GE :: Volume #5

#457: Ghost Eye kicks the sheet iron

The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, can Pill Sovereign teach his Medicine Soul basic usage? 宁凡心思飞转,丹皇是要传授他药魂的基本用法么? Broken goes to the Spirit Herb camouflage by Medicine Soul, this method, he has learned from Xi Ran there . 药魂破去灵药伪装,这种手段,他早已从兮然那里学到过。. This method everyone all can, Pill Sovereign should only not to teach this thing. 这手段人人皆会,丹皇应该不会只传授这点东西。 Ning Fan draws close several steps, takes up that 10,000 years placenta to examine carefully, wrinkled an eyebrow unknowingly. 宁凡趋近几步,拿起那株万年紫河车细看,不经意地皱了一下眉。 It is not right, this, does not seem like the 10,000 years placenta... 不对,这一株,不像是万年紫河车… Medicine Soul dispersing of black ink azure, Ning Fan palm Medicine Qi trembles, that 10,000 years placenta in radiance, gets makes Nine Nether Orchid slowly. 青色药魂散开,宁凡手掌药气一颤,那万年紫河车在光华之中,徐徐变作一株九幽兰 Initial ordinary Spirit Mushroom, is not Spirit Herb True Body. 最初的普通灵芝,不是灵药真身 The 10,000 years placenta, is not True Body, this Nine Nether Orchid, is True Body! 万年紫河车,亦不是真身,这九幽兰,才是真身 Ning Fan understands suddenly, this wall-to-wall Spirit Herb, truly after camouflage, but absolute not just 1 Layer camouflage. 宁凡忽然明白,这满铺的灵药,确实经过伪装,但绝对不止一重伪装。 For example this Nine Nether Orchid, camouflages itself twice..., only if Medicine Soul is powerful enough, otherwise Ning Fan thinks absolutely this is a 10,000 years placenta. 譬如这九幽兰,就两次伪装自己…除非药魂足够强大,否则宁凡绝对会以为这是一株万年紫河车。 Once is used as medicine, entered mistakenly the medicine, then refined into pill had what medicine effect, was whether virulent, was inconceivable. 一旦入药,入错了药,那么炼成的丹有何药效,是否有毒,就不堪设想了。 As Alchemist, chooses the medicine, when is extremely careful! 作为一个炼丹师,选药当慎之又慎! Saw with own eyes that Ning Fan has become aware, Pill Sovereign nods satisfied, the direction said that 眼见宁凡似有所悟,丹皇满意地点点头,指点道, Medicine Soul 1st uses, sees through the Spirit Herb camouflage. In addition the ants drag out an ignoble existence, let alone is Heaven and Earth Spirit Herb, to seek self-preservation, some Spirit Herb even not just 1 Layer camouflages, therefore, exceeds the Medicine Soul resolution capability Spirit Herb, should never be used in concocting pills, you never know that Spirit Herb, whether is the thing of your needing! Then!” 药魂第一用,是识破灵药伪装。蝼蚁尚且偷生,何况是天地灵药,为求自保,有些灵药甚至不止一重伪装,所以,超出自己药魂鉴别能力的灵药,切勿用于炼丹,你永远不知道,那株灵药,是否是你需要之物!接着!” Pill Sovereign directs, counts on the fingers suddenly, Profound Purple Medicine Soul changes to Dao Light glow to project, in Ning Fan forehead. 丹皇指点完毕,忽而屈指一点,玄紫色的药魂化作一道光芒射出,点在宁凡眉心之内。 Ning Fan is startled slightly, actually the without/has not contradiction, he knows, Pill Sovereign is passing on the law. ray of light dissolves in Sea of Consciousness, immediately changes to together the sound of Cultivation Guidance. 宁凡微微一怔,却没有抵触,他知道,丹皇是在传法。光芒溶于识海中,立刻化作一道传功之声。 Divination Master cultivates Heavenly Eye, may peep Heavenly Dao, deduces 1000 years, saying Through Heaven's Eye. Formation Master cultivates the eye, reversible great power, moving mountains to fill the seas, saying Eye of Penetrating Land. Alchemist cultivates the human eye, may reflect True and False, the Dao Finger will of the people, saying Eye of True Human. Does not have Heavenly Eye, head ; does not have the eye, place master ; nobody eye, real person. Old Man helps you open Eye of True Human, is counted first time to pass on the law!” 卜师天眼,可窥天道,推演千年,谓之‘通天之目’。阵师修地眼,可逆大势,移山填海,谓之‘彻地之目’。丹师修人眼,可鉴真虚,道指人心,谓之‘真人之目’。无天眼,不可谓之天师无地眼,不可谓之地师无人眼,不可谓之真人。老夫助你开真人之目,算作第一次传法!” A faint trace knack, changes to the sound of Great Dao, resounds in Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness. 