GE :: Volume #14

#1325 Part 2: Do I hit Ni Fan?

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black ink graduated arm: 【The smelly old lady, do not go too far! I respect you am the elder have not hit back, when really I cannot be victorious your old woman!】 墨衡:【臭老太婆,不要欺人太甚!我敬你是长者才没还手,真当我打不过你一介老妇吗!】 black ink graduated arm: Why you must manage me! You are very bothersome!】 墨衡:【你为什么总要管我!你很烦啊!】 black ink graduated arm: That told you to be good! Since had a strange dream, present I listen to the master to attend class again, always thought that these things all are useless, the innermost feelings resistance, is not willing to study, actually has to study. Not study the words, father's iron rod might also as well pain ;, if I dare to deny the theory of Ancient Saint past virtue, the way of the world will not accommodate me, always thought that such life continues not to have the significance, I should also more important matter without/has not complete, but actually could not think...】 墨衡:【那就告诉你好了!自从做了一场怪梦,如今的我再听夫子上课,总觉得那些东西皆是无用,内心抗拒,不愿学习,却又不得不学。不学的话,父亲的铁棒也未尝不痛若我敢否定古圣昔贤的学说,世道也不会容我,总觉得这样的人生继续下去也毫无意义,我应该还有更重要的事情没有完成,但却想不起来了...】 Profound Bird: May I feel the thing that your master teach is very good? For example that he said that the gentleman is not heavy the non- prestige, the gentleman, if starts not heavily, establishment prestige. You looked ~ I make an effort slightly, weren't you obedient? Person who also that sentence not speaking occult and uncanny things, regarding is not willing to speak well, should project on the insanity with the strange strength him, is philosophical, the Human Clan wise man are how many also ~ 玄鸟:【可我觉得你那位夫子教的东西很好啊?比如他说的那句,君子不重则不威,君子若是下手不重,就确立不了威信。你看~我才稍稍用力,你不就听话了?还有那句子不语怪力乱神,对于不肯好好说话的人,就该用怪力把他打到神经错乱,多么富有哲理,人族的智者何其多也~】 black ink graduated arm: 【?】 墨衡:【?】 black ink graduated arm: 【The theory of original ancient, the also so profound meaning, pushes it by this unexpectedly, other is it possible that Ancient Book... are not right, your explanation is seeking me to be happy radically!】 墨衡:【原来古人的学说,竟还有如此深意,以此推之,莫非其他古籍也都...不对吧,你这解读根本只是在寻我开心!】 Profound Bird: But at least made you have some interests to the learn/study, not ~ you were so young, what does not need to define the truth eagerly is, because that was needs to implement the answer that the life tracked down, and answer was never only.】 玄鸟:【但至少让你对学习有了些兴趣,不是吗~你还如此年轻,不必急于定义真理为何物,因为那是需要贯彻一生来追寻的答案,且答案从来不是唯一。】 Profound Bird: Does not want to go forward, stops the footsteps but actually also well, long that too but do not stay, such could not catch up with true. Regardless of will run into anyone in the future, your life from starts certainly facing oneself. You can turn around at any time, but cannot continuously retreat Oh ~ 玄鸟:【不想前进的时候,停下脚步倒也不错,但不要停留的太久,那样就追不上真正的自己了。无论将来会遇到谁,你的生命一定是从遇到自己开始的。你可以随时转身,但不可以一直后退~】 Profound Bird: No matter the good fortune and misfortune, do not set limit for own life, in order to avoid prevented the sunlight of life ~ cute youngster are new student/life morning sun, World is your, is our, but can be in the final analysis your. Before your becoming Sun, I will urge well your, for these unfinished pledges, for tomorrow that these cannot arrive in ~ 玄鸟:【不管幸与不幸,都不要为自己的人生设限,以免阻挡了生命的阳光~可爱的少年都是新生的朝阳,世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根结底会是你们的。