GE :: Volume #5

#454: The night examines Yao Lian

Dong Xu introduced the entire Pill Ceremony Great Competition flow in detail. 洞虚详细介绍了整个丹典大比的流程。 this time Pill Ceremony Great Competition, is jointly sponsored by Giant Demon Clan and Pill Island, there is joke of Void Inquire Pill, it may be said that occasion unmatched in grandeur. 这一次丹典大比,由巨魔族丹岛联合举办,又有问虚丹的噱头,可谓盛况空前。 Alchemist and Old Monster that innumerable hidden worlds rush to Endless Sea in abundance, comes to attend the ceremony participant. 无数隐世不出的丹师老怪纷纷赶赴无尽海,前来观礼参比 This Pill Ceremony grand occasion, was hardly weak in Rain Palace 50 years conducts one time Central State Pill Conference. 此次丹典的盛况,几乎不弱于雨殿五十年举办一次中州丹会了。 Any Grade Alchemist has the qualifications to enter for Pill Ceremony, but if Grade is lower than Three Revolutions, perhaps First Round/Wheel will then be eliminated. 任何品阶丹师都有资格报名参加丹典,但若是品阶低于三转,恐怕第一轮便会被淘汰的。 Pill Ceremony tests in three rounds, First Round/Wheel, Pill Tablet measures. So-called Pill Tablet, is Pill Island the treasure that for this magnificent ceremony provides, may determine one to Four Revolutions Alchemist Grade. Insufficient Three Revolutions, is eliminated. 丹典分三轮测试,第一轮,‘丹碑测品’。所谓的丹碑,是丹岛为了此次盛典提供的宝物,可测定一至四转丹师品阶。不足三转者,淘汰出局。 Second Round, melts Spirit Herb. This theory, tests indeed of school to melt the Spirit Herb speed and refine degree. 第二轮,‘熔化灵药’。这一论,考校的正是熔化灵药的速度、提纯程度。 Generally speaking, concocting pills divides 3 steps. 一般而言,炼丹三步 1st step, melting Spirit Herb is the solution, unceasingly governing fire refine ; 第一步,熔化灵药为药液,不断御火提纯 2nd step, fusion different Spirit Herb medicinal power ; 第二步,融合不同灵药药力 3rd step, receives fire to become pill. 第三步,收火成丹。 1st step melts Spirit Herb, in process that Spirit Herb melts, medicinal power will disappear slightly. Therefore melts the Spirit Herb speed to be quicker, medicinal power loses are less. 第一步熔化灵药,在灵药熔化的过程中,药力是会轻微散失的。故而熔化灵药的速度越快,药力损失越少。 But after melting Spirit Herb, but must the refine solution, reject impurities. The refine number of times are more, the solution quality is purer, the Medicine Pill quality that refining up is also better. Naturally, the refine number of times are more, the difficulty is also bigger, carelessly, then meets the medicine to destroy. 而在熔化灵药后,还必须提纯药液、剔除杂质提纯次数越多,药液品质越纯净,炼出的丹药品质也就越好。当然,提纯的次数越多,难度也越大,一个不慎,便会药毁。 For example, Four Revolutions Alchemist, can the 1000 years Spirit Herb refine 5 to 10 times, rarely have Four Revolutions Alchemist to be able the 1000 years Spirit Herb refine over 11 times. 譬如,一名四转丹师,可以将千年灵药提纯五到十次,很少有四转丹师能将千年灵药提纯11次以上。 But Five Revolutions Alchemist, can actually the 1000 years Spirit Herb refine over 50 times! 五转丹师,却可以将千年灵药提纯50次以上! This Second Round tests. Every without/has not Spirit Herb refine stipulation, eliminates within the given time completely. 此次第二轮测试。凡是没有在规定时间内将灵药提纯规定次数者,全部淘汰。 Pill Ceremony Third Round test. Is open the furnace concocting pills. This one step, participant Alchemist may refining most adept Medicine Pill, hand over by the appraiser, evaluates the fit and unfit quality height, determines the Great Competition position. 丹典第三轮测试。是‘开炉炼丹’。这一步,参比丹师炼制最拿手丹药,交由鉴定师,评定优劣高低,确定大比名次。 