一丝丝妙诀,化作大道之音,在宁凡识海响起。 Ning Fan closes one's eyes, transports/fortunes the merit with concentration, only thinks that a forehead pain, rips open vertical eye suddenly. 宁凡闭上眼,潜心运功,只觉眉心忽然一痛,撕开一个竖眼来。 In that vertical eye, is pasting the a path of black ink azure radiant medicine light. 竖眼之中,流转着一道道青色的璀璨药光。 Ning Fan is startled slightly, at once understands clearly, he cultivates Mo Luo manifestation, Mo Luo four in Ghost Eye, was opened Eye of True Human by Pill Sovereign. 宁凡微微一怔,旋即了然,他修有魔罗法相,魔罗四相之中的鬼目,被丹皇开辟成了真人之目 Person opens, actually goes into hiding slowly, by no means revealed. 人目一开,却是徐徐隐匿,并不显露。 But Ning Fan only felt after opening 3rd person, about two goal eyesights increase, and has Medicine Qi to past two items, may peep the Spirit Herb truth. 宁凡只觉得开辟第三人目之后,左右二目的目力大增,并有药气流转二目,可窥灵药真伪。 His gaze sweeps Medicine Shop lightly, both eyes has projected two black ink azure radiance, like Thunderbolt, hits on Spirit Herb. 目光淡淡扫过药铺,双目射出两道墨青色光华,有如霹雳,打在一株株灵药上。 Spirit Herb break to camouflage in abundance, in entire Medicine Shop several hundred Spirit Herb, are unable to see through the truth except for three 100,000 years Spirit Herb, even if 50,000 year Spirit Herb, Ning Fan may also ascertain the camouflage. 一株株灵药纷纷破去伪装,整个药铺之中数百种灵药,除了三株十万年灵药无法识破真伪,纵然是五万灵药,宁凡也可窥破伪装。 Ordinary Five Revolutions Alchemist obstructs the eye by Medicine Soul, sees through the Spirit Herb camouflage, but can that small method, how compared with Reverend eye of fierce? 普通五转丹师药魂遮目,识破灵药伪装,但那种小手段,怎能比得上人目厉害? Ning Fan took a deep breath, after breaking store Spirit Herb camouflages, Ning Fan sought 15 genuine 10,000 years placentas, without/has not took, only turned around, toward the Pill Sovereign respectful ritual. 宁凡深吸一口气,在破去一铺子灵药伪装后,宁凡从中寻到了15株真正的万年紫河车,却没有去拿,只转身,向着丹皇恭敬一礼。 Many thanks Senior Li passes on the law!” “多谢厉前辈传法!” Hehe, is a promising young man. If not your cultivation had/left Ghost Eye Clan Ghost Eye, Old Man is unable easily to help you open the person goal. After opening person, at your present Medicine Soul intensity, distinguished 50,000 year Spirit Herb sufficiently. These 10,000 years placentas, you take away. Later, Old Man will pass on your type again Battle Soul Technique, is Old Man from some curls in Ancient Book to seek accidentally. Afterward, Old Man will also deliver you a chance...” 呵呵,孺子可教也。若非你修炼出了鬼目一族鬼目,老夫也无法轻易帮你开启人目的。开启人目之后,以你如今的药魂强度,也足以辨别五万灵药了。这些万年紫河车,你且拿去。稍后,老夫会再传你一式‘战魂之术’,是老夫从某卷古籍之中偶然寻得。随后,老夫还会送你一场机缘…” Pill Sovereign nods slightly, hinting Ning Fan may go to taking herbs. 丹皇微微颔首,示意宁凡可去取药了。 Ning Fan knew in the heart that Pill Sovereign must present as a gift him Spirit Herb, does not decline, he truly needs the 10,000 years placenta, takes without consulting anybody. 宁凡心知丹皇要赠他灵药,也不推辞,他确实需要万年紫河车,径自去取。 Just turned around, has not taken the 10,000 years placenta, beside Medicine Shop broadcasts together the overbearing youth voice suddenly. 只是刚刚转身,还未取走万年紫河车,药铺之外忽而传来一道霸道的青年声音。 Oh? Cannot think only Three Revolutions Alchemist Medicine Shop, has such many 10,000 years and 50,000 year and 100,000 years Spirit Herb unexpectedly! Good, good, good! This Medicine Shop all Spirit Herb, this Young Lord must buy completely! Han Ba, can clear!” ?想不到区区一个三转丹师所开的药铺,其中竟有如此之多的万年五万年、十万年灵药!好,好,好!这间药铺的所有灵药,本少主要全部买下!旱魃,可以清场了!” Yes!” “是!” Outside the shop, a gaze evil different black robe youth, orders, must buy the entire within Medicine Shop tone, does not allow anybody to purchase the medicine of this shop. 店铺外,一个目光邪异的黑袍青年,一声令下,一副要买下整间药铺的口气,不容任何人购买此铺之药。 