在你成为太阳以前,我会好好督促你的,为那些未竟的誓言,为那些未能抵达的明天~】 Had Profound Bird urging, black ink weighed is unable to waste time to get by again. 有了玄鸟督促,墨衡再也无法蹉跎度日了。 This mysteriously appearing and disappearing granny, always appears when the inopportuneness, making him have no alternative, actually has, since. 这位神出鬼没的老婆婆,总在不合时宜时出现,让他无可奈何,却又不得不从。 She with her does not know when rubs the good Golden Flame needle, is goading to him. 她会用她那不知何时磨好的金焰针,对着他悬梁刺股。 Also will ask him to eat the wind cake and dew ferments, accompanies him to pile the snowman, to model snow Arhat. 也会请他吃风糕和露水酿,陪他堆雪人、塑雪罗汉 Such life, continued for three years, he starts exist(ence) of custom granny, gradually has acquired achievements from study. 这样的生活,持续了三年,他开始习惯老婆婆的存在,渐渐学有所成。 The innermost feelings start to feel grateful granny's urging, on the mouth actually from unforgiving, made impertinent remarks as before. 内心开始感激老婆婆的督促,嘴上却从不饶人,依旧出言不逊。 Really a mysterious granny! 真是一个神奇的老婆婆啊! Among appearance line of in the world of granny, her look always the cheerful child, feels about all things obviously likely curious, feels delighted about all rigid look. 明明是以老婆婆的模样行于世间,她的眼神却总欢快的像个孩子,对一切事物都感到好奇,对一切执着的眼神都感到欢喜。 As if the without/has not anything thing can make her confused, can make her sad, can make her shed tears truly... 仿佛没有什么东西能令她迷茫,能令她悲伤,能令她真正流下眼泪... She seems like the emotion of without/has not person , seems is wanting the sincere profound emotion compared with anybody, making one ponder over airtight... 她似乎没有人的情感,又似有着比任何人都要真挚深邃的情感,令人琢磨不透... black ink graduated arm: Hey, smelly old lady! Why can you always be so joyful?】 墨衡:【喂,臭老太婆!为何你总能如此快乐?】 Profound Bird: Has called me smelly old lady's words, I will cry Oh ~ 玄鸟:【一直叫我臭老太婆的话,我可是会哭得~】 black ink graduated arm: Do not deceive people! Like people like you, at all not possible to sob for whom! Moreover I have not known that your name, this is unfair!】 墨衡:【别骗人了!像你这样的人,根本不可能为谁哭泣吧!而且我还不知道你的名字,这也太不公平了!】 Profound Bird: Once name, was unable to raise, in the future words, you can study study other cute person, asking me to think unreliably ~ 玄鸟:【曾经的名字,已经无从提起了,往后的话,你可以学学其他可爱的人儿,叫我思玄~】 black ink graduated arm: Thinks unreliably? Snort, one hear is not your real name, called you smelly old lady to be good, who called you not to tell me... AH---- you why to punch me the real name...】 墨衡:【思玄么?哼,一听就不是你的真名,还是叫你臭老太婆好了,谁叫你不把真名告诉我...啊——你干嘛又揍我...】 Profound Bird: Because this is I maintains secret of happiness ~ 玄鸟:【因为这就是我保持快乐的秘诀~】 black ink graduated arm: Hateful, you are waiting to me! thirty years on the east side of the river, thirty years on the west side of the river, bullies the youngster to be poor not!】 墨衡:【可恶,你给我等着!三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!】 Profound Bird: This saying listens familiar-soundingly, as if many people had said to me ~ bullies youngster to be poor not, bullies middle age to be poor not, bullies old age to be poor not, dead for big, rebirth I met east of the river lion ~ brave words of youngster, can always make one respond with anticipation ~, for happy tomorrow will soon arrive, should do homework youngster ~ 玄鸟:【这话听来耳熟,似乎很多人都对我说过呢~莫欺少年穷,莫欺中年穷,莫欺老年穷,死者为大,重生之我又遇到了河东狮~少年们的豪言壮语,总能令人报以期待~为了美好的明天早日到来,该写作业了少年~】 black ink graduated arm: Writes writes! Who fears whom! Snort, will you also come tomorrow?】 