GE :: Volume #6

#565: Ming Luo Puppet

This is a Jumang Country marginal small town, in the city highest cultivation base cultivator is Peak Nascent Great Cultivator nothing more. 这是句芒国一个边缘小城,城中最高修为修士不过是一名元巅大修士而已 In the Ning Fan sitting alone wineshop, depended on the window, out of the window was covered with the Fusang tree. 宁凡独坐酒肆之中,靠着窗,窗外长满了扶桑树。 This tree resembles the hibiscus syriacus, blooms completely the fiery red flowers, breeze blow, entire city is the vegetation delicate fragrances. 此树状似木槿,开满火红的花朵,微风吹拂,满城都是草木清香。 Ning Fan drinks the wine from a shallow glass, is inclining the head and listening attentively the wineshop sound of chat. 宁凡浅饮杯酒,侧耳倾听着酒肆之中的闲谈之声。 Several tables of alcoholics are discussing Fire World newly appointed Fire Sovereign, several other tables of alcoholics are discussing fighting of Mountain World and Earth Immortal World. 几桌酒客在谈论火界新上任的火皇,另几桌酒客谈论着山界地仙界的争战。 One table of alcoholics are discussing the Third Realm gate —— Tang Valley Realm Gate matter, one table of alcoholics, are discussing Rain World Pill Sovereign unexpectedly, it seems like Pill Sovereign breaks through the Seven Revolutions pill concocting technique matter to spread Rain World. 有一桌酒客在谈论第三界——汤谷界门的事情,也有一桌酒客,竟在谈论雨界丹皇,看来丹皇突破七转炼丹术的事情已传出雨界 The nature, the people discussed many, was entire Northern Tree Sea in issuing a warrant for arrest Devil, ruthless person who even Vine Sovereign disciples dare to kill. 自然,众人谈论最多的,还是整个北树海都在通缉的魔头,一个连藤皇弟子都敢杀的狠人。 Heard that kills the person of Vine Sovereign disciple, named Lu Bei, Vine Sovereign gets down bonus reward to it now, who may killing this person, be able to obtain 10 billion Immortal Jade, ten bottles of Six Revolutions Medicine Pill... Tsk Tsk Tsk, 10 billion Immortal Jade, did some so much money, suffice to buy entire high-ranked Cultivators Country?” “听说杀藤皇弟子之人,名为陆北,如今藤皇对其下了赏红,谁可击杀此人,便可获得百亿仙玉,十瓶六转丹药...啧啧啧,一百亿仙玉呐,有这么多钱,都够买下一整个上级修真国了吧?” It is said that Lu Bei three heads, six hands, eight feet, are the Ghost Tree Clan survivors, because of family destruction, therefore hates Vine Sovereign...” “据说那陆北有三个头,六只手,八只脚,是鬼树一族的幸存者,因为家族覆灭,故而怨恨藤皇...” what! Lu Bei unexpectedly is the person of Ghost Tree Clan! How I heard that he is photinia Clan Young Patriarch...” 什么!陆北竟然是鬼树一族之人!我怎么听说他是石楠一族少族长...” Tsk Tsk Tsk, your cultivation base is too low, without/has not has seen the Lu Bei warrant for arrest. Before Old Man half a month, just left Luzhou Country, enters Jumang Country. Jumang Country is the Bamboo Sovereign influence, therefore no one issues a warrant for arrest Lu Bei, but that Luzhou Country is the Vine Sovereign influence, in entire national all Cultivator City, pasted the Lu Bei warrant for arrest... I to see the Lu Bei appearance from the warrant for arrest completely, this person was not in the hearsay the appearances of three heads six arms, was long by no means to be rogue, seems like on frail scholar...? I take a look, right. After opposite that table of that grows very much looks like...” 啧啧啧,你们修为太低,都没有见过陆北的通缉令。老夫半个月前才刚刚离开卢周国,进入句芒国句芒国竹皇势力,故而没人通缉陆北,但那卢周国乃是藤皇的势力,整个国家所有修城之内,都贴满了陆北的通缉令...我从通缉令上看到过陆北的容貌,此人并非传闻中三头六臂的模样,长得并不凶恶,看起来就似一个文弱书生...嗯?我瞅瞅,对了。就和对面那桌那个后生长得很像...” This person of voice falls, gaze of many alcoholic glance to Ning Fan. 