GE :: Volume #5

#461: Flamelight Goblet

Has Orchid Tomb King to arrive, Mo Xiu obtained the opportunity of respite, escapes One Tribulation. 兰陵王到来,莫休获得了喘息之机,逃过一劫 But Flame was seized, the Mo Xiu Second Round result, by no means is ideal. 火焰被夺,莫休第二轮的成绩,并不理想。 1500 Alchemist, can complete 1000 years Spirit Herb to smelt, and refine ten times in two double-hour, only 180 people. 1500名丹师,能在两个时辰完成千年灵药熔炼、并提纯十次者,只有区区180人。 In these 180 people, overwhelming majorities are Four Revolutions Alchemist, also a few Three Revolutions Peak Alchemist, completed the competition, was gathered by many influences. 这180人中,绝大多数是四转丹师,还有少数几个三转巅峰丹师,完成了比试,被不少势力争相招揽。 Can the 1000 years Purple Jade Banyan Tree refine 50 times, all be Five Revolutions Alchemist. 能将千年紫玉榕提纯50次的,皆是五转丹师 Huang Tingzi the 1000 years Purple Jade Banyan Tree refine 74 times, Yi Yunzi refine 77 times. 黄庭子千年紫玉榕提纯74次,易云子提纯了77次。 Mo Xiu receives backlash, loses Flame, only the refine 72 times, lost to the Huang and Yi two people unexpectedly. 莫休收到反噬,失去火焰,仅提纯72次,竟输给了黄、易二人。 Those who keep Mo Xiu from accepting, Ning Fan unexpectedly in 1000 years Purple Jade Banyan Tree refine 99 times! 更让莫休无法接受的是,宁凡竟在千年紫玉榕提纯了99次! Must know, even true Six Revolutions Alchemist, can still 1000 years Spirit Herb refine 100 nothing more. 需知,就算是一名真正的六转丹师,也不过能将千年灵药提纯100次而已 The Ning Fan result, is telling the world without doubt, his Pill Technique, has been close to Six Revolutions! 宁凡的成绩,无疑在告诉世人,他的丹术,已接近六转 In having Huang and Yi and other Grandmaster participant in situations, Ning Fan finished the 1st name of Second Round competition unexpectedly. 在有黄、易宗师参比的情况下,宁凡竟获得了第二轮比试的第一名。 Naturally, this result, test merely is to the smelting and refine of nothing more Spirit Herb. 当然,这个成绩,考验的仅仅是对灵药的熔炼、提纯而已 Perhaps Ning Fan smelts refine to be outdoing, but Pill Technique actually inferior Mo Xiu and the others, not necessarily is not possible. 也许宁凡熔炼提纯胜人一筹,但丹术却逊色莫休等人,也未必是不可能的。 Many Old Monster anticipate the Third Round competition very much, Third Round, concocting pills of all Alchemist metropolis/can real swords and spears, may measure strength truly. 许多老怪都很期待第三轮比试,第三轮,所有丹师都会真刀真枪的炼丹,可真正一决高下。 They want to know, in this case, Ning Fan whether still to obtain 1st. 他们很想知道,在这种情况下,宁凡能否仍旧取得第一 Second Round finished, starts from Third Round, still had 10 days. 第二轮结束,距离第三轮开始,尚有十日 In 10 days, Ning Fan stands throughout outside the west building, in wind and snow, in the mind playbacks, is in Second Round 1500 Alchemist melt medicine techniques. 十日之内,宁凡始终立在西楼之外、风雪之中,脑海中回放的,则是第二轮之中1500名丹师的熔药手法。 7th day, outside world spreads the news that Mo Xiu injury recovers. 第七日,外界传出莫休伤势痊愈的消息。 Mo Xiu claimed, must in the last round, measure strength with Ning Fan open and aboveboard! 莫休声称,要在最后一轮,与宁凡堂堂正正一决高下! To this hearsay, Ning Fan belittles to smile does not believe. He never thinks that Mo Xiu is a solemn really person. 对这种传闻,宁凡蔑笑不信。他从不认为莫休是一个堂堂真真的人。 