GE :: Volume #5

#459: Since slap on the face

what! this is!” 什么!这是!” All gaze sweep to the jade stage, actually sees center jade stage, under Pill Tablet, is setting up a thin bald old monk . 所有目光扫向玉台,却见玉台正中处,丹碑之下,立着一个骨瘦如柴的光头老僧。. His standing and waiting for a long time wind and snow, quiet speechless, has a Grandmaster bearing. 他伫立风雪,寂寂无言,却自有一番宗师气度。 He deeply sighed, sigh contained the all ages vicissitudes. 他深深一叹,一声叹息似包容了万世沧桑。 His hand caresses Pill Tablet, Pill Tablet appears one by one Four Colors radiance. That radiance rises to the limit, achieves the Four Revolutions Peak highest scale division, is unable to have any promoting again, is the limit of Pill Tablet test. 他手抚丹碑,丹碑逐一浮现四彩光华。那光华上升至极限,达到四转巅峰的最高刻度,再无法有任何提升,已是丹碑测试的极限。 At this moment, Pill Tablet trembles gently, snow spatial above, appears suddenly piece by piece Five Colors Rosy Clouds. 这一刻,丹碑轻轻一颤,雪空之上,骤然浮现一片片五彩云霞 split second, innumerable call out in alarm rises from all directions. 一瞬间,无数声惊呼四起。 Unexpectedly is Five Colors Rosy Clouds! Pill Island Pill Tablet only may test Four Revolutions Pill Technique, if presents Five Revolutions, will then appear Five Colors Rosy Clouds, is unable to survey! This person unexpectedly is Five Revolutions Alchemist!” “竟是五彩云霞丹岛丹碑只可测试四转丹术,若出现五转,便会现出五彩云霞,无法测量!此人竟是一名五转丹师!” What, Five Revolutions Alchemist! Rain World 800 Cultivation Country, Five Revolutions Alchemist is few, every people is character who moves the world, who this person is, why so unfamiliar...” “什么,五转丹师雨界八百修国,五转丹师屈指可数,每一人皆是名动天下的人物,此人是谁,为何如此面生…” Is he! Heavenly Jade Sect Previous Generation Sect Master, Five Revolutions high-ranked Pill Technique... Yi Yunzi! This person disappears for many years, cannot think that can participate in this Pill Ceremony!” “是他!天璇宗前代宗主,五转上级丹术易云子!此人消失多年,想不到会来参加此次丹典!” „Ah? is he Yi Yunzi? But before Old Man counts 100 years, when Zhou Family is a guest , helping see this person at the session.” “啊?他就是易云子?可老夫百年前在周家做客之时,便于席间见过此人。” Zhou Family? Has can it be this person pledged allegiance to Zhou Family?” 周家难道此人早已归顺周家?” Innumerable cultivator guesses in abundance, after Yi Yunzi reveals the status, immediately is welcomed by Giant Demon Clan Expert to the reserved seats, many Alchemist set out to salute upon meeting in abundance. 无数修士猜测纷纷,在易云子显露身份之后,立刻被巨魔族高手迎至贵宾席,不少丹师纷纷起身见礼。 Yi Yunzi gaze, always resembles ancient vines old leaf to be tranquil, without/has not Alchemist can promote his sentiment to fluctuate. 易云子目光,始终似古藤老叶平静,没有一个丹师能引起他的情绪波动。 Only has, when gaze has swept Pill Island Great Elder and Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord, had a fluctuation slightly. 唯有当目光扫过丹岛大长老赤天殿殿主之时,才稍稍有了一丝波动。 His gaze like the torch, Pill Island Great Elder —— Huang Tingzi Pill Technique, should be about the same as him suddenly. 目光忽然如炬,丹岛大长老——黄庭子丹术,应该与他在伯仲之间。 But that Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord Mo Xiu... this person of Pill Technique, still above Yi Yunzi! 而那赤天殿殿主莫休…此人丹术,犹在易云子之上! On reserved seats, Scarlet Heaven Palace Lord Mo Xiu when Yi Yunzi takes a seat, gaze concentrates suddenly, said with sound transmission. 贵宾席上,赤天殿主莫休易云子入席之时,目光忽然一凝,传音道 Yi Yunzi, past you were inferior to me, even if present you becoming Zhou Family Guest Official, were still inferior to me!” 