GE :: Volume #5

#460: Captures Flame

Ning Fan at this moment, the whole body has a Grandmaster bearing of unusual conditions . 此刻的宁凡,周身有一股浑然天成的宗师气度。. It seems an uncut jade, after passing through carving of 100 years, is even more perfect. 好似一股璞玉,在经过百年的精雕细琢之后,愈加完美起来。 His gaze has swept the jade stage lightly, Fu Bai Great Elder becomes the step to welcome immediately, the Yang Gu respectful good disciple ritual, Yun Niansu also holds the fist in the other hand a ritual. 目光淡淡扫过玉台,浮白大长老立刻趋步相迎,羊古恭敬行徒礼,云念苏亦抱拳一礼。 gaze of people, is difficult to cover deep shock! 众人的目光,却难掩深深的震撼! Except for Yang Gu this cheap apprentice, no one knows Ning Fan to have Five Revolutions Pill Technique. 除了羊古这便宜徒弟,没人知晓宁凡五转丹术 But even Yang Gu, still never thinks, Ning Fan Pill Technique has reached the pinnacle, only depending on Medicine Soul, may shock innumerable Four Revolutions Alchemist! 但就算是羊古,也从未想到,宁凡丹术已登峰造极,仅凭药魂,可震慑无数四转丹师 At this moment, Northern Cold Country cultivator all realized, Ning Fan not only strength heaven shaking, Pill Technique is the no small matter! 这一刻,北凉国修士皆意识到,宁凡不但实力惊天,丹术更是非同小可! Chi Lao and other Scarlet Heaven Palace Alchemist, each such as burns down, got down the jade stage in a hurry, being at all scope offends Ning Fan radically. 赤老等五名赤天殿丹师,各个面如火烧,匆匆下了玉台,根本不敢当面得罪宁凡 Huang Tingzi gaze is difficult to cover the shock. He heard early Yang Gu must invite Ning Fan to join Pill Island and becoming Guest Official, but has had repel. 黄庭子目光难掩震惊。他早听说羊古要邀请宁凡加入丹岛成为客卿,但一直都有所排斥的。 Formerly, Huang Tingzi did not believe the Yang Gu words, did not believe Ning Fan Devil to be possible Pill Technique to cultivate/repair to Five Revolutions. 从前,黄庭子不信羊古的话,不信宁凡一个魔头可将丹术修至五转 But things have gotten to this point, how could doesn't Huang Tingzi believe? He not only believes that Ning Fan has Five Revolutions Pill Technique, believes that Ning Fan Pill Technique compared with his stronger point! 但事已至此,黄庭子岂能不信?他不但相信宁凡拥有五转丹术,更相信,宁凡丹术比他更强一分! Yi Yunzi withered leaf gaze, was lit in this moment. 易云子枯叶般的目光,在这一刻被点燃。 He since pledging allegiance to Zhou Family, all along is tranquil, calm, even facing Mo Xiu and other same level Alchemist, not from chaotic mental state. 他自归顺周家以来,一贯是平静的,淡定的,就算是面对莫休等同级丹师,也不会自乱心境 But at this moment, facing the Ning Fan powerful medicine Soul Force quantity, Yi Yunzi only thought that a soul constriction covers the whole body. This explained without doubt, his Medicine Soul inferior Ning Fan first-level. 但这一刻,面对宁凡强大的药魂力量,易云子只觉得一股灵魂压迫感笼罩全身。这无疑说明,他的药魂逊色宁凡一级。 this child is not Six Revolutions Alchemist, but Medicine Soul has achieved Five Revolutions Peak mostly! No wonder Elder exhort the old buddhist monk to be on good terms this person, this child Pill Technique is so unexpectedly fierce!” 此子并非六转丹师,但药魂多半已达到五转巅峰!难怪长老们嘱咐老衲交好此人,此子丹术竟如此厉害!” Mo Xiu look by shocking gradually becomes gloomy and uncertain, coldly sits meets the seat. 莫休眼神由震惊渐渐变得阴晴不定,冷冷坐会座位。 Zhou Ming, snort/hum! conceals very deep! Medicine Soul is not truly weak, this/Ben palace is stronger. But concocting pills may not just depend on Medicine Soul powerful enough!” 周明么,哼!藏得挺深!药魂确实不弱,比本殿都强一些。但炼丹可不单单靠药魂强大就够的!” The red cloud phenomenon, gradually dissipates, Ning Fan goes to the the women seat without consulting anybody. 云霞异象,渐渐消散,宁凡径自前往诸女席位。 behind follows Yang Gu and Yun Niansu two people. 身后跟着羊古云念苏二人。 Has seen Honored Master! For a long time does not see, Honored Master Pill Technique promoting, really made Disciple admire!” Yang Gu is excited, the Ning Fan light nod, is the response. “见过师尊!许久不见,师尊丹术提升了,真是让徒儿佩服!”羊古激动不已,宁凡淡淡点头,算是回应。 Profound Heaven Palace Yun Niansu, has seen Zhou the brother.” Yun Niansu cupped their fists and said. 玄天殿云念苏,见过周兄。”云念苏抱拳道 Profound Heaven Palace...” 玄天殿…” The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, Yun Niansu once invited him to go to Pill Island to see, but was disregarded by him. 宁凡心思飞转,云念苏曾邀请他前往丹岛一见,不过被他无视。 Now the status transforms, Ning Fan became Great Heaven Palace Venerable Elder, Yun Niansu is Profound Heaven Palace God Child. Between two palaces, there is a friendship, in addition now says that Yun Niansu upholds justice to speak, Ning Fan to his actually somewhat favorable impression. 如今身份变换,宁凡成了钧天殿尊老,云念苏则是玄天殿神子。