墨衡:【写就写!谁怕谁!哼,你明天还会来吗?】 Profound Bird: Good matter association/will arrives, when it comes to be late, is a pleasant surprise ~ 玄鸟:【好的事情总会到来,当它来晚时,也不失为一种惊喜~】 black ink graduated arm: speak human language!】 墨衡:【说人话!】 Profound Bird: Oh that can come ~ tomorrow will certainly arrive ~ 玄鸟:【会来的~明天一定会到来的~】 Why that time I, without/has not understood her true meaning. 为什么那时的我,没有听懂她真正的意思。 She said that tomorrow will certainly arrive, but her without/has not said oneself will go tomorrow... 她说明天一定会到来,可她却没有说自己会前往明天... True leaving is always hurried, cannot wait for roadside shelter Gu Dao, only before some approaches in the morning, then kept yesterday few people. 真正的离别总是过于匆忙,等不及长亭古道,只在某一个清晨来临前,便将一部分人留在了昨天。 That time black ink graduated arm, but also leaving without saying good-bye of does not understand granny means anything. 那时的墨衡,还不理解老婆婆的不告而别意味着什么。 Three years of being together, he no doubt feels grateful the benevolence that the granny encourages learning, heavily actually has not actually understood that benevolence. 三年的相处,他固然感激老婆婆劝学的恩情,却还不明白那份恩情究竟有多沉重。 Afterward, when he passed by likely the ear mountain by chance, sought the one time granny on the way, had achieved nothing, departed resentfully. 后来,他碰巧路过象耳山时,顺路去寻了一次老婆婆,一无所获,悻悻离去。 Afterward, he then gradually faded from the memory this matter. 再后来,他便逐渐淡忘了此事。 The past stubbornly disobedient youngster has grown up, he left the academy, started four directions to study away from home. 昔日的顽劣少年早已长大,他离开书院,开始四方游学。 Initially when only visits the water in the Luyang domestic Youshan. 初时只在鲁阳国内游山访水。 Subsequently starts to travel far and wide. 继而开始周游列国。 Unlike the rich and populous Luyang country, in other states, he experienced entirely different World. 与富庶的鲁阳国不同,在其他诸侯国间,他见识到了截然不同的世界 In to win Guo, the Changping country common border place, he saw the 450,000 Changping officers bury the gulf of bone. 在嬴国、长平国交界地,他见到了四十五万长平将士埋骨的深坑。 In full Suiguo, he saw food of named vegetable/dish person, was hanging to sell. 在满穗国,他见到了名为菜人的食物,被人悬挂出售。 In Qi Guo, he saw Ancient ruins that the sky crashes, as well as nobody sacrificial offering, overgrown with weeds Qi people overcoming nature ancestral hall. 在杞国,他见到了天空坠落的远古遗迹,以及无人祭祀、杂草丛生的杞人补天祠。 In the Black Fire country, he saw named treads the crossbow and great thunder mechanism/organization divine creative force, even the Fierce Tiger wicked flood dragon may easily killing, be possible to be used to lead a war. 黑火国,他见到了名为踏弩、巨雷的机关造物,连猛虎恶蛟都可轻易击杀,更可用来主导一场战争。 In both sides country, he saw that has life to have the two sheets face, one sheet in former one sheet, one sheet is good one sheet is wicked. 在两面国,他见到有人生两张面孔,一张在前一张在后,一张为善一张为恶。 In wool Republic of China, he saw that has the life nature to be parsimonious, the whole body grows hair, actually does not lift a finger to help. 在毛民国,他见到有人生性吝啬,浑身长毛,却还是一毛不拔。 In dog to seal/confer Guo, he sees some people of person dog heads, only knows the food and drink, no other energy. 在犬封国,他见到有人人身犬头,只知吃喝,别无所能。 