GE :: Volume #5

#449: Shi Kun does not beat

That is heaven shaking moves the place Evil Qi, brings the imposing manner of slaughtering the common people! 那是一股惊天动地的煞气,带着屠戮苍生的气势! Above this Evil Qi, Shi Kun only thought that the breath stagnates, the aura the chaos, resemble to present layer on layer/heavily bloodsea Illusion shortly at present, in that bloodsea, each and every single (person) is Expert that Ning Fan once cut to kill . 在这股煞气之上,石坤只觉得呼吸一滞,气息顷刻大乱,眼前似出现重重血海幻象,那血海之中,一个个都是宁凡曾经斩杀的高手。. Walks, Vein Opening, Harmonious Spirit, Gold Core, Nascent Soul and Divine Transformation have several number, are buried in this Evil Qi bloodsea extremely, changes to air/Qi of faint trace blood ghost. 一路走来,有数不胜数的辟脉融灵金丹元婴化神,葬身于这煞气血海中,化作一丝丝血煞之气。 In this Evil Qi, has the prestige of evil spirit dozens Void Refinement Expert perish unexpectedly, even, after also Void Inquire level Old Monster dies, Evil Qi that leaves behind! 这一股煞气之中,竟有着数十名炼虚高手殒命的凶煞之威,甚至,还有问虚老怪死后遗留的煞气 Shi Kun loudly shouts, whole body Magic Force fully opened, the body appears a grain scale of piece by piece azure, just now blocks the pressure reluctantly, the full guy, shock is difficult to be bright. 石坤大喝一声,周身法力全开,身上浮现出一片片青色的石纹鳞片,方才勉强挡住威压,却已经满头大汉,震撼难明。 He is unable to imagine, was actually what Expert, in the hand to slaughter such many Expert unexpectedly, under the accumulation this heaven shaking Evil Qi! 他无法想象,究竟是什么样的高手,手中竟屠戮了如此之多的强者,积存下这惊天煞气 could it be... Void Inquiring Peak Old Monster?! 难道是问虚无敌老怪?! That Rank Old Monster, how Shi Kun dares to offend! 那种级别老怪,石坤怎么敢得罪! Shi Kun also keeps off Evil Qi nothing more merely reluctantly, his son, five country master that he brings, was shaken to injure by Evil Qi directly. 石坤也仅仅是勉强挡下煞气而已,他的儿子,他带来的五个国师,则直接被煞气一震而伤。 Five Half-Step Void Refinement country master, is the enunciation overflowing blood, the Nascent Divinity pain wants to crack. 五名半步炼虚国师,俱是口齿溢血,元神痛楚欲裂。 Shi Kun son cultivation base is lowest, only then Nascent Soul Peak, in this generation of Rain World Young Talents, could calculate heaven's chosen, but in the Ning Fan eye, is only the dust, is only the ants! 石坤的儿子修为最低,只有元婴巅峰,在此代雨界青俊之中,或许能算一名天骄,但在宁凡眼中,只是尘埃,只是蝼蚁! The child of chest Shi Kun such as was hit hard, within the body Immortal Veins is torn to pieces, 1000 years snow wooden seat that sits, was been directly broken by the Evil Qi bang, but he double kneels in the place, coughs up blood not just, was almost killed by the Ning Fan Evil Qi town/subdues directly! 石坤之子胸口如遭重击,体内仙脉寸断,所坐的千年雪木座椅,直接被煞气轰碎,而他则双跪于地,咳血不止,几乎直接被宁凡煞气镇杀! Ju Qing, Dong Xu and several Giant Demon Elder, gaze is also shocks. 巨擎洞虚及数名巨魔长老,目光亦是震撼不已。 Ning Fan Evil Qi without/has not suppresses them, but was feeling merely Evil Qi ominous prestige, they then feel the scant of breath. 宁凡煞气没有镇压他们,但仅仅是感觉着煞气的凶威,他们便觉得呼吸困难。 a path of gaze, looks to slowly the youth who that walks into the evening snow pavilion, is not all able to believe. 一道道目光,望向那缓缓步入暮雪阁的青年身上,俱是无法置信。 Was Ning Fan comes! But even about Ning Fan knew quite deep Dong Xu, is unable to expect, present Ning Fan, already powerful to this degree! 宁凡来了!但就算是对宁凡了解颇深的洞虚,也无法料到,如今的宁凡,已强大到这种程度! Only has Xu Qiuling, gaze is still indifferent, the chilly pupil light looks to Ning Fan, smiles, if crescent moon, beautiful thrilling. 唯有许秋灵,目光依旧淡然,清冷的眸光望向宁凡,笑若弯月,美得动人心魄。 