两殿之间,有交情在,加上今曰云念苏仗义出言,宁凡对他倒是有几分好感了。 At that moment holds the fist in the other hand to return salute, Yun Niansu and Yang Gu talked to do to discuss, the topic of discussion was without doubt related with Profound Heaven Palace, Pill Ceremony and matter of Pill Island Guest Official. 当下抱拳还礼,云念苏羊古絮絮作谈,谈论的话题无疑与玄天殿丹典丹岛客卿之事有关。 Ning Fan most cared that without doubt is the matter of becoming Pill Island Guest Official. 这其中,宁凡最关心的,无疑是成为丹岛客卿之事。 Once becoming Pill Island Guest Official, can use Pill Island Washing Soul Pond, made Medicine Soul promoting again, to break through Six Revolutions Pill Technique prepared. 一旦成为丹岛客卿,便可使用丹岛洗魂池,再次令药魂提升,为突破六转丹术做准备了。 Talked about the matter of Guest Official, Yang Gu complexion was awkward, rebuked oneself repeatedly, he pledged that helped Honored Master Ning Fan complete this matter, has not actually succeeded, really did not have face to Ning Fan. 谈到客卿之事,羊古面色为难,频频自责,他承诺帮师尊宁凡办成此事,却并未成功,实在无颜面宁凡 Ning Fan finds, Pill Island conflicts his becoming Guest Official , because does not understand his Pill Technique. 宁凡了解到,丹岛之所以抵触他成为客卿,是因为不了解他的丹术 Knew the reason, he also then no longer is worried about this matter. Now he worked as Pill Island Great Elder to show Pill Technique, if Pill Island also rejected Ning Fan becoming Guest Official Elder, is really blind. 知晓了原因,他也便不再担心此事。如今他当着丹岛大长老展现了丹术,若丹岛还拒绝宁凡成为客卿长老,真是瞎了眼。 The people do not have the words for a while, all looks to the jade stage test. 众人一时无话,皆看向玉台测试。 Since Ning Fan and other Five Revolutions Alchemist appear, even if has Four Revolutions Alchemist to test Grade again, is unable to cause the stir. 宁凡五转丹师横空出世后,就算再有四转丹师测试等级,也无法引起轰动了。 To these Three Revolutions and Four Revolutions Alchemist, Ning Fan interest few. He has not seen Ghost Eye Clan Young Lord in the crowd, was frightened in the returns to the clan by Pill Sovereign mostly, does not dare to participate Pill Ceremony. 对这些三转四转丹师,宁凡兴趣寥寥。他并未在人群中看到鬼目族少主,多半是被丹皇吓回族内,连丹典都不敢参加了。 After a day, the test ended, the Second Round test, will be conducted after 3 days. 一曰后,测试结束,第二轮测试,将在三曰后进行。 Ning Fan and the women return to the dwelling, told the one month whereabouts slightly. 宁凡诸女返回馆舍,将一月行踪略略讲述。 the women rests in abundance, Ning Fan actually pushes the door, stands and waits for a long time in the wind and snow dim light of night, silent, seems changes into a body with the wind and snow. 诸女纷纷歇息,宁凡却推门而出,伫立在风雪夜色之中,沉默不语,好似与风雪化为一体。 The instruction of Pill Sovereign, the Old Demon concern, as well as tender feelings with slaughtering, blend in the dim light of night. 丹皇的指导,老魔的关切,以及一幕幕温情与杀戮,都在夜色中交融。 Six Revolutions Pill Technique, Void Refinement cultivation base, Golden Body Realm, all are close at hand. 六转丹术,炼虚修为,金身境界,一切都已近在眼前。 He obtained much, loses too many. Conceals identity, loneliness acts alone, comes face to face, draws a sword to spell... 他得到了不少,亦失去太多。隐姓埋名,孤寞独行,狭路相逢,拔剑相拼… I am cultivator...” “我是一个修士…” The Ning Fan word, leaves behind jade slip in the room, informs the the women whereabouts. 宁凡言罢,在房中留下玉简,告知诸女去向。 figure swings, actually entered Yuan Jade World and Profound Yin World. 身形一摇,却进入了元瑶界玄阴界 Mu Weiliang rests fragrantly in Azure Coffin, sound sleep of Luo You in thatched house. 慕微凉青棺中睡得香甜,洛幽在草庐中浅浅酣眠。 In the Ning Fan heart is slightly peaceful, again and again in Profound Yin World concentrates Medicine Soul is the palm, Heavenly Dipper Seal that cultivation Pill Sovereign is passing on. 宁凡心中略安,于玄阴界一次次药魂为掌,修炼丹皇所传的天罡印 That is Battle Soul Technique of Medicine Soul combat, when suits life saving of Alchemist in concocting pills, naturally also has ancient Alchemist to cultivate/repair Battle Soul to slaughter directly. 那是一种药魂作战的战魂之术,适合丹师炼丹之时保命,当然也有古丹师直接修战魂杀戮。 Ning Fan without/has not interest cultivation too many Battle Soul Technique, he only needs a self-preservation, self-preservation first, then enough. 宁凡没有兴趣修炼太多战魂之术,他只需有一种自保,自保一世,便足够。 Heavenly Dipper Seal divides the 36 seal, 1 Layer palm print might, is displayed by Ning Fan Five Revolutions Peak Medicine Soul, endures strikes compared with Divine Transformation Peak. 天罡印三十六印,一重掌印威力,由宁凡五转巅峰药魂施展,堪比化神巅峰一击。 The Profound Yin World self-torture of 3 days, is actually equivalent to the achievement that outside world 300 said. 三曰玄阴界苦修,却相当于外界三百曰的成果。 