GE :: Volume #14

#1325 Part 3: Do I hit Ni Fan?

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He is actually frank, before take action, must remind one. 他倒是光明磊落,出手前还要提醒一声。 As the wing looks at the immortal to launch Dao Sense, in Dao Sense games, emerges endless Qi of Primal Chaos immediately. 随着翼望仙展开道念,道念中,顿时涌现出无尽混沌之气 Endless Dao Principle interweaves in Primal Chaos, innumerable Measuring Tribulation emerge in Primal Chaos. 无尽道则混沌中交织,无数量劫混沌中涌现。 Present World Primal Chaos is dark, Primordial Chaos has not sentenced, only has the wing to look at the immortal Dao Sense long Heyi Road to flow, passes through the years, connects past and present, in the endless vacant road ahead, converges with the water source finally, connects a complete great-circle, the shape such as boundless great Ancient Monster Spirit Wheel. 眼前的世界混沌冥冥,鸿蒙未判,唯有翼望仙的道念长河一路流淌,贯穿岁月,连接古今,于无尽茫然的前路,最终与水源重新汇合,连接成一个完整的大圆,形如一个无边之巨的古妖灵轮 golden light shines from Spirit Wheel continuously, looks from afar, looks like a Golden sun gear, seems like Saint Ring that is flooding golden ancient Lv! 一缕缕金光灵轮上照射而出,远远望去,就像是一个金色的太阳轮,又像是一个充斥着黄金古律的圣人环 Then, this sun gear hung in the wing looked at immortal behind, was ancient and dignified, is passing the prestige of ancient Monster Saint person! 而后,此太阳轮悬在了翼望仙身后,古老而威严,透着古妖圣人之威! The wing looks at the immortal to start to remove old dejected condition, the temporary earth-shaking transformation returned to the youngster appearance, sets up in the front of golden sun gear, the Dao Sense institute and place, everywhere is radiant golden light, is exceptionally eye-catching. 翼望仙则开始褪去苍老颓靡之态,短暂地变回了少年模样,立身于黄金太阳轮的前方,道念所及之处,到处都是璀璨金光,异常夺目。 The lethargic drumbeat and sad bell called, does not know that transmitted from where. 暮气沉沉的鼓声和伤悲的钟鸣,不知从何处传来。 The fuzzy undistinguishable ancient sutra chanting and heavenly music sound, reverberate in this time. 模糊难辨的古老诵经声、仙乐声,亦在此时回荡。 The wing looks at the immortal in both eyes to interweave Golden Saint Fire, actually does not give people the dazzling feeling! 翼望仙的双目之中交织着金色圣火,却不给人刺目之感! The body puts on, is bird profound Huang Ling jade armor! 身上穿的,是鸟首玄黄玲珑甲! In the hand holds, is the Primal Chaos bronze tree! 手中持的,是混沌青铜树! The under foot treads, is the mountains and rivers state shoes! 脚下踏的,是山河社稷履! behind hangs, golden sun gear! 身后悬的,黄金太阳轮! The body about the celebrating cloud 30,000 zhang (3.33 m), all over the body mist circles color Yunfei! 身合庆云三万丈,遍身霞绕彩云飞! About the Primal Chaos Immeasurable method, read passes the Primordial Chaos immortal secret art! 道合混沌无量法,念通鸿蒙永生诀! „When this person of very powerful imposing manner, this is only he most flourishing 12/10 Dao Sense...” “此人好强的气势,这才只是他全盛时十分之一二的道念么...” Some Ning Fan cannot help but frowned. 宁凡不由得有些皱眉 He is unable to use the full power in Dao Sense games, now must divert attention to chase down to do green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) of matter additionally. 他本就无法在道念中倾尽全力,如今还要额外分心追杀搞事的绿掌运 Dao Sense that he can use same more than ten not 12, only depending on so Dao Sense of scale, actually must contend with the so powerful wing to look at the immortal, he is very difficult to show mercy, once makes an effort excessively fiercely, said that can not probably injure to Senior... 他能动用的道念同样十不余一二,只凭如此规模的道念,却要抗衡如此强大的翼望仙,他很难手下留情,一旦用力过猛,说不得要伤到前辈... To persuade Senior little to cause some strength, were been quite many by oneself some of leeway that keeps the hand, fears the wound and Senior face. 