8th day. Quiet at dead of night. The Giant Demon Remnant World direction, spreads the vast fighting method fluctuation suddenly. 第八日。夜深人静之时。巨魔残界的方向,忽然传出浩瀚的斗法波动。 Some cultivator see, a fighting method side is Orchid Tomb King, the other side is 78 aura vast Void Refinement Old Monster. 修士看到,斗法的一方是兰陵王,另一方则是七八个气息浩瀚的炼虚老怪 Finally, Orchid Tomb King is overwhelmed by sheer numbers, the anger departs. 最终,兰陵王寡不敌众,愤怒离去。 But that 78 mysterious Void Refinement , is extremely deep to Orchid Tomb King wariness, without/has not pursues. 而那七八个神秘炼虚,也是对兰陵王忌惮极深,没有去追。 Innumerable cultivator guessed that these 78 mysterious Void Refinement status, actually nobody guesses that gets the answer. 无数修士猜测起这七八名神秘炼虚的身份,却无人猜得到答案。 Only has Ning Fan to know, that Orchid Tomb King must be proud extremely. Sneaks Giant Demon Remnant World alone, was repelled by Eight Ancestors tyrannicalally. 唯有宁凡知晓,那兰陵王必是极其自负。独自潜入巨魔残界,被八祖强横击退。 This matter. Let wariness of Ning Fan to Eight Ancestors deeply. 这件事。让宁凡八祖忌惮又深了一些。 Although that Orchid Tomb King is only 2nd Nascent Divinity comes, but only 2nd Nascent Divinity, was more intrepid than many Void Pierce Old Monster. 兰陵王虽说只是第二元神前来,但单凭第二元神,就比许多冲虚老怪都强悍了。 Even Orchid Tomb King is unable to force one's way in Giant Demon Remnant World, to win Demon Image Slate, Ning Fan was more impossible to seize Stone Slate. 兰陵王都无法强行闯入巨魔残界、夺走魔像石板,宁凡更加不可能强抢石板了。 This Orchid Tomb King is really not weak, 2nd Nascent Divinity was besieged by two Void Pierce and six Void Inquire, can Undying/not dead... worthily be Yun Tianjue generation of Expert. This person of True Body/this Senior has not broken through Void Fragmentation, but under Void Fragmentation. Mostly rare rival...” “不过这兰陵王还真是不弱,第二元神被两名冲虚、六名问虚围攻,都能不死…不愧是与云天诀一辈的高手。此人本尊尚未突破碎虚,但碎虚之下。多半已罕有敌手…” This time robbed the Stone Slate failure, Orchid Tomb King received heavy injury, swaggered away. 此次抢夺石板失败,兰陵王受了不轻伤势,扬长而去。 This person is very strong, same level only one time suffered defeat, lost to Yun Tianjue. 此人很强,同级中唯一一次败北,输给了云天诀 Orchid Tomb King once was with the person of Yun Tianjue fighting, under Void Fragmentation, his without rival, some hearsay Void Fragmentation 1 Layer Expert, once suffered a loss even in his hands. 兰陵王是曾与云天诀争锋之人,碎虚之下,他可无敌,传闻就算是某个碎虚一重高手,都曾在其手中吃亏。 Present Ning Fan. It is not the Orchid Tomb King opponent, not with the meaning of it striving for hegemony. 如今的宁凡。远不是兰陵王对手,亦并无与之争雄之意。 Mo Xiu restored most flourishing, does not need the Orchid Tomb King asylum again, starts actively to prepare the Third Round competition, is to hit the face of dozen of Ning Fan in Third Round well. 莫休恢复了全盛,再无需兰陵王庇护,开始积极准备第三轮比试,意欲在第三轮好好打打宁凡的脸。 9th day, Huang Tingzi and Yi Yunzi come to visit Ning Fan one after another, three people do not know that discussed anything. 第九日,黄庭子易云子相继前来拜访宁凡,三人不知谈论了什么。 When Huang Tingzi departs, announced to the people, Ning Fan official becoming Pill Island Guest Official Elder. 