GE :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 3: Fights to fight the ape, Dawn's Moon Dragon!

That obsession Flame of Great Thousand World burning through, was really... is too sufficiently beautiful. 那足以将大千世界烧穿的执念火焰,真是...太美丽了。 But, is the fine thing, more for a long time saves difficultly. 可,越是美好的东西,越难久存。 If when moon, such as star, so step by step moves toward the destruction Butterfly. 如月亮,如星星,如此时一步步走向毁灭的蝴蝶 If happy one dies finally, is taken off this Butterfly Fire flame by me would rather, the careful collection, uses appropriately. 倘若美好终有一死,倒不如由我摘下此蝶火焰,细细珍藏,善加利用。 You who at this time nine knowledge shut tightly perhaps, could not have heard, but I was used to think aloud early, therefore might as well.” “此时九识紧闭的你,或许已经听不到了,但我早习惯了自言自语,所以无妨。” You to seize me come, I will also win all your. In any event, your obsession, has the same beauty with the moonlight, galaxy, being worth me paying all plunders.” “你为夺我而来,我亦将夺走你的一切。无论如何,你的执念,和月光、星河有着同等的美丽,值得我付出一切来掠夺。” Your my meet, perhaps is Yu's careful layout, but this time slaughters, actually also suits me!” “你我的相遇,或许是出于某人的精心布局,但此番厮杀,却也正合我意!” I must take off crowd of stars, but before then, your Butterfly Fire, Chinese angelica all my!” “我必摘下群星,但在此之前,你的蝶火,亦当归我所有!” zi zi zi incites... 滋滋滋滋滋... lightning ray flashes through, the electric current incites to make noise, Ning Fan changes to together lightning ray, jumps in Time and Space unceasingly, suddenly flashed in Zi Wei behind, the body swelled suddenly, without delay, was Sentry Crow self-detonation that cannot be extinguished! 雷光闪过,电流滋滋作响,宁凡化作一道雷光,于时空中不断跳跃,突然闪现在了紫薇身后,身体骤然胀大,二话不说,就是一个不可灭的更乌自爆 Slaughtering the instinct is only reason as far as possible, but if slaughters the instinct to judge that the commonplace method cannot injure fighting of Zi Wei to fight Golden Body, this what pities the self-destruction! 杀戮本能只是尽可能的合理,但若杀戮本能判断出等闲手段伤不到紫薇的斗战金身,此身何惜自毁! Was exploded so many times, Zi Wei Grand Unrestrained Transformation can react to Sentry Crow self-detonation, switch over Time and Space in the river instantaneously, wants to avoid this to strike. 被炸了这么多次,紫薇大化自在自是能够对更乌自爆做出反应,瞬间就在长河中切换了时空,欲避开这一击。 But the mark of Reversing Fate Thunder Technique, makes Sentry Crow self-detonation be in hot pursuit to Zi Wei. 逆命雷术的标记,却让更乌自爆对着紫薇紧追不放。 Zi Wei Time and Space is jumping unceasingly, actually cannot escape, after 17th Time and Space jumps, by Sentry Crow self-detonation is caught up, was embezzled by Butterfly ray of light. 紫薇不断时空跳跃着,却还是没能逃脱,于第十七时空跳跃后,被更乌自爆追上,被蝴蝶光芒吞没。 After striking, Ning Fan may not extinguish returns, the aura is even more weak. 一击之后,宁凡自不可灭中归来,气息愈发虚弱。 Zi Wei was blasted half wall ape body, half of bodies were exploded burnt, the other half revealed Purple Golden the bone of Monster Immortal, is not injured lightly. 紫薇则被炸掉了半壁猿躯,一半身体被炸得焦糊,另一半则露出了紫金色妖仙之骨,受伤非轻。 This is destroys Great Thousand World strikes sufficiently, kills a Three Saints life sufficiently, but was still not enough to destroy to fight unexpectedly to fight Golden Body thoroughly, made one shock. 这是足以毁灭大千世界的一击,亦足以一击毙掉三圣一命,但竟仍不足以彻底毁灭斗战金身,着实令人震撼。 Strikes insufficiently, that then makes up an injury again! 