GE :: Volume #5

#452: The brother-in-law, does not want

Whiz! 嗖! little snowman teleportation, vanishes in Ning Fan at present. 小雪人一个挪移,生生消失于宁凡眼前。 Ning Fan not anxiously pursuing, the move of palm in the wind and snow, Concept of Memories strength dispersing, the aura and trail that a faint trace dissipates, gradually is clear. 宁凡也不急着追,手掌在风雪中一招,回忆意境力量散开,一丝丝消散的气息、足迹,渐渐清晰分明。 Recognizes a direction, Ning Fan one step like the smoke, comes summit of the snow white Snow Mountain. 认准一个方向,宁凡一步如烟,飘然而至一座皑皑雪山之巅。 Snow Mountain high seven 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) have, above its Peak, is really setting up little snowman. 雪山高七千丈有余,其巅峰之上,果然立着一个小雪人 little snowman gasp for breath breathes out, the white clouds, seemed to be using the technique of teleportation to be enormous to her body load a moment ago. 小雪人气喘嘘嘘,哈着白气,似乎刚才施展挪移之术对她身体负荷极大。 Sees Ning Fan to pursue again, little snowman runs away hurriedly, teleportation departs. 宁凡再次追来,小雪人匆忙逃窜,又挪移离去。 this time escapes extremely hurriedly, she has not noticed Scroll to drop out from her, falls in the snowy area. 这一次逃得太过匆忙,她都没注意到一个卷轴从她身上掉出,落在雪地上。 Ning Fan brings back the smile of pondering, this little girl runs but actually very quickly, average person do not say could not find her, even found, the rare person may catch up with her. 宁凡勾起玩味的笑容,这小丫头倒跑得挺快,一般人莫说找不到她,就算找到了,罕有人可追上她。 without/has not pursues immediately, but picks up Scroll careless, laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head. 没有立刻去追,而是漫不经心拾起卷轴,失笑摇头。 Thing fell did not know...” “东西掉了也不知道…” The words language, Ning Fan gaze suddenly one cold, he from this Scroll, detected that extremely light Demonic Qi, made his Demon Blood tremble. 话语言罢,宁凡目光忽而一凛,他从这卷轴之中,察觉到一丝极淡魔气,却令他魔血为之一颤。 Also not anxiously chase snowman, but opens Scroll, light glance. 也不急着追逐雪人,而是撑开卷轴,淡淡一瞥。 This Scroll becomes by the leather of some type of Monster Beast, is quite ancient. 卷轴是以某种妖兽之皮制成,极为古老。 In Scroll, recorded 1st Stage incomplete Demon Scripture unexpectedly. Demon Scripture is Gu Tuo Writing, the handwriting has the character delicately, written should be a female. Comes from the handwriting age, written is Ancient Cultivator. 卷轴中,竟记载了一段残缺魔经魔经骨陀文,字迹清秀却有风骨,书写者应是一个女子。从字迹年代来开,书写者是一名古修士 Why does not know, Ning Fan always thought that this Scroll handwriting somewhat looks familiar, thinks carefully, outside on stele with the evening snow pavilion unexpectedly sees is the same. 不知为何,宁凡总觉得这卷轴字迹有些眼熟,细细一想,竟是和暮雪阁外石碑上见到的一样。 Records this Demon Scripture, is Giant Demon First Ancestor...” “记录这段魔经的,是巨魔始祖么…” Ning Fan looks at Demon Scripture carefully, this Demon Scripture is obscurely difficult to be bright, the content that but records, makes him feel that somewhat looks familiar. 宁凡细细去看魔经,这魔经晦涩难明,但记载的内容,却让他觉得有些眼熟。 His thoughts One Revolution, immediately clear, why this familiarity will appear. 他心思一转,立刻明白,这种熟悉感为何会出现。 