GE :: Volume #14

#1324 Part 2: The torch fire burns in the silence

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Therefore then the card had the loophole: So long as I never take action, then this world is unable in my fate, to move toward the final result forever, all still had the favorable turn... 于是便卡起了漏洞:只要我永远不出手,则此界永远无法在我的宿命里,走向最终的结局,一切仍有转机... Before he is unable to satisfy both sides solves the problem, has the issue temporarily to put aside. 在他无法两全其美解决问题之前,也只好将问题暂时搁置了。 This act is good, there is a fault. 此举既有好处,也有坏处。 The advantage is he may maintain the present situation, maintains complex Karma at this moment , to continue by a series of coincidences, sits well above the 4th throne, transforms into Heaven and Earth, the flight clearance, enjoys joyful life everywhere. 好处就是他可维持现状,维持此刻的复杂因果,继续借由一连串的巧合,端坐于第四王座之上,物化于天地间,四处放飞自我,享受快乐人生 The fault is he again with other person of Dao Sense wartime, temporarily is unable use Dao Sense , is not possible to tow completely too for a long time. 坏处就是他再与其他人道念战时,暂时无法动用全部道念,亦不可拖得太久。 In the inside story, he does not have the means and wing looks at the immortal explanation. 个中内情,他没办法和翼望仙解释。 The wing looks at the immortal when only Ning Fan can fight a battle to force a quick decision self-confidently, cannot help but has a good laugh. 翼望仙只当宁凡自信可以速战速决,不由得仰天大笑。 Good extremely arrogant boy! Loses Saint to fight with Old Man this kind of, plans to strike to win unexpectedly, is how extremely arrogant! How self-confident! 好个狂妄的小子!和老夫这等失位圣人交手,竟打算一击而胜吗,何其狂妄!何其自信! But my by no means hateful unconventional person! 但我并不讨厌狂士! Because of me past, was an unconventional person! 因我昔日,亦是一位狂士! Drinks to heart's content to sing with gusto gets by spatially, arrogantly for whose hero! 痛饮狂歌空度日,飞扬跋扈为谁雄! You want to strike to decide, that then enters my Dao Sense, by me, as soon as strikes!” “你欲一击而决,那便入我道念,受我一击!” I have a regret, Hughes, you may not dare to withstand the lamentation of my heart!” “我有一悔,不可休思,你可敢承受我心之悔恨!” The wing looks at the immortal to open Dao Sense, the gateway opens greatly, majestic candid, like welcoming a guest to welcome, waits for Ning Fan Dao Sense to enter, by no means feared Ning Fan to stick out suddenly the sneak attack. 翼望仙张开道念,门户大开,堂皇磊落,如同扫榻相迎,坐等宁凡道念进入,并不宁凡暴起偷袭。 He is a good judge of character innumerably, this child will sneak attack him absolutely not! If this child is really harmful his heart, he has died! Otherwise depending on his moment serious injury dying body, how can be the enemy of this child gathering! Then is his 27 records Beginning Saint cultivation base still, also exceeds this child uncertainly! 他识人无数,此子断不会偷袭他!若此子真有害他之心,他早就死了!否则凭他此刻重伤垂死之躯,如何能是此子一合之敌!便是他二十七始圣修为尚在,亦无把握胜过此子 He looks the Ning Fan character, actually cannot see the Ning Fan standpoint. 他看的出宁凡性格,却看不出宁凡立场。 Is the enemy is the friend, fights apparent! 是敌是友,一战便知! The subject of this Dao Sense games, is the regret... 道念的主题,是悔么... Ning Fan accepted Dao Sense games lightly, Dao Sense one, at present when presents the wing to look at the immortal is young. 宁凡接受了道念,道念一轻之下,眼前出现了翼望仙年少时的一幕幕。 Because he proposed that the request of quick decision, he has not changed to the wing to look at immortal True Body/this Senior to experience these past events at this moment, but is looking on this place all. 