一击不够,那便再补一记伤害! Saw with own eyes that the Ning Fan slaughtering instinct wants 2nd Tribulation self-detonation, Zi Wei not to stretch out the neck immediately unites. Under self-detonation by 1st, he is saving Void Space the strength, gathered the strength to be full at this moment, will not tolerate Ning Fan to take self-detonation to work as the conventional method again. 眼见宁凡的杀戮本能立刻就要第二次自爆,紫薇自不会引颈就戮。挨第一自爆时,他就在积蓄虚空相的力量了,此刻蓄力已满,自不会容忍宁凡再拿自爆当常规手段。 Then will fill the Heaven and Earth moonlight, condensation is Black Moon Seal, just never may extinguish while Ning Fan returns, instinct still also the slow instance, strokes into to Ning Fan within the body! 遂将弥漫天地的月光,凝聚为一枚黑色月印,趁着宁凡刚从不可灭中归来、本能尚还迟钝的瞬间,一击打入到宁凡的体内! Void Space gives Zi Wei, not just the Illusion Technique strength, contained unsurpassed Rank puppet technique and bodhi technique, as well as controls the Dreamland strength! 虚空相赋予紫薇的,并非只有幻术的力量,更包含了无上级别傀术、菩提术,以及支配梦境的力量! Black Moon seal that at this time Zi Wei makes, with is Void Space the strength of Seal, if in Will not firmness this seal, struck then must by Seal be puppet. 此时紫薇打出的黑月印,用到的便是虚空相的封印之力,若是意志不坚者中了此印,一击便要被封印为傀的。 Ning Fan Will is firm enough, will not degenerate into Puppet, but also by some Seal strengths, at this time by Seal, actually will be the Sentry Crow self-detonation method. 宁凡意志足够坚定,自不会沦为傀儡,但也会被封印部分力量,此时被封印的,却是更乌自爆的手段。 Zi Wei wants to link Ning Fan slaughtering instinct together Seal actually, but is actually not able to accomplish: This butterfly slaughters huge entire life, obsession is dreadful, is unable to seal Suppress! 紫薇倒是想连宁凡的杀戮本能一同封印,但却无法办到:此蝶一生杀戮过于庞大,执念更是滔天,根本无法封镇! Can seal up some Ning Fan Divine Ability methods, is the Zi Wei limit. 能封住宁凡些许神通手段,已是紫薇极限。 Then, this desire two degrees self-detonation Ning Fan, is unable self-detonation, to slaughter the instinct to present the run-time error suddenly suddenly, presented split second slow. 如此一来,本欲二度自爆宁凡,忽然无法自爆了,杀戮本能一时间出现了运行错误,出现了一瞬间的卡顿。 Zi Wei is impossible to let off so the good opportunity, then Purple Qi spits out, Golden Body damages the instantaneous restoration at the same time, direct flashed before then arrived around Ning Fan, fist glow that was heavy such as Great Thousand World, hit on the Ning Fan face. 紫薇自不可能放过如此良机,遂有一口紫炁喷出,金身损伤瞬间复原的同时,直接一个闪现便来到了宁凡跟前,一记重如大千世界拳芒,打在了宁凡脸上。 fist glow like Heaven and Earth, might actually only condenses at 1 : 00 greatly, the without/has not tiny bit wave Fei He leak, because of so, this fist heavy to may not bear. 拳芒巨如天地,威力却只凝缩于一点,没有一丝一毫的浪费和外泄,也因如此,此拳沉重到不可硬受。 Gave Ning Fan to hit not to have, Big Dipper Ghost Mask gave Ning Fan to hit smash into pieces, manifestation of Ghost Mask silver hair gives dozen of without/has not! The body actually also stands in same place, without/has not flies upside down! 头都给宁凡打没了,北斗鬼面都给宁凡碎了,鬼面银发的法相都给打没有了!身体却还站在原地,没有倒飞出去! Cannot extinguish gives Ning Fan to scatter! Actually slaughters the instinct to be extremely quick because of Ning Fan, instantaneous recongeal cannot extinguish, the instance of head rebirth, actually suffers the 2nd fist immediately. 不可灭都给宁凡打散了!却因宁凡杀戮本能反应极快,瞬间重凝了不可灭,头颅重生的瞬间,却又立刻挨了第二拳。 