想劝说前辈少使些力,好让自己多些留手的余地,又恐伤及前辈颜面 When is worrying, actually sees the wing to look at the immortal to call out pitifully suddenly, Dao Sense strikes not to launch truly, collapsed, is unsustainable. 正发愁时,却见翼望仙忽然惨叫一声,道念一击还没真正发射出去,就自行崩溃、难以维持了。 How... a matter... My Dao Heart, My Dao Heart when was invaded...” “怎么...回事...我的道心,我的道心何时遭人入侵了...” Actually is the wing looks at the immortal before arriving at the attack, suddenly when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, detects the Dao Heart drastic change! 却是翼望仙临到攻击前,忽然福至心灵,察觉到了道心的剧变! His Dao Heart was invaded by green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) unexpectedly in secret! 他的道心竟被绿掌运暗中入侵了! He had detected until this time unexpectedly finally, is really disgraced! 他竟直到此时才终于有所察觉,真是丢人啊! He tries to drive out from Dao Heart World green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding), actually discovered own most Dao Heart World was corroded by green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding), only by Dao Heart World holds the proportion, he is inferior to the opposite party unexpectedly, the opposite party instead is more like this piece of Dao Heart World true Master! 他试图将绿掌运道心世界赶出去,却发现自己大半个道心世界都被绿掌运侵蚀掉了,只论道心世界的占有比例,他居然不如对方,对方反而更像是这片道心世界的真正主人 At this moment, the opposite party not only has the Heaven's Fate Circulation divine protection, and eclipses brightly reads the technique of this kind of restraint, and has seized his Dao Heart core area, he is incapable of driving away the opposite party unexpectedly, can only look on that the opposite party continues to corrode many Dao Heart area, is dejected and weak! 此刻,对方既有周天气运加护,又有神蚀念这等克制之术,且已占领他的道心核心区域,他竟无力将对方赶走,只能坐视对方继续侵蚀更多的道心区域,颓然而无力! Only can stop this Dao Sense games for the time being, strives for long remaining with Dong Lin rescues... was not good! I am unable to stop Dao Sense games unexpectedly! This war authority, had been stolen all by that Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding)!” “只能暂且中止这场道念,去求长留和东临相救了...不好!我竟无法中止道念!此战权柄,已被那掌运尽数窃去了!” My also holds some Dao Heart area controls fortunately. If I put together actually all, generally can perish together with that Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding), but then, places Butterfly Fellow Daoist of this war, feared that must be involved... oh? this big is... is he! He is protecting My Dao Heart unexpectedly! He Dividing Spirit, was just making this matter unexpectedly!” “幸而我还有保有少部分道心区域的掌控权。若我拼却一切,大抵可以和那掌运同归于尽,可如此一来,身处此战的蝴蝶道友,怕也要受到不小的牵连...嗯?这是...是他!他竟然在守护我的道心!他刚刚分神,竟是在做此事吗!” The wing looks at the immortal to detect suddenly anything, the look shocked incomparably, for a very long time could not speak. 翼望仙忽然察觉到了什么,神色震撼无比,久久说不出话来。 At this moment in his Dao Heart World, by no means only has the Dao Sense invasion of Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding), also Ning Fan Dao Sense is protecting unexpectedly silently. 此刻他的道心世界中,并不只有掌运道念入侵,竟还有宁凡道念在默默守护。 If no Ning Fan protection, he likely by Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) plotting, is impossible to support now! 若无宁凡保护,他很可能早就被掌运给暗算了,根本不可能撑到现在! This is the Virtuous True Monarch character and bearing! 这就是道德真君的风骨和气度吗! Fights with me obviously in shortly, actually diverts attention to protect my opponent... so the moral behavior, so the bearing, I also suspected that unexpectedly his manner, is how laughable, is how ignorant! 