GE :: Volume #5

#456: Pill Sovereign, Li Cangtian!

Ning Fan exchanged greetings slightly several with dead demon Demon Guard, then abandoned Demon Guard, bought the medicine in Fifth Stratum alone. 宁凡略略与死魔魔卫寒暄几句,便撇下诸位魔卫,独自在第五层购药。 Death Commander holds the fist in the other hand to bow respectfully, until Ning Fan walks away, just now relaxes, restores the indifferent expression again, does not give the complexion to anybody. 死魔统领恭敬抱拳鞠躬,直到宁凡走远,方才重新直起腰,再次恢复冷漠的表情,对任何人不给好脸色。 He is arrogant, this arrogance, will only subdue to Ning Fan. 他性格孤傲,这种傲气,也只会向宁凡折服。 that day, Ning Fan appears, killing Shi Le Country Lord, the tyrannical posture, does not know that subdued many Giant Demon Expert. Resembles the dead demon so to admire Ning Fan, has plenty of such people. 那一日,宁凡横空出世,击杀石勒国主,强横之姿,不知折服了多少巨魔高手。似死魔这般钦佩宁凡的,大有人在。 Ning Fan gradually walks away, in the heart thinks to have the Death Demon Guard given name, is slightly well-advised. 宁凡渐渐走远,心中思索起死魔卫的名号,略有思虑。 In Giant Demon Clan, eight big Demon Guard, by eight names of art of making oneself invisible Divination, respectively are Beginning, Fortune, Life, Harm, Avoidance, Scenic, Death, and Terror. 巨魔族内,共有八大魔卫,以奇门遁甲的八门命名,分别是开、休、生、伤、杜、景、死、惊 Ning Fan information that steals from Yao Lian there, mentioned eight. 宁凡妖莲那里窃来的情报中,亦提到八门。 Giant Demon Eight Ancestors, hides in Lesser Remnant World, oversee Eight Gates and Six Roads... 巨魔八祖,藏身于小千残界,坐镇八门六道 Giant Demon Clan cultivation method Magic Technique, with eight related, but 6 Dao... seems like Six Wings Clan cultivation method, is related with 6 Dao. 巨魔族功法法术,很多都与八门有关,而六道么…似乎六翼族功法,很多与六道有关。 Eight Gates and Six Roads, Giant Demon Six Wings , has what relation... 八门六道,巨魔六翼,这其中,有何联系… These thoughts, were thrown by Ning Fan for the time being in one side. 这些心思,姑且被宁凡抛在一边。 He buys the medicine in Fifth Stratum several hundred temporary Medicine Shop, after a double-hour, looks at two-thirds Medicine Shop, bought many good herbs actually. 他在第五层数百家临时药铺中购药,一个时辰后,看遍三分之二药铺,倒是买到了不少好药材 But unfortunately, strolling was so long, has not met the 10,000 years placenta. 但可惜的是,逛了这么久,也未遇到万年紫河车。 Meets several 1000 years age of placentas actually, for the time being bought, actually by no means satisfaction. 倒是遇到几个千年年份的紫河车,姑且买了下来,却并不满意。 If replaces the use of 10,000 years with the 1000 years placenta, not only the refining Revered Demon Pill difficulty will increase, even if lucky pill becomes, medicinal power surely is also low. 若以千年紫河车代替万年的使用,不但炼制尊魔丹的难度会加大,纵然侥幸丹成,药力也必定低下。 Ning Fan shakes the head gently, if this place really cannot buy the 10,000 years placenta, when will buy in the future. 宁凡轻轻摇头,若此地实在买不到万年紫河车,就等到日后再买吧。 If will unable to buy in the future... takes 1000 years age of to assemble. 若日后也买不到…就拿千年年份的凑合吧。 He turns around to want, stops the footsteps suddenly, gaze shocks slightly. 他转身欲走,忽而止住脚步,目光微微震撼。 In the moment that he must depart, suddenly as if felt swept by swift and fierce gaze together. The whole body trembles, the back fine body hair raises up. 就在他要离去的一刻,忽然仿佛感觉被一道凌厉的目光扫中。浑身为之一颤,背后寒毛竖起。 Very dangerous gaze! Is who is taking a look at itself?! 很危险的目光!是谁在打量自己?! The sharpness of this gaze, endures to compare Void Fragmentation together, and compared with Void Fragmentation cultivation base Yun Jinghong and Chu Chang'an even better! 