is very astonishing. The life made over 1000 Void Refinement Puppet, consecrates to Vine Sovereign mostly, oneself leave leeway 200 Void Inquire Puppet, when to war, only need summon 200 Void Inquire Puppet, is Void Fragmentation 2nd Heavenly Layer cultivator must withdraw the point... this life nature to be cruel. In order to refine Puppet may slaughter million not to blink...” “那人是藤皇座下三大碎虚之一,名为万长空,虽说只是一名碎虚一重天修士,但一身傀儡术十分惊人。一生制造了超过1000具炼虚傀儡,大部分供奉给藤皇,自己则留有200具问虚傀儡,与人对战之时,只需召出200具问虚傀儡,便是碎虚二重天修士也要退避锋芒...此人生性残忍。为炼傀儡可杀戮百万不眨眼...” Wan Changkong...” 万长空是么...” Ning Fan remembered this name, a bend the palm move, absorbs to start killing Tree King duty jade slip, said to Tang Xiong, this duty, I received, but I want to receive the entire duty alone. killing two Tree King. Does not need others to help. In all Ming Luo Puppet as for duty reward, entirely turn over to me!” 宁凡记下了这个名字,屈掌一招,将击杀树王的任务玉简摄入手中,对汤雄道,“这个任务,我接下了,不过我希望独自接下整个任务。击杀两名树王。不需要其他人帮助。至于任务奖励中的所有冥罗傀儡,全部归我!” Ning Fan did not want this 5-stars assignment, now is actually determined to receive. 宁凡本不欲接这个五星任务,如今却决意接下。 Other without/has not goals, want to participate in funeral ceremony merely clansman for the Ming Luo Tree essence. 没有其他目的,仅仅是想替冥罗树精送葬族人 Tang Xiong understands certainly that Ning Fan receives the motive of this duty, after experiencing Ning Fan terrifying Evil Qi, his by no means suspected that Ning Fan has the killing two Tree King strengths. 汤雄当然明白宁凡接下这个任务的动机,在见识过宁凡恐怖煞气之后,他并不怀疑宁凡击杀两名树王的实力。 Although both Tree King are Primordial Supreme Void, but Ning Fan is even Void Fragmentation killing... 虽说两名树王都是归元太虚,但宁凡可是连碎虚击杀过... In front of this duty has nine people to receive, Ning Fan is the 10th person. 这个任务前面已经有九人接过,宁凡第十人。 According to custom. Ning Fan receives the duty finally, cannot kick other nine people, completes the task, to monopolize the reward alone. 按照规矩。宁凡最后接取任务,不能踢掉其他九人,独自完成任务、独占奖励。 But decides well-mannered, in the heart of Tang Xiong, Ning Fan compares other nine Void Refinement that has the assignment were more important. 但规矩因人而定,在汤雄的心中,宁凡可是比其他九个接任务的炼虚重要多了。 He dares to offend other nine people, actually does not dare to offend Ning Fan absolutely. 他敢得罪其他九人,却绝对不敢得罪宁凡 Fellow Daoist, since opened the mouth, Old Man did not say anything. This duty gives a Fellow Daoist person to be accomplished, as for other nine Void Refinement Fellow Daoist, Old Man can discuss with them, making them give up the duty..., even if not do any. Also permits through Realm Gate, was opens the exceptional case...” 道友既然开口了,老夫也就不说什么了。这个任务就交给道友一个人完成吧,至于其他九名炼虚道友,老夫会与他们商量,让他们放弃任务...即便不做任何。也允许通过界门,算是开特例了...” Tang Xiong finishes speaking, beside Palace Gate hears 78 smiling sounds suddenly. 汤雄话音刚落,宫门之外忽然传来七八道哂笑之声。 Snort! The assignment that I and others first had, why must give up the duty, lets this person of one person of rewards that monopolizes 10 Ming Luo Puppet!” “哼!我等先接的任务,凭什么要放弃任务,让此人一人独占十具冥罗傀儡的奖励!” That is Wan Changkong Grandmaster refining Puppet, Puppet Secret Technique containing Grandmaster! I and others are Puppet Master, reason that receives this duty, not for through Realm Gate, but comes to Puppet!” “那可是万长空大师炼制傀儡啊,其中含有大师傀儡秘术!我等都是傀儡师,之所以接下这个任务,可不是为了通过界门,而是冲着傀儡而来!” This Puppet cannot give you!” “这傀儡可不能交给你一人!” A moment later, nine Void Refinement cultivator escaping light dodge, in escaping main hall, there are both men and women. 片刻之后,九名炼虚修士遁光一闪,遁大殿之内,有男有女。 Nine people all are Void Refinement cultivator, 1 Void Glimpse, not Void Inquire, 4 Void Pierce, 4 Supreme Void! 九人皆是炼虚修士,一名窥虚,并无问虚,四名冲虚,四名太虚 In 4 Supreme Void, not Primordial Supreme Void. 四名太虚之中,并无归元太虚 In 4 Supreme Void most powerful, is white-eyed old man, pupil without/has not black, belittles to say with a smile to Ning Fan, 四名太虚之中最强者,是一个白眼老者,瞳孔没有一丝黑色,对宁凡蔑笑道, Old Man and the others have received the killing Tree King duty, your only Void Inquire junior, attempts the monopoly duty unexpectedly, seriously extremely arrogantly! You think may resist with all one's strength two Tree King depending on your strength, thinks that... can defeat me depending on your strength and other Void Refinement Puppet Master!” 老夫等人都已接取击杀树王的任务,你区区一个问虚小辈,竟妄图独占任务,当真狂妄之极!你是以为凭你一人之力可力敌两名树王呢,还是以为凭你一人之力...能战胜我等九名炼虚傀儡师呢!” Ning Fan gaze sweeps lightly, present nine Void Refinement mostly are Puppet Master, the body has the rich Puppet aura. 宁凡目光淡淡一扫,眼前的九名炼虚大多都是傀儡师,身上有浓郁的傀儡气息。 The reason that these people fight for this duty was self-evident, they want that Ming Luo Puppet! 这些人争抢这个任务的原因不言而喻了,他们想要那冥罗傀儡 It is not because Void Glimpse cultivation base Ming Luo Puppet is fierce, because this Puppet is Void Fragmentation Puppet Master refining! 不是因为窥虚修为冥罗傀儡厉害,只是因为这傀儡是一名碎虚傀儡师炼制 These person prospects pass insight these Ming Luo Puppet promoting Puppet Technique mostly... 这些人多半指望通过参悟这些冥罗傀儡提升傀儡术... Makes Ning Fan puzzled only, will be in these nine people will have Void Glimpse cultivator unexpectedly. 唯一让宁凡不解的,是这九人之中竟会有一名窥虚修士 That is Qing Shan (azure garment) young female(s), Void Glimpse cultivation base, mixes in this duty merely unexpectedly. 那是一个青衫少女,才仅仅窥虚修为,竟也掺和道这个任务中。 killing Primordial Supreme Void Tree King, is Void Glimpse cultivator can mix? 击杀归元太虚树王,是窥虚修士可以掺和的么? Lu Bei! This duty, you gave up any idea of that a person monopolizes! Ming Luo Puppet, Old Man must decide!” white-eyed old man sneers unceasingly. 陆北!这个任务,你休想一人独占!冥罗傀儡,老夫要定了!”白眼老者冷笑不绝。
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