In 3 days, Ning Fan cultivates Second Seal, Third Seal, finally can make 3 Layers Heavenly Dipper Seal depending on Medicine Soul, endures strikes compared with Void Glimpse. 三曰里,宁凡修出第二印,第三印,最终可以凭药魂打出三重天罡印,堪比窥虚一击。 After 3 days, Ning Fan leaves Profound Yin World, arrives in the Province jade stage, the women waits early here. 三曰后,宁凡离开玄阴界,抵达都郡玉台,诸女早在此等候。 5000 Alchemist, after First Round/Wheel screens, but also remains 1500 people. 5000名丹师,在第一轮筛选之后,还剩1500人。 This round of screening, will eliminate innumerable Three Revolutions Alchemist. If there is Three Revolutions Alchemist to perform well, will then be gathered by certain influences is Guest Official. Therefore even if knows perfectly well unable to pass, many Three Revolutions Alchemist will still put together completely the ample force. 此一轮筛选,将会淘汰无数三转丹师。若有三转丹师表现优异,则会被某些势力招揽为客卿。故而就算明知无法通过,许多三转丹师也会拼尽余力的。 Such many Alchemist, converges in this, was directed by Giant Demon Clan eight big Demon Guard to Province outside Snow Valley, participates in the Second Round test. 如此之多的丹师,云集于此,被巨魔族八大魔卫引至都郡外一处雪谷,参与第二轮测试。 This Snow Valley, Spiritual Qi is threatening, and is equipped with gathers spirit Grand Formation, the concocting pills melt medicine in the valley, the speed is outside world several times not just. 这一处雪谷,灵气逼人,并设有聚灵大阵,在谷中炼丹熔药,速度是外界的数倍不止 In 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) Snow Valley, is equipped with the 1500 place small-scale jade stage, participant Alchemist in the respective formulation jade stage concocting pills melt medicine. 十万雪谷之内,设有一千五百座小型玉台,参比丹师将在各自制定玉台炼丹熔药。 The Ning Fan standing still jade stage, in the jade case before body is placing two 1000 years Spirit Herb —— Purple Jade Banyan Tree. 宁凡静立玉台,身前的玉案上摆放着两株千年灵药——紫玉榕 gaze toward the Snow Valley glance, Ning Fan is surprised slightly. 目光雪谷一瞥,宁凡微微一诧。 Yi Yunzi, Huang Tingzi and Mo Xiu three people, participated in the Second Round test unexpectedly completely, by their status, originally may jump over this round of test to be right directly. 易云子黄庭子莫休三人,竟全部参加了第二轮测试,以他们的身份,原本可直接跳过此轮测试才对。 Sees Ning Fan gaze to sweep, Yi Yunzi and Huang Tingzi all show the well-meaning smile. 宁凡目光扫来,易云子黄庭子皆露出善意的笑容。 Only has Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord gaze like the sword, smiles to Ning Fan coldly, Revered Ming Pill Technique is extraordinary, now said that this palace asks for advice especially.” 唯有赤天殿主目光如剑,向宁凡冷冷一笑,“明尊丹术非凡,今曰本殿特来讨教。” so that's how it is...” Ning Fan nods, these three people participate in the Second Round test suddenly, originally comes to him, wants to divide high minute/share with him under. 原来如此…”宁凡点点头,这三人忽然参加第二轮测试,原来是冲他而来,想与他分分高下么。 As Alchemist, compares notes to ask for advice to be unavoidable, if the good intentions, Ning Fan is glad each other to compare notes, but if malicious... 作为炼丹师,切磋讨教在所难免,若是善意,宁凡乐得彼此切磋,但若是恶意么… In the Ning Fan eye the cold light flashes, if Mo Xiu dares to pick a quarrel, Ning Fan does not mind to him a lesson! 宁凡眼中冷光一闪,若莫休敢寻衅,宁凡不介意给他一个教训! Around Snow Valley, constructs the innumerable hanging high stage, occupies a commanding position overlook all the advancements of competition. 雪谷四周,建有无数悬空高台,居高临下俯瞰着所有比试的进程。 Innumerable cultivator discuss spiritedly, hot spot that now says, is completely just like related with Ning Fan. 无数修士议论纷纷,今曰的热点,俨然全部与宁凡有关。 Medicine Soul of shocking audience, the Pill Sovereign Half Disciple reputation, everyone was guessing, during Ning Fan in Second Round tests, what progress makes. 惊艳全场的药魂,丹皇半徒的名头,所有人都在猜测,宁凡会在第二轮测试之中,取得什么样的成绩。 Fu Bai Great Elder coughs lightly, the full house is silent. 浮白大长老轻咳一声,满场寂静。 „The Second Round test, tests Fellow Daoist melt medicine speed and refine Spirit Herb ability. Side each Fellow Daoist, has two 1000 years Purple Jade Banyan Tree, only needs successful smelting one, then can register the result. If failure one time, still had opportunity to smelt 2nd. If two all smelt the failure, then this person of result decides as is unqualified.” 第二轮测试,考验诸位道友熔药速度、提纯灵药的能力。每一位道友身旁,都有两株千年紫玉榕,只需成功熔炼其中一株,便可以登录成绩。若失败一次,尚有机会熔炼第二株。若两株皆熔炼失败,则此人成绩定为‘不合格’。” In addition, this test defined the melt medicine time and refine number of times. If completes the melt medicine the time to exceed two double-hour, or the refine number of times is less 10 times, is not all counted qualified!” “除此之外,本次测试限定了熔药时间、提纯次数。