这一道目光之锐利,堪比碎虚,且比碎虚修为云惊虹楚长安都更胜一筹! Does can it be have Void Fragmentation Old Monster to inquire itself?! 难道有一名碎虚老怪在打探自己?! Ning Fan turns around suddenly, gaze one looked toward the back, is falling above Medicine Shop. 宁凡骤然转身,目光朝背后一看,正落在一个药铺之上。 In that Medicine Shop, sits a clothes robe dirty broken old say/way, is swinging Palm-leaf Fan, the facial expression is dying content to sit in meditation comfortably. 那一间药铺内,坐着一个衣袍脏破的老道,正摇着蒲扇,神情闲适地瞑目打坐。 He seemed closed eyes to be very long, has not inquired Ning Fan. 他好似已经闭目了很久,根本未打探过宁凡 Ning Fan gaze concentrates. Disperses Divine Sense quietly, searches this person of cultivation base, is Nascent Soul Late Stage, somewhat is impractical. 宁凡目光微凝。悄然散出神念,一探此人修为,是元婴后期,却有些虚浮。 activates Fu Li and Eye of Mo Luo, had not seen that this person has the concealment cultivation base sign. 催动扶离魔罗之目,都未看出此人有隐匿修为的迹象。 Visits him to wear the Rain Palace Three Revolutions badge again, the Ning Fan brow slightly wrinkle. 再看他佩带着雨殿三转的徽章,宁凡眉头微皱。 The Rain Palace Alchemist badge, will not issue, and each badge must drop blood recognize the lord, a badge will only recognize Master. If the badge were taken away by others. Then breaks immediately. 雨殿炼丹师的徽章,是不会乱发的,且每个徽章必须滴血认主,一个徽章只会认一个主人。徽章若被他人夺去。则会立刻破碎。 What this old belt/bring is the Rain Palace Alchemist badge, is not only the genuine badge, and shortly after the brand-new thing, just received obviously. 这老道带的是雨殿丹师徽章,不仅是正版徽章,且还是崭新之物,显然刚领取不久。 Rain Palace not possible to use deception to Alchemist Pill Technique. If from all sorts of sign inferences. This always said, should be Three Revolutions Alchemist, the without/has not question. 雨殿不可能对丹师丹术弄虚作假。若从种种迹象推断。这一名老道,应该是一名三转丹师,没有疑问。 But Ning Fan always thought that this old say/way has the strangeness, when he inquires old carefully. Even more determination old say/way has the strangeness. 宁凡总觉得这老道有古怪,当他细细打探老道之时。愈加确定老道有古怪。 When because he looks to split second of old say/way, Demon Fire unexpectedly slightly tremor and sending out in dantian the feeling of being critical situation! 因为当他望向老道的一瞬间,丹田之内的魔火竟微微颤动、散发出如临大敌之感! Ning Fan Demon Fire, feels a similar threat from old within the body! 宁凡魔火,从老道体内感到一股同类的威胁! Old within the body. Has what Flame, can make the Ning Fan fire feel wariness! 老道体内。有什么火焰,能让宁凡的火感到忌惮 Ning Fan Demon Fire, is fused by 16 Heavenly Frost Earth Fire and Sixth Grade Void Fire, might is less inferior than on Seventh Grade mid-ranked Immortal Void Void Fire. 宁凡魔火,由16种天霜地火及一种六品虚火融合而成,威力比上七品中级仙虚虚火都不逊色。 If old within the body has what Flame to let Demon Fire wariness, at least is Seven Revolutions above Flame. 老道体内若有什么火焰能让魔火忌惮,起码得是七转以上的火焰 Nascent Soul Late Stage Three Revolutions can Alchemist, have this Rank Flame? 一个元婴后期三转丹师,能拥有这种级别火焰么? The answer cannot certainly! 答案当然是不能! Ning Fan almost then determines immediately, this always said that just spied on own mysterious Expert. 宁凡几乎立刻便确定,这一名老道,就是刚刚窥探自己的神秘高手 This ordinary old say/way, can be Void Fragmentation Expert... 这个貌不惊人的老道,会是一名碎虚强者吗… If the average people knew the Void Fragmentation imposing manner of old say/way, goes forward to flatter and ask to bestow the chance mostly immediately. 一般人若知晓了老道的碎虚气势,多半会立刻上前阿谀奉承、求赐机缘。 But Ning Fan actually only split second then received all unusual look, are not many looks always says one, turns around to walk, does not want to expose itself to recognize the old man Void Fragmentation imposing manner the fact. 