GE :: Volume #5

#455: Always said strangely

After Ning Fan departs, Yao Lian goes to somewhere the restricted area at the same night, to Eight Ancestors report the matter of tonight . 宁凡离去后,妖莲连夜前往某处禁地,向八祖禀报了今夜之事。. Yao Lian by no means knows, Ning Fan is only the hypocrisy departs, Stealth tracks Yao Lian, and outside Lesser Universe that in Eight Ancestors hides frowned a night. 妖莲并不知道,宁凡只是假意离去,隐身一路跟踪妖莲,并在八祖所藏身的小千界皱眉了一夜。 Ning Fan, cannot go in that to locate Lesser Universe! Only under has the person of interior to receive and instruct, other people is enterable. 宁凡,进不去那处小千界!唯有内部之人接引之下,外人才可进入。 Obviously, Eight Ancestors will not receive and instruct Ning Fan to enter in the contact surface. 显然,八祖不会接引宁凡进入界面之中。 That is a top-secret restricted area, hides in broken Lesser Universe. 那是一处绝密的禁地,藏在一处残破的小千世界之中。 In Lesser Universe, the jet black piece, has Formation Power to flow faintly, all do not look clearly. 小千界中,漆黑一片,隐隐有阵力流动,一切都看不真切。 Can see clearly only, is in the darkness, is setting up eight giant stone column that is dispersing serene glow. 唯一能看清的,是黑暗之中,立着八根散着幽芒的巨大石柱。 Above each stone column, sits cross-legged to sit shadow Expert. Every one people, has the vast aura, but no one is a living person, is extremely strange. 每一根石柱之上,都盘膝坐着一个黑影高手。每一人,都有着浩瀚的气息,但无一人是活人,极其诡异。 These eight people, were Giant Demon Clan once die eight Ancestor, actually lived with the strange stance in this Lesser Universe! 这八人,便是巨魔族曾经陨落的八名先祖,却以诡异的姿态活在这小千界之中! Yao Lian report, has not brought to the attention of Eight Ancestors. 妖莲禀报,并未引起八祖的注意。 Ning Fan inquired that Yao Lian two issues, and without/has not threatens the Giant Demon Clan content, and Yao Lian without/has not divulges anything. 宁凡询问妖莲的两个问题,并没有威胁巨魔族的内容,且妖莲没有泄露任何事情。 After Eight Ancestors is silent, the without/has not person investigates the Ning Fan responsibility, only then a Ju Yan ancestor, feels puzzled about this matter slightly. 八祖沉默之后,没有人追究宁凡责任,只有巨言一祖,对此事稍稍感到不解。 He had once met with Ning Fan, although glances in a hurry, Ju Yan actually recognized, Ning Fan and he is a kind of person, outside in width thin, is skilled to plan. 他曾与宁凡见过一面,虽只是匆匆一瞥,巨言却认定,宁凡和他是一类人,外宽内细,精于算计。 According to him the understanding Ning Fan, Ning Fan interrogated the Yao Lian behavior tonight, was very strange, was unreasonable. But Ning Fan, will never do the unreasonable matter, the matter leaves unusual is the monster. 按他对宁凡的了解,宁凡今夜去审问妖莲的行为,很奇怪,不合理。而宁凡,从不会做不合理之事,事出反常即为妖。 When Ju Yan said that once reminded Ning Fan, do not meddle the Feng Xueyan matter. 巨言当曰曾提醒宁凡,不要插手风雪言的事情。 Ju Yan hesitates... present Ning Fan to interrogate the Yao Lian issue slightly, truly without/has not half a word mentioned that Feng Xueyan... that boy, really did perceive his reminder? 