GE :: Volume #5

#453: Who the shadow is

Ning Fan loosens Feng Xueyan, without/has not profanes to play her meaning. 宁凡松开风雪言,没有亵玩她的意思。 She is Xu Qiuling Younger Sister, is Ning Fan Younger Sister, Ning Fan, although is sentimental, actually knows, if injures Feng Xueyan, must hurt the heart of Xu Qiuling. 她是许秋灵妹妹,便算是宁凡妹妹,宁凡虽多情,却知若伤风雪言,必伤许秋灵的心。 Giving of Xu Qiuling, contains, to Ning Fan, is a having nothing to say in reply warmth, he will not injure her sisters. 许秋灵的迁就、包容,对宁凡而言,是一种无言以对的温暖,他不会伤她的姐妹。 Feng Xueyan stands up, spreads out with Ning Fan quietly, reorganizes the clothing rapidly. 风雪言站起身,与宁凡悄悄拉开距离,迅速整理衣物。 Thinks after oneself just fainted, untied the clothing and taking in everything at a glance by Ning Fan, her only sleep/felt is then red in the face, is angry lightly thin angry. 一想到自己刚刚昏倒后,被宁凡解开衣物、一览无余,她便只觉面红耳赤,轻嗔薄怒。 When she notices, oneself within the body is flowing warm vast Magic Force, immediately, a delicate eyebrows loosen. 只是当她注意到,自己体内流动着一股温暖浩瀚的法力,立刻,秀眉一松。 Her Feng Xueyan is quiet, is cultivation base is low, but is actually not the fool. 风雪言是沉默寡言,是修为低下,但却不是傻子。 She naturally sees, Magic Force of oneself within the body, is alleviating pain, is moistening her body. 她自然看出,自己体内的法力,正缓解着身上的痛楚,滋润着她的身体。 She also understands certainly, by her Vein Opening 10th stratum cultivation base, will not have such vast Magic Force, even, even father, still without/has not so vast Magic Force... 她当然也明白,以她辟脉十层修为,万万不会有此等浩瀚的法力,甚至,就算是爹爹,也没有如此浩瀚的法力 This Magic Force, deciding is the Ning Fan input to her within the body. 法力,定是宁凡输入至她体内的。 Ning Fan was not frivolous a moment ago she, but is saving her. 宁凡刚才不是在轻薄她,而是在救她。 Sorry, the brother-in-law, I misunderstood you... you to save me, I should thank your, should not blame you...” Feng Xueyan spoke haltingly the lip, apologized to Ning Fan. “对不起,姐夫,我误会你了…你是在救我,我应谢你的,不应该怪你…”风雪言嚅动嘴唇,向宁凡道歉。 Why does not know, she as if somewhat worried that Ning Fan is mad at her. Brother-in-law who this just met, is not only take action saves her good person, is 1st looks for her person, is 1st can with the person who she talked directly. 不知为何,她似乎有些担心宁凡生她的气。这个刚刚见面的姐夫,不但是出手救她的好人,是第一个寻找到她的人,更是第一个能与她直接谈话的人。 Silly thing... was right, Black Fire Seal that you conduct the back, what's the matter?” Ning Fan inquired. “傻丫头...对了,你背上的黑火封印,是怎么回事?”宁凡询问道。 What Seal? I do not understand...” Feng Xueyan shakes the head. “什么封印?我不懂…”风雪言摇摇头。 Yes, when I had not said that this matter... asked again your issue, that animal skin Scroll, from where however comes?” “是么,当我没说此事…再问你一个问题,那兽皮卷轴,从何而来?” Is Grandfather gives...” “是阿公给的…” Grandfather? Is who!” Ning Fan felt like, this so-called Grandfather, raises the matter of Demon Blood with Feng Xueyan within the body, has the connection greatly. 阿公?是谁!”宁凡隐隐觉得,这所谓的阿公,与风雪言体内饲养魔血之事,大有关联。 Grandfather is.... I forgot...” Feng Xueyan forgot unexpectedly who Grandfather is, was cancelled memory by False Samsara! 阿公是…咦。我忘记了…”风雪言竟忘记了阿公是谁,是被伪轮回抹去记忆了吗! Ning Fan gaze sinks, this Giant Demon Clan, imagines compared with him the strangeness. 宁凡目光一沉,这巨魔族,远比他想象中的诡异。 