GE :: Volume #5

#450: The Country Lord photo kills

A fist shakes injures Shi Kun, the Ning Fan long hair flies upwards, the escaping light bullies near, depending Mortal Body is tyrannical, slaughters one with Shi Kun . 一拳震伤石坤,宁凡长发飞扬,遁光欺近,仗着肉身强横,与石坤厮杀一处。. Shi Kun is even more shocking, each one time bumps to the Ning Fan fists and feet, he then feels by the Thousand Mountains bang, chest and belly grief. 石坤愈发震惊,每一次宁凡拳脚相碰,他便觉得似被千山轰中,胸腹伤痛。 He has been proud, is Body and Essence Dual Cultivation, Void Glimpse without rival, especially is tyrannical by Mortal Body. 他一直引以为傲的,便是自己法体双修,窥虚无敌,尤其以肉身强横自傲。 But now, his Magic Force Realm is higher than Ning Fan obviously, actually on tyrannical lost to Ning Fan in Mortal Body, to be how could calm! 但如今,他明明法力境界高于宁凡,却在肉身强横上输给了宁凡,岂能心平气和! Body azure stone scale, was been piece by piece broken by the Ning Fan one by one bang, saw that Mortal Body injury aggravates unceasingly, Shi Kun gaze one ruthless, suddenly to Ning Fan to rumbling, taking advantage of spreads out to the strength of bang. 身上一片片青色石鳞,被宁凡一一轰碎,眼看肉身伤势不断加重,石坤目光一狠,猛然对宁凡对轰一记,借对轰之力拉开距离。 Pats storage pouch, takes out a black jade bottle, Shi Kun looks the color of anxiety, according to broken jade bottle. 一拍储物袋,取出一个黑色玉瓶,石坤面露肉疼之色,按碎玉瓶。 In jade bottle only drop of black liquor, as the jade bottle smashing flows out, resembles the blood viscous, is flooding the vast energy, by a Shi Kun inspiration abdomen, was performed refining. 玉瓶之中仅有一滴黑色液体,随着玉瓶粉碎流出,似血液粘稠,充斥着浩瀚的能量,被石坤一口吸入腹中,加以炼化 split second, above Shi Kun Mortal Body, appears unexpectedly a piece by piece strange black scale, its aura even more is also gloomy, but Mortal Body compared with before, has almost been able to be impartial with Ning Fan actually. 一瞬间,石坤肉身之上,竟浮现一片片诡异的黑鳞,其气息也愈发阴森,但肉身比之前倒是强了一丝,已几乎可以和宁凡持平。 Ning Fan gaze turned cold, he naturally can see, that black liquor is some Secret Blood medicine, but in a short time promoting Mortal Body intensity. 宁凡目光一凛,他自然能看出,那黑色液体是某种秘血药物,可在短时间内提升肉身强度。 All around many Old Monster, the holding breath cold air/Qi, recognized that black liquor origin obviously. 四周不少老怪,纷纷倒吸冷气,显然是认出了那黑色液体的来历 Sovereign Beast Core Blood! Will not be wrong, this is this is Sovereign Beast Core Blood, by Monster Blood that Sovereign Beast Monster Core secret Lian becomes! Drop of Sovereign Beast Core Blood, energy of implication, almost equal in Sovereign Beast Monster Core!” 皇兽丹血!不会错,这是这是皇兽丹血,是以皇兽妖丹秘炼而成的妖血!一滴皇兽丹血,蕴含的能量,几乎等价于一颗皇兽妖丹!” what! Sovereign Beast! That is endures to compare Void Fragmentation Ferocious Beast! The Sovereign Beast Core Blood energy is tyrannical, even if Void Refinement Old Monster, wants a refining drop of Sovereign Beast Core Blood blood, must compromise with the aid of innumerable Spirit Herb surely. Shi Kun Void Glimpse without rival, is even impossible to take Sovereign Beast Core Blood directly!” 什么!皇兽!那可是堪比碎虚凶兽啊!皇兽丹血能量暴虐,纵然是炼虚老怪,想要炼化一滴皇兽丹血血,也必定要借助无数灵药调和。石坤就算窥虚无敌,也不可能直接服用皇兽丹血!” Said right, this is not true Sovereign Beast Core Blood, had been diluted, perhaps only remains the one out of a hundred energy, therefore Shi Kun can take directly.” “说得对,这不是真正的皇兽丹血,已经被稀释过,恐怕只剩百分之一的能量,所以石坤才能直接服用。” Even has diluted Sovereign Beast Core Blood, the value is still inestimable, cannot think shortly after Shi Kun so wariness Revered Ming, just fought unexpectedly, starts to take secret medicine...” “就算是稀释过的皇兽丹血,价值也不可估量,想不到石坤竟如此忌惮明尊,才刚刚交手不久,就开始服用秘药…” Just like Old Monster said that the Sovereign Beast Core Blood value was inestimable, if were not compelled too ruthlessly by Ning Fan, Shi Kun was not willing take this bottle to dilute Core Blood absolutely. 