易云子,当年的你不如我,如今的你纵然成为周家客卿,仍不如我!” Perhaps... you, although strong in old buddhist monk, but also is only slightly strong nothing more.” “也许吧…你虽强于老衲,但也只是略强一线而已。” nobody knows, demonstration of Mo Xiu to Yi Yunzi. 无人知,莫休易云子的示威。 Sound gradually in an uproar subside, First Round/Wheel tests methodically conducts. 一声声哗然之声渐渐平息,第一轮测试有条不紊的进行。 each and every single (person) Three Revolutions Alchemist through the First Round/Wheel test. 一个个三转丹师通过第一轮测试。 Also many Four Revolutions Alchemist shine the brilliance on innumerable cultivator at present greatly. 亦有不少四转丹师在无数修士眼前大放光彩。 Scarlet Heaven Palace this time altogether has six Alchemist to participate in Pill Ceremony, except for Palace Lord Mo Xiu has been Five Revolutions high-ranked Alchemist that moves a side, five people, have not broken through Five Revolutions, needs to participate in the test. 赤天殿此次共有六名丹师参加丹典,除了殿主莫休早已是名动一方的五转上级丹师,余者五人,都未突破五转,需要参与测试。 Five Scarlet Heaven Palace Alchemist, in the Ning Fan hand distressed, nearly were once killed by a Ning Fan claw. 五名赤天殿丹师,曾经在宁凡手中狼狈不已,险些被宁凡一爪击毙。 Although the strength is inferior, but Pill Technique may not be really weak. 战力虽说低劣,但丹术可着实不弱。 Four people of Pill Technique achieved Four Revolutions high-ranked, person of Pill Technique achieved Four Revolutions Peak! 四人丹术达到了四转上级,一人丹术达到了四转巅峰 Five Four Revolutions Alchemist also arrive, immediately causes the exclamation of innumerable cultivator. 五名四转丹师同时登场,立刻引起了无数修士的惊叹。 These five people are Scarlet Heaven Palace wait on palace Alchemist worthily, Pill Technique every people shocked everybody sufficiently.” “这五人不愧是赤天殿侍殿丹师,每一人的丹术都足以惊世骇俗了。” Four Revolutions Alchemist, then moves a country sufficiently. These five people of Pill Technique were least is Four Revolutions high-ranked, a also person only misses one to Five Revolutions. Scarlet Heaven Palace worthily is Rain Palace nine palaces one, seriously is each generation produces talented people, not only Palace Lord Pill Technique is extremely high, subordinate also Pill Technique is good!” 四转丹师,便足以名动一国。这五人丹术最少都是四转上级,还有一人离五转都只差一线了。赤天殿不愧是雨殿‘九殿’之一,当真是人才辈出,不但殿主丹术极高,就连下属也丹术不俗!” Cheering of people, makes five Scarlet Heaven Palace Alchemist enjoy obviously extremely. 众人的欢呼,显然让五名赤天殿丹师极为受用。 Especially in five people Pill Technique highest old man —— Chi Lao, enjoys to people's flattery obviously extremely. 尤其是五人中丹术最高的老者——赤老,对众人的奉承显然极为受用。 When said that vexation in Ning Fan hand, as if also swept away. 当曰在宁凡手中的窝囊气,似乎也都一扫而空了。 His old eyes looks out in all directions, says to the Fu Bai Elder inquiry that the management tests intentionally, 老眼四望,故意对主持测试的浮白长老询问道, Heard that Revered Ming must participate in Pill Ceremony Great Competition, how hasn't this seen the person?” “听说明尊也要参加丹典大比,这怎么还未见人?” Perhaps on the road delayed, will then arrive mostly later.” Fu Bai replied, although he was Giant Demon Clan Great Elder, but treated Four Revolutions Peak Alchemist, needs to be polite. “许是路上耽搁了,多半稍后便会来到的。”浮白回答道,他虽是巨魔族大长老,但对待一名四转巅峰炼丹师,还是需要客气的。 