GE :: Volume #5

#451: Snow baby

each and every single (person) cultivator, catches up toward Province, sees stirring battlefield ruins. 一个个修士,朝都郡赶来,纷纷看到一个震撼人心的战场遗址。 In 100,000 li (50,000 km), all mountains and rivers are torn to pieces, seems extremely bleak in the snow white white snow, nobody may think, before here, Giant Demon Clan important location —— evening snow pavilion. 十万里之内,所有山河支离破碎,在皑皑的白雪中显得极其荒凉,无人可想到,这里之前还是巨魔族重地——暮雪阁。 They miss to witness Ning Fan and a Shi Kun heaven shaking war, can feel only, only then this place remaining some Magic Force fluctuate. 他们无缘目睹宁凡石坤惊天一战,唯一能感受到的只有此地残余的些许法力波动。 This is an unrivalled war, in this war, Ning Fan cut to kill Void Glimpse without rival Old Monster strongly. 这是一场旷世之战,在此战之中,宁凡强势斩杀了一位窥虚无敌老怪 And this Old Monster, is Void Level Cultivation Country lord of the country, the position venerates. 且这位老怪,还是虚级修国的一国之主,地位尊崇。 But a without/has not person can say that Ning Fan kills not right, this time, Ning Fan stood above morality and justice, used the Rain Palace Venerable Elder status. 没有一个人能说宁凡杀得不对,这一次,宁凡站在了道义之上,利用了雨殿尊老的身份。 Shi Kun plots to murder Giant Demon Clan, is wrong, but crime not until death. 石坤谋害巨魔族,是错,但罪不至死。 Shi Kun moved to Ning Fan killed the heart, was actually the blunder, dead 10,000 time died in vain. 石坤宁凡动了杀心,却是大错,死一万次都是白死。 Who Ning Fan is, is person who the Rain Sovereign instruction cannot move personally, does not dare to move Ning Fan Orchid Tomb King, Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord does not dare to move Ning Fan, what thing Shi Kun is, dares to move Ning Fan? 宁凡是谁,是雨皇亲自吩咐不能动的人,连兰陵王都不敢动宁凡,连赤天殿殿主都不敢动宁凡,石坤算什么东西,也敢动宁凡 do not say Endless Sea without/has not law restraint, even if some people investigated, is still Shi Kun violates the law and to Rain Palace Venerable Elder take action, deserves to be damned, no one can pick up the Ning Fan least bit problem. 莫说无尽海没有界法约束,就算有人追究,也是石坤违反界法、对雨殿尊老出手,死有余辜,没人能挑出宁凡半点毛病。 Even if Rain Palace knows this matter, will also suppress Shi Kun younger generation, investigated that Shi Kun offends the Ning Fan big crime. 甚至若雨殿知晓此事,还会打压石坤后辈,追究石坤得罪宁凡的大罪。 For example same day Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord —— Mo Xiu on the scene, declared unexpectedly blatantly, the Ning Fan murder is innocent! 譬如当日在场的赤天殿殿主——莫休,竟公然宣称,宁凡杀人无罪! The people with high aspirations know, after Rain Palace, Scarlet Heaven Palace and Great Heaven Palace are the disagreements. 有心人都知道,雨殿之后,赤天殿钧天殿是不和的。 Faction is different, Mo Xiu was impossible to help Ning Fan speak the word of praise, but he said that what did this explain? 派系不同,莫休根本不可能帮宁凡说好话,但他还是说了,这说明什么? Explained that Ning Fan is not ordinary in the Rain Palace status, can make different Faction Mo Xiu not dare to provoke! 说明宁凡雨殿的身份绝不一般,可以让不同派系莫休都不敢招惹! Shi Kun died, but also dies nobody to ask about, although deserves to be damned, made many Old Monster feel in one's heart miserable. 石坤死了,还死得无人问津,虽说死有余辜,也着实令不少老怪心感凄凉。 No matter what your peerless grace and talent, cultivation base is unparalleled. Once goes astray one step above building roads, is the dead extermination of entire extended family fate. 