GE :: Volume #5

#462: Ancient Cultivator, is promoted and transferred Secret Technique

Ning Fan no longer pays attention to Mo Xiu, starts concocting pills without consulting anybody. 宁凡不再理会莫休,径自开始炼丹 He mind like still water, the 90% thoughts place in Pill Cauldron, one point of thoughts are paying attention to the Mo Xiu sound. 他心如止水,九分心思放在丹鼎之中,一分心思关注着莫休的动静。 Demonic nature not weak 10,000 years Spirit Herb, took out by Ning Fan, tosses into Pill Cauldron in turn, if technique passing clouds and flowing water. 一株株魔性不弱的万年灵药,被宁凡取出,依次抛入丹鼎之中,手法若行云流水。 After several breaths, in Pill Cauldron already have several ten 10,000 years Spirit Herb in simultaneously purification. 数息之后,丹鼎内已有数十种万年灵药在同时煅烧了。 Different Spirit Herb, need the different fire temperature smeltings. Common Five Revolutions Alchemist one time smelts 10,000 years Spirit Herb is the difficult matter, Ning Fan smelts dozens Spirit Herb unexpectedly simultaneously. 不同的灵药,需要不同的火温熔炼。寻常五转丹师一次熔炼一株万年灵药都是难事,宁凡竟同时熔炼数十种灵药 Like the flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky concocting pills technique, falls in surrounding the cultivator eye, immediately changes to the shocking color. 有如天女散花般的炼丹手法,落在围观修士眼中,立刻化作惊艳之色。 If before, the also small number of people suspected Ning Fan Pill Technique, at this moment did not have anybody to dare to belittle the Ning Fan half a point again. 若在之前,还有少数人怀疑宁凡丹术,此刻再无任何人敢小觑宁凡半分。 Many Three Revolutions and Four Revolutions Alchemist, looks up to Ning Fan, gaze is respectful and admiring, resembles to look at reverently a Senior famous elder. 许多三转四转丹师,仰望宁凡,目光恭敬而钦佩,似瞻仰一个前辈名宿。 Bao Kuo (including) Huang and Yi two people numerous Five Revolutions Alchemist, throws admiring gaze to Ning Fan in abundance. 包括黄、易二人在内的众五转丹师,也纷纷对宁凡投去钦佩的目光 „The this child technique is outstanding, making Old Man blush with shame, respects the young seriously, worthily is Half Disciple that Pill Sovereign settles on!” 此子手法卓绝,令老夫汗颜,当真是后生可畏,不愧是丹皇看中的半徒!” Huang Tingzi smiles bitterly, in the heart knows Pill Technique to be far inferior to Ning Fan early, today also without/has not and heart of Ning Fan vying for supremacy, only strives for not losing to Yi Yunzi and Mo Xiu then. 黄庭子苦笑一声,心中早知自己丹术远逊宁凡,今日也没有宁凡争胜之心,只求不输给易云子莫休即可。 He refining, is Five Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill, named Fierce Soul Pill. medicine effect through damages, in a short time promoting Jade Fate Body Cultivation 30% Mortal Body physical strength, after medicine effect finished, this pill side effect is enormous, at least will make to take pill to count the 10 years Mortal Body paralysis, to be inactionable. 他所炼制的,是一种五转上品丹药,名为蛮魄丹药效是通过自损,在短时间内提升玉命体修30%肉身气力,在药效结束后,此丹副作用极大,起码会令服丹者数十年肉身瘫痪、不可行动。 Although the side effect is enormous, but this Medicine Pill , if using during dying to fight. Often has the reversal war effect, is rare life saving Medicine Pill. 虽说副作用极大,但这丹药若用在死斗之中。往往都有逆转战局的奇效,是一种不可多得的保命丹药 Many Body Cultivation Old Monster. Sees with own eyes Huang Tingzi in refining Fierce Soul Pill, each and every single (person) gaze is fiery, prepares after pill becomes, bought this pill to the Huang Tingzi large sum of money. 不少体修老怪。眼见黄庭子炼制蛮魄丹,一个个目光火热,都准备好在丹成之后,向黄庭子重金买下此丹了。 