This youth has Divine Transformation Initial Stage cultivation base, the whole body has Medicine Qi to flow, seems like Alchemist that Grade is inferior. 这青年有着化神初期修为,周身有药气流动,似乎是一名品阶不如的炼丹师 With his Dao Life Command, behind goes out of a two zhang (3.33 m) big Black Armor malicious ghost immediately, the both feet is dragging the heavy chains, acknowledges one, walks into Medicine Shop with stride, ghost hand towards Ning Fan grasps, as if must throw Medicine Shop Ning Fan directly. 随着他一道命令,身后立刻走出一个两丈高大的黑甲恶鬼,双脚拖着沉重的锁链,应诺一声,大步走入药铺内,鬼手朝宁凡一抓,似乎要将宁凡直接扔出药铺 That strength of grasping, is the Golden Body First Realm level, endures strikes compared with Void Glimpse! 那一抓之力,已然是金身第一境的水准,堪比窥虚一击! Boy, you can roll! This Medicine Shop medicine, had all been bought by my Ghost Eye Clan Young Lord, is not you can bump!” “小子,你可以滚了!这间药铺的药,已经全被我鬼目族少主买下,不是你能碰的!” Ning Fan looks at the devil claw that the front surface is grasping, gaze sinks. 宁凡望着迎面抓来的鬼爪,目光一沉。 The Black Armor malicious ghost who very obviously, this so-called Ghost Eye Clan Young Lord, as well as he brings, by no means knows Ning Fan. 很显然,这个所谓的鬼目族少主,以及他带来的黑甲恶鬼,并不认识宁凡 Otherwise, by Ning Fan present ominous name, how dare they to begin to Ning Fan. 否则,以宁凡如今的凶名,他们岂敢对宁凡动手。 Does not need the devil claw to catch the body, Ning Fan take action like the electricity, the backhand catches the wrist/skill place of malicious ghost, is relentless, rips suddenly, the great strength swings, tears down a malicious ghost ghost hand. 不待鬼爪抓到身上,宁凡出手如电,反手擒住恶鬼的手腕处,毫不留情,猛然一撕,巨力荡开,生生撕下恶鬼一只鬼手。 The malicious ghost pain is difficult to be bright, alarmed and afraid, jumps out of Medicine Shop directly, is looking at Ning Fan, gaze is scared. 恶鬼痛楚难明,惊惧之下,直接跳出药铺,望着宁凡,目光胆寒。 This, deeply shocked youth in black clothes! 这一幕,深深震惊了黑衣青年 He is solemn Ghost Eye Clan Young Lord, but this malicious ghost Han Ba, is Ghost Eye Clan Head sends to his personal bodyguard, has Golden Body First Realm body refining Realm, the strength is powerful. Even Void Glimpse Old Monster, may still fight the undefeated. 他乃是堂堂鬼目族少主,而这恶鬼旱魃,乃是鬼目族长派给他的贴身护卫,有着金身第一境炼体境界,实力强悍。就算是窥虚老怪,也可一战不败。 Depending on its Mortal Body, the strength of devil claw striking, may tear into shreds the body of any Half-Step Void Refinement. 凭其肉身之强,鬼爪一击之力,可撕碎任何半步炼虚的身体。 youth in black clothes sees obviously, Ning Fan is Half-Step Void Refinement cultivation base, should be struck to go well by Han Ba, loses Medicine Shop. 黑衣青年明明看出,宁凡半步炼虚修为,理应被旱魃一击得手,丢出药铺 , The fierce far exceed youth in black clothes imagination of Ning Fan, strikes who would imagine superficially, tears down a Han Ba arm directly... 岂料到,宁凡的厉害远超黑衣青年想象,轻描淡写地一击,直接撕下旱魃一臂… youth in black clothes is unable to believe that can it be Ning Fan body refining is Realm, fiercer than Golden Body First Realm Han Ba? 黑衣青年无法置信,难道宁凡炼体境界,比金身第一境旱魃还厉害? Hateful! Who this person is, a 500 year of skeletal age, has such heaven shaking strength merely unexpectedly! This Young Lord closes up 100 years in the clan traditional Chinese medicine tower, did not ask the human affairs, this first time left in the clan, how to annoy the so tyrannical enemy! Snort, and searches this person of details!” “可恶!此人是谁,仅仅五百载骨龄,竟有如此惊天的实力!本少主在族中药塔闭关百年,不问世事,这才第一次离开族内,怎就惹上如此强横的对头!哼,且探探此人底细!” youth in black clothes clenches teeth, immediately retrocedes with malicious ghost Han Ba extremely deeply several steps, wariness is looking at Ning Fan. 