In no start/open Guo, he saw that some people were called sleeping the death, was called having a dream the life. 在无启国,他见到有人把死亡叫作“睡觉”,把生活叫作“做梦”。 Former were really tiny, in front of the thing of named survival, the pain that these thought oneself infallible is not worth a red cent. 从前的自己真是太渺小了,在名为生存的事物面前,那些自以为是的痛苦根本一文不值。 Originally Heaven and Earth is so broad, originally the life is so frail, originally World is so different, originally each tomorrow's arrival, will be lucky and miracle. 原来天地如此广阔,原来生命如此脆弱,原来世界如此不同,原来每一个明天的到来,都是幸运和奇迹。 This journey, he used 14 years to walk, in this period was dangerous are innumerable, he actually can turn bad luck into good. 这场旅途,他用了十四年才走完,期间自是凶险无数,他却总能逢凶化吉。 Sometimes will run into the robbers and bandits to rob on the way, at this time he will draw a sword to counter-attack, often can one against ten. 有时会遇到盗匪劫道,这时候他会拔剑反击,往往可以以一敌十。 His martial arts skill are self-created, what imitation when is the granny punches him has used repertoire, he cannot imitate the god marrow of granny, but is used to cope with the trivial robbers and bandits is enough. 他一身武艺多是自创,模仿的是老婆婆揍他时使用过的套路,他模仿不出老婆婆的神髓,但用来对付区区盗匪已是足够。 Also once ran upon both countries to battle, he once ran upon the disasters of war in Yang Huguo, was once encircled 7 days in Chen Cai Guo. At that time he was still a mortal, was not a match for ten thousand, is unable to defeat the one branch army depending on one's effort, at this time, he will then borrow the word of saints and sages some masters gave, depended glib tongue, lobbied the enemy leader, repeatedly traded the vitality. 也曾撞上过两国交战,他就曾在阳虎国撞上兵祸,也曾在陈蔡国被围七日。彼时的他仍是凡人,并非万人敌,无法凭一己之力战胜一支军队,每到此时,他便会借用些夫子所授的圣贤之言,仗着三寸不烂之舌,游说敌方首领,屡次换得生机。 These were regarded as the thing of useless thing by him, originally can also make a living. 那些被他视为无用之物的东西,原来也是可以谋生的。 This makes him even more thank the granny and master, felt for the former ignorant opinion ashamed. 这让他愈发感激老婆婆和夫子,亦为从前的无知言论感到羞愧。 Also does not know that is other caret-shaped too hardly reasons, although he suffers dangerous repeatedly, was without/has not died finally. 也不知是八字太硬还是其他原因,他虽屡遭凶险,终是没有死去。 Will often make some not to know the so-called nightmare actually: 倒是会时常做些不知所谓的噩梦: The dream to own crash cliff, was actually picked up by Golden red cloud, then roams through various nations while the cloud. towards roaming Blue Sea, the evening to Cangwu, endures the hardships of fieldwork, secondary rainbow clothes divine horse. 梦到自己坠落山崖,却被金色云霞托起,而后乘云遨游列国。朝游碧海,暮至苍梧,餐风饮露,霓衣风马。 Crashes into the blade soldier hell the dream to oneself, walks at a loss in demon soldiers Ghost Soldier, actually some people jog oneself back, oneself time and time again will drive back the world. 梦到自己坠入刀兵地狱,茫然行走在阴兵鬼卒之间,却有人轻推自己的后背,将自己一次又一次推回人世。 Entered the temple the dream to oneself, actually discovered that here gathered the named bandit cultivator Divine Immortal character, will easily then cut to kill. 梦到自己独自一人进了寺庙,却发现这里聚集了名为修匪神仙人物,轻易便将自己斩杀。 And the fellow villager sleeps near Oibibi the dream to oneself, finally was actually pushed in Irii by the fellow villager, seizes the property. 梦到自己和同乡宿于井边,最终却被同乡推入井中,夺走财物。 Occasionally will have some good dreams. 偶尔也会做些好梦。 In the dream, his youngster, was encouraged learning by the granny iron rod all day. 