Feng Xueyan raises Demon Blood, animal skin Scroll. 8 Layers Seal. power of False Samsara, Grandfather, Void Pierce Expert of hidden... 风雪言饲养魔血,兽皮卷轴八重封印伪轮回之力,阿公,隐藏的冲虚高手 Giant Demon Clan. The water somewhat seems to be deep! 巨魔族。水似乎有些深啊! Feng Xueyan is weak, cultivation base is low, is because within the body raises Demon Blood. Perhaps this matter ordinary Giant Demon Clan person does not know, but Venerable Ju as the Feng Xueyan father, should know is right, why doesn't make processing? 风雪言体弱多病、修为低下,皆是因为体内饲有魔血。这件事普通巨魔族人或许不知,但巨尊身为风雪言的父亲,应该知晓才对,为何不做处理? Grandfather of Feng Xueyan name, is so kind, naturally is Giant Demon Clan clansman. Cruelly harms the Feng Xueyan person, is other people, is the person of Giant Demon Clan interior! 风雪言称呼的阿公,如此亲切,自然是巨魔族族人。残害风雪言的人,是外人,还是巨魔族内部之人! ... Radically is Giant Demon Clan hidden Expert. Also cannot know! 或者…根本就是巨魔族的隐藏高手。也未可知! A Ning Fan brow wrinkle, the Giant Demon Clan water is so deep, should he take action help one group of Feng Xueyan? 宁凡眉头一皱,巨魔族的水这么深,他该不该出手帮一帮风雪言 He does not know that who the enemy in hidden place is, knows only, is, once helps Feng Xueyan, will surely spoil the plans of these people. Offends them. 他不知暗处的敌人是谁,唯一知晓的,就是自己一旦帮助风雪言,必定会破坏那些人的计划。将他们得罪。 His enemy is who does not know, offends these enemies rashly, really extremely non- wisdom. 他连敌人是谁都不知,贸然得罪这些敌人,实在太过不智。 By the Ning Fan individuality, the benefit for first, will not make this choice. It seems to Six Wings Clan, he throughout a cold blood attitude. 宁凡的个性,利益为先,不会做出这种选择。就好似对六翼族,他始终一副冷血态度。 But Feng Xueyan is different, she is the Xu Qiuling sisters, if she dies, Xu Qiuling sad... 风雪言不同,她是许秋灵的姐妹,若她死,许秋灵会难过… Read and Xu Qiuling, Ning Fan gaze gradually was firm. 念及许秋灵,宁凡目光渐渐坚定。 My Ning Fan life conduct, sticks to one's own way of doing things, did not seek the good and evil, only strove for having a clear conscience, asks regretless..., if abandoned this female not to attend, making Qiuling sad... I probably regret!” “我宁凡一生行事,我行我素,不求善恶,只求问心无愧,问道无悔…若弃此女不顾,令秋灵难过…我必后悔!” This female must rescue, but must distinguish clearly the step. First, who I must clarify the enemy am, so knows oneself and other side, can be forearmed. Next, care of Ju Qing to the daughter, does not fake, Giant Demon Clan leans the strength of Clan, seeks the Spirit Herb female to treat the wound for this reason, does not fake. Although the will of the people are dangerous, sometimes guards difficultly, but this Pill Ceremony Great Competition, I should participant, even not be Void Inquire Pill, still wants to fight over a quota, for this reason female concocting pills treats an illness. And has a look at that Medicine Pill, can cure this female, if cannot...” “此女要救,但也需分清步骤。首先,我得弄清敌人是谁,如此知己知彼,方能有备无患。其次,巨擎对女儿的关心,不似作伪,巨魔族一族之力,寻求灵药为此女治伤,也不似作伪。虽说人心险恶,有时难防,但这次丹典大比,我应该参比,就算不为问虚丹,也要争一个名额,为此女炼丹治病。且看看那枚丹药,能否治好此女,若不能…” Ning Fan gaze appears cold Dianban the sharp glow. 宁凡目光浮现出冷电般的锐芒。 If cannot, then have to seek the means again, rescues this female. As for behind the scenes treacherous plan, must investigate thoroughly!” “若不能,便只好再寻办法,解救此女。