黄庭子离去之时,向众人宣布,宁凡正式成为丹岛客卿长老 But when Yi Yunzi departs, declared to the people, Zhou Family forever is the Ning Fan backing. 易云子离去之时,则向众人宣称,周家永远是宁凡的后盾。 other people does not know Ning Fan concrete Pill Technique, but two people had seen, Ning Fan Pill Technique achieves Five Revolutions Peak at least, even the rare person in Five Revolutions Peak may compare. 外人不知宁凡的具体丹术,但二人已看出,宁凡丹术起码达到五转巅峰,甚至在五转巅峰之中都罕有人可比。 This made they had the frustration at the same time, to the mysterious Pill Technique admiration of Ning Fan. 这令他二人心生挫败感的同时,又对宁凡的玄妙丹术钦佩不已。 10th day, Yun Niansu comes, informs some Ning Fan information. 第十日,云念苏前来,告知宁凡一些情报。 Yun Niansu inquires, the Mo Xiu heart is narrow, prepares to make some noises in Pill Ceremony Third Round, may be disadvantageous to Ning Fan. 云念苏打探到,莫休心胸狭隘,准备在丹典第三轮闹出一些动静,或许会对宁凡不利。 What Yun Niansu represents is Profound Heaven Palace, he shows good will to Ning Fan, in pulling closer friendship between two palaces. 云念苏代表的是玄天殿,他对宁凡示好,是在拉近两殿之间的交情。 Hearing Yun Niansu is the Rain Palace Third Prince Yun Bushu adopted son, Ning Fan is even more polite to Yun Niansu. 听说云念苏雨殿三皇子云不舒的义子,宁凡云念苏愈加客气。 He and Yun Bushu also calculate that has seen twice, one time when Seven Plums Great Tribulation, another one time, bets when Sinister Sparrow. 他与云不舒也算见过两次了,一次七梅大劫之时,另一次,在鬼雀下赌之时。 In the hearsay Rain Palace imperial prince, only has Yun Bushu and Yun Tianjue relationship sworn friend. 传闻雨殿诸位皇子中,唯有云不舒云天诀关系莫逆。 Now Yun Niansu reveals the good intentions to Ning Fan several times, Ning Fan is also willing to make this friend. 如今云念苏又数次对宁凡表露善意,宁凡倒也愿交下这个朋友。 Had the reminder of Yun Niansu, Ning Fan to Great Competition Third Round, the vigilance is heavier. 有了云念苏的提醒,宁凡第三轮大比,戒心更重。 Now Orchid Tomb King is not, if Mo Xiu really dares to make some small tricks above Great Competition, Ning Fan did not mind that seizes the chance to put to death this person! 如今兰陵王不在,若莫休真敢在大比之上闹出些幺蛾子,宁凡不介意趁机诛杀此人! Has the asylum of Rain Sovereign, Pill Sovereign and Zhou Family, before Rain Sovereign has no consideration for face, in Rain World nobody dares to injure Ning Fan. 雨皇丹皇周家的庇护,在与雨皇撕破脸前,雨界之内无人敢伤宁凡 He does not need the too many scruples, even if Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord, not necessarily cannot kill! 他不需要有太多顾忌,纵然是赤天殿殿主,也未必不能杀! 10 days in the past, Great Competition Third Round started. 十日过去,第三轮大比开始。 This Great Competition holds above an icefield, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi above this icefield, is thicker than Snow Valley, if in this place concocting pills, at least is the outside world 67 times of speeds. 此次大比在一处冰原之上举行,这冰原之上的天地灵气,比雪谷更浓,若在此地炼丹,起码是外界六七倍的速度。 participant altogether has 180 people, but the discerning people know, the first three people, the Mo Xiu four people will contend mostly from Ning Fan, Yi Yunzi, Huang Tingzi and. 参比者共有180人,但明眼人都知道,前三之人,多半会从宁凡易云子黄庭子莫休四人之中角逐出来。 Ning Fan then appears in the icefield very much early, stands above own jade stage, stands and waits for a long time such as a statue, is not myriad things. 