This fights with the fists on the Ning Fan belly, but actually without/has not punctures the Ning Fan body, when near body changes the fist is the palm, a palm pressed five fingers Black Moon Seal, again Seal Ning Fan more Divine Ability abilities at the same time, similarly planted the mark to Ning Fan. 这一拳打在宁凡肚子上,但却没有宁凡躯体打穿,而是临身之际变拳为掌,一掌按出了五指黑月封印,再度封印宁凡更多神通本领的同时,同样给宁凡种下了标记。 Scoff! 嗤! In the 3rd fist approaches, Ning Fan changes to together lightning ray, the instinct avoided fist glow. 第三拳来临之际,宁凡化作一道雷光,本能躲开了拳芒 But Zi Wei actually relies on the Black Moon mark, appeared in Ning Fan behind instantaneously, successfully fought with the fists 3rd in the Ning Fan back of the body place. 紫薇却凭借黑月标记,瞬间出现在了宁凡身后,成功将第三拳打在了宁凡后心处。 Easily punctured Ning Fan all defenses at the same time, is changes the fist is the claw, pulled out Ning Fan God Heart, stuttered! 轻易打穿了宁凡所有防御的同时,更是变拳为爪,将宁凡神心掏了出来,一口吃了下去! If I swallow your God Heart, vertical you die and be reborn, this heart actually may not return, although lives such as dies! 若我吞掉你神心,纵你死而复生,此心却再不可归来了,虽生如死! Actually unexpectedly, Ning Fan this time rebirth, by no means from corpse place rebirth, but from heart place rebirth, then direct rebirth in giant ape belly. 却不料,宁凡这一次的重生,并不从尸首处重生,而是从心脏处重生,遂直接重生在了巨猿肚子里。 But if self-detonation, from the interior to Zi Wei Sentry Crow self-detonation, could not say at this time can strike to get rid of Zi Wei. 若可自爆,此时从内部给紫薇一记更乌自爆,说不得能将紫薇一击干掉。 Although is unable self-detonation, Ning Fan to be overwhelming in the Zi Wei belly, wantonly attacks all that can touch, the straight pain results in Zi Wei to him put out, does not dare easily the Devour(ing) Ning Fan corpse block. 虽无法自爆,宁凡仍是在紫薇肚子里翻江倒海起来,肆意攻击着所能触及的一切,直痛得紫薇不得不将其吐出,再不敢轻易吞噬宁凡的尸块了。 Ning Fan actually taking advantage of Zi Wei the Mouth water that he puts out, started the technique of Rain Dragon directly. 宁凡却借着紫薇将他吐出的这口口水,直接发动了雨龙之术。 But is actually not the consistent technique, displayed Rain Dragon to be released externally, but by the instinct, made turned into Rain Dragon! 但却不是一贯的手法,施展雨龙外放了,而是凭借本能,令自身变成了一条雨龙 Saw Zi Wei the technique of change, killed Zi Wei three Purple Qi Dividing Spirit, Ning Fan learned many things. Zi Wei can become the giant ape, how he cannot become Rain Dragon! 见多了紫薇的变化之术,又杀了紫薇三具紫炁分神,宁凡自是学到了不少东西。紫薇能变为巨猿,他如何不能变为一条雨龙 But, if only common Rain Dragon, possibly is not the solemn Battle Saint Ape opponent! 但,若只是寻常雨龙,自不可能是堂堂斗战圣猿的对手! Then also had following changed the body! 遂又有了后续变身! Takes the technique of Rain Dragon as the template, takes power of Undying as the harmonic point, takes the violent has punched Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan for reference substance, within the body 27 Types power of Dao Source fusion in one, had the 2nd Stage change again instantaneously, turned into 27 color Giant Dragon that fused 27 Types Dao Source. 雨龙之术为模板,以不死之力为调和点,以暴揍过的魇龙应玄为参考物,再将体内二十七种道源之力融和在了一起,瞬间产生了二段变化,变成了一条融合了二十七种道源二十七巨龙 Unites 27 Dao Source again, under the 3rd Stage change, changes to ratio Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan huge dozens times of Dao Lineage Giant Dragon, the body has the prestige of Undying/not dead, has not Extinguish! 