至于幕后毒计者,必须查清!” Ning Fan individuality, once made the decision, will then not renege on a promise. 宁凡的个性,一旦做了决定,便不会反悔。 He is looking at Feng Xueyan, the gaze serious say/way, little girl, I ask today your words, as well as sees your animal skin Scroll and stark naked matter, do not tell anybody.” 他望着风雪言,目光严肃道,“小丫头,今日我问你的话,以及看到你兽皮卷轴、赤身裸体之事,不要告诉任何人。” Compliant.” “遵命。” Feng Xueyan smiles very delightfully, she discovered, this moment Ning Fan, gaze serious, vicious and fearful, is not gentle. 风雪言笑得十分甜美,她发现,这一刻的宁凡,目光严肃、凶狠、可怕,一点也不温柔。 But compared with former gentle gaze, were many a clear care. Is caring about her truly, is from the heart, does not fake. 但比起之前温柔的目光,却多了一丝真切的关心。真正的关心着她,发自内心,毫不作伪。 Why she does not understand cannot say the matter of today to other people, but nods, in heart. 她不懂为何不能对外人说出今日之事,但还是点点头,记在心中。 In any case she is the young mute, but can also say to whom? The brother-in-law is really silly, is this overanxious out of concern? 反正她是小哑巴,还能对谁说?姐夫真傻,这是关心则乱么? Clever, we return to Province, eats delicious.” “乖,我们回都郡,去吃好吃的。” Brother-in-law, you really good...” She sees Ning Fan to care about her, the standing on tiptoes foot, kissed one in his profile gently, gaze is pure, without/has not desire. “姐夫,你真好…”她看出宁凡关心她,轻轻踮脚,在他侧脸亲了一口,目光纯真,没有欲念。 Ning Fan touched the profile, laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, in his eyes, Feng Xueyan like the snowman that snow and ice build, but also is clean like the paper. 宁凡摸了摸侧脸,失笑摇头,在他的眼中,风雪言就像一个冰雪堆砌的雪人,还干净得如纸。 Her kiss, but the child expressed the happy way. 她的亲吻,只是孩童表达欢喜的方式。 In the heart of Ning Fan, appears many ponders. 宁凡的心中,浮现出更多的思考。 Today returns to Province, first conceals the experience, then searches the Ju Qing rumor. 今日返回都郡,先将所见所闻隐瞒,再探探巨擎的口风。 He does not believe Ju Qing this sincere man meets tiger poisonous food, but the will of the people are difficult to predict, cannot do without guarding. 他是不相信巨擎这实诚汉子会虎毒食子,但人心难测,不可不防。 As for treating and curing the Feng Xueyan way, but also needs the one step consideration. 至于救治风雪言的途径,还需进一步考虑。 If Medicine Pill effectively also on forget it/that's all, if invalid, then also needs Ning Fan independently to try to find the solution. 丹药有效也就罢了,若无效,则还需宁凡自行想办法。 Ning Fan cultivates power of Samsara, originally can decode eight Seal that Feng Xueyan conducts the back. 宁凡修有轮回之力,本来可以破解风雪言背上的八道封印 But what is strange, Feng Xueyan within the body not only has Demon Blood, not only there is Seal, but also has vaguely together power of False Samsara. 但诡异的是,风雪言体内不但有魔血,不但有封印,还藏有一道隐晦的‘伪轮回之力’。 That power of False Samsara, might cannot compare Ning Fan really power of Samsara, actually may offset really the ablation of power of Samsara, preventing Ning Fan broken to go to Seal. 伪轮回之力,威力比不上宁凡轮回之力,却可抵消真轮回之力的消融,防止宁凡破去封印 To make decent 8 Layers Seal depending on Smokewind Technique, some difficulties. 想凭风烟之术风化掉八重封印,有些难度。 Especially makes Ning Fan feel thorny, can break Seal even, he does not dare to help Feng Xueyan take out the blood of Mo Luo arbitrarily. 尤其让宁凡感到棘手的,是即便能破去封印,他也不敢擅自帮风雪言取出魔罗之血。 