Yes... Hehe, Old Man anticipated actually very much, what progress Revered Ming will make. So in all directions the hearsay, Revered Ming is the Pill Sovereign half disciple, as the Pill Sovereign half disciple, how saying that at least also has Four Revolutions Pill Technique is right? However Old Man believes, Revered Ming is gentleman of the self-torture, is extremely strong, the method is exceedingly high, but Pill Technique, is not necessarily able high. It is well known, Pill Technique is concocting pills refining up to be possible, is not the murder kills.” “是么…呵呵,老夫倒是很期待,明尊会取得什么样的成绩。如此四处传闻,明尊丹皇半个弟子,身为丹皇半个弟子,怎么说至少也有四转丹术才对吧?不过老夫认为,明尊是个苦修之士,实力极强,手段通天,但丹术么,未必能有多高的。众所周知,丹术炼丹炼出来可,可不是杀人杀出来的。” The Chi Lao words, hold in the Magic Force in addition, spread to the innumerable cultivator ears. 赤老的话语,在法力的加持下,传入了无数修士耳中。 each and every single (person) cultivator does not know that Chi Lao and Ning Fan gratitude and grudges, pour deeply to his words is so. 一个个修士不知赤老宁凡的恩怨,倒对他的话深以为然。 Truly, before one month, Pill Sovereign acknowledged personally Ning Fan is its Half Disciple, at least must have Four Revolutions Pill Technique, does not bring disgrace on the Pill Sovereign prestige. 确实啊,一月丹皇亲自承认宁凡是其半个徒儿,起码要有四转丹术,才不辱没丹皇威名。 But Ning Fan is Great Devil, entire said slaughters everywhere, which exists effort calmed the mind to study Pill Technique. 宁凡是一个大魔头,整曰四处厮杀,哪有功夫静心研究丹术 Most people approved the viewpoint of Chi Lao, Ning Fan Pill Technique is impossible is too high, mostly is without/has not Four Revolutions. 大多数人都认同了赤老的观点,宁凡丹术不可能太高,多半是没有四转的。 relates Ning Fan does not come again, can it be his will Pill Technique Three Revolutions without/has not, be afraid participant to be eliminated will lose face? 再一联想宁凡迟迟不来,难道他的丹术三转没有,害怕参比被淘汰会丢脸? each and every single (person) Old Monster reveals the color of understanding clearly, holds this idea are getting more and more. 一个个老怪露出了然之色,持这种想法的越来越多。 In the eye of Chi Lao, flashes through a self-satisfied color. 赤老的眼中,闪过一丝得意之色。 He cannot be victorious Ning Fan, but discredits Ning Fan in the back, disgusting Great Heaven Palace, is glad actually very much. 他打不过宁凡,但背地里抹黑抹黑宁凡,恶心一下钧天殿,倒是很乐意的。 On battle, Chi Lao and other people add are not the enemies of Ning Fan gathering. 论厮杀,赤老等五人加起来都不是宁凡一合之敌。 But by concocting pills, Chi Lao thinks may fling the Ning Fan ten streets. 但论炼丹,赤老自认为可甩宁凡十条街。 A Ning Fan trivial 500 year of skeletal age, strength so heaven-defying has kept him from accepting. 宁凡区区五百载骨龄,实力如此逆天已经让他无法接受了。 If Ning Fan is also skilled in Pill Technique, that too without/has not natural justice. 如果宁凡还精通丹术,那就太没有天理了。 That Zhou Ming Pill Technique, is impossible to achieve Four Revolutions, perhaps even Three Revolutions without/has not. Old Man is not really clear, Pill Sovereign that great person, why will receive such a Pill Technique mean person to make Disciple... really to make Old Man envy!” “那周明丹术,绝不可能达到四转,说不定连三转没有老夫真不明白,丹皇那种大人物,为何会收这样一个丹术低微之人作徒儿…真是让老夫嫉妒!” In the heart of Chi Lao, full envies, as well as to disdaining of Ning Fan Pill Technique. 赤老的心中,满满都是嫉妒,以及对宁凡丹术的不屑。 He tests, prepares to leave office with other four Alchemist, was actually blocked by two forms suddenly. 他测试完毕,准备与其他四名丹师下台,却忽而被两道身影拦住。 Two forms ; first, Rain Palace Profound Heaven Palace God Child —— Yun Niansu. 两道身影,其一是雨殿玄天殿神子——云念苏 Another person, is Pill Island Guest Official Elder, Yang Gu. 