因他提出速决的要求,此刻他并未化作翼望仙本尊经历这些往事,而是旁观着此地一切。 ... ... The wing looks at Dao name that was it brought on oneself afterward. 翼望是其后来自取的道号 The given name of youngster, is the black ink graduated arm, because of disasters of war, he lost all. 少年的本名,是墨衡,因一场兵祸,他失去了一切。 The Luyang country destroys in War Fire. 故国鲁阳国毁于战火 The father head was made the wine pot, the Little Sister myriad is humiliated to perish, he is special because of Physique, was seized by bandit cultivator, escapes death ; these to prevent him to escape by luck artificially, will cut off ; because of sighing his pupil his both feet unexpectedly because of angry twinkle Golden Flame ray of light, will dig out his eyes, acts as the collection. 父亲头颅被人制成酒壶,小妹惨遭万千折辱而殒,他则因体质特殊,被修匪们捉了去,侥幸逃过一死那些人为防止他逃跑,将他双足斩断因感叹他瞳孔竟会因愤怒闪烁金焰光芒,将其双眼挖出,充作收藏。 The youngster learned/studied Heaven, Earth, and Human since childhood, actually knew until that time, by no means was everyone is considered as Reverend... 少年自幼学习天地人伦,却直到那时才知,并不是所有人都算得上人... Many truth that in the past learned, in the face of the extremely tragic reality, anything could not achieve... 往昔学到的诸多道理,在惨绝人寰的现实面前,根本什么都做不到... That is his first time feels the named lamentation the mood. 那是他第一次感受到名为悔恨的情绪。 If he initially were not the law of learn/study Confucian scholar, but sought the immortal to visit, to obtain the strength, father and Little Sister, whether is not the this kind of fate... 若他当初不是学习儒生之法,而是寻仙访道、求得力量,父亲和小妹,是否就不会是这等下场... You doesn't want to sell for money with me? Actually does not know, if I became the corpse, you may also be able to achieve wishes...” “尔等不是想拿我卖钱么?呵,却不知若我成了尸体,尔等可还能如愿...” The youngster bit the tongue unexpectedly, plans to commit suicide. 少年竟是咬了舌头,打算自尽。 In the story-telling script said that said that somebody was extremely insulted, so can commit suicide. 话本里都是这么讲的,说某某人不堪受辱,如此便可自尽。 But finally, he and without/has not because of biting the tongue is killed violently shortly... this cause of death, the cause of death often is the excessive loss of blood, suffocation. 可最终,他并没有因咬舌而毙命顷刻...这种死法,死因往往是失血过多、窒息。 But his Physique is special, trivial loses blood, suffocates, is difficult to strive for dying unexpectedly, finally also falls into the stupor. 但他体质特殊,区区失血、窒息,竟是难求一死,最终也只是陷入昏迷。 This stupor, how long has not known unexpectedly. 这一昏迷,竟不知过了多久。 The ear seems the sound of apology to transmit, but actually does not listen clearly. 耳边似有道歉的声音传来,但却听不清楚。 Sorry, I came lately..., but does not need to fear, the nightmare had ended, cute person should not end, you were worth a happier story, because I came...” “对不起,我来迟了...但不必怕,噩梦已经结束,可爱的人儿们不该就此落幕,你们值得更美好的故事,因为我来了...” Murky, the black ink graduated arm had a dream. 昏昏沉沉中,墨衡做了一个梦。 His dream to the father, the dream to the Little Sister, the dream to the school, the dream to the affected over-literary style that these did not read off forever. 他梦到了父亲,梦到了小妹,梦到了学堂,梦到了那些永远读不完的之乎者也。 He smiles well happily, with a smile, the dream actually awoke... 他笑得好开心,笑着笑着,梦却醒了... black ink graduated arm! black ink graduated arm! Awakes quickly! The master are staring you, has stared is very long!” The voice of schoolfellows, awakened the black ink graduated arm, making his heart instantaneously become frightened! “墨衡!墨衡!快醒醒!