巨言略略沉吟…如今宁凡审问妖莲的问题,确实没有半句提到风雪言…那小子,真的听进去他的提醒了么? If not for Yan'er, why this child must look for Yao Lian...” Ju Yan is puzzled, finally casts behind this matter. “若不是为了言儿,此子为何要去找妖莲…”巨言不解,最终将此事抛诸脑后。 In any event, he must process with other seven ancestor also important matters. 不论如何,他与其他七祖还有大事要处理。 Ning Fan without/has not touches the Giant Demon Clan highest secret in any case, has the en to Giant Demon Clan, Ju Yan is also insufficient to plot to murder Ning Fan. 反正宁凡没有巨魔族的最高隐秘,又对巨魔族有恩,巨言还不至于谋害宁凡 „One side the matter of Zhou Ming, places, trivial Half-Step Void Refinement, is not worth mentioning... Yao Lian, and you matter of report Pill Ceremony...” 周明之事,放在一边,区区半步炼虚,不值一提…妖莲,你且禀报丹典之事…” Side Ju Yan, another shadow old man, the aura is vaster than Ju Yan, is hoarse-voiced, the ghosts and demons evil auras, making Yao Lian extremely uncomfortable. 巨言身旁,另一个黑影老者,气息比巨言更加浩瀚,声音嘶哑,有一股鬼魅般的邪气,让妖莲极不舒服。 As soon as he opens the mouth, other seven ancestor all quiet get down, this person just like the head of Eight Ancestors. 他一开口,其他七祖全部安静下来,此人俨然是八祖之首。 Yao Lian report has Pill Ceremony many matters concerned immediately, a night of safe/without matter. 妖莲立刻禀报丹典的诸多事宜,一夜无事。 Ning Fan returns to the west building, on the sitting cross-legged cot, is reorganizing many trains of thought. 宁凡返回西楼,盘膝榻上,整理着诸多思绪。 He from the Yao Lian heart, spies on the innumerable secrets. 他从妖莲心中,窥探来无数秘闻。 He knew the great strength of Eight Ancestors, in Eight Ancestors, six Void Inquire, two Void Pierce, non- Ning Fan can defeat. This without doubt is a bad news, if Ning Fan to rescues Feng Xueyan from the Eight Ancestors hand, he needs a stronger strength. 他知晓了八祖的强大,八祖之中,有六名问虚,两名冲虚,非宁凡可以战胜。这无疑是一个坏消息,若宁凡向从八祖手中救下风雪言,他需要拥有更强的实力。 Naturally , the news, to Ning Fan may be the good news. 当然,也有一个消息,对宁凡而言可算是好消息。 Feng Xueyan within the body the blood of Mo Luo, thorough condense and drawing blood said that at least also 10 years. 风雪言体内的魔罗之血,彻底凝成、取血之曰,起码还有十年 In other words, in 10 years, Feng Xueyan will not have any danger, even, Eight Ancestors also in secret its, when treasure(d) protection. 也就是说,十年之内,风雪言不会有任何危险,甚至,八祖还会暗中将其当宝贝般守护。 But after 10 years, Eight Ancestors begins to Feng Xueyan surely, at the appointed time, only if the Ning Fan strength enters greatly, otherwise is unable to rescue Feng Xueyan. 十年之后,八祖必定对风雪言动手,届时,除非宁凡实力大进,否则无法救下风雪言 10 years... in 10 years, the blood liquor may breed, at the appointed time takes the blood liquor, does not know whether to exceed Void Refinement Stage... to break through Void Refinement, is extremely difficult, but breaks through Golden Body, is quite easy, so long as seeks remaining three Stone Slate again, obtains three Demonic Qi, I had confidence, in 10 years breaks through Golden Body Realm!” 十年么…十年之内,血酒可酿成,届时服用血酒,不知能否一举突破炼虚期…突破炼虚,太过艰难,但突破金身,却较为容易,只要再寻来剩下的三块石板,获得三道魔气,我有把握,十年之内突破金身境界!” In any event, a Feng Xueyan brother-in-law, cannot shout white/in vain. I do not allow Giant Demon Clan Eight Ancestors to move her!” “无论如何,风雪言的一声姐夫,不能白喊。