GE :: Volume #5

#458: Pill Technique, Five Revolutions Peak

Ning Fan touches Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, the palm transmits the icy cold and solid feel. 宁凡手触青木巨鼎,掌心传来冰凉与厚重感。 Medicine Soul strength, in its palm condense vortex. In Giant Cauldron concentrates, but not scattered Medicine Qi, was inhaled in vortex, integrates in Medicine Soul. 药魂的力量,在其掌心凝成一个漩涡巨鼎之内凝而不散药气,纷纷被吸入漩涡之中,融入药魂之内。 Above Medicine Soul, azure is paler, the black color is stronger. 药魂之上,青色更淡,墨色更浓。 A dark ink faint trace exaggerates, Ning Fan knew in the heart, if this black color covers entire Medicine Soul thoroughly, only when remains wipes the light greenish blue, is promote enters Five Revolutions Peak. 浓墨一丝丝渲染开来,宁凡心知,若这墨色彻底覆盖整个药魂,只留一抹淡青之时,便算是晋入五转巅峰 Five Revolutions Azure, Six Revolutions Black, Seven Revolutions Purple. 五转青,六转玄,七转紫 If all light greenish blues, one time dissipates to again does not have the shadow thoroughly, then... Ning Fan can calculate Six Revolutions Alchemist at the appointed time! 若是所有的淡青,再一次消散至彻底无影,则届时…宁凡便可算一名六转炼丹师 Six Revolutions Alchemist, takes a broad view at entire Rain World 800 Cultivation Country, only has few 7 people of nothing more. 六转丹师,放眼整个雨界八百修国,也仅有寥寥七人而已 If the Ning Fan Pill Technique promote entered Six Revolutions, then its position, almost venerated with Void Fragmentation Old Monster generally! 宁凡丹术晋入六转,则其地位,几乎和碎虚老怪一般尊崇! In the heart appears the meaning of gratitude, feels grateful the direction of Pill Sovereign, concern of more grateful Old Demon. 心中浮现感激之意,感激丹皇的指点,更感激老魔的关怀。 Old Demon and Pill Sovereign agreement, making Pill Sovereign direct Ning Fan 3rd time, each one time opportunity, Ning Fan will not waste! 老魔丹皇约定,让丹皇指点宁凡三次,每一次机会,宁凡都不会浪费! Swallows!” “吞!” Ning Fan eyes reveal decidedly, increased the effort of absorbing Medicine Qi. 宁凡目露决然,加大了吸取药气的力度。 This Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, accompanies Pill Sovereign innumerable concocting pills, does not know that refining many Six Revolutions Medicine Pill, contains the Medicine Qi density to shock everybody. 青木巨鼎,陪伴丹皇无数次炼丹,不知炼制过多少颗六转丹药,其中所含药气浓度惊世骇俗。 Absorbed 1/20 Medicine Qi merely, Ning Fan then felt the Medicine Soul painfully swollen, as if could not withstand so powerful Medicine Qi. 仅仅吸取了二十分之一药气,宁凡便觉得药魂胀痛,似乎承受不住如此强大的药气 Clenches teeth, Ning Fan attracts Medicine Qi again fiercely, after suction 1/10 Medicine Qi, the entire Medicine Soul almost bulge broken. 一咬牙,宁凡再次猛吸药气,当吸走十分之一的药气之后,整个药魂几乎胀破。 A faint trace implements the soul the pain, lets the Ning Fan brow tight wrinkle, actually without/has not talks too much. 一丝丝贯彻灵魂的痛楚,让宁凡眉头紧皱,却没有多言。 His took a deep breath, attracts Medicine Qi again fiercely, Medicine Qi in Giant Cauldron, suction one of the 90% by Ning Fan. 深吸一口气,再次猛吸药气,巨鼎之中的药气,已经足足被宁凡吸走九分之一。 this child actually enduring generation...” Pill Sovereign nods satisfied, he regards as important Ning Fan Innate Skill, regards as important the Ning Fan disposition. 