GE :: Volume #14

#1315 Part 1: Thousand wicked industry Dao Fruit comes

Complete Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield, is in the Heaven Splitting list ranks the 19th treasure. 完整的古国灭神盾,是开天榜上排名第十九的宝物。 In the record of Heaven Splitting list, First Generation Master of this shield, named Jiang Shui. 开天榜的记录中,此盾的初代主人,名为姜水 Last years Master of this shield, named Dao Barbarian Mountain, in the Dao Barbarian Mountain hand, this shield broken is six. 此盾的末代主人,名为道蛮山,亦于道蛮山手中,此盾碎为六份。 Ning Fan obtains, is only the 6th fragment. 宁凡得到的,只是第六碎片。 This fragment had been burnt to refine, Devour(ing) by Ning Fan, its exist(ence) form, by Lives Changed over to Extinguishes. 此碎片已被宁凡焚炼、吞噬,其存在形式,也由【生】转入到了【灭】。 But this is the wish of fragment, regarding it, living was the death, extinguished survives. 但这本是碎片的心愿,对于它而言,生是死亡,灭才是存活。 Ning Fan his Devour(ing), kills it, rather revived it. 宁凡将他吞噬,与其说是将它杀死,倒不如说是将它救活了。 When Ning Fan comprehends the essence that extinguishes, grasps a vein that cannot be extinguished, this time 6th fragment, can display the authority finally, the prestige can really formerly! 而当宁凡领悟到灭的精髓,掌握到不可灭的一丝脉络,此时的第六碎片,终于得以发挥权柄,威能更甚从前! At this moment, the fragment encountered own former days strength! 偏在此刻,碎片遇到了自己的旧日力量! That is by the thing that 3rd God King takes arbitrarily! Now God King does not turn over, should the thing returning to rightful owner! 那是被第三神王擅自取走的东西!如今神王不归,合该物归原主! The black gold scale of Black Dragon whole body, projects the light of trillion black gold suddenly, such as the afterglow of black setting sun, the vicissitudes and late in life feeling, the setting sun is infinite, is only near dusk! 黑龙周身的乌金鳞片,骤然射出亿万乌金之光,如黑色夕阳的余晖,给人沧桑、迟暮之感,夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏! This was the 6th fragment launched the offensive, wanted to bring back the strength, not, in Ning Fan slaughtered the instinct to control, was actually slaughtered the instinct to understand this matter reason instantaneously. 这是第六碎片自行发动了攻势,欲取回力量,不在宁凡杀戮本能控制中,却被杀戮本能瞬间理解了此事缘由。 Black Dragon then helped fragment, by cannot extinguish, in addition that oneself cultivate/repair holds above the 6th fragment, making its power more abundant, the light of projected black gold was also more. 黑龙遂又帮了碎片一把,以自身所修的不可灭,加持在第六碎片之上,令其权能更盛,射出的乌金之光也是更多了。 Was covered by this ray of light, has to fight to fight the Golden Body giant ape, the body of purple gold is corroded by the black light unexpectedly slightly, had the 1st stratum light black gold rusty stain, cannot help but the startled anger happened simultaneously. 被此光芒笼罩,持有斗战金身的巨猿,紫金之身竟被乌光微微侵蚀,有了一层薄薄的乌金锈迹,不由得惊怒交加。 What startled is Black Dragon holds the Heaven Splitting fragment that has such method unexpectedly! Only depending on a fragment, then can increase guarding of oneself, guarding of harming others, if complete, should be what kind of might! 惊的是黑龙所持的开天碎片,竟有如此手段!只凭一个碎片,便能增己之防,损人之防,若是完整,又该是何等威力 What anger is fights to fight one of Three Great beauty Golden Body is always seeks, is precisely the thing of only going well, this dragon dares to damage its beauty, should kill seriously! 怒的是斗战金身乃是自己平生所求的三大美色之一,且是其中唯一得手之物,此龙竟敢损其美色,当真该杀! The Xumi mountain spirit was covered by black golden light glow similarly, degree that the whole body rusts away, is more serious than dozens times the giant ape, the body of originally shining mountain spirit, at this moment rusts thoroughly to become Wuse, is broken and decayed, cracks the strength that innumerable crack ; within the body cannot be extinguished, flows out from the crack crazily, was separated the suction to walk by God Extinguishing Shield, is unstoppable, is painful everywhere sways back and forth, cultivation base also dropped only discipline from 10 Samsaras crazily. 