我不容巨魔族八祖动她!” Ning Fan remembers that Demon Image Slate falls in the Eight Ancestors hand now, does not know whether can be close to Stone Slate, screens out Demonic Qi in Stone Slate... 宁凡记得,那魔像石板如今落在八祖手中,不知是否能接近石板,抽走石板之中的魔气 I am unable to enter Lesser Universe that Eight Ancestors is, Giant Demon Clan the a piece Demon Image Slate, but must need further consideration... the present key point, should first place on Pill Technique promoting, wants promoting Realm in 10 years, Pill Technique is not possible to fall.” “我无法进入八祖所在的小千界,巨魔族的这一块魔像石板,还需从长计议…如今的重点,应先放在丹术提升上,想要在十年提升境界,丹术绝不可落下。” Ning Fan fully realized, his evil reputation is brightly displayed, actually the hateful person lives 1000 years, by is the strength. 宁凡深知,他恶名昭彰,却可恶人活千年,靠得便是实力。 His present strength, has moved Rain World, but this is insufficient, by far insufficiently! 他如今的实力,已名动雨界,但这还不够,远远不够! He must tread on the Rain World strength, may be on par with Sovereign Nie. 他必须要拥有脚踏雨界的实力,才可与涅皇比肩。 The dawn enters the valance, Ning Fan seeks the women in turn, after the injunction, making Yue Lingkong take four puppet, considers the the women security. He starts is Pill Ceremony Great Competition prepares. 晨光入帷,宁凡依次寻到诸女,嘱咐之后,令月凌空带上四傀,照顾诸女安全。他自己则开始为丹典大比做准备。 First, he must struggle the Pill Ceremony first three result, becoming is Feng Xueyan concocting pills one of the three Alchemist. 首先,他必须争到丹典前三的成绩,成为风雪言炼丹的三名丹师之一。 His some not relax, he does not know that so-called life-saving Medicine Pill is what pill, must therefore personally be Feng Xueyan concocting pills, can believe firmly that nobody injures her. 他有些不放心,他不知所谓的救命丹药是什么丹,所以必须亲手为风雪言炼丹,才能确信无人加害她。 Northern Cold Country conducts Pill Ceremony, in a country, does not know that gathered many Rain World well-known Alchemist. 北凉国举办丹典,一国之内,不知聚集了多少雨界闻名的丹师 In Province, in Eternal Peace Pavilion, gathered innumerable Old Monster, purchases, sells and exchanges Pill Recipe Spirit Herb in this and other goods. 都郡之中,永安阁内,聚集了无数老怪,在此购买、出售、交换丹方灵药等诸多物品。 Eternal Peace Pavilion subordinates the industry of Giant Demon Clan, the Spirit Herb profit that sells belongs to Giant Demon Clan. 永安阁是直属巨魔族的产业,所出售的灵药利润都归巨魔族所有。 In order to meet many Alchemist needs, the Eternal Peace Pavilion specially multi- opens up 1st stratum transaction pavilion, allowing Alchemist to set up a stall in this, purchases or sells Medicine Pill and Spirit Herb. 为了满足不少丹师的需要,永安阁特意多开辟出一层交易阁,允许丹师在此自行摆摊,收购或出售丹药灵药 Close to Pill Ceremony, many Alchemist are purchasing Spirit Herb, is Pill Ceremony prepares, naturally many Old Monster hears Li come, peddles Spirit Herb, Pill Recipe and medicine cauldron in this. 