正如老怪们所言,皇兽丹血价值不可估量,若非被宁凡逼得太狠,石坤绝对不愿服下这瓶稀释丹血 He once the accident of sorts, sought a Sovereign Beast corpse in some ruins, and digs out Monster Core from the corpse, refining up drop of Sovereign Beast Core Blood by Secret Technique. 他曾机缘巧合,在某个遗迹之中寻到一头皇兽死尸,并从死尸中挖出一颗妖丹,以秘术炼出一滴皇兽丹血 To Golden Body cultivator, Sovereign Beast Core Blood is rare body refining Supreme Treasure. 金身修士而言,皇兽丹血是不可多得的炼体至宝 That drops Sovereign Beast Core Blood, Shi Kun has deposited in storage pouch, personal taking care, does not hate to give anybody. 那滴皇兽丹血,石坤一直存放在储物袋中,贴身保管,不舍得给任何人。 He is only willing to dilute faint trace Core Blood from Core Blood, deposits in the jade bottle, as critical moment temporarily secret medicine of promoting strength. 他只舍得从丹血中稀释出一丝丝丹血,存放在玉瓶中,作为关键时刻暂时提升实力的秘药 If not Mortal Body is inferior in Ning Fan, Shi Kun does not give up take this secret medicine. 若非肉身逊色于宁凡,石坤绝不舍得服下秘药 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! take secret medicine Shi Kun, whole body duplicate full Heilin, the physical strength rises sharply, the double fist opens greatly gathers greatly, has the unapproachable imposing manner, blocks the Ning Fan offensive unexpectedly under. 服下秘药石坤,周身覆满黑鳞,气力大涨,双拳大开大合,有着无可匹敌的气势,竟堪堪挡住下宁凡攻势。 the more fights gets down, the Shi Kun imposing manner is more abundant, although he surname is dishonorable, but the strength actually cannot be underestimated, in Rain World absolutely is the famous character. 越战下去,石坤气势越盛,他虽说品姓不端,但实力却不容小觑,在雨界之中绝对是大名鼎鼎的人物。 Stone Sword, cuts!” 石剑,斩!” The Shi Kun imposing manner arrives at Peak, in his eye flashes through tyrannical killing intent, the goon grasps, above the land the innumerable crushed stones fly suddenly, a condense Limestone great sword in radiance. 石坤气势到达巅峰,他的眼中闪过狂虐杀机,打手一抓,大地之上无数碎石骤然飞起,在光华中凝成一柄青石巨剑。 That Limestone great sword, is Magic Technique concentrates, is Mortal Void Low Grade Magic Technique. 青石巨剑,亦是法术所凝,乃是凡虚下品法术 sword light concentrates, Shi Kun raises the sword to divide, azure Sword Glow sweeps away Heaven and Earth, counts the vast clear skies to be cut broken by its Sword, reveals dark Void Space. 剑光一凝,石坤扬剑一劈,青色剑芒横扫天地,数万里长空被其一剑斩碎,露出幽暗的虚空 That Sword Glow, cuts to kill any Under Void Refinement cultivator together sufficiently, made to surround the cultivator atmosphere not to dare innumerably to breathe. 那一道剑芒,足以斩杀任何炼虚之下修士,令得无数围观修士大气也不敢喘。 So tyrannical Sword Glow, is actually not able to make Ning Fan care slightly. 如此强横的剑芒,却无法令宁凡丝毫在意。 Golden Armor body protection of shining world, Ning Fan seems Far Ancient God to be bright, no matter what Sword Glow cuts on Golden Armor, does not hide does not evade. 耀世的金甲护体,宁凡好似一个远古神明,任剑芒斩在金甲上,不躲不避。 Cutting of Sword Glow strikes, spreads the Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth explosion sound, leak Sword Qi punctures the smash into pieces innumerable density currents to say. 剑芒的斩击,传出毁天灭地的轰响,外泄的剑气碎了无数重流云。 But no matter what Sword Glow is sharp, is actually not able to leave behind the 1-star least bit above Golden Armor the scratch. 