明明与我战在顷刻,却还是分心守护我这位对手...如此人品,如此气度,我竟还怀疑他的为人,何其可笑,何其无知! Green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding): Butterfly! Butterfly!! Only misses one step I to swallow Dao Heart that the wing looks, why you must block me surely! If you help my Devour(ing) wing look at Old Man, if you are willing to turn swords into plowshares with me, I may bestow this person of half of magical skills in you, in the future will have thanks again! The cooperation, cooperates with me! I and without/has not kill your parents not! My many plan, instead facilitated your today's Fu Li Bloodlines not! Your my enmity, the leeway of certain also reconciliation, you may put forward the condition to me greatly, why must surely with my irreconcilable until death, when really Old Man does not have the temperament!” 绿掌运:“蝴蝶蝴蝶!!只差一步我就能吞掉翼望的道心,你为何定要阻我!若你助我吞噬翼望老儿,若你愿和我化干戈为玉帛,我可将此人一半道行赠送于你,日后更有重谢!合作吧,与我合作吧!我并没有害死你的父母不是吗!我的诸多算计,反而促成了你今日的扶离血脉不是吗!你我的仇怨,一定还有和解的余地,你大可向我提出条件,为何定要与我不死不休,真当老夫没脾气吗!” Ning Fan: „.” 宁凡:“呵。” Green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding): Good, is very good! You established must with Old Man irreconcilable until death, Old Man have to abandon the life to be invited along! The seal of place, the god eclipses Ancient Saint to read! Next cultivates Fan Mokong, the adjuration reads sect Zhusheng to call upon the gods the protection, afterward has thanks again!” 绿掌运:“好,好得很!你既定要与老夫不死不休,老夫也只好舍命作陪了!地之印,神蚀古圣念!下修樊莫空,恳请念宗诸圣降神守护,事后定有重谢!” The next instance, three record Beginning Saint Dao Sense together, spans endless Time and Space, eclipses the relation that read by the god, arrived on Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding). 下一个瞬间,一道三纪始圣道念,跨越无尽时空,借由神蚀念的联系,降临在了掌运身上。 Who asked me to come this...” “何人请我来此...” ancient read the Saint sound to be not sad not transmits happily. 古念圣人的声音无悲无喜地传来。 Next cultivates Fan Mokong, requested that Saint Old Master helps my killing one person!” “下修樊莫空,请求圣人老爷助我击杀一人!” Green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) say/way in reverential awe. 绿掌运诚惶诚恐道。 Really is troublesome, who wants to kill...” “真是麻烦,欲杀何人...” ancient read impatiently said. 古念不耐道 Then is this child!” “便是此子!” Green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) aims at Ning Fan. 绿掌运指向宁凡 Wha, what! do I hit Ni Fan???? But this is how possible! He how in this place! He should not in that place! It is not being becoming Emperor is worried! The information contains errors! various Shengjie was kept in the dark by this child!” “什、什么!我打逆樊????可这怎么可能!他怎么会在此地!他不是应该在那个地方吗!不是正在为成帝而苦恼吗!情报有误!诸圣皆被此子蒙在鼓里了!” ancient read has a big shock, immediately then wants to withdraw Dao Sense that arrived, this astonishing information transmit Ten Thousand Saint Mountains. 古念大惊失色,立刻便想抽回降临的道念,将此惊人消息传递回万圣山 But actually could not pull out! 但却抽不回去了! Because of Ning Fan cannot! 因为宁凡不许! Because of Imaginary Dream World Master cannot! 因为幻梦界主人不许! After transforming Imaginary Dream World, any tries to arrive in this's outside newcomer, needs Ning Fan to nod, may arrive truly. 经由改造幻梦界之后,任何试图降临于此的外来者,都需要宁凡点头,才可真正降临。 ancient read Saint to lower Dao Sense, but was because Ning Fan agreed with this matter. 古念圣人之所以能降下道念,不过是因为宁凡同意了此事。 But he wants to walk, was actually beyond control he himself! 但他想走,却由不得他自己了! I allowed you to walk.” Ning Fan said unemotionally. “我允许你走了么。”宁凡无情道 Turns the hand, green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) god Saint Dao Sense extracted, has gobbled up into the abdomen. 