GE :: Volume #5

#463: With your Nascent Divinity concocting pills!

Intense being unwilling, raises in the Mo Xiu heart. 一股强烈的不甘,在莫休心头升起。 Seizing the technique of revolutions is his card in a hand method, his unable to believe, Ning Fan will also seize the revolutions. 夺转之术本是他的底牌手段,他无法相信,宁凡也会夺转。 What his unable to believe is, Ning Fan Seize Transfer Technique, is not only complete, attainments above him. 他更无法相信的是,宁凡夺转术,不但是完整的,造诣更在他之上。 Facing Ning Fan Seize Transfer Technique, Mo Xiu unable to resist, can only unexpectedly, no matter what the Medicine Pill pill strength drains. 面对宁凡夺转术,莫休竟无法抵抗,只能任丹药丹力流失。 Untold hardships refining Liancheng Pill, starts to drop Grade unexpectedly! 千辛万苦炼制连城丹,竟开始跌落品阶 But the Huang and Yi two people all found with amazement, Ning Fan displayed Seize Transfer Technique, actually without/has not seizes the strength of two people of Medicine Pill, only seized a Mo Xiu person of pill strength. 黄、易二人皆惊讶地发现,宁凡施展了夺转术,却没有夺二人的丹药之力,只夺了莫休一人丹力。 Has Ning Fan to divert Mo Xiu, two people of pill strength no longer drain, can become pill actually, completed refining final one step. 宁凡牵制莫休,二人的丹力不再流失,倒是可以重新成丹,完成炼制的最后一步了。 This is Ning Fan is naturally helping two people, slightly uses/gives little kindness. 这自然是宁凡在帮助二人,略施小恩惠。 Two people are destroyed by pill who almost Mo Xiu harms, now obtains the Ning Fan help, the nature saves the gratitude to Ning Fan newly. 二人被莫休害的几乎丹毁,如今得到宁凡帮助,自然对宁凡新存感激。 Outside innumerable cultivator startled, cannot think that absolutely the situation will so reverse. 场外无数修士纷纷愕然,万万想不到局势会如此逆转。 Displays Seize Transfer Technique Mo Xiu, instead was actually seized the revolutions by Ning Fan, this to Mo Xiu, is really sarcasm. 施展夺转术莫休,却被宁凡反夺转,这一幕对莫休而言,真是讽刺啊。 Despicable of compared to Mo Xiu, victory by striking after the enemy has struck Ning Fan, although also displays Seize Transfer Technique, the image actually appeared the big justice. 相比莫休的卑鄙,后发制人的宁凡,虽然同样施展夺转术,形象却显得高大正义了。 You, defeat!” The Ning Fan light words, having 70% are indifferent, 30% (slightly) disdains. Falls in the Mo Xiu ear, seems together cloudless day Thunderbolt. “你,败了!”宁凡淡淡的话语,有着七分冷漠,三分不屑。落在莫休耳中,好似一道晴天霹雳 Did he defeat? 他败了? Did he on Pill Technique, lose to Ning Fan unexpectedly? 他竟然在丹术上,败给了宁凡 This is impossible! 这不可能! But lets have to acknowledge, if continues ignores Ning Fan to seize the revolutions, his Liancheng Pill, will be seized completely pill strength finally, a becoming waste pill. 但让又不得不承认,若继续放任宁凡夺转,他的连城丹,最终会被夺尽丹力,成为一个废丹。 In the Mo Xiu eye flashes through together ominous glow. He has never so been unwilling. 莫休眼中闪过一道凶芒。他从未如此不甘过。 This being unwilling, changes to a sharp thorn in the heart. Made him unable to tolerate. 这种不甘,化作一根锐刺刺在心头。令他无法容忍。 Looks to Ning Fan gaze, first time, reveals killing intent. 望向宁凡目光,第一次,流露出杀机 You, could not win this palace! When Second Round, you seize this palace Spirit Fire, harms this palace backlash injured. Now the this day palace then reports that gut retaliation, gives you lesson! Soul palm print!” “你,胜不了本殿!第二轮之时,你夺本殿灵火,害本殿反噬受伤。