此子倒是个坚忍之辈…”丹皇满意地点点头,他看重宁凡天赋,更看重宁凡心性。 Dao of Alchemy is difficult, has not cultivator that the big will endures patiently greatly. It is not able to mount Dao of Alchemy Peak. 丹道艰难,非拥有大毅力大忍耐的修士。无法登上丹道巅峰 When Pill Sovereign looks at Ning Fan, seems sees to be young. 丹皇看着宁凡,就好似看到年轻之时的自己。 During War Fire flutters about, seven -year-old Pill Sovereign, but also is only a mortal child, above the ruins battlefield, by eating the corpse of person sends people to heaven. 战火纷飞之中,年仅七岁的丹皇,还只是一介凡人孩童,在废墟战场之上,靠吃死人之尸度人。 that day, azure clothes always said, arrived at the battlefield, saw Pill Sovereign, shows the kind smile. 那一日,一个青衣老道,来到了战场,看到了丹皇,露出和蔼的微笑。 Why do you want to eat the corpse of person?” “你为何要吃死人之尸?” I do not want dead base and low!” Young Pill Sovereign replied. “我不想卑微地死去!”年幼的丹皇回答道。 „Can you hope along with me? I will give your Pill Technique. Make you no longer base and low, stands erect above ten thousand people...” “你可愿随我?我将授你丹术。让你不再卑微,屹立于万人之上…” The smile of azure clothes old say/way, prints forever in the Pill Sovereign heart, seeming the father is warm. 青衣老道的笑容,永远印在丹皇心头,好似父亲般温暖。 That time Pill Sovereign, has not known that azure clothes always said that is Previous Generation Rain Sovereign respect to seal/confer Sovereign Li! 那时的丹皇,还不知道,那个青衣老道,是前代雨皇钦封的厉皇 Sovereign Li breaks through the Realm failure, finally die. Pill Sovereign endures sorrowfully, follows the guidance of Sovereign Li. Is fed up the innumerable misery, finally steps Peak, becoming Pill Sovereign that moves Nine Worlds. 厉皇突破境界失败,最终陨落丹皇忍下悲痛,遵循厉皇的教导。吃尽无数苦难,最终踏上巅峰,成为名动九界丹皇 The Pill Sovereign life does not accept the disciple, because he never meets has been able to treat such as the child disciple. 丹皇一生不收徒,因为他从未遇见过能待之如子的弟子。 World has tens of thousands of Alchemist to do obeisance in Pill Sovereign disciple. But Pill Sovereign is not rare. 世间有成千上万的丹师欲拜在丹皇门下。但丹皇根本不稀罕。 Now, he met one to admire the disciple finally, but this disciple, has to transit the discipling from. Really is a pity very much. 如今,他终于遇到了一个心仪弟子,但这个弟子,却早已另有师承。真是很可惜啊。 Go! 疾! Pill Sovereign counts on the fingers, flies high, wipes mild Soul Force. Submerges Ning Fan within the body, moistens Ning Fan several to want bulge broken Medicine Soul. 丹皇屈指,凌空一点,一抹温润的魂力。没入宁凡体内,滋润着宁凡几欲胀破的药魂 He is unable to wipe to extinguish the pain that Ning Fan withstands, actually may treat the wound on Ning Fan Medicine Soul damaging. 他无法抹灭宁凡承受的痛,却可医治宁凡药魂上破损的伤口。 He still remembered the past years, self-absorption Sovereign Li Pill Cauldron Medicine Qi past events. 他犹记得当年,自己吸收厉皇丹鼎药气的往事。 Under the asylum of Sovereign Li, he absorbed one-third Sovereign Li Medicine Qi. 厉皇的庇护下,他吸收了三分之一厉皇药气 He felt, present Ning Fan, can absorb one-third Medicine Qi. 他觉得,眼前的宁凡,亦能吸收三分之一药气 Pill Sovereign decides to help Ning Fan again, seemed Honored Master to help him be the same in the past. 