但任剑芒再锋利,却无法在金甲之上留下一星半点的划痕。 Meets Shi Kun to cut to strike hardly, Ning Fan sends does not damage! 硬接石坤斩击,宁凡毫发不损! Firm of Armor of Primordial Thunder, shocked the world again, innumerable Old Monster guessed, perhaps so firm Thunder Armor defense, Void Inquire Old Monster is not even able broken to go, so long as there is Thunder Armor, Shi Kun is unable to injure to the Ning Fan half a point. 元雷之甲的坚固,再次震撼了世人,无数老怪纷纷猜测,如此坚固的雷甲防御,恐怕连问虚老怪都无法破去,只要有雷甲在,石坤根本无法伤到宁凡半分。 This fighting method, Ning Fan Innate has been in an impregnable position! 此次斗法,宁凡先天立于不败之地! Shi Kun falls into the thick shock, he is unable to believe that oneself solemn Void Glimpse without rival Old Monster, is unable to injure to a Half-Step Void Refinement junior unexpectedly, this is how possible! 石坤陷入浓浓的震惊,他无法置信,自己堂堂窥虚无敌老怪,竟无法伤到一个半步炼虚的小辈,这怎么可能! Self Manifestation Technique!” 我相之术!” Ning Fan one step takes, whole body golden light presently, concentrates greatly two Golden Phantom. 宁凡一步迈出,周身金光大现,凝出两尊金色幻影 Two Golden Phantom, all are Golden Body 1st Layer Realm, person of two shades, Shi Kun will sphere, to be relentless to launch the most powerful offensive shortly. 两具金色幻影,俱是金身第一重境界,一人二影,顷刻将石坤围住,毫不留情发起最强攻势。 Expansive sky was been by person of two shadow bang, Shi Kun at attack center, grasps the Limestone great sword, keeps off the Ning Fan attack, the body is actually hit by two golden shadow unceasingly, injury gradually aggravates. 一片片长空被一人二影轰碎,处在攻击中心的石坤,手持青石巨剑,堪堪挡下宁凡攻击,身体却不断被两道金影击中,伤势渐渐加重。 His what kind of status, solemn Rain World Void Refinement Old Monster, solemn Void Level Cultivation Country lord of the country, was hit vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered unexpectedly so distressedly by a junior, how can endure! 何等身份,堂堂纵横雨界炼虚老怪,堂堂虚级修国的一国之主,竟然被一个小辈打得如此狼狈,如何能忍! Zhou Ming, you must go too far not! this King and Giant Demon Clan matter, does not close your matter, why you must meddle! this King refuses to accept!” 周明,你莫要欺人太甚!本王巨魔族的事情,根本不关你的事,你为何要插手!本王不服!” Scoff! 嗤! Shi Kun spurts several Blood Essence continually, the Limestone great sword sends out dangerous ominous glow, the Sword traverse, the sky is cut to pieces by Sword, the land succeeded in giving up two sections! 石坤连喷数口精血,青石巨剑散发出一股危险之极的凶芒,一剑横削,天空被一剑切碎,大地被断成两截! This is the Shi Kun anger strikes, sends out by his Void Glimpse without rival strength, has been close to Void Pierce striking infinitely! 此乃石坤的愤怒一击,以他窥虚无敌的实力发出,已无限接近冲虚一击! So tyrannical cutting strikes, is actually not able to break through the Thunder Armor defense, Ning Fan returns safe and sound. 如此强横的斩击,却仍无法攻破雷甲防御,宁凡毫发未损。 Two golden shadow, were cut an arm and a leg by Shi Kun angry Sword actually respectively, is the serious injury condition. 倒是两具金影,被石坤的愤怒一剑分别斩去一臂、一腿,已是重伤状态。 Shi Kun self-satisfied laughing, eyes reveals madness ferocious color. 石坤得意的哈哈大笑,眼露疯狂的狞色。 This Golden Phantom, each has Golden Body 1st layer Realm, has the ordinary Void Refinement strength, but this so what? 金色幻影,每一个都有金身第一重境界,有着普通炼虚的实力,但这又如何 Under Shi Kun strikes angrily, even if golden shadow, only has the serious injury aspect. 石坤愤怒一击之下,纵然是金影,也唯有重伤局面。 each and every single (person) surrounds Old Monster to be fearful and apprehensive, the prestige of that angry Sword, serious injury even cut to kill ordinary Void Glimpse sufficiently! 