This Demon Blood should in Feng Xueyan is very small then plants, is connected with the Feng Xueyan life, once takes out, the Feng Xueyan life is critically-ill, the fragrant disappearing jade perishes surely. 魔血应是在风雪言很小之时便种下,早已与风雪言性命相连,一旦取出,风雪言性命垂危,必定香消玉殒。 If Feng Xueyan can voluntarily refining this drop of Demon Blood, the side be the best plan. 风雪言能自行炼化这滴魔血,方是上上之策。 But non- average man refining of blood of Mo Luo. Current Ning Fan, without/has not means thorough refining, let alone is Vein Opening 10th stratum Feng Xueyan... 魔罗之血的非常人可炼化。就连目前的宁凡,都还没有办法彻底炼化,何况是辟脉十层风雪言 If she forcefully the blood of refining Mo Luo, even refining, will not only be able to withstand the Demon Blood strength because of the body. Explodes the body to perish. 她若强行炼化魔罗之血,即便只炼化一丝,都会因身体承受不了魔血力量。爆体而亡。 Perhaps. Ning Fan should first collect four Demon Image Slate, in demon anthology on four Stone Slate, sufficiently collects Ancestral Mark Blood Refinement Technique Demon Scripture. Repairs Life Source Ancestor Talisman, just now has the means to cope with the blood of Mo Luo. 或许。宁凡应该先搜集四块魔像石板,将四块石板上的魔文集中,凑足‘祖符血炼之术’的魔经。修出本命祖符,方才有办法对付魔罗之血。 How to treat and cure Feng Xueyan specifically, has to put temporarily... 具体如何救治风雪言,只得暂时放一放了… Walks.” “走吧。” He flicks the sleeve creates an incident, is to bring Feng Xueyan to depart, gaze shakes suddenly, shoots a look is spatial to the southeastern snow. 他拂袖生风,意欲带风雪言离去,骤然间目光一震,瞥向东南方的雪空。 Who is!” “是谁!” Drinks the moment of exit|to speak in Ning Fan coldly, simultaneously directs, sword light such as the electricity punctures together toward the clouds, indeed Separation Slayer Sword. 宁凡冷喝出口的一刻,同时一指点出,一道剑光朝云端如电刺去,正是斩离剑 Above clouds. A shadow comes suddenly, the appearance was blocked by the demon fog, does not look clearly, only then the muddy eyes can see clearly. 云端之上。一道黑影忽然现身,容貌被魔雾挡住,看不真切,只有浑浊的双眼能够看清。 In this moment that shadow eyes, has a surprise. He just caught up with here, is going into hiding. Obviously has not expected Ning Fan to see through his concealment. 此刻那黑影双眼之中,带着一丝诧异。他才刚刚赶来此处,尚在隐匿。显然没料到宁凡能识破他的隐匿。 Although the surprise, actually is also only nothing more, shadow looks at that Separation Slayer Sword light, the color of disdaining, the five fingers grasp. Whole body golden light greatly presently. 虽说诧异,却也只是一丝而已,黑影看着斩离剑光,略带不屑之色,五指一抓。周身金光大现。 From that golden light intensity, this person unexpectedly is Golden Body Second Realm Body Cultivation! 从那金光强度来看,此人竟是一名金身第二境体修 The aura of this person is extremely strange, to a Ning Fan misconception, not living person. 只是此人的气息极其古怪,给宁凡一种错觉,不似活人。 Bang! 轰! Separation Slayer Sword was shaken by it conveniently, immediately rewinds to return, was met to reach behind the back by Ning Fan, still in zheng zheng tremor. 斩离剑被其随手一震,立刻倒卷而回,被宁凡接回手中,犹在铮铮颤动。 But that shadow bare-handed meets the sword, was lacerated the finger by Sword Peak, feels accident/surprise greatly, cannot expect trivial Low Grade Void Treasure absolutely, can puncture his finger unexpectedly, because even he is extremely negligent. 而那黑影徒手接剑,亦被剑峰割破手指,大感意外,万万料不到一个区区下品虚宝,竟能刺破他的手指,即便是因为他太过大意。 