若完成熔药的时间超过两个时辰,或者提纯次数少于十次,皆算作不合格!” Competition, starts!” “比试,开始!” On instance that the Fu Bai Elder voice falls, innumerable Alchemist take out Pill Cauldron, the Magic Force fire, starts to smelt 1000 years Purple Jade Banyan Tree. 浮白长老话音一落的瞬间,无数丹师取出丹鼎,法力化火,开始熔炼千年紫玉榕 To Three Revolutions Alchemist, wants to succeed to smelt Purple Jade Banyan Tree in two double-hour, and refine ten times, is one extremely the duty that is difficult to complete. 三转丹师而言,想要在两个时辰内成功熔炼紫玉榕、并提纯十次,是一件极难完成的任务。 Even if to Four Revolutions Alchemist, this is not a simple duty. 纵然对四转丹师而言,这都不是一件简单的任务。 But to Five Revolutions Alchemist, smelts Purple Jade Banyan Tree in the scheduled time, easy, they must do, makes best effort, refine more number of times. 但对五转丹师而言,在规定时间熔炼紫玉榕,轻而易举,他们要做的,是尽最大努力,提纯更多次数。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Besides Ning Fan, Yi Yunzi and other Dao of Alchemy Grandmaster, 17 Five Revolutions Alchemist in the 1st time Concept cauldron, summon gigantic Pill Cauldron. 宁凡易云子等四名丹道宗师外,共有17名五转丹师第一时间意境化鼎,召出硕大的丹鼎 Bunch brilliant Flame, was infiltrated in Pill Cauldron by Alchemist, the hot prestige soars to the heavens. 一团团绚烂的火焰,被丹师们打入丹鼎之中,火威冲天。 In a twinkling, the innumerable screams hand down from the hanging jade stage. 霎时间,无数惊呼声自悬空玉台传下。 Look! That is Five Revolutions low-ranked Alchemist —— Wu Chen Daoist, he for melting Concept of cauldron, can it be that Divine Intent of Eighth Grade Divine Intent wood!” “看!那是五转下级丹师——无尘道人,他用于化鼎的意境,莫不是八品神意木之神意!” „, Looks quickly! That is not Bright Feather Country Protector country master! He is Five Revolutions mid-ranked Alchemist, looked concocting pills Flame that he uses, unexpectedly is Flame that is fused by 9 fourth grade Spirit Fire, might was hardly weak in Earth Vein Demonic Fire!” “啧啧,快看!那不是羽熙国护法国师吗!他可是五转中级丹师啊,看他所用的炼丹火焰,竟是由九种四品灵火融合的火焰,威力几乎不弱于地脉妖火了!” what! that Demon Cultivator Alchemist uses, unexpectedly is Eighth Grade Demonic Intent Pill Cauldron?!” 什么!那名魔修丹师所用的,竟然是八品魔意所化的丹鼎?!” Earth Vein Demonic Fire! Look! That person uses, is in Earth Vein Demonic Fire ranks 11 White Bone Flame? Aiya, is not right, he uses probably is only Fire Embryo... even if only Fire Embryo, was extremely still rare.” 地脉妖火!看!那人用的,是不是地脉妖火中排名11的白骨炎哎呀,不对,他用的好像只是子火…不过就算只是子火,也极其难得了。” The a path of screams spread, Ning Fan selects the eyebrow slightly. 一道道惊呼声传出,就连宁凡都微微挑眉。 Worthily is unprecedented Pill Ceremony, gathered such many Five Revolutions Alchemist. The Eighth Grade Concept cauldron, in this place can only calculate that Si Kong sees. Earth Vein Demonic Fire Fire Embryo, does not calculate the unusual thing. 不愧是盛况空前的丹典,聚集了如此之多的五转丹师八品意境化鼎,在此地只能算司空见惯。就连地脉妖火子火,都不算稀奇之物。 The only without/has not Concept cauldron, only had Ning Fan and other Grandmaster characters. 唯一没有意境化鼎的,只有宁凡等四名宗师人物了。 Huang Tingzi first smiles, the five fingers grasp, coming in waves Divine Intent of Fire changes to Flame Giant Cauldron. 黄庭子首先微笑,五指一抓,滚滚而来的火之神意化作一尊火焰巨鼎 Divine Intent of Fire, is Eighth Grade Divine Intent, but after the Huang Tingzi self-torture, this Divine Intent has achieved Seventh Grade Grade. 火之神意,本是八品神意,但经过黄庭子苦修,此神意早已达到七品品阶 Seventh Grade Divine Intent, causes innumerable cultivator to call out in alarm immediately. The Huang Tingzi Magic Force fire, the nod has a smile. 七品神意一出,立刻引得无数修士惊呼。黄庭子法力化火,点头含笑。 Old Man has offered a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, three Fellow Daoist, have not summoned Pill Cauldron at this time, when treats?” 老夫已抛砖引玉,三位道友,此时还不召出丹鼎,更待何时?” Hehe, the old buddhist monk revealed shortcomings.” gaze of Yi Yunzi withered leaf deathly stillness, flashes through together bright light suddenly. 呵呵,老衲献丑了。”易云子枯叶般死寂的目光,忽然闪过一道精光 The big hand grasps, piece by piece deadwood remnant leaf the strength of Concept, condense deep yellow Giant Cauldron. 大手一抓,一片片枯枝残叶的意境之力,凝成一尊深黄的巨鼎 This Giant Cauldron, similarly by Seventh Grade Divine Intent condense. 这一尊巨鼎,同样是由七品神意凝成 This cauldron one presently, innumerable cultivator gaze are fiery, exclaims. In a day can see two Seventh Grade Divine Intent, is really thrilling. 此鼎一现,无数修士目光火热,惊叹不已。一曰之内能见到两种七品神意,真是令人激动。 