此人话音一落,不少酒客的目光都瞟向宁凡 Is first startled, then all laughs. 先是一怔,而后皆是大笑。 Brother Sun must and others crack a joke with me not, that Lu Bei Great Devil how association president must be so frail, haha, haha...” “孙老弟莫要与我等开玩笑,那陆北大魔头怎会长得如此文弱,哈哈,哈哈...” In the wineshop a piece makes noise, Ning Fan gradually ignores. 酒肆之中一片喧闹,宁凡渐渐置若罔闻。 Drinks the inferior wine, stands up suddenly, leaves behind ten Immortal Jade on the liquor table, goes floating. 饮罢水酒,豁然站起,在酒桌上留下十枚仙玉,飘然而去。 Ning Fan has decided to enter Eastern Tree Sea. Purchase massive Tree God Fruit promoting Rain Intent. 宁凡已决定进入东树海。购买大量树神果提升雨意 The Realm Gate three years open, from will open the also two years next time. Isolates Four Great Tree Seas separating territories light to be extremely fierce, under Immortal touches separating territories light, will then vanishes in a puff of smoke. 界门三年一开,距离下次开启还有两年。隔绝四大树海破界之光太过厉害,仙人之下一触破界之光,便会灰飞烟灭。 Ning Fan cultivation base still lowered, is not enough to depend on Divine Ability to rush to separating territories light. He wants to pass through Realm Gate, is not willing to empty and other years, naturally needs to go to Jumang Country, completed Jumang Country to advocate a duty. 宁凡修为尚低,不足以凭神通强闯破界之光。他想穿越界门,又不愿意空等两年,自然需要前往句芒国都,完成句芒国主一项任务了。 Ning Fan leaves the wineshop, changes to the escaping rainbow. Speeds away to east. 宁凡离开酒肆,化作遁虹。一路向东疾驰。 After the half day, Jumang Country King City distant obviously. 半日之后,句芒国王城已遥遥可见。 Yuyi City, Jumang Country King City, is one occupies a land area of ten thousand li (0.5 km) great Great Tree city. 嵎夷城,句芒国王城,是一座占地万里的巨大树城。 It is said before counting 10 million years, this place still did not have Yuyi City. Is piece of Great Desolate, Great Desolate has to have a towering high Fusang great tree. 据说数千万年前此地尚无嵎夷城。乃是一片大荒,大荒的中心生有一棵参天之高的扶桑巨树。 This tree bred innumerable Fusang Tree Monster, various Fusang Tree Monster founded a capital in this place, founded the Fusang country. 此树孕育了无数扶桑树妖,诸扶桑树妖在此地建都,建立了扶桑国。 Beside Yuyi City. A lot of cultivator escaping light come and go. 嵎夷城之外。千百道修士遁光来来往往。 Ning Fan receives the escaping light, descends beside Yuyi City floating, along with the tide of people marches into Yuyi City. 宁凡收住遁光,飘然降落在嵎夷城之外,随人潮步入嵎夷城 The side enters the city. Immediately disperses Divine Sense, the indistinct sensation in Yuyi City has 12-13 to say the Void Refinement aura. 方一入城。立刻散出神念,在嵎夷城中隐约感知出十二三炼虚气息。 Ning Fan without/has not investigates these person of origin carefully, wants to understand in the city merely High Level cultivator quantity, the position of palace. 宁凡没有细细探查这些人来历,仅仅是想了解城中高阶修士数量,宫殿的方位。 Recognized the position of King City Palace palace, Ning Fan led the way slowly, occasionally in teleportation 110. 认准了王城宫殿的方位,宁凡徐徐前行,偶尔挪移百十里。 After many cultivation shops, this place near Eastern Tree Sea, the sell has many Tree God Fruit. 一路经过不少修真店铺,此地毗邻东树海,出售有不少树神果 Ning Fan strolled half double-hour in the city, spending more than 2 billion Immortal Jade, bought more than 400 Tree God Fruit. 宁凡在城中逛了半个时辰,花费20多亿仙玉,买了400余颗树神果 Now Ning Fan Rain Intent is fourth grade, according to his estimate, wants to break through Third Grade Rain Intent, at least needs Devour(ing) 5000 Tree God Fruit. 