再将二十七道源合一,于三段变化下,化作一条比魇龙应玄庞大数十倍的道统巨龙,身具不死之威,更持有一丝不可灭! This dragon compared with Ying Xuan huge, the modeling was full of the Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan characteristics, just like Ying Xuan that surpasses Juhua, the exist(ence) difference in the matching colors detail, presents is only symbolizing the Undying/not dead black all over the body. 此龙比应玄庞大,造型充满了朝月龙族的特征,宛如一个超巨化的应玄,只在配色细节上存在差异,通体呈现象征着不死的黑色。 Ning Fan cultivates the rain, moon/month two, in nine Yin-Yang of God, the rain is the beginning, the moon/month is finally, with Dawn's Moon Dragon conjunction is extremely high, therefore changes this dragon is also in harmony with say. 宁凡修有雨、月二道,九个神阴阳中,雨为始,月为终,与朝月龙的契合度自是极高,故而变身此龙亦合于道。 dragon body is the pure black, Dragon Scales has black light who the 27 Types light and shade varies to change at first sight, is passing the Undying Life aura from top to bottom, pair of Dragon Horn is only glittering the mysterious moonlight, such as Dawn's Moon is ordinary, is limpid and busy. 龙身乍一看是纯黑色,龙鳞却有二十七种明暗不一的乌光变化,浑身上下透着不死生灵的气息,唯有一对龙角闪烁着神秘的月华,如朝月一般,清澈且无暇。 When the strength of God Extinguishing Shield fragment was stimulated by Black Dragon, above its Dragon Scales, were many immediately 1st stratum light golden light, turned into, the gold/metal two colors! 而当灭神盾碎片的力量被黑龙激发出来,其龙鳞之上,顿时多了一层淡淡金光,变成了乌、金二色! Saw Zi Wei to change Magical Treasure, killed Zi Wei three Purple Qi Dividing Spirit, Ning Fan can change within the body the strength of God Extinguishing Shield, was very reasonable? 见多了紫薇变化法宝,又杀了紫薇三具紫炁分神,宁凡能将体内的灭神盾之力变化出来,也很合理吧? Rain Dragon cannot be victorious Battle Saint Ape, but if the body holds Dawn's Moon Dragon of God Extinguishing Shield divine protection, so what! 雨龙打不过斗战圣猿,但若是身持灭神盾加护的朝月龙,又如何 Although I am not sacred body Golden Body, but I can be gold-plated! 我虽不是圣体金身,但我可以镀金! He in my fight, obtained the growth unexpectedly, this is what kind of Origin Spirit natural talent!” “他竟在与我的战斗中,获得了成长,这是何等的元灵资质!” Zi Wei is deeply amazed, War Intent also even more is intense, actually received fought to fight the influence of Golden Body at this moment, over time, the innermost feelings were getting more and more wild, militant! 紫薇深受震撼,战意却也愈发强烈,却是受到了此刻斗战金身的影响,随着时间推移,内心越来越狂暴、好战了! Ning Fan because of nine knows all shuts, shape same slaughters the machine, ice-cold and brutal. Black Dragon that he changes, dragon claw has the five fingers, above each finger/refers, corresponded a Yin-Yang 5 Swords strength, may break completely Fate, Power, Life, Dao, Thought. 宁凡则因九识皆闭,形同一个杀戮机器,冰冷而无情。他所变化的黑龙,龙爪有五指,每一指之上,都对应了一种阴阳五剑的力量,可破尽运、势、命、道、念 The movement that Black Dragon only one lifts the claw, causes Samsara not steadily, Time and Space to be chaotic unexpectedly, subsequently by the Dragon Tears the Moon posture, tears down toward the Zi Wei giant ape ruthlessly! 黑龙只一个抬爪的动作,竟引得轮回不稳、时空混乱,继而以龙撕月的姿势,朝着紫薇巨猿狠狠撕下! The Zi Wei giant ape no longer dodges, but driven by War Intent, is going against the sharp claws of Black Dragon, made the fist of own Monster Immortal. 紫薇巨猿则不再闪躲,而是在战意的驱使下,顶着黑龙的利爪,打出了自己的妖仙之拳。 The color and purple gold color of coal, rumbled immediately in one, instantaneously to rumbling 100,000 million time, unexpectedly was the evenly matched, difficult minute/share high under! 