今日本殿便报那一箭之仇,给你一些教训!魂掌印!” Mo Xiu and Ning Fan all at the concocting pills to become pill critical moment, Magic Force Divine Sense must be on Medicine Pill. It is not able fighting method. 莫休宁凡皆在炼丹成丹的关键时刻,法力神念都要系在丹药上。根本无法斗法 However the Mo Xiu method is extraordinary, black ink azure Medicine Soul, changes to huge palm print suddenly, the towards Ning Fan overhead pats, impressively unexpectedly is 1 Layer might Medicine Soul palm print! 然而莫休手段非凡,墨青色药魂,忽然化作一个巨大掌印,朝宁凡当头拍下,赫然竟是一重威力药魂掌印 This technique is Mo Xiu from Pill Sovereign side plagiarize, although only plagiarize 1 Layer palm print, but might also no small matter. 此术是莫休丹皇身旁偷学,虽只偷学一重掌印,但威力也非同小可。 When he is at Ning Fan concocting pills to the key. Suddenly by the Battle Soul Technique sneak attack, made Ning Fan explode furnace pill to destroy sufficiently, receives backlash of concocting pills failure, and by palm print serious injury. 他在宁凡炼丹到关键之时。忽然以战魂之术偷袭,足以令宁凡炸炉丹毁,受到炼丹失败的反噬,并被掌印重伤 Mo Xiu does not dare to kill Ning Fan, he does not dare. 莫休不敢杀了宁凡,他不敢。 But if he does not make Ning Fan taste the serious injury flavor, how could unemotional anger. 但他若不让宁凡尝尝重伤的味道,岂能平心中怒意。 palm print that plagiarize comes. Mediocre...” 偷学而来的掌印么。不过如此…” Ning Fan gaze cold light flickers, he is guarding against the Mo Xiu sneak attack early. 宁凡目光寒芒闪烁,他早防备着莫休偷袭。 Innumerable cultivator see with own eyes Mo Xiu to become angry out of shame, sneak attacks the concocting pills condition unexpectedly Ning Fan, despises the Mo Xiu moral character in abundance. 无数修士眼见莫休恼羞成怒,竟偷袭炼丹状态的宁凡,纷纷鄙夷起莫休的品性。 Also many Alchemist, see with own eyes Mo Xiu to display Ancient Cultivator Battle Soul Technique of meeting. gaze is in abundance fiery. 亦有不少丹师,眼见莫休施展出古修士才会的战魂之术。纷纷目光火热。 Yue Lingkong, Xu Qiuling and Fen Chi (Burning Wings) saw with own eyes that Ning Fan was sneak attacked, all stands up flustered. To overrun to help Ning Fan keep off palm print, actually already without enough time. 月凌空许秋灵焚翅眼见宁凡被偷袭,皆是慌张站起。想要冲过去帮宁凡挡下掌印,却已来不及。 Saw with own eyes that Ning Fan must be hit by Mo Xiu palm print, receives backlash, Xu Qiuling gentle gaze, first time reveals killing intent. As soon as she raids the black skirt, like black orchid, but this orchid, will get angry. 眼见宁凡就要被莫休掌印击中,受到反噬,许秋灵温婉的目光,第一次露出杀机。她一袭黑裙,有如一朵黑色的幽兰,但这幽兰,也是会怒的。 But Yue Lingkong almost wanted rampage, if Small Cucumber were injured, she must go all out with Mo Xiu! Even if cannot be victorious, must go all out! 月凌空几乎要暴走了,若是小黄瓜受伤,她一定要和莫休拼命!就算打不过,也要拼命! Fen Chi (Burning Wings) enchanting gaze, has the anger to burn, Ning Fan is not thin to her, her non- ungrateful person. 焚翅妖娆的目光,有怒意在燃烧,宁凡对她不薄,她非忘恩负义之人。 Bang! 轰! When the women is distressed, slating to the sound of bang, actually spreads suddenly. 诸女心焦之时,一股雷鸣般的对轰之声,却忽然传出。 Actually sees the Ning Fan whole body, similarly disperses vast black ink azure Medicine Soul, actually changes to 3 Layers palm print, with Mo Xiu palm print to rumbling. 却见宁凡的周身,同样散出浩瀚的墨青色药魂,却化作三重掌印,与莫休掌印对轰一处。 