如今宁凡雨意已是四品,按照他的估算,想要突破三品雨意,起码需要吞噬5000颗树神果 fourth grade promotes the Third Grade difficulty, is much bigger than Fifth Grade rise fourth grade. 四品晋升三品的难度,远比五品四品要大得多。 more arrives at behind, needed Tree God Fruit quantity is huge, wants to promote First Grade Rain Intent, actually does not know that needed spending many Tree God Fruit. 越到后面,需要的树神果数量越是庞大,想要晋升一品雨意,却不知需要花费多少树神果了。 Besides Tree God Fruit, Ning Fan also purchased many spirit materials, for restoring Puppet. 除了树神果之外,宁凡还购买了不少灵材,用于修复傀儡 After half double-hour, Ning Fan appears outside the King City Palace palace. 半个时辰后,宁凡出现在王城宫殿之外。 The palace that after this is a great tree pulls out to be spatial, completes, outside Palace Gate has 12 team cultivator to make an inspection tour, each team of cultivator Commander is turns God Cultivator into. 这是一座巨树掏空后建成的宫殿,宫门外有十二修士巡守,每一队修士统领都是化神修为。 The palace does not allow Low-Rank cultivator to approach generally, only some wants to pass through Realm Gate Void Refinement Old Monster, will come to the palace to seek Country Lord, receives the Bamboo Sovereign duty. 宫殿一般不允许低阶修士靠近,唯有一些想要穿越界门炼虚老怪,才会来宫殿寻国主,接取竹皇的任务。 When Ning Fan comes with a smile, immediately then one team of cultivator welcome. 宁凡含笑而来之时,立刻便有一队修士迎了过来。 Is Divine Transformation Commander of head is Monster Cultivator, he disperses Divine Sense, towards Ning Fan sweeps, is actually not able the sensation Ning Fan tiny bit aura. 为首的化神统领是一名妖修,他散出神念,朝宁凡一扫,却无法感知宁凡一丝一毫的气息。 Evil Qi that under the Ning Fan smiling face hidden does not send, seems Demon Abyss that cannot be touched, making Monster Soul in this Divine Transformation Commander dantian shiver fiercely... 宁凡笑容之下隐而不发的煞气,好似一个不可触碰的魔渊,令这位化神统领丹田中的妖魂剧烈颤抖... Divine Transformation Commander gaze one austere, only an instant then understands, at present slightly youth in white clothes with a smile, is solemn Void Refinement Old Monster, and is murder innumerable Devil. 化神统领目光一肃,只一瞬便明白过来,眼前微微含笑的白衣青年,乃是堂堂炼虚老怪,且还是一个杀人无数的魔头 Devil does not close his matter, Divine Transformation Commander only understands, since the opposite party arrives at the royal palace, naturally must seek Country Lord to have the assignment. 是不是魔头不关他的事,化神统领只明白一点,对方既然来到王宫,自然是要寻国主接任务的。 Fusang Guards Commander Tang Chen, pays a visit Senior, does not know Senior, but seeks Country Lord to have the assignment, Realm Gate?” 扶桑卫统领汤臣,拜见前辈,不知前辈可是来寻国主接任务、过界门?” This Divine Transformation Commander tone is respectful, actually the least bit does not know the Ning Fan appearance, by no means knows Ning Fan is the person of Vine Sovereign issuing a warrant for arrest. 化神统领语气恭敬之极,却半点不识宁凡的容貌,并不宁凡便是藤皇通缉之人。 Good, True Body/this Senior has thought Tang Valley Realm Gate, is not willing to empty and other years, therefore comes to look for the Jumang Country lord.” The Ning Fan smiling face does not reduce, an numerous guard actually nobody to dare with him to look at each other. “不错,本尊想过汤谷界门,不愿空等两年,故而前来寻找句芒国主。”宁凡笑容不减,一众守卫却无人敢与他对视。 In view of this, Senior although, and I come.” “既如此,前辈且虽我来。” That Divine Transformation Commander made other guards continue to make an inspection tour, his oneself led Ning Fan to enter the royal palace. 化神统领令其他守卫继续巡守,他本人则领着宁凡进入王宫。 All the way, this Commander quite explained the survey of Realm Gate duty warmly. 一路上,这位统领颇为热情地讲解了界门任务的概况。 