GE :: Volume #14

#1315 Part 2: Thousand wicked industry Dao Fruit comes

Magic Force strives the 2000 200 tribulation! 法力精进两千二百劫! qi and blood, Spiritual Sense, Emperor Qi wait/etc. also strove the degrees of more than 1/30 treasures. 气血神识帝气等亦精进了30分之一个多宝的程度。 zhang (3.33 m) six Golden Body Dao Fruit 16! 丈六金身道果16个! In palm Buddhist Country Dao Fruit 10! 掌中佛国道果十个! Wutzushan seal Dao Fruit 5! 五指山印道果五个! Six Divine Ability diamond Relic Dao Fruit 6! 神通金刚舍利道果六个! In the past, present, future Three Corpse Dao Fruit respectively 1! 过去、现在、未来三尸道果各一个! Bright sword Dao Fruit 10. 慧剑道果十个。 Mental perception Dao Fruit 10. 慧眼道果十个。 Organ of wisdom Dao Fruit 10. 慧根道果十个。 Other Dao Fruit have 100, does not need the superfluous word. 其余道果另有一百余,不必赘言。 A chubby Buddha suck dry, attracted forcefully thinly, instead has the mercy. 硬生生将一个胖乎乎的佛陀吸干,直吸得骨瘦如柴,却反而更具慈悲相了。 Has poem to praise saying: 有诗赞曰: I read Tathagata toward in former times, in Immeasurable Tribulation cultivation. 我念如来往昔时,于无量劫修行 Various Buddha leaves is popular provides for salty, therefore attains such as spatial big virtue. 诸佛出兴咸供养,故获如空大功德 Buddha past cultivation endless, Immeasurable checks earth Wei Chen (Dust). 佛昔修行无尽施,无量刹土微尘等。 The Xumi illumination bodhi god, bearing in mind the good passing heart is glad and grateful. 须弥光照菩提神,忆念善逝心欣庆。 Multi- valuable Tathagata mouth Hu Buddha, the buddhist image is dignified. 多宝如来口呼佛号,宝相庄严。 Outside actually hits earth-shakingly, gets stronger and stronger. 外面却打得天翻地覆,愈演愈烈。 With Dao Fruit of refining multi- treasure Tathagata, Black Dragon gets the winning side unceasingly, refining the Xumi mountain Dao Fruit giant ape will also be hitting one after another backs up, the blood dyes Heaven and Earth. 随着不断炼化多宝如来的道果,黑龙重新占据上风,将同样炼化须弥道果的巨猿打得接连倒退,血染天地 In the surface, two swallowed multi- valuable Tathagata, swallowed the Xumi mountain spirit, is quite fair. 表面上,二者一个吞了多宝如来,一个吞了须弥山神,相当公平。 Black Dragon actually what swallows is the complete multi- treasures, the Xumi mountain that the giant ape swallows, its most precious cannot extinguish is taken by Black Dragon. 实则黑龙吞下的乃是完整多宝,巨猿所吞的须弥山,其最为贵重的不可灭已被黑龙取走。 The giant ape swallowed the Xumi mountain, striving of strength does not even arrive at 5% (incomplete). 巨猿吞了须弥山,实力的精进甚至不到半成 The Black Dragon main body is actually only Immortal King, will swallow one to want the become a Saint Buddha, brought back some God Extinguishing Shield former days strengths, striving of strength will be the no small matter. 黑龙本体却只是仙王,吞掉一尊将欲成圣的佛陀,又取回了一些灭神盾的旧日力量,实力的精进自是非同小可。 No matter what that giant ape body has the three spirits, punches the retreat it actually again and again. 任那巨猿此刻身具三灵,硬是将其揍得后退连连。 This butterfly held the a piece Heaven Splitting fragment, how to be in so the degree fiercely!” Zi Wei felt frustration. “此蝶不过持了一块开天碎片,怎会厉害到如此程度!”紫薇感到了挫败。 His moment body has the immortal, monster and god three spirits, unexpectedly cannot stand off trivial God Spirit and Heaven Splitting fragment, how shame! 他此刻身具仙、妖、神三灵,居然敌不过区区神灵开天碎片,何其耻辱! Because was short of True Self, the disparity is so unexpectedly obvious... 只是因为少了真我,差距竟然如此明显吗... Although Zi Wei has the immortal, monster and god three spirits, but: Immortal Cultivation is not an original intention, only to have dealings with the secular world ; Monster Spirit also does not gather ; God Spirit to be regarded as that thing with six by him, Tai Yi Dream then must abandon. 