Yi Yunzi refining, is Five Revolutions High Grade Purple Firmament Pill. Purple Firmament Pill may promoting Middle Stage Divine Transformation 200 armor Magic Force, the refining difficulty be slightly bigger than Fierce Soul Pill. 易云子炼制的,是五转上品紫霄丹。一枚紫霄丹提升中期化神200甲法力,炼制难度比蛮魄丹略大一些。 If the Yi Yunzi normal display, refining up Fierce Soul Pill without the slight defect, the result will be higher than compared with Huang Tingzi. 易云子正常发挥,毫无瑕疵炼出蛮魄丹,成绩自会比黄庭子高出一些。 The Huang Tingzi forced smile shakes the head. Knows in the heart Yi Yunzi Pill Technique compared with his slightly strong frontline, does not haggle over, only after treating pill becomes, makes the result. 黄庭子苦笑摇头。心知易云子丹术比他略强一线,也不计较,只待丹成之后再做分晓。 Mo Xiu departing from the norm quiet, does not know is actually planning anything. 莫休倒是一反常态安静,不知在谋划些什么。 10,000 years Spirit Herb, tossed into Pill Cauldron by him simultaneously, although without/has not Ning Fan so many, but also calculated eye-catching. 一株株万年灵药,被他同时抛入丹鼎之中,虽没有宁凡那么多,但也算吸引眼球了。 When the generations of many being sharp-eyed. After seeing the Mo Xiu use concocting pills herbs, each and every single (person) gaze starts to shock. 而当不少眼尖之辈。看到莫休使用的炼丹药材后,一个个目光都开始震惊起来。 If their without/has not misreads, Mo Xiu is in refining, impressively unexpectedly is Five Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill... Liancheng Pill! 若他们没有看错,莫休正在炼制的,赫然竟是五转上品丹药连城丹 This is extremely precious Medicine Pill, reason that is precious , because can the enormous promoting Five Revolutions Alchemist Medicine Soul quality! 这是一种极其珍贵的丹药,之所以珍贵,是因为可以极大提升五转丹师药魂品质! This pill's medication is always scarce. And the refining difficulty, was almost close to Five Revolutions Peak Medicine Pill infinitely. 只是此丹的用药一向稀缺。且炼制难度,几乎无限接近五转巅峰丹药了。 Saw with own eyes that Mo Xiu chooses refining Liancheng Pill unexpectedly, the people are surprised, once Mo Xiu refining up Liancheng Pill, even is only the ordinary quality. Also wins the Huang and Yi two people sufficiently warm. 眼见莫休竟选择炼制连城丹,众人自是惊讶不已,一旦莫休炼出连城丹,即便只是普通品质。也足以温胜黄、易二人。 But sees expression that Mo Xiu has victory in the hand, obviously he refining up this pill's assurance to be big. 而见莫休胜券在握的表情,显然他炼出此丹的把握不小。 a path of gaze. Sweeps in abundance to Ning Fan, all knows can now with Mo Xiu struggling, only remains Ning Fan. 一道道目光。纷纷扫向宁凡,皆知如今能和莫休一争者,只剩宁凡 But after some Demon Cultivator recognize Ning Fan the concocting pills medicine, all reveals the disappointed color. 但当一些魔修认出宁凡炼丹药后,皆是露出失望之色。 Ning Fan refining, is not Five Revolutions Peak Medicine Pill, but is Five Revolutions High Grade Revered Demon Pill. 宁凡炼制的,并非五转巅峰丹药,而是五转上品尊魔丹 Revered Demon Pill is the promoting Golden Body body refining Realm good thing, but by Grade, must be not as good as Liancheng Pill to plan, after all belongs to Demon Pill, medicine effect is strong, the side effect is also big. 尊魔丹提升金身炼体境界的好东西,但论品阶,还是要略逊连城丹一筹的,毕竟属于魔丹,药效强,副作用也大。 Only if Ning Fan refining Revered Demon Pill is perfect, otherwise this Great Competition wants to exceed Mo Xiu, feared that is the difficulty is big. 除非宁凡炼制尊魔丹完美无瑕,否则此次大比想要胜过莫休,怕是难度不小。 a path of discussion gradually spreads. 一道道议论声渐渐传开。 „It seems like, today odds of success big, was Mo Xiu Palace Lord...” “看起来,今日胜算最大者,是莫休殿主了…” Revered Ming Pill Technique is not weak, but concrete Realm, should want inferior Mo Xiu several points, after all that Mo Xiu becomes famous many years of Old Monster.” 