宁凡却只一瞬间便收了所有异色,再不多看老道一眼,转身就走,更不想暴露自己认出老者碎虚气势的事实。 He, is not willing to pull any relationship with this mysterious old man! 他,不愿与这个神秘老者扯上任何关系 Why god knows this old man inquires himself, why appear here place. 天知道这老者为什么打探自己,为何出现在此地。 In brief, Ning Fan does not want to pull the irrelevant trouble. 总之,宁凡不想扯上无关的麻烦。 In moment that Ning Fan departs decisively, the old man closes close both eyes, suddenly opens, reveals color of being astonished. 宁凡果断离去的一刻,老者瞑闭的双目,忽然睁开,露出一丝讶异之色。 this child felt that is actually very keen, detected unexpectedly Old Man has Seventh Grade Spirit Fire, judges the Old Man's Void Fragmentation status. And this child judged obviously the Old Man's Void Fragmentation status, actually the motionless look, turns around to walk, just like does not want to pull relationship with Old Man, is feared mostly pulls to trouble. This is very good, sets up body in the world, person who when discrete... has Black Demon Flame worthily...” 此子感觉倒是很敏锐,竟察觉到老夫身怀七品灵火,判断出老夫的碎虚身份。且此子明明判断出老夫的碎虚身份,却不动神色,转身就走,俨然是不想与老夫扯上关系,多半是怕扯上麻烦。这很好,立身于世,就当谨慎…不愧是拥有黑魔炎的人啊…” The old say/way shakes the head, smiles satisfied. 老道摇摇头,满意地一笑。 He comes Inner Seas Pill Ceremony, originally is only because closes up is too long, wants to travel one, to obtain insights, at one fell swoop breakthrough shackles for a long time concocting pills Realm. 他来内海丹典,本只是因为闭关太久,想要游历一番、获得感悟,一举突破桎梏已久的炼丹境界 Has not actually expected, will run into the Black Demon Flame holder here , oneself as if should take advantage of this opportunity, completes with that person commitment. 却不曾料到,会在这里遇到黑魔炎的持有者,如此说来,自己似乎应该趁此机会,完成与‘那个人’的承诺了。 little friend stay.” Old light, stopped by calling out Ning Fan. 小友留步。”老道淡淡一声,叫住宁凡 Surroundings many people hear the old say/way to call Ning Fan are little friend, is looked that fool general looks at always said. 周围不少人听到老道称呼宁凡小友,皆是看傻子一般看着老道。 Who is Ning Fan? Can cut to kill the Void Refinement ruthless person, even if ordinary Divine Transformation cultivator, saw that Ning Fan will still shout Senior. 宁凡是谁?是能斩杀炼虚的狠人,就算是普通化神修士,见到宁凡也该喊一声前辈了。 This old Daoist Priest is booing, trivial Nascent Soul cultivation base and Three Revolutions Alchemist status, dares to shout Little Friend Ning Fan, this was the skin was itchy, was tired of living? 这个老道士倒好,区区元婴修为三转丹师的身份,竟敢喊宁凡小友,这是皮痒了,还是活腻了? Ning Fan gaze one austere, it seems like that the trouble has walked. 宁凡目光一肃,看来麻烦已找上门来了。 Although does not know why this old say/way stopped by calling out him, but things have gotten to this point, walked again instead improper. 虽不知这老道为何叫住他,但事已至此,再走反而不妥。 Ning Fan turn head smiles simply, does not walk, walks without consulting anybody toward Medicine Garden of old say/way. 宁凡索性回头微笑,也不走了,径自朝老道的药圃走来。 He does not want to pull to trouble, has not made anything that weighs on the conscience, did not fear that this Void Fragmentation old say/way seeks a quarrel. 他只是不想扯上麻烦,又未做什么亏心事,也不怕这个碎虚老道寻事的。 His finally also Everlasting Flame Physique this life saving symbol, Rain World, but An Ran (safely) is well. 他终于还有不灭火体’这个保命符在,雨界之中,可安然无恙的。 Senior has what advice.” Ning Fan receives the step outside the shop, holds the fist in the other hand a ritual. 前辈有何指教。”宁凡在铺外收步,抱拳一礼。 