2-stars Divine Weapon...! The method is actually not weak, no wonder can killing Shi Kun, but is too tender. When the boys, you and Old Man are young looks like very much, but something, are actually not you can meddle.” 二星神兵么…哼!手段倒是不弱,难怪能击杀石坤,但还是太嫩。小子,你和老夫年轻之时很像,但有些事,却不是你能插手的。” Whiz! 嗖! The shadow ejects suddenly together black light, shoots at the Ning Fan chest, at once departs. Only when departure, looked at Feng Xueyan one quietly, sees the latter and is not affected much, in the heart is slightly peaceful, gaze is ashamed and bitter and astringent. 黑影忽而抛出一道黑光,射向宁凡胸口,旋即离去。只在离去之时,悄悄看了风雪言一眼,见后者并无大碍,心中略安,目光惭愧而苦涩。 Felt the Yan'er Seal outbreak a moment ago obviously, therefore rescues, has not actually thought, this boy first one step saved her...” “刚才明明感到言儿封印发作,故来援救,却未想到,这个小子先一步救了她…” The shadow changes to the escaping photodissociation to go together, the Magic Force imposing manner in the escaping light revealing, impressively is... Void Pierce! 黑影化作一道遁光离去,遁光之中流露的法力气势,赫然已是…冲虚 Void Pierce Magic Force Realm, Golden Body 2 Layers body refining Realm, this shadow, is very strong, absolutely not present Ning Fan can defeat! 冲虚法力境界,金身二重炼体境界,这黑影,很强,绝非如今的宁凡可以战胜! Ning Fan without/has not pursues the shadow, but toward welcoming the chest shoots black light directs. 宁凡没有去追黑影,只是朝着迎胸射来的黑光一指点出。 That black light is not Hidden Weapon, but is black jade slip. 那黑光并非暗器,而是一个黑色玉简 Ning Fan received jade slip, Divine Sense sweeps the content, at once gaze is dignified, silent. 宁凡接过玉简,神念一扫内容,旋即目光凝重,沉默不语。 In jade slip, only then a few words. 玉简之中,只有一句话。 „The en of Clan Protecting, will feel the great kindness forever, the matter of Xueyan, should never meddle. The anger of Eight Ancestors, non- may keep off.” 护族之恩,永感盛情,雪言之事,切勿插手。八祖之怒,非尔可挡。” The aggressive aura in this saying, to a Ning Fan filament shallow familiarity, where he should see this aura. 这话中的凶悍气息,给宁凡一丝极浅的熟悉感,他应该在哪里见过这气息的。 Ning Fan clears off the train of thought that his gradually remembers, has seen this Dao Qi breath where. 宁凡理清思绪,他渐渐想起,是在何处见过这道气息。 Joyous Demon Immortal Island, beside Broken World Secret Realm... kills the tablet! Kills tablet first person, Ju Yan, is Previous Generation Venerable Ju, is the father of Ju Qing, is the Feng Xueyan grandfather!” 欢魔仙岛,碎界秘境之外的…杀碑!杀碑第一人,名巨言,是前代巨尊,是巨擎之父,是风雪言的祖父!” Hearsay Ju Yan already died goes, why will present... him in this time this place unexpectedly as if to my without/has not hostility, otherwise by his strength, I am not the opponent, only if using Sun and Moon Stele to strike...” “传闻巨言早已死去,为何竟会在此时此地出现…他似乎对我没有敌意,否则以他的实力,我不是对手,除非动用日月碑一击…” Ju Yan obviously knows Feng Xueyan Seal reason, is Feng Xueyan that he plots to murder?” 巨言明显知道风雪言封印原因,是他谋害的风雪言么?” This person thanked me to protect the Giant Demon Clan benevolence, naturally explained that he was the person of heavy sentiment. This person made me do not meddle the matter of Xueyan, may regard as the gentle reminder, may be regarded as the warning. This person claimed, Eight Ancestors the anger, I cannot keep off, who is Eight Ancestors? can it be this Eight Ancestors, is this matter's chief instigator...” “此人谢我守护巨魔族的恩情,自然说明他是重情之人。