宁凡很早便出现在冰原,立在属于自己的玉台之上,伫立如一尊雕像,不为万物所动。 The outside world wind and snow become overcast, in his heart peaceful like paper. 外界风雪凄凄,他心中安宁如纸。 He is estimating Pill Technique repeatedly, memories in the past concocting pills scenes. 他反复揣摩着丹术,回忆着往昔炼丹的一幕幕场景。 Under the guidance of Pill Sovereign, his body, gradually formed an unusual bearing. 丹皇的教导下,他的身上,渐渐形成了一股与众不同的气度。 That bearing, belongs to Ning Fan own Dao of Alchemy, although the distant without/has not forming, has carrying forward 1 day finally. 那气度,是属于宁凡自己的丹道,虽远远没有成形,却终有发扬光大的一日 Dark ink general Medicine Qi, disperses several feet. 浓墨一般的药气,散开数丈。 This moment Ning Fan, not Revered Demon, but became one to make inquiries into Dao of Alchemy concocting pills Grandmaster completely wholeheartedly. 这一刻的宁凡,再不似一个魔尊,而完全成了一个一心叩问丹道炼丹宗师 Xu Qiuling stares at Ning Fan from afar crazily, the beautiful eye such as. 许秋灵远远凝望宁凡,美目如痴。 Yue Lingkong looks at Ning Fan, unexpectedly some are not familiar with the Ning Fan Grandmaster bearing, in her heart. The Ning Fan time should be Demonic Qi is densely right. 月凌空看着宁凡,竟有些不习惯宁凡宗师气度,在她心中。宁凡时刻都应是魔气森森才对。 Fen Chi (Burning Wings) by this moment Ning Fan deep attraction. If she were attracted generally, in also audience innumerable pretty female cultivator. 焚翅被这一刻的宁凡深深吸引。如她一般被吸引的,还有观众之中无数貌美的女修 Feng Xueyan is not, she after Orchid Tomb King attacks Giant Demon Remnant World, by Eight Ancestors carefully is protected, for fear that she made a careless mistake. 风雪言不在,她在兰陵王攻打巨魔残界之后,就被八祖小心保护起来,生怕她出了一丝纰漏。 Before using her, Eight Ancestors to her may really be excellent. 在利用她之前,八祖对她可真算是极好了。 Thinks this all good, camouflage, after 10 years kills... Ning Fan suddenly to feel her, Giant Demon Clan Eight Ancestors, very disgusting... 只是一想到这所有的好,都是伪装,都是为了十年后将她杀死…宁凡就突然觉得,巨魔族八祖,很恶心… Hehe. Revered Ming comes well early.” 呵呵明尊来得好早。” The Huang and Yi two people exchanged greetings with Ning Fan slightly, go to the respective jade stage. All is the preparation full appearance. 黄、易二人与宁凡稍稍寒暄,前往各自玉台。皆是准备充分的模样。 More and more Alchemist enter the icefield. And, then has Mo Xiu. 越来越多的丹师进入冰原。其中,便有莫休 Today's Mo Xiu restored the past tranquility, from beginning to end, flutters to a Ning Fan gaze without/has not hostility, seemed fades from the memory the gratitude and grudges before 10 days to be the same. 今日的莫休恢复了往日的平静,从始至终,飘向宁凡目光没有一丝敌意,好似淡忘了十日前的恩怨一般。 This lets wait to look the person who Ning Fan Mo Xiu pinches mutually is greatly disappointed. 这让许多等着看宁凡莫休互掐的人大失所望。 gradually, 180 participant Alchemist, have all arrived in full. 渐渐的,180名参比丹师,皆已到齐。 Fu Bai Great Elder urgently had not been announcing that Great Competition starts. But calmly is waiting for anything. 浮白大长老却并未急着宣布大比开始。而是静静等待着什么。 Alchemist all has the patience to wait for greatly, after a double-hour, the distant place presents the phenomenon that a round sea has daily suddenly, and that Sun, is azure. 