GE :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 4: Fights to fight the ape, Dawn's Moon Dragon!

His in various plan, supposed Tai Yi Dream, finally caused the Xumi mountain join, at the present when is the harvest! 他于诸算计中,设下了太一梦,终于引得须弥山入局,而今便是收获之时! „The without/has not person is situated in the space from the beginning, world three God King, various Ancient King, all after is, newcomer occupies, they can, I.” 没有人一开始就立于天上,世间三神王、诸古王,皆是后来者居上,他们可以,我亦可以。” „When today the Xumi mountain, has space world only I am supreme after that!” “今日既得须弥山,此后自有天上天下唯我独尊之时!” A multi- valuable Tathagata one hand finger/refers of day, the one hand finger/refers, week line of 7 steps, the eye attended to four directions, a stance of winner. 多宝如来一手指天,一手指地,周行七步,目顾四方,一副胜者的姿态。 In his front, was many planned with the trap, the aura the weak Xumi mountain, was the defeated, may momentarily by multi- valuable Devour(ing). 在他的面前,是中了诸多算计和陷阱,气息已然虚弱的须弥山,身为败者,随时都可被多宝吞噬 You will not succeed... God King once approved the life for me, my god may extinguish, I assign/life do not work as certainly in this life, even meets becoming to cast the next time the cornerstone, you may seize my Dao Fruit, actually kills Undying/not dead only I...” Xumi mountain weak say/way. “你不会成功的...神王曾为我批命,我神可灭,我命不当绝于今世,甚至会成为铸就下一时代的基石,你可夺我道果,却唯独杀不死我...”须弥山虚弱道。 Next time? The donor said that the next time is what meaning thinks? God Spirit cast did not have High God toward, past and present Inextinguishable/not exterminates, how will have the next time... to give up any idea of that by spoken language randomly me mental, I must swallow thou to become God, cut thou to eliminate a potential informant, in this Tai Yi Dream, nobody saved you.” “下一时代?施主说下一时代是何意思?神灵铸就了无上神朝,古今不灭,怎会有下一时代...休想以言语乱我心智,我必吞汝成神,斩汝灭口,于此太一梦中,无人救得了你。” Some of my by no means extravagant demands people save me, I for God King nine mountains, fall into the hand of Brat past now unexpectedly, proof that this indeed God King cannot be returned. Otherwise, matches to contaminate the thing of God King depending on you! When you Yunyun (innumerable) world all doesn't have greedy idea to me? They do not dare! Then some people try to use your hand to destroy me, because of so, your shoddiness plans is winnable. World clever trick, to does not only know that is the conspiracy, but in the genuine excellence eyes, 2nd step and even the 3rd step all not exist(ence) secret, only I am supreme that you asked that but was in the dream the bubble, laughable, pitiful...” Xumi mountain dying, is actually smiling the ignorance of multi- treasure, is sighing with sadness all living things crazy simple-minded. “我并不奢求有人救我,我为神王昔日九山,如今居然落入竖子之手,这正是神王不可归来的证明。否则,凭你也配沾染神王之物吗!你当芸芸世人对我皆无贪念吗?他们只是不敢!这才有人试图借你之手毁灭我,也因如此,你的拙劣算计才可成功。世间诡计,只对不知者算是阴谋,但在真正的无上者眼中,第二步乃至第三步皆不存在秘密,你所求的唯我独尊,不过是梦中泡影,可笑,可悲...”须弥山已然垂死,却哂笑着多宝的无知,悲叹着众生的痴愚。 Amitabha... the donor crazy word lie, less than one hear, this then crossed the donor...” “阿弥陀佛...施主痴言妄语,不足一听,这便渡了施主罢...” The word no longer talks too much, but started the Wutzushan technique, must change to one of the five fingers the Xumi mountain. 言罢不复多言,而是发动了五指山术,要将须弥山化作五指之一。 Actually in this time, the mutation lives steep! 却在此时,异变陡生! Tai Yi Dream that originally cannot be damaged, was punctured Heaven and Earth unexpectedly, and crashed into a dragon ape from the Heaven and Earth crack. 原本不可损毁的太一之梦,竟被人打穿了天地,并从天地裂缝中坠入了一龙一猿。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Although multi- valuable greedy idea is heavy, actually also knows the weight, this sudden two ominous thing all has the prestige of non- world, although non- Saint, the aura is more fearful than Beginning Saint, where he dares to be involved. 