紫薇虽有仙、妖、神三灵,但:修仙并非本意,只为和光同尘妖灵亦与六根不合神灵更被他视为阿堵物,一出太一梦便要抛弃。 So, intent does not gather with the body, the will does not gather with the say/way, its strong? Is the say/way firm? 如此,意不与身合,志不与道合,其身韧乎?其道坚乎? Ning Fan is different! 宁凡则不同! intent and body gather, the will and say/way gather, only by the Will level, the two at all is not with the 1st stratum time! 意与身合,志与道合,只论意志层面,二者根本不是同一层次! Dawn's Moon Dragon that changes at this moment, is in harmony with Ning Fan the say/way of rain beginning end of the month. End of the month... the end of the month... is only end of the month, he hopes the becoming world wind and rain! 就连此刻变化出的朝月龙,亦合于宁凡的雨始月终之道。月终...月终...只为月终,他愿成为世间风雨! God Extinguishing Shield is also in harmony with Ning Fan cannot extinguish, can present the defense of God Extinguishing Shield in the Dragon Scales form, the proof of strength of perfect conjunction indeed Ning Fan and God Extinguishing! 灭神盾同样合于宁凡的不可灭,能以龙鳞的形式来呈现灭神盾的防御,正是宁凡灭神之力完美契合的证明! Only depending on the motley crew, how to defeat the steel mighty current! 只凭乌合之众,如何战胜钢铁洪流! In giant ape gaze with amazement, Black Dragon dragon claw Buddha Light revolved the pinnacle, first time penetrated the Golden Body defense of giant ape thoroughly, pulled out the Xumi mountain spirit of its within the body! 于巨猿骇然的目光中,黑龙的龙爪佛光运转到了极致,第一次彻底击穿了巨猿的金身防御,将其体内的须弥山神生生掏了出来! Evil Dragon swings the tail again, hits the giant ape style to distort directly, but flying upside down at the same time, among Tai Yi Dream 2nd cracks-up thoroughly, crashes into to 3rd in Tai Yi Dream! 再一记恶龙摆尾,直接打得巨猿画风都有所变形,倒飞而出的同时,更是将第二太一梦彻底撞碎,坠入到第三太一梦中! Many... thanked...” Rescued Xumi mountain spirit, had been attracted small one, was easily grasped by Black Dragon in the claw. “多...谢...”被救出的须弥山神,已被吸成了小小一只,被黑龙轻易握在爪中。 What a pity, Black Dragon cannot hear the mountain spirit the sound, does not plan to make the unnecessary response. 可惜,黑龙听不到山神的声音,亦不打算做出多余的回应。 According to slaughtering the judgment of instinct, this mountain spirit is not an enemy, therefore does not need to slaughter. Slaughters innocents will also wear the sword, only the knowledge slaughters the sword of weak one, forever is unable to slaughter excellence. 依据杀戮本能的判断,此山神并非敌人,故不必杀戮。滥杀无辜亦会磨损自身刀剑,只知屠戮弱者的剑,永远无法屠戮无上者。 Then dragon claw rips, in Tai Yi Dream from shatter 2nd ripped a Samsara channel, lost the Xumi mountain spirit conveniently. 遂龙爪一撕,从本就破碎的第二太一梦中撕出一个轮回通道,将须弥山神随手丢了进去。 He no doubt disdains in slaughtering innocents, actually also drew the lesson, did not plan to give the giant ape to gobble up the Xumi mountain again opportunity. 他固然不屑于滥杀无辜,却也吸取了教训,不打算再给巨猿重新吞吃须弥山的机会了。 Places this dream, my God Spark is extremely easy to obtain, he disdains in unexpectedly capturing... this is the what kind of calibre!” The Xumi mountain is deeply amazed. “身处此梦,我之神格唾手可得,他竟不屑于夺取...这是何等的器量!”须弥山深受震撼。 This different world God Spirit calibre great depth, posture vast and great, vast, tearful, mysterious not observable already. 这位异世神灵器量弘深,姿度广大,浩浩焉,汪汪焉,奥乎不可测已。 Sees this god, as if saw past three God King... 看到此神,就仿佛看到了昔日的三位神王... Various God King elapse one after another, but in the remote future, still had successor unceasingly in the world unexpectedly... 