Ning Fan nods, Huang Tingzi and Yi Yunzi Divine Intent is not weak, high of Pill Cauldron quality concentrates, non- common Five Revolutions Alchemist may compare. 宁凡点点头,黄庭子易云子神意皆是不弱,所凝的丹鼎品质之高,非寻常五转丹师可比。 Mo Xiu actually sneers, disdains saying that Seventh Grade Concept nothing more, having anything is quite proud. The cauldron, concentrates!” 莫休却冷笑一声,不屑道,“七品意境而已,有什么好自傲的。鼎,凝!” The Mo Xiu big hand grasps, compared with the Concept strengths of Huang and Yi two people of stronger several times, condense Golden Giant Cauldron. 莫休大手一抓,一股比黄、易二人更强数倍的意境力量,凝成一尊金色巨鼎 This cauldron one presently, the innumerable cultivator gaze big change, Huang and Yi two people of mind shake. 此鼎一现,无数修士目光大变,就连黄、易二人都心神一震。 Sixth Grade Divine Intent! Mo Xiu, you made Concept break through Sixth Grade unexpectedly!” 六品神意莫休,你竟令意境突破了六品!” In addition, Flame of this palace, your two people may not compare! Fire, come!” “不但如此,就连本殿的火焰,都非你二人可比!火,来!” The Mo Xiu big hand grasps, three tyrannical Flame from fingertip spits out, fuse for together the pure Golden raging fire, in the injection cauldron. 莫休大手一抓,三道强横的火焰自指尖喷出,融合为一道纯金色的烈火,射入鼎中。 Innumerable cultivator gaze, stare stubbornly on Mo Xiu Pill Cauldron, is unable to believe. 无数修士目光,死死盯在莫休丹鼎上,无法置信。 If their without/has not misreads, Flame that Mo Xiu uses, unexpectedly is 3 Types different Earth Vein Demonic Fire! 若他们没有看错,莫休所用的火焰,竟然是三种不同的地脉妖火 The 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire fusion is one, might endures compared with ordinary Sixth Grade every Void Fire! 三种地脉妖火融合为一,威力堪比普通的六品虚火 Is impossible! How you will have 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire!” The Huang and Yi two people all are unbelievable, Yun Niansu of distant place, then direct feature one cold, the anger said. “不可能!你怎会拥有三种地脉妖火!”黄、易二人皆是难以置信,远处的云念苏,则直接眉目一冷,怒道。 „Isn't this Rain Sovereign deposits in Scarlet Heaven Palace 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire temporarily?! Rain Sovereign has the command, this fire places Scarlet Heaven Palace temporarily, in the future will also grant Zhou Ming, you dare secretly refining this fire! Big courage!” “这不是雨皇暂时存放于赤天殿三种地脉妖火吗?!雨皇有令,此火只是暂放在赤天殿,将来还会赐予周明,你竟敢私自炼化此火!好大的胆子!” Yun Niansu! Pays attention to your tone! Although you for this reason one of the generation of God Child, actually eventually are only Venerable Elder, this palace is actually one of the nine palace Palace Lord! Your my high and low is able to discriminate, matches to interrogate this palace depending on you!” 云念苏!注意你的口气!你虽为此代神子之一,却终究只是尊老,本殿却是九殿殿主之一!你我尊卑有别,凭你也配质问本殿!” Mo Xiu sneers, he is Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, is responsible for guarding 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire, obtains Yun Jinghong to incite, before gives Ning Fan this fire, he can use casually. 莫休冷笑不已,他是赤天殿主,负责看守三种地脉妖火,得到过云惊虹授意,在将此火交给宁凡之前,他可以随便使用的。 Ning Fan goes to Central State, to complete the Rain Sovereign task in any case, has not known that needs and other years. 反正宁凡前往中州、完成雨皇的任务,还不知需等多少年。 Mo Xiu first uses with these Demonic Fire, there are why not! 莫休先用用这些妖火,又有何妨! Sixth Grade Concept, in addition 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire. Mo Xiu crest of wave at once surpass all Alchemist, constant voltage Huang Tingzi and a Yi Yunzi head. 六品意境,加上三种地脉妖火莫休的风头一时之间盖过所有丹师,稳压黄庭子易云子一头。 Indifferent gaze sweeps to Ning Fan, the Mo Xiu tone cannot listen to the happy anger. 冷漠的目光扫向宁凡,莫休语气听不出喜怒。 „The say/way of concocting pills, not only needs powerful Medicine Soul, needs quality extraordinary Pill Cauldron, Flame that as well as sweeps away all obstacles. When hears Revered Ming extinguishes kills Revered Yan, once had used one mysterious black Flame? Your excellency is Great Heaven Palace Venerable Elder, representative Great Heaven Palace face. This palace is Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord, the representative Scarlet Heaven Palace glory. Your excellency why not fast summons Pill Cauldron and Flame, representative Great Heaven Palace, contend with my Scarlet Heaven Palace?” 炼丹之道,不仅需要强大的药魂,更需要品质非凡的丹鼎,以及所向披靡的火焰。听闻明尊灭杀炎尊之时,曾用过一种神秘的黑色火焰?阁下是钧天殿尊老,代表钧天殿颜面。本殿是赤天殿殿主,代表赤天殿荣耀。