多宝贪念虽重,却也知晓轻重,这突如其来的两个凶物皆有不世之威,虽非圣人,气息却比始圣更可怕,他哪敢卷入其中。 Immediately wants to swallow the Xumi mountain to travel directly. 立刻就想吞了须弥山直接跑路。 But actually cannot leave! 但却走不掉! He by giant ape staring! 他被巨猿给盯上了! That giant ape stretched out the palm, is close toward him unceasingly, but he will shuttle back and forth in the past future even, could not avoid that palm, finally was pinched the insect to be the same by that giant ape, pinches in the fingertip, swallowed. 那巨猿伸出了手掌,朝他不断接近,而他即使在过去未来间穿梭,仍是躲不开那一掌,最终被那巨猿捏虫子一般,捏在了指尖,一口吞下。 Although the giant ape has to fight to fight Golden Body, was actually made many injury by Black Dragon, at this moment just needs to supplement some nutrition, met chubby Buddha, is impossible to let off. 巨猿虽有斗战金身,却还是被黑龙打出了不少伤势,此刻正需要补充些营养,既遇到了胖乎乎一只佛陀,自不可能放过。 Multi- valuable Tathagata, was only gobbled up into the abdomen by the giant ape painstakingly at this moment, the Three Corpse gods is frightened the pale color: I am also in 2nd step the person of same level without rival, hits back in this giant ape hand unexpectedly continually cannot achieve! The giant ape clearly is also only 2nd step nothing more! My this met what Monster! Tai Yi Dream unexpectedly is so the terrifying place! I come to the end of one's destiny... 只苦了多宝如来,此刻被巨猿吞吃入腹,三尸神都被吓成了苍白之色:我好歹也是第二步中同级无敌之人,在此巨猿手中竟连还手都做不到吗!巨猿分明也只是第二步而已!我这是遇到了什么怪物太一之梦原来竟是如此恐怖的地方吗!我命休矣... When is sighing with sadness, actually must be whirled away by a mighty current suddenly, including giant ape a lot of acid water, blood mighty currents, by giant ape spitting. 正悲叹时,却忽得被一股洪流卷走,连着巨猿一肚子的酸水、血液洪流,被巨猿给吐了出来。 Why is this? 这是为何? Actually is Black Dragon saw with own eyes that the giant ape wants the diet supplements unexpectedly, can this he endure? Whatever how could the enemy restores the strength. Then by slaughtering the instinct, immediately some judgment, toward the giant ape belly fly upon, hitting to spit Buddha in his abdomen, hitting to spit blood the giant ape. 却是黑龙眼见巨猿居然想要补充营养,这他能忍受吗?岂能任由敌人恢复力气。遂凭借杀戮本能,立刻有了判断,朝着巨猿肚子猛烈攻击,将其腹中的佛陀给打吐了出来,都把巨猿给打吐血了。 Many, many thanks Senior rescues...” “多、多谢前辈相救...” The multi- treasures also calculate that saw Life and Death, was actually frightened by this fearful and apprehensive. 多宝也算见惯了生死,却还是被这一幕吓得心惊肉跳。 The giant ape is in world 1st Rank ominous thing, Black Dragon unexpectedly is inadequately stronger, can hitting to spit the giant ape unexpectedly! I should not bump into the Far Ancient Ten Spirits battle! Fast walks! 巨猿已是世间一等一的凶物,黑龙竟还更强不成,竟能把巨猿给打吐了!我该不会是撞见了远古十灵的争斗吧!速走! In the mouth is saying thanks, the innermost feelings do not have the least bit gratitude actually, even still when seeing Black Dragon scales golden light, moved new greedy idea: This ray of light, is it possible that unexpectedly is Heaven Splitting Artifact... 口中说着感谢,实则内心全无半点谢意,甚至还在看到黑龙身上鳞甲金光之时,动了新的贪念:此光芒,莫非竟是开天之器... Although there is greedy idea, does not dare really to begin to Black Dragon: Looks cannot be victorious, the opposite party has treasure(d) I also to snatch does not win! 虽有贪念,到底不敢真对黑龙动手:一看就打不过啊,对方有宝贝我也抢不赢啊! The heart county magistrate cannot , the multi- treasures receive greedy idea rapidly, only wants to depart quickly, actually because of just now greedy idea, unlucky sad, one time could not leave again! 心知事不可为,多宝迅速收了贪念,只想赶快离去,却因方才的贪念,倒霉悲催的,再一次走不掉了! The giant ape no doubt is not the good person, Black Dragon is actually not the good kind. 巨猿固然不是好人,黑龙却也不是善类。 And Black Dragon only depends on at this moment slaughters the instinct to act, must feel the evil intention from the multi- treasures suddenly with greedy idea, will immediately determine the enemy. 黑龙此刻只凭杀戮本能来行动,忽得从多宝身上感受到了恶意和贪念,立刻将之判定成了敌人。 