黑衣青年一咬牙,立刻与恶鬼旱魃后退数步,忌惮极深地望着宁凡 Although in the eye has the hate, hating Ning Fan to injure the guard, actually does not dare extremely to reveal, only held the fist in the other hand coldly said, 眼中虽有怨恨,恨宁凡伤了护卫,却不敢太过表露,只抱拳冷冷道, „Below Ghost Eye Clan Young Lord, Gui Han, your excellency strength heaven shaking, destroys my guard arm, does not prepare to the view!” “在下鬼目族少主,鬼寒,阁下实力惊天,毁我护卫一臂,不准备给个说法么!” Ghost Eye Young Lord...” A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, he naturally knows fierce of Ghost Eye Clan. Ghost Eye Clan is not weaker than Zhou Family background, is highly regarded. 鬼目少主…”宁凡眉头一皱,他自然知晓鬼目族的厉害。鬼目族不比周家底蕴弱,不可小觑。 Gui Han made the guard attack Ning Fan, made Ning Fan disgruntled. However this place is in the glare of the public eye, if killing Ghost Eye Young Lord, can tie the dead enmity with Ghost Eye Clan in the presence of everyone surely thoroughly. 鬼寒令护卫攻击宁凡,着实令宁凡不悦。不过此地众目睽睽,若当众击杀鬼目少主,必定会与鬼目族彻底结死仇。 Ning Fan has not solved the trouble of Giant Demon Clan, at this moment does not want to annoy Ghost Eye Clan. 宁凡还未解决巨魔族的麻烦,此刻不欲惹上鬼目族 But Ning Fan does not fear Ghost Eye Clan, if this Ghost Eye Young Lord does not know the limitation, Ning Fan does not mind to him the lesson. 宁凡也绝不惧怕鬼目族,若这鬼目少主再不识相,宁凡不介意给他些教训。 True Body/this Senior Zhou Ming, the without/has not view gives you, go away!” 本尊周明,没有说法给你,滚!” Rolling character, brings heaven shaking Evil Qi, shocked Eternal Peace Pavilion 5th stratum all cultivator. 一个‘滚’字,带着惊天煞气,震撼了永安阁五层的所有修士 Under Ning Fan Evil Qi Demon Might, Gui Han and Han Ba are the aura detention, the mind chaos, gaze shock are all difficult to be bright. 宁凡煞气魔威之下,鬼寒旱魃俱是气息滞涩,心神大乱,目光震撼难明。 Not only shocks in Ning Fan of ominous prestige, shocks has the Ning Fan reputation. 不但震撼于宁凡的凶威之强,更震撼有宁凡的名头。 what! he is Zhou Ming that father repeated urging, cannot be offended!” Gui Han clenches teeth, after knowing the Ning Fan given name, his arrogance cannot help but weak. 什么!他就是父亲千叮万嘱、不可得罪的周明!”鬼寒一咬牙,在得知宁凡名号之后,他气焰不由得软弱下去。 Status of Gui Han in Ghost Eye Clan venerates, how could do some people dare to be called him to roll? 鬼寒鬼目族内身份尊崇,何曾有人敢叫他滚? But at this moment, he dreads the Ning Fan ominous prestige, actually does not dare not to roll. He has an intuition, if he does not know the limitation slightly, Ning Fan directly under extreme methods to him! 但此刻,他畏惧宁凡凶威,却不敢不滚。他有一种直觉,若他稍稍不识相,宁凡会直接对他下死手! Hateful, hateful! can it be today an arm of Han Ba, such white broken? Does this air/Qi, swallow in vain? 可恶,可恶啊!难道今天旱魃的一条手臂,就这么白断了?这股气,就这么白白咽下? Young Lord, the situation is inferior to the person, for the time being endures patiently, after saying , if has opportunity, attempts the retaliation again!” Han Ba gloomy said with sound transmission. 少主,形势不如人,姑且忍耐,曰后若有机会,再图报复!”旱魃阴沉地传音道 Good!” “好!” Gui Han snorted coldly, bringing Han Ba to turn around walks. 鬼寒冷哼一声,带着旱魃掉头就走。 Ning Fan pupil color slightly cold, trivial Gui Han, did not put in the eye by him, if dares to annoy him again, gets down one time, must die without doubt. 宁凡眸色微冷,区区鬼寒,根本不被他放入眼中,若敢再惹他,下一次,必死无疑。 Although Ning Fan without/has not begins, but actually cannot want to walk on behalf of the Gui Han two people then walks. 虽说宁凡没有动手,但却不代表鬼寒二人可以想走便走。 Pill Sovereign slightly dusk both eyes, slightly one cold, although he is always liberal, but some people's disciple take action to his old friend, he will not sit by and do nothing. 丹皇微暝的双目,微微一冷,他虽一向宽宏,但有人对他故人之徒出手,他不会坐视不管。 „Did Old Man allow you to walk? Causes trouble in Old Man Medicine Shop, does not pay a price, like leaves?” 老夫允许你们走了吗?在老夫药铺生事,不付出点代价,就像这么离开?” what! 什么! The Gui Han two people receive the step, coldly turn head, look at Pill Sovereign, killing intent are fluctuating. 鬼寒二人收住步伐,冷冷回头,望着丹皇,杀机浮动。 