临近丹典,不少丹师都在采购灵药,为丹典做准备,自然有不少老怪闻利而来,在此兜售灵药丹方药鼎 Somewhat treasures Spirit Herb, nobody sells, Alchemist can only trade. Did not say that Spirit Herb that permits itself to lack, is other Alchemist the thing of weak? 有些珍惜灵药,无人售卖,丹师只能彼此之间交易了。说不准自己缺少的灵药,正好是其他丹师的鸡肋之物呢? The number said that Ning Fan went all over Northern Cold Country 70 million li. 数曰间,宁凡走遍了北凉国七千万里 After the number said that Ning Fan came Eternal Peace Pavilion, naturally to purchase Spirit Herb. 数曰后,宁凡飘然而至永安阁,自然是为了购买灵药而来。 Prepares for Pill Ceremony, to collect promoting body refining Realm Revered Demon Pill main herb, he must come this one to look. 无论是为了丹典做准备,还是为了搜集提升炼体境界尊魔丹主药,他都要来此一看的。 To break through Golden Body Realm most quickly, Ning Fan not only needs to collect surplus three Demon Image Slate, but also needs refining to have Revered Demon Pill. 为了最快突破金身境界,宁凡不但需要搜集剩余三块魔像石板,还需要炼制尊魔丹 Revered Demon Pill is Five Revolutions High Grade Demon Pill, by Ning Fan Pill Technique, sufficiently refining, but main herb still lacking 3 Types. 尊魔丹五转上品魔丹,以宁凡丹术,也足以炼制,但主药尚缺三种 10,000 years Ghost Aconite, 10,000 years Purple Rock Tripe, 10,000 years placenta. 万年鬼乌头,万年紫石耳,万年紫河车。 Ghost Aconite and Purple Rock Tripe also on forget it/that's all, Ning Fan also seek to have been, but the year does not reach requests nothing more. 鬼乌头紫石耳也就罢了,宁凡也寻到过一些,只是年份不达要求而已 The 10,000 years placenta... the so-called placenta, is the placenta, raises the medicine and nurturing 10,000 years by the Demon Dao secret skill murder, is shapeable, process quite evil and cruel. 只是万年紫河车…所谓紫河车,乃是胎盘,以魔道秘法杀人养药、蕴养万年,才可成形,过程颇为歹毒。 Rain World 800 Cultivation Country, the Demon Sect itself/Ben takes advantage of a situation weakly, the 10,000 years placenta has vanished. 雨界八百修国,魔宗本就势弱,万年紫河车早已绝迹。 Even if the place of Endless Sea this Demon Cultivator running amuck , the rare 10,000 years placenta flows out. 纵然是无尽海这种魔修横行之地,也罕有万年紫河车流出。 Ning Fan one to Eternal Peace Pavilion, obtains the personal reception of Eternal Peace Pavilion Lord immediately. 宁凡一到永安阁,立刻得到永安阁主的亲自接待。 Eternal Peace Pavilion Lord is Peak Nascent Great Cultivator, in Giant Demon Clan also calculates that has the status character, experiences Ning Fan to tread on Shi Kun, to rescue the Giant Demon elegant demeanor early, is extremely admiring to Ning Fan. 永安阁主是一名元巅大修士,在巨魔族也算颇有身份的人物,早见识过宁凡脚踏石坤、解救巨魔的风采,对宁凡极其钦佩。 And he has obtained the Ju Qing injunction, once Ning Fan comes Eternal Peace Pavilion to buy the treasure, regardless has a liking for anything, may take directly, does not receive the single cent. 且他更得到过巨擎的嘱咐,一旦宁凡永安阁购宝,无论看上什么东西,都可直接取走,不收分文。 Compared with rescuing the Clan benevolence, what trivial was treasure(d) considered as? 比起救援一族的恩情,区区宝贝算得了什么? Pavilion Lord informs Ning Fan the Ju Qing good intention, Ning Fan nods, without/has not said anything, if sees the satisfied thing, will take directly, will be impolite with Giant Demon Clan. 阁主巨擎的好意告知宁凡,宁凡点点头,没有多说什么,如果看到满意的东西,会直接取走,不会和巨魔族客气的。 