明尊丹术不弱,但具体境界,应还是要逊色莫休几分,毕竟那莫休可是成名多年的老怪。” The support of public opinion, made Mo Xiu snorted coldly, resembled to think otherwise, gaze quite had a pride. 舆论的支持,令莫休冷哼一声,似不以为然,目光却颇有一丝自傲。 He never thinks oneself will lose to Ning Fan on Pill Technique, even if Ning Fan Pill Cauldron and Alchemic Flame all by far in him, he does not think oneself will defeat. 他从不认为自己会在丹术上输给宁凡,纵然宁凡丹鼎丹火皆远胜于他,他也不认为自己会败。 Even if it seems like that this palace does not use the conspiratorial means that may still win. However, snort/hum! If not use some methods, how could to report seized the enmity of fire on the same day! Zhou Ming young child, you, and is waiting, when you and Huang and Yi become pill, Old Man will give you one pleasant surprise! Hehe...” “看来就算本殿不施展阴谋手段,也可获胜了。不过么,哼!若不施展些手段,岂能报当日夺火之仇!周明小儿,你且等着,待你与黄、易二人成丹之际,老夫会给你们一个‘惊喜’!嘿嘿…” Mo Xiu all expressions, were completely understood by Ning Fan one by one. 莫休的所有表情,都被宁凡一一看透。 Ning Fan does not expose, he from Mo Xiu some concocting pills techniques, has guessed correctly the plan of several points of Mo Xiu. 宁凡也不点破,他从莫休的些许炼丹手法之中,已猜出几分莫休的计划。 Happen, Ning Fan is also in a planned way. 正好,宁凡也有计划。 Mo Xiu refining Liancheng Pill, and in the without/has not imagination is so simple, but Ning Fan refining Revered Demon Pill, in not surface is so also ordinary. 莫休炼制连城丹,并没有想象中那么简单,而宁凡炼制尊魔丹,亦非表面上那么普通。 half a month in the past, sky over the big icefield, first time appeared the Heaven and Earth phenomenon, that was the celestial phenomenon that Four Revolutions Medicine Pill pill became. 半个月过去,偌大的冰原上空,第一次现出天地异象,那是四转丹药丹成的天象。 Silver-haired Four Revolutions Alchemist, holds a boiling hot Four Revolutions Low Grade pill, excited. 一个白发苍苍的四转丹师,捧着一颗滚烫的四转下品丹,激动不已。 pill became! Old Man pill became!” “丹成了!老夫丹成了!” If places in ordinary Cultivation Country, Four Revolutions Alchemist refining has Four Revolutions Medicine Pill, absolutely is the important matter that a country causes a stir. 若放在普通修国之内,四转丹师炼制四转丹药,绝对是一件一国轰动的大事。 But in this Alchemist such as above Pill Ceremony of ant, Four Revolutions pill of old man and is unable to attract the too many person. 但在这丹师如蚁的丹典之上,老者的四转丹并无法吸引太多人。 His Medicine Pill, delivers the appraiser to appraise the grade finally, naturally, after the appraisal, Medicine Pill returns old man all. 他的丹药,最终上交鉴定师鉴定品级,当然,鉴定之后,丹药还归老者所有。 After the old man, some people refine Four Revolutions Medicine Pill one after another, again and again appears the Heaven and Earth phenomenon. 继老者之后,陆续有人炼出四转丹药,一次次现出天地异象。 Also many Alchemist explode furnace pill to destroy, withdraws from Great Competition dejected. 也有不少丹师炸炉丹毁,心灰意冷退出大比 Passed by the 20 th, almost all Four Revolutions Alchemist completed concocting pills, above the icefield, only remained Ning Fan and other Five Revolutions Alchemist, still in careful concocting pills. 20日过去,几乎所有四转丹师都完成炼丹,冰原之上,只剩宁凡等21名五转丹师,仍在小心炼丹 Ning Fan is controlling Black Fire carefully, after capturing 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire, Black Fire Grade again promoting, although has not reached the Seventh Grade high-ranked Spirit Fire level, actually may also same level without rival in Seventh Grade mid-ranked. 宁凡细细控着黑火,在夺得三种地脉妖火之后,黑火品阶再次提升,虽说未达到七品高级灵火水平,却也可在七品中级之中同级无敌了。 