丹皇决定再帮宁凡一把,就好似当年师尊帮他一样。 When Pill Sovereign helps Ning Fan by Soul Force, this discovered, some Ning Fan within the body unexpectedly innumerable Black Star Force, therapy. 只是当丹皇魂力帮助宁凡时,这才发现,宁凡体内竟有无数黑色星力,在自行疗伤。 By Ning Fan of Black Star self-recovery, was thinking above suddenly Medicine Soul cool, the spirit feels pumped up, knew in the heart that Pill Sovereign is helping him, in the heart feels grateful. 正在以黑星自愈的宁凡,忽然觉得药魂之上一片清凉,精神为之一振,心知丹皇在帮他,心中感激。 He is clenching teeth, is enduring a more intense severe pain, attracts Medicine Qi suddenly. 他咬着牙,忍着更强烈的剧痛,猛然一吸药气 In Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, has one-third Medicine Qi to be inhaled Ning Fan within the body! 青木巨鼎之中,已有三分之一药气被吸入宁凡体内! Above his Medicine Soul, more wounds burst, was being cured by Pill Sovereign. 他的药魂之上,更多的伤口破裂,被丹皇治愈着。 But the pain, is actually not able to endure patiently, making his forehead appear the a path of blue vein. 但痛楚,却无法忍耐,令他额头浮现一道道青筋。 Refining up!” “炼!” without/has not any dreads, Ning Fan vast Medicine Qi will build up into Medicine Soul, entire Medicine Soul black color, almost immediately then rich one-third! 没有任何畏惧,宁凡将浩瀚的药气炼入药魂之中,整个药魂的墨色,几乎立刻便浓郁了三分之一 Ning Fan even more believes firmly, if can swallow completely Pill Cauldron Medicine Qi, he may one step make Medicine Soul break through Five Revolutions Peak. Because in this Pill Cauldron, has Medicine Qi that the Pill Sovereign life accumulates! 宁凡愈加确信,若能吞尽丹鼎药气,他可一步药魂突破五转巅峰。因为这丹鼎之内,有着丹皇一生所积累的药气 Experiences the misery, but not tiring, may melt Asura to rule Peak... 历尽苦难而不厌者,可化修罗君临巅峰 Ning Fan gaze decides suddenly, whole body black mist wound around, changed to the black robe Incarnation appearance. 宁凡目光骤然一决,周身黑雾缭绕,化作了黑袍化身的模样。 His gaze is ice-cold, as if cannot feel any grief again. 目光冰冷无情,似乎再感觉不到任何伤痛。 Incarnation Asura, experiences the misery, only to achieve to cultivate/repair Peak! 化身修罗,历尽苦难,只为达到修之巅峰 Swallows!” “吞!” Boundless Medicine Qi, converges Ning Fan within the body completely. 磅礴的药气,全部汇入宁凡体内。 All Medicine Qi that Ning Fan swallowed completely Azure Tree Giant Cauldron unexpectedly! 宁凡竟一口吞尽了青木巨鼎的所有药气 Implements the soul the ache, bears again hard to endure, making black robe Ning Fan stuffy snort/hum, the Mortal Body disintegration becomes Blood Mist suddenly. 贯彻灵魂的疼痛,再难忍耐,令得黑袍宁凡闷哼一声,肉身骤然崩碎成血雾 Others are only Incarnation break into pieces the great strength of recongeal, nobody has actually thought the pain of that Mortal Body smashing. 旁人只是化身碎散重凝的强大,却无人想过那肉身粉碎的痛楚。 one fragment one condensation, the profound heart, Ning Fan is swallowing up Medicine Qi. 一碎一凝,痛彻心扉,宁凡鲸吞着药气 Hundred broken hundred concentrate, the again and again Incarnation smashing, Ning Fan is resisting the impact of Medicine Qi unceasingly, gradually Medicine Qi thorough refining. 