This. Surrounded Alchemist to be shocked each and every single (person). 这一幕。把一个个围观丹师惊呆了。 Ning Fan is the what kind of exceptional character, actually called old Daoist Priest is Senior, this old Daoist Priest what origin? 宁凡何等了得的人物,竟然称呼一个老道士前辈,这个老道士什么来历 Several 800 Cultivation Country Alchemist, size up the old appearance carefully, after seeing clearly old, each and every single (person) with damn general. 有几名八百修国丹师,细细打量起老道容貌,在看清老道之后,一个个都跟见了鬼一般。 Their finally clear, by the Ning Fan solemn status, why will call one always to say Senior unexpectedly. 他们终于明白,以宁凡堂堂身份,为何竟会称呼一个老道前辈了。 Is pill, pill...” Alchemist eye Divine Fire is hot, excited could not speak. “是丹、丹…”一个丹师神火热,激动的说不出话来。 Fellow Daoist cautious word! This Sir is most unhappy makes widely known, he appear here place low-key. Naturally does not want to cause others to focus attention on, I and others must clamor not, fast departs, must annoy him to be discontented not.” Another Alchemist reminded. 道友慎言!这位大人最不喜张扬,他低调出现在此地。自然不想引起他人瞩目,我等莫要喧哗,速速离去,莫要惹他不满。”另一名丹师提醒道 One line of 800 Cultivation Country Alchemist, does not dare to leak the old identity, each and every single (person) salutes after old respectfully, departs in a hurry, does not dare to stop over. 一行八百修国丹师,不敢泄露老道身份,一个个对老道恭敬行礼之后,匆匆离去,不敢逗留。 But some Endless Sea Alchemist of onlooking, many have the generation of eyesight. 而一些旁观的无尽海丹师,多少都是有眼力之辈。 Saw with own eyes that Ning Fan is so respectful to the old say/way. Also sees many 800 Cultivation Country Alchemist to respect this always saying that knew in the heart always said origin to be huge, does not dare to provoke anger always said, after holding the fist in the other hand to salute . one by one asks to be excused. 眼见宁凡对老道如此恭敬。又见不少八百修国丹师如此敬仰这老道,心知老道来历巨大,亦不敢惹恼老道,抱拳行礼后。一一告退。 In a flash, beside this Medicine Shop, then only remains old and Ning Fan two people. 转瞬间,此药铺之外,便只剩老道与宁凡二人。 „The little friend strength in meditation is good.” The old sincere praise said. 小友定力不错。”老道诚心夸奖道。 Thanking Senior Li erroneous to praise, does not know the Senior summon younger generation. Behavior what matter.” “谢‘厉前辈’谬赞,不知前辈呼唤晚辈。所为何事。” From the performance of all people, Ning Fan even more determined, this old say/way is Void Fragmentation Old Monster. 诸人的表现中,宁凡愈加确定,这名老道是一名碎虚老怪 He even can roughly guess correctly this person of status. 他甚至能约莫猜出此人身份。 Rain World Void Fragmentation. Few, when some people saw old a moment ago, shouted a ‘Core’ character. 雨界碎虚。屈指可数,刚才有人见到老道之时,喊了一句‘丹’字。 In Rain World Void Fragmentation, called by pill begins, only had one person... 雨界碎虚之中,称呼以丹开头的,只有一人… Pill Sovereign, Li Cangtian! 丹皇,厉苍天 If Ning Fan does not expect badly, the present old man, is Pill Sovereign! 宁凡所料不差,眼前的老者,便是丹皇 Hearsay Pill Sovereign closes up for a long time, has been attempting to break through Seven Revolutions Pill Technique, cannot think, actually arrived at Inner Seas. Ning Fan can guess correctly vaguely, Pill Sovereign arrives at Inner Seas, to travel insights. 传闻丹皇闭关已久,一直在尝试突破七转丹术,想不到,却来到了内海宁凡依稀能猜出,丹皇来到内海,是为了游历感悟 Hearsay Pill Sovereign gradually Dao of Alchemy, is wholeheartedly unhappy about other ordinary affairs inquires. 传闻丹皇一心浸淫丹道,对其他俗事不喜过问。 Hearsay Pill Sovereign as Four Great Void Fragmentations the head, has Void Fragmentation 3 Layers cultivation base, Six Revolutions Peak Pill Technique, actually never meddles any battle. 