At the Ning Fan concocting pills speed, far exceed Mo Xiu and the others several times. On the icefield of this promoting 67 times of concocting pills speeds , he if normal refining Revered Demon Pill, only took to be able on the 10 th to become pill. 宁凡炼丹速度,远超莫休等人数倍。在这提升六七倍炼丹速度的冰原上,他若是正常炼制尊魔丹,只需十日便可成丹。 He has not become pill on the 20 th. Has the plan actually. 他之所以20日还未成丹。实则另有打算。 Bang! 轰! Above the clear sky, starts to ferment the intermittent silver glow suddenly. Just like some Five Revolutions Alchemist concocting pills succeeds, directs Thunder Tribulation. 晴空之上,忽而开始酝酿起阵阵银芒。俨然是某个五转丹师炼丹成功,引下雷劫 At this moment, in that Alchemist Pill Cauldron, seems forms huge Magic Force vortex, all inhales in Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi Pill Cauldron, for accumulated pill to become pill. 这一刻,那丹师丹鼎之中,好似形成一个巨大的法力漩涡,将天地灵气皆吸入丹鼎之中,用于蕴丹成丹。 At this moment, outside cultivator in abundance gaze is earnest. 这一刻,场外的修士才纷纷目光热切起来。 Each Five Revolutions Medicine Pill, is the value precious thing. 每一颗五转丹药,都是价值珍贵之物。 Each Five Revolutions Medicine Pill pill becomes. The Thunder Tribulation no small matter, is not easy to receive Divine Transformation cultivator. 每一颗五转丹药丹成。其雷劫都非同小可,连化神修士都不易接下。 Many cultivator start to ponder over how to purchase this Five Revolutions Medicine Pill after Pill Ceremony from this/should Alchemist. 不少修士开始思忖,如何在丹典之后向该丹师购买这颗五转丹药 That Five Revolutions Alchemist, sends out to seek help to the sponsor seat, represents cannot block Thunder Tribulation depending on he himself. 五转丹师,则向主办席发出求助,意指凭他自己挡不住雷劫 On the sponsor seat, Ju Qing and Dong Xu look at each other one, soars suddenly. Meanwhile grasps to the day, everywhere Tribulation Cloud, was all grasped by two people tyrannicalally broken, Heaven and Earth trembles. 主办席上,巨擎洞虚对视一眼,骤然间腾空而起。同时向天一抓,漫天的劫云,皆被二人强横抓碎,天地一颤。 This is the Inner Seas Seven Venerables strength!” “这就是内海七尊的实力么!” Innumerable cultivator shock, so terrifying Thunder Tribulation, unexpectedly by two people of ruthlessly crumbs. The strength of two people of grasping, easily extinguish sufficiently kill any Divine Transformation cultivator! 无数修士震撼不已,如此恐怖雷劫,竟被二人狠狠捏碎。二人一抓之力,足以轻易灭杀任何化神修士 That Five Revolutions Alchemist tests the Medicine Pill grade in Flamelight Goblet, the sky appears round ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Azure Yang shadow, this is his result. 五转丹师焰光樽中测试丹药品级,天空现出一轮万丈青阳虚影,这便是他的成绩。 During the following several days, has Five Revolutions pill one after another becomes. Each one time, is Ju Qing and Dong Xu with joint forces broken Thunder Tribulation. 在接下来的数日之中,陆续有五转丹成。每一次,也都是巨擎洞虚合力破雷劫 The 24 th day. Yang Gu and Yun Niansu become pill one after another, two people of institute refining is Five Revolutions Low Grade Medicine Pill. 第24日。羊古云念苏相继成丹,二人所炼制的皆是五转下品丹药 Looked in calm and composed concocting pills Ning Fan, Yang Gu was still revealing respects the color, his really without/has not did obeisance wrong Master, Ning Fan Pill Technique, was extremely broad and profound. 望着仍在云淡风轻炼丹宁凡,羊古露出更为崇敬之色,他果然没有拜错师父,宁凡丹术,太过博大精深。 Yun Niansu feels still brings warm Medicine Pill, deeply sighed, he eventually was only Five Revolutions Low Grade Alchemist, he was inferior to Ning Fan eventually. 