百碎百凝,一次次化身粉碎,宁凡不断抵挡着药气的冲击,渐渐药气彻底炼化 Above Medicine Soul the color of dark ink, extends unceasingly, from one-third, spreads two-thirds. Finally, entire Medicine Soul changes to the color of dark ink, only above that black color, still had the color of slight light greenish blue. 药魂之上浓墨之色,不断延伸,从三分之一,扩散成三分之二。最终,整个药魂都化作浓墨之色,只在那墨色之上,尚有轻微的淡青之色。 Medicine Soul, Five Revolutions Peak! 药魂,五转巅峰 Good!” “好!” The one side always silent Pill Sovereign, approved one finally. 一旁始终沉默的丹皇,终于赞了一句。 Ning Fan without/has not disappoints his expectation, swallowed completely Azure Tree Giant Cauldron all Medicine Qi with the big will unexpectedly. 宁凡没有辜负他的期望,竟以大毅力吞尽了青木巨鼎的所有药气 This patience, even is stronger than a point Pill Sovereign. 这种忍性,甚至比丹皇都更强一分。 Tries whether to be promoted while Medicine Soul, concentrates at one fell swoop Life Source Pill Cauldron.” Pill Sovereign reminded. “试试能否趁着药魂晋级,一举凝出本命丹鼎。”丹皇提醒道 Yes.” “是。” Ning Fan closes one's eyes, a faint trace Concept strength, disperses from within the body. 宁凡闭上眼,一丝丝意境的力量,从体内散开。 Divine Intent of Rain, Demonic Intent of Mountain, Fu Li Monster Intent... 3 Types entirely different Concept, fuses together suddenly, changes to everywhere memories black snow. 雨之神意,山之魔意,扶离妖意三种截然不同的意境,忽然融为一体,化作一场漫天回忆黑雪 This is!” “这是!” Pill Sovereign discovered with amazement, Ning Fan has the God, Monster, and Demon three clan respective different Concept strengths unexpectedly. 丹皇惊讶地发现,宁凡竟身怀神、妖、魔三族各自不同的意境力量。 Most keeps him from believing. Is Ning Fan the 3 Types Concept strength fusion is one, created Concept of Memories, and cultivated/repaired to Perfection Realm, a thought moved, everywhere was black snow. 最让他无法置信的。是宁凡三种意境力量融合为一,创出了回忆意境,且修至圆满境界,一念动,漫天都黑雪 That each black snowflakes, are the memories strengths, is Second Step Concept. 那每一片黑色雪花,都是回忆的力量,都是第二步意境 Ning Fan without/has not conceals the meaning of Pill Sovereign, in the heart has regarded the person of being intimate with Pill Sovereign. 宁凡没有隐瞒丹皇的意思,心中已将丹皇当成亲近之人。 Pill Sovereign bestows his chance, although by the request of Old Demon, but Ning Fan still felt grateful Pill Sovereign. 丹皇赐他机缘,虽说是受了老魔的委托,但宁凡仍是感激丹皇的。 In the mind is recalling the Fragmented Pill Cauldron appearance. That Fragmented Pill Cauldron, is his all memories. 脑海中回想着碎丹鼎的模样。那一个碎丹鼎,是他所有的回忆 As soon as he pats storage pouch, takes out hexagonal octagon three full black cauldrons. 他一拍储物袋,取出一个六角八棱三足的黑鼎。 That is Fragmented Pill Cauldron, is Old Demon gives his thing, although Grade is not high, although does not have the use to present Ning Fan again, actually full carrying/sustaining Seven Plums all memories. 那是碎丹鼎,是老魔送给他的东西,虽说品阶不高,虽说对如今的宁凡而言再无用途,却满满承载着七梅的所有回忆 He must concentrate Life Source Pill Cauldron at the Concept of Memories strength, he must take Fragmented Pill Cauldron as the embryonic form, does not forget the Seven Plums snow to be cold. 他要以回忆意境的力量凝出本命丹鼎,他要以碎丹鼎为雏形,不忘七梅雪寒。 Friendly!” “融!” Concept of Memories strength. Pours into Fragmented Pill Cauldron, cauldron faint trace Devour(ing). 