These scrip­tures contents, there is a part, unexpectedly on demon article content with Six Wings Clan Stone Slate consistent... 这些经文内容,有一部分,竟然和六翼族石板上的魔文内容一致… These Demon Scripture, from where however comes... , said Giant Demon Clan, without/has not was why same as three clans, presents the Demon Blood dyeing the blue sky phenomenon... between the two, can have the relation?” “这些魔经,从何而来…当曰巨魔族,为何没有和三族一样,出现魔血染青天的异象…二者之间,可有联系?” If there is a relation, Demon Scripture is important, how also to place on little girl... these, has what secret...” “若有联系,魔经事关重大,又怎会放在一个小丫头身上…这其中,有何隐秘…” Ning Fan engraves Demon Scripture to another jade slip , the Scroll income sleeve, one step takes, pursues toward little snowman. 宁凡魔经刻印至另一份玉简中,将卷轴收入袖中,一步迈出,朝小雪人追去。 In the heart pondered over carefully, if Giant Demon Clan has Stone Slate Demon Scripture, keeps secret to outside world, whether he wants take action to rob... 心中细细思忖,巨魔族若藏有石板魔经,对外界秘而不宣,他是否要出手抢夺呢… forget it/that's all, Giant Demon Clan has not lost him, if he lost/carrying Giant Demon Clan, is contrary to Dao Heart, this matter first puts for the time being, retrieving little snowman is important. 罢了,巨魔族未负过他,他若负巨魔族,有违道心,此事姑且先放放,寻回小雪人要紧。 Whiz! 嗖! Ning Fan pursues again, this time, stays in Snow Valley ten thousand li (0.5 km) away. 宁凡再次追去,这一次,停留在万里之外的一座雪谷之中。 In Snow Valley, occupies many snow apes, each and every single (person) has the Gold Core strength. 雪谷之中,盘踞着不少雪猿,一个个都有着金丹实力。 After little snowman intrudes Snow Valley, dozens snow apes surround her immediately layer on layer/heavily, the meaning attacks to her. 小雪人闯入雪谷之后,数十头雪猿立刻将她重重包围,意欲向她攻击。 little snowman somewhat seems to be flurried, without/has not has thought will be besieged by Monster Beast here. 小雪人似乎有些慌乱,没有想过会在这里被妖兽围攻。 Her gasp for breath breathes out, as if no strength to run away again, looks at Monster Beast that gradually is approaching, somewhat scared. 气喘嘘嘘,似乎再无力气逃遁,望着渐渐逼近的妖兽们,有些害怕 Knows that feared?” “知道怕了?” Ning Fan walks into Snow Valley at a moderate pace, the light words, have dreadful Evil Qi dispersing. 宁凡不紧不慢走入雪谷,淡淡的话语,带着滔天的煞气散开。 His even without/has not to these Low-Rank snow ape take action, all snow apes detected that the arrival of Ning Fan, the each and every single (person) beast pupil has the incomparably panic-stricken expression. 他甚至没有对这些低阶雪猿出手,所有的雪猿察觉到宁凡的到来,一个个兽瞳带着无比惊恐的表情。 The ape most learned person surname, these snow apes all felt Ning Fan is not affable, each and every single (person) wants with amazement, dies to run away. 猿最通人姓,这些雪猿皆感觉到宁凡的不好惹,一个个骇然欲死,没命逃窜。 Ning Fan does not chase down, is not benevolent, is only some worries, does not want to make this little snowman see the blood. 宁凡也不追杀,并非仁慈,只是有些顾虑,不想让这个小雪人见血。 If escapes again, encounters the danger, I then did not save you. I am lead you to go back...” “若再逃,遇到危险,我便不救你了。我是来带你回去的…” A direction on snowman forehead, a gentle radiance disperses gently, the layer after layer snow and ice melt, reveal to hide in young female(s) of snowman within the body. 