Big Brother, you came back.” 大哥,你回来了。” Comes back... rather than the arrival... 回来…而不是到来… Because there are her in horizon, is the Ning Fan family/home, where arrives, goes home. 因为有她在的天涯,便是宁凡的家,走到哪里,都是回家。 The matter that Ling'er, all gets down, is handled by me. Your big relax, looks in your face, now said that I may guarantee the Giant Demon safe/without matter, nobody may the wound...” 灵儿,皆下来的事,由我处理。你大可放心,看在你的面子上,今曰我可保巨魔无事,无人可伤…” Ning Fan nods toward Xu Qiuling smiles, abandons Fu Bai Elder and moon/month, burns two females, walks toward Shi Kun alone. 宁凡许秋灵点头一笑,撇下浮白长老和月、焚二女,独自朝石坤走去。 Each one step, seems treads above Great Dao. 一步,都好似踏在大道之上。 Each one step, will raise an even more sharp imposing manner, the thorn to Shi Kun! 一步,都会升起一股愈加锋锐的气势,刺向石坤 At present Ning Fan step by step walks, the Shi Kun surface sinks like the iron, he had seen, Ning Fan is not he suspected Void Inquire Old Monster, is only Half-Step Void Refinement. 眼前宁凡一步步走来,石坤面沉如铁,他已看出,宁凡并非他猜想中的问虚老怪,只是一名半步炼虚 Thinks oneself were frightened by a Divine Transformation junior, thinks a Divine Transformation junior dares to destroy the good deed, dares to harm own son and country master, Shi Kun complexion is even more cloudy, killing intent fluctuates. 一想到自己被一个化神小辈吓到了,一想到一个化神小辈竟敢破坏自己好事,竟敢伤害自己的儿子、国师,石坤面色愈加阴沉,杀机浮动。 Zhou Ming? Venerable Elder that Rain Palace seals newly? Snort! Only Divine Venerable is old, daring to be impolite to this King, courts death! You may know, even Rain Palace Void Refinement Palace Lord, must intersect with the this King person of the same generation, you are anything!” 周明雨殿新封的尊老?哼!区区一个化神尊老,竟敢对本王无礼,找死!你可知,就算是雨殿炼虚殿主,都要和本王平辈相交,你算什么东西!” Shi Kun is not the Rain Palace person, although had heard the Ning Fan Rain Palace Venerable Elder status, actually by no means knows how well-respected of Ning Fan in the Rain Sovereign eye. 石坤不是雨殿的人,虽然听说过宁凡雨殿尊老的身份,却并不知晓宁凡雨皇眼中多么受重视。 Shi Kun at this moment, captures Void Inquire Pill wholeheartedly, after seeing Ning Fan real cultivation base, then no longer puts in it the eye. 此刻的石坤,一心夺得问虚丹,在见到宁凡真实修为后,便不再将其放入眼中。 Ning Fan receives the footsteps, is away from three zhang (3.33 m) distance, coldly looks at Shi Kun. 宁凡收住脚步,隔着三丈距离,冷冷看着石坤 Shi Kun also disperses the imposing manner, he is Void Glimpse without rival Old Monster, opens the imposing manner full power, will not lose to Ning Fan. 石坤亦散开气势,他好歹是窥虚无敌老怪,全力张开气势,自不会输给宁凡 Flicks the sleeve creates an incident , helping up the son, the sinking serious injury potential that looks at son Immortal Veins completely destroys, killing intent of Shi Kun to Ning Fan, rose 1st stratum. 拂袖生风,扶起儿子,看着儿子仙脉尽毁的沉重伤势,石坤宁凡杀机,又上升了一层 Royal Father, killed him, tramples flat Giant Demon, revenges for me!” The child mean say/way. 父王,杀了他,踏平巨魔,为我报仇!”其子阴狠道。 relax! Now said that even if annoys Zhou Family is not quick, Rain Palace castigates, this King must turn round Giant Demon, revenges for you! The technique of stone killing!” 放心!今曰纵然惹周家不快,雨殿苛责,本王也要覆了巨魔,为你报仇!石杀之术!” Shi Kun throws to five country master half remnant son, waves to use the technique of teleportation, sent out beside country master and the others 100,000 li (50,000 km). At once one step takes, the Golden Body great strength, one step treads above the land. 石坤将半残的儿子抛给五名国师,挥手施展挪移之术,将国师等人送出十万里之外。旋即一步迈出,金身巨力,一步踏在大地之上。 