回忆意境的力量。灌入碎丹鼎之中,将鼎一丝丝吞噬 Ning Fan touched forehead, he can feel, in his Sea of Consciousness. Visible Fragmented Pill Cauldron changed to invisible Divine Intent, a condense black cauldron, is cultivating to refine in Sea of Consciousness. 宁凡摸了摸眉心,他能感受到,在他的识海之内。有形的碎丹鼎化作了无形的神意,凝成一座黑鼎,正在识海之内培炼。 Cauldron, presently!” “鼎,现!” Ning Fan gaze flashes through the color of recalling. Strength of condense black cauldron a faint trace memories, pounds to fall on the Snow Mountain summit suddenly. 宁凡目光闪过追忆之色。一丝丝回忆之力骤然凝成一尊黑鼎,砸落在雪山山巅。 The processes of congealing cauldrons, fall in the eye of Pill Sovereign. Changes to a satisfactory smile. 一幕幕凝鼎的过程,落在丹皇的眼中。化作一丝满意的微笑。 This black cauldron, is not most perfect Pill Cauldron, why you do not congeal by Divine Intent other Pill Cauldron, can actually concentrate this?” “这一尊黑鼎,并非最完美的丹鼎,你为何不以神意凝出其他丹鼎,却要凝这一尊?” This cauldron is Honored Master presents as a gift, even if Grade is not high, to me, has the special significance.” “此鼎是师尊所赠,纵然品阶不高,对我而言,有着特别的意义。” Ning Fan replied truthfully, his reply makes Pill Sovereign more satisfied. 宁凡如实回答,他的回答让丹皇更为满意。 Very good. So, this Old Man must grant your chance, was only left over last. take these two Ming Luo Fruit.” “很好。如此看来,此次老夫要赠与你的机缘,就只剩下最后一个了。服下这两颗冥罗果吧。” Ning Fan received Ming Luo Fruit that Pill Sovereign gives, is startled slightly, for a while remembered Ming Luo Tree fine and small Pill Demon, the subconsciousness asked one. 宁凡接过丹皇递给的冥罗果,微微一怔,一时想起了冥罗树精与小丹魔,下意识问了一句。 May I ask Senior, does this fruit come from where?” “敢问前辈,此果从何而来?” Also Ning Fan will have the question no wonder, Ming Luo Fruit only then Tree World Ming Luo Tree Clan has. 也难怪宁凡会有疑问了,冥罗果只有树界冥罗树族才有。 Rain World except for Deep Grave, will not have Ming Luo Fruit. Naturally, this Ming Luo Fruit also possibly is Tree World Expert gives Pill Sovereign. 雨界除了冥坟,不会有冥罗果。当然,这冥罗果也可能是树界高手送给丹皇的。 „When Old Man via Mist Horned Clan, buys from its auction accidentally.” 老夫途经岚角族之时,从其拍卖会中偶然购得。” The Pill Sovereign answer, lets the Ning Fan slightly surprise actually. Why Mist Horned Clan has Ming Luo Fruit... 丹皇的答案,倒是让宁凡微微诧异。岚角族为何有冥罗果 At this moment also has no time to revolve, Pill Sovereign brings Ning Fan, goes to a top-secret mid-hill, opens Immortal Cave, arrange concealment defense , helping Ning Fan refining Ming Luo Fruit in this. 此刻也无暇细思,丹皇带着宁凡,前往一处绝密山腹,开辟洞府,布下隐匿防御之阵,在此助宁凡炼化冥罗果 After Ning Fan takes two Ming Luo Fruit, will fall asleep 100 years. 宁凡服食两颗冥罗果之后,会入梦百年 But Pill Sovereign will use the falling asleep technique, invades in the Ning Fan dream, 100 years in the dream, taught Ning Fan concocting pills. 丹皇则会施展入梦术,侵入宁凡梦中,在梦中百年,教导宁凡炼丹 In dream 100 years, human world several days, this guidance method, calculated unconventionally. 梦里百年,人间数日,这种教导方法,也算别出心裁了。 Ning Fan to Pill Sovereign is the trust, if Pill Sovereign must harm him, his without/has not strength to hit back, cannot suspect. 