任你风华绝代,修为盖世。一旦在修路之上走错一步,便是身死族灭的下场。 Shi Kun die, Ning Fan ominous name actually in this day, overawed Inner Seas and Outer Seas, and even 800 Cultivation Country, entire Rain World! 石坤陨落了,宁凡凶名却在这一日,威震内海外海,乃至八百修国,整个雨界 Many Old Monster claimed, Rain World this generation of Young Talents first person. Belongs to Zhou Ming! 不少老怪纷纷声称,雨界此代青俊第一人。非‘周明’莫属! Good, Ning Fan once again is that dying of punishment on a false charge little rascal Zhou Ming, raised the reputation. If the true Zhou Ming dwelling place of the dead has the knowledge, does not know that can smile to awake. 好吧,宁凡又一次为那个冤死的小鬼周明,扬了名声。若真正的周明九泉有知,不知会不会笑醒。 After the war, Ning Fan has not rested, but went to another Giant Demon restricted area along with Ju Qing and the others. 大战之后,宁凡并未歇息,而是随巨擎等人去了另一处巨魔禁地。 This fights him to depend Thunder Armor body protection. Returning safe and sound, is only the final moment, damages Blood Essence, activates Mortal Void Mid Grade Yellow Dragon Seven Commands, suppressed Shi Kun forcefully. 此战他仗着雷甲护体。毫发未伤,只是最后关头,自损精血,强行催动凡虚中品黄龙七令,镇压了石坤 Perhaps the wound of this Blood Essence, troubles to the average man, but to Black Star body protection Ning Fan. Frequently in the Starlight self-recovery, is not worth mentioning. 精血之伤,对常人或许麻烦,但对黑星护体宁凡而言。时时刻刻都在星光自愈,根本不值一提。 Giant Demon Clan, Sad Demon palace. 巨魔族,悲魔殿。 Ning Fan and Xu Qiuling, Yue Lingkong and Fen Chi (Burning Wings) three females, all sit in the guest seat seat of honor, all around gathers round many Giant Demon Patriarch to be old, each and every single (person) is standing, thanked to Ning Fan repeatedly. 宁凡许秋灵月凌空焚翅三女,俱都坐在客位首座,四周围着不少巨魔族长老,一个个都站着,向宁凡频频感谢。 These Giant Demon Elder are thanks of the heart, if not for Ning Fan take action. Giant Demon Clan must fall into the danger. 这些巨魔长老都是发自内心的感谢,若不是宁凡出手巨魔族必会陷入危难。 Luckily Ning Fan domineering take action, cut to kill Shi Kun, not only grasped Void Inquire Pill, shocked Old Monster that watched for Void Inquire Pill much. 幸亏宁凡强势出手,斩杀了石坤,不但抱住了问虚丹,更震慑了不少窥伺问虚丹老怪 Shi Kun is 1st to Old Monster that Void Inquire Pill begins, but absolutely is not last. 石坤第一个对问虚丹动手的老怪,但绝对不是最后一个。 In fact, also several Void Glimpse Old Monster, catch up from 800 Cultivation Country. intent scheme seizes Giant Demon Clan Void Inquire Pill. 实际上,还有数个窥虚老怪,自八百修国赶来。意图谋夺巨魔族问虚丹 But had learning from another's mistakes of Shi Kun, feared that without/has not which Void Glimpse Old Monster dares to provoke Giant Demon Clan. 但有了石坤的前车之鉴,怕没有哪个窥虚老怪敢招惹巨魔族了。 Ning Fan this ominous prestige rises sharply, to Six Wings Clan is also a good deed, is bigger to Ghost Eye and Mist Horned Clan shock and awe effort. 宁凡此次凶威大涨,对六翼族亦是一件好事,对鬼目岚角族的震慑力度更大。 Yellow Dragon Seven Commands might. Everyone is obvious to all, even Void Inquire serious injury. 黄龙七令威力。大家有目共睹,就算是问虚都可重伤 Mist Horned Clan most powerful, merely is Void Inquire. Ghost Eye Clan is actually stronger than Mist Horned Clan, but does not dare to provoke Ning Fan again flagrantly. 岚角族最强者,也仅仅是一个问虚鬼目族倒是比岚角族强,但也不敢再明目张胆招惹宁凡 Ning Fan demonstrated his tendency to domineer to innumerable Old Monster rampantly, even if Rain Palace bestows lord of the country seals, still dares to illuminate kills does not harm. 