Strength of only one treading, changes to together the smashing storm that is inconceivable, rumbles the evening snow pavilion entire garret directly to become Fencui. 仅一踏之力,化作一道难以想象的粉碎风暴,直接将暮雪阁整座阁楼轰成粉粹。 The strength of collapse is still proliferating, in 100,000 li (50,000 km), innumerable Snow Mountain were shaken by Shi Kun treads, is destroyed in a moment. 崩溃之力还在扩散,十万里之内,无数雪山石坤一脚震踏,毁于一旦。 After that great strength spreads, above the land, the innumerable crushed stones seem the ghosts and demons to take possession, the intercoagulation, forms the each and every single (person) giant rock arm, all has high of 1000 zhang (3333.33 meters). 那一股巨力扩散之后,大地之上,无数碎石好似鬼魅附身,相互凝结,形成一个个巨大的岩石手臂,皆有千丈之高。 Tens of thousands of rock arms, since the ground stretches out, gets hold of the fist, towards Ning Fan and the others rumbled to kill under. 成千上万的岩石手臂,从地面伸出,握紧成拳,朝宁凡等人轰杀而下。 Each rock great fist, the bang kills Divine Transformation sufficiently! 每一道岩石巨拳,都足以轰杀化神 The tens of thousands of rock great fists, the bang kills, even Void Refinement Old Monster, is still difficult to guarantee Undying/not dead! 成千上万的岩石巨拳,一齐轰杀,就算是炼虚老怪,也难保不死 So stirring Magic Technique fluctuation, making the entire Northern Cold Country 70 million li land, the land slightly shiver, seeming the earthquake was ordinary. 如此震撼人心的法术波动,令得整个北凉国七千万里土地,大地微微颤动,好似地震一般。 Innumerable cultivator soar, is looking at the Northern Cold Province direction, mind Grand Formation, where does not know that direction has Expert in fighting method. 无数修士腾空而起,望着北凉都郡的方向,心神大阵,哪里不知那个方向有强者斗法 each and every single (person) Old Monster draws support from domestic teleportation formation in abundance, hurries to toward Province. 一个个老怪纷纷借助国内传送阵,朝都郡赶去。 In battlefield nearby Old Monster, builds the escaping light in abundance, spreads toward the battlefield, finds out. 在战场附近老怪,更是纷纷架起遁光,朝战场驰来,一探究竟。 Much Old Monster that catches up in a hurry from nearby, sees Shi Kun to summon tens of thousands of rock arms, is complexion shocks, calls out in alarm. 不少从附近匆匆赶来的老怪,一见石坤召出成千上万的岩石手臂,俱是面色震撼,惊呼不已。 This person is not Shi Le Country Lord Shi Kun, why will he appear in Endless Sea?” “此人不是石勒国主石坤吗,他为何会出现在无尽海?” This is the Shi Kun self-satisfied technique, the technique of stone killing! A Shi Kun institute cultivates, is Ghost Stone God Veins, can control ten thousand stones depending on the strength of ghosts and gods, once Void Refinement Initial Stage... he displayed so terrifying Magic Technique depending on technique of move of serious injury stone killing in Giant Demon Clan unexpectedly, could it be must destroy Giant Demon Clan to be inadequate!” “这是石坤的得意之术,石杀之术!石坤一身所修,乃是鬼石神脉,可以凭鬼神之力驾驭万石,曾经凭石杀之术一招重伤了一名炼虚初期…他竟然在巨魔族内施展如此恐怖法术,难道是要毁了巨魔族不成!” Shi Kun, but in Void Glimpse without rival Expert, takes a broad view at Rain World, is prestigious Old Monster, why will come Giant Demon Clan to seek a quarrel. Both eight bamboo poles cannot hit, should not have the enmity, this is unreasonable...” 石坤可是窥虚之中无敌高手,放眼雨界,都是威名赫赫的老怪,为何会前来巨魔族寻事。