Interesting, interesting! Zhou Ming also on forget it/that's all, only Yuan Nascent Pill master, dares to be impolite to this Young Lord unexpectedly! Makes this/Ben Young Lord pay the price depending on your also matching, snort/hum, courts death! Han Ba, killed him!” “有意思,有意思啊!周明也就罢了,区区一个元婴丹师,竟然也敢对本少主无礼!凭你也配让本少主付出代价,哼,找死!旱魃,杀了他!” Yes!” “是!” Han Ba gaze is vicious, as if must by the anger that Ning Fan injures, vents on the present old say/way. 旱魃目光凶狠,仿佛要把被宁凡所伤的怒气,都发泄在眼前的老道身上。 In his eyes, only Nascent Soul always said, his finger can the steamroll be innumerable, will not put in the eye. 在他眼中,区区一个元婴老道,他一根手指便可碾压无数,自不会放入眼中。 Han Ba without/has not realized slightly, person who this time he offends, is more fearful than Ning Fan! 旱魃丝毫没有意识到,这一次他得罪的人,比宁凡更加可怕! Pill Sovereign gaze glances to Ning Fan, indifferently said, 丹皇目光宁凡一瞥,淡淡道, Now, passes on your type Battle Soul Technique... Soul Hand Imprint!” “现在,就传你一式战魂之术魂手印!” split second, the strength of innumerable Profound Purple Medicine Soul, such as the strong winds disperse generally from Pill Sovereign within the body, changes to profound Purple huge palm print, is a palm pats toward Han Ba. 一瞬间,无数玄紫色的药魂之力,如狂风一般从丹皇体内散出,化作一个玄紫色的巨大掌印,朝着旱魃便是一掌拍下。 Bang! 轰! Strength of the palm, before taking control of light as a swan's feather, when falls the palm heavy, if Mount Tai, cranks up the muddy flesh Han Ba directly, making him pass away. 一掌之力,出掌前轻如鸿毛,落掌时重若泰山,直接将旱魃拍成肉泥,令其一命呜呼。 Of force control a palm extremely exquisite, without/has not one point wastes, after patting dead Han Ba, palm print at once dissipates, without/has not wound and Eternal Peace Pavilion every bit of property. 一掌之力控制地极其精妙,没有一分浪费,拍死旱魃之后,掌印旋即消散,没有伤及永安阁一草一木。 The palm of Pill Sovereign, shocked innumerable cultivator, the discerning people can see, this held might terrifying, clearly is might that Void Fragmentation struck! 丹皇的这一掌,震撼了无数修士,明眼人都能看出,这一掌威力恐怖之极,分明已是碎虚一击的威力 Knowledgeable cultivator, saw, this palm uses strength of Magic Force and Divine Sense uselessly, but concentrates palm print by Alchemist unique Medicine Soul, the murder is bloodless, is Battle Soul Technique that Rain World Pill Sovereign is in a class by itself! 有见识的修士,更是看出,这一掌没用动用法力神念之力,而是以炼丹师特有的药魂凝化掌印,杀人无血,是雨界丹皇独具一格的战魂之术 Battle Soul! By the Medicine Soul combat, is Battle Soul! 战魂!以药魂作战,即是战魂 The palm executes Void Glimpse calm and composed, profound Purple Six Revolutions Peak Medicine Soul, does not have is explaining the Pill Sovereign status. 掌毙窥虚云淡风轻,玄紫色六转巅峰药魂,无一说明着丹皇的身份。 Even Gui Han this hidden world 100 years cultivator, who this matter is impossible not to recognize the old say/way is. 就算是鬼寒这种隐世百年修士,此事也不可能认不出老道是谁。 pill, Pill Sovereign! This old say/way unexpectedly is Rain World Pill Sovereign! This Young Lord offends Zhou Ming also on forget it/that's all, now said that actually offended this great person! I annoyed the enormous disaster for Ghost Eye Clan!” “丹、丹皇!这老道竟是雨界丹皇!本少主得罪周明也就罢了,今曰竟然得罪了这种大人物!我为鬼目族惹下了弥天大祸!” Gui Han thump, kneels on the ground, kowtows to beg for mercy. 鬼寒扑通一声,跪在地上,叩头求饶。 Although he rampant boundless, but deeply understands, Pill Sovereign is not... the regarding Pill Sovereign palm that he can offend executes the Han Ba incident, he does not dare to have the slight complaint. 他虽然嚣张无边,但深深明白,丹皇不是他能得罪的起的…对于丹皇掌毙旱魃一事,他根本不敢有丝毫怨言。 this time, he really mentioned the sheet iron 这一次,他真的提到铁板了 Told Secluded Ghost Marquis! Zhou Ming is my Li Cangtian Half Disciple. Ghost Eye and Zhou Family gratitude and grudges, Old Man did not ask, but if Ghost Eye dares to injure my disciple... Old Man to conquer by killing Ghost Eye!” “告诉幽鬼侯周明是我厉苍天半个徒儿鬼目周家的恩怨,老夫不问,但若鬼目敢伤我徒…老夫必血洗鬼目!” Ss! 