须弥山神同样被乌金光芒笼罩,周身锈蚀的程度,比巨猿严重数十倍,原本金灿灿的山神之躯,此刻彻底锈成乌色,残破而腐朽,裂出了无数裂缝体内不可灭的力量,从裂缝中疯狂流出,被灭神盾隔空吸走,不可遏止,痛苦得满地打滚,修为也从十纪轮回疯狂跌落到了区区一纪。 Actually also therefore the severe pain, restored shortly soberly. 却也因此剧痛,短暂恢复了清醒。 God... king...” “神...王...” The mountain spirit no longer struggles, but is gazing at the Black Dragon scales, had sad and fondly remembers. 山神不再挣扎,而是注视着黑龙的鳞甲,有了感伤和怀念。 Resembled remembered 3rd God King by God Extinguishing Shield, bestowed is not possible to extinguish Divine Force for it. 似又想起了第三神王借由灭神盾,为它赐下不可灭神力的一幕幕。 At the present, this strength is taken back by God Extinguishing Shield, he will not have any complaint, instead feels to rejoice. 而今,此力量由灭神盾收回,他不会有任何怨言,反而感到庆幸。 Has this one to meet, he also calculates that defended God King the thing of bestowing, his thing returning to rightful owner, has not neglected duty, is how lucky, does not lose the God King appreciation for being recognized... 有此一遇,他也算守住了神王所赐之物,将其物归原主,并未失职,何其幸运,不负神王知遇之恩... If no this accident, this strength will be won by multi- valuable Tathagata surely, or is other anything person seizes... in the world of this God King not saving, will not have compared with a thing returning to rightful owner better result. 若无此变故,此力量必定会被多宝如来夺走,又或者是其他什么人夺走...于此神王不存之世,再不会有比物归原主更好的结果了。 Different world... God Spirit...” “异世的...神灵...” Please take... all my...” “请取走...我的一切...” The mountain spirit requested. 山神请求道。 He was planned, borders on the destruction, made the strength fall into the rival with it, gave would rather with is God Spirit Black Dragon. 他被算计,濒临毁灭,与其令自身力量沦入敌手,倒不如交给同为神灵黑龙 His not just is willing is not possible to extinguish the thing returning to rightful owner, hopes a God Spark gift being predestined friends person. 不止愿将不可灭物归原主,更愿将一身神格赠予有缘人。 Bestows the body of thou God Spirit, thou revolts unexpectedly!” “赐汝神灵之躯,汝竟相叛!” The giant ape flies into a rage, immediately sends Black Moon mark activates, suppressed Will of mountain spirit again. 巨猿勃然大怒,立刻将黑月印记催动至极致,再度压制了山神的意志 He changes magically the mountain spirit, only to increase boost, actually non- to support the enemy. 他点化山神,只为增加助力,却非为了资敌。 Saw with own eyes Xumi mountain spirit within the body cannot extinguish the strength, shortly will be plundered cleanly, cultivation base drops to only discipline unexpectedly, knew in the heart that this mountain spirit is difficult to apply, the giant ape opens the abyss mouth simply, swallowed the mountain spirit to settle. 眼见须弥山神体内的不可灭之力,顷刻就被掠夺得一干二净,修为竟跌落到区区一纪,心知此山神再难派上用场,巨猿索性张开深渊口,一口吞了山神了事。 The good and evil also remains records cultivation base, acquired God Spark, if refining , some nutrition. 好歹还剩一纪修为后天神格,若是炼化,亦有一些营养。 God Spark is the taboo, cannot have for a long time, has Tai Yi Dream, Zi Wei must discard ; but to place in the dream immediately, temporarily with might as well for a while actually. 只是神格乃是禁忌,不可长久持有,出了太一梦,紫薇立刻就得将之舍弃但身处梦中,暂用一时倒是无妨。 Shakes the mountain to shake!” “震山撼地!” Whip mountain Yishi!” “鞭山移石!” Impossibility!” “挟山超海!” Overcomes nature to take a sunbath!” “补天浴日!” The giant ape launches in salvos four Heavenly Dipper techniques, Xumi mountain Zhensui in the abdomen, devours, the whole body had the acquired Divine Light in addition to hold immediately, melted the immortal, monster and god 3 Layers brilliance obviously. 巨猿连发四道天罡术,将腹中须弥山震碎、吞噬着,周身顿时有了后天神光加持,显化出了仙、妖、神三重光彩。 