另一人,则是丹岛客卿长老,羊古 Yun Niansu is a mild gentleman, looks to Chi Lao gaze, has light disdaining. 云念苏是一个温润君子,望向赤老目光,带着淡淡的不屑。 He once scratched the shoulder to meet in Gusu and Ning Fan, knowing the Ning Fan strength was exceedingly high. 他曾在姑苏宁凡擦肩一遇,知晓宁凡实力通天。 He is the Profound Heaven Palace person, is the Rain Palace Third Prince Yun Bushu adopted son. Profound Heaven Palace is in nine palaces only Great Heaven Palace with a minute/share of palace that is on good terms. 他是玄天殿的人,是雨殿三皇子云不舒的义子。玄天殿是九殿之中唯一与钧天殿交好的分殿。 Although he does not know that Ning Fan has what Rank Pill Technique, but quite somewhat recognizes Ning Fan. In the benefit stemming from minute/share palaces, is out of the friendship, he was glad to help Ning Fan speak several words of praise. 他虽不知宁凡有什么级别丹术,但对宁凡颇有几分赏识。无论是出于分殿之间的利益,还是出于朋友之情,他都乐意帮宁凡说上几句好话的。 „The Scarlet Heaven Palace person, behind the total love discredits others, is really shameless. Since solemn Pill Sovereign settles on him, naturally explained that he has the forte. Regardless of Revered Ming present Pill Technique whether achieves Three Revolutions, is not people like you can discredit.” 赤天殿的人,总爱背后抹黑别人,真是无耻。堂堂丹皇既然看中他,自然说明他有过人之处。无论明尊如今的丹术是否达到三转,都不是你这种人可以抹黑的。” If spoke the Yun Niansu tone, but also is mild such as the jade and modest and self-demanding gentleman. Then the Yang Gu tone, flew into a rage. 若说云念苏的语气,还算是温润如玉、谦谦君子。那么羊古的口气,就可谓暴跳如雷了。 Yang Gu is angry very much, is angry. 羊古很生气,非常生气。 Why? What because Chi Lao taunt is Ning Fan, is Master that his Yang Gu just did obeisance! 为什么?因为赤老嘲讽的是宁凡,是他羊古刚拜的师父 The Chi Lao words, seem reasonable in the other people hear, but in the Yang Gu hear, is purely talks nonsense. 赤老的话,在外人听来似乎很有道理,但在羊古听来,纯属放屁啊。 Said that what Ning Fan Pill Technique not necessarily has Four Revolutions, even Three Revolutions was possibly inferior that... talks nonsense! 说什么宁凡丹术未必有四转,甚至可能连三转都不如…放屁! Yang Gu sees with one's own eyes Ning Fan Pill Technique to break through Five Revolutions mid-ranked, only Pill Technique, can fling Chi Lao this small ten streets. 羊古亲眼看到宁凡丹术突破五转中级,单凭丹术,可以甩赤老这种小喽啰十条街。 This small, with taunting his Yang Gu Master? Does! 这种小喽啰,也配嘲讽他羊古师父?作死啊! Your Pill Technique, even Revered Ming 1/10000 could not compare, pulled on shoes does not match!” The Yang Gu voice is big, almost roars. “你的丹术,连明尊的万分之一都比不了,提鞋都不配!”羊古嗓门不小,几乎是吼出来的。 Shua! 唰! The sounds of innumerable discussing spiritedly, in this moment, neat quiet get down. 无数议论纷纷的声音,在这一刻,齐刷刷安静下来。 Chi Lao complexion is pale, he has not thought, oneself speaking thoughtlessly disgusting Ning Fan several, has not thought that will draw out two Alchemist is Ning Fan declares support. 赤老面色铁青,他万万没想到,自己不过随口恶心宁凡几句,没想到会引出两个丹师宁凡声援。 These two people, but also is reputation big Alchemist, Chi Lao recognizes. 这两个人,还都是名头不小的丹师,赤老都认得。 Yun Niansu is the Rain Palace famous concocting pills rare talent, is the Third Prince adopted son. Before coming Endless Sea, Pill Technique has then been close to break through Five Revolutions, is higher than Chi Lao. If in the past, Chi Lao does not dare to offend Yun Niansu. 云念苏雨殿有名的炼丹奇才,还是三皇子的义子。在来无尽海前,丹术便已接近突破五转,比赤老高一些。若是往常,赤老是不敢得罪云念苏的。 