Enters Eastern Tree Sea from Northern Tree Sea, six Realm Gate, Jumang Country this Realm Gate is the Third Realm gate, near Tang Valley, is called as Tang Valley Realm Gate. 北树海进入东树海,共有六个界门,句芒国这一座界门第三界门,毗邻汤谷,称作汤谷界门 The eastern , south Three Great Tree Sea was separated by Tree Sovereign, is ungetatable. 东、西、南三大树海树皇割据,不易进入。 But if enters Northern Tree Sea from Eastern Tree Sea, is very easy, only because of Northern Tree Sea is the place of without owner. 但若是从东树海进入北树海,则十分容易,只因北树海是无主之地。 Over the years, many Void Refinement Old Monster are not willing to wait for Realm Gate opening. Then will come to seek the Jumang Country lord to receive the duty. 历年来,不少炼虚老怪不愿等待界门开启。便会前来寻句芒国主接取任务。 These duties are Bamboo Sovereign issued, the duty has to be difficult easy. 这些任务都是竹皇所发布,任务有难有易。 The duty in Jumang Country main hand, according to the difficulty level divides, is divided makes five Star Grade. 句芒国主手中的任务,按难易度划分,共分作五个星级 Void Glimpse duty 1-star, Void Inquire duty 2-stars, Void Pierce duty 3-stars, Supreme Void duty 4-stars, Void Fragmentation duty 5-stars. 窥虚任务一星,问虚任务二星,冲虚任务三星,太虚任务四星,碎虚任务五星 Completes willfully the Star Grade task, may obtain through Realm Gate opportunity, and may obtain the duty rewards of different Star Grade. 完成任意星级的任务,都可获得通过界门机会,并可获得不同星级的任务奖励。 Ning Fan reveals color looking pensive. If only to pass through Realm Gate, his natural selection simplest 1-star duty completes. 宁凡露出若有所思之色。若只为通行界门,他自然选择最简单的一星任务完成。 But if very difficult duty gives the large return, he will also consider to complete very difficult task. 但若是高难度任务给予丰厚回报,他也会考虑完成高难度任务。 Soon, Ning Fan passes through palaces, arrives in the main hall. 不多时,宁凡穿越一间间宫殿,抵达正殿。 Divine Transformation Commander asks to be excused respectfully, in that main hall, is setting up a slender bald old man with a smile. 化神统领恭敬告退,在那正殿之中,正含笑立着一个身材颀长的秃头老者。 Old man high approximately nine chi (0.33 m), thin, wears the sleeve robe spacious azure robe. The temples blow up high, the skin seems the bark withered. 老者高约九尺,骨瘦如柴,穿着袖袍宽大的青袍。太阳穴高高鼓起,皮肤干枯好似树皮。 His whole body is revealing the Supreme Void Realm aura, is staring at Ning Fan unemotionally, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 他周身流露着太虚境界的气息,面无表情凝视着宁凡,忽然开口道。 „Are you Lu Bei? Makes Demon Cultivator that Vine Sovereign entire day under arrests? The courage is big, entire Northern Tree Sea is issuing a warrant for arrest you obviously, you also dare to come my Jumang Country frankly and uprightly, did not fear that Old Man takes and gives Vine Sovereign you to receive an award!” “你就是陆北么?令藤皇全天下缉拿的魔修?胆子不小,明明整个北树海都在通缉你,你还敢光明正大来我句芒国,不怕老夫将你拿下、交给藤皇领赏么!” Oh? this Lu does not know actually. Bamboo Sovereign Subordinate will obey the order of Vine Sovereign , helping Vine Sovereign cause difficulties for others.” 陆某倒是不知道。竹皇属下会听从藤皇的命令,助藤皇拿人。” Ning Fan seems , if no smiles, the facial expression is unflustered. Does not take on the old man before Heart Eye to apprehend him , not the surprised old man can recognize his identity. 宁凡似有若无地一笑,神情从容不迫。丝毫不担心眼前的老者捉拿他,亦不惊讶老者能认出他的身份。 Now the west and Northern Tree Sea are arresting him, perhaps Low-Rank cultivator did not know his appearance, a High Level cultivator perhaps every Ning Fan warrant for arrest. 如今西、北树海都在缉拿他,低阶修士或许不认识他的容貌,高阶修士恐怕人手一份宁凡的通缉令了。 