Black Dragon within the body cannot extinguish also strove, Undying/not dead Dao Lineage even more powerful at the same time, the whole body also had/left the Buddha Light divine protection, is strength that Devour(ing) multi- treasure Tathagata plunders, dragon claw brandishes, in faintly visible palm Buddhist Country countless changes! 黑龙体内不可灭亦是精进了许多,不死道统愈发强大的同时,周身亦多出了佛光加护,是吞噬多宝如来掠夺的力量,龙爪挥舞间,隐隐可见掌中佛国变化无穷! Tai Yi Dream is world is most suitable to plunder the Dao Fruit place! So long as you are powerful enough, can win all of defeated! 太一之梦是世间最适合掠夺道果的地方!只要你足够强大,便可夺走败者的一切! This place was not once able the region that 3rd God King tacitly consented, reduced the Mortal World war by this. Gods and Immortal Fights, Mortals Suffers, if two great expert/power in the dream diplomatic war, decide to meet Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth, to involve all living things, casualty innumerable ; but if slaughters in the dream, although was still brutal, was at least insufficient to involve all living things. 此地曾是第三神王默许的无法地带,以此减少红尘战争。正所谓神仙打架,凡人遭殃,若是两个大能者在梦外交战,定会毁天灭地、牵连众生、死伤无数但若是在梦里厮杀,虽说仍旧残酷,至少不至于牵连众生了。 This is kind Sad Intent, is because it cannot be helped. Is better than God King Inverse Moon, is unable to extinguish War Fire of this mortal world thoroughly, can only reduce. Probably because the natural selection, is ten thousand spirit normal state. Also or, the so-called natural selection is also ten thousand spirit pretence under pretext, the desire is the original sin. 这是慈悲意,亦是出于无奈。强如神王逆月,都无法彻底消弭尘世的战火,只能减少。盖因物竞天择,本是万灵的常态。又或者,所谓的物竞天择不过也是万灵的托词,欲望才是原罪。 Regardless how the time progresses, regardless of the commodity is how rich, so long as the desire still saved in the world, War Fire can never eradicate... 无论时代如何进步,无论物资如何丰富,只要欲望仍存于世,战火便永不可根绝... Under the strength increases, Black Dragon and giant ape fought intensely, this place is among 2nd that they battled Tai Yi Dream, but had the potential of collapse again, was destroyed by the two quickly! 实力大增之下,黑龙与巨猿战得更激烈了,此地已是他们交战的第二太一梦了,但却再度有了崩溃之势,快被二者打碎! May for Tai Yi Dream that 2nd step slaughters, each endures Great Thousand World is firmer. In other words , if fights in outside world, these two ominous thing destroyed two Great Thousand World quickly, is still not actually able to decide the victory and defeat. Actually does not know that wants casualty many all living things, may struggle the result. 可供第二步厮杀的太一梦,每一间都堪比大千世界坚固。换言之,若是在外界交手,这两个凶物都快毁灭两处大千世界了,却仍旧无法分出胜负。却不知要死伤多少众生,才可争出结果了。 This also merely is the giant ape and Black Dragon war, if Inverse Saint contends, then the infinite time sweeps across, on whether there is disaster hardship will arrive! Then is Saint is affected by it, is difficult to escape by luck, let alone innumerable living beings! 这还仅仅是巨猿、黑龙的战争,若是逆圣相争,则尘劫席卷,会有无上灾厄降临!便是圣人被其波及,都难幸免,更何况芸芸众生 Big Xumi palm print! million Arhat Divine Space strikes!” “大须弥掌印百万罗汉神空击!” The giant ape according to having palm print, strikes then has the million Arhat strength, made many Black Dragon Long Qu hollowly, then actually sees Black Dragon not to be possible to extinguish recovers such as beginning. 巨猿按出掌印,一击便有百万罗汉的力量,将黑龙龙躯打出了诸多凹陷,转而却见黑龙于不可灭中复原如初了。 Black Dragon did not say, actually also in the strength of Buddhist Country by the palm, changed 3000 various Buddha, 500 Alor, eight big diamond and boundless Bodhisattvas, the each and every single (person) rigid streamer canopy, the rare treasure immortal was colored. The dragon claw wields, rips the innumerable wounds on the giant ape, the latter actually also restores after Purple Qi spits out instantaneously such as beginning. 黑龙不言,却也以掌中佛国之力,变化出了三千诸佛、五百阿罗、八大金刚、无边菩萨,一个个都执着幢幡宝盖,异宝仙花。