Ning Fan Heavenly Dipper Seal is Pill Sovereign teaches personally, is complete by Magic Technique, Medicine Soul Grade as well as palm print cultivation degree, Ning Fan all above Mo Xiu. 宁凡天罡印丹皇亲自传授,论法术完整、药魂等级以及掌印修炼程度,宁凡皆远在莫休之上。 This palm to the bang, does not have the suspense broken, Mo Xiu palm print by a Ning Fan palm according. 这一掌对轰,毫无悬念,莫休掌印宁凡一掌按碎。 layer after layer fluctuation dispersing, Mo Xiu gaze shocks, Ning Fan actually as before calm and composed. 一层层波动散开,莫休目光震撼,宁凡却依旧云淡风轻 The other palm strength, be relentless rumble on Mo Xiu, seems is hit by Thousand Mountains. Only one instance, then made Mo Xiu receive the heavy wound. 余下的掌力,毫不留情地轰在莫休身上,好似被千山击中。只一个瞬间,便令莫休受了不轻的伤。 Mo Xiu only thinks that a Medicine Soul pain, all Magic Force become the detention, is unable to continue concocting pills unexpectedly. 莫休只觉药魂一痛,所有的法力都变得滞涩,竟无法继续炼丹 ! 噗! Mo Xiu spurts the blood to push continually, the palm leaves Pill Cauldron, in the cauldron Flame loses control, immediately spreads the a path of burnt flavor. originally ferments in pill of expansive sky, voluntarily dissipation. 莫休喷血连推,手掌离开丹鼎,鼎中火焰失控,立刻传出一道道焦糊的味道。原本酝酿在长空的丹雷,自行消散。 Mo Xiu without/has not explodes the furnace and pill to destroy actually, but he refining Liancheng Pill, because of the disturbance of Ning Fan, at the one step failure, became a burnt waste pill finally... 莫休倒是没有炸炉、丹毁,但他所炼制连城丹,因为宁凡的干扰,在最后一步失败,成了一颗焦糊的废丹… But Mo Xiu completely mind Magic Force centralized on Medicine Pill, Medicine Pill was destroyed by the external force, backlash that he receives is absolutely heavy. 莫休全部心神法力都集中在丹药上,丹药被外力毁坏,他受到的反噬绝对不轻。 Void Inquire Realm cultivation base, has experienced the wound of palm print, the pain of backlash, Realm is not unexpectedly steady, Magic Force cannot meet, drops Void Glimpse! 问虚境界修为,经历过掌印之伤,反噬之痛,竟境界不稳,一口法力接不上来,跌落窥虚 concocting pills backlash, with exercising martial arts cultivation deviation is ordinary, consequence no small matter. For this reason, Pill Sovereign puts on the technique of Ning Fan Heavenly Dipper Seal, making him protect oneself life saving. 炼丹反噬,就和练功走火入魔一般,后果非同小可。正因如此,丹皇才穿宁凡天罡印之术,令他护身保命 Only if Mo Xiu closes up counts 10 years, self-torture Realm, otherwise gave up any idea of that restores Void Inquire cultivation base, this is the backlash price! 除非莫休闭关数十年,苦修境界,否则休想恢复问虚修为,这就是反噬的代价! He was angry, he went crazy, he lost the reason. 他愤怒了,他发狂了,他失了理智。 Solemn Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, was harmed by Ning Fan unexpectedly drops cultivation base, after all scruples were thrown into the brain, by him. 堂堂赤天殿主,竟被宁凡害得跌落修为,所有顾忌都被他抛到脑后。 No matter what background protection he Ning Fan has, today, he must make Ning Fan pay the price! 他不管宁凡有着什么样的背景保护,今日,他要让宁凡付出代价! „The Zhou Ming young child, you courts death!” 周明小儿,你找死!” He soars, he is fermenting type Magic Technique, he must wound concocting pills condition Ning Fan, makes him together by backlash! 他腾空而起,他酝酿着一式法术,他要将炼丹状态的宁凡击伤,令他一起被反噬 Courts death, is you!” “找死的,是你!” Ning Fan pats the cauldron lid suddenly, the silver thunder strikes together loudly, Revered Demon Pill unexpectedly directly pill becomes! 