Ning Fan does not think that the old man will apprehend himself, does not think that the old man can seize itself. 宁凡既不认为老者会捉拿自己,亦不认为老者能捉自己。 The old man sees the Ning Fan expression to be calm, the without/has not tiny bit look changes, is experiences great storms the gentleman of self-torture obviously, gaze has revealed the color of applause, suddenly laughs. 那老者见宁凡表情淡定从容,没有一丝一毫的色变,显然是经历过大风大浪的苦修之士,目光露出赞许之色,忽然哈哈大笑起来。 Old Man Jumang Country lord, Tang Xiong! Before the language of arresting, but is Fellow Daoist Lu cracks a joke forget it/that's all. Old Man is Bamboo Sovereign Subordinate, naturally cannot help Vine Sovereign cause difficulties for others. Fellow Daoist Lu is calm, although is only Void Inquire cultivation base, but this courage is much bigger than some Void Pierce Old Monster, Old Man admires!” 老夫句芒国主,汤雄!之前缉拿之语,不过是和陆道友开个玩笑罢了老夫竹皇属下,自然不会帮藤皇拿人。陆道友处变不惊,虽只是问虚修为,但这胆魄却比一些冲虚老怪都大得多啊,老夫佩服!” Tang Xiong holds the fist in the other hand a ritual to Ning Fan, Ning Fan is also light smiles , a ritual returning. 汤雄宁凡抱拳一礼,宁凡亦淡淡一笑,回之一礼。 this Lu has seen the Jumang Country lord, this time comes Jumang Country, to receive a duty, passes through Realm Gate to enter Eastern Tree Sea.” 陆某见过句芒国主,此次来句芒国,是为了接取一项任务,穿越界门进入东树海。” Receives the duty...” “接取任务么...” Tang Xiong sized up Ning Fan several slightly, suddenly opens the mouth to ask, may I ask Fellow Daoist Lu to enter Eastern Tree Sea, what matter behavior?” 汤雄略略打量了宁凡几眼,忽然开口问道,“敢问陆道友进入东树海,所为何事?” Tang Xiong guards Realm Gate for Bamboo Sovereign, naturally must query the Ning Fan purpose in coming. 汤雄竹皇把守界门,自然要问清宁凡来意。 Ning Fan is big in Northern Tree Sea ominous name, even the people of Vine Sovereign dare to kill, is a bold generation. If he enters Eastern Tree Sea to kill a person and take his possessions, although Tang Xiong will not prevent him to enter Eastern Tree Sea, will actually inform Bamboo Sovereign in secret, sends people to monitor him in secret. 宁凡北树海凶名不小,连藤皇之徒都敢杀,是个胆大包天之辈。若他进东树海是要去杀人越货,汤雄虽不会阻止他进入东树海,却会暗中通知竹皇,派人暗中监视他。 If Ning Fan enters Eastern Tree Sea, to avoid the revenged kill of Vine Sovereign merely, will be the behavior of having no way out, Tang Xiong will seize the chance to recommend this person to Bamboo Sovereign, wins over and will subdue. 宁凡进入东树海,仅仅是为了躲避藤皇的仇杀,是无路可走的行为,汤雄则会趁机向竹皇举荐此人,加以拉拢、收服。 If Ning Fan were really compelled to have no way out by Vine Sovereign, escapes Eastern Tree Sea, is willing to turn to Bamboo Sovereign most likely. 宁凡真被藤皇逼得无路可走,一路逃到东树海,十有八九是愿意投靠竹皇的。 Tang Xiong looks at carefully Ning Fan carefully, the thoughts revolves rapidly. 汤雄细细端详宁凡,心思飞转。 Ning Fan looked through the Tang Xiong thoughts, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, Jumang Country lord relax, this Lu enters Eastern Tree Sea, is not to pick a quarrel stirs up trouble, if others don't provoke me, I will not kill people. But I enter Eastern Tree Sea, to not flee from calamity, but heard that Eastern Tree Sea produces Tree God Fruit, needs this fruit nothing more.” 宁凡似看破了汤雄心思,摇头失笑,“句芒国放心,陆某进入东树海,并非为了寻衅滋事,若人不犯我,我自不会杀人。而我之所以进入东树海,亦不是为了逃难,只是听说东树海出产树神果,需要此果而已。” Tree God Fruit?” 树神果?” Tang Xiong has not expected, Ning Fan enters Eastern Tree Sea to purchase Tree God Fruit. 