两者八竿子打不着,不应结下仇怨,这不合理啊…” You said, can for Void Inquire Pill... cough cough... Giant Demon Clan not Void Refinement oversee, actually conduct Pill Ceremony arbitrarily, inviting concocting pills Grandmaster to be it completes the task, put out Six Revolutions Mid Grade Medicine Pill to take the reward unexpectedly... Tsk Tsk Tsk, Six Revolutions Mid Grade, Void Inquire Pill, this is will let many Void Glimpse Old Monster crazy...” “你们说,会不会是为了问虚丹咳咳巨魔族并无炼虚坐镇,却擅自举办丹典,邀请炼丹宗师为其完成任务,竟拿出六转中品丹药作为报酬…啧啧啧,六转中品,问虚丹,这可是会让很多窥虚老怪疯狂的…” Yeah, why regardless of Shi Kun contracts enmity with Giant Demon Clan, since he take action, Giant Demon says must exterminate now, did not need to look at... this Pill Ceremony unable to manage, I and others Giant Demon Clan watched the ceremony, ran a fruitless errand one actually time...” “哎,不论石坤为何与巨魔族结怨,他既然出手,巨魔今曰必灭,不用看了…这丹典也办不下去了,我等来巨魔族观看典礼,倒是白跑一遭…” each and every single (person) Old Monster sobbed, actually nobody thinks that Giant Demon Clan can keep off the Shi Kun anger. 一个个老怪唏嘘不已,却无人认为巨魔族能挡下石坤怒火。 Myriad rock arms control in Shi Kun grass, under the making a fist bang, the great strength levels the mountains and rivers sufficiently. 万千岩石手臂在石坤的艹控下,握拳轰下,巨力足以填平山河。 Ju Qing and Dong Xu and one should Giant Demon Elder, see with own eyes that this technique is mammoth, all knows this technique absolutely not they to resist. 巨擎洞虚及一应巨魔长老,眼见此术声势浩大,皆知此术绝非他们可以抵挡。 Xu Qiuling, Yue Lingkong and Fen Chi (Burning Wings) three females, are actually self-poise, the each and every single (person) female all has the infinite confidence to Ning Fan, does not think that Ning Fan will lose to Shi Kun. 许秋灵月凌空焚翅三女,倒是镇定自若,一个个女子皆对宁凡有着无穷信心,根本不认为宁凡会败给石坤 Yue'er, this time you do not need take action, I to come. You draw back are farther...” 月儿,此次你不必出手,我来。你们退远些…” Ning Fan directs, innumerable black teleportation mist threads, behind all people one volume, send out the battlefield. 宁凡一指点出,无数黑色的挪移烟丝,将身后诸人一卷,送出战场。 raised the head is looking at the innumerable rock great fists, in the eye brings the light scraps/condescend, does not hide does not evade, no matter what under innumerable great fist bang. 抬头望着无数岩石巨拳,目中带着轻屑,不躲不避,任无数巨拳轰下。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Tens of thousands of fist glow, submerge Ning Fan. 成千上万的拳芒,将宁凡淹没。 The land splits open, the wind and snow fly randomly, the mist and dust submerged Heaven and Earth, nobody can see clearly Ning Fan under fist glow is dies lives. 大地迸裂,风雪乱飞,烟尘淹没了天地,无人能看清拳芒下的宁凡是死是活。 Shi Kun coldly smiles, he clearly feels, in all fist glow bang Ning Fan, in his opinion, Ning Fan died. 石坤冷冷一笑,他分明感觉到,所有拳芒都轰中了宁凡,在他看来,宁凡死定了。 Old Monster of each and every single (person) onlooking sobbed, although did not look clearly, even does not know what with Shi Kun fighting method was, actually recognized that mostly Ning Fan died under rock fist glow. 一个个旁观的老怪唏嘘不已,虽看不真切,甚至不知与石坤斗法的是谁,却多半认定宁凡死在了岩石拳芒之下。 Wind and snow, Scatter! 风雪,散! The mist and dust, opens! 烟尘,开! Above the mountains and rivers ruins, Ning Fan wears white robe Golden Armor, appears slowly. 山河废墟之上,宁凡身着白袍金甲,徐徐浮现。 His black hair chaotic dance like the demon, the Golden Armor shining world like the deity, myriad fist glow bang above its Golden Armor, only causes the light lightning ray ripples, is unable to create to Golden Armor injures slightly. 他黑发乱舞如魔,金甲耀世如天神,万千拳芒轰在其金甲之上,只引起淡淡的雷光涟漪,根本无法对金甲造成丝毫伤害。 Shi Kun complexion big quake, his looks at Ning Fan Golden Armor, unbelievable! 石坤面色大震,他看着宁凡身上的金甲,难以置信! That is what Golden Armor, is not Magical Treasure, but is Magic Technique transformation! 那是什么金甲,不是法宝,而是法术幻化 Trivial Magic Technique transformation armor, easily kept off itself to strike... this to be how possible unexpectedly full power! 