宁凡猛然一拍鼎盖,一道银雷轰然击下,尊魔丹竟直接丹成! No, was accurate said, Ning Fan before 10 th to become pill, is only for the waiting at this moment, has then disguised without/has not to become pill. 不,准确得说,宁凡早在十日前便已成丹,只是为了等待这一刻,才一直假装没有成丹。 He calculates early Mo Xiu Seize Transfer Technique was broken, will be crazed, this one step, still within he planned. 他早算到莫休夺转术被破,会丧心病狂,这一步,仍在他算计之内。 Swallows!” “吞!” Facing Five Revolutions High Grade Medicine Pill pill, Ning Fan opened mouth swallows. Swallows completely all silver thunder directly. 面对五转上品丹药的丹雷,宁凡张口一吞。直接吞尽所有银雷。 He cultivates complete Tai Su Thunder Star, trivial Thunderbolt. not worth mentioning! 他修有完整的太素雷星,区区雷霆何足道哉! Facing approaching of Mo Xiu, Ning Fan one step treads the heaven, the front surface is a fist. 面对莫休的逼近,宁凡一步踏天,迎面就是一拳。 Strength of the fist, is mixing with howling of mountains and rivers, making Mo Xiu be unexpected, cannot think how completely Ning Fan will become pill suddenly, restored the ability of activity. 一拳之力,夹杂着山河的呼啸,令莫休始料不及,完全想不到宁凡怎么会突然成丹,恢复活动的能力。 The hastiness receives a Ning Fan fist, Mo Xiu gaze is startled suddenly. With the fist bone of Ning Fan to bang, the direct smashing, could not contend with the Ning Fan Mortal Body great strength! 仓促接下宁凡一拳,莫休目光骤然一惊。与宁凡对轰的拳骨,直接粉碎,根本抗衡不了宁凡肉身巨力! Bang! 轰! The big explosion sound spreads, Mo Xiu fist bone blood-stained, was flown by a Ning Fan fist bang! 偌大的轰响传开,莫休拳骨染血,被宁凡一拳轰飞! His moment injury is extremely heavy, cultivation base drops, Mortal Body is far inferior to Ning Fan. How can be the enemy of Ning Fan gathering? 他此刻伤势极重,修为跌落,肉身又远逊宁凡。岂会是宁凡一合之敌? In the heart regretted. If knows Ning Fan to meet Seize Transfer Technique early, he will not show off meager skills before an expert. If knows Ning Fan to meet Heavenly Dipper Seal early, he will not sneak attack. If knows Ning Fan early already to become pill, he cannot rashly with it fighting tooth and nail. 心中则后悔不已。若早知宁凡夺转术,他绝不会班门弄斧。若早知宁凡天罡印,他绝不会偷袭。若早知宁凡已经成丹,他绝不会贸然与之搏命。 Is he first begins to Ning Fan, even if Ning Fan kills him today, perhaps is still Ning Fan occupies the principle. Rain Palace nobody may for him over, die dying in vain! 是他先对宁凡动手,就算宁凡今日杀了他,恐怕也是宁凡占理。雨殿无人可为他出头,死了白死! Today when without/has not Orchid Tomb King asylum, today he Second Round injury is heavier, how could today he is the Ning Fan opponent! 今日没有兰陵王庇护,今日他比第二轮之时伤势更重,今日他岂能是宁凡对手! Unwilling, he is unwilling! 不甘,他不甘! But his mind gradually is calm. Situation at this moment is disadvantageous to him, he does not hope again the dogfight. Only wants to evade today for the time being, in the future will attempt the retaliation. 但他头脑渐渐冷静。此刻的形势对他不利,他不愿再缠斗。只想姑且躲过今日,日后再图报复。 Fast stops! Offending of today, this palace will compensate to a Revered Ming satisfaction surely, my two people with are the people of Rain Palace, how could to kill one another!” “速速住手!今日之得罪,本殿必定会给明尊一个满意补偿,我二人同为雨殿之人,岂能自相残杀!” Uttered fine words! You may still remember, you and this Zhou bet!” “说得好听!你可还记得,你与周某的打赌!” A Ning Fan reminder, brought back Mo Xiu memories. 