汤雄倒未料到,宁凡进入东树海只是为了收购树神果 Recalled the information that in the city the dark health/guard transmits, Ning Fan after entering Yuyi City indeed purchased massive Tree God Fruit... 回想城中暗卫传来的情报,宁凡在进入嵎夷城之后的确购买了大量树神果... Therefore enters the Eastern Tree Sea motive to Ning Fan, believed 30% (slightly) actually. 故而对宁凡进入东树海的动机,倒是信了三分 Hears Ning Fan others don't provoke me and I won't provoke others when confessing, the Tang Xiong slight nod, he can see Ning Fan said these words, gaze is tranquil, not lie. 听到宁凡人不犯我我不犯人’的自白,汤雄微微点头,他看得出宁凡说出这句话之时,目光平静,不似谎言。 On the cultivation road is flooding the innumerable battles and slaughtering, no one is able to guarantee that enters Eastern Tree Sea not to kill people. So long as can achieve does not slaughter, then enough entered Eastern Tree Sea. 修真路上充斥着无数争斗、杀戮,谁也无法保证进入东树海不会杀人。只要能做到不滥杀,便足够进入东树海了。 Heard that Ning Fan entered Eastern Tree Sea is not to avoid Vine Sovereign, the courage of Tang Xiong to Ning Fan respected several points. 听说宁凡进入东树海并非为了躲避藤皇,汤雄宁凡的胆魄不由又敬了几分。 If ordinary cultivator offends Vine Sovereign, feared has scared to death, Ning Fan actually was still the calm calm expression. 普通修士若得罪藤皇,怕早已吓死,宁凡却仍是淡定从容的表情。 This type calmly is from the heart, because relies on, therefore not fears. 这种从容发自内心,因为有恃,所以无恐。 Tang Xiong is unable to imagine, why a Void Inquire junior has the so big confidence, does not fear Vine Sovereign to chase down. 汤雄无法想象,一个问虚小辈为何有如此大的信心,丝毫不惧藤皇追杀。 He guessed secretly, the Ning Fan surface is not so perhaps simple, perhaps cannot treat as Void Inquire cultivator to regard him... 他暗暗猜测,宁凡或许不似表面这般简单,或许不能将他当做一个问虚修士看待... Tang Xiong Hehe smiles, pats storage pouch, waves to take out several hundred jade slip, divides to make five piles, places at the sapphire case, answered to Ning Fan. 汤雄呵呵一笑,一拍储物袋,挥手取出数百枚玉简,分作五堆,放在青玉案上,对宁凡解释道。 Fellow Daoist Lu wants to enter Eastern Tree Sea to purchase Tree God Fruit, nature without/has not any issue. But under the distance one time Realm Gate opens, also entire two years. If Fellow Daoist wants to pass through Realm Gate ahead of time, according to the custom is to complete a task. These are the Realm Gate duties, from changed/easy Zhinan, is divided into five Star Grade, Fellow Daoist may choose a duty to complete. By Fellow Daoist Void Inquire cultivation base, if only receives the 1-star duty, only needs several days to complete...” 陆道友想入东树海采购树神果,自然没有任何问题。只不过距离下一次界门开启,还有整整两年时间。道友若想提前穿越界门,按照规矩是要完成一项任务的。这些都是界门任务,从易至难,共分五个星级,道友可选择一个任务完成。以道友问虚修为,若只接取一星任务,只需数日便可完成...” Several days...” “数日么...” Ning Fan disperses Divine Sense, has swept five piles of jade slip in sapphire case. 宁凡散出神念,扫过青玉案上的五堆玉简 From left to right, the task difficulty from low to high, 1st piles the jade slip record is the 1-star duty, such as enters Tang Valley to cut to kill the 100 Divine Tree demon, such as refining Six Revolutions Low Grade Medicine Pill... 自左而右,任务难度从低到高,第一玉简记载的皆是一星任务,诸如进入汤谷斩杀一百头化神树魔,又如炼制一颗六转下品丹药... To Ning Fan, the 1-star duty is extremely easy to be accomplished, if no accident/surprise, he prepares to receive a duty that hunts and kills Tree Demon, by his Divine Ability, hunting and killing the 100 Divine Tree demon is easy, will not waste the too many time. 宁凡而言,一星任务极易完成,若无意外,他准备接取一个猎杀树魔的任务,以他的神通,猎杀一百头化神树魔轻而易举,不会浪费太多时间。 