Great Competition first three positions, not only there is a rich reward, has the qualifications to receive the Ju Qing duty, is Feng Xueyan refining saves a life Medicine Pill. The pomegranate becomes, may obtain the Void Inquire Pill reward. 大比前三名次,不但有丰厚奖励,亦有资格接受巨擎的任务,为风雪言炼制救命丹药。丹若成,可获得问虚丹奖励。 First below three positions, there are rewards in varying degrees, such as precious Pill Recipe, treasures Spirit Herb and so on. To ordinary Alchemist, there is a big attraction. 前三以下的名次,也有不同程度的奖励,诸如珍贵丹方、珍惜灵药之类。对普通丹师而言,也有不小的诱惑力。 The nature, many Old Monster for Void Inquire Pill come, to be to strive for the first three positions. 自然,不少老怪都是为了问虚丹而来,意欲争取前三名次。 But most Alchemist. Knew in the heart that is unable to compete for first three, for other rewards spell to spell. 但大多数丹师。心知无法争夺前三,也会为了其他奖励拼上一拼。 The Pill Ceremony news then emits before several years, many Alchemist catch up with Inner Seas from Rain World. 丹典的消息早在数年之前便放出,不少丹师都从雨界赶来内海 For example before and Ning Fan have had Rain Palace heaven's chosen Yun Niansu of one sphere of interaction, he once invited Ning Fan at a Pill Island meeting, what a pity was disregarded by Ning Fan. This person is participates in Pill Ceremony. 譬如之前与宁凡有过一面之交的雨殿天骄-云念苏,他曾邀请宁凡丹岛一会,可惜被宁凡无视了。此人便是来参加丹典的。 From the First Round/Wheel selection, also one month. 距离第一轮选拔,还有一月之久。 Giant Demon Clan hosted all kinds of fruit feast to receive cordially Ning Fan one line. After the feast, Ning Fan on the grounds of planning to participate in Pill Ceremony, said goodbye with the women, was admitted to the Northern Cold Province dwelling guest building. 巨魔族设百果宴款待了宁凡一行。宴后宁凡以准备参加丹典为由,携诸女告辞,住进了北凉都郡的馆舍客楼。 Yue Lingkong and Fen Chi (Burning Wings) two females, along with Ning Fan hurry along to Giant Demon Clan, slightly has exhausted. Has rested in the respective room. 月凌空焚翅二女,随宁凡一路赶路至巨魔族,亦略有疲惫。早已在各自房中歇息。 Feng Xueyan must rest with the cot with Xu Qiuling, sisters affectionate. Has not given Ning Fan and Xu Qiuling attentive opportunity actually. 风雪言非要与许秋灵同榻而睡,姐妹情深。倒是未给宁凡许秋灵温存的机会 Ning Fan known Giant Demon Clan is strange, four Void Glimpse Puppet give the Yue Lingkong control completely, alerts outside the the women garret. 宁凡已知巨魔族诡异,四具窥虚傀儡全部交给月凌空掌控,在诸女的阁楼外戒备。 His sitting alone west building, is cutting Candle Fire, looks at candlelight next packs of fine writing paper, silent. 他独坐西楼,剪着烛火,看着烛光下一叠叠宣纸,默然不语。 On that each one sheet paper, wrote all over the beautiful handwriting of female, was in the past Feng Xueyan writes. 那每一张纸上,都写满了女子的娟秀字迹,都是往昔的风雪言所写。 She is unable to talk with Xu Qiuling, the words that wants to speak need to write, who wants her is the young mute? 她无法与许秋灵交谈,想说的话都需要写出来,谁要她是小哑巴呢? In the Feng Xueyan handwriting, one type is lonely and rigid, actually like the wind and snow of cool night, nobody understood. 风雪言的字迹中,有一种孤独与执着,却如同凉夜的风雪,无人理解。 She is the Inner Seas Seven Venerables daughter, is weak, cultivation base is faint, the same generation Expert, is not Gold Core is Nascent Soul, she is actually only Vein Opening nothing more. She is unwilling to be one step below others, but she is unable to rewrite Fate. 她是内海七尊的女儿,却体弱多病,修为低弱,身旁的同辈高手,不是金丹就是元婴,她却只是一介辟脉而已。