宁凡给无数老怪展示了他的跋扈嚣张,就算是雨殿赐封的一国之主,也敢照杀不误。 He does that flagrantly, is to let person who has the plans understands, his Ning Fan has receives Rain Palace to attach great importance, has how cannot annoy. 他明目张胆这么做,就是要让别有心机的人明白,他宁凡有多么受雨殿重视,有多么不能惹。 He must to know, he has Rain Sovereign to support, killing Country Lord is innocent, he to Rain Palace already importantly to this degree. 他要让人知道,他有雨皇撑腰,杀国主都无罪,他对雨殿已经重要到这种程度。 He must to know, others cannot move him, but he can kill people, therefore, do not annoy him, otherwise the consequence is proud. 他要让人知道,别人不能动他,但他可以杀人,所以,不要惹他,否则后果自负。 This is borrows potential, taking advantage of Rain Palace great power. 这是借势,借雨殿大势 Ning Fan does not like troubles wave after wave, therefore he chooses to be stronger, gets it over and done. 宁凡不喜欢一波接一波的麻烦,所以他选择强势一些,一劳永逸。 In the Sad Demon palace, Ning Fan is working as Ju Qing and the others, to the children and five country master Soul Scouring and Memory Extinguishing Shi Kun, writes off six people at the scene later, stamps out the source of trouble. 悲魔殿中,宁凡当着巨擎等人,当场给石坤之子、五名国师搜魂灭忆,随后将六人抹杀,斩草除根。 From memory of child of Shi Kun, Ning Fan learned the Shi Kun complete conspiracy, and informs Giant Demon Clan. 石坤之子的记忆中,宁凡获知了石坤全部阴谋,并告知巨魔族 Shi Kun comes the Giant Demon Clan goal, really for Void Inquire Pill. 石坤巨魔族的目的,果然是为了问虚丹 But he not only wants to obtain Void Inquire Pill, but also planned a matter boldly, that abducts Feng Xueyan! 但他不但想得到问虚丹,还大胆谋划了一件事,那就是掳走风雪言 The plan of Shi Kun, in Mark Perforation former 1 day, making the son be close to Feng Xueyan, abduction in secret. Afterward takes Feng Xueyan to reject Mark Perforation for the reason, extorts Giant Demon Clan. 石坤的计划,是在刺纹的前一日,令儿子接近风雪言,将之暗中掳走。随后以风雪言拒绝刺纹为理由,勒索巨魔族 So, Shi Kun not only may obtain Void Inquire Pill, but may also obtain the Mark Perforation master who Feng Xueyan this name moves the world. 如此,石坤不但可得到问虚丹,还可得到风雪言这个名动天下的刺纹师。 What a pity, the Shi Kun son just intruded Feng Xueyan boudoir, was discovered by the maid, but Feng Xueyan whiz, vanishes from the Shi Kun son at present, is very strange. 可惜,石坤儿子刚闯入风雪言闺房,就被婢女发现,而风雪言嗖得一声,生生从石坤儿子眼前消失了,十分诡异。 The Feng Xueyan Mark Perforation technique, achieves to excel by far the Rain World level absolutely. 风雪言刺纹术,绝对达到冠绝雨界的水平。 Any Body Cultivation was punctured Demon Mark by Feng Xueyan, but enormous promoting body refining Realm. 任何体修风雪言刺下魔纹,都可极大提升炼体境界 The Shi Kun ambition is big, wants to break through Void Inquire by Void Inquire Pill, makes a number of Body Cultivation Army by Feng Xueyan. 石坤野心不小,想以问虚丹突破问虚,以风雪言制造一批体修大军 If not Ning Fan involves this matter, his also really possible conspiracy to work. 若非宁凡介入此事,他还真可能阴谋得逞。 Heard the Shi Kun complete conspiracy, Ju Qing flies into a rage, air/Qi bristles with anger. 听说了石坤全部阴谋,巨擎勃然大怒,气得怒发冲冠。 His Giant Demon Clan is always low-key, only to realize eight Ancestor wishes, however, the too low -key result, is to make others feel weakly good to bully! 