一个个围观老怪心惊肉跳,那愤怒的一剑之威,足以重伤甚至斩杀普通窥虚了! The Shi Kun strength really does not have unearned reputation, Void Glimpse without rival reputation, absolutely not rumor! 石坤的实力果然不是浪得虚名,窥虚无敌的名头,绝非空穴来风! Ning Fan gaze concentrates, this Shi Kun is truly strong, if before entering Black Thunder Tower, Ning Fan absolutely is not the Shi Kun opponent. 宁凡目光微凝,这石坤确实很强,若是在进入黑雷塔之前,宁凡绝对不是石坤对手。 But experiences Black Thunder Tower gain experience, Ning Fan cultivation base has not risen, the strength actually rises suddenly, the technique of attack and defense had enormous promoting, resembles Shi Kun this character, does not put in his eye. 但经历过黑雷塔历练,宁凡修为不涨,战力却暴涨,攻防之术都有了极大提升,似石坤这种人物,已不放入他的眼中。 Ning Fan of Demon Transformation condition, may cut Void Inquire! 魔化状态的宁凡,可斩问虚 Facing Shi Kun, Ning Fan does not even need Demon Transformation, has the enormous assurance to cut Shi Kun in this place! 面对石坤,宁凡甚至无需魔化,都有极大把握将石坤斩于此地! Goes too far! Zhou Ming! Your only Rain Palace Venerable Elder, dares to annoy this King, you damn!” Shi Kun very sword towards Ning Fan punctures, he does not believe himself unable to break through the Thunder Armor defense. “欺人太甚!周明!你区区一个雨殿尊老,竟敢惹到本王,你该死!”石坤挺剑朝宁凡刺来,他就不信自己攻不破雷甲防御。 Bullies you, so what!” “欺你,又如何!” The Ning Fan black hair dance, in the eye cold light one presently, the right palm appears golden light ten thousand, a palm pats above the Shi Kun Limestone great sword. 宁凡黑发狂舞,眼中寒芒一现,右掌浮现金光万道,一掌拍在石坤青石巨剑之上。 Strength of the racket, heaven shaking moves, innumerable Void Space were broken. 一拍之力,惊天动地,无数虚空被生生震碎。 Shi Kun was patted the sword by Ning Fan suddenly, only thinks an unapproachable distance bang on the sword, the great sword crushes accordingly! 石坤宁凡骤然拍剑,只觉一股无可匹敌的距离轰在剑上,巨剑应声粉碎! Meanwhile, behind two serious injury golden shadow, injury unexpectedly is shortly strange will heal, and initiates toward the Shi Kun vest attacks layer on layer/heavily. 与此同时,身后两具重伤金影,一身伤势竟诡异得顷刻愈合,并朝着石坤背心发起重重攻击。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! In two fist glow bang the vest, rumbles broken the black scales that Shi Kun conducts the back, he seems a kite of broken line, falls from the expansive sky, expression that startled angry looks at that two golden shadow, revealing is unable to understand. 两道拳芒轰中背心,将石坤背上的黑色鳞甲都轰碎,他好似一个断线的风筝,生生自长空坠下,惊怒之极看着那两道金影,露出无法理解的表情。 How can so! this King serious injury your two golden shadow, why these two shades can injury recover obviously shortly!” “怎会如此!本王明明重伤了你的两具金影,为何这二影可以顷刻伤势痊愈!” Shi Kun has does not know, this golden shadow is the Self Manifestation Technique product, only if strikes to kill, regardless of otherwise receives multiple injury, may recover shortly. 石坤拥有不会知道,这金影我相之术的产物,除非一击必杀,否则无论受到多重的伤势,都可顷刻痊愈的。 He rumbles, pounds in the land, the body pounds a number 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters) size huge tunnel. 他轰地一声,砸在大地上,身体砸出一个数千丈大小的巨坑 Since huge tunnel crawls, Shi Kun carries serious injury, had not actually died, pouring also worthily is the Void Glimpse without rival strength. 巨坑爬起,石坤身负重伤,却还未死去,倒也不愧是窥虚无敌的实力。 His raised the head looks at Ning Fan, in the eye is raising a crazy color. 抬头望着宁凡,眼中升起一丝疯狂之色。 An astonishing imposing manner spreads from Shi Kun within the body, he decided, uses the most powerful card in a hand, with Ning Fan one point of victory and defeat! 