宁凡丹皇是信任的,丹皇若要害他,他根本没有还手之力,不需怀疑。 Takes two Ming Luo Fruit, Ning Fan sits cross-legged to sit, falls into Dreamland. 服食两颗冥罗果,宁凡盘膝而坐,陷入梦境 Pill Sovereign also sits cross-legged into to close, tyrannical Divine Sense does not need to contact, then entered the dream of Ning Fan. 丹皇亦盘膝入瞑,强横的神念无须接触,便入了宁凡之梦。 That is in a broad boundless dream Heaven and Earth, Ning Fan stands in a mountain valley, this inside the valley, has countless Spirit Herb. 那是一处广阔无边的梦中天地,宁凡立在一个山谷中,这山谷里,有着数之不尽的灵药 Here is the dream, he wants to have anything, then can have anything. 这里是梦,他想有什么,便可以有什么。 In the dream professor pill concocting technique, the biggest advantage, is the state time, state Spirit Herb. 梦中教授炼丹术,最大的好处,便是省时间,省灵药 Naturally, this instruction also has the drawback, after all is not true concocting pills, although can proficiency degree of promoting concocting pills technique, because is actually not true concocting pills, cannot make Medicine Soul absorb Medicine Qi, promoting concocting pills Grade. 当然,这种传授也有弊端,毕竟不是真正的炼丹,虽然可以提升炼丹手法的熟练度,却因为不是真正的炼丹,不能让药魂吸收药气,提升炼丹等级 Bang! 轰! Ning Fan in the medicine valley, summoning huge Fragmented Pill Cauldron, Casually to pick up innumerable Spirit Herb, tosses into the cauldron, starts concocting pills. 宁凡在药谷中,召出巨大的碎丹鼎,信手拈来无数灵药,抛入鼎中,开始炼丹 Nearby, Pill Sovereign static looks at Ning Fan concocting pills, gaze is severe. 一旁,丹皇静静看着宁凡炼丹,目光严厉。 He is amiable, but if some people moved his inverse scale (taboo), he will also kill people. 他性情随和,但若是有人动了他的逆鳞,他也会杀人。 If treats Pill Technique, Pill Sovereign will be very severe, earnestly, meticulous, does not accommodate some slight defects. 若是对待丹术,丹皇则会无比严厉、认真,一丝不苟,不容一些瑕疵。 Technique is not right, you have 3 Types Dao of Alchemy, should achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, should have choices...” “手法不对,你身怀三种丹道,应该融会贯通,也应该有所取舍…” fire temperature high half a point, is unqualified!” 火温高了半分,不合格!” Concentrates Divine Sense, disperses Medicine Soul, holds the Yuan to defend one, has the miraculous glow!” “集中神念,分散药魂,抱元守一,心存灵光!” After 100 years, Dreamland awaken. 百年之后,梦境苏醒 In the dream, Ning Fan experienced entire 100 years concocting pills, the technique is skillful, adapted to the Five Revolutions Peak Alchemist status thoroughly. 梦中,宁凡经历了整整百年炼丹,手法纯熟,彻底适应了五转巅峰丹师的身份。 outside world, passed merely several days nothing more. 外界,才仅仅过去了数日而已 Ning Fan looked out in all directions Immortal Cave, Pill Sovereign has departed. Only leaves behind storage pouch, puts, was in same day Medicine Shop all Spirit Herb. 宁凡四望洞府,丹皇早已离去。只留下一个储物袋,其中盛放的,是当日药铺之内所有灵药 Even, 100,000 years Spirit Herb that three Ning Fan are unable to see through, was broken to camouflage by Pill Sovereign, delivers with Ning Fan. 甚至,那三株宁凡无法识破的十万年灵药,也被丹皇破去伪装,送与宁凡 Besides this innumerable precious Spirit Herb, Pill Sovereign also leaves behind jade slip, only has an urging. 