His gaze has swept 2-stars and 3-stars duty, these duty same without/has not are difficult. 目光扫过二星三星任务,这些任务同样没有多难。 Even the 4-stars duty, he still has confidence to complete, for example a 4-stars duty, requests to protect country Grand Formation for the entire Jumang Country reinforcement, formation Rank Mortal Void Peak... 就算是四星任务,他也有把握完成,譬如其中一个四星任务,要求为整个句芒国加固护国大阵,阵法级别凡虚巅峰... By Ning Fan Formation Dao cultivation base, completing this duty by no means is difficult, but meets spending a lot of time. 宁凡阵道修为,完成这个任务并不难,只不过会花费的不少时间。 Ning Fan gaze has swept jade slip of 5-stars duty, 5-stars duty altogether three. 宁凡目光扫过五星任务的玉简,五星任务一共才三个。 The 1st 5-stars duty, is some killing Northern Tree Sea Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer rogue cultivator, the duty rewards 50 billion Immortal Jade... 第一五星任务,是击杀某个北树海碎虚一重天散修,任务奖励500亿仙玉... In Northern Tree Sea has 78 Void Fragmentation, who in jade slip the specification has not killed the goal is, only said this person of earlier crime Bamboo Sovereign. 北树海之中有七八个碎虚,玉简中并未详述所杀目标是谁,只解释说此人早年的罪过竹皇 gaze sweeps this duty, Ning Fan has shaken the head, the killing broken Void Wind danger is too big, he will not have this assignment casually. 目光扫过这个任务,宁凡摇摇头,击杀虚风险太大,他才不会随便接这种任务。 The 2nd 5-stars duty, is refining Seven Revolutions Medicine Pill. 第二五星任务,是炼制一颗七转丹药 Ning Fan shakes the head, he may without/has not Seven Revolutions Pill Technique complete this task. 宁凡又是摇头,他可没有七转丹术完成这种任务。 The 3rd 5-stars duty, is the most recent duty, needs to enter Jumang Country Tang Valley, extinguishes kills in Tang Valley in Tree Demon newly birth two Tree King. 第三五星任务,是最新发布的任务,需要进入句芒国汤谷,灭杀汤谷之中树魔之中新诞生的两名树王 This duty is actually simpler than the first two duties, needs killing two Tree King is only Primordial Supreme Void nothing more. 这个任务倒是比前两个任务简单一些,所需击杀的两名树王皆只是归元太虚而已 But this duty by no means limit population, above jade slip has labelling, nine people had received this duty, after is waiting for 10th Void Refinement receives the duty, together goes to Tang Valley to hunt and kill Tree King. 而此任务并不限制人数,玉简之上有标注,已有九人接取了这一任务,正等待第十炼虚接取任务后,共同前往汤谷猎杀树王 If Ning Fan receives, is the 10th person... 宁凡接取,便是第十人... Ning Fan shakes the head gently, his strength fully opened, may fight Primordial Supreme Void, actually not killing Primordial Supreme Void assurance. 宁凡轻轻摇头,他实力全开,可战归元太虚,却并无击杀归元太虚的把握。 Battles with two Tree King, some many risks, Ning Fan is not easily willing to brave hardships and dangers. 与两名树王交战,多少还是有一些风险的,宁凡轻易不愿涉险。 According to his individuality, has a 1-star assignment to complete directly then well, does not need to annoy troublesome. 照他的个性,直接接一个一星任务完成便好,没必要多惹麻烦。 When his gaze falls after the duty reward, suddenly gaze one cold. 只是当他的目光落在任务奖励上后,忽然目光一凛。 Duty reward: A Ming Luo Clan person corpse refining up Puppet, Rank, Void Glimpse Puppet... rewards 2 billion Immortal Jade in addition. 任务奖励:一具冥罗族人尸身所炼傀儡,级别,窥虚傀儡...另奖励二十亿仙玉 May I ask Country Lord, corpse Puppet of Ming Luo Clan person... is what! Ning Fan gaze starts to envelop the chill in the air.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “敢问国主,冥罗族人的尸身傀儡...是什么!宁凡目光开始笼上寒意。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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