诸位炼丹师皆大有耐心地等待着,一个时辰后,远方忽而出现一轮海日日出的异象,且那太阳,更是青色 At this moment is the daytime, the sky has a round of red glowing sun. 此刻已是白昼,天空早已有了一轮红日。 This Second Round azure Sun, appeared strangeness particularly, seems will also move, flies rapidly toward Northern Cold Country. 第二轮青色太阳,出现的分外诡异,好似还会移动,朝着北凉国急速飞来。 ray of light of Sun. Punctures innumerable cultivator to open not Open Eyes, reveals color with amazement, not being able to see clearly the thing is what. 太阳的光芒。刺得无数修士睁不开眼,纷纷露出骇然之色,看不清来物是何。 And near looked, can see clearly is the 16 Black Armor giant, carries a Little Shan (small mountain) giant pure gin back. 及近了看,才能看清是十六黑甲巨人,扛着一个小山般巨大的纯金酒樽。 Until at this moment, Fu Bai Great Elder shows a faint smile, answered, 直到此刻,浮白大长老才微微一笑,解释道, Fellow Daoist does not need to be startled, this thing is a Pill Island treasure, named Flamelight Goblet, is one appraises Medicine Pill grade Supreme Treasure. For this turns Great Competition, my 16 position Giant Demon Clan Expert borrows this thing from Pill Island especially.” “诸位道友不必惊慌,此物是丹岛一宝,名为‘焰光樽’,乃是一件鉴定丹药品级的至宝。为了此轮大比,我十六巨魔族强者特从丹岛借来此物。” The Fu Bai point, without/has not excessively explained that but his words, cause innumerable cultivator to whoop immediately. 浮白点到为止,没有过多解释,但他的话,立刻引得无数修士议论纷纷。 „Is what! this Pill Island's First Treasure Flamelight Goblet? Hearsay treasure to appraise the Medicine Pill grade specially makes, puts in Medicine Pill in Jiuzun, can be different according to the Medicine Pill grade, reflects the sun trace flame shadow of different luster and size.” 什么!这就是‘丹岛第一宝焰光樽?传闻此宝专为鉴定丹药品级而造,将丹药放于酒樽之中,便可根据丹药品级不同,折射出不同色泽、大小的日影焰影。” Five Revolutions Azure, Six Revolutions Black, Seven Revolutions Purple, just presented azure Sun shadow, was difficult to be inadequate some people to put in Five Revolutions Medicine Pill in Flamelight Goblet?” 五转青,六转玄,七转紫,刚刚出现青色太阳虚影,难不成是有人在焰光樽中放入了五转丹药?” Low Grade Medicine Pill, sun trace ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), Mid Grade Medicine Pill, sun trace 20,000 zhang (3.33 m), High Grade Medicine Pill, sun trace 40,000 zhang (3.33 m), Peak Medicine Pill, sun trace 80,000 zhang (3.33 m). That turned Azure Sun a moment ago, had 30,000 zhang (3.33 m) big, that put in Medicine Pill in Flamelight Goblet, mostly was the Five Revolutions Mid Grade grade, and in Mid Grade Five Revolutions, but also was not the common thing.” 下品丹药,日影万丈,中品丹药,日影二万丈,上品丹药,日影四万丈,巅峰丹药,日影八万丈。刚才那轮青日,足足有三万丈大,那放入焰光樽之中的丹药,多半是五转中品的品级,且在中品五转中,还并非寻常之物。” Discussions spread, the 16 Black Armor giant before huge Flamelight Goblet places the sponsor seat, and careful nursing. 一声声议论传开,十六黑甲巨人在巨大的焰光樽放在主办席之前,并小心看护。 Ning Fan gaze has swept Flamelight Goblet, in 100 years Dreamland, he listens to Pill Sovereign to introduce this thing. 宁凡目光扫过焰光樽,在百年梦境中,他听过丹皇介绍此物。 Flamelight Goblet puts in Medicine Pill, will refract different Rank sun trace. 