轻轻一指点在雪人眉心上,一阵柔和的光华散开,一层层冰雪融化,露出藏在雪人体内的少女 She wears a pure white women's clothing, appearance 14-15 years young female(s), is looking at close Ning Fan, young female(s) said that did not fear is deceives people, Ning Fan Evil Qi is very fearful, can frighten off cruel Ferocious Beast, it can be imagined. 她穿着一身素白的衣裙,模样似一位十四五岁少女,望着近在咫尺的宁凡,少女说不怕是骗人的,宁凡煞气真的很可怕,能吓走残暴的凶兽,可想而知。 But she displays is very calm, keeps silent, static raised the head, stares at Ning Fan, pours somewhat the courage. 但她表现地很镇定,不言不语,静静抬头,凝望宁凡,倒有几分胆气。 Her long hair such as the snowflake is generally pure white, on the snow white hair, is leaving a big snow White Feather fabric. 她的长发如雪花一般洁白,雪白的头发上,别着一根大大的雪白羽绒。 On the small face somewhat is slightly pale, right foot also light. 小脸上略有些苍白,右边脚丫还光着。 Sees young female(s) not to hide does not run away, the Ning Fan nod smile, this female cultivator is not high, the courage and wisdom is good, the sisters who are the Xu Qiuling so wonderful female, pouring is also entitled. 少女不躲不逃,宁凡点头微笑,此女修为不高,胆识不错,做许秋灵这般奇女子的姐妹,倒也有资格。 „Are you Feng Xueyan?” “你是风雪言?” „...” young female(s) nods. “…”少女点点头。 „Do you fear me?” “你怕我?” „...” young female(s) wants to nod, actually hesitant, shakes the head. “…”少女想点头,却犹豫了一下,摇头。 „Won't you speak?” “你不会说话?” „...” young female(s) nods, some gaze self-inflicted injury, actually lay aside lightly. “…”少女点点头,目光有些自伤,却淡淡藏起。 Actually poor man.” “倒是个可怜人。” Truly pitiful, Vein Opening 10th stratum, without/has not Divine Sense, will not speak, is not basically able to talk to exchange. 确实可怜,辟脉十层,没有神念,又不会说话,基本无法与人对话交流的。 Although this female is pitiful, Ning Fan to her care, bases on the request of Xu Qiuling. 此女虽可怜,宁凡对她的关心,也是基于许秋灵的请求。 He puts out a hand to draw Feng Xueyan, is to lead her to return to Province, was actually withdrawn to avoid by her gently, shaking the head, the meaning is very obvious, she does not want to go back. 他伸手去拉风雪言,意欲带她返回都郡,却被她轻轻退后躲开,摇摇头,意思很明显,她不想回去。 You worried that the Shi Le Country Lord son does bully you?” “你担心石勒国主的儿子欺负你?” The Ning Fan light words, fall in the Feng Xueyan ear, immediately changes to a strange color. 宁凡淡淡的话语,落在风雪言耳中,立刻化作一丝奇异之色。 Feng Xueyan feels very accident/surprise, at present this youth, looks at is not older than her many, so to be how fierce, anything knows. 风雪言感到十分意外,眼前这个青年,看着不比她大多少,怎么这么厉害,什么都知道。 That night, the Shi Le Country Lord son conspired, sneaks in her room, she discovered that out had the person, immediately runs away startled, at that time Ning Fan not on the scene, does he know? 那一夜,石勒国主的儿子图谋不轨,潜入她的房中,她发现门外有人,立刻惊慌逃走,当时宁凡又不在场,他怎么会知道? Although Ning Fan is unable with the young female(s) direct communication, actually to meet Speech Stealing Art. young female(s) will not speak, he can actually see in her heart to think. 宁凡虽无法与少女直接沟通,却会窃言术少女不会说话,他却能看到她心中所想。 relax, all passed, you can relax go home along with me.” 