云念苏摸着犹带温热的丹药,深深一叹,他终究只是五转下品丹师,他终究不如宁凡 Two people go Flamelight Goblet to determine the Medicine Pill grade, all appears about 13,000 zhang (3.33 m) Azure Yang shadow. 二人前去焰光樽测定丹药品级,皆现出一万三千丈左右的青阳虚影 This result, let two people included this Pill Ceremony, 20 before sufficiently. 这个成绩,也足以让二人列入此次丹典二十了。 Two Five Revolutions mid-ranked Alchemist, refining has Five Revolutions Mid Grade Medicine Pill, appeared 20,000 zhang (3.33 m) Azure Yang shadow. 两名五转中级丹师,炼制五转中品丹药,现出了两万青阳虚影 Above the icefield, is only left over Ning Fan, Huang Tingzi, Yi Yunzi and Mo Xiu four people finally. 冰原之上,最终只剩下宁凡黄庭子易云子莫休四人。 The 27 th day, in Huang Tingzi Pill Cauldron, took the lead to spread wisp of pill fragrance that moved the will of the people spleen, initiated the innumerable silver thunder in above the vast sky subsequently, will soon become pill's indication. 第27日,黄庭子丹鼎之中,率先传出一缕动人心脾的丹香,继而在长空之上引发无数银雷,是即将成丹的征兆。 After half double-hour, Yi Yunzi Pill Cauldron also spreads a wisp of pill to be fragrant, the expansive sky accumulated thunder, becomes not far from pill. 半个时辰后,易云子丹鼎亦传出一缕丹香,长空蕴雷,距离丹成不远。 Mo Xiu gaze raises suddenly together the fine glow, casts a sidelong glance quietly slantingly the Huang and Yi two people, finally shoots a look at to the Ning Fan direction. 莫休目光忽然升起一道精芒,悄悄斜睨黄、易二人,最终瞥向宁凡方向。 He, waited for Ning Fan soon pill to become, is he uses method the moment! 他在等,等宁凡即将丹成之时,便是他施展手段的一刻! Detected that spying on Mo Xiu, the Ning Fan corners of the mouth bring back wipe to sneer, wants to plot against me, that pretends carelessness to you... concentrates!” 察觉到莫休的窥探,宁凡嘴角勾起一抹冷笑,“想暗算我么,那就卖个破绽给你吧…凝!” His five fingers grasp, in the cauldron medicinal power congeals immediately pill, above the vast sky, the silver thunder is densely covered. 他五指一抓,鼎中药力立刻凝结成丹,长空之上,银雷密布。 Vast Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, was inhaled in Pill Cauldron, unceasing promoting Medicine Pill imposing manner. 浩瀚的天地灵气,被吸入丹鼎之中,不断提升丹药的气势。 When the imposing manner achieves Peak, Heavenly Tribulation will then lower, Medicine Pill will then form! 在气势达到巅峰之时,天劫便会降下,丹药便会成形! The innumerable cultivator hearts mentioned the throat, they will soon see three Five Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill to become pill, is not how could excited! 无数修士心都提到了嗓子眼,他们即将看到三颗五转上品丹药成丹,岂能不激动! Ju Qing and Dong Xu look is dignified, simultaneously facing Thunder Tribulation that Three Great Alchemist initiates, even they, are not easy to resist. 就连巨擎洞虚眼神凝重,同时面对三大丹师引发的雷劫,就算是他们二人,也不易抵挡的。 Everyone's gaze, looks to three Daoist Priest spatial Thunder Tribulation that will soon lower. 所有人的目光,都望向即将降下的三道长雷劫 nobody notices, this moment Mo Xiu, the corners of the mouth bring back grin fiendishly together. 无人注意到,这一刻的莫休,嘴角勾起一道狞笑。 pill, concentrates!” “丹,凝!” He pats the cauldron body suddenly, in Pill Cauldron presents huge Magic Force vortex, is swallowing up Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in all directions. 他猛然一拍鼎身,丹鼎之中出现巨大的法力漩涡,鲸吞着四面八方的天地灵气 In the expansive sky, appears 4th to say Thunder Tribulation suddenly, was startled countless people. 长空上,骤然浮现第四雷劫,惊到了无数人。 The people have not thought, Mo Xiu will also catch up unexpectedly in this moment tenth pill. 众人都没想到,莫休竟也会赶在此刻成丹。 