阁下何不速速召出丹鼎火焰,代表钧天殿,与我赤天殿一较高下?” On behalf of Great Heaven Palace...” “代表钧天殿么…” Ning Fan gaze slightly cold, knew in the heart that this Mo Xiu is in sharp opposition with him repeatedly, because of his Great Heaven Palace Venerable Elder status. 宁凡目光微寒,心知这莫休屡屡与他针锋相对,皆因他钧天殿尊老的身份。 Yun Jinghong and Yun Tianjue Water and Fire does not accommodate, each other governance Scarlet Heaven Palace and Great Heaven Palace are also hostile relationship. 云惊虹云天诀水火不容,彼此统辖的赤天殿钧天殿亦是敌对关系 This Mo Xiu is so aggressive, without doubt wants through suppressing Ning Fan, truncates Great Heaven Palace face. 莫休如此咄咄逼人,无疑是想通过打压宁凡,削一削钧天殿颜面 So-called Righteous Dao, entire said manipulates strategically, was far less than that the Demon Dao cultivator pleased love and hate came happily. 所谓的正道,整曰勾心斗角,远不如魔道修士快意恩仇来得痛快。 gaze swept Mo Xiu Pill Cauldron, Ning Fan had recognized 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire. 目光扫过莫休丹鼎,宁凡认出了三种地脉妖火 Ranks 10th Burning Spirit Flame, has mysterious Divine Ability that burns lights a fire spirit. 排名第十焚灵火,有焚灵生火的玄妙神通 Ranks 6th Hundred Grass Flame, is one of the most suitable concocting pills Alchemic Flame. 排名第六百草火,是最适宜炼丹丹火之一。 Ranks 2nd Golden Scale Flame, may attack to defend, when necessary may melt Golden Scale Flame armor body protection, the defense is tyrannical. 排名第二金鳞火,可攻可守,必要时可化金鳞火护体,防御强横。 This 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire, this/should belonged to his Ning Fan! 三种地脉妖火,本就该是属于他宁凡的! „The person of your Great Heaven Palace, so draws back the hand to shrink the tail, does not dare to contend above Pill Cauldron and Alchemic Flame with this palace!” Mo Xiu disdains to say. “你钧天殿之人,如此缩手缩尾,不敢与本殿在丹鼎丹火之上一较高下吗!”莫休不屑道。 Bang! 轰! Ning Fan is disinclined to argue with him, the five fingers grasp, in 100,000 li (50,000 km), all white snows change to the black snowflake. 宁凡懒得和他争辩,五指一抓,十万里内,所有白雪都化作黑色的雪花。 Piece by piece black snowflake, by Ning Fan one move, condense black Giant Cauldron, six corner star anise three feet. 一片片黑色雪花,被宁凡一招,凝成一尊黑色巨鼎,六棱八角三足。 That cauldron is not perfect, but in the cauldron, has Ning Fan lifetime unforgettable recalling. 那鼎并非完美,但鼎中,却有着宁凡毕生难忘的追忆。 This cauldron comes, all Five Revolutions Alchemist Pill Cauldron, all presented the indication of disruption! 此鼎一现身,所有五转丹师丹鼎,俱都出现了碎裂的征兆! Especially by Mo Xiu of Ning Fan key attendance, his pure gold Giant Cauldron, was broken the innumerable fragments by the Ning Fan cauldron prestige directly! 尤其是被宁凡重点照顾的莫休,他的纯金巨鼎,直接被宁凡的鼎威震碎成无数碎片! In the Ning Fan black cauldron, there is an overbearing thought. 宁凡的黑鼎之中,有一股霸道的意念。 My cauldron is the sovereign, ten thousand Dingwei the feudal official! 我鼎为皇,万鼎为臣! This is what Rank Concept! This is what Rank Pill Cauldron!” Mo Xiu clenches jaws, shock. “这是什么级别意境!这是什么级别丹鼎!”莫休咬牙切齿,震惊不已。 He never sees has had Alchemist to depend on a Concept Giant Cauldron cauldron prestige, breaks others 's Pill Cauldron! 他从未见过有炼丹师可凭一尊意境巨鼎的鼎威,震碎他人的丹鼎 An innumerable cultivator deathly stillness piece, was startled by this shocking scene. 无数修士死寂一片,都被这一幕震撼的场面惊到了。 Ning Fan without/has not conceals the meaning of Concept and Flame again. 宁凡没有再掩饰意境火焰的意思。 His strength and status, but raised the head throws out the chest to live in Rain World, does not need to bow to bow to anybody again! 他的实力、身份,可抬头挺胸活在雨界,不必再向任何人低头屈膝! Fire, come!” “火,来!” Counts on the fingers a ball, nine black fire dragons, pass to refer to from the Ning Fan fingertip! 屈指一弹,九道黑色火龙,从宁凡指尖透指而出! That is the Black Demon Flame Flame shape, is a pinnacle camouflage. 那是黑魔炎火焰形态,是一种极致的伪装。 This camouflage, is Pill Sovereign passes on with the Ning Fan secret skill. 这伪装,亦是丹皇传与宁凡的秘技。 Although the Flame shape is Nine Dragons Black Fire, but the hot prestige, actually presses up to Seventh Grade mid-ranked Immortal Void Void Fire! 火焰形态虽是九龙黑火,但火威,却直逼七品中级仙虚虚火 Is impossible, this hot prestige is false! Your only Venerable Elder, even if Rain Sovereign and Pill Sovereign attach great importance to again, is impossible to have Seventh Grade mid-ranked Flame!” “不可能,这火威是假的!你区区一个尊老,纵然再得雨皇丹皇重视,也不可能拥有七品中级火焰!” This is false, you could not deceive this palace! This is only one group of Black Demon Flame, Earth Veins 7th Black Demon Flame, except for Black Demon Flame, anything is not!” “这是假的,你骗不了本殿!