嘶! Pill Sovereign drinks coldly, passes on penetrating 70 million li Northern Cold Country. The powerful Void Fragmentation imposing manner, covers entire Northern Cold. 丹皇的一句冷喝,传彻七千万里北凉国。强悍的碎虚气势,将整个北凉笼罩。 At this moment, innumerable cultivator raised the head, are suddenly incredible! 这一刻,无数修士骤然抬头,不可置信! What did they hear? Pill Sovereign Li Cangtian appeared in Northern Cold Country unexpectedly, and issued the dead command to Ghost Eye Clan unexpectedly, protected Ning Fan? 他们听到了什么?丹皇厉苍天竟然出现在了北凉国,且竟然对鬼目族下达死令,力保宁凡 In Giant Demon Remnant World, Giant Demon Eight Ancestors is shock is all difficult to be bright. 巨魔残界之中,巨魔八祖俱是震撼难明。 Pill Sovereign! How he will come my Giant Demon Clan!” 丹皇!他怎会来我巨魔族!” A few words, were disclosing Pill Sovereign protects the determination of Ning Fan. 一句话,却透露着丹皇力保宁凡的决心。 This determination, uses Ning Fan unlike Rain Palace, unlike a Zhou Family friend, these words, regarded inverse scale (taboo) Ning Fan. 这决心,与雨殿利用宁凡不同,与周家的一句朋友不同,这一句话,是将宁凡当成了逆鳞 Does not allow anybody to move Ning Fan! 不容任何人动宁凡 This order, even lets person wariness compared with Yun Tianjue. Yun Tianjue revealed some good intentions to Ning Fan, but Pill Sovereign, then called Ning Fan directly is Half Disciple. 这一句命令,甚至比云天决更让人忌惮云天决只是对宁凡表露了些许好意,而丹皇,则是直接称呼宁凡半个徒儿 Pill Sovereign Disciple, who injures, who dies! 丹皇徒儿,谁伤,谁死! Now says, is Rain World Void Fragmentation, does not dare to move Ning Fan casually. 今曰起,便是雨界碎虚,也不敢随便动宁凡了。 Naturally, there is the person of having a mind from the Pill Sovereign words, heard Secluded Ghost Marquis this name. 当然,也有有心之人从丹皇的话语中,听到了‘幽鬼侯’这个名字。 Secluded Ghost Marquis, before this is not 10,000 years,... can it be this person of without/has not died by Void Fragmentation of Thunder Sovereign suppression? 幽鬼侯,这不是万年之前被雷皇镇压的碎虚么…难道此人没有死? Innumerable cultivator come in swarms toward Eternal Peace Pavilion, attempted that glances the Pill Sovereign elegant demeanor, and with the Pill Sovereign theory friendship. 无数修士永安阁蜂拥而来,希图一览丹皇风采,并与丹皇论论交情。 Pill Sovereign gently frowned, he not cultivator that likes these currying favor with powerful people. 丹皇轻轻皱眉,他不喜欢这些趋炎附势的修士 Sleeve robe one volume, Profound Purple Medicine Soul dispersing, curls up Ning Fan and store Spirit Herb, vanishes without the trace. 袖袍一卷,玄紫色的药魂散开,卷起宁凡及一铺子灵药,消失无踪。 The original position, only remains surrounds cultivator innumerably, as well as kneels in ground Gui Han. 原处,只剩无数围观修士,以及跪在地上的鬼寒 This moment Gui Han, terrified, Young Lord that basic without/has not draws said was proud. 这一刻的鬼寒,惶恐不已,根本没有曰的少主骄傲。 Ended, he ended... him to offend Ning Fan, he offended Pill Sovereign... 完了,他完了…他得罪了宁凡,他又得罪了丹皇 If the father knows, definitely peeled his skin! 父亲若知晓,肯定剥了他的皮啊! Why is what! this Zhou Ming so good luck, can becoming Pill Sovereign Half Disciple, obtain the asylum and preach the Dao of Pill Sovereign, he depending on what! “为什么!周明为何如此好运,能成为丹皇半个徒儿,得到丹皇的庇护、传道,他凭什么! This moment Gui Han, hates to Ning Fan, is the envy, does not dare to offend the Ning Fan half a point, not to mention retaliation. 这一刻的鬼寒,对宁凡又是怨恨,又是嫉妒,偏偏不敢得罪宁凡半分,更别提报复了。 Even if he dies, does not dare to move Ning Fan, otherwise, Pill Sovereign will trample flat Ghost Eye Clan! 他就算是死,也不敢动宁凡,否则,丹皇会踏平鬼目族 Summit of the bleak Snow Mountain, the profound Purple radiance flashes, Pill Sovereign and Ning Fan come one after another. 一处荒凉的雪山之巅,玄紫色的光华一闪,丹皇宁凡相继现身。 Many thanks Senior take action helps one another!” “多谢前辈出手相助!” Ning Fan to thanks of Pill Sovereign, is from the heart. 宁凡丹皇的感谢,是发自内心的。 He has sought various types to provide shade, to not protect oneself, only to protect the behind female. 他一直寻求着各种荫庇,不为保护自己,只为保护身后的女子。 