巨魔族一向低调,只为实现八位先祖的心愿,然而,过份低调的结果,就是让别人觉得软弱好欺! Ju Qing really wishes one could to announce that to the entire day the Giant Demon Clan strength, lets entire day under know, Hidden Sea Four Clans most powerful Clan, is not Ghost Eye, but is Giant Demon! 巨擎真恨不得向全天下公布巨魔族的实力,让全天下知道,幽海四族最强一族,不是鬼目,而是巨魔 What a pity, he cannot so, he only be able to bear patiently repeatedly. all of these endures patiently, to complete to the redemption of ancestor. 可惜,他不能如此,他只能一再隐忍。这一切忍耐,都只是为了完成对祖先的救赎。 Fellow Daoist Zhou, Little Shan (small mountain) child Extremity Force recommended you initially, praised Heavenly Flower randomly to fall you, father has not believed that now sees you with own eyes, father knows, the vision of Little Shan (small mountain) was very good. Very good! Qiuling found a good home to return to! You for her, are willing to manage my Giant Demon Clan mess, killed including country Country Lord, my Giant Demon Clan, owes you a favor, if Fellow Daoist has difficult, Giant Demon Clan is willing to lean the strength of Clan. Returns Fellow Daoist!” 周道友,当初小山极力推荐你,把你夸得天花乱坠,老子还不信,如今亲眼见到你,老子才知道,小山子的眼光很好。很好!秋灵找到一个好归宿啊!你为了她,愿意管我巨魔族的烂摊子,连一国国主都杀了,我巨魔族,欠你一个人情,若道友有难,巨魔族愿倾一族之力。回报道友!” Ju Qing holds the fist in the other hand seriously, is grateful to the Ning Fan intention. 巨擎郑重抱拳,对宁凡心怀感激。 Ning Fan nods, holds the fist in the other hand to return salute, compared with Six Wings of high interest, Giant Demon Clan obviously heavy sentiment many. 宁凡点点头,抱拳还礼,比起重利的六翼,巨魔族显然重情得多。 At least Ning Fan believes, Giant Demon Clan in peril will not do to betray the matter of female seeking personal glory for Clan. But Six Wings Clan did. 至少宁凡相信,巨魔族不会为了一族危亡做出卖女求荣之事。但六翼族就做了。 Giant Demon Clan clansman, the back is straight, they are open and aboveboard Demon Cultivator. 巨魔族族人,脊背还是直的,他们是堂堂正正的魔修 His gaze glances three females quietly, in three females, Fen Chi (Burning Wings) quiet sits alone, judges tea alone. 目光悄悄一瞥三名女子,三名女子之中,焚翅安静独坐,独自品茶。 But Xu Qiuling is talking with Yue Lingkong on own initiative, code sound transmission. Does not know that said anything. 许秋灵正主动与月凌空交谈,密语传音。不知说些什么。 Among two females, the atmosphere is somewhat subtle, without/has not is extremely intimate, but has not been in the situation of being rivals for sexual favor. 二女之间,气氛有些微妙,没有太过亲近,但也没到争风吃醋的地步。 Xu Qiuling to Yue Lingkong inquired that since she and Ning Fan has distinguished, is he crosses good, has without/has not to violate the danger by the body. 许秋灵月凌空询问的,只是自她与宁凡分别以来,他过得好不好,有没有以身犯险。 The average men noticed that but the Ning Fan again and again strength rises suddenly. again and again scenery. 常人看到的,只是宁凡一次次实力暴涨。一次次的风光。 Xu Qiuling loves dearly, is actually Ning Fan, braves the danger for the effort that it makes. 许秋灵心疼的,却是宁凡为之付出的努力、冒得危险。 She understands him, she knows that his strength, trades every minute with the life. 她了解他,她知道他每一分实力,都是拿命换来的。 She knows, he has cultivated from without/has not calmly, he slaughters, plunder unceasingly, to have meager strength merely. Protects the behind person. 她知道,他从没有心平气和修过真,他不断杀戮、劫掠,也仅仅是为了有微薄的力量。护住身后的人。 