神王相继逝去,但在遥远的未来,竟仍旧有后继者不绝于世吗... Even Ancient Country destruction, even if the generation alternates, God King Will, meets generation Inheritance to get down finally, becoming all living things end the tumultuous times the lights... 就算古国毁灭,就算世代更迭,神王意志,终会世代传承下去,成为众生终结乱世的灯火... After it leaves Tai Yi Dream, again the ganef plans, this God Spark, leaves this different world God Spirit would rather. 与其离开太一梦后,再中宵小算计,倒不如将这份神格,留给这尊异世神灵 Also so, calculates that returned the opposite party the life-saving efforts... 如此,也算回报了对方救命之恩... Really wants... to meet by chance with Monarch in... three Wang Zhishi's years...” “真想在...三王治世的时代...与君相逢...” Mountain spirit extracted oneself God Spark, threw to Black Dragon, then vanished in the Time and Space turbulent flow. 山神剥离了自身神格,抛给黑龙,而后消失在了时空乱流之中。 Once were separated from Tai Yi Dream, the mountain spirit immediately the degeneration is the Xumi hill shape body of originally. 一经脱离太一梦,山神顿时退化为原本须弥山形体。 Then is subsequently excessive because of injury, the mountain massif broken is the innumerable meteorites, since the day crashes, like extinguishing world's disaster. 继而便因伤势过重,山体碎为无数陨石,从天坠落,如同灭世的灾害。 This is the disaster that Beginning Saint must withdraw, made Real World any Immortal Country change to the ruins sufficiently. 这是始圣都须退避的灾害,足以令真界任何一个仙国化作废墟。 Lucky, this disaster has not fallen on any lifeform crowded place, but fell on Inverse Dust World somewhere wilderness Forbidden Area. 万幸,此灾害并未落在任何一处生灵密集之地,而是落在了逆尘界某处荒漠禁区 Also or, this is unlucky, but is the choice that the Ning Fan slaughtering instinct makes... 又或者,此非幸运,而是宁凡的杀戮本能做出的选择... From now on, Xumi mountain destroys went, broke to pieces the innumerable quarry stone. 自此,须弥山毁去了,碎成了无数乱石。 After that the innumerable years pass by, in various quarry stone, there is a a piece stone to absorb enough many Sun and Moon essence, returned to this Primordial. 其后无数岁月过去,诸乱石中,有一块石头吸收了足够多的日月精华,返本归元 That was initial Stone God Daoist. 那便是最初的石神道人了。 After that four stone awaken, take Stone Demon, stone monster, stone immortal, Stone Ghost as Dao name one after another, in the place of this quarry stone standing in great numbers, jointly founded the stone image country. 其后相继又有四块石头苏醒,以石魔、石妖、石仙、石鬼道号,于此乱石林立之地,共同建立了石人国。 Samsara did not have the beginning also not to have finally, was affecting the future in the past, in the future similarly will be affecting the past. 轮回无始亦无终,过去影响着未来,未来同样影响着过去。 But these things to do after death actually had nothing to do with Ning Fan at this moment. 但这些后事却与此刻的宁凡无关了。 Black Dragon bleeds off the Xumi mountain, not to save others, but obtained the implication Xumi God Spark Dao Fruit. 黑龙放走须弥山,亦非为了救人,但却得到了蕴含【须弥神格】的道果 The instinct judged, this is the thank-you gift of opposite party, may eat. 本能判断,这是对方的谢礼,可吃。 Although does not know why the opposite party said thanks, but ate up this Dao Fruit, wants to come to be able Zi Wei to punch ruthlessly, then ate up this Dao Fruit, received the favor of opposite party. 虽不知对方为何言谢,但吃下此道果,想来可以把紫薇揍得更狠,遂吃下了此道果,承了对方的人情。 Does not need thorough refining, then Tai Yi Dream among 3rd to pursue immediately, continued to chase down Zi Wei. 不待彻底炼化,立刻便朝着第三太一梦追去,继续追杀紫薇了。 Only one God Spark Dao Fruit, lets Ning Fan God Spirit Grade unexpectedly, from acquired Infant God Stage, promoted acquired Young God Stage directly! 