她不甘低人一头,但她无法改写命运 Magic Force that laborious cultivation comes, by Demon Blood Devour(ing), becoming will be raised the Demon Blood nourishment, isn't her being doomed life able Harmonious Spirit? 辛辛苦苦修炼来的法力,都会被魔血吞噬,成为饲养魔血的养料,她注定此生无法融灵么? Is good because of Innate Skill of her also Mark Perforation technique, therefore she all Heart Blood, spends above studying thoroughly the Mark Perforation technique, made the average man not unimaginable effort, becoming Mark Perforation master who moves Inner Seas. 好在她还有刺纹术的天赋,于是她将所有心血,都花在研习刺纹术之上,付出了常人无法想象的努力,成为了名动内海刺纹师。 She punctures teleportation Demon Mark for oneself, finally obtained flew the escaping ability. That is General Level Escaping Technique Demon Mark, needs to puncture next more than 40. 她为自己刺下挪移魔纹,终于获得了飞遁能力。那可是一种将阶遁术魔纹,需要刺下40多针。 Ning Fan is very difficult to imagine, Vein Opening 10th stratum young female(s), how on the tender white flesh, punctures the more than 40 needle cruel-heartedly. 宁凡很难想象,一个辟脉十层少女,如何在自己嫩白的肌肤上,狠心刺下四十多针。 Ning Fan has punctured Stone Soldier Demon Mark, naturally knows the more than 40 needle, will have pain how. 宁凡刺过石兵魔纹,自然知晓四十多针,会有多么痛楚。 Ling'er recognizes as the sisters with this female, the vision was actually good... actually Giant Demon Clan, sacrifice so outstanding Patriarch's Daughter, actually to be planning anything...” 灵儿与此女认作姐妹,眼光倒是不错…倒是巨魔族,牺牲如此优秀的族长之女,究竟在谋划什么…” zhī ya! 吱呀! Ning Fan extinguishes Candle Fire, pushes the door quietly, marches into the wind and snow. 宁凡熄灭烛火,悄然推门而出,步入风雪之中。 Heaven Deceiving Cloak adds the body, his form becomes pale, finally vanishes, where nobody knows he went. 欺天斗篷加身,他身影变淡,最终消失,无人知他去了哪里。 The Snow Lotus pavilion, is Second Elder Yao Lian occupies. 雪莲阁,是二长老妖莲所居。 In garret that Candle Fire swings, transmits some splashing/underwater sound, as if Yao Lian is bathing. 烛火摇摆的阁楼中,传来些许水声,似乎妖莲正在沐浴。 Outside the garret, more than ten Gold Core cultivation base maids, stand night watch carefully, outside the garret the wind and snow are tightening. 阁楼外,十余名金丹修为的婢女,小心守夜,阁楼外风雪正紧。 Suddenly, the breeze has stroked together, sifted in the garret, a without/has not servant girl detected. 忽然间,一道微风拂过,飘入了阁楼之中,没有一个婢子察觉。 That Yao Lian Elder, in the garret peak, is soaking in sprinkling the wooden barrel of flower petal, water vapor dense, has to concave-convex the stature as if honey peach, letting the person wants to nip one. 妖莲长老,正在阁楼顶端,泡在洒满花瓣的木桶之中,水汽氤氲下,凹凸有致的身材仿佛水蜜桃般,让人想咬一口。 Her looks are ordinary, the stature is very hot. 她姿容一般,身材却十分火辣。 Bathes in the hot water, a warm feeling her whole body package. 沐浴在热水中,一种暖暖的感觉将她全身包裹。 Ning Fan that in the eye of Yao Lian, memories the daytime is seeing, that handsome and callous youth, making her unable to get over an emotion. 妖莲的眼中,回忆着白天所见的宁凡,那俊朗而冷酷的青年,令她无法释怀。 Licked the tongue, the Yao Lian closing one's eyes pupil, in the mind Illusion with Ning Fan live color spring fragrance, the hand was actually extending to the water, extended to the both legs, provoked. 舔了舔舌头,妖莲闭上眼眸,脑海中幻象着与宁凡的活色春香,手却伸到水中,伸到双腿之间,撩拨起来。 She imagines is lost by Ning Fan crudely in the appearance that on the bed, tramples ruthlessly. 她想象着被宁凡粗暴丢在床上、狠狠践踏的模样。 She imagines Ning Fan to tear into shreds all her clothing, bites the bleeding appearance her milk-white bosom. 