宁凡一句提醒,勾起了莫休回忆 Yes, he and Ning Fan has made a bet, now his concocting pills failure, Ning Fan concocting pills succeeds, he naturally lost to Ning Fan, according to the gambling makes, Ning Fan may take his thing casually. 是啊,他与宁凡打过赌,如今他炼丹失败,宁凡炼丹成功,他自然是败给了宁凡,按照赌约,宁凡可随便取走他身上一件东西。 You want anything, this palace gives you entirely!” Mo Xiu said in a panic. “你要什么,本殿统统给你!”莫休仓皇道。 I want, your life!” “我要,你的命!” Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The Ning Fan double fist wields, the black hair dance, the dignity like the deity, snow spatial above everywhere is Black Dragon dragon shadow. 宁凡双拳挥出,黑发狂舞,威严有如天神,雪空之上漫天都黑龙龙影。 The double fist rumbles, the direct bang broken Mo Xiu both arms, without/has not gives him any to pinch finger joints with the thumb opportunity. 双拳轰出,直接轰碎莫休双臂,没有给他任何掐诀施法的机会 Kicks, kicks above the Mo Xiu dantian, almost shakes its Nascent Divinity to collapse. 一脚踢出,踢在莫休丹田之上,震得其元神几乎崩溃。 Directs, Crumbling Heaven Sword Finger 3rd collapses changes to innumerable Sword Glow, cuts torn to pieces Mo Xiu Mortal Body. 一指点出,崩天剑指第三崩化作无数剑芒,将莫休肉身斩得支离破碎。 Everyone by this overwhelming war shock! 所有人都被这压倒性的战局震惊了! The phoenix of meeting misfortune is inferior to the chicken, drops Realm Mo Xiu, carries serious injury, the strength was far less than that Shi Le Country Lord is tyrannical. 落难的凤凰不如鸡,跌落境界莫休,身负重伤,实力远不如石勒国主强横。 The Shi Le Country Lord good and evil is Void Glimpse without rival, fell to the ground to devastate by Ning Fan in the same old way at the same time. 石勒国主好歹是窥虚无敌,照样被宁凡一面倒地蹂躏。 Only serious injury Mo Xiu, simply had not put in the eye by Ning Fan. 区区一个重伤莫休,根本没被宁凡放入眼中。 Even if most flourishing Mo Xiu, should the Dragon King strength, but Ning Fan... the even/including should Dragon King be possible to cut! 纵然是全盛的莫休,也不过是应龙王实力,而宁凡…连应龙王都可斩! But the Mo Xiu disposition, is far less than should Dragon King and Shi Kun, Mo Xiu is fierce, only because of family background in Rain Palace nothing more. 莫休的心性,更是远不如应龙王石坤的,莫休之所以厉害,只因出身于雨殿而已 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Mo Xiu is met, physical strength to be lax by Magic Force that Ning Fan hits, the basic without/has not strength to hit back, was stressed the sandbag to be the same by Ning Fan, pounds ruthlessly above the icefield. 莫休宁凡打的法力不接、气力涣散,根本没有还手之力,被宁凡抓沙袋一般,狠狠砸在冰原之上。 Ning Fan seems is entraining a dead dog, entrains arrives above the icefield of distant place, the sincere bang hits, collapses Snow Mountain bang a piece by piece. 宁凡好似拽着一条死狗,拽到远方的冰原之上,拳拳轰打,将一片片雪山轰塌。 The Mo Xiu look hate dreads, Ning Fan Mortal Body is extremely powerful, powerful to letting him is scared, making him beg for mercy. 莫休眼神怨恨而畏惧,宁凡肉身太过强大,强大到让他胆寒,让他求饶。 He felt, if Ning Fan continues to hit, he will really die! 他感觉,若宁凡继续打下去,他真的会死! You... cannot kill me... I are seven sovereigns... the Seventh Prince trusted subordinate...” “你…不能杀我…我乃七皇…七皇子亲信…” Kills your so what, does not fear to tell you, I will also take your Nascent Divinity, uses ‚the technique of blood revolutions, is promoted for my Revered Demon Pill!” “杀你又如何,不怕告诉你,我还会拿你的元神,使用‘血转之术’,为我的尊魔丹晋级!” Wha, what! “什、什么! Mo Xiu gaze fears greatly, Blood Transfer Technique is like Seize Transfer Technique, is promoting Medicine Pill grade Secret Technique. 