焰光樽放入丹药,会折射出不同级别日影 Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, all has Sun, all can see Sun, but this Sun, is flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake, nobody may touch. 四天九界,皆有太阳,皆可以看到太阳,但这太阳,都是镜花水月,无人可触摸到。 Sun that in the cultivator eye sees, actual by no means exist(ence), is only Phantom. 修士眼中所看到的太阳,实际并不存在,只是幻影 Hearsay Immemorial Time, the Immortal Sovereign palm opens Samsara, and refining up Yin-Yang Two Pills, Yin Pill became the Moon, Yang Pill became the Sun. And disperses Sun and Moon's shadow by big Magic Technique, causes in Four Heavens and Nine Worlds, which contact surface regardless, may see change the Sun and the Moon. 传闻太古之时,仙皇掌开轮回,并炼出阴阳二丹,阴丹为月,阳丹为日。并以大法术分散日月之影,使得四天九界之中,无论哪一个界面,都可看到日月更迭 So-called Sun, is Immortal Sovereign refining not exist(ence) Medicine Pill, Grade is unable to estimate. 所谓的太阳,是仙皇炼制的一颗不存在丹药,品阶无法估量。 This Flamelight Goblet distinguishes Medicine Pill Grade by sun trace, pours also calculates that borrowed this legend. 焰光樽日影辨别丹药品阶,倒也算借用了这个传说。 Flamelight Goblet has brought, Fellow Daoist can prepare open the furnace concocting pills, Medicine Pill of Three Revolutions and Four Revolutions, is distinguished Grade by the appraiser. Medicine Pill above Five Revolutions, is appraised by Flamelight Goblet. The concocting pills time limit may not over one month, otherwise sentences for is unqualified. Great Competition, starts!” 焰光樽已然取来,诸位道友可以准备开炉炼丹,三转四转丹药,由鉴定师鉴别品阶五转之上的丹药,由焰光樽鉴定。炼丹时限不可超过一个月,否则判为不合格。大比,开始!” each and every single (person) Alchemist gaze is dignified, summons Pill Cauldron, open the furnace concocting pills. 一个个丹师目光凝重,纷纷召出丹鼎,开炉炼丹 Ning Fan casts a sidelong glance slantingly Mo Xiu, Mo Xiu is also happen to looking at Ning Fan. 宁凡斜睨莫休一眼,正好莫休也在看宁凡 In the eye of Mo Xiu, the inexplicable chill in the air, hiding deeply are very very deep, suddenly opens the mouth saying that 莫休的眼中,有一股莫名的寒意,藏得很深很深,忽然开口道, „Can Revered Ming dare to hit a gambling with this palace?” 明尊可敢与本殿打一个赌?” What gambling?” Ning Fan gaze is tranquil, as if knew Mo Xiu to say anything early. “什么赌?”宁凡目光平静,似乎早知莫休要说什么。 Bets a gambling, this Great Competition Third Round, this palace and you, whose Pill Technique is higher!” “赌一赌,这第三轮大比,本殿与你,谁的丹术更高!” What is gambling stake?” “赌注是什么?” If this palace loses, may make you take a treasure from this palace willfully. If you lose... your Black Fire. Turns over to this palace!” “若本殿输,可让你任意从本殿身上取走一宝。若你输…你的黑火。归本殿所有!” Mo Xiu also knows the limitation. Has the Rain Sovereign order, does not dare to kill Ning Fan, actually the stratagem seizes Ning Fan Flame. 莫休倒也识相。有雨皇命令在,不敢杀宁凡,却谋夺宁凡火焰 In Ning Fan cold light flashes, if Mo Xiu really open and aboveboard makes a bet with him, he is also glad open and aboveboard. 宁凡目中寒芒一闪,若莫休真的只是堂堂正正和他打赌,他也乐意堂堂正正一回。 However, Yun Niansu has found out the conspiracy of Mo Xiu, this time, Mo Xiu will not compete with well-mannered. 不过么,云念苏早已探出莫休的阴谋,这一次,莫休不会规规矩矩比试。 