只一枚神格道果,竟让宁凡神灵等级,直接从后天婴神期,晋升到了后天少神期 Divine Force rises sharply at the same time, cultivates type God Spirit Innate Skill —— again Collection of Myriad Entities. 一身神力大涨的同时,更是再度修出一式神灵天赋——万物采集】。 This was the God Sphere skill, Ning Fan has studied the principle of this technique, therefore this moment comprehension this technique, but was successful. 这是神丸的技能,宁凡早已研究过此术的原理,故而此刻领悟此术,不过水到渠成。 This time fights, Zi Wei used two type Immortal Spirit Technique one after another, Ning Fan because of planning of Man Zhi, type Divine Technique is difficult to use, suffers a loss big. 此番交手,紫薇接连使用了两式仙灵术,宁凡却因为满智的算计,一式神术都难用出,吃亏不小。 Although Ning Fan Immeasurable divine seal, by Seal Divine Technique, but obtains new Divine Technique actually to be in beside Seal at this moment, may use in following battle. 宁凡虽中了无量神印,被封印神术,但此刻获得新神术却处于封印之外,可在接下来的厮杀之中使用。 The advantage cannot help but entered the one step expansion! 优势不由得进一步扩大了! Also lets the Zi Wei look with amazement. 亦让紫薇神色骇然。 up to at this moment, he realizes a matter! 直至此刻,他才意识到一件事! The opposite party as God Spirit, actually with Divine Technique, has not been without/has not understands throughout, but was in the body Jiang Shui Seal! 对方身为神灵,却始终未用神术,并非没有悟出,而是身中了姜水封印 Hateful! 可恶! This butterfly unexpectedly by so condition, steamroll in my! 此蝶竟是以如此状态,碾压于我的吗! If his Divine Technique has not sealed, how could it not be I even more collapse completely! 若他神术未封,我岂非愈发一败涂地! Bang! 轰! Black Dragon that Divine Force rises sharply, type Dragon Tears the Moon, hits crazily the giant ape spurts the blood, Tai Yi Dream among 3rd falls deeply. 神力大涨的黑龙,一式龙撕月,将巨猿打得狂喷鲜血,朝着第三太一梦坠得更深。 To the giant ape, that is only blood, but regarding World, is actually extreme Blood Rain, suddenly the heavy rain comes! 对巨猿而言,那只是区区一口血,但对于世界而言,却是泼天的血雨,突然瓢泼而来! Alarmed in the dream instantaneously Spirit Seizing somebody. 瞬间惊动了此间梦中正夺灵的某人。 ... ... This is one piece floods the ox bones everywhere Tai Yi Dream, is sand-covered, infertile. 这是一片处处充斥牛骨的太一梦,黄沙遍地,寸草不生。 The named calamity spatial Root beer float essence, in this place, is planning some Spirit Seizing only Bainiu essence. 名为祸空的黑牛精,正在此地,算计夺灵某只白牛精。 Bainiu fine Dao name draws day Great Saint, once was Desolate Saint, actually calculates because of various sanctuary, finally dropped the Saint boundary. 白牛精道号大圣,曾是一尊荒圣,却因诸圣所算,最终跌落圣境。 Looks at the self-satisfied calamity to be spatial, weak dying Bainiu essence, sad closing one's eyes. 望着志得意满的祸空,虚弱垂死的白牛精,悲伤的闭上眼。 Saw with own eyes that the Bainiu essence seemed like the fighting spirit to disperse, give up the resistance bright, the calamity cannot help but face upwarded to laugh wildly spatially: Father father, although I had once respected you since heart, but you are old! Sees with own eyes me to connect the Spirit Seizing scarlet cow, Azure Bull, your actually anything cannot achieve, will degenerate into the My Dao fruit! Present time, already without/has not your such old Heavenly Ox the institute of taking shelter! Should yield to the young people!” 眼见白牛精似乎斗志焕散、放弃了抵抗,祸空不由得仰天狂笑起来:“父亲啊父亲,虽然我曾打从心底尊敬过你,但你已经老了!眼见我接连夺灵赤牛、青牛,你却什么也做不到,就连自身都将沦为我的道果!如今的时代,已经没有你这样老天牛的容身之所了!该给年轻人让位了!” Do not call my father, only then you, do not match to be my son.” “不要叫我父亲,只有你,不配做我的儿子。” Emperor empties, Shakes spatially! 【帝空相】,空震!
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