龙爪挥动间,亦在巨猿身上撕出无数伤口,后者却也在一口紫炁喷出后瞬间恢复如初了。 The two play inextricably involved, painstakingly multi- valuable Tathagata, was only dizzy in the belly of Black Dragon, magical skill hurriedly outflow at the same time, once for a while must be passed the Xumi palm print complementary waves that the body passes through to shake spits blood. 二者打得难解难分,只苦了多宝如来,在黑龙的肚子里天旋地转着,道行急遽流失的同时,时不时还要被透体穿过的须弥掌印余波震得吐血。 You and other Gods and Immortal Fights, why bring disaster to my small mackerel shad...” Multi- valuable Tathagata only thinks the air/Qi pain, actually does not dare to give birth to the tiny bit hate heart. “尔等神仙打架,何必殃及我这小小池鱼...”多宝如来只觉气苦,却不敢生出一丝一毫的怨恨心。 He holds the organ of wisdom, holds the mental perception, the selfenergy sees clearly this time situation. 他持慧根,亦持慧眼,自能看清此时的处境。 Black Dragon that he swallows, the brain not quite... the crime crime, as if is not quite as if sober, was being slaughtered the instinct to control all. 将他吞掉的黑龙,脑子似乎不太正...罪过罪过,似乎不太清醒,正被杀戮本能支配着一切。 He will be swallowed, only because of living read ; absurdly, if multiplies again reads absurdly, the fate will be only more miserable. 他会被吞,只因生了妄念若再滋生更多妄念,下场只会更惨。 But if cuts completely reads absurdly, only charitable disposition feeling grateful heart, could be saved from death... 但若斩尽妄念,只余善念感恩心,或许可以死里逃生... This a little pressed the person! 这就有点难为人了! I was swallowed by you, was robbed many strengths by you, unexpectedly must feel grateful in you, the normal person cannot achieve this matter obviously! 我被你吞了,被你抢走了诸多力量,居然还得感恩于你,正常人显然做不到此事! But the multi- valuable Tathagata absolutely not average man, then cuts to dedicate with the bright sword to be angry corruptly crazily, by All living things painstakingly, are all resigned to bad conditions Self- brainwashing, the self- deceit, draws the conclusion finally: All that I suffer at this moment painstakingly, originally is industry the report, should not hate ; to raise the action of dragon by the body, is in harmony with the monk to raise the say/way of eagle by the meat, is the Immeasurable compassion, should so. 但多宝如来绝非常人,遂以慧剑斩尽了心中贪嗔痴,又以【众生皆苦,逆来顺受】自我洗脑度化,最终自我欺骗,得出结论:我此刻遭受的一切苦,本是业报,不应憎恨以身饲龙之举,亦合于沙门以肉饲鹰之道,乃是无量慈悲心,原应如此。 Therefore said: In the past the heart was unavailable, now the heart is unavailable, the heart will be unavailable in the future. The color is variable, variable painstakingly, painstakingly namely not I, my my institute, such as is not the watcher, is also real is observing., Was thought that line, to know variably, variable painstakingly, painstakingly namely not I, my my institute, such as is not the watcher, is also real is observing. The Saint disciple such as is a watcher, tires of in color, tires, is thought that line, knowledge, tiring, therefore is unhappy, unhappy , must therefore extricate, the extricator real wisdom lives: I live already completely, the buddhist line has stood, does has done, did not know after by, has. 故曰:过去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得。色无常,无常即苦,苦即非我,非我者亦非我所,如是观者,名真实正观。如是受、想、行、识无常,无常即苦,苦即非我,非我亦非我所,如是观者,名真实正观。圣弟子如是观者,厌于色,厌受、想、行、识,厌故不乐,不乐故得解脱,解脱者真实智生:我生已尽,梵行已立,所作已作,自知不受后有。 various Emo does, the numerous carry out good, automatic depuration its meaning, is various Buddhism. 诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,是诸佛教。 Multi- valuable Tathagata sits well above the Black Dragon gastric juice sea, holds their palms together, to Black Dragon refining , there is nothing again absurdly reads multiplies. 多宝如来端坐于黑龙的胃液海洋之上,双手合十,任由黑龙炼化自己,再无任何妄念滋生。 Saw with own eyes that in the palm the Buddhist Country method seal loses all. 