这只是一团黑魔炎,地脉第七黑魔炎,除了黑魔炎,什么也不是!” Is false, looked that this palace swallows your Flame!” “都是假的,看本殿吞掉你的火焰!” In the Mo Xiu eye golden light flashes, Finger Secret Art changes, in Pill Cauldron fragment of smashing, three Earth Vein Demonic Fire fusions for together pure gold raging fire. 莫休眼中金光一闪,指诀一变,粉碎的丹鼎碎片之中,三道地脉妖火融合为一道纯金烈火。 The Flame shape changes, changes to carp of the gold/metal scale, another changes, gold/metal scale Transforming Dragon, Flame changes to dragon of the pure gold, in the mouth spurts to be thin Golden Flame, towards Ning Fan Black Fire is swallowing! 火焰形态一变,化作一条金鳞之鲤,又一变,金鳞化龙,火焰化作一条纯金之龙,口中喷薄着金色火焰,朝宁凡黑火吞去! Innumerable cultivator are difficult to sit well, cannot think absolutely Pill Ceremony well will appear seizes the fire. 无数修士再难坐定,万万想不到好好的丹典会出现夺火的一幕。 Thinks when everyone, Mo Xiu Golden Fire swallows Ning Fan Black Fire surely, astonishing appeared. 就在所有人以为,莫休金火必定吞掉宁凡黑火之时,惊人的一幕出现了。 The 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire fusion and hot prestige endure to compare the Six Revolutions Golden fire dragon, after approaching nine Black Dragon, suddenly shivers and dread. 三种地脉妖火融合、火威堪比六转金色火龙,在靠近九条黑龙之后,忽然颤抖、畏惧起来。 Nine Black Dragon send out demonic roar Dragon Roar, Black Dragon is superficial dragon claw to rip, Golden Dragon Flame dragon body, is torn into shreds immediately. 九条黑龙发出魔吼般的龙吟,其中一条黑龙轻描淡写得龙爪一撕,金龙火焰龙身,立刻被生生撕碎。 Swallows!” “吞!” Ning Fan recognizes certainly the time, nine Black Dragon raise Purple Golden Smokewind suddenly, wiped to extinguish the mark in Golden Flame, and simultaneously opened mouth devours Golden Flame. 宁凡认准时机,九条黑龙忽然扬起紫金色风烟,生生抹灭了金色火焰内的印记,并齐齐张口吞噬着金色火焰 Only in a minute, Golden Dragon by Black Dragon Devour(ing) completely, but Ning Fan opened mouth swallows, swallows in Black Dragon the abdomen, in the eye reveals the color of satisfaction slightly. 仅片刻间,金龙黑龙吞噬殆尽,而宁凡张口一吞,将黑龙吞回腹中,眼中微微露出满意之色。 Very good, obtained should belong to his 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire! 很好,得到了本该属于他的三种地脉妖火 ! 噗! Mo Xiu spurts the blood to draw back continually, unbelievable, his 3 Types Earth Vein Demonic Fire, when fighting method, will be wiped to extinguish the mark by Ning Fan unexpectedly, captures forcefully! 莫休喷血连退,难以置信,他的三种地脉妖火,竟会在斗法之时,被宁凡抹灭印记,强行夺取! Especially Ning Fan the fire of Black Dragon, to a Mo Xiu shocking sense. 尤其是宁凡黑龙之火,给莫休一种震撼的感官。 He is unable to understand, actually this Black Fire achieves what Rank, unexpectedly so terrifying! 他无法理解,这黑火究竟达到什么级别,竟如此恐怖 If Ning Fan has the Void Refinement Peak strength, stimulates this fire hot prestige thoroughly, may fight Void Fragmentation 1st Heavenly Layer Old Monster mostly! 宁凡炼虚巅峰的实力,彻底激发此火火威,多半都可一战碎虚一重天老怪了! You dare to seize my Flame!” The Mo Xiu anger exclaimed, if not had scruples the Ning Fan status to be special, he will hit take action absolutely greatly. “你竟敢夺我火焰!”莫休怒吼道,若非顾忌宁凡身份特殊,他绝对会大打出手 With other say/way, but also body, you dare to swallow my fire, I then seize your fire, why not! This 3 Types Earth-Fire, the itself/Ben is the Rain Sovereign promise gives my thing, you take care, I take back them, why not!” “以彼之道,还施彼身,你敢吞我火,我便夺你火,有何不可!况且这三种地火,本就是雨皇许诺给我的东西,你只是代为保管,我收回它们,有何不可!” Even so! The prestige of your Black Fire, endures to compare Seventh Grade mid-ranked Immortal Void Void Fire, this Rank Flame, you do not match to have, when consecrates to Rain Sovereign, no matter what Rain Sovereign use!” Mo Xiu gloomy say/way. “就算如此!你那黑火之威,堪比七品中级仙虚虚火,这种级别火焰,你不配拥有,当供奉给雨皇,任雨皇使用!”莫休阴沉道。 This is my master bestows Black Fire, Rain Sovereign, will not seize my Flame!” “此乃我师所赐黑火,雨皇,不会夺我火焰!” Ning Fan gave the final word, eliminates innumerable cultivator to sneak a look the Black Fire thoughts. 宁凡一锤定音,打消了无数修士窥觑黑火的心思。 He said my master, refers to Old Demon, but everyone thinks, what he said is Pill Sovereign. 他所说的‘我师’,指的是老魔,但所有人都以为,他说的是丹皇 Pill Sovereign bestows Disciple Flame, who dares to snatch, is and Pill Sovereign for enemy! 丹皇赐给徒儿火焰,谁敢抢,便是与丹皇为敌 In Rain World, without/has not anybody is willing to Flame, to anger Pill Sovereign together! 雨界之中,没有任何人愿意为了一道火焰,惹怒丹皇 Mo Xiu, I respect you am Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord, tolerates to you repeatedly, if you provoke this Zhou again, some strange this Zhou is under brutal!” 