翻手间,已将绿掌运神身上的圣人道念剥离而出,一口吞吃入腹。 Only hears ancient to read a Saint pitiful yell, fell at the scene this wisp of Dao Sense, only wisp of Dao Sense, is less than the True Body/this Senior half a point, including in the Ning Fan hand struggles slightly cannot achieve. 只听得古念圣人一声惨叫,当场陨了这缕道念,区区一缕道念,不及本尊半分,自是连在宁凡手中稍稍挣扎都做不到。 False! False! Read Saint Dao Sense, is Great Dao is also hard obliteration, you stuttered unexpectedly a cleanness!” “假的!假的!念宗圣人道念,便是大道也难以将之磨灭,你竟一口吃了个干净!” Green Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) felt that the spine sends coldly. 绿掌运感到脊骨发寒。 He self-examined that has overestimated the Ning Fan strength infinitely, but as if still underestimated Ning Fan terrifying by far. 他自问已将宁凡的实力无限高估,但似乎仍旧远远低估了宁凡恐怖 Lets him not unimaginable, when is ancient reads Saint sees Ning Fan initially, like that panic-stricken tone. 更让他无法想象的,是古念圣人初见宁凡之时,那般惊恐的口气。 I hit Ni Fan... 我打逆樊... regarding supreme three record Beginning Saint, facing trivial Butterfly, unexpectedly is a terrifying matter! 对于至高无上的三纪始圣而言,面对区区蝴蝶,原来竟是一件如此恐怖的事情吗! You can continue.” Ning Fan Saint Dao Sense that will just swallow melts thousand people of Dao Fruit, said. “你可以继续。”宁凡一面将刚刚吞掉的圣人道念融进千人道果,一面说道。 His by no means minded that Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) invited some unlucky eggs, expanded own thousand people of Dao Fruit. 并不介意掌运多请来些倒霉蛋,壮大自己的千人道果 If there is an opponent who is hard to deal with, he will resist it beside Imaginary Dream World. 若有难以应对的对手,他自会将其拒在幻梦界之外。 If can cope, then is the food! 若能对付,则皆是食粮! Ning Fan tone by no means is vicious, made Zhang Yun (Fate Wielding) feel the bloodiness of heading on. 宁凡的口气并不凶狠,却还是让掌运感到了扑面而来的血腥。 His self-stabilization mind, refuses to admit being inferior saying that does not do happily! Saint Old Master that just invited surely was the general idea/careless, will be trigged by your one move, then may be so simple on without/has not!” 他强自镇定心神,不甘示弱道,“休要得意!刚刚请来的圣人老爷定是大意了,才会被你一招制住,接下来可就没有这么简单了!” Then mobilized the god to eclipse the technique of reading again, wanted please one powerful read Saint to save a life. 遂再度发动了神蚀念之术,欲请一尊更强大的念宗圣人救命。 Please invite actually. 请倒是请来了。 But the tone of opposite party, read Saint to be exactly the same as ancient unexpectedly! 可对方的口气,居然和古念圣人如出一辙! Cracks a joke, did you call me to hit Ni Fan unexpectedly???? Was you insane I was insane! The Old Man also important matter in the body, invited me not again!” “开什么玩笑,你竟叫我打逆樊????是你疯了还是我疯了!老夫还有要事在身,莫再请我!” Has 15th Samsara cultivation base stone Jing Saint, is in a cold sweat directly. 足足有着十五纪修为的石景圣人,直接冒出了冷汗。 At present this youngster Immortal Sovereign has even killed evil star! 眼前这位可是连少年仙皇都杀过的凶星啊! Because there are him, but originally Sixth Generation enters counter Zi Wei, entered to the 7th world actually goes against! 因有他在,本可六世入逆的紫薇,硬是到了第七世才入逆! Because there are him, Ten Thousand Saint Mountains gathered many Saint, nobody dares to enter Immeasurable actually! 因有他在,万圣山聚集了诸多圣人,硬是无人敢擅入无量 The hearsay, this child led something, annoys the dead tribulation for solemn Desolate Ancient Immortal Sovereign unexpectedly, Immortal Sovereign moistens to Ni Fan Karma has the danger, do you make me hit? 更传闻,此子主导了某事,竟为堂堂荒古仙皇惹来死劫,就连仙皇沾到逆樊因果都有危险,你让我去打? I hit your ancestor! 我打你祖宗! Immediately wants to travel, but is actually too late. 立刻就想跑路,但却为时已晚。 You, cannot walk.” “你,不能走。” Continue.” “继续。”
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