眼见掌中佛国法印尽数丧失。 Saw with own eyes that a Buddha Golden Body buddha's bones dream vanishes into thin air. 眼见佛陀金身佛骨一梦化为乌有。 Sees with own eyes ingenious method golden lotus one by one fallen. 眼见妙法金莲一一零落。 Saw with own eyes that 7 Treasure Wonder Tree gradually withers. 眼见七宝妙树渐渐枯萎。 Saw with own eyes that six Divine Ability diamond Relic one by one are stave. 眼见六神通金刚舍利一一破碎。 Saw with own eyes that the corpse, the present corpse and future corpse turned into bloody pus will dissipate all. 眼见过去尸、现在尸、未来尸尽数变成脓血消逝。 Sees with own eyes all sort of distresses, actually only picks flowers has a smile, in the air achromatic color, not filthy not net, does not live Inextinguishable/not exterminates, does not increase does not reduce. 眼见诸般苦楚,却只拈花含笑,空中无色,不垢不净,不生不灭,不增不减。 Can make the donor have a full stomach slightly, I hope already the foot.” Multi- valuable Tathagata such as said that will also brainwash seriously becomes such as is the idea. “能令施主稍稍果腹,我愿已足。”多宝如来如是道,也当真将自己洗脑成了如是想法。 This matter counteracts the common sense, but if the method in general knowledge, actually cannot deceive the Ning Fan slaughtering instinct. 此事有悖常理,但若是常识之内的手段,却也骗不过宁凡的杀戮本能。 Then held loophole and soft rib that slaughters the instinct! 遂抓住了杀戮本能的漏洞和软肋! If I am good to you sincerely, you may be also cruel enough to destroy Extinguish! me 倘若我真心对你好,你可还忍心将我毁灭! Finally. 最终。 After slaughtering the instinct seized completely the multi- valuable Tathagata complete magical skill, finally is under without/has not the extreme methods. 杀戮本能夺尽了多宝如来全部道行后,终是没有下死手。 Mainly slaughtered the instinct unable to distinguish clearly... this goods is really the enemy? Isn't the friend? Somewhat cannot distinguish clearly, that first closes in the belly, when nine know return to handle separately... 主要杀戮本能也分不清了...这货真的是敌人?不是朋友?有些分不清,那就先关在肚子里,待九识归位另行处置... Eats, why the donor does not eat up this last! Are not many eats, how to have the strength and that giant ape dies to fight!” “吃啊,施主为何不吃下这最后一口!不多吃些,怎有力气和那巨猿死斗!” Is dislikes this poor monk is not delicious? Was sorry that cannot make the donor enjoy oneself to the full, this is the crime of this poor monk.” “是嫌贫僧不好吃吗?抱歉没能让施主尽兴,这全都是贫僧的罪过。” Is various all living things eliminates unprofitable, is greatly kind ; wants with all living things Immeasurable Tetra Pak, is greatly sad ; is happy in various all living things, is overjoyed ; is happy from shed oneself, grants others, is a big shed. I because of kind, sad, happy, was willing to pass away, why the donor had does not endure... the donor, wore... the sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, eating me was the shore...” “为诸众生除无利益,是名大慈欲与众生无量利乐,是名大悲于诸众生心生欢喜,是名大喜自舍己乐,施与他人,是名大舍。我因慈、悲、喜、舍得以圆寂,施主何必心生不忍...施主,着相了...苦海无边,吃我是岸...” Slaughters the instinct unable to swallow this last finally. 杀戮本能终是没能吞下这最后一口。 in Bi the dead aspect, multi- valuable Tathagata found a slim chance of survival actually, works successfully, operates Nitian (heaven defying) ; but because he has brainwashed thoroughly, at this moment not only cannot feel the pleasure that the least bit returns alive, instead felt the pain: Only misses last, he then can pass away at this, by compassion this dragon, actually cannot die thoroughly, really pitifully... 于必死局面,多宝如来硬是找到了一线生机,做活成功,操作逆天但因他已然彻底洗脑,此刻非但感受不到半点生还的乐趣,反而感到了痛苦:只差最后一口,他便能圆寂于此,以慈悲心度化此龙,却没能彻底死去,实在可惜... Slaughters the instinct, although without/has not eats clean multi- valuable Tathagata, actually suck dry latter's complete magical skill. 杀戮本能虽没有吃光多宝如来,却吸干了后者的全部道行。
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