她想象着宁凡撕碎她所有衣物,将她酥胸咬出血的模样。 She imagines two people of limbs to be intertwined and appearance that be wanting the immortal to want. 她想象着二人肢体交缠、欲仙欲死的模样。 tender moan breathe in the garret lightly, a faint trace heat flow flows out from her stocks unceasingly. Made her only sleep/felt be overwhelmed with emotion the eclipse bone, wanted to stop but cannot. 一声声娇吟在阁楼中轻喘,一丝丝热流不断从她的股间流出。令她只觉销魂蚀骨,欲罢不能。 Rev...Revered Ming... Elder Brother Ming... I want... me to want...” 明、明尊明哥哥…我要…我要嘛…” Yao Lian in masturbation. Has not noticed, in her room, when does not know, presented youth in white clothes, the face was black. 自渎之中的妖莲。并未注意到,她房间之内,不知何时,出现了一个白衣青年,脸都黑了。 Ning Fan has never thought that has toward 1 day, he will be kept thinking about this situation by an immoral woman. When he became the Yao Lian masturbation fantasy object unexpectedly... 宁凡从未想过,有朝一日,他会被一个荡妇惦记到这种地步。他竟然成了妖莲自渎之时的幻想对象… This Yao Lian, but also was really the show to the bone. 妖莲,还真是骚到了骨子里。 Ning Fan shakes the head. This leading a promiscuous life woman , he although will not despise, is impossible to like. 宁凡摇摇头。这种人尽可夫的女人,他虽不会鄙夷,却也不可能喜欢的。 He is only Dual Cultivation Devil forget it/that's all, the body not necessarily is also cleaner than Yao Lian, will therefore not despise Yao Lian. 他自己也只是个双修魔头罢了,身体未必比妖莲干净,故而不会鄙夷妖莲 But he will not have happening together with Yao Lian this woman. Why? Not why. 但他也不会跟妖莲这种女人发生交集的。为什么?不为什么。 He does not like a person, does not need the reason. 他不喜欢一个人,不需要理由。 Yao Lian Young Lady, good interest...” Ning Fan shows the smile of pondering. Suddenly makes noise, sits near the wooden table, pours out one glass of inferior wines, drinks shallowly, while is looking at Yao Lian. 妖莲姑娘,好兴致…”宁凡露出玩味的笑容。忽然出声,坐在木桌边,自斟一杯薄酒,一边浅饮,一边望着妖莲 Yao Lian does not know that in the room also others, frighten. So released the body, the tender body is passing the happy pink, but also twitches in the wooden barrel unceasingly, odd/surplus tide has not drawn back, was still attacking. 妖莲根本不知房内还有他人,一惊吓。就这般泄了身子,娇躯透着欢愉的粉红色,还在木桶之内不断抽搐,余潮未退,仍在冲击。 Yao Lian beautiful eye towards Ning Fan glances charmingly angry. The coquettish look like the silk, gasp for breath breathes out to say. 妖莲美目朝宁凡娇嗔地一瞥。媚眼如丝,气喘嘘嘘道。 When hateful... Revered Ming comes, how not to tell this one one, hehe, this one live erotic scene, attractive?” 讨厌啦…明尊何时进来的,怎也不告诉妾身一身,咯咯,妾身活春宫,好看么?” This woman, shame is actually very big, looked at up the spring scenery by Ning Fan, but can also be calm, as Demon Cultivator, she is good. 这个女人,耻度倒是很大,被宁凡看光春光,还能如此镇定,作为一个魔修,她还算不错。 You know that I will come?” Ning Fan is holding appreciatively the wine glass profoundly, the pupil color like the sea. “你知道我会来?”宁凡把玩着酒杯,眸色深邃如海。 hehe, daytime Revered Ming regards the this one vision, like must eat general this one, this one thinks at that time, Revered Ming will certainly come, spends together the spring evening with this one.” 咯咯,白日明尊看待妾身的眼光,就像要把妾身吃掉一般,妾身当时就想,明尊一定会来,与妾身共度春宵的。” Yao Lian set out nakedly, had/left the wooden barrel, is in front of Ning Fan, a faint trace dried the body, at once tears off the 1st Stage frivolous cloth and silk conveniently, bound the body slightly, sits in Ning Fan position. 