区区法术幻化甲胄,竟轻易挡下了自己全力一击…这怎么可能! Shi Kun is not Endless Sea cultivator, naturally does not know the Ning Fan again and again crazy score. 石坤并非无尽海修士,自然不知宁凡一次次疯狂战绩。 At this moment he starts to realize, oneself looked down on Ning Fan, this child absolutely not Half-Step Void Refinement is so simple! 此刻他才开始意识到,自己小瞧了宁凡,此子绝非半步炼虚那么简单! Innumerable Old Monster looked at deity general Golden Armor Ning Fan, the each and every single (person) atmosphere is not daring to breathe. 无数老怪望着天神一般的金甲宁凡,一个个大气都不敢喘了。 Their then gradually sees clearly, that with the Shi Kun fighting method youth, impressively unexpectedly is being Endless Sea First Demon... Ning Fan! 他们这才渐渐看清,那正在与石坤斗法的青年,赫然竟是无尽海第一魔头…宁凡 a path of calls out in alarm raises again, but this time, actually not everyone supported Shi Kun to win. 一道道惊呼再次升起,但这一次,却并非所有人都支持石坤必胜了。 Is Revered Ming! That just like the Golden Armor Deity common youth, absolutely is Revered Ming, will not be wrong! Revered Ming is over Giant Demon Clan!” “是明尊!那犹如金甲天神一般的青年,绝对是明尊,不会错!明尊是在为巨魔族出头吗!” Revered Ming ominous name, is not lower than Shi Kun, looked that... there stand is not Revered Yue... cough cough cough... Revered Ming adds on Revered Yue, again in addition four Void Glimpse Puppet, this time unlucky as if can be Shi Kun...” 明尊凶名,可丝毫不比石坤低啊,看…那里站得不是月尊吗…咳咳咳明尊加上月尊,再加上四具窥虚傀儡,这一次倒霉的似乎会是石坤…” Revered Yue seems like the meaning of without/has not take action, Revered Ming as if not plan to summon Puppet, wants to depend on the itself strength and a Shi Kun war? Although Revered Ming once the fist killed Lu Jiefen, but Shi Kun but Void Glimpse without rival, was not a progression... this defeats with Lu Jiefen completely lost/carrying is difficult to expect...” 月尊似乎没有出手之意,明尊似乎也不打算召出傀儡,是想凭本身实力与石坤一战吗?虽说明尊曾经拳杀陆界焚,但石坤可是窥虚无敌,与陆界焚完全不是一个级数…此战胜负难料了…” Revered Ming the Golden Armor, as if somewhat looks familiar, where Old Man had heard probably... was right, this is, this is!” “不过明尊的这件金甲,似乎有些眼熟,老夫好像在哪里听说过…对了,这是,这是!” each and every single (person) Endless Sea Devil, reveals to shock, fiery gaze. 一个个无尽海魔头,纷纷露出震撼、火热的目光 What they recalled this Golden Armor are! 他们记起了这金甲是何物! This is Armor of Primordial Thunder! This is Thunder Sovereign Sir becoming famous Secret Art! Hearsay Armor of Primordial Thunder, cultivation is difficult, in Zhou Family except for Thunder Sovereign, nobody may cultivate/repair to Golden Armor above Rank, Revered Ming achieves unexpectedly!” “这是元雷之甲!这是雷皇大人的成名绝学!传闻元雷之甲,修炼艰难,周家之内除了雷皇,无人可修至金甲以上的级别,明尊竟做到了!” Revered Ming has this technique, showed that Zhou Family and Revered Ming friendship is significant, cannot offend! But he can cultivate/repair this technique to so Realm, explained that its Innate Skill is astonishing, nobody may compare!” 明尊掌有此术,更加证明周家明尊交情匪浅,不可得罪!而他能将此术修至如此境界,更说明其天赋惊人,无人可比!” Thunder Sovereign Secret Technique, must carry forward in the Revered Ming hand unexpectedly!” 雷皇秘术,竟要在明尊手中发扬光大了!” As Endless Sea Devil, without/has not anybody does not worship Thunder Sovereign. 作为无尽海魔头,没有任何人不崇拜雷皇的。 That is nearly frantic worship, Thunder Sovereign Bu Zhou, a person of alone War Sword Three Sovereigns undefeated, establishes the illustrious prestige, once made the Rain World prestige broadcast. 那是一种近乎狂热的崇拜,不周雷皇,一人独战剑三皇不败,立下赫赫威名,一度使得雨界威名远播。 