一股惊人的气势从石坤体内传出,他决定,动用最强底牌,与宁凡一分胜负! In the land of under foot, all rocks start to wriggle, is particularly strange. 脚下的大地之中,所有的岩石开始蠕动起来,分外诡异。 The body of Shi Kun sends out light of the intermittent evil different ghosts and gods, the body starts huge in split second. 石坤的身上散发出一阵阵邪异的鬼神之光,身躯在一瞬间开始巨大化。 Ghost Stone Dao, Stone God True Body!” 鬼石道,石神真身!” The body of Shi Kun within several breath, raises to the 5500 zhang (3.33 m), changes to a Limestone giant. 石坤的身体在数个呼吸之内,拔高到五千五百丈,化作一个青石巨人。 The left hand holds ancient Limestone giant shield, the right hand holds the gigantic Limestone great sword, he seems Far Ancient God to be common, sends out angry shouting. 左手持着古老的青石巨盾,右手持着硕大的青石巨剑,他好似一个远古神祗一般,发出愤怒的嘶吼。 At this moment, the Shi Kun strength, has been close to Void Inquire infinitely! 这一刻,石坤的战力,已无限接近问虚 This is... this is... Fiendgod True Body...” each and every single (person) surrounds Old Monster, is all startled cannot speak. “这是…这是…‘神魔真身’…”一个个围观老怪,俱是惊得说不出话。 Some people do not know the Shi Kun Magic Technique way, therefore did not say. 有些人是不知石坤法术的门道,所以不言。 Some people recognized this Magic Technique essence, extremely shocks, but does not dare to believe. 有些人是认出了这法术本质,太过震撼,而不敢置信。 Many Fiendgod Cultivation Method, have Secret Technique that evolves the giant, but giant also has the division of height. 不少神魔功法,都有演化巨人的秘术,但巨人化也是有高低之分的。 Ordinary huge, the turned into giant, can only be called Giant Body, although Mortal Body is strong, actually cannot display Ancient Fiendgod Divine Ability. 普通的巨大化,变成的巨人,只能叫做‘巨身’,肉身虽强,却不能施展上古神魔神通 If can Giant Body cultivation to the pinnacle, be able to cultivate/repair True Body, has Ancient Fiendgod Divine Ability, even there is opportunity to simulate the Ancient God Ancient Demon Far Ancient God soldier! 而若能将巨身修炼到极致,便可修出‘真身’,拥有上古神魔神通,甚至有机会模拟出古神古魔远古神兵! By Ning Fan was made the child of half dead Shi Kun, is looking at the father of Incarnation giant, a face is favorite and worship. 宁凡弄得半死的石坤之子,望着化身巨人的父亲,一脸得意与崇拜。 country master, your looks at! This is the Royal Father most powerful card in a hand, Stone God True Body! Royal Father cultivates cultivation method, is Fiendgod Cultivation Method —— «Ghost Stone Divine Technique», the hearsay is cultivation method that some Ancient stone senior members god leaves behind. Royal Father not only cultivation has Stone God True Body, Far Ancient God soldier who plans to melt that Ancient god heavenshaking below! Look, Stone Sword and Stone Shield that Royal Father holds, is Divine Weapon of that god! Has this Divine Weapon in the hand, no matter what that Zhou Ming is strong, absolutely not Royal Father opponent!” 国师,你们看着!这是父王最强底牌,‘石神真身’!父王所修功法,乃是神魔功法——鬼石神术》,传闻是上古某个石族尊神所遗留的功法父王不但修炼石神真身,更拟化出那位远古尊神名震天下的远古神兵!看,父王所持的石剑石盾,便是那尊神之神兵!有此神兵在手,任那周明再强,也绝非父王对手!” The voice of child of Shi Kun does not conceal, the people of having a mind are audible, is looking at Shi Kun of body giant, even more wariness gets up. 石坤之子的声音毫不掩饰,有心之人都可听见,望着身化巨人的石坤,愈加忌惮起来。 The distant place, a golden robe old man stands with five Alchemist treads the heaven, observes in this. 远方,一个金袍老者与五名丹师踏天而立,在此观战。 Five Alchemist, all by Ning Fan serious injury Scarlet Heaven Palace Alchemist. 五名丹师,皆是被宁凡重伤赤天殿丹师 But that golden robe old man, indeed Scarlet Heaven Palace Palace Lord —— Mo Xiu! 