But Yang Gu... outside world hearsay Yang Gu also only misses one to break through Five Revolutions, such Rank Alchemist, and comes Pill Island, if in the past, Chi Lao must give a Yang Gu several points of face. 羊古么…外界传闻羊古也只差一线便可突破五转,这样级别丹师,且还出身丹岛,若是往常,赤老也要给羊古几分面子的。 But now, Chi Lao does not prepare to two people of good complexions. 但如今么,赤老不准备给二人好脸色。 His complexion is pale, Yun Niansu said him to be shameless, Yang Gu said that he does not ration Ning Fan to pull on shoes. Was he as Four Revolutions Peak Alchemist, the own arrogance, how could insulted? 面色铁青,云念苏说他无耻,羊古说他不配给宁凡提鞋。他身为一名四转巅峰丹师,自有傲气,岂能被人如此侮辱? Yun Niansu! Yang Gu! Your two people with Old Man, is Pill Technique same level nothing more, Old Man looks in your Pill Technique not weak share, respects your 30% (slightly), tone that but you spoke to Old Man, seemed too impolite!” 云念苏羊古!你二人与老夫,也不过是丹术同级而已,老夫看在你们丹术不弱的份上,敬你们三分,但你们对老夫说话的口气,似乎太无礼了吧!” Same level?” The Yun Niansu eye reveals contemptuous, he cannot get used to seeing the person of Scarlet Heaven Palace early, did not mind that at this moment hits face of one dozen of Chi Lao. “同级?”云念苏眼露一丝轻蔑,他早看不惯赤天殿之人,不介意此刻打一打赤老的脸。 His step is graceful, such as a corrupt world good young master, the line to Pill Tablet , a palm pats above Pill Tablet. 他步伐雍容,如一个浊世佳公子,行至丹碑之下,一掌拍在丹碑之上。 split second, a tyrannical Medicine Soul imposing manner disperses from Yun Niansu within the body. In this moment, Pill Tablet Four Colors is intensely bright, snow spatial above, appears suddenly Five Colors Rosy Clouds! 一瞬间,一股强横的药魂气势从云念苏体内散出。在这一刻,丹碑四彩耀眼夺目,雪空之上,骤然浮现五彩云霞 Countless person suck in a breath of cold air, Profound Heaven Palace reading Young Master Su, worthily is the Pill Technique rare talent, young, unexpectedly is Five Revolutions Alchemist! 无数人倒吸一口冷气,玄天殿的念苏公子,不愧是丹术奇才,年纪轻轻,竟然已是五转丹师 How possibly! You are so young, how possibly to break through Five Revolutions!” Chi Lao complexion is ugly, frustration floats the heart a thickly. “怎么可能!你如此年轻,怎可能突破五转!”赤老面色难看之极,一股浓浓地挫败感浮上心头。 Until now, he thinks that oneself Pill Technique is higher than the Yun Niansu frontline. Has not actually thought, Yun Niansu has broken through Five Revolutions Pill Technique low-key, is far from he may compare! 一直以来,他都以为自己的丹术要高于云念苏一线。却不曾想,云念苏早已低调突破五转丹术,远非他可比! He is still in a daze, actually sees Yang Gu also to sneer suddenly, approaches Pill Tablet, a palm pats above Pill Tablet. 他犹在发愣,却忽然见羊古同样冷笑,走近丹碑,一掌拍在丹碑之上。 split second, the snow spatial above appears again Five Colors Rosy Clouds, without a doubt, Yang Gu similarly is Five Revolutions Alchemist! 一瞬间,雪空之上再次浮现五彩云霞,毫无疑问,羊古同样是一名五转丹师 what! 什么! This, not only Chi Lao is unexpected, sponsors Pill Island Great Elder on seat to reveal surprised look. 这一幕,不仅赤老始料不及,就连主办席上的丹岛大长老都露出惊讶之色 He does not know when Yang Gu breaks through Five Revolutions Pill Technique! 连他都不知道,羊古是何时突破五转丹术的! Around jade stage, innumerable Old Monster set out suddenly, gaze fiery looks at Yun Niansu and Yang Gu. 玉台四面,无数老怪骤然起身,目光火热看着云念苏羊古 These two people, all are Five Revolutions Alchemist. If said that Four Revolutions Alchemist may move a country, then Five Revolutions Alchemist may move hundred countries! 这二人,俱是五转炼丹师。若说四转丹师可名动一国,则五转丹师可名动百国! Old Man said that you give Revered Ming to pull on shoes do not match, why can you know?” 