此人令我不要插手雪言之事,可看作善意提醒,也可看作是警告。此人声称,‘八祖’之怒,非我可挡,八祖是谁?难道八祖,才是此事的主谋…” Ju Yan mentioned Eight Ancestors, the tone was respectful, obviously this Eight Ancestors mostly was the Giant Demon Clan Ancestor character. Whoever is Master stratagem, plots to murder Feng Xueyan, mostly was the person on one's own side... their goals is anything...” 巨言提到八祖,语气恭敬,可见这八祖多半是巨魔族先祖人物。不论谁是主谋,谋害风雪言的,多半是自己人了…他们的目的是什么…” Do not think through! 想不通! But even if cannot think through, Ning Fan has not planned to abandon Feng Xueyan, no matter, the investigation can only step by step come, first delivers Feng Xueyan to return. 但纵然想不通,宁凡也没打算弃风雪言不管,调查只能一步步来,先送风雪言返回。 Although does not know the Giant Demon Clan goal, but before Demon Blood condense, Feng Xueyan will decide however will not have any danger. Seemed just Ju Yan, then rescued Feng Xueyan from afar. 虽不知巨魔族目的,但在魔血凝成之前,风雪言定然不会有任何危险。就好似刚刚的巨言,便是千里迢迢来救援风雪言的。 Grandfather... he is Grandfather..., is good to hurt...” Feng Xueyan is holding the head suddenly, restored some once cancelled memory, is somewhat uncomfortable. 阿公…他是阿公…啊,头好疼…”风雪言忽然抱着头,恢复了些许曾被抹去的记忆,有些难受。 Did not fear, the brother-in-law brings home you!” “不怕,姐夫带你回家!” Ning Fan grips the Feng Xueyan white arms. The dark darkness enters Magic Force, vision gradually is cold. 宁凡握住风雪言皓腕。暗暗度入法力,眼光渐渐寒冷。 Although he does not know that Giant Demon Clan has what goal, will injure Feng Xueyan. But in any event, this moment Ning Fan, looks down upon Giant Demon Clan. 他虽不知巨魔族有什么目的,才会伤害风雪言。但无论如何,这一刻的宁凡,瞧不起巨魔族 It seems Six Wings Clan. For the Clan safety. Discards Fen Chi (Burning Wings). 就好似六翼族。为了一族安危。舍弃焚翅 It seems Giant Demon Clan, does not know that for what goal, discards Feng Xueyan. 就好似巨魔族,不知为了什么目的,舍弃风雪言 Injuring of personal enemy and enemy. Ning Fan can endure. 仇人、敌人的加害。宁凡可以忍受。 But injuring of members of the same family, most made Ning Fan angry. 但亲族的加害,却最令宁凡愤怒。 He, was also once injured by rather Young Master Tian, even he and Ning Tian without/has not big friendship, but, was always betrayed by the members of the same family, is in the Ning Fan heart a thorn. 他,亦曾经被宁天公子所加害,即便他与宁天没有多大交情,但一直以来,被亲族背叛,都是宁凡心中一根刺。 Therefore, he to similarly by Six Wings Clan, when Fen Chi (Burning Wings) of chess piece rejection, had some cares and tolerances. 所以,他对同样被六翼族棋子舍弃的焚翅,有了些许关心和宽容。 Therefore. He to Feng Xueyan also some tender. 所以。他对风雪言亦有些许怜惜。 Therefore, he understood that Old Demon by fearful that the adopted son betrays. 所以,他理解老魔被义子背叛的心寒。 Whiz! 嗖! Ning Fan embraces Feng Xueyan, changes to together mist threads, flies back to the Sad Demon palace. 宁凡揽住风雪言,化作一道烟丝,一路飞回悲魔殿。 He lays aside all expressions quietly, resembles all not to happen. 他悄悄藏起所有表情,似一切都未发生。 all people sees Ning Fan really to seek Eldest Young Lady unexpectedly, and speed is so fast. All is the big feeling shocks. 诸人一见宁凡竟真能寻到大小姐,且速度如此快速。皆是大感震撼。 Xu Qiuling sees Ning Fan to seek Feng Xueyan seriously, gaze has the gratitude, has not said word of gratitude. 许秋灵宁凡当真寻到风雪言,目光带着感激,却未曾说一个谢字 She and he, cannot say that thanked... 