Thereupon, just the multi- treasures that escaped from the giant ape belly, was eaten in the belly by Black Dragon, by magical skill cultivation base of refining multi- treasure, obtained many nutrition. 于是乎,刚刚才从巨猿肚子里逃生的多宝,又被黑龙吃到了肚子里,借由炼化多宝的道行修为,获得了不少营养。 Not —— multi- valuable regret. He should not the greed enter Tai Yi Dream, the regret is late, has become in others abdomen the food... “不——”多宝后悔了。他就不该贪心进入太一梦,却悔之已晚,已然成了他人腹中食粮... Saw with own eyes Black Dragon to obtain the advantage, how the giant ape is willing to give up, he and Black Dragon fought to a draw, if Black Dragon obtained the advantage, he must fall into the disadvantage. 眼见黑龙得了好处,巨猿岂肯罢休,他和黑龙不过堪堪打个平手,如若黑龙得了好处,他可是要落入劣势的。 He notices fortunately, although Black Dragon swallowed the multi- treasures, actually without/has not together with Xumi mountain Devour(ing) of multi- treasure, the slaughtering instinct of opposite party, by no means plans to slaughter innocents together obviously. 幸而他注意到,黑龙虽吞了多宝,却没有连同多宝的须弥山一同吞噬,对方的杀戮本能,显然并不打算滥杀无辜。 This was cheap the giant ape! 这却便宜了巨猿! „The Void Space command, marries the dream technique!” 虚空令,嫁梦术!” In dream ten thousand spirits, all listen to my command! ancient mountain Xumi, submits to me!” “梦中万灵,皆听我令!古山须弥,臣服于我!” Giant ape Void Space the strength opened the pinnacle, the Black Moon light covered the Tai Yi Dream battlefield instantaneously, lowered the Black Moon mark, hit in Xumi above the mountain. 巨猿将虚空相的力量张开到了极致,黑色月光瞬间笼罩了太一梦的战场,降下黑月印记,打在了须弥山之上 Void Space has to control the Dreamland strength, in this Tai Yi Dream, any strength was far less than that own lifeform, may by the giant ape direct control, be changed to Black Moon Puppet! 虚空相有着支配梦境的力量,于此太一梦中,任何实力远不如自己的生灵,都可被巨猿直接支配,化作黑月傀儡 He must control the Xumi mountain, made Xumi mountain becoming own Puppet boost, coped with Black Dragon by this, so may be fair! 他要支配须弥山,令须弥成为自己的傀儡助力,以此对付黑龙,如此才可公平! The Xumi mountain as the Divine Mountain, how is willing to submit, but the Black Moon mark is its Former Lord method, at this moment hits on his body, he is unable to defy the command of Black Moon, has to obey. 须弥山身为古之神山,岂肯臣服,但黑月印记本是其旧主的手段,此刻打在他的身上,他根本无法违抗黑月之令,只得服从。 Then was suppressed oneself Will by the Black Moon mark, was operated by the giant ape thoroughly. 遂被黑月印记压制了自身意志,彻底受到巨猿操纵。 At this moment, the giant ape had the weapon, great such as Immeasurable Xumi Divine Mountain, falls in the giant ape hand, such as a pebble Hidden Weapon size, is only suiting unexpectedly brings to pound the person to sneak attack. 这一刻,巨猿有了武器,巨如无量须弥神山,落在巨猿手中,竟只如一颗石子暗器大小,正适合拿来砸人偷袭。 Therefore offers a sacrifice to the Xumi pebble to hit Black Dragon. 于是祭出须弥小石子来打黑龙 Under 1st hit, was the Xumi Divine Mountain, bringing arrests the technique of spirit, may arrest the spirit of myriad things, each round must, not fail. 第一下打中了,到底是须弥神山,自带拘灵之术,可拘万物之灵,每发必中,绝不落空。 But after 2nd next , is actually not able to hit again. 第二下之后却再也无法打中了。 Black Dragon not only has to slaughter the instinct, and Grand Unrestrained Transformation, and this Grand Unrestrained Transformation, but also in continually increases with the fight process of giant ape. 黑龙既有杀戮本能,又有一丝大化自在,且这大化自在,还在和巨猿的交手过程中不断增多。 The similar attack, is unable to the Grand Unrestrained Transformation immortal effective twice, even if that is only a fake and shoddy Grand Unrestrained Transformation immortal! 同样的攻击,无法对大化自在仙奏效两次,即使那只是一尊假冒伪劣的大化自在仙! Saw with own eyes that the Xumi pebble is useless, the giant ape had immediately was not quick, then controlled many Tai Yi Dream strengths, by a type Mediation good fortune The pinnacle Heavenly Dipper technique, changed magically Far Ancient God Spirit the Xumi mountain directly! 