If you defeat, I your life can take away?” The Ning Fan expression cannot see the happy anger, words that said. Lets in the Mo Xiu heart one cold, shivers with fright. “若你败,我连你的命都可以拿走吗?”宁凡表情看不出喜怒,说出的话。却让莫休心中一寒,打了个冷战。 This chill in the air. Also only the moment then abates. 这寒意。也只片刻便消退。 Mo Xiu contemptuously smiles, perhaps his Pill Technique is inferior to Ning Fan, strength actually by far Ning Fan. 莫休轻蔑一笑,他丹术或许不如宁凡,实力却远胜宁凡 Now but he most flourishing condition, he does not think Ning Fan can take his life. 如今他可是全盛状态,他可不认为宁凡能取走他的命。 If you have that skill to take, can try!” The Mo Xiu imposing manner does not lose returns said. “如果你有那个本事取走的话,可以试试!”莫休气势不输地回道。 Whish! 哗! Surrounds cultivator in an uproar innumerably. 无数围观修士一片哗然。 In the moment that Great Competition starts, Mo Xiu with Ning Fan makes a bet unexpectedly. 大比开始的一刻,莫休竟与宁凡打赌。 Although Ning Fan Medicine Soul is very strong, Second Round is also 1st. But most people do not know that Ning Fan Pill Technique was concrete what Realm. 虽说宁凡药魂很强,第二轮也是第一。但大多数人都不知宁凡丹术具体到了什么境界 But Mo Xiu is elders Alchemist that moves hundred countries', has the extremely high prestige, is Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, is the Rain Palace Seventh Prince trusted subordinate. 莫休则是名动百国的老辈丹师,有着极高威望,更是赤天殿主,是雨殿七皇子的亲信。 Suddenly, is not everyone thinks that Ning Fan will win. 一时间,也不是所有人都认为宁凡会胜。 Even after many people see the Mo Xiu self-confident smile, wins to have a bigger confidence to Mo Xiu. 甚至于很多人看到莫休自信满满的笑容后,都对莫休获胜抱有更大的信心。 When Second Round competition, if not Mo Xiu backlash is injured, is not necessarily able weakly in Ning Fan. 第二轮比试之时,若非莫休反噬受伤,未必会弱于宁凡吧。 How Small Cucumber made a bet with that old thing. If by some chance he lost, can give the person Black Fire?” Yue Lingkong worries to say. 小黄瓜怎么和那个老东西打赌了。万一他输了,岂不是要把黑火给人?”月凌空担忧道。 „Doesn't Elder Sister Yue believe Big Brother? How could has Big Brother done the matter of without/has not assurance?” A Xu Qiuling actually confident appearance. 月姐姐不相信大哥么?大哥何曾做过没有把握之事?”许秋灵倒是一副信心满满的样子。 In Giant Demon Remnant World. Eight Ancestors is all recuperating injury. Orchid Tomb King rushes strongly, although suffers defeat to draw back, but is actually big to the attack of Eight Ancestors. 巨魔残界中。八祖皆在调养伤势兰陵王强势闯界,虽说败北而退,但给八祖的打击倒是不小。 Eight Ancestors Undying/not dead did not live, has the danger that the physique dissipates anytime. 八祖本就不死不活,随时都有形体消散的危险。 Such a was tossed about by Orchid Tomb King, eight people of bodies are more unreal. 兰陵王这么一折腾,八人的身体更加虚幻起来。 Hateful! If makes this Palace Master catch opportunity, will certainly Orchid Tomb King tear to shreds, extinguishes its entire clan!” A mean female voice resounds. “可恨!若让本宫逮到机会,必将兰陵王碎尸万段,灭其全族!”一个阴狠的女声响起。 „One side the matter of Orchid Tomb King places for the time being, he is injured heavily, does not dare to cause trouble again. Actually our eight people, when was lax to the physique. originally may also drag 10 years again, was actually ahead of time by the Orchid Tomb young child the inexorable fate. In the clan spreads Disaster Sea Pill has taken completely, must seek help a Alchemist refining this pill to be possible again.” Old man hoarse said solemnly. 