而那金袍老者,正是赤天殿殿主——莫休 Mo Xiu gaze has swept the battlefield, after Ning Fan, the anger that flashing through one is not easy to detect, is actually obstructing the order of Rain Sovereign, depressed the anger. 莫休目光扫过战场,经过宁凡之时,闪过一丝不易察觉的怒意,却碍着雨皇的命令,压下了怒意。 His gaze, has swept the Shi Kun giant, first time is dignified. 他的目光,扫过石坤巨人,第一次凝重起来。 Fiendgod True Body..., this Shi Kun also exceptional, cultivation has Fiendgod True Body but actually unexpectedly, plans to melt two Far Ancient God soldiers. Even Old Man, wants to defeat Shi Kun, needs to spend some methods. Does not need to look, only if that Zhou Ming has Void Inquire cultivation base, otherwise says that must die.” 神魔真身么…哼,这石坤倒也了得,竟然修炼神魔真身,更拟化出两件远古神兵。就算是老夫,想要击败石坤,都需要费些手段。不必看了,那周明除非有问虚修为,否则今曰必死。” Under Yue Lingkong heart anxious, she has not expected Shi Kun cultivation to have Fiendgod True Body, the Small Cucumber then really danger, she wants to save him. 月凌空心下焦急,她可没料到石坤修炼神魔真身,小黄瓜这下真的危险了,她想要救他。 Always calm Xu Qiuling, shows the expression that worries about, the mind not peaceful. 就连一向冷静的许秋灵,都露出担忧的表情,心神不宁。 Fen Chi (Burning Wings) also worries about Ning Fan, she moves to a man with great difficulty, how to be cruel enough that man to encounter the danger. 焚翅亦是担忧起宁凡,她好不容易对一个男子动心,怎忍心那男子遇到危险。 But three females worried again, actually nobody meddles the fight of Ning Fan. 但三女再担忧,却无人插手宁凡的战斗。 There, belongs to the Ning Fan battlefield, they most should do at this moment, gives the Ning Fan trust. 那里,是属于宁凡的战场,她们此刻最应该做的,是给予宁凡信任。 Believes that he will win, believes that he will not defeat. 相信他会赢,相信他不会败。 If you eagle, I accompany you to rule the world! If you defeat, I accompany your Eastern Mountain to begin! 你若鹰,我陪你君临天下!你若败,我陪你东山再起! Shi Kun face upwards to sneer, if sound Thunderbolt. 石坤仰天冷笑,声若雷霆 Zhou Ming! this King from congealing Stone God True Body, this is 2nd Tribulation displays this True Body. first time, Old Man depends this True Body, cut to kill Shi Le Country 1st bandit cultivator...” 周明本王自凝出石神真身,这还是第二次施展此真身第一次,老夫仗着此真身,斩杀了石勒国第一修匪…” His laughter has not stopped, many Old Monster shock. 他笑声未停,不少老怪都震惊不已。 Shi Le Country once was a bandit cultivator country vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the most powerful bandit cultivator leader, was Void Inquire Old Monster. Void Inquire Realm of that bandit cultivator leader, by the secret skill promotion, Realm is impractical, may be counted the Void Inquire Realm weakest person. 石勒国曾是一个修匪纵横的国家,其中最强修匪头领,是一名问虚老怪。那修匪头领的问虚境界,是以秘法晋升,境界虚浮,可算作问虚境界最弱之人。 even if so, weakest Void Inquire, compared with Void Glimpse several times. 饶是如此,最弱的问虚,也比窥虚强了数倍。 But afterward, that bandit cultivator leader suddenly unknown whereabouts, but Shi Le Country was also quelled by Shi Kun one person, slaughters innumerable bandit cultivator, occupying the country is a lord. 但后来,那修匪头领忽而下落不明,而石勒国也被石坤一人荡平,杀戮无数修匪,占国为主。 Always no one knows, that bandit cultivator leader is Shi Kun kills. 从来没人知晓,那名修匪头领是石坤所杀。 Now said that Shi Kun said this matter, was to know, his strength was intrepid, even Void Inquire may kill, let alone was only Ning Fan! 今曰石坤说出此事,就是要让人知晓,他实力强悍,连问虚都可杀,何况是区区一个宁凡 this King left holds the shield, named Eight Rulers Shield, but attacks of ejection all Void Glimpse Magic Technique!” 本王左持之盾,名为八尺盾,可弹射一切窥虚法术的攻击!” this King right holds the sword, named Ten Fists Sword, Sword may send out the strength of Void Glimpse ten fist, endures strikes compared with Void Inquire!” 