传闻丹皇身为‘四大碎虚’之首,有着碎虚三重修为,六转巅峰丹术,却从来不插手任何争斗。 This person is liberal, has the wind of elder, never slaughters innocents. 此人性格宽宏,颇有长者之风,从不滥杀无辜。 It is precisely for this reason, Ning Fan after guessing correctly this person of status, to this person relax, was not worried slightly this person will conspire to him. 也正因如此,宁凡才会在猜出此人身份之后,对此人稍稍放心,不担心此人会对他图谋不轨。 After guessing correctly this person of status, Ning Fan did not call Pill Sovereign, but called Senior Li, naturally wants to help the Pill Sovereign low-key conduct, did not expose the status. 在猜出此人身份后,宁凡不称丹皇,而称厉前辈,自然是想帮助丹皇低调行事,不暴露身份了。 To the name of Ning Fan, Pill Sovereign satisfaction nods. 宁凡的称呼,丹皇满意点头。 First, to satisfy Ning Fan mental, few several breaths then guesses correctly own status, understood that estimates the intention, the name is very appropriate. 一是满意宁凡的心智,寥寥数息间便猜出自己的身份,更懂得揣摩自己心意,称呼十分得体。 Second, to satisfy the calmness of Ning Fan, this calmness, the absolutely not average person can have. 二是满意宁凡的镇定,这种镇定,绝非普通人可以拥有。 Pill Sovereign notices, when Ning Fan only in detecting others spies on, slightly startled. 丹皇注意到,宁凡只在察觉别人窥探之时,才微微惊讶了一番。 Later, even guessed that Pill Sovereign status, Ning Fan still without/has not any expression reveals, look such as a quiet water deep pool, cannot see any fluctuation, the state of mind is calm. 之后,即便猜测出丹皇身份,宁凡没有任何表情流露,眼神如幽水一潭,看不出任何波动,心绪镇定不变。 This calmness, is sees the innumerable magnificent scenes, to experience innumerable Great Misfortune danger cultivator surely, just now can have. 这种镇定,必定是见过无数大场面、经历过无数大凶险的修士,方才可以拥有。 Pill Sovereign has believed firmly, Ning Fan this child, is the person of Dao Heart firm. 丹皇已然确信,宁凡此子,是个道心坚牢的人。 Is the disciple of that person, a without/has not that person loses face worthily. 不愧是那个人的弟子,没有个那个人丢脸。 little friend does not need to be worried, Old Man calls you to come, and has no evil intention, on the contrary somewhat good karma. Old Man had once obtained a old friend advantage, and agrees with him, directs your 3rd time Pill Technique. Today meets by chance in Northern Cold Country exactly, is an affinity, Old Man is to direct your Pill Technique, does not know that you can be willing to listen study?” 小友不必担心,老夫唤你过来,并无任何恶意,反倒有几分善缘老夫曾得过一位故人好处,并与他约定,指点你三次丹术。今日恰在北凉国相逢,也是一番缘法,老夫意欲指点你丹术,不知你可愿听学?” The Pill Sovereign chin smiles slightly, although he dresses up sloven, but the whole body has the makings of elusive the dust, indistinctly like immortal. 丹皇微微颔笑,他虽然打扮地不修边幅,但周身却有一股空灵出尘的气质,飘渺如仙。 This is a concocting pills Grandmaster bearing, in the blue lotus like that sludge, the makings does not change. 这是一股炼丹宗师的气度,如同那污泥之中的青莲,气质不改。 Ning Fan gaze is surprised, he expects Pill Sovereign to stop by calling out his without/has not to be malicious, only said that Pill Sovereign has the words to ask him. 宁凡目光一诧,他料到丹皇叫住他没有恶意,却也只道丹皇是有话问他。 Has not actually thought, Pill Sovereign must open the mouth to direct his Pill Technique unexpectedly! 却不曾想,丹皇竟是要开口指点他的丹术 Ning Fan studies Dao of Alchemy, from having nothing to study, although he has Old Demon to make Master, but Old Demon is not skilled in Pill Technique, how is naturally impossible to indicate Ning Fan concocting pills. 宁凡一路修习丹道,从无任何师从,他虽有老魔师父,但老魔本身就不精通丹术,自然不可能点拨宁凡如何炼丹的。 