妖莲赤裸地起身,出了木桶,当着宁凡的面,一丝丝擦干身体,旋即随手扯下一段轻薄的丝布,将身体稍稍一裹,坐在宁凡身边的位置。 Her every action and every movement, charm merit activates to the pinnacle, the spring scenery of divulging, misled any man in addition intentionally sufficiently. 她的一举一动,都将魅功催动到了极致,加上故意泄露的春光,足以蛊惑任何男子。 Her looks are not beautiful, has the greatest confidence to own body. 她姿容不美,对自己的身体却有着莫大信心。 She excels in observing the man, looks at each other from the daytime and Ning Fan gaze, she then saw, Ning Fan to all her attempts. 她擅于观察男子,从白天与宁凡目光对视之时,她便看出,宁凡对她所有企图。 She naturally could not guess correctly, Ning Fan wants to skid the secret from her mouth, only said that Ning Fan is like other men, has a liking for her body. 她自然猜不到,宁凡想从她嘴里撬一撬秘密,只道宁凡跟其他男人一样,看上她的身体。 On the face makes the attractive and charming expression, in the heart of Yao Lian, actually disdains, is contented. 脸上做出深情款款的表情,妖莲的心中,却又是不屑,又是自得。 Ning Fan fierce so what, is not like other men again, sex maniac does Heart Orifice, entice swallows the bait? 宁凡再厉害又如何,还不是跟其他男人一样,色迷心窍,一勾引就上钩? Yue Lingkong fierce so what, hadn't her man, been enticed by Yao Lian again is completely muddled? 月凌空再厉害又如何,她的男人,还不是被妖莲勾引得晕头转向? Revered Ming, this one is quite uncomfortable...” 明尊,妾身好难受呀…” She partly is leaning the body, reverses to the Ning Fan bosom, two groups of soft big white rabbits, dillydally in the Ning Fan chest intentionally. 她半倾着身体,倒向宁凡怀中,两团柔软的大白兔,故意在宁凡胸口磨蹭。 Two lotus root arms, collude with the Ning Fan nape of the neck. 两条藕臂,勾上宁凡的脖颈。 This bumped into the body of Ning Fan, the Yao Lian fire of desire comes. 这一碰到宁凡的身体,妖莲的欲火又来了。 She is only binding the light 1st stratum cloth and silk, the lower part of the body the piece wisp, between two slices of tender meat, overflows unceasingly moistly. 她只裹着薄薄一层丝布,下身可是不着片缕,两片嫩肉之间,不断溢出湿润。 Strange... my body will be how excited... should not! A moment ago masturbation time, I made the body excited intentionally, to achieve Peak. Now I want to entice Revered Ming, the secret activates charm merit, why has not made the body sensitive... bump into the Revered Ming body, on body out-of-control...” “奇怪…我的身体怎么会如此兴奋…不应该啊!刚才自渎的时候,我是故意让身体兴奋的,为的是达到巅峰。现在我想勾引明尊,已经暗暗催动魅功,不让身体敏感了…为什么才一碰到明尊身体,就身体失控…” In Yao Lian heart one startled, she then remembers, in hearsay, Ning Fan is not only killing people like scything flax Devil, is cultivation Yin-Yang Demon Veins Dual Cultivation Devil. 妖莲心中一惊,她这才想起,传闻之中,宁凡不但是杀人如麻魔头,还是一个修炼阴阳魔脉双修魔头 She is very definite, Ning Fan without/has not displays Bewitching Art to her on own initiative. Is touching, can make her body have the response... this is what Rank charm merit! 她很确定,宁凡没有主动对她施展魅术。仅仅是无意间的触碰,都能让她身体有反应…这是什么级别的魅功! Ning Fan charm merit Realm, far exceed Yao Lian understand! 宁凡的魅功境界,远超妖莲理解! Her again raised the head, to look that on Ning Fan indifferent does not change, is startled again. 她再一抬头,对上宁凡冷漠不改的眼神,再次一惊。 is possible, does my enticing, use without/has not to his point?” 怎、怎么可能,我的勾引,对他一点用都没有?” At this moment, Yao Lian realized, present man, before her, is a ruthless corner/horn. 这一刻,妖莲才意识到,眼前的男人,跟她以前遇到的都不同,是个狠角。 