Eternal Peace Pavilion 5th stratum, 1st stratum sells Medicine Pill, 2nd stratum sells Pill Cauldron, 3rd stratum sells Pill Recipe, 4th stratum sells Spirit Herb, Fifth Stratum is temporarily is the transaction pavilion that Alchemist opens, sets up a stall the transaction for cultivator. 永安阁五层,一层出售丹药,二层出售丹鼎,三层出售丹方,四层出售灵药,第五层便是临时为丹师开辟的交易阁,供修士自行摆摊交易。 Before Eternal Peace Pavilion Lord brings Ning Fan observes 4th stratum, cultivator, sees Ning Fan to appear all the way, all salutes respectfully, at once asks to be excused in a hurry, is wear a look of humble and awe. 永安阁主宁凡观遍前四层,一路上遇到的修士,一见宁凡出现,皆是恭敬行礼,旋即匆匆告退,面带谦卑与敬畏。 Ning Fan ominous name is extremely fearful, common cultivator, how dare provokes him, even does not dare to have with him involves slightly. 宁凡凶名太过可怕,寻常修士,怎敢招惹他,甚至不敢与他有丝毫牵扯。 To the awes of these cultivator, Ning Fan does not care at all. 对这些修士的敬畏,宁凡毫不在意。 Eternal Peace Pavilion Medicine Pill, not made the thing of his moving. Actually Pill Cauldron, many qualities above past Fragmented Pill Cauldron. But as Five Revolutions Alchemist, Ning Fan may the Divine Intent congealing cauldron, Pill Cauldron be actually dispensable, has not purchased. 永安阁丹药,并无令他动心之物。倒是丹鼎,不少品质都远在当年的碎丹鼎之上。但作为五转丹师,宁凡神意凝鼎,丹鼎倒是可有可无,并未购买。 Pill Recipe his without/has not was actually polite, settled on several four, Five Revolutions Pill Recipe. Eternal Peace Pavilion Lord without delay, made one engraved, to give Ning Fan after directly. 丹方他倒是没有客气,看中了数种四、五转丹方永安阁主二话不说,直接叫人刻印后交给宁凡 In Fourth Stratum, Ning Fan found 10,000 years Ghost Aconite and 10,000 years Purple Rock Tripe. 第四层,宁凡找到了万年鬼乌头万年紫石耳 Can find Revered Demon Pill two main herb, to Ning Fan, is a good deed. 能找到尊魔丹的两种主药,对宁凡而言,是一件好事。 In Eternal Peace Pavilion these two 10,000 years Spirit Herb, were demanded by Ning Fan completely, Ghost Aconite has 14, Purple Rock Tripe 17. 永安阁中这两种万年灵药,全部被宁凡索要,鬼乌头有14株,紫石耳17株。 These Spirit Herb values not poor, but Eternal Peace Pavilion does not dare to receive money from Ning Fan. 这些灵药价值不菲,但永安阁自是不敢向宁凡收钱的。 Before going all over 4th stratum, Ning Fan also wants Fifth Stratum, Fifth Stratum is the cultivator voluntarily transaction place, even if Eternal Peace Pavilion Lord follows goes, is unable to play anything to help, therefore asks to be excused in advance. 走遍了前四层,宁凡还欲去第五层,第五层修士自行交易的场所,就算永安阁主跟随前往,也无法起到什么帮助,故而先行告退。 Ning Fan steps onto Fifth Stratum alone, above 5th stratum, is an extremely spacious main hall. 宁凡独自走上第五层,五层之上,是一处极为宽敞的大殿。 The main hall may accommodate ten thousand people, four sides constructs the have several hundred shops, in each shop, has Alchemist oversee, or in shop external wooden sign, is purchasing what Spirit Herb. Perhaps chocks up Spirit Herb and Pill Recipe in store, waits to trade. 大殿可容万人,四面建有数百个店铺,每个店铺之内,都有一名丹师坐镇,或是在店外挂着木牌,收购着什么灵药。或是在铺子里摆满灵药丹方,等候交易。 