At heart, Ning Fan is willing to accept the direction of Pill Sovereign. Although he is arrogant, is not arrogant, at least he fully realized, his present Pill Technique compared with it Pill Sovereign, is only firefly compared to the shining moon, is not worth mentioning. 从内心而言,宁凡很愿意接受丹皇的指点。他虽孤傲,却不自大,至少他深知,他如今的丹术比之丹皇,只是萤火比之皓月,不值一提的。 Pill Sovereign is Rain World 1st Alchemist, taking a broad view at Nine Worlds is character who moves the world. 丹皇雨界第一炼丹师,放眼九界都是名动天下的人物。 Not only then many Alchemist. Is earnestly seeking a Pill Sovereign direction, but Pill Sovereign, even if amiable, actually rarely directs others Pill Technique. 不只有多少炼丹师。渴求着丹皇一句指点,但丹皇纵然性格随和,却偏偏很少指点他人丹术 Pill Sovereign is willing to direct Ning Fan, and directs Ning Fan 3rd time, this absolutely is a huge good deed, may make Ning Fan Pill Technique rise sharply! 丹皇愿意指点宁凡,且还指点宁凡三次,这绝对是一件天大的好事,可令宁凡丹术大涨! But Ning Fan question, before this question is solved, he cannot accept the Pill Sovereign good intention rashly. 宁凡有一个疑问,在这个疑问解决前,他不能冒然接受丹皇好意。 May I ask Senior Li, is who asks you to direct the younger generation?” Ning Fan heart one tight, he wants to know. Is who is caring about him, even invited Pill Sovereign, was his interim teacher. “敢问厉前辈,是何人求你指点晚辈?”宁凡心头一紧,他很想知道。是谁在关心他,甚至请来丹皇,做他的临时老师。 Ning Fan in Rain World, young beauty are innumerable, family member actually few. 宁凡雨界之中,红颜无数,亲人却寥寥。 Is willing to care his, and also ability invited Pill Sovereign, who can be... 肯关心他的,且还有能力请来丹皇的,会是谁… Cannot say that... his status is special, I person as the Rain Palace, cannot have many friendship with him. Otherwise offends Four Heavens to be superstitious.” “不能说…他身份特殊,我身为雨殿之人,不能与他有过多交情。否则触犯四天天条。” The Pill Sovereign smile shakes the head. 丹皇微笑摇头。 That, the younger generation changes a way to inquire, how to determine, the younger generation is that person asks the person of Senior help?” “那,晚辈换一种方式提问吧,是如何确定,晚辈就是那个人求前辈帮助之人?” Black Demon Flame. Brings his aura Black Demon Flame.” 黑魔炎。带着他一丝气息的黑魔炎。” The Pill Sovereign words fall, a warm current flows the Ning Fan whole body instantly. 丹皇话语一落,一股暖流霎时流遍宁凡全身。 Ning Fan closes one's eyes slightly, shows the smile. 宁凡微微闭上眼,露出微笑。 Black Demon Flame..., is Old Demon is really caring about him. 黑魔炎…果然,是老魔在关心他。 Old Demon received Ning Fan for the disciple. Rarely teaches Magic Technique, actually personally sets an example unceasingly, is teaching the Ning Fan Demon Cultivator livelihood. 老魔收了宁凡为徒。很少传授法术,却不断身体力行,传授着宁凡魔修的生存之道。 Because Old Demon thinks. Compared with learning Magic Technique, the learned cultivates the behavior, makes a correct demon, more important... 因为老魔认为。比起学会法术,学会做人,做一个正确的魔,更重要… Sovereign Nie Magic Technique can learn, but has not actually learned to cultivate the behavior correctly, therefore falls into error, is the regret of Old Demon life. 涅皇法术学得好,但却不曾学会正确做人,故而误入歧途,是老魔一生之悔。 The time that Old Demon and Ning Fan short are together, actually own Demon Dao, passed to Ning Fan completely. 老魔宁凡短短相处的时光,却将自己的魔道,全部传给了宁凡 But Old Demon still thought that the shame to Ning Fan, he went to Sword World in a hurry, without/has not opportunity instructs Ning Fan Magic Technique. 老魔仍然觉得愧对宁凡,他匆匆前往剑界,没有机会指导宁凡法术了。 He knew for some time that Ning Fan Pill Technique Innate Skill is astonishing, in the past in Seven Plums, was Four Revolutions. 