本王右持之剑,名为十拳剑,一剑可发出窥虚十拳之力,堪比问虚一击!” Zhou Ming, you can die under the this King Fiendgod True Body sword shield, when dies with no regrets!” 周明,你能死在本王神魔真身的剑盾之下,当死而无憾!” The Shi Kun four no wariness laughter, as if had victory in the hand, eat Ning Fan. 石坤肆无忌惮的笑声,仿佛胜券在握,吃死了宁凡 The Ning Fan eyes reveal anti- color, he was not sick, the game stops. 宁凡目露不耐之色,他厌烦了,游戏到此为止。 His five fingers grasp, pull out completely the soul of land, Magic Force endure to compare Void Refinement. 他五指一抓,抽尽大地之魂,法力堪比炼虚 He including spits out mouth Blood Essence, offers a sacrifice to seven Yellow Dragon Jade Command suddenly, evolves 7 Layers Yellow Heaven, vast momentum. 他连喷出精血,骤然祭起七道黄龙玉令,演化七重黄天,声势浩大。 That 7 Layers Yellow Heaven, each 1 Layer town/subdues wound Void Inquire cultivator, endures compared with Void Inquire sufficiently strikes! 七重黄天,每一重都足以镇伤问虚修士,堪比问虚一击! 7 Layers Yellow Heaven about the strength of shaking, might endures compared with Void Pierce strikes, serious injury Void Inquire, grinds sufficiently kills all Void Glimpse! 七重黄天合震之力,威力堪比冲虚一击,足以重伤问虚,碾杀一切窥虚 This, this is what Magical Treasure, is impossible! Your only Divine Transformation junior, how will have this kind of Magical Treasure, how possibly activates this Rank Magical Treasure!” “这,这是什么法宝,不可能!你区区一个化神小辈,怎会有这等法宝,怎可能催动这种级别法宝!” Shi Kun all self-satisfacations, change flustered in this moment. 石坤所有的得意,都在这一刻化作慌张。 His Eight Rulers Shield may rebound all Void Glimpse to attack, but the Yellow Heaven suppression of Ning Fan, each 1st Heavenly Layer is the Void Inquire Rank lethality, 7 days unites, endures compared with Void Pierce strikes, how to rebound! 他的八尺盾可反弹一切窥虚攻击,但宁凡黄天镇压,每一重天都是问虚级别的杀伤力,七天合一,更是堪比冲虚一击,如何反弹! „It is not good, must escape!” “不好,必须逃!” All pride, in the Ning Fan activates Yellow Dragon Seven Commands moment, the frustration that changing must defeat. 所有的骄傲,都在宁凡催动黄龙七令的一刻,化作必败的挫败感。 each and every single (person) Old Monster was startled again, Ning Fan hid the so fierce method unexpectedly, this Magical Treasure, made Void Inquire Old Monster wariness sufficiently! 一个个老怪再次被惊到了,宁凡竟藏了如此厉害的手段,这种法宝,足以令问虚老怪忌惮不已了! So long as there is this treasure in the hand, where has Void Inquire Old Monster to dare to annoy Ning Fan casually! 只要有此宝在手,哪有问虚老怪敢随便惹宁凡 "Suppress!" “镇!” Ning Fan to sky one finger/refers, the 7 Layers Yellow Heaven sky collapses pounds down generally, that is true leans a day of prestige. 宁凡向天一指,七重黄天天塌一般砸下,那是真正的倾天之威。 The 7 Layers Yellow Heaven weight, is unable to estimate, pounds the great strength that falls, razes to the ground the innumerable mountains and rivers. 七重黄天的重量,无法估量,砸落的巨力,将无数山河夷为平地。 Shi Kun wields the Limestone great sword, strikes at risk of life, strikes 1st Fragment heavy Yellow Heaven finally, actually by other 6 Layers Yellow Heaven suppression. 石坤挥动青石巨剑,拼死一击,总算击碎一黄天,却被其他六重黄天镇压。 an instant, Shi Kun physique, all was only crushed by Yellow Heaven, calls out pitifully, the great person was pressed the muddy flesh, Life and Death is unclear. 一瞬,石坤一身筋骨,俱被黄天压碎,惨叫一声,巨人身被压成肉泥,生死不明。 The mist and dust dissipates, battlefield gradually quiet, actually saw Shi Kun to withdraw from giant True Body, seemed a beach mud to lie down on the ground, the strength that without/has not one time moved, still had the one breath not dead. 