Ju Qing and Dong Xu complexion is even more dignified, simultaneously resists four Thunder Tribulation, the difficulty is very big. 巨擎洞虚愈加面色凝重,同时抵挡四道雷劫,难度很大啊。 Huang and Yi two people of gaze sweep to Mo Xiu, always thought that this moment Mo Xiu, receives the fire to become pill technique, is somewhat strange. 黄、易二人则目光扫向莫休,总觉得这一刻的莫休,收火成丹的手法,有些诡异。 Actually sees Mo Xiu one hand according to Pill Cauldron, another one hand pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, Finger Secret Art is extremely ancient and abstruse obscure. 却见莫休一手按在丹鼎,另一手单手掐诀,指诀极其晦涩古奥。 But Magic Force vortex in his Pill Cauldron, the suction is getting bigger and bigger, is big some is not normal, as if must above all Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi Devour(ing) the icefield general! 而他丹鼎之内的法力漩涡,吸力越来越大,大得有些不正常,仿佛要将冰原之上所有天地灵气吞噬一空一般! All around Spiritual Qi reduces hurriedly, all gathers side Mo Xiu. 四周的灵气急遽减少,皆汇聚在莫休身旁。 Lost massive Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, Ning Fan, Huang Tingzi and in Yi Yunzi three people of Pill Cauldron, the Medicine Pill quality is dropping hurriedly. Not only so, pill pill interior medicinal power, a faint trace by the Medicine Pill absorption and Devour(ing) of Mo Xiu... 失去了大量的天地灵气,宁凡黄庭子易云子三人的丹鼎之内,丹药的品质正急遽下降。非但如此,丹丸之内药力,正一丝丝被莫休丹药吸收、吞噬 split second, Huang and Yi two people of complexion all change. 一瞬间,黄、易二人面色皆是大变。 This is... Ancient Alchemist Medicine Pill is promoted and transferred Secret Technique! This is seizes the technique of revolutions! ancient has Alchemist, when concocting pills, life others concocting pills, when becoming pill, the Devour(ing) others to become Dandan strength, melts into oneself pill, may make Medicine Pill Grade promoting... this Secret Technique be lost, you will display unexpectedly!” “这是…上古丹师丹药升转’的秘术!这是‘夺转之术’!古有丹师,在炼丹之时,命他人炼丹,在成丹之时,吞噬他人成丹丹力,化入己丹之中,可令丹药品阶提升…这种秘术早已失传,你竟会施展!” Good that Hehe, said! This palace displays, indeed Medicine Pill is promoted and transferred in the technique one of them... to seize the technique of revolutions! You three people of Medicine Pill, were seized the revolutions by me, is meets Grade to drop, but Medicine Pill of this palace, may absorb and others the strength of Medicine Pill, promoting Grade. Liancheng Pill that Old Man refining up, is Five Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill, if promoting Grade, may refine the pill of Five Revolutions Peak at one fell swoop, this round, was this palace wins!” 呵呵,说的不错!本殿施展的,正是丹药升转术中其中之一…夺转之术!你们三人的丹药,被我夺转,自是会品阶下降,而本殿的丹药,可吸收尔等的丹药之力,提升品阶老夫所炼的连城丹,已经是五转上品丹药,若是提升品阶,可一举炼出五转巅峰之丹,这一轮,是本殿获胜了!” On the face of Mo Xiu appears the pleased smile, today he will be stepping on Ning Fan three people of Medicine Pill, refining up own Five Revolutions Peak Medicine Pill. 莫休的脸上浮现快意的笑容,今日他将踩着宁凡三人的丹药,炼出属于自己的五转巅峰丹药 Seizes the technique of revolutions, is Ancient Pill Cultivator Secret Technique, only if skilled in Seize Transfer Technique Pill Cultivator similarly, otherwise nobody can block stops Mo Xiu to capture the strength of others Medicine Pill. 夺转之术,乃是上古丹修秘术,除非是同样精通夺转术丹修,否则无人可阻莫休夺取他人丹药之力。 He obtains this technique, is accidental, and what obtains is only the incomplete technique. He does not think others can learn this technique. 他获得此术,也是偶然,且获得的只是残缺之术。他可不认为其他人能习得此术。 