眼见须弥石子无用,巨猿顿时有了不快,遂支配了更多太一之梦的力量,以一式【斡旋造化】的极致天罡术,直接将须弥山点化成了一尊远古神灵 This matter was unthinkable, do not say was 2nd step Zi Wei, was 4th step Zi Wei, was impossible to achieve! 此事过于匪夷所思了,莫说第二步紫薇了,便是第四步紫薇,都不可能做到! World who matches to change magically God Spirit? Only has God King to have the qualifications! That is the authority that crowd of Saint various Inverses are unable to usurp, supreme! 世间何人才配点化神灵?唯有古之神王拥有资格!那是群圣诸逆所无法篡夺的权柄,至高无上! But in Tai Yi Dream Dreamland, this matter had the possibility. Only because of the Tai Yi Dream itself/Ben was the God King things from a former age, the Xumi mountain also has former days the God Spark strength, Zi Wei must do, merely was the embezzlement former days the God King little lawful rights, made to have god natural talent becoming Pseudo God. 但在太一之梦梦境之中,此事却有了可能。只因太一梦本就是神王的旧物,须弥山也有旧日神格的力量,紫薇要做的,仅仅是盗用旧日神王的少许权柄,令本就拥有成神资质成为一尊伪神 Embezzles the authority, is impossible to make True God, once to Tai Yi Dream, what the Xumi mountain should be, what can also be. 到底只是盗用权柄,不可能造出真神,一旦离了太一梦,须弥山该是什么样,还会是什么样。 So long as places in the dream, this is Far Ancient God Spirit, the body holds unsurpassed Divine Force, but the becoming giant ape resists the boost of Black Dragon! 但只要身处梦中,此身即是远古神灵,身持无上神力,可成为巨猿对抗黑龙的助力! In mediating ray of light of good fortune, Xumi mountain turned into 10 Eras cultivation base stone body mountain spirit ; because of the Black Moon mark control, Xumi mountain named God Spirit, is actually only Stone Soldier Puppet of giant ape. 于斡旋造化的光芒中,须弥变成了一尊十纪修为的石身山神又因黑月印记控制,须弥山名为神灵,实则只是巨猿的石兵傀儡 Ghost god... works as the town/subdues...” “煞神...当镇...” Spirit Seizing... seizes its God Spark...” 夺灵...夺其神格...” In the Xumi mountain spirit the Black Moon mark, the rationality all lost. 须弥山神中了黑月印记,理性全失。 He naturally could see that the present Black Dragon same body has God Spirit Bloodlines, as God Father, the position venerates. 他自然看得出眼前的黑龙同样身具神灵血脉,身为父神,地位尊崇。 But is involuntary, launched the attack toward Black Dragon outrageously. 但却身不由己,朝着黑龙悍然发动了攻击。 Then... 而后... By Black Dragon claw Dragon Tears the Moon, was ripped the innumerable crushed stones. 黑龙一爪龙撕月,撕成了无数碎石。 Waste!” The giant ape scolded. “废物!”巨猿骂道。 But when sees crushed stone recongeal is the Xumi mountain spirit, when attacks Black Dragon again, the giant ape approved the strength of Xumi mountain spirit reluctantly. 但当看到碎石重凝须弥山神,再度攻击黑龙时,巨猿才勉强认可了须弥山神的实力。 The vegetable/dish was the vegetable/dish, but at least very anti- punched, brought to divert Black Dragon 12, poured enough. 菜是菜了点,但至少挺抗揍的,拿来牵制黑龙一二,倒也足够。 Actually originally, the Xumi Divine Mountain also has the strength that cannot be extinguished, but actually does not close right up against itself to cultivate/repair, but is God King by something to the gracious gift that it lowers. Because there cannot extinguish exist(ence), Divine Mountain the mountain spirit is hard to extinguish kills, this cannot extinguish into the eye of giant ape, this had changing magically of mediation good fortune. 却原来,须弥神山同样拥有一丝不可灭的力量,但却不是靠着自己修出的,而是古之神王借由某物对它降下的恩赐。因有不可灭存在,神山所化的山神自是难以灭杀,这丝不可灭入了巨猿的眼,这才有了斡旋造化的点化。 But this cannot extinguish, provoked a thing. 但这一丝不可灭,偏偏惹恼了一物。 Provokes anger, was should be changed to Ancient Country God Extinguishing Shield of black Dragon Scales armor by Ning Fan Devour(ing) and present impressively! 惹恼的,赫然是本该被宁凡吞噬、如今则化作了黑龙鳞甲的古国灭神盾 God Extinguishing Shield from the Xumi Divine Mountain cannot extinguish, felt own former days strength! 灭神盾须弥神山的不可灭中,感受到了自己的旧日力量! That cannot extinguish, originally is its things from a former age, today, it must bring back! 那一丝不可灭,本是它的旧物,今日,它要取回!
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