莫休目光大惧,血转术夺转术一样,都是提升丹药品级的秘术 Stated differently, Seize Transfer Technique is seizes other Medicine Pill medicinal power is Medicine Pill is promoted, but Blood Transfer Technique with cultivator Nascent Soul and Nascent Divinity concocting pills, is cruel Medicine Pill is promoted and transferred the technique! 不同的是,夺转术是夺其他丹药药力丹药晋级,而血转术则是拿修士元婴元神炼丹,是一种残忍的丹药升转术! He is unable to imagine, Ning Fan must take his Nascent Divinity concocting pills, this... this was too fearful! 他无法想象,宁凡要拿他的元神炼丹,这…这太可怕了! He is impossible to know, Ning Fan chooses refining Revered Demon Pill today, saved early killed Mo Xiu, to take the plan of Nascent Divinity concocting pills. 他自不可能知道,宁凡今日选择炼制尊魔丹,早存了杀莫休、取元神炼丹的打算。 Ning Fan is never a suffering a loss lord, others annoy to visit, kill then! 宁凡从不是一个吃亏的主,别人惹上门,杀之即可! Bang! 轰! Under Ning Fan foot treads, treads blood paste Mo Xiu Mortal Body. 宁凡一脚踏下,将莫休肉身踏成血泥 Directs, freeze Mo Xiu Nascent Divinity, seizes to start, one step like the smoke, returns to the Pill Cauldron jade stage. 一指点出,定住莫休元神,擒入手中,一步如烟,回到丹鼎玉台。 His Evil Qi, incarnadine piece by piece wind and snow. 他一身煞气,染红了一片片风雪。 In a flash, Yin Mo Xiu, cut Mo Xiu, this tyrannical method. Made innumerable cultivator scared. 弹指间,阴了莫休,斩了莫休,这强横的手段。令无数修士胆寒。 Then how long, Ning Fan cuts two Void Refinement Old Monster in Northern Cold Country unexpectedly continually! 这才多长时间,宁凡竟在北凉国中连斩两名炼虚老怪 Shock. This was really extremely shocks! 震撼。这真是太过震撼了! Especially Mo Xiu, this person of Realm is higher than Shi Le Country Lord, the status venerates compared with Shi Le Country Lord, the Ning Fan actually photo kills does not harm, seriously is bold! 尤其是莫休,此人境界石勒国主高,身份比石勒国主尊崇,宁凡却照杀不误,当真是胆大包天! The people are looking in the Ning Fan palm Nascent Divinity, was all guessing how Ning Fan will handle Mo Xiu. 众人望着宁凡掌中元神,皆在猜测宁凡会如何处置莫休 At once, Ning Fan made made innumerable cultivator be startled to fall the matter of eyeball. 旋即,宁凡做出了让无数修士惊掉眼球的事情。 He will still bring warm Revered Demon Pill to put in Pill Cauldron , after half-dead Mo Xiu Nascent Divinity Seal, loses into Pill Cauldron. 他将犹带温热的尊魔丹放入丹鼎,又将半死不活的莫休元神封印之后丢入丹鼎 Then. Does not attend to the sound of Mo Xiu pitiful yell, direct activates Black Fire, Extremity Force burning down. 然后。不顾莫休惨叫之声,直接催动黑火,极力焚烧。 He, must take Mo Xiu Nascent Divinity concocting pills unexpectedly! 他,竟是要拿莫休元神炼丹 what! this, this! In the world some unexpectedly people take Void Inquire Expert Nascent Divinity concocting pills, Devil, this is the Devil act!” 什么!这,这!世上竟有人拿问虚强者元神炼丹,魔头,这是魔头的行径!” Keeps silent! You not awfully! You scolded Revered Ming. Careful Revered Ming takes your Nascent Soul concocting pills!” “噤声!你不要命了!你骂了明尊。小心明尊拿你的元婴炼丹!” Suddenly, the outside strange deathly stillness, covers in a terrifying atmosphere. 一时间,场外诡异的死寂,笼罩在一股恐怖的氛围之中。 Innumerable cultivator look to Ning Fan gaze, has the biting cold fear. 无数修士望向宁凡目光,带着彻骨的恐惧。 