You are very special, I am so intimate with Small Cucumber, aren't you jealous? To be honest, I noticed that he fights for you. I am a little jealous, wish one could to trample his foot... to trample him not to want is good.” Yue Lingkong is very valiant, anything dares to speak frankly. “你很特别,我跟小黄瓜这么亲密,你不吃醋么?说实话,我看到他为你而战。我都有点吃醋,恨不得踹他一脚…踹得他不要不要的才好。”月凌空很彪悍,什么都敢直言。 Is jealous? Elder Sister Yue, you know that... I only hope he can be safe, has gone on living, lives the age that does not need to slaughter, lived aloof that day... that time I, may have the mood to be jealous for him, but now...” “吃醋?月姐姐,你知道么…我只希望他能平平安安,一直活下去,活到不必杀戮的年代,活到与世无争的那一日…那时的我,或许会有心情为他吃醋,而现在…” Xu Qiuling, the faint smile said slightly, present I, only anticipated can go on living with him together... lives is being very difficult, is difficult, can live in this world, is a luxurious happiness, because you do not know, that day will die suddenly... my permits, is Life and Death permits permits...” 许秋灵微微一顿,浅笑道,“现在的我,只期待能与他一起活下去…活着很难,非常艰难,能活在这世上,已是一种奢侈的幸福,因为你不知,那一日会突如其来死去…我的许,是生死相许的许…” I and his meet, such as you and his meeting by chance, each other became the scenery of opposite party..., but in the world the without/has not eternal scenery... I will someday die under Heavenly Tribulation, perhaps has 1 day, during he will die of us who the chaotic enemy besieges... is in a precarious state, the qualifications that basic without/has not is jealous... without/has not discussed resting that the leisure of sentiment, without/has not sleeps peacefully, can only walk... to live to have a good time, dies not regrets...” “我与他的相遇,亦如你与他的相逢,彼此成了对方的风景…但世上没有永恒的风景…也许有一天我会死于天劫之下,也许有一日,他会死于乱敌围攻之中…朝不保夕的我们,根本没有吃醋的资格…没有谈情的闲暇,没有安睡的休憩,只能一路走下去…生尽欢,死无憾…” The Xu Qiuling words, making Yue Lingkong fall into silent. 许秋灵的话,让月凌空陷入沉默。 Lives to have a good time, dies not regrets..., does not know that which Heaven Small Cucumber must play, why to be jealous for him... 生尽欢,死无憾…是啊,都不知道哪一天小黄瓜就要玩完了,何必为他吃醋… Why thinks that Small Cucumber will die, the heart of old lady clutches hurts. 只是为何一想到小黄瓜会死,老娘的心一揪一揪得疼。 This smelly cucumber, then why goes all out, where danger rushes to where, does not fear death! 这个臭黄瓜,为何那么拼命,哪里危险跑到哪里,不怕死么! Yue Lingkong to Ning Fan, raises suddenly feeling of the taking pity on. 月凌空宁凡,忽然升起一丝怜惜之感。 She discovered, her without/has not had understood truly the Small Cucumber innermost feelings, why Small Cucumber so goes all out not to know. 她发现,她没有真正了解过小黄瓜的内心,连小黄瓜为何如此拼命都不知道。 Small Cucumber, later do not breakneck, cannot die! Hides from behind the old lady, the old lady protects you!” Yue Lingkong domineering aura spoke suddenly, just like vindicating, the great Demon Cultivator gentlemen on the scene said that gawked. 小黄瓜,以后别玩命了,不许死!躲到老娘后面,老娘保护你!”月凌空忽然霸气地发话了,跟表白一样,把在场的巨魔修士都说愣了。 „... I will not die...” Ning Fan does not know whether to laugh or cry, this Yue Lingkong sudden motherhood sends greatly, maintained him? “…我不会死…”宁凡哭笑不得,这月凌空怎么突然母性大发,这么维护他了? His looks at Xu Qiuling, as to inquire into that Xu Qiuling and Yue Lingkong said anything. 看着许秋灵,似乎想探究许秋灵月凌空说了什么。 Xu Qiuling blinks, smiles, the bright eyes cunning colors, that meant, our womenfolk the word of boudoir, why does need to tell you? 