放心,一切都过去了,你可以放心随我回家。” „...” The young female(s) instinct withdraws one step, somewhat watchfully looks at Ning Fan. “…”少女本能退后一步,有些戒惧地看着宁凡 To this spoken language gentle youth, her instinct has some favorable impressions, but after all is a stranger, is impossible to readily believe casually, said follows him follows him. 对这个言语温柔的青年,她本能有一些好感,但毕竟是陌生人,不可能随便轻信,说跟他走就跟他走。 I am Qiuling husband, this time, but she makes me take you to go back, feared that you are hungry.” “我是秋灵夫君,这次来,可是她让我接你回去,怕你饿着。” Ning Fan takes out small shoes from the sleeve, bends the waist, says with a smile, lifts the foot, I put on to you.” 宁凡自袖中取出一只小鞋,弯下腰,笑道,“抬脚,我给你穿上。” One hear of Ning Fan mentioned Xu Qiuling, had her embroidered shoes to make faith token, Feng Xueyan believed Ning Fan several points, but the gaze deep place still somewhat alerted. 一听宁凡提到许秋灵,更有她的绣鞋作信物,风雪言不由相信了宁凡几分,但目光深处仍有几分戒备。 She sizes up Ning Fan carefully, feels Ning Fan to look familiar more and more, as if looks like to that portrait that she looks at with Xu Qiuling very much looks like very much. 她细细打量宁凡,越来越觉得宁凡眼熟,似乎和许秋灵给她看的那副画像很像很像。 The saying child who Xu Qiuling and Feng Xueyan accompany, talked about Ning Fan to Feng Xueyan at times, once and gave Feng Xueyan to look at the Ning Fan appearance/portrait. 许秋灵风雪言相伴的曰子,时时给风雪言谈到宁凡,并曾给风雪言看过宁凡的真容。 A protection of originally to Ning Fan, gradually was pale, lifts the right foot of light light, no matter what Ning Fan is it wears the small shoes. 原本宁凡的一丝防备,也渐渐淡了,抬起光光的右脚丫,任宁凡为其穿上小鞋。 Thanks...” Her lips spoke haltingly, is actually not able to make the sound, gaze slightly one secretly, then revealed the tranquil color. “谢谢…”她口唇嚅动,却无法发出声音,目光微微一暗,转而露出平静之色。 That tranquil, seemed Xu Qiuling to be terminally ill to be the same in the past, looks at pale Life and Death. 那平静,就好似许秋灵当年身患绝症一样,看淡生死 Above two female surname square has the similarity actually, no wonder meets the becoming sisters. 二女姓格之上倒是有相似之处,难怪会成为姐妹。 relax, I can hear your sound. You in saying thanks, is?” 放心,我听得到你的声音。你在说‘谢谢’,是不是?” How you know...” Feng Xueyan is unable to make the sound, only then the lip moves, but Ning Fan can hear her heart language. “你怎么知道呢…”风雪言仍是无法发出声音,只有唇动,但宁凡能听见她的心语。 This is the secret, said, has opportunity, I told you slowly. Walks, should go back.” “这是秘密,曰后有机会,我慢慢告诉你。走吧,该回去了。” Brother-in-law, first wait a minute/etc.... my thing lost...” “姐夫,先等等…我的东西丢了…” Feng Xueyan somewhat worries to nip the lip, she then discovered, Scroll in sleeve disappears. 风雪言有些着急地咬咬唇,她这才发现,袖中的卷轴不见了。 The Ning Fan body is startled, he is first time hear of people calls his brother-in-law, even if Feng Xueyan called in the heart. 宁凡身躯微怔,他还是第一次听人叫他姐夫,即便风雪言是在心中叫的。 Looks to Feng Xueyan gaze, is even more gentle, shows a faint smile, takes out Scroll from the sleeve, gives Feng Xueyan. 望向风雪言目光,愈加柔和,微微一笑,自袖中取出一个卷轴,递给风雪言 Accidentally picks. Now was all right, can go back?” “偶然捡到的。