梦中,他还是那个少年,整天被老婆婆铁棒劝学。 Stated differently, he has grown up, will not shout the opposite party the smelly old lady again. 不同的是,他已经长大了,不会再喊对方臭老太婆了。 He experienced too many, many gratitude want to tell the opposite party, wants to call one time to think of profound mother-in-law well. 他经历了太多,有许多感激想要告诉对方,更想要好好称呼一次“思玄婆婆”。 But, he in dream cannot make any sound, is silent seems like an ice-cold corpse, can only listen to the granny to keep saying to him verbosely, the opposite party chirp the appearance, the live image is a merry bird. 但偏偏,梦里的他发不出任何声音,沉默得像是一具冰冷的尸体,只能听老婆婆对他絮絮叨叨说个没完,对方叽叽喳喳地样子,活像是一只快活的小鸟。 Aiya, how came to here, must treasure own life Oh ~ 哎呀,怎么又来这里了,要更加珍惜自己的生命~】 But does not need to fear, nightmare had ended ~ sunflower should not die before daybreak, weeds should not die of wind that nobody asked about, your story should not silent end similarly ~ 【但不必怕,噩梦已经结束了~向阳花不应死于黎明前,野草不应死于无人问津的风,你的故事同样不应就此无声落幕~】 Thought cannot speak is not familiar with very much ~ this is very good learn/study opportunity, must treasure Oh well. We are unable to reveal itself to World completely, the part that but that cannot say, makes us complete. Who the acoustic shock human world, must finally long-time deep from silent, who will light the lightning finally, must long-time such as say wandering, this is not ~ 【是不是觉得不能说话很不习惯~这可是很好的学习机会,要好好珍惜。我们无法完全对世界袒露自己,但那没能说出口的部分,才使我们完整。谁终将声震人间,必长久深自缄默,谁终将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊,此为不可言~】 Must distinguish, this time, if certainly parts forever ~ 【又要分别了呢,这一次,一定要是永别呀~】 Does not want such looks at I, I will cry ~ finally teaches you something ~, when accompanies your person to stop in distant place, even does not abandon, must wave to say goodbye Oh ~ 【不要这么看着我啊,我可是会哭的~最后再教你一些事情吧~当陪你的人停在远方,即使不舍,也要挥挥手道别~】 I always believe that after the shower, in sky that clears, appeared rainbow will then vanish quickly, but the rainbow in person heart will not vanish forever ~ is willing to have a mind person who has rainstorm, can wait till rainbow ~ 【我始终相信,阵雨后放晴的天空中,出现的彩虹很快便会消失,但人心中的彩虹永不会消失~愿所有心有暴雨的人儿,都能等到彩虹~】 Is ah... 啊... The rainbow in people heart, will not vanish forever, how to give up, no matter what it vanishes... 人们心中的彩虹,永不会消失的,怎会舍得任它消失... That is solar exist(ence) proof ah... 那是太阳存在过的证明啊... When I return to the Luyang country, Little Sister Haitang (Sea Cherry) has gotten married for many years, his husband indeed my past schoolfellow Lu official, but do I start to recruit the disciple, the disciple all pose as... Fellow Daoist to have the Mohists am listening earnestly? Always thought that Fellow Daoist somewhat seems to be distracted...” “当我回到鲁阳国时,小妹海棠早已成亲多年,其夫婿正是我昔日同窗鲁臣,而我则开始招收门徒,门人皆以墨者自居...道友有在认真听么?总觉得道友似乎有些走神...” The wing looks at the immortal to notice Ning Fan seems like diverting attention, cannot help but frowned. 翼望仙注意到宁凡似乎是在分心,不由得皱了眉头 He to indicate younger generation, is demonstrating own various Samsara specially passing, even also illustrated on own initiative the detail. This matter by no means him is relaxed, speaking of certain details locates, often will affect damaging in within the body Seven Emotions. 他为了点拨后辈,特意展示着自己的诸轮回过往,甚至还主动解说起个中细节。此事于他而言并不轻松,说到某些细节处,往往会牵动体内七情之损。 