许秋灵眨眨眼,浅浅一笑,明眸却有一丝狡黠之色,那意思是说,我们女儿家闺房之言,为何要告诉你? Ning Fan laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, and without/has not uses Speech Stealing Art to inquire into two people of concerns, then to two female is blaspheming. 宁凡失笑摇摇头,并没有使用窃言术探究二人的心事,那对二女是一种亵渎。 But he believes, Xu Qiuling will not be rivals for sexual favor with Yue Lingkong... at least, is not now. 但他相信,许秋灵不会和月凌空争风吃醋…至少,不是现在。 Sentimental is also one type troublesome... 多情也是一种麻烦… Ning Fan rubs the forehead, suddenly asked to Ju Qing, 宁凡揉揉额头,忽然向巨擎问道, Ju Qing Patriarch, the matter of Shi Kun, solved finally, but your daughter still ‚doesn't missing, really need to seek?” 巨擎族长,石坤之事,总算是解决了,但令爱仍然‘失踪’,真的不必去寻找么?” „The girl, she wants to hide, no one could find her, when she was hungry, will go home to eat meal...” Ju Qing laughs, as if knew about own daughter/girl. “那丫头,她想躲,谁都找不到她,等她饿了,就会回家吃饭了…”巨擎哈哈一笑,似乎对自家闺女非常了解。 Her daughter/girl Vein Opening 10th stratum, the body is also weak, cannot true Inedia, without the food eat, will go home. 闺女辟脉十层,身体又弱,不能真正辟谷,没饭吃,就会回家的。 Big Brother, was inferior that you look for Xueyan Younger Sister, her body is physically weak, do not make her hungry...” Xu Qiuling begged suddenly, in the pupil worried completely, she was really worried about that Little Sister very much. 大哥,不如你去找找雪言妹妹吧,她身体弱,别让她饿着…”许秋灵忽然央求道,眸中满是担忧,她真的很担心那个小妹妹 „Do I go? You are so definite, can I find her? Even the person of Giant Demon Clan Clan, could not find well..., I go!” “我去?你这么确定,我能找到她?连巨魔族一族之人,都找不到…好吧,我去!” Ning Fan wants to shake the head, but looks at Xu Qiuling asking earnestly gaze, the heart unexpectedly is one soft. 宁凡想要摇头,但一看许秋灵的求恳目光,心头竟是一软。 Finds the person to find the person, quickly looks for that little girl, brings back to the home to feed the food, so as to avoid Xu Qiuling was worried. 找人就找人吧,赶快把那小丫头找出来,带回家喂饭,免得许秋灵担心。 Asked Ju Qing Patriarch to give me a Eldest Young Lady personal thing, I may borrow the aura, searched for 12.” “请巨擎族长给我一件大小姐的贴身之物,我可借气息,搜寻一二。” Useless, once the girl Stealth, the aura may dissipate thoroughly, is unable to seek...” On the mouth said, Ju Qing also wants Ning Fan to try, sooner retrieves Feng Xueyan. “没用的,那丫头一旦隐身,气息可彻底消散,无法寻找…”嘴上这么说,巨擎也希望宁凡试试,早些找回风雪言 Thinks, assigns/life the maid to bring tender soft small shoes, gives Ning Fan. 想了想,命婢女取来一只娇软的小鞋,交给宁凡 This small shoes, are that day Feng Xueyan Stealth runs away, loses in the room. 这小鞋,是那日风雪言隐身逃遁的时候,遗失在房中。 Feng Xueyan at this moment, where no matter to escape Northern Cold Country, definitely light a foot. 此刻的风雪言,不管逃到了北凉国哪里,都肯定光着一只脚。 If Ning Fan found her, happen to delivers the shoes. 如果宁凡找到她,正好把鞋子送过去。 „...” “…” Ning Fan feels speechless, his solemn Great Devil Ning, must deliver the shoes to little girl unexpectedly, passes on, it is estimated that without/has not anybody believes that he will do this matter. 宁凡顿感无语,他堂堂宁大魔头,竟然要给一个小丫头送鞋子,传出去,估计没有任何人相信他会做这种事。 Above the small shoes, spreads a extremely light female to fumigate with incense. 小鞋之上,传出一丝极淡的女子熏香。 That pale fragrant, is extremely indistinct, after entering the Ning Fan nose, vanishes suddenly. 