夫子在瞪你,已经瞪很久了!”同窗们的声音,惊醒了墨衡,令他的心瞬间变得恐惧! The dream, awoke! 梦,醒了! He remembered the beforehand all sorts of experiences, the remembered father's head, remembered weeping and wailing of Little Sister, remembered... 他想起了之前的种种经历,想起的父亲的头颅,想起了小妹的哭喊,想起了... oh? 嗯? How could I see? 我怎得又看得到了? Both legs also, tongue also in... 双腿也在,舌头也在... Originally unexpectedly is in the dream the dream! My also without/has not wakes! 原来竟是梦中梦!我还没有醒过来! In good dream dream! Really good, really good Hahahaha! 好一个梦中梦!真好,真好哈哈哈哈 Day killing school! 天杀的学堂! Day killing master! 天杀的夫子! Day killing affected over-literary style! 天杀的之乎者也! Looked that I and others did not tear into shreds entirely! Useless useless, is the useless thing! 看我不把尔等通通撕碎!无用无用,全都是无用之物! black ink weighs the shape , if demented, is tearing up the books on table crazily, ripping is not venting, wants to pursue the master to hit! Then before remembering the master bandit cultivator kills, but also shouted oneself walk, walks quickly quickly, has tears streaming down the face, kneels down before the master... 墨衡状若癫狂,疯狂撕毁着桌上的书卷,撕完还不解气,又想追着夫子打!转而想起夫子被修匪杀死前,还喊自己“快走、快走”,又泪流满面,跪倒在夫子面前... Frightens heavily the master! 直把夫子吓得不轻! Is it possible that this Mo Family Dairo resulted was insane insanely! Also sleeps in the classroom, blasphemes the Saint scroll sutra, even also wants to hit me... to be degrading refined, is degrading simply refined! 墨家大郎莫非得了失心疯!又是在课堂上睡觉,又是亵渎圣人经卷,甚至还想打我...有辱斯文,简直有辱斯文呐! In a rage, then expelled the school the black ink graduated arm. 一怒之下,便将墨衡逐出了学堂。 When calms down slightly, fears black ink to weigh is really taken bad, then calls several disciples to bring back the black ink graduated arm, asked the doctor to look to get sick, boil the medicine for it, one tossed about, spent partly to hang money unexpectedly. 待稍稍冷静下来,又恐墨衡真的只是发了病,遂唤来几名弟子将墨衡带回,又请大夫为其瞧病、煮药,一番折腾下来,竟花去了半吊钱。 May the master loving dearly badly. 可把夫子给心疼坏了。 The doctor understands prescribing a medicine, weighs the medicine that to black ink, half bowl is medicine made of licorice —— this child has not clearly gotten sick, actually bullies the Teacher intentionally, should slightly punish loudly warns. 大夫是懂得开药的,给墨衡开的药,半碗都是人中黄——此子分明没病,却故意欺侮师长,合该小惩大诫。 Actually does not want to tell others the black ink graduated arm not to get sick to feign illness, this partly hangs money the medicine made of licorice, he must make. 却又不想告诉旁人墨衡没病装病,这半吊钱的人中黄,他还是要挣一挣的。 The master saw with own eyes that disciple takes a drug vomits, frame of mind also along. 夫子眼见弟子一面吃药一面呕吐,心气也就顺了。 black ink weighs vomits, crying tears of joy! The flavor of this bowl of medicines is so disgusting, as if can the long jab soul, if this is the dream, he should awake early! 墨衡一面呕吐,一面喜极而泣!这碗药的味道如此恶心,仿佛可以直击灵魂,如若这还是梦,他早该醒了! No, how could in the dream also to have the so real feeling and experience! 不,梦里又岂能有如此真实的感受和体验! It is not the dream, this unexpectedly is not the dream! 不是梦,这竟不是梦! Originally loses all, is a nightmare! 原来失去一切,才是一场噩梦! Hey! Good! It is not the dream, this is not the dream! That is the dream, that side is!” “噫!好!不是梦,这不是梦!那才是梦,那边才是!” After black ink weighs did several bowls of medicines continually, claps to laugh, the jaw closes tightly with a smile with a smile suddenly, was unconscious. 墨衡连干了数碗药后,拍手大笑起来,笑着笑着忽然牙关咬紧,不省人事了。 