莫休,我敬你是赤天殿主,对你一再容忍,你若再招惹周某,某怪周某手下无情!” Ning Fan gaze raises killing intent, Mo Xiu Flame at this moment was seized, backlash is heavy, if Demon Transformation killing he, Ning Fan will have 40% to grasp extinguishing to kill at least. 宁凡目光升起一丝杀机,此刻的莫休火焰被夺,反噬不轻,若是魔化击杀他,宁凡起码有40%把握将之灭杀。 Now he has the huge use value to Rain Palace, even if he killed Mo Xiu seriously, still nobody will investigate its responsibility, after most is uses Ning Fan, then attempts the punishment and retaliation. 如今他对雨殿有巨大利用价值,就算他当真杀了莫休,也无人会追究其责,最多是利用完宁凡后,再图责罚和报复。 Mo Xiu look became startled, is covering the chest, slightly retreat. 莫休目光一惊,捂着胸口,微微后退。 He actually from the Ning Fan eye, read out killing intent! 他竟然从宁凡眼中,读出了一丝杀意 Mo Xiu knows, Ning Fan has Yellow Dragon Seven Commands, the prestige of Seven Commands, endures compared with Void Pierce strikes. 莫休可是知道的,宁凡黄龙七令,七令之威,堪比冲虚一击。 When most flourishing, Mo Xiu does not fear Ning Fan but actually, but just suffers backlash now, qi and blood is impeded, if were attacked by Ning Fan, the serious injury possible surname to be very high. 若是全盛之时,莫休倒也不惧宁凡,但如今刚遭反噬,气血不畅,若被宁凡攻击,重伤的可能姓很高。 What to do? Must give up this theory test, in advance departs, evades the this child point? this child has strong treasure in the hand, if goes all out with me, I must suffer a loss!” “怎么办?要不要放弃此论测试,先行离去,避过此子的锋芒?此子有强宝在手,若与我拼命,我必吃亏!” Mo Xiu in hesitant, above the vast sky, falls gently suddenly the innumerable pale purple orchids. 莫休正在犹豫,长空之上,忽然飘落无数淡紫的兰花。 In the orchid Huahua rain, evil different youth Emperor comes suddenly, treads the sky stands, forehead cinnabar, gaze brings to be indifferent and arrogant. 花花雨之中,一个邪异的青年帝王忽然现身,踏空而立,眉心一点朱砂,目光带着冷漠和倨傲。 Mo Xiu, does not do flustered, you may continue to participate in the Second Round competition, this King here, for your Protector!” 莫休,休要慌张,你可继续参与第二轮比试,本王在此,为你护法!” Master of that sound, after the voice falls, overlook Ning Fan, in the eye leads to warn. 那声音的主人,在话音一落之后,俯瞰宁凡一眼,眼中带着一丝警告。 this King and Yun Jinghong somewhat friendship, has this King, his person, you cannot move!” 本王云惊虹有几分交情,有本王在,他的人,你动不了!” Orchid Tomb King!” 兰陵王!” Ning Fan is looking at that treads the sky the vertical arrogant youth, gaze turned cold. 宁凡望着那踏空而立的倨傲青年,目光一凛 Has this person, he not kills the Mo Xiu assurance. 有此人在,他并无杀死莫休的把握。 But Mo Xiu also while the time that Orchid Tomb King comes, immediately takes Medicine Pill, suppressed within the body injury, in the breath quickly returns to normal. 莫休也趁着兰陵王现身的时间,立刻服用丹药,压住了体内伤势,内息很快恢复正常。 Ning Fan lost one time to cut to kill Mo Xiu excellent opportunity. 宁凡失去了一次斩杀莫休的绝佳机会 Pitifully...” “可惜了…” Ning Fan grasps Purple Jade Banyan Tree conveniently, tosses into Pill Cauldron. 宁凡随手抓起紫玉榕,抛入丹鼎 this time cannot killing Mo Xiu, be somewhat a pity at one fell swoop. 这一次没能一举击杀莫休,有些可惜。 However some Ning Fan premonitions, Mo Xiu will also annoy to visit, this person is not a stoical lord. 不过宁凡有预感,莫休还会惹上门来,此人不是一个忍气吞声的主。 Was won Earth Vein Demonic Fire in the presence of everyone, to Mo Xiu, absolutely is the great shame. 被当众夺走地脉妖火,对莫休而言,绝对是奇耻大辱。 But Ning Fan can also detect, split second when Orchid Tomb King presents, hidden in eight vague Divine Sense of hidden place, was somewhat anxious. 宁凡也能察觉到,当兰陵王出现的一瞬间,隐藏在暗处的八道隐晦神念,有些紧张了。 Wanted dog-eat-dog...” Ning Fan has the premonition, later may have a good play. “又要狗咬狗了么…”宁凡有预感,稍后可能会有一场好戏。 In Giant Demon Remnant World, closely is paying attention to Pill Ceremony Eight Ancestors, in moment that Orchid Tomb King arrives, all shows the dignified expression. 巨魔残界中,始终关注着丹典八祖,在兰陵王到来的一刻,俱都露出凝重的表情。 Orchid Tomb King... this person comes my Giant Demon Clan, perhaps comes for Demon Image Slate...” 兰陵王…此人来我巨魔族,恐怕是为魔像石板而来…” Six Wings Clan Stone Slate, fell in this person of hand, he not anxiously Stone Slate that snatched Mist Horn and Ghost Eye Clan, actually came my Giant Demon Clan, was conspires.” 六翼族石板,落在了此人手中,他不急着抢岚角鬼目族石板,却来我巨魔族,自是图谋不轨的。” Snort! If his True Body comes, Old Man fears him, what he comes this place is only trivial 2nd Nascent Divinity, if dares to submerge Giant Demon Remnant World and conspiring, makes him come but not return surely!” “哼!若是他真身前来,老夫自是惧他,但他前来此地的只是区区第二元神,若敢潜入巨魔残界、图谋不轨,必定让他有来无回!” ( 1 / 2 ) ……
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