In Fifth Stratum, one team of Giant Demon Demon Guard oversee, there are more than hundred people, the each and every single (person) aura all long vast. 第五层中,有一队巨魔魔卫坐镇,有百余人,一个个气息皆悠长浩瀚。 That Demon Guard leader, is a Divine Transformation Late Stage guy, the vast imposing manner, is shocking each and every single (person) in Alchemist that this trades, does not allow anybody to seize the treasure and slaughtering in this. 魔卫的首领,是一名化神后期的大汉,浩瀚的气势,震慑着一个个在此交易的丹师,不允许任何人在此夺宝、杀戮。 Divine Transformation Late Stage Old Monster, taking a broad view at Endless Sea is Peak Expert. 化神后期老怪,放眼无尽海都是巅峰高手 This Captain Demon Guard the eye belt/bring is arrogant, the eye belt/bring cold light, sweeps away all around. Even if each and every single (person) has keen eyesight to the top Alchemist, was swept by his gaze, some breath detentions, do not dare to look at each other with it. 魔卫首领眼带孤傲,眼带冷光,横扫四周。纵然是一个个眼高于顶炼丹师,被他的目光扫到,都有些呼吸滞涩,不敢与之对视。 This person quite swift and fierce gaze! Who this person is!” Alchemist from 800 Cultivation Country asked in a low voice. “此人好生凌厉的目光!此人是谁!”一名来自八百修国丹师低声问道。 Fellow Daoist has not to know, this is Giant Demon Clan Eight Gates' Demon Guards, most powerful Demon Guard Death Demon Guard Commander, Death Commander... hearsay person of strength is extremely strong, once cut to kill Divine Transformation Late Stage with Rank...” Another Old Monster solution said. 道友有所不知,这可是巨魔族八门魔卫’之中,最强魔卫死魔卫’的统领,死魔统领…传闻此人实力极强,曾斩杀过同级别化神后期…”另一名老怪解说道。 Wha, what! this person may cut to kill Late Stage Divine Transformation unexpectedly, I and others sells Spirit Herb in this, should never offend this person, Divine Transformation Late Stage cultivation base, taking a broad view at Rain World is extremely rare exist(ence)!” “什、什么!此人竟连后期化神都可斩杀,我等在此售卖灵药,切勿得罪此人,化神后期修为,放眼雨界都是凤毛麟角的存在!” Many Alchemist look to Death Commander gaze, has the awe of instinct. 不少丹师望向死魔统领目光,带着本能的敬畏。 Death Commander cultivation base is extremely strong, the callous bloodthirsty, nobody dares to annoy, even some Divine Transformation Old Monster, are not easily willing to offend this person. 死魔统领修为极强,冷酷嗜杀,无人敢惹,就算是一些化神老怪,也轻易不愿得罪此人。 Many Alchemist exchanged greetings to give regards to Death Commander, was all expelled by this person of coldly, is aloof, unreasonable. 不少丹师死魔统领寒暄问好,皆被此人冷冷赶走,拒人千里,不近人情。 But when Ning Fan appears when Fifth Stratum, that facial features solemn Death Commander, reveals the respectful color suddenly, to the end kneels to Ning Fan, respect of the heart. 但当宁凡出现在第五层之时,那面容冷峻的死魔统领,忽然露出恭敬之色,向宁凡倒头一跪,发自内心的尊敬。 Death Demon Guard Commander Death, has seen Revered Ming! Many thanks Revered Ming rescues the sentiment of Giant Demon!” 死魔卫统领死魔,见过明尊!多谢明尊救援巨魔之情!” His kneels, behind 100 Demon Guard, all kneels down, to Ning Fan line of big rituals. 他这一跪,身后一百魔卫,俱都唰地跪倒,向宁凡行大礼。 