black ink Dairo! Awakes quickly! black ink Dairo!” May frighten heavily the doctor! “墨大郎!快醒醒!墨大郎!”可把大夫吓得不轻! can it be did he misdiagnose?! Does this Mo Family Dairo become sick unexpectedly seriously? He actually prescribes a medicine carelessly, administered dead the opposite party? Fortunately, the also air/Qi, that was all right... 难道他误诊了?!这墨家大郎竟当真害了病?他却胡乱开药,把对方给药死了?还好,还有气,那就没事了... Is the medicine has not eaten enough?” Before , several days and black ink graduated arm makes the enmity schoolfellow to ask. “是不是药没吃够?”一名前几天和墨衡闹过嫌隙的同窗问道。 Right! Deciding is the medicine has not eaten enough!” Some people echo to say. “对!定是药没吃够!”一些人附和道。 Several scholar Dr. begging prescribe many medicines the graduated arm to eat to black ink. 几名学子央着大夫开更多药给墨衡吃。 Master also rare no longer stingy, pulls out 200 writing money actually, hopes that the doctor intensifies the effort. 夫子亦少有的不再抠门,硬是又掏出二百文钱,希望大夫加大力度。 Has the black ink graduated arm cured him not to know, his pent-up anger really cured dry and hot actually, Highly skilled doctor! 墨衡治没治好他不知道,他的心火燥热倒是真的治好了,神医啊! End some did not endure, asked on the quiet, „... won't really eat the person?” 末了又有些不忍,悄悄问道,“...真的不会吃死人么?” Cannot! Must not be possible!” The doctor touched the copper coin, immediately steels one's heart. “不会!必不可能!”大夫摸了摸铜钱,顿时把心一横。 At the worst then did not put herbs, only put the medicine made of licorice! So long as not the chaotic dosing, will not poison the person! 大不了接下来不放药材了,只放人中黄!只要不乱加药,就不会药死人! The sons of bitches also eat the medicine made of licorice daily, how could to have had an accident! 狗子还天天吃人中黄呢,何曾出过事! So master Ciyou respectful, medical ethics carry, only looks in the clouds panic-stricken some bird. 如此师慈友恭、医德载物的一幕,只看得云端之中某只小鸟惊恐不已。 Such story result, really can such as that youngster hope... 这样的故事结局,真的可以如那个少年所愿么... He should be very satisfied, eats several bowls of medicines made of licorice also to be delighted continually, deciding was likes the pinnacle... 他应该十分满意吧,连吃数碗人中黄还能眉飞色舞,定是欢喜到了极致... The idea of cute lifeform, she then crosses 10,000 Samsaras again, could not understand... 可爱生灵的想法,她便是再过一万纪轮回,也还是理解不了呢... The gods who even if keeps aloof, will still have the thing that could not understand, will have the thing of being able to eat... 就算是高高在上的神明,也会有理解不了的事物,也会有吃不下去的东西... With is only willing to eat her compared to that the wind cake, dew ferment, the mortals are really have infinite possible lifeform... 和只肯吃风糕、露水酿的她相比,凡人们果然才是拥有无限可能的生灵... Fate by no means is the poem of gods, but is laughing heartily and tears of all living things.” “宿命并不是神明的诗篇,而是众生的欢笑和泪水。” From you did not fear since that moment of crashing, the sky is not far ~ “从你不怕坠落的那一刻起,天空就已经不远了~” Really wants the picture full window in the land, this to let each custom dark eye, is familiar with brightly...” “真想在大地上画满窗子呀,这样就可以让每一双习惯黑暗的眼睛,重新习惯光明...” Wish each isolated island to be hugged by the deep sea, hope each star Star Capital and daybreak intersects ~ “愿每一座孤岛都被深海拥抱,愿每一颗星星都与黎明相交~” So long as all living things were also anticipating my appearance, regardless of many times, I will respond to hoping of all living things, up to burns through the final torch fire.” “只要众生还期待着我的出现,无论多少次,我都会回应众生之愿,直至燃尽最后的炬火。”
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