So calm gaze, a without/has not desire, not only explained that Ning Fan is cold-hearted such as the man of iron, explained, tonight Ning Fan looks for her, absolutely with being shifty to have nothing to do. 如此冷静的目光,没有一丝欲念,不但说明宁凡是个心冷如铁的男人,更说明,今夜宁凡来找她,绝对跟翻云覆雨无关。 Revered Ming late at night looks for this one, what matter doesn't know behavior?” 明尊深夜来找妾身,不知所为何事?” Yao Lian bites the tip of tongue, diverges the desire, sat straight the body, no longer enticed Ning Fan. 妖莲一咬舌尖,散去欲念,坐直了身体,不再勾引宁凡 She is not silly, if Ning Fan does not come fornication with her, she dares to entice Ning Fan. Refers to does not permit to enrage Ning Fan, was killed the trash by a Ning Fan palm bang. 她不傻,如果宁凡不是来和她偷欢的,她敢勾引宁凡。指不准会触怒宁凡,被宁凡一掌轰杀成渣渣。 In beautiful eye. Has an intense frustration. 美目之中。产生一种强烈的挫败感。 She always believes, she may play with the world man depending on the body, today discovers, some people were she cannot play, unable to play. 她从来都认为,自己可凭身体玩弄天下男子,今日才发现,有些人是她玩不了、玩不起的。 Some this Zhou issues, want to ask Second Elder, issue that asks, if secret related to the aristocrat, Second Elder can not say. When I had not asked. Second Elder big relax, I and Giant Demon Clan friendship is significant, asks these questions, heard from other Hidden Sea three clans some rumors, feels some curious nothing more. Even if Second Elder is inferior to actual situation to consider, this Zhou does not dare envious hatred Giant Demon Clan.” 周某有些问题,想要问二长老,所问的问题,若是涉及贵族机密,二长老可以不说。当我没问。二长老大可放心,我与巨魔族交情匪浅,问这些问题,也只是从其他幽海三族听说了些谣言,感到有些好奇而已。就算二长老不如实相告,周某也绝不敢嫉恨巨魔族。” hehe, Revered Ming late at night came visiting. Has the words to discuss. If Revered Ming has the question, may propose greatly, so long as Yao Lian can say that certain such as actual situation considers, cannot say that even Revered Ming force. this one does not dare saying that even Revered Ming Soul Scouring and Memory Extinguishing, is unable to obtain by search real memory.” 咯咯,原来明尊深夜来访。是有话相谈。明尊若有疑问,大可提出,只要妖莲能说的,一定如实相告,不能说的,就算明尊强迫。妾身也不敢说出,就算明尊搜魂灭忆,也无法搜到真实记忆。” Yao Lian knows that the Ning Fan individuality, potluck of murder Soul Scouring to Ning Fan, she knows the limitation very much. So long as can say that she will say. Cannot say that she wants to say also says, a saying will die. 妖莲知道宁凡的个性,杀人搜魂宁凡而言不过家常便饭,她很识相。只要能说的,她都会说。不能说的,她想说也说不出口,一说就会死。 May I ask Second Elder, in Giant Demon Clan, may have Demon Concubine!” “敢问二长老,巨魔族内,可有魔妃!” A Ning Fan 1st issue, stumped Yao Lian. 宁凡第一个问题,就把妖莲问住了。 She reveals awkward gaze, in Sea of Consciousness faint trace Seal, resembling the warning is ordinary, makes her Sea of Consciousness severe pain. 她露出为难的目光,识海之中一丝丝封印,似警告一般,令她识海剧痛。 She naturally knows, in Giant Demon Clan has Demon Concubine born, and that Demon Concubine, is Patriarch's Daughter Feng Xueyan. 她自然知道,巨魔族内有一位魔妃诞生,且那个魔妃,还是族长之女风雪言 This matter, was banned the mouth by Eight Ancestors the matter, supposed Sea of Consciousness Seal. 只是这件事,是被八祖禁口的事情,设下了识海封印 If the Yao Lian divulging least bit rumor, Sea of Consciousness crushes immediately, direct die. 如果妖莲泄露半点口风,识海会立刻粉碎,直接陨落 „...” She remained silent, but awkward look, explained all. “…”她保持了沉默,但为难的眼神,说明了一切。 She naturally does not know, Ning Fan has Speech Stealing Art, in her heart ponders, saw clearly all her ideas. 