Is overly courteous.” Ning Fan nods, the expression is calm. “无须多礼。”宁凡点点头,表情平静。 Solemn Divine Transformation Late Stage Old Monster, worships on bended knees to salute, this, shocked countless people. 堂堂化神后期老怪,向人跪拜行礼,这一幕,震撼了无数人。 gaze of many fall after the Ning Fan body, immediately one startled, immediately understands always solemn death demon, will be why respectful to Ning Fan. 不少人的目光落在宁凡身上后,立刻一惊,顿时明白了一向冷峻的死魔,为何会对宁凡恭敬。 Some just entered Northern Cold, not to know that Ning Fan appearance young Alchemist, is the shock, asks to the companion, 一些刚刚入北凉、不知宁凡容貌的年轻丹师,俱是震惊不已,纷纷向同伴问道, Who this is youth in white clothes? Can make Divine Transformation Late Stage cultivator worship on bended knees unexpectedly!” “这白衣青年是何人?竟能让一位化神后期修士跪拜!” What? Your he did not know unexpectedly! He is Zhou Ming, is cuts to kill Shi Le Country Lord Zhou Ming!” “什么?你竟连他都不认识!他是周明,是斩杀石勒国主周明!” what! he is Zhou Ming, is so young, 500 skeletal age, but then killing Void Glimpse!” 什么!他就是周明,这么年轻,才五百骨龄,便可击杀窥虚!” The sound that a path of shocks, spreads over Fifth Stratum. 一道道震撼的声音,传遍第五层 Some did not know that Ning Fan Alchemist, in this moment, remembered the Ning Fan appearance, and exhorts itself in the innermost feelings, cannot provoke this person. 一些不认识宁凡丹师,也在这一刻,记住了宁凡的容貌,并在内心嘱咐自己,决不可招惹此人。 In some Spirit Herb shop, a Daoist robe tattered old say/way, in this moment, the vision reveals the color of pondering. 某间灵药店铺之内,一个道袍破烂的老道,在这一刻,眼光露出玩味之色。 His dirty broken, must the white hair also be chaotic white/in vain, is a sloven person, the chest is just like hanging a Rain Palace Three Revolutions badge, seems like from 800 Cultivation Country. 他一身脏破,白须白发亦是杂乱无章,俨然是个不修边幅之人,胸口挂着一枚雨殿三转的徽章,似乎是来自八百修国 His cultivation base seems like Nascent Soul Late Stage, is somewhat impractical. Spirit Herb that he sells, has to be good the time, but all asks a price expensively, nobody asked about. 修为看似元婴后期,又有些虚浮。他出售的灵药,有好有次,但俱都要价极贵,无人问津。 „Is this child Everlasting Flame Physique? Un... Medicine Soul is actually not weak, is Five Revolutions high-ranked, but Dao of Alchemy as if quite heterogeneous, the river traffic lane, Three Purities said, the blood burns... this boy many and not fine, wants Six Revolutions, may also miss much...” 此子就是不灭火体?嗯…药魂倒是不弱,是五转上级,不过丹道似乎相当驳杂啊,河车道,三清道,血焚道…这小子多而不精,想要六转,可还差了不少…” The old say/way thought aloud, shakes the head, as if Ning Fan Dao of Alchemy in his eyes, was not worth mentioning. 老道自言自语,摇摇头,似乎宁凡丹道在他眼中,不值一提。 But muddy gaze, trembles suddenly, resembles from Ning Fan the sensation to what aura, subsequently flashes through bright light. 但浑浊的目光,忽然一颤,似从宁凡身上感知到什么气息,继而闪过一丝精光 The split second imposing manner, is hardly weak in Supreme Void Old Monster, actually nobody perceived! 一瞬间的气势,几乎不弱于太虚老怪,却无人觉察! This is... Black Demon Flame!” “这是…黑魔炎!” ( 1 / 3 ) ……
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