除了这无数珍贵灵药,丹皇还留下一个玉简,其中只有一句叮嘱。 Old Man insights Pill Technique, travelling world, when your Pill Technique breaks through Six Revolutions. Old Man will direct you again twice. All things careful...” 老夫感悟丹术,游历天下,待你丹术突破六转老夫会再指点你两次。诸事小心…” The jade slip words are not many, made Ning Fan silent. 玉简话语不多,却令宁凡沉默。 He receives jade slip, is looking at outside the hole the direction, holds the fist in the other hand does obeisance. 他收起玉简,望着洞外方向,抱拳一拜。 Many thanks the en of Pill Sovereign preach the Dao!” “多谢丹皇传道之恩!” If the help of no Pill Sovereign, Ning Fan wants to break through Five Revolutions Peak Alchemist, is impossible is so quick. 若无丹皇的帮助,宁凡想突破五转巅峰丹师,绝不可能这么快。 this time direction, Pill Sovereign not only helped Ning Fan open person, congealed Life Source Pill Cauldron, bestowed innumerable Spirit Herb. Instructs Ning Fan 100 years concocting pills personally. 这一次指点,丹皇不但帮宁凡开了人目,凝了本命丹鼎,赠送无数灵药。更亲自指导宁凡百年炼丹 Former Ning Fan, alone masturbate rope Dao of Alchemy, lacked the instruction, in Pill Technique somewhat some deficiencies. 从前的宁凡,独自摸丹道,缺乏指导,丹术之中多多少少会有些不足之处。 But this time. Pill Sovereign instructs Ning Fan 100 years, now Ning Fan Pill Technique, takes a broad view at entire Rain World, besides that 7 Six Revolutions Alchemist. Almost nobody enemy! 这一次丹皇指导宁凡百年,如今宁凡丹术,放眼整个雨界,除了那七名六转丹师之外。几乎无人可敌! without/has not leaves Immortal Cave immediately, Ning Fan sits cross-legged to sit, sits in meditation in Immortal Cave. 没有立刻离开洞府,宁凡盘膝而坐,在洞府内打坐。 Medicine Soul Realm is consolidated. 药魂境界在巩固。 concocting pills techniques recalled in the mind. 一幕幕炼丹手法在脑海回想。 Also 20 days in the past. Entire Northern Cold Country Province, occasion unmatched in grandeur. 二十日过去。整个北凉国都郡,盛况空前。 In Province, builds a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) jade stage, on the jade stage, sets up Four Colors giant stele, the name Pill Tablet, is Pill Island, for this Pill Ceremony Great Competition provides. 都郡之内,架起一座万丈玉台,玉台上,立有一座四彩巨碑,其名丹碑,是丹岛为了此次丹典大比所提供。 Above the four directions seat, was filled with Alchemist and Old Monster from various localities. 四方席位之上,坐满了来自各地的丹师老怪 On the sponsor seat, sits Ju Qing and Dong Xu these two Inner Seas Seven Venerables, as well as Pill Island Great Elder. 主办席上,坐着巨擎洞虚这两名内海七尊,以及丹岛大长老 Pill Island Great Elder is a gaze sharp old man, has Divine Transformation Peak cultivation base, as well as Five Revolutions High Grade Pill Technique. 丹岛大长老是一个目光锐利的老者,有着化神巅峰修为,以及五转上品丹术 His Pill Technique, world-famous, may be exempt from taking an examination the first two rounds. 他的丹术,天下闻名,可免试前两轮。 But some world-famous Five Revolutions Alchemist, may direct participant Third Round. 而一些天下闻名的五转丹师,也都可直接参比第三轮 The jade stage center, Giant Demon Clan Fu Bai Elder is managing the First Round/Wheel test conducts. 玉台中心,巨魔族浮白长老主持着第一轮测试的进行。 The each and every single (person) Alchemist registration name, tests Pill Technique under Pill Tablet. 