老夫说了,你连给明尊提鞋都不配,你可知为何?” Yang Gu sneers to look at Chi Lao, seeming to give Ning Fan rectifying names to be the same. 羊古冷笑望着赤老,好似要给宁凡正名一般。 Because, Revered Ming is Yang's Honored Master, Pill Technique is far from Yang may compare. Yang Pill Technique breaks through Five Revolutions, all depends on the Honored Master direction! Your trivial Four Revolutions Alchemist, could not compare Yang, how could to place on a par with the master of Yang!” “因为,明尊是羊某人的师尊,丹术远非羊某可比。羊某丹术之所以突破五转,全赖师尊指点!你区区四转丹师,连羊某都比不了,岂能和羊某之师相提并论!” Whish! 哗! Around jade stage, sound in an uproar gets up at the same time. 玉台四面,一面哗然之声响起。 Innumerable cultivator are unable to believe that solemn Five Revolutions Alchemist Yang Gu, will recognize Ning Fan unexpectedly is Pill Technique Master! 无数修士无法置信,堂堂五转丹师羊古,竟会认宁凡丹术师父 The people are digesting the Yang Gu words, boundless Medicine Soul that suddenly, vast as Giant Dragon arrives, descends in the test jade stage. 众人正消化着羊古的话语,骤然间,一股浩渺似巨龙降临的磅礴药魂,降落在正个测试玉台。 Innumerable Alchemist only feel the body and mind to shiver, even Four Revolutions Alchemist, is unable to resist this Medicine Soul strength. 无数丹师只觉得身心颤动,就算是四转丹师,也根本无法抗拒这股药魂的力量。 They know certainly, Medicine Soul is the method that Five Revolutions Alchemist may have, but even if ordinary Five Revolutions Alchemist, is unable to shock Four Revolutions Alchemist depending on Medicine Soul! 他们当然知道,药魂五转丹师才可拥有的手段,但纵然是普通五转丹师,也无法凭药魂震慑住四转丹师啊! Only has Yi Yunzi and Mo Xiu Rank concocting pills Grandmaster, may have so astonishing medicine Soul Force quantity! 唯有易云子莫休级别炼丹宗师,才可有如此惊人的药魂力量! —— —— The white clothing form, descends before Pill Tablet together suddenly, a superficial palm, pats above Pill Tablet. 一道白衣身影,骤然降落在丹碑之前,轻描淡写的一掌,拍在丹碑之上。 next instant, 100,000 li (50,000 km), is Five Colors Rosy Clouds. 下一瞬,十万里,俱是五彩云霞 Even in that Five Colors Rosy Clouds, faint, also Sixth Color almost appears. 甚至那五彩云霞之中,隐隐的,还有一丝第六彩几乎浮现。 what! Six Colors?! Six Revolutions Alchemist?! No, is not true Six Colors, but 什么!六彩?!六转丹师?!不,不是真正的六彩,但是” Yi Yunzi, Mo Xiu and Huang Tingzi, all stand up suddenly, are looking at the Ning Fan direction, surprised uncertain. 易云子莫休黄庭子,俱都豁然站起,望着宁凡的方向,惊疑不定。 Is undesirable that has happened more than three times, if next one time, you dare to wag the tongue... you to again die behind this Zhou!” “事不过三,若下一次,你再敢在周某背后嚼舌头…你必死!” In Ning Fan cold light flickers, gaze, making Chi Lao mind soon freeze! 宁凡目中寒芒闪烁,一个目光,令赤老心神都快要冻结! The Chi Lao heart raises the unprecedented frustration... a skeletal age 500 youth, in cultivation base and Pill Technique two aspects, is far in excess of him unexpectedly. 赤老心头升起空前的挫败感…一个骨龄五百的青年,竟在修为丹术两个方面,都远远将他超越。 This is how possible, how possibly! 这怎么可能,怎么可能! How world will have the talent of such evildoer/monstrous! 世间怎会有如此妖孽之才! Chi Lao only thinks that on face burning, was looked shamefully by gaze of innumerable cultivator ridicule. 赤老只觉脸上火辣辣的,被无数修士嘲笑的目光看得无地自容。 He assured Ning Fan Pill Technique was mean before, is really since slap on the face 他之前还笃定宁凡丹术低微,真是自打耳光 Useless thing!” Mo Xiu gaze sinks, this time, Chi Lao was loses his Scarlet Heaven Palace face cleanly. “没用的东西!”莫休目光一沉,这一次,赤老算是把他赤天殿的脸面丢干净了。
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