她与他,不需说谢的… At once, she then catches in the Ning Fan eye keenly anger. 只是旋即,她便敏锐地捕捉到宁凡眼中一丝怒意。 That anger hides very much deeply. nobody is perceptible, but Xu Qiuling could see, because she understands Ning Fan. 那怒意藏得很深。无人可察觉,但许秋灵偏偏看得出,因为她了解宁凡 Is has an accident?” Xu Qiuling asked gently. “是出了什么事么?”许秋灵温柔问道。 relax.” 放心。” Ning Fan comforts one, gaze actually slightly may not investigates sweep cross Giant Demon Clan Elder. 宁凡安慰一句,目光却微不可查扫过巨魔族诸位长老 The Giant Demon Clan high level in Sad Demon palace, has Patriarch Ju Qing, Great Elder Fu Bai, as well as other more than ten Elder. 悲魔殿中的巨魔族高层,有族长巨擎,大长老浮白,以及其他十余名长老 In that more than ten Elder, only one, is a woman, is Second Elder Yao Lian. 那十余名长老中,唯有一名,是女人,是二长老妖莲 Giant Demon Clan Second Elder Yao Lian, hearsay loose and fickle, once with many Demon Cultivator sexual intercourse, cultivated/repaired Demon Technique Bewitching Art. The appearance in Cultivation World only calculates medium rank on, but the bed last time is really good. 巨魔族二长老妖莲,传闻此水性杨花,曾与不少魔修春风一度,修有魔功魅术。容貌在修界只算中等偏上,但床上功夫着实不俗。 Naturally, this female, although the natural disposition is dissolute, but is loyal and devoted to Giant Demon Clan, in major issue of principle is never ambiguous. Although the moral behavior has the issue, is actually not the despicable villain. 当然,此女虽然生性放浪,但对巨魔族忠心耿耿,大是大非上从不含糊。人品虽有问题,却也不是卑鄙小人。 Besides a show point, is genial to clansman. 除了骚一点,对族人都还算和善。 The humane itself/Ben is complex, without means. 人性本就是复杂的,没办法。 Ning Fan gaze turned cold, he cultivates Speech Stealing Art, to inquire some Giant Demon Clan secrets, naturally must seek high-level female cultivator, this Yao Lian, is a good candidate. 宁凡目光一凛,他修有窃言术,若想打探些巨魔族隐秘,自然要寻高层女修了,这妖莲,是个不错人选。 hehe... Fellow Daoist Zhou seems interested... tonight this one to have free time in this one very much exactly, does not know that Fellow Daoist can come to the this one inner chamber slightly to think?” 咯咯周道友似乎对妾身很感兴趣呢…今夜妾身恰好有空,不知道友要不要来妾身闺阁小酌一番?” Yao Lian is looking at the Ning Fan handsome appearance, licked the tongue, seems a viperous beauty. 妖莲望着宁凡俊朗的容貌,舔了舔舌头,好似一条美女蛇。 Ning Fan is the type that she likes, she looks like very much tastes by the taste of Ning Fan impact... 宁凡正好是她喜欢的类型,她很像尝尝被宁凡冲击的滋味… Yao Lian, you entice the man, do not entice the old lady harem! This Small Cucumber, is my person!” Yue Lingkong domineering aura cold eyes sweeps, immediately, the Yao Lian soul trembles, does not dare to attract Ning Fan again. 妖莲,你勾引男人,可别勾引到老娘后宫了!这个小黄瓜,可是我的人!”月凌空霸气冷目一扫,立刻,妖莲心魂一颤,不敢再魅惑宁凡 But Yue Lingkong the female tyrant, formerly was the head of Inner Seas Seven Venerables, has pressed Dong Xu and a Ju Qing head. 月凌空可是女暴君啊,从前就是内海七尊之首,压过洞虚巨擎一头。 Now breaks through Void Glimpse, is Void Glimpse without rival, Inner Seas Seven Venerables, who dares to annoy her? 如今又突破了窥虚,还是窥虚无敌,内海七尊,谁敢惹她? By the Yue Lingkong individuality, if not because of Ning Fan and some Giant Demon Clan friendship, he will be impolite to Ju Qing and Dong Xu. 月凌空的个性,如果不是因为宁凡巨魔族有些交情,他才不会对巨擎洞虚客气。 As for Yao Lian, a leading a promiscuous life woman, Yue Lingkong does not allow Ning Fan to rest with her. 