烟尘消散,战场渐渐安静,却见石坤早已退出巨人真身,好似一滩烂泥躺在地上,没有一次动弹的力气,却犹有一口气未死。 But Ning Fan, faint standing before the Shi Kun body, coldly said, 宁凡,淡漠的站在石坤身前,冷声道, I have said that you cannot stir up me, yourself do not believe.” “我说过,你惹不起我,你自己不信。” cough cough cough... Zhou...Zhou Ming, Venerable Elder Zhou, you are not good to kill me, cannot... I be Shi Le Country... Shi Le Country Country Lord... is the Rain Palace respect to seal/confer country... Country Lord... you kills me... to violate the law...” 咳咳咳周、周明,周尊老,你不好杀我,不能…我是石勒国石勒国国主…是雨殿钦封的国…国主…你杀我…违反界法…” „Do you also know Rain Palace, the law? You are Rain Palace respect to seal/confer lord of the country, I actually am Rain Sovereign respect to seal/confer Venerable Elder. You first moved to me killed the heart, violated the law, was you. Attempts to plot to murder Rain Palace Venerable Elder, even if you are country Country Lord, when also puts to death!” “你还知道雨殿、界法?你是雨殿钦封的一国之主,我却是雨皇钦封的尊老。你先对我动了杀心,违反界法的,是你。妄图谋害雨殿尊老,纵然你是一国国主,也当诛杀!” Bang! 轰! Ning Fan one step treads, steps on the head of broken Shi Kun, made its Mortal Body one alas. 宁凡一步踏下,踩碎石坤的头颅,令其肉身一名呜呼。 Simultaneously finger/refers of sword light hits to the Shi Kun dantian, is being cut Nascent Divinity that Shi Kun flees in panic. 同时一指剑光打向石坤丹田,正斩中石坤仓皇逃遁的元神 Small Nascent Divinity, called out pitifully, brings being unwilling, passed away. 小小的元神,惨叫一声,带着不甘,一命呜呼。 Ning Fan, killing Shi Le Country Lord —— Shi Kun! 宁凡,击杀石勒国主——石坤 Not only killing, before it, will give back to him to fasten one to plan Rain Palace Venerable Elder at the point of death, to violate tall Mao of law, causing nobody may on this matter investigate that Ning Fan is troublesome! 不但将之击杀,在其临死前,还给他扣上一个谋划雨殿尊老、违反界法的高帽,使得无人可就此事追究宁凡麻烦! Waves to take away Shi Kun storage pouch, Ning Fan Divine Sense sweeps, the good thing to be many, especially makes him satisfy, obtained a Seal Sovereign Beast Core Blood jade bottle. 挥手收走石坤储物袋,宁凡神念一扫,其中好东西不少,尤其让他满意的,是获得了一个封印皇兽丹血的玉瓶。 The spoils of war are very actually rich. 战利品倒是很丰厚。 Ss! 嘶! Cuts to kill the Shi Kun moment in Ning Fan, innumerable Old Monster hearts, all with amazement! 宁凡斩杀石坤的一刻,无数老怪的心头,俱都骇然不已! They saw what! 他们看到了什么! They witnessed Void Refinement Old Monster die unexpectedly! 他们竟亲眼目睹了一名炼虚老怪陨落 And that Void Refinement Old Monster, is Shi Le Country Country Lord, is cuts to kill the Void Inquire ruthless person, is Void Glimpse without rival exist(ence)! 且那名炼虚老怪,还是石勒国国主,是斩杀过问虚的狠人,是窥虚无敌存在 ... Died! 就这么…死了! Ning Fan can kill Shi Kun, his strength, immeasurably deep! 宁凡能杀石坤,他的实力,深不可测啊! split second, Old Monster of innumerable surrounding are silent, looks to Ning Fan gaze, brings with dreading scared. 一瞬间,无数围观的老怪沉默不语,望向宁凡目光,带着胆寒与畏惧。 Unlike these Old Monster, Giant Demon Clan cultivator that rushes to rescue this place much, understood that Ning Fan cuts to kill the Shi Kun cause and effect, knew Ning Fan to rescue Giant Demon Clan the prestige of extermination of the clan, the gratitude that each and every single (person) was from the heart. 与这些老怪不同,不少驰援此地的巨魔族修士,了解到宁凡斩杀石坤的前因后果,知晓宁凡解救了巨魔族的灭族之威,一个个都发自内心的感激。 Revered Ming formidable!” 明尊威武!” Cheers, resounding through the skies, the biography is farther, finally, spreads over entire Northern Cold Country! 欢呼声,响彻云霄,越传越远,最终,传遍整个北凉国 ( 2 / 3 ) ……
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