In Ning Fan Pill Cauldron, bloody glow greatly presently, Evil Qi heaven shaking. After a pitiful yell . Mo Xiu Nascent Divinity integrates in Revered Demon Pill completely. 宁凡丹鼎之内,血光大现,煞气惊天。一声惨叫之后。莫休元神全部融入尊魔丹之中。 Five Revolutions High Grade Revered Demon Pill, in this moment, had indication that breaks through Five Revolutions Peak! 五转上品尊魔丹,在这一刻,有了突破五转巅峰的征兆! Especially after Revered Demon Pill breaks through Five Revolutions Peak, Ning Fan was still accomplishing a task with ease concocting pills, the discerning people can see. Ning Fan Pill Technique achieved Five Revolutions Peak absolutely! 尤其当尊魔丹突破五转巅峰之后,宁凡仍是游刃有余的炼丹,明眼人都能看出。宁凡丹术绝对达到了五转巅峰 This refining up, is several days. 这一炼,便又是数日。 Murder takes the life. Nascent Divinity concocting pills... unexpectedly is the technique of blood revolutions Ancient is lost!” Old Monster calls out in alarm said. “‘杀人取命。元神炼丹’…竟是上古失传的血转之术!”一个老怪惊呼道。 Five Revolutions Peak! Revered Ming unexpectedly is Five Revolutions Peak Alchemist!” Another Old Monster shocks said. 五转巅峰明尊竟然是五转巅峰炼丹师!”又一个老怪震撼道。 At the same time, Mountain Rain Wish to Come atmosphere, is covering Central State Rain Palace. 同一时间,一股山雨欲来的气氛,笼罩着中州雨殿 A shocking news, made that the person of will of the people Rain Palace measures. 一个震撼的消息,弄得雨殿之人人心测测。 How can, how be able! Solemn Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, why life plate will break to pieces!” A Rain Palace Venerable Elder startled anger said. “怎么会,怎么会!堂堂赤天殿主,命牌为何会碎!”一个雨殿尊老惊怒道。 „, Speed Investigate! our Scarlet Heaven Palace person, cannot make Palace Lord die in vain!” Another Venerable Elder support said. “查,速度查!我们赤天殿的人,不能让殿主白死!”又一个尊老声援道。 Rain Sovereign gaze is gloomy, without/has not any spoken language, but can judge from the expression, he at this moment is extremely surely angry, because some people dare to slaughter Rain Palace Nine Great Palace Lord, this hits the face of Rain Sovereign simply! 雨皇目光阴沉,没有任何言语,只是从表情就可以判断,此刻的他必定极其愤怒,因为有人敢杀戮雨殿九大殿主,这简直是打雨皇的脸! In the main hall, loses Heavenly Eye Venerable Ming laborious Divine Prediction, is actually hard Divine Prediction to have Heaven's Fate of slayer. 大殿之中,失去天眼冥尊者辛苦卜算着,却难以卜算出杀人者的天机 Finally, buries in Endless Sea Rain Palace chess piece, transmits the information at the big price to Rain Palace, why the people side knows Mo Xiu die. 最终,还是埋在无尽海雨殿棋子,以偌大代价向雨殿传来情报,众人方知莫休为何陨落 The slayers, are Ning Fan! 杀人者,乃是宁凡 But the murder reason, is Mo Xiu provokes Ning Fan unexpectedly repeatedly, even the intention plots to murder the Ning Fan life... 而杀人原因,竟是莫休屡屡招惹宁凡,甚至意图谋害宁凡性命… Mo Xiu! Dares to violate the this Sovereign order, dies well, deserves to be damned!” The Rain Sovereign anger, as if shifts to Mo Xiu on completely. 莫休!敢违背本皇命令,死得好,死有余辜!”雨皇的愤怒,似乎全部转移到莫休身上。 If others killed Mo Xiu, Rain Sovereign pursues the responsibility surely, but Ning Fan uses to his also greatly, he does not allow anybody to move Ning Fan. 若是其他人杀了莫休,雨皇必定追责,但宁凡对他还有大用,他不允许任何人动宁凡 Even if must move Ning Fan, will still after using! 