Has an order that Pill Sovereign says now, do not say Ghost Eye Clan, even the entire Rain World influence, nobody dares to have the hostility to Ning Fan. 有了丹皇今曰的一句命令,莫说鬼目族,就算是整个雨界的势力,都无人敢对宁凡抱有敌意了。 Yun Tianjue ominous name perhaps above Pill Sovereign, but don't forget, Pill Sovereign was Alchemist, Alchemist close to Seven Revolutions. 云天决凶名或许在丹皇之上,但别忘了,丹皇可是一名炼丹师,一名接近七转炼丹师 do not say Rain World Void Fragmentation, other Nine Worlds Void Fragmentation, do not know even many must sell the Pill Sovereign face. A Pill Sovereign anger, may invite the innumerable goons to be ready to give one's life the strength. 莫说雨界碎虚,就算是其他九界碎虚,不知有多少要卖丹皇面子。丹皇一怒,可请来无数打手效死力。 Hehe, minor matter nothing more...” Pill Sovereign beckons with the hand, thinks otherwise, only complexion became solemn, tests the school to say suddenly, Old Man's that records Soul Hand Imprint, can you see clearly?” 呵呵,小事而已…”丹皇摆摆手,不以为然,只忽然面色一肃,考校道,“老夫的那记魂手印,你可看清了?” Saw clearly.” Ning Fan nods, the black ink azure Medicine Soul radiance ten thousand wisps in within the body, change to black ink azure huge palm print suddenly, toward a distant place Snow Mountain ruthlessly racket. “看清了。”宁凡点点头,体内的墨青色药魂忽然光华万缕,化作一个墨青色的巨大掌印,朝着远处一座雪山狠狠一拍。 Only one palm, is equivalent to Divine Transformation Late Stage to strike, a palm levelled off a mountain. 只一掌,便相当于化神后期一击,一掌夷平了一座山。 Good, is seriously good, your Innate Skill, is very good. The Old Man Han vision, is always more sinister than 30% (slightly) the average man...” “不错,当真不错,你的天赋,真的很好。韩老头的眼光,总是比常人毒辣三分啊…” Pill Sovereign sighed gently, as if to cannot receive Ning Fan to be a pity for the disciple greatly. 丹皇轻轻一叹,似乎对不能收宁凡为徒大为可惜。 Shakes the head , to continue saying that 摇摇头,继续道, Old Man once one volume of Ancient Book, recorded 36 type Soul Hand Imprint, named Heavenly Dipper Seal, is one type in the method of Medicine Soul combat, named Battle Soul Technique.” 老夫曾得一卷古籍,其中记载了三十六魂手印,名为‘天罡印’,是一种以药魂作战的手段,名为战魂之术。” Your Magic Technique are many, does not lack Battle Soul Technique, Old Man passes on your technique, to not slaughter, only to protect oneself. When Alchemist concocting pills, must use Magic Force and Divine Sense, the body is unable easily to move. This Battle Soul Technique, is Ancient certain Alchemist creates, for diverts attention the self-preservation when concocting pills, in order to avoid went to enter to injure by the enemy. When your concocting pills, if some people sneak attack, by the Medicine Soul congealing palm, a palm pats directly, can protect oneself 12.” “你法术很多,不缺战魂之术,老夫之所以传你此术,不为杀戮,只为自保。丹师炼丹之时,必须倾尽法力神念,身体更是无法轻易动弹。这战魂之术,是上古某些炼丹师所创,用于在炼丹之时分心自保,以免被敌人趁虚而入所伤害。你炼丹之时,若有人偷袭,直接以药魂凝掌,一掌拍去,可以自保一二。” Many thanks Senior Cultivation Guidance!” “多谢前辈传功!” Ning Fan nods, just like Pill Sovereign said that when Alchemist concocting pills, how to protect oneself is an important matter. 宁凡点点头,正如丹皇所言,炼丹师炼丹之时,如何自保是一个大事。 Ning Fan not possible each one time concocting pills to hide in the place of nobody, is impossible to make Puppet protect at times. 宁凡不可能每一次炼丹都躲在无人之处,也不可能时时让傀儡护着。 For example this Pill Ceremony, then concocting pills under big crowd of people. Idle mixed person more than one, when some people while Ning Fan concocting pills begins, Ning Fan does not need to branch out Magic Force and Divine Sense to resist the attack, directly by Medicine Soul congealing palm defense then. 譬如此次丹典,便会在大庭广众之下炼丹。闲杂之人一多,一旦有人趁宁凡炼丹之时动手,宁凡不必分出法力神念抵挡攻击,直接以药魂凝掌防御即可。 This is a self-preservation method, most suitable to use when concocting pills. 这是一种自保手段,最适合在炼丹之时使用。 