那一丝淡香,极其飘渺,在进入宁凡鼻中之后,骤然消失。 Ning Fan gaze slightly startled, tries to recall that smell, is actually not able to recall. 宁凡目光微惊,试图回想那气味,却无法记起。 The smell, was cancelled by anything... 气味,被什么东西抹去了… This, seems to have met before, seems above that white paper power of Samsara by Text that cancels. 这一幕,似曾相识,就好似那白纸之上被轮回之力抹去的文字 This Feng Xueyan strange Stealth, as if with power of Samsara related...” “这风雪言之所以诡异隐身,似乎与轮回之力有关…” Ning Fan closes one's eyes, the activates Concept of Memories strength, taking advantage of power of Samsara, smells the Feng Xueyan aura again. 宁凡闭上眼,催动回忆意境的力量,借来一丝轮回之力,再次闻到风雪言的气息。 Then, seeks aura, one step takes suddenly, speeds away in some direction, as if had the clue. 而后,寻到一丝气息,骤然一步迈出,朝某个方向疾驰,似乎有了线索。 Giant Demon Clan various experts, sees Ning Fan to seem the obtained expression, is startled secretly. 巨魔族的一众高手,一见宁凡似有所得的表情,暗暗吃惊。 The heart said, can it be Ning Fan real Divine Ability vast and great, did find the Young Lady whereabouts? Everyone could not find, Ning Fan can actually find, is really fierce! 心道,难道宁凡真的神通广大,找到小姐的下落了?所有人都找不到,宁凡却能找到,果然厉害! Ning Fan flies to escape, teleportation like smoke. 宁凡一路飞遁,挪移如烟。 He following aura, flutters Province million li, in a desolated snow forest, receives the footsteps suddenly. 他循着一丝气息,飘出都郡百万里,在一处荒芜的雪林之中,忽然收住脚步。 Aura, to this for it! 气息,到此为之! Strength of memories disperses the continuously, in all around snowy area, presents each and every single (person) should suddenly the exquisite footprint of disappearance. 一缕缕回忆之力散出,四周的雪地上,忽然出现一个个本该消失的小巧脚印。 The left leg is the footprint of women's embroidered shoes, the right foot is actually a light light foot seal. 左脚是女子绣鞋的脚印,右脚却是一个光光的脚丫印。 Following that footprint, Ning Fan marches into the snow forest deep place, in that snow forest end, is piling little snowman unexpectedly. 循着那脚印,宁凡步入雪林深处,在那雪林尽头,竟堆着一个小雪人 Obviously is only ordinary little snowman, the nose that the wild gingseng makes, the eye that the pebble makes. 明明只是一个普通的小雪人,山参做的鼻子,石子做的眼睛。 But after Ning Fan arrives, the eye that the little snowman stone makes, shows the panic facial expression suddenly, originally lives unexpectedly. 但当宁凡到来之后,小雪人石头做的眼睛,忽然露出惊慌失措的神情,原来竟是活的。 Whiz! 嗖! little snowman stood suddenly, one step, teleportation like the smoke, vanishes without the trace gently! 小雪人忽然站了起来,轻轻一步,挪移如烟,消失无踪! On the snowman, disperses cold of the faint trace wind and snow, all aura and footprints that preserve this place, cancel unexpectedly completely. 雪人身上,散出一丝丝风雪之寒,所有留存此地的气息、脚印,竟全部抹去。 Interesting, Vein Opening 10th stratum, actually meets the technique of teleportation, understood that uses one power of False Samsara... no wonder to run Province million li... to play hide-and-seek with me...” “有意思,辟脉十层,却会挪移之术,更懂得使用一丝‘伪轮回之力’…难怪可以跑出都郡百万里…想和我捉迷藏么…” Only little snowman, wants to play hide-and-seek with Ning Fan, but also was too tender. 区区一个小雪人,想和宁凡捉迷藏,还太嫩了。 ( 3 / 3)( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to m. reading.) )(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到m.阅读。)
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