现在没事了,可以回去了?” Un, thanks the brother-in-law, I quite hungry...” “嗯,谢谢姐夫,我好饿…” The belly of Feng Xueyan cluck called, is verifying her heart language. 风雪言的肚子咕咕一叫,印证着她的心语。 Ning Fan laughs in spite of trying not, this little girl, where has the least bit cultivator appearance, if this not Inedia, closes up one year or so, to starve to death directly? 宁凡失笑,这小丫头,哪有半点修士的模样,这要是不辟谷,闭关个一年半载,岂不是直接饿死? forget it/that's all, others called him a brother-in-law, if there is opportunity, he may probably help her refine concocting pills and treating an illness well, how saying that must have Harmonious Spirit cultivation base, but Inedia cultivation, but Divine Sense sound transmission, otherwise a young mute the self-closing, was boring all day. 罢了,人家好歹叫他一声姐夫,若有机会,他可要好好帮她炼炼丹、治治病,怎么说也要有融灵修为,可辟谷修行,可神念传音,否则一个小哑巴整天自闭,多么无聊。 Holds young female(s), Ning Fan one step to become smoke/tobacco, is wanting to return, suddenly, Feng Xueyan falls on the snowy area, the whole body shrinks one group, the small face floats full Xihan, the body boiling hot such as the fever. 牵住少女,宁凡一步成烟,正欲返回,骤然间,风雪言倒在雪地上,全身缩成一团,小脸浮满细汗,身体滚烫如烧。 Brother-in-law, sore, hurts...” In the Feng Xueyan center of the earth no use shouts, makes Ning Fan gaze turned cold. “姐夫,疼,疼…”风雪言无助地心中呼喊,令得宁凡目光一凛 Divine Sense searches the Feng Xueyan whole body, immediately, always tranquil gaze, reveals slightly the color of being furious unexpectedly. 神念一探风雪言全身,立刻,一贯平静的目光,竟露出微微震怒之色。 This is!” “这是!” The Ning Fan squatting lower part of the body, holds into Feng Xueyan the bosom, making her turn away from itself, tore her clothes suddenly, revealed the bright and clean stomacher not to escape, only stared at her back, in the eye the chill in the air was deeper. 宁凡蹲下身,将风雪言抱入怀中,令她背对自己,猛然扯开她的衣服,露出光洁的抹胸未脱,只凝视她的脊背,眼中寒意更深。 In Feng Xueyan pure white busy conducting the back, has Seal of eight Black Fire designs, is bearing the combustion in it. 风雪言洁白无暇的背上,有着八道黑火图案的封印,正在其背上燃烧。 These eight Seal, each, is Void Refinement cultivator puts together completely to plant, eight Seal unite, even if Void Fragmentation Old Monster, is not necessarily able to eradicate! 这八道封印,每一道,都是炼虚修士拼尽一切种下,八道封印合一,纵然是碎虚老怪,也未必能破除! That eight Seal, for plant in Feng Xueyan within the body Seal something! 那八道封印,是为了在风雪言体内封印某物而种下! Seal may shield all investigations, nobody may know Feng Xueyan body inside hidden anything. 封印可屏蔽一切探查,无人可知风雪言内藏了什么。 But Ning Fan detected that... the thing of that Seal, is a drop of combustion such as fire Demon Blood! 宁凡察觉到了…那封印之物,是一滴燃烧如火的魔血 In the Mo Luo blood of his Nascent Divinity, is almost exactly the same, slightly is only more inferior in the strength, some also slight defects, by no means is pure. 与他元神之内的魔罗之血,几乎一模一样,只在力量上稍稍逊色一些,还有些许瑕疵,并不精纯。 Feng Xueyan and Ning Fan are different, she merely is Vein Opening cultivator, without/has not Ning Fan profound Magic Force, how can withstand the suffering of blood of Mo Luo. 