一个个丹师登记姓名,在丹碑之下测试丹术 The palm touches Pill Tablet, that mysterious Pill Tablet will release together similar Medicine Soul strength, finds out newcomer Pill Technique. 手掌触及丹碑,那神奇的丹碑会释放一道类似药魂的力量,探出来者丹术 Pill Technique One Revolution, may make Pill Tablet shine together the color. 丹术一转,可让丹碑亮起一道色彩。 Pill Technique Four Revolutions, will then shine Four Colors. 丹术四转,便会亮起四彩 Meanwhile, among each One Color, the also tiny scale merit, may detect Alchemist concrete Pill Technique. 同时,每一彩之间,还有细小的刻度标准,可测出丹师的具体丹术 each and every single (person) Alchemist mounts the stage to test the result, Fu Bai Great Elder is reporting each participant Alchemist result. 一个个丹师上台测试着成绩,浮白大长老则汇报着每一名参比丹师的成绩。 Two Revolutions high-ranked, is unqualified!” 二转上级,不合格!” Three Revolutions mid-ranked, qualified!” 三转中级,合格!” Four Revolutions initial-ranked, qualified!” 四转初级,合格!” Below Three Revolutions, eliminates completely. 三转以下,全部淘汰。 But every time presents Four Revolutions Alchemist, on the field will then exude the innumerable bravos. 而每出现一名四转丹师,场上便会发出无数的喝彩声。 Four Revolutions Alchemist, but then moves a country! 四转丹师,便可名动一国! This participant Alchemist, has the 5000 person at least. 此次参比丹师,起码有五千人。 Although the population are many, but the test speed is quite fast, perhaps does not have/leave 1 day, everyone may test. 人数虽多,但测试速度颇快,恐怕不出一日,所有人都可测试完毕。 In the female cultivator seat, Yue Lingkong gaze is somewhat anxious. 女修席位上,月凌空目光有些焦躁。 Where did Small Cucumber go to? The hearsay is so noisy, Small Cucumber met Pill Sovereign, and obtained the Pill Sovereign recognition, receiving was half disciple..., if were really this, this naturally was a good deed, but why Small Cucumber did not turn over, can have the danger? Can that Pill Sovereign save the evil heart to Small Cucumber!” 小黄瓜去哪里了?如此传闻沸沸扬扬,小黄瓜遇到丹皇了,且获得丹皇赏识,收为半个弟子…如果真是这样,这自然是一件好事,但是为什么小黄瓜迟迟不归,会不会有危险?会不会那丹皇小黄瓜存了坏心!” Brother-in-law...” Some Feng Xueyan also gaze worried, is actually not able to make the sound. “姐夫…”风雪言亦有目光担忧,却无法发出声音。 Young Master Zhou has Rain Palace and Zhou Family reputation to protect, this one thinks, Young Master Zhou will not have the danger...” Fen Chi (Burning Wings) is actually sane, but on the mouth was saying the without/has not danger, in the eye was also worrying. 周公子雨殿周家的名头护着,妾身以为,周公子不会有危险…”焚翅倒是理智,但嘴上说着没有危险,眼中也在担忧。 Elder Sister Yue relax, Big Brother he, can come...” 月姐姐放心,大哥他,一定会来的…” Xu Qiuling bright eyes flashes, she understands Ning Fan, Ning Fan had said participates in Pill Ceremony, regardless of there is what accident, will come. 许秋灵明眸微闪,她了解宁凡,宁凡说过参加丹典,不论有何变故,都会前来。 what! this is!” 什么!这是!” Around jade stage, hears the sounds of innumerable shock suddenly, each and every single (person) cultivator is looking at the jade stage center, is incredible. 玉台四面,忽然传来无数震撼之声,一个个修士望着玉台中心,不可置信。 ( 1 / 3 ) ……
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