就算要动宁凡,也该在利用过之后! Imperial Father! Mo Xiu is my Subordinate, can it be dies in vain!” Yun Jinghong eye reveal Murderous Qi, wishes one could to tear into shreds Ning Fan. 父皇莫休是我的属下,难道就这么白死吗!”云惊虹眼露杀气,恨不得撕碎宁凡 Good, he died in vain! His death, happen to can give other Palace Lord lessons. The disobedient this Sovereign order, goes to Zhou Ming, this is the fate! Do you really dare to kill him? But he now Li Cangtian Half Disciple!” “不错,他就这么白死了!他的死,正好可以给其他殿主一个教训。忤逆本皇命令,去动周明,这就是下场!况且,你真的敢杀他?他如今可是厉苍天半个徒儿!” Rain Sovereign is disgruntled, Yun Jinghong is his child, should be the same with him, understands which is the lighter and which is the heavier, because unexpectedly Subordinate loses one's temper, must kill one to have chess piece of use greatly, the disposition is really anxious. 雨皇不悦,云惊虹是他之子,应该和他一样,懂得孰轻孰重,竟因为一个属下动怒,要杀一个大有用途的棋子,心性着实让人担忧。 Li Cangtian...” Mentioned the Pill Sovereign reputation, even Yun Jinghong again crazily again arrogant, still has to restrain. 厉苍天…”一提到丹皇名头,就算云惊虹再狂再傲,也不得不有所收敛。 Has Rain Sovereign to cover, has Pill Sovereign to cover, present Ning Fan, really no one dares to move. 雨皇罩着,有丹皇罩着,如今的宁凡,真没人敢动。 But, cannot extremely ignores Zhou Ming. Does not arrive at the 500 skeletal age, but then killing Shi Kun and Mo Xiu... sovereign, do you and Orchid Tomb King very nearly walk?” The Rain Sovereign inquiry said, cannot see the happy anger. “不过,也不能太过放任这个周明。不到五百的骨龄,便可击杀石坤莫休…皇儿,你和兰陵王走得很近?”雨皇提问道,看不出喜怒。 Yes. Orchid Tomb King True Body/this Senior is closing up, its 2nd Nascent Divinity in Endless Sea, collects Hidden Sea Four Clans Demon Image Slate.” Yun Jinghong does not dare to conceal. “是。兰陵王本尊正在闭关,其第二元神则在无尽海之中,搜集幽海四族魔像石板。”云惊虹不敢隐瞒。 Yes. If there is opportunity, making him give some Zhou Ming lessons, does not need to harm his life, making him know some high and lows terribly then. this child also not Void Refinement, already so aggressive, if breaks through Void Refinement and Void Fragmentation... this child, cannot the ignores become next Yun Tianjue!” “是么。若有机会,让他给周明些许教训,无需伤他性命,让他知晓些尊卑利害即可。此子还未炼虚,就已经如此凶悍,若是突破炼虚碎虚此子,不可放任成下一个云天诀!” Ning Fan kills Shi Kun and Mo Xiu score continually, making solemn Rain Sovereign first time take seriously a junior. 宁凡连杀石坤莫休的战绩,让堂堂雨皇第一次重视起一个小辈。 Why does not know, Rain Sovereign always felt, Ning Fan this junior, gives him an extremely feeling of unease. 不知为何,雨皇总觉得,宁凡这个小辈,给他一种极为不安的感觉。 If in other contact surfaces, is born Ning Fan heaven's chosen so, feared that will make God Sovereign win over. 若在其他界面,诞生一个宁凡这般的天骄,怕会让神皇争相拉拢。 What a pity, Rain World only then God Sovereign, the result of dictatorship, suppresses the hero, avoids the imperial authority being replaced. 可惜,雨界只有一个神皇,独裁的结果,就是打压英杰,避免皇权被取代。 Zhou Ming...” Rain Sovereign hesitates does not speak, the brow tight wrinkle, does not know that is thinking anything. 周明…”雨皇沉吟不语,眉头紧皱,不知在想什么。 Rain Sovereign are not clear, why he can wariness also not Void Refinement ants. 雨皇自己都不明白,他为何会忌惮一个还未炼虚的蝼蚁。 Under Void Fragmentation the ants, Under Void Refinement... the ants were all inferior. 碎虚之下皆蝼蚁,炼虚之下么…蝼蚁不如。 ( 2 / 2 ) ……
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