兰陵王之事姑且放在一边,他受伤不轻,亦不敢再来生事。倒是我们八人,又到了形体涣散之时。原本还可再拖十年,却被兰陵小儿提前了劫数。族内流传的‘孽海丹’已经服尽,需再求助一位丹师炼制此丹才可。”一个老者沙哑沉声道 Whom asked? Although Disaster Sea Pill is only Five Revolutions Peak Medicine Pill, but general Six Revolutions Alchemist is not necessarily able refining to succeed. Rain World Six Revolutions Alchemist only has that 7 people, in 7 people no one and my Giant Demon is on good terms, why for our concocting pills, we can the other people exposition status?” The unkind female voice refutes to say. “求谁?孽海丹虽说只是五转巅峰丹药,但一般的六转丹师都未必能炼制成功。雨界六转丹师仅有那七人,七人中更无一人与我巨魔交好,凭什么为我们炼丹,我们又能对外人暴露身份?”刻薄的女声驳道。 Perhaps this Pill Ceremony, Five Revolutions Peak Alchemist, has ability refining Disaster Sea Pill.” Hoarse old man said with a sneer. “此次丹典,也许就有一名五转巅峰丹师,有能力炼制孽海丹。”沙哑老者冷笑道 Who? The Ju Qing young child is not weak for Alchemist that his daughter invited, but may not Five Revolutions Peak Alchemist.” “谁?巨擎小儿为他女儿请的丹师不弱,但其中可并无五转巅峰丹师。” Zhou Ming!” 周明!” Is impossible, this child does not arrive at the 500 skeletal age, Pill Technique can achieve Five Revolutions already Nitian (heaven defying), how probably to have Five Revolutions Peak Pill Technique? He finished the Second Round 1st name before, is depends Pill Cauldron and Alchemic Flame fierce nothing more mostly.” The unkind female voice refutes to say. “不可能,此子不到五百骨龄,丹术能达到五转已经逆天,怎可能拥有五转巅峰丹术?他之前获得第二轮第一名,也多半是仗着丹鼎丹火厉害而已。”刻薄女声驳道。 You may wait Alchemist Medicine Soul that... Old Man this whole life eats to be many, his Medicine Soul, is especially delicious, Old Man will not misread, Hehe... was a pity before the important matter completes, but also needs this child refining Disaster Sea Pill, otherwise, Old Man did not mind that tastes his Medicine Soul taste.” The hoarse old man evil charm sneers. “你可拭目以待…老夫这辈子吃的丹师药魂可不少,他的药魂,尤其美味,老夫不会看错的,嘿嘿…可惜在大事完成前,还需此子炼制孽海丹,不然的话,老夫不介意品尝一番他的药魂滋味。”沙哑老者邪魅地冷笑起来。 In moment that he sneers, Bao Kuo (including) Ju Yan, other seven ancestors all are the Nascent Divinity instinct tremble. 在他冷笑的一刻,包括巨言在内,其他七祖俱是元神本能地一颤。 Their seven ancestors, are Giant Demon Clan Expert, is Demon Cultivator. 他们七祖,都是巨魔族高手,是魔修 But only has hoarse old man, is one lets Devil that the person is panic at the news truly... 但唯有沙哑老者一人,是一个真正让人闻风丧胆的魔头 The deep sleep in Feng Xueyan of nearby icy cold Cold Ice bed, the small hand grasps suddenly. 沉睡在一旁冰凉寒冰床的风雪言,小手忽然一握。 She had actually awaked, actually hears the talk of Eight Ancestors, a heart, turns the difficult situation, beautiful face changing colors. 她其实已经醒了,却无意间听到八祖的谈话,一颗芳心,翻起惊涛骇浪,花容失色。 They... they want to eat the brother-in-law! I, I must tell the brother-in-law!” “他们…他们是不是想吃掉姐夫!我,我一定要告诉姐夫!” Grandfather... Grandfather is bad person!” 阿公阿公坏人!” Where here... is...” “这里…是哪里…” ( 2 / 2 ) ……
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