Huang Tingzi and Yi Yunzi all reveal the color of anger, seizes the technique of revolutions , if using in private the situation, other Alchemist voluntary seize the revolutions to you, this also on forget it/that's all. 黄庭子易云子皆露出愤怒之色,夺转之术若是用在私下场合,其他丹师自愿给你夺转,这也就罢了 But uses above Great Competition, seizes others Medicine Pill medicinal power, is promoted for own Medicine Pill, this behavior is unfair! 但用在大比之上,夺他人丹药药力,为自己丹药晋级,这种行为已经有失公平! Solemn Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, is so unexpectedly mean!” Two people all are the anger said. “堂堂赤天殿主,竟如此卑鄙!”二人俱是怒道。 Snort! In this world, saves perishes weakly, said that is not despicable, Jort and others also met Seize Transfer Technique, will not be won the strength of Medicine Pill by me, you defeat, is only small and weak because of you!” “哼!这个世上,强存弱亡,说不是卑鄙不卑鄙,若尔等也会夺转术,自不会被我夺走丹药之力,你们败,只因你们弱小!” Mo Xiu is actually plausible, he increases Magic Force, in Pill Cauldron spreads a huger suction, is absorbing Huang and Yi two people of Medicine Pill medicinal power crazily fiercely. 莫休倒是振振有词,他加大法力,丹鼎中传出更巨大的吸力,狂猛吸收着黄、易二人的丹药药力 With unceasing losing medicinal power, two people of Medicine Pill are unable to become pill, even starts to present the indication of Medicine Pill disruption. 随着不断的失去药力,二人的丹药根本无法成丹,甚至开始出现丹药碎裂的征兆。 Two people of gaze are angry, is actually incapable of preventing Mo Xiu to seize the revolutions. 二人目光愤怒,却无力阻止莫休夺转。 A field foreign cultivator gentleman silence, although seizes to transfer somewhat despicable, but Mo Xiu saved perishes weakly says does not miscalculate, for a while does not know should be Mo Xiu Seize Transfer Technique cheers, despised him. 外修士一片寂静,虽说夺转有些卑鄙,但莫休的‘强存弱亡’说得也不算错,一时也不知该为莫休夺转术喝彩,还是鄙夷他。 At this moment, some cultivator discovered one after another, Ning Fan without/has not gets angry to Mo Xiu unexpectedly. 这一刻,才陆续有修士发现,宁凡没有莫休发怒。 Ning Fan was still the calm and composed appearance, Mo Xiu Seize Transfer Technique, had been looked through by him. 宁凡仍是云淡风轻的模样,莫休夺转术,早就被他看破。 Mo Xiu gaze sweeps to Ning Fan, brings virulent sneering, 莫休目光扫向宁凡,带着充满敌意的冷笑, Revered Ming, Great Competition, it seems like you must lose today, Hehe, is willing to bet to concede, after Great Competition, this palace will take your Black Fire, even if at this time complained in front of Rain Sovereign and Pill Sovereign, you still or returned to Black Fire.” 明尊者,今日大比,看来你是要输了,呵呵,愿赌服输,大比之后,本殿可是会取走你的黑火的,此时就算告状到雨皇丹皇面前,你也要不回黑火了。” Complained? Why can True Body/this Senior complain?” “告状?本尊为何要告状?” The Ning Fan corners of the mouth bring back wipe the curve of ridicule, Finger Secret Art suddenly changes, similarly mumbled, 宁凡嘴角勾起一抹嘲弄的弧度,指诀骤然一变,同样念念有词, Seizes the technique of revolutions!” “夺转之术!” In Ning Fan Pill Cauldron, raises compared with Mo Xiu more powerful Magic Force vortex suddenly, the huge suction, crazily fiercely suction Mo Xiu Medicine Pill medicinal power. 宁凡丹鼎之中,骤然升起比莫休更强大的法力漩涡,巨大的吸力,将莫休丹药药力狂猛吸走。 That seizes to transfer the suction, in far more than several times compared with Mo Xiu Seize Transfer Technique! 那夺转吸力,比莫休夺转术强上何止数倍! Mo Xiu complexion changed, the anger shouted, 莫休面色一变,怒喝道, Is impossible! You will seize the technique of revolutions! This is impossible!” “不可能!你怎么也会夺转之术!这绝不可能!” ( 1 / 2 ) ……
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