Now said Pill Sovereign not only helped Ning Fan open person, promoting ability that distinguished Spirit Herb. 今曰丹皇不但帮宁凡开了人目,提升了鉴别灵药的能力。 Also passes on Ning Fan type Heavenly Dipper palm print, when may protect oneself in concocting pills. 又传宁凡一式天罡掌印,可于炼丹之时自保。 Besides these, Pill Sovereign must bestow a Ning Fan chance. 除了这些,丹皇还要赐宁凡一场机缘。 The Pill Sovereign five fingers grasp, but faint trace vicissitudes mild wooden Divine Intent, condense Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, is situated in the summit of Snow Mountain slowly. 丹皇五指一抓,一丝丝沧桑而温润的木之神意,徐徐凝成一尊青木巨鼎,坐落于雪山之巅。 This Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, is Pill Sovereign Divine Intent condenses. 这一尊青木巨鼎,是丹皇神意所凝聚。 This Giant Cauldron, accompanied Pill Sovereign to experience the innumerable concocting pills years, contaminated heavy/thick Medicine Qi. 这一尊巨鼎,陪伴丹皇经历了无数炼丹岁月,沾染了厚重的药气 Ning Fan, Old Man has complied with your Honored Master, must direct your 3rd time Pill Technique, now said that all instructions, only calculates one time. Old Man helped you open person, passed on your Heavenly Dipper Seal, but must deliver you a good fortune... to be away from the Pill Ceremony First Round/Wheel test, also insufficient one month, within, Old Man must pave the way to Six Revolutions Pill Technique for you these days! Hehe, you may be willing to accept the Old Man's good intention...” 宁凡,老夫答应过你师尊,要指点你三次丹术,今曰所有的传授,都只算一次老夫助你开了人目,传你天罡印,还要送你一场造化…距离丹典第一轮测试,还有不足一月,在这段时间之内,老夫要为你铺平通往六转丹术的道路!呵呵,你可愿接受老夫的好意…” Younger generation wants!” Ning Fan not affected, spoke frankly. “晚辈愿意!”宁凡也不矫作,直言道。 Good! This Divine Wood Grand Cauldron, is the cauldron of Divine Intent Old Man concentrates, follows Old Man again and again concocting pills, saved heavy/thick Medicine Qi. You may absorb Medicine Qi, nourishes Medicine Soul. Can absorb many Medicine Qi, Medicine Soul can promoting many.” “好!这一尊‘神木王鼎’,是老夫所凝的神意之鼎,伴随老夫一次次炼丹,积攒了厚重的药气。你可去吸取其中药气,滋养药魂。能吸收多少药气,药魂便可提升多少。” Naturally, Old Man not only hopes that you absorb Medicine Qi, hopes that you from Old Man's Pill Cauldron, understands own Life Source Pill Cauldron. Old Man could see, your also without/has not concentrates truly Life Source Pill Cauldron, because some famous teachers have not taught you. You can depending on your fumble, arrive say this one step now, Old Man are startled really big.” “当然,老夫不但希望你吸收药气,更希望你从老夫的丹鼎之中,悟出自己的‘本命丹鼎’。老夫看得出,你还没有真正凝出过本命丹鼎,因为不曾有名师教导过你。你能凭自己的摸索,走到今曰这一步,老夫着实吃惊不小。” Old Man here also two Ming Luo Fruit, in addition may fall asleep 100 years, later, Old Man in the dream, will direct your 100 years cultivation.” 老夫这里还有两颗‘冥罗果’,加起来可入梦百年,稍后,老夫会在梦中,指点你百年修行。” This is Old Man first time directs younger generation earnestly, hopes that you can treasure this opportunity.” “这是老夫第一次认真指点一个后辈,希望你能珍惜这个机会。” Pill Sovereign is sincere. 丹皇语重心长。 Younger generation fulfills the Senior expectation surely.” “晚辈必定不负前辈期望。” Ning Fan holds the fist in the other hand thanks, walks toward that Azure Tree Giant Cauldron, the ear transmits raising of Pill Sovereign. 宁凡抱拳一谢,向那青木巨鼎走去,耳边传来丹皇的提点。 Places above the palm the cauldron body, opens Medicine Soul, in the absorption cauldron Medicine Qi, at your Five Revolutions high-ranked Medicine Soul intensity, if can absorb in the cauldron 1/10 Medicine Qi, can calculate outstanding talent.” “把手掌放在鼎身之上,张开药魂,吸收鼎中药气,以你五转上级药魂强度,若能吸收鼎中十分之一的药气,便可算人杰。” 1/10...” Ning Fan eyes reveal War Intent, he must absorb is more, made Five Revolutions high-ranked Medicine Soul at one fell swoop, broke through Five Revolutions Peak! “十分之一么…”宁凡目露战意,他要吸收更多,一举令五转上级药魂,突破五转巅峰 ( 3 / 3 ) ……
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