他素知宁凡丹术天赋惊人,当年在七梅,便是四转 Old Demon is not willing to harm Ning Fan Innate Skill, therefore he pays a big price, invited Pill Sovereign, as Ning Fan Teacher Pill Technique. 老魔不愿误了宁凡天赋,故而他付出不小的代价,请来丹皇,作为宁凡丹术老师。 Honored Master... thanks...” 师尊…谢谢…” Ning Fan open eyes, in the heart wipes the warm feeling for a very long time not scattered. 宁凡睁开眼,心中一抹暖意久久不散 The road of cultivation is brutal and lonely, but these fetters, can actually be the Ning Fan blood dye the world, not to lose the dependence of conscience. 修真之路残酷而孤独,但这一份份羁绊,却会是宁凡血染天下、不失本心的依靠。 Since is the meaning of Honored Master, younger generation doesn't dare to disobey, asking Senior to pass on my Pill Technique!” “既然是师尊的意思,晚辈不敢不从,请前辈传我丹术!” Hehe, is a promising young man.” Pill Sovereign satisfaction nods, he can see in the Ning Fan eye the meaning of gratitude to Old Demon. 呵呵,孺子可教也。”丹皇满意点头,他能看出宁凡眼中对老魔的感激之意。 These two people, the sentiment of Master and Disciple like the father and son, in indifferent Cultivation World, is really rare. Many Master and Disciple for some must the benefit, turn into enemies, each other slaughters, so cold blood Cold-blooded. 这二人,师徒之情有如父子,在冷漠的修界,真是难得。多少师徒为了些须利益,反目成仇,彼此厮杀,如此冷血凉薄 Under the Pill Sovereign knee does not have the disciple, he how wants to have a Ning Fan such apprentice, waits on Honored Master sincerely like the father. 丹皇膝下无徒,他多么想有宁凡这么一个徒弟,真心侍师尊如父。 What a pity, Ning Fan has done obeisance Old Demon for the master, Pill Sovereign, even if taught Ning Fan Pill Technique, still can only calculate half Master. 可惜啊,宁凡已经拜了老魔为师,丹皇就算教了宁凡丹术,也只能算半个师父 That Old Man Han, from Pure Yang Coffin above, extracted 1/4 Pure Yang Fire, grants Old Man, Old Man complies with take action to teach you. After this preparation this time goes out, travels, goes to Yue Country to seek you, has not actually thought, will meet with you in Inner Seas. Cannot think that famous Zhou Ming Devil, is Old Man Han concerned Little Friend Ning Fan.” “那韩老头,从‘纯阳棺’之上,剥离了四分之一的‘纯阳火’,赠与老夫,老夫才答应出手教你的。本准备此次出关之后,一路游历,前往越国寻你,却不曾想,会在内海与你相遇。想不到大名鼎鼎的周明魔头,就是韩老头所关切的宁凡小友。” These words, Pill Sovereign is sound transmission tells Ning Fan, he and Old Demon friendship is not deep, but two people are in the personality the person, calculates that attracted each other. 这一句话,丹皇传音告诉宁凡的,他与老魔交情不深,但二人都是性情中人,也算惺惺相惜了。 Let alone, Old Demon gave Pill Sovereign 1/4 Pure Yang Fire, the must know, Pure Yang Fire, but Immortal Fire, even if only has 1/4, might was still fiercer than general Seventh Grade mid-ranked Immortal Void Flame. 更何况,老魔给了丹皇四分之一的纯阳火,须知,纯阳火可是仙火,即便只有四分之一,威力也比一般七品中级仙虚火焰都厉害了。 Also Ning Fan Flame, meets wariness Pill Sovereign Flame no wonder, who called Pill Sovereign to have 1/4 Immortal Fire? 也难怪宁凡火焰,会忌惮丹皇火焰,谁叫丹皇身怀了四分之一的仙火呢? Honored Master for me, consumes 1/4 Pure Yang Coffin Flame unexpectedly!” 师尊竟为了我,耗损四分之一的纯阳棺火焰!” The Ning Fan gaze big quake, in the heart somewhat is faintly grieved. 宁凡目光大震,心中隐隐有些酸楚。 That Pure Yang Coffin, is Old Demon puts the coffin of beloved wife body, is Pure Yang World Treasure! 纯阳棺,是老魔盛放爱妻躯体的棺木,是纯阳界宝 Pure Yang Coffin lost 1/4 Immortal Fire, might will lose much. Although is not necessarily able deep sleep to have the too tremendous effect on his wife, will have some small effects. 纯阳棺失去了四分之一的仙火,威力会损失不少。虽然未必会对其妻‘沉睡’有太大影响,却也会有一些小影响的。 