That is Expert in legend, this Expert Secret Technique, appears on Ning Fan unexpectedly, making the innumerable Old Monster facial expressions excited. 那是传说中的高手,这种高手秘术,竟出现在宁凡身上,让无数老怪神情激动。 At this moment, innumerable Old Monster even felt, Ning Fan is so cut-throat, after 1000 years 10,000 years, can be next Thunder Sovereign Bu Zhou! 这一刻,无数老怪甚至觉得,宁凡如此凶狠,千年万年之后,会不会是下一个不周雷皇 Must be on good terms this child, cannot offend him, this child future, inestimable!” “必须交好此子,决不可得罪他,此子前途,不可估量!” Thunder Armor body protection, Ning Fan stands under the complete stone fist, like the mountain, stands one's ground steadfastly steadily. 雷甲护体,宁凡立在完全石拳之下,稳如山岳,岿然不动。 Is looking at continually myriad stone fist of attack, in the Ning Fan eye cold light flickers, above the both arms, appears layer on layer/heavily Black Dragon shadow, among Heaven and Earth, is the sound of angry dragon! 望着持续进攻的万千石拳,宁凡眼中寒芒闪烁,双臂之上,浮现出重重黑龙虚影,天地间,俱都是怒龙之声! Void Technique, Double Dragon!” 虚术,双龙!” A fist leaves, Black Dragon falls, the double fist leaves, Heaven and Earth dies! 一拳出,黑龙陨,双拳出,天地死! In the moment of shaking the fist, Ning Fan right arm golden light presently, has greatly unexpectedly does not lose the Golden Body First Realm physical strength. 在挥拳的一刻,宁凡右臂金光大现,竟有着不输金身第一境的气力。 Holds in in addition of body of Corpse Demon, although his physical strength is inferior to Golden Body Second Realm, actually still wins Shi Kun this elders Body Cultivation to plan. 尸魔之身的加持下,他的气力虽不如金身第二境,却犹胜石坤这老辈体修一筹。 Bang! 轰! Unapproachable fist glow rumbles, tens of thousands of rock arms, under a Ning Fan double fist bang, all crush! 一股无可匹敌的拳芒轰出,成千上万的岩石手臂,在宁凡双拳一轰之下,俱都粉碎! The Shi Kun gaze circle opens the eyes, is unable to believe. 石坤目光圆睁,无法置信。 Innumerable stone Bi who he strikes full power, was defeated unexpectedly by Ning Fan! 他全力一击的无数石臂,竟被宁凡一击破去! He does not want to acknowledge, actually has to acknowledge, Ning Fan body refining Realm, is higher than the frontline compared with him unexpectedly! 他不想承认,却不得不承认,宁凡炼体境界,竟比他还高出一线! „It is not good!” “不好!” In his absent-minded moment, the Ning Fan form in a flash, disappears suddenly, appears behind Shi Kun. 在他失神的片刻,宁凡身影一晃,骤然消失,出现在石坤背后。 A thick sense of crisis, the reappearing heart, making Shi Kun suddenly turn head, with Ning Fan fist bone to bang. 一股浓浓的危机感,浮现心头,令得石坤猛然回头,与宁凡拳骨对轰。 Bang! 轰! The double fist to the bang, two people are to all spell to go all-out! 双拳对轰,二人俱是拼尽全力! Ning Fan draws back continually several steps, secret surprised, perhaps the Shi Kun body refining Realm no small matter, places in Golden Body First Realm, can be the medium rank on strength. 宁凡连退数步,暗暗惊讶,石坤炼体境界非同小可,恐怕放在金身第一境之中,都算得上中等偏上的实力。 He only drew back several steps, but Shi Kun drew back counted hundred steps! 他只退了数步,但石坤足足退了数百步 Each one step, must cough a blood. 一步,都要咳出一口鲜血。 Each one step, must tread the innumerable mountains and rivers! 一步,都要踏碎无数山河! He in Ning Fan to the bang, dropped heavy injury unexpectedly! 他竟在与宁凡对轰之中,落下了不轻的伤势 This... how possible!” “这…怎么可能!” Shi Kun is unable to imagine, his not only Mortal Body inferior Ning Fan, and inferior is also not the 1-star least bit! 石坤无法想象,他不但肉身逊色宁凡,且逊色的还不是一星半点! He is unable to understand, Ning Fan without/has not thoroughly breaks through Golden Body obviously, but Mortal Body so will be why powerful! 他无法理解,宁凡明明没有彻底突破金身,但肉身为何会如此强大! ( 1 / 3 ) ……
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