至于妖莲么,一个人尽可夫的女人,月凌空是不允许宁凡跟她睡的。 Even if Small Cucumber must receive, cannot receive this worthless people!” Yue Lingkong is pondering valiantly, did not acknowledge oneself are jealous. “就算小黄瓜要收,也不能收这种歪瓜裂枣!”月凌空彪悍地思考着,不承认自己吃醋。 Ning Fan smiles toward Yue Lingkong ambiguous, he felt, the appearance that Yue Lingkong is jealous is very lovable. 宁凡暧昧地朝月凌空一笑,他觉得,月凌空吃醋的样子很可爱。 Ju Qing hollow laugh two, eliminated the awkward atmosphere in Sad Demon palace, suddenly asked to Ning Fan, 巨擎干笑两声,打消了悲魔殿中的尴尬气氛,忽然向宁凡问道, I listened to Little Shan (small mountain) saying that Fellow Daoist Zhou seemed like Grade not low Alchemist, does not know that this time may be interested, participated in this Pill Ceremony Great Competition?” “我听小山子说过,周道友似乎是一名品阶不低的丹师,不知此次可有兴趣,参加这丹典大比?” Hehe, so grand meeting, this Zhou , if not participate, how could it not be pitifully. If participates in Pill Ceremony, obtains Great Competition first three, then has the qualifications to receive the Ju Qing Patriarch duty, is Xueyan Young Lady refining saves a life Medicine Pill. If can succeed refining to have Medicine Pill that Patriarch needs, not only can obtain the Void Inquire Pill reward, can save a Xueyan Young Lady life, the reality is the huge celebration, Patriarch thinks that this Zhou did say may be right?” Ning Fan has the profound meaning to ask greatly. 呵呵,如此盛会,周某若不参加,岂不可惜。况且,若参加丹典,获得大比前三,便有资格接受巨擎族长的任务,为雪言小姐炼制救命丹药。若能成功炼制族长所需的丹药,不但可以获得问虚丹的报酬,更可以拯救雪言小姐一命,实乃天大的喜事,族长以为周某说得可对?”宁凡大有深意地问道。 Fellow Daoist said is extremely, if can cure Yan'er, was really the day of overjoyed matter...” Ju Qing reveals the hope gaze, he is from the heart to cure Feng Xueyan. 道友所言极是,若能治好言儿,实在是天大喜事啊…”巨擎露出希冀的目光,他是发自内心想要治好风雪言 Ning Fan silent little, can it be Ju Qing does by no means know the matter of Feng Xueyan being killed? He care to Feng Xueyan and protecting, is not the camouflage. 宁凡沉默少许,难道巨擎并不风雪言被害之事?他对风雪言的关心、呵护,不是伪装啊。 This lets Ning Fan heart relaxes, if even the Feng Xueyan fathers betray her, then to Feng Xueyan, is a what kind of cruel matter. 这让宁凡心头一松,如果连风雪言的父亲都背叛她,那对风雪言来说,是何等残忍的一件事。 Looks for opportunity, stole some information to be good to Yao Lian there. 如此说来,找个机会,到妖莲那里窃取一些情报好了。 Speech Stealing Art, is easy-to-use. 窃言术,就是好用啊。 Hehe, since Fellow Daoist Zhou has a mind to participate in Pill Ceremony, Old Body is Fellow Daoist introduces a Pill Ceremony entire flow well, how?” Dong Xu strokes the beard, nods with a smile. 呵呵,既然周道友有心参加丹典,老朽便为道友好好介绍一番丹典的整个流程,如何?”洞虚捋捋胡须,颔首微笑。 Also good, having work Dong Xu Fellow Daoist is this Zhou illustrates.” “也好,有劳洞虚道友周某解说一番。” The truth said, Ning Fan is quite interested to Pill Ceremony, if not except for Feng Xueyan this matter, he is glad to compare notes Pill Technique with innumerable concocting pills Grandmaster very much. 实话说,宁凡丹典还是颇有兴趣的,若非除了风雪言这档子事,他可是很乐意与无数炼丹宗师切磋一番丹术的。 pill concocting technique, complements one another with Yin-Yang Transformation, is the promoting cultivation base important way, cannot fall. 炼丹术,与阴阳变相辅相成,是提升修为的重要途径,决不可落下。 ( 2 / 3 ) ……
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