Old Demon this was sacrificing better self's small interests, gained the Ning Fan big benefit. 老魔这是在牺牲爱妻的小利益,争取宁凡的大利益。 He is telling Ning Fan, he indeed hopes that Ning Fan saves his wife, but in his heart, Ning Fan is as important, he for the wife, will not betray the Ning Fan life. 他是在告诉宁凡,他的确希望宁凡救他的妻子,但在他心中,宁凡同样重要,他不会为了妻子,出卖宁凡的生命。 This is the Old Demon principle! 这是老魔的原则! Ning Fan even more decidedly, must sweep away the Rain World strength surely, extinguishes kills Sovereign Nie, takes revenge for the master! 宁凡愈加决然,定要拥有横扫雨界的实力,灭杀涅皇,为师复仇! After silent little, Ning Fan decided mind, the return is ordinary, to the Pill Sovereign respectful say/way, 沉默少许之后,宁凡定了定心神,回归平常,对丹皇恭敬道, May I ask Senior Li, what Pill Technique today teaches younger generation?” “敢问厉前辈,今日传授晚辈什么丹术?” Hehe, is not anxious, and you come to see, my can Spirit Herb of this sell, what have to feel strange the place? Has a look, may have the 10,000 years placenta that you seek.” 呵呵,不急,你且来看看,我这出售的灵药,可有什么奇怪之处?看看其中,可有你寻找的万年紫河车。” Ning Fan told following Pill Sovereign, sizes up Spirit Herb in Medicine Garden. 宁凡遵照丹皇吩咐,打量起药圃之中的灵药 each and every single (person) Spirit Herb, some years not poor, some are the inferior medicines, but what Spirit Herb, the price is much more expensive. 一个个灵药,有的年份不菲,有的则是低劣之药,但无论是什么灵药,价格都贵得离谱。 And Ning Fan looks all around, had not discovered that in the shop has the 10,000 years placenta, even 1000 years and 100 years placenta without/has not. 宁凡环顾四周,都未发现店铺之内有万年紫河车,甚至连千年百年的紫河车都没有 Reply Senior, in shop, not 10,000 years placenta.” “回禀前辈,店铺之内,并无万年紫河车。” Real without/has not?” Pill Sovereign split second received the smile, becomes extremely serious. “真的没有?”丹皇一瞬间收了笑容,变得极其严肃。 the next moment, Profound Purple Medicine Soul, sweeps across entire Medicine Shop! 下一刻,一股玄紫色的药魂,席卷整个药铺 This Profound Purple Medicine Soul, is close to Seven Revolutions Medicine Soul infinitely, powerful degree, to a Ning Fan suffocating feeling! 玄紫色的药魂,无限接近七转药魂,强大的程度,给宁凡一种窒息之感! But what is strange, when displaying medicine Technique of Soul, the outside world hearsay has Void Fragmentation 3 Layers cultivation base Pill Sovereign, only revealed Supreme Void Level cultivation base. 而诡异的是,在施展药魂之术时,外界传闻有碎虚三重修为丹皇,只流露了太虚级修为 This Medicine Soul and imposing manner were deliberately controlled by Pill Sovereign, except for Ning Fan, entire Eternal Peace Pavilion 5th stratum nobody knows Pill Sovereign opened Medicine Soul unexpectedly. 药魂及气势被丹皇刻意控制,除了宁凡,整个永安阁五层无人知晓丹皇张开了药魂 Under with Pill Sovereign Medicine Soul dispersing, average not wonderful ordinary Spirit Mushroom, trembles suddenly, removes the camouflage, changes the appearance of 10,000 years placenta! 随着丹皇药魂散开,一株平平无奇的普通灵芝,忽然一颤之下,褪去伪装,变回成万年紫河车的模样! Ning Fan gaze turned cold, he knows in this Medicine Shop finally, there is any quirk. 宁凡目光一凛,他终于知道这药铺之中,有什么古怪之处了。 In this Medicine Shop, the good medicine bad medicine, after the camouflage, to hide this! 药铺之内,无论是好药还是坏药,都经过伪装,隐藏了本相! And, even has the 10,000 years placenta that Ning Fan needs! 其中,甚至藏有宁凡需要的万年紫河车! Can Pill Sovereign give on Ning Fan the 1st class, the use of could it be Medicine Soul? 丹皇要给宁凡上得第一课,难道是药魂的使用? ( 2 / 3 ) …… ps: A night wrote 4900 characters, ashamed , to continue the symbol ps:一夜才写了4900字,惭愧,继续码字
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