她自然不知,宁凡窃言术,在她心中思考的时候,就看清了她所有想法。 Ning Fan investigates, all chief instigator, are Eight Ancestors! 宁凡更探查到,所有的主谋者,都是八祖 Feng Xueyan, is really Giant Demon Clan Demon Concubine!” Ning Fan is without turning a hair, in the heart actually even more determines the each and every single (person) suspicion. 风雪言,果然是巨魔族魔妃!”宁凡面不改色,心中却愈加确定一个个猜想。 He wishes one could directly to ask Yao Lian, who Eight Ancestors is, power of False Samsara what's the matter. 他恨不得直接问一问妖莲,八祖是谁,伪轮回之力是怎么回事。 But asked that the issue needs Technique. Asked Demon Concubine, he had not asked that Feng Xueyan was Demon Concubine, but asked Giant Demon Clan had without/has not Demon Concubine. 但问问题是需要技巧的。问魔妃,他就没问‘风雪言是不是魔妃’,而是问巨魔族没有魔妃 In this case, even if tonight Ning Fan and matter of Yao Lian talk, passes to the Eight Ancestors ear, will not expose Ning Fan to know that Feng Xueyan is the Demon Concubine fact. 这样的话,即便今夜宁凡妖莲谈话之事,传到八祖耳中,也不会暴露宁凡知道风雪言魔妃的事实。 Your Sea of Consciousness Seal, is who plants!” “你的识海封印,是谁种下!” Ning Fan without/has not directly asked Eight Ancestors, but inquired, Yao Lian must recall related Eight Ancestors all things in the heart inevitably. 宁凡没有直接问八祖,但如此提问,妖莲势必要在心中回想有关八祖的一切事情。 Even if Eight Ancestors knows that Ning Fan inquired to Yao Lian, should still only treat as Ning Fan to care about Yao Lian, inquired Seal. 就算八祖知道宁凡妖莲提问,也只会当作宁凡关心妖莲,询问封印 No one can think, Ning Fan has found out the Eight Ancestors information. 没人能想到,宁凡已探出八祖的情报。 Yao Lian cannot consider...” Yao Lian reveals the forced smile, the question that Ning Fan asked that each and every single (person) involved Giant Demon Clan supreme secret, she cannot say, a saying the Sea of Consciousness smashing will die immediately. “恕妖莲不能相告…”妖莲露出苦笑,宁凡问的问题,一个个都涉及巨魔族无上大秘,她根本不能说,一说立刻就会识海粉碎而死。 Eight Ancestors... that is Giant Demon Clan eight first for the ancestor, has cultivation base above Void Inquire every people. 八祖…那可是巨魔族八名先代祖先,每一人都有着问虚之上的修为 In Eight Ancestors, not only there are Father Ju Yan of present age Patriarch, has in the Ju Yan beforehand Seventh Generation clan Expert. 八祖之中,不但有当代族长之父-巨言,更有巨言之前的七代族内高手 Eight Ancestors oversee Eight Gates and Six Roads, Evil Ocean Boundless Formation, Eight Ancestors hides in Giant Demon Remnant World, by the body of Undying/not dead not living, seeks the Giant Demon Clan outlet. 八祖坐镇八门六道,孽海无涯阵’,八祖藏身于巨魔残界之中,以不死不活之身,谋求巨魔族的出路。 Eight Ancestors took sacrificing Feng Xueyan one person as the price, was to wash off clansman slave mark, washed off the Giant Demon Clan Slave Clan shame. 八祖以牺牲风雪言一人为代价,意欲洗去族人奴纹,洗刷巨魔族奴族耻辱。 Eight Ancestors has extracted Demon Image Slate from the demon resembles, is studying above Demon Scripture with hardship. Eight Ancestor, nobody may understand Demon Scripture, but in Giant Demon Clan, actually spreads the Demon Scripture principal edition above Stone Slate early, is Giant Demon First Ancestor remains, now deposits in the Feng Xueyan hand. 八祖早已从魔像之中抽出魔像石板,正在苦苦研究上面的魔经。八位先祖,无人可参透魔经,但巨魔族内,却早流传有石板之上的魔经正本,是巨魔始祖所留,如今存放在风雪言手中。 In Eight Ancestors most powerful, is not Ju Yan, but another Void Pierce Ancestor, this Ancestor imitates Samsara, creates power of False Samsara, the method is extraordinary. 