Unexpectedly actually Ning Fan could not realize that from the start his painstaking efforts, he is incessant here, Ning Fan beyond one side patrolling day, that attended class in childhood the back row by the window is distracted when like him... 却不料宁凡压根体会不到他的良苦用心,他在这边滔滔不绝,宁凡在一旁神游天外,像极了他小时候上课时后排靠窗走神的一幕... Realized inexplicably mood that the master clenched jaws in the past. 莫名体会到了夫子当年咬牙切齿的心情。 That is really wants to pull out a 40 zhang (3.33 m) big disciplinary ruler, knocks several toward the skull of this boy ruthlessly! 那是真的想要掏出四十丈长的大戒尺,朝这小子的脑壳狠狠敲几下啊! Is listening, Senior continues saying that I official wedding to your younger sister and that Lu, some quite interests.” Ning Fan replied. “在听,前辈继续讲,我对令妹和那鲁臣的婚事,颇有些兴趣。”宁凡答道。 He truly somewhat diverts attention, looks in the wing somewhere, he who the immortal is unable to detect is spreading Dao Sense to chase down green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) Dao Sense, chases down very happily. 他确实有些分心,在翼望仙无法察觉的某处,他正散布道念追杀绿掌运道念,追杀得好不痛快。 You are interested to do in my Little Sister really! Do not act sloppily! My family Little Sister is only a mortal, has returned to Samsara, you disturb the body of this world not!” “你对我的小妹感兴趣作甚!你可不要胡来!我家小妹只是凡人,早就重归轮回了,你莫去搅扰她此世之身!” The wing looks at immortal hearing this, immediately suck in a breath of cold air. 翼望仙闻言,顿时倒吸一口冷气 Although he old eyes dim-sighted, holds several points of Saint eyesight, how unable to see Ning Fan to cultivate/repair Ancient Chaos cultivation method, technique of the harvested cultivation is to take a broad view at Three Worlds is difficult to meet the rival! 他虽老眼昏花,到底还保有几分圣人眼力,如何看不出宁凡修有乱古功法,一身采补之术更是放眼三界难逢敌手! Said of pleasant to hear, this boy was Ancient Chaos Successor. 说好听了,这小子是乱古传人 Said coarse, this boy essentially was Three Worlds Dual Cultivation first person! 说难听了,这小子本质上就是三界双修第一人 Considering that becomes important matter to not bother about trifles, this child political integrity is good, some section issues are are not but actually intolerable. 考虑到成大事者不拘小节,此子大节方面还算不错,些许小节问题倒也不是不能容忍。 But if this child wants to project in his treasure(d) Younger Sister the idea, he may somewhat dislike. 可若此子想将主意打到他的宝贝妹妹身上,他可就有些膈应了。 Ning Fan:? 宁凡:? Ning Fan: Senior thinks where went, I am interested is not your younger sister, but is that Lu official. Always felt, some old friend who he and I know is somewhat similar...” 宁凡:“前辈想到哪里去了,我感兴趣的不是令妹,而是那鲁臣。总觉得,他和我认识的某个故人有些相似...” The wing looks at the immortal: Lu official not! That is my brother-in-law, even if Samsara is reincarnated, you may also not bribe!” 翼望仙:“鲁臣也不可以!那是我的妹夫,纵使轮回转世,你亦不可染指!” Ning Fan: „?” 宁凡:“?” Ning Fan: also fine... Senior selects the story that some like to continue to say is.” 宁凡:“也罢...前辈挑些自己喜欢的故事继续讲便是。” The wing looks at the immortal: Does not say! Dao Sense that I save strikes when insufficient most flourishing 1/10, but this is the present can use was complete. More words, should affect within the body Seven Emotions damages divine seal. Then, I will release strongly certainly strikes, Fellow Daoist may probably be careful!” 翼望仙:“不讲了!我所积蓄的道念一击虽不足全盛时的十分之一,但这已经是眼下可以动用的全部了。更多的话,就该牵动体内的【七情神印】了。接下来,我将释放绝强的一击,道友可要小心了!”
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