风雪言宁凡不同,她仅仅是辟脉修士,又没有宁凡的高深法力,如何能承受魔罗之血的煎熬。 can it be this female's all pains suffer, is the blood of this drop of Mo Luo brings? 难道此女所有的病痛折磨,都是这一滴魔罗之血所带来的? The Ning Fan careful investigation, gaze is getting more and more cold, he looks to understand these eight Seal evil and cruel places finally. 宁凡细细探查,目光越来越寒冷,他终于看明白这八道封印的歹毒之处。 The person of Seal Demon Blood, is not the concealed blood, but raises the blood! 封印魔血之人,不是藏血,而是养血! The blood of this Mo Luo, by Seal at the beginning, is not a drop of complete blood, perhaps is only a wisp of blood threads. 魔罗之血,被封印之初,并非是一滴完整的血,或许只是一缕血丝。 Some people blood threads Seal in Feng Xueyan within the body, raise Demon Blood using Feng Xueyan, making Demon Blood gradually expand, to achieve its goal. 有人把血丝封印风雪言体内,利用风雪言饲养魔血,令魔血渐渐壮大,以达到其目的。 After Demon Blood fosters completely, then takes the sacrifice to offer the Feng Xueyan life for the price, completes finally one step, excludes the Demon Blood slight defect, and takes out Demon Blood. 魔血完全养成之后,便以祭献风雪言生命为代价,完成最后一步,剔除魔血瑕疵,并取出魔血 Plants Seal, to raise the person of Demon Blood for Feng Xueyan, seriously evil and cruel. 风雪言种下封印、饲养魔血之人,当真歹毒。 But what person, will make this matter? 但什么人,会做出这种事情? What are their goals? 他们的目的是什么? Why do they select Feng Xueyan? 他们为何选中风雪言 Ning Fan grips the Feng Xueyan small hand, closes the clothing for it, inputs Magic Force unceasingly, making her aura gradually subside. 宁凡握住风雪言小手,为其合上衣衫,不断输入法力,令她气息渐渐平息。 In moment that two people of double palms balance, each other connected feeling, appears suddenly in the heart. 在二人双掌相抵的一刻,一股彼此相连的感觉,忽然浮现在心头。 This feeling, Ning Fan only feels on Fen Chi (Burning Wings). 这种感觉,宁凡只在焚翅身上感觉到。 split second, Ning Fan seems to be clear, why Feng Xueyan will stare, raises Demon Blood in within the body. 一瞬间,宁凡似乎明白,为何风雪言会被人盯上,在体内饲养魔血 She, is Giant Demon Clan the generation of Demon Concubine!” “她,是巨魔族的此代魔妃!” The Ning Fan thoughts hundred revolutions, in the hand Magic Force is actually the sustained input. 宁凡心思百转,手中法力却是持续输入。 Feng Xueyan within the body pain gradually diverges, slowly awaken. 风雪言的体内痛楚渐渐散去,徐徐苏醒 Sees itself to lie down in the Ning Fan bosom, the clothing half solution, the spring scenery releases greatly, the bright eye pupil, flashes through color of the fearing. 一见自己躺在宁凡怀中,衣衫半解,春光大泄,明净的眼眸,闪过一丝惧怕之色。 Brother-in-law, does not want to be discourteous I...” “姐夫,不要不要非礼我…” Her lip spoke haltingly, the small hand hugged in the chest, somewhat scared. 她嘴唇嚅动,小手抱在胸口,有些害怕 Ning Fan does not know whether to laugh or cry, does he look like bad person very much? Doesn't let off the sisters-in-law? 宁凡哭笑不得,他很像坏人吗?连小姨子都不放过? Perhaps, looks like... he himself is not indefinite very much, because he now evil reputation is truly brightly displayed, is afraid by everybody, the beast sees the beast to escape... 或许,很像吧…他自己也不确定,因为他现在确实恶名昭彰,人见人怕,兽见兽逃… ( 1 / 3 ) ……
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