八祖之中最强者,并非巨言,而是另一名冲虚老祖,此老祖模仿轮回,创出‘伪轮回之力’,手段非凡。 These are Giant Demon Clan supreme secret, Yao Lian as Giant Demon Second Elder, how can tell Ning Fan other people? 这些都是巨魔族无上大秘,妖莲身为巨魔二长老,怎能告诉宁凡一个外人 Even in the clan, still only has Fu Bai, Yao Lian and other Elder to know this matter. 就算是族内,也唯有浮白妖莲等数个长老知晓此事。 Ju Qing Patriarch, was once wiped to extinguish memory by Eight Ancestors, does not know reason that the daughter suffers injury, but also wholehearted is Eight Ancestors devotes life. 就连巨擎族长,都曾经被八祖抹灭记忆,根本不知女儿受害的原因,还一心一意为八祖效命。 These, Yao Lian will not tell Ning Fan entirely. 这些,妖莲统统不会告诉宁凡 But Ning Fan, only one inquiry, causes Yao Lian to ponder, then understood completely. 宁凡,只一个提问,引起妖莲思考,便全部了解。 His gaze is profound, cannot see the expression, in the heart is colder. 目光幽深,看不出表情,心中却更加寒冷。 Very good! 很好! Then, whom clarified finally is an enemy. 这下,终于弄清谁是敌人了。 Eight Ancestors, eight Giant Demon Clan Ancestor. They to scrub Giant Demon Clan slave mark, pay all, perhaps is respectable. 八祖,八名巨魔族先祖。他们为了洗刷巨魔族奴纹,付出一切,或许可敬。 But their intention sacrificed Feng Xueyan, this point, Ning Fan will not permit. 但他们意图牺牲风雪言,这一点,宁凡不会允许。 Sacrificed one person, received in exchange for the Clan benefit, perhaps this sacrifice was worth. 牺牲一人,换取一族利益,这牺牲也许是值得的。 But if the person of this sacrifice, were you, was your family member, will you agree? 但若这牺牲的人,是你,是你的亲人,你会同意么? Ning Fan will not at least agree. 至少宁凡不会同意。 He stands up suddenly, nods to Yao Lian, coldly said, said goodbye.” 他豁然站起身,对妖莲点点头,冷冷道,“告辞。” He only asked two issues, obtain all information. 他只问了两个问题,却得到一切情报。 But even if Eight Ancestors knew him to ask the Yao Lian two questions, does not know surely he knew all things. 八祖纵然知晓他问了妖莲两个问题,也必定不知他知道了所有东西。 zhī ya! 吱呀! The door shoves open is closed, Ning Fan does not have the trace. 房门推开又关闭,宁凡已然了无踪影。 His departure, lets a Yao Lian tight body loosen. Ning Fan Qi Aura, is really fearful, lets see Yao Lian of innumerable world somewhat unable to withstand. 他的离去,让妖莲紧绷的身体一松。宁凡气场,真是可怕,让见过无数世面的妖莲都有些承受不住。 Really is a fearful man, this man, is not... I who I can obtain, if moistens, will definitely die... hehe, but I have to acknowledge, this man, is I have seen for a lifetime the most outstanding person, really makes one move...” “真是个可怕的男人,这种男人,可不是我能得到的…我要是去沾,肯定会死…咯咯,不过我不得不承认,这个男人,是我一辈子见过的最优秀之人,真是让人动心呢…” Maintains one's composure...” “坐怀不乱么…” Yao Lian self-ridicules suddenly smiles, if she not absurd, if she is a virgin, does not know that can have opportunity to obtain Ning Fan? 妖莲忽然自嘲一笑,如果她不曾荒唐过,如果她是一个处子,不知道会不会有机会得到宁凡 Such a thinks, Yao Lian felt suddenly, oneself this for a lifetime, really lives cannot withstand... 这么一想,妖莲忽然觉得,自己这一辈子,真是活得不堪… Must change the behavior... 是不是要改改生活作风了… ( 3 / 3 made up yesterday)( to be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to m. reading.) (3/3补昨日)(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到m.阅读。) ps: This chapter was yesterday's owing, then 19 th three, stayed up late, everyone does not need to wait, to get out of bed to look tomorrow. ps:这章是昨日的欠更,然后更19号的三更,熬夜更,大家不必等更,明天起床看。
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