黑金之色与紫金之色,顿时轰在了一处,瞬间对轰了十万百万次,竟是势均力敌,难分高下! Only Tai Yi Dream Time and Space was under the excessive impact painstakingly, gradually had not the steady trend! If Ning Fan this moment Divine Technique has not sealed, but still Myriad Things Communication, deciding to hear the Tai Yi Dream complaint: This where is two 2nd step is slaughtering! Beginning Saint not necessarily does to obtain the this kind of momentum! 只苦了太一之梦时空受到了过量的冲击,逐渐有了不稳的趋势!若宁凡此刻神术未封,仍可万物沟通,定能听到太一之梦的抱怨声:这哪里是两个第二步在厮杀!始圣都未必搞得出这等声势! Depending on the 2nd step Rank Tai Yi Dream battlefield, cannot only withstand these two people of complete strengths! 只凭第二步级别太一梦战场,根本承受不住这二人的全部力量! Finally, is aggressive because of Black Dragon and giant ape, here Tai Yi Dream was given the puncture by the fighting method fluctuation unexpectedly. 最终,因黑龙和巨猿过于凶悍,此处太一梦竟是被斗法波动给击穿了。 Looks at Man Zhi in Side World to be dumbfounded. 直看得一方界中的满智目瞪口呆。 Was troublesome! Let alone the script, the theater made one pounding, this may should do, hopes not to make the too many accident... Tai Yi Dream is not 1st stratum, but was innumerable. Once punctures one, will then fall into Dreamland of other layers, there without/has not my layout, actually does not know that will have the what kind of variable...” “麻烦了!别说剧本了,剧场都叫人给砸了,这可如何是好,但愿不会闹出太多变故...太一之梦并非一层,而是无数。一旦打穿一间,便会落入其他层数的梦境之中,那里没有我的布局,却不知会有何等变数...” But, my without/has not is out fortunately personally, otherwise depending on me cultivation base of only nine discipline, facing this butterfly fears now has not to return. In the face of the absolute strength, all strategies are useless. But if I can retrieve 12 former days strengths, perhaps... yeah, difficult. These ingratitude will not tolerate me to bring back the strength, after all, I, but...” “不过,还好我没有亲自下场,否则凭我如今区区九纪的修为,面对此蝶怕是有去无回。在绝对的力量面前,一切智谋都是无用。但若我能寻回一二处旧日力量,或许...哎,难啊。那些忘恩负义者是不会容忍我取回力量的,毕竟,我可是...” ... ... Tai Yi Dream is the source in world illusion, not just one Dreamland, but is one is linking one, named too one, is actually infinite. 太一之梦是世间幻梦的源头,并非只有一处梦境,而是一处连着一处,名为太一,实为无穷。 Because Ning Fan and Zi Wei play intensely, causing Dreamland that two originally places to be stave, fell into other Dreamland area. 宁凡紫薇打得过于激烈,导致二者原本身处的梦境破碎,跌入了其他梦境区域 Through the ages, once entered Tai Yi Dream to capture others Dao Fruit lifeform to be countless, world exist(ence) many retributions, then many Tai Yi Dream! 古往今来,曾进入太一之梦夺取他人道果生灵不计其数,世间存在多少冤孽,便有多少太一梦 Until Tai Yi Wheel was destroyed, this matter gradually stops, Spirit Seizing also starts the matter of becoming explicitly banning. 直到太一之轮被毁,此事才渐渐消停,夺灵也开始成为明令禁止之事。 Innumerable bloodsea and Karma, silt up in Tai Yi Wheel, does not know for the world, because of so, Tai Yi Wheel became in world 1st Rank portent of disaster finally, huge Karma that silts up, Inverse Saint does not dare easily to contaminate, for fear that contaminates big terrifying. 无数血海因果,淤积在太一之轮之中,不为世人所知,也因如此,太一之轮最终成了世间一等一的不祥之物,当中淤积的庞大因果,逆圣都不敢轻易沾染,唯恐沾染到大恐怖 At this moment Karma, because of astraying of Ning Fan, rotated the Fate gear. 此刻就有一场因果,因宁凡的误入,转动了命运的齿轮。 ancient has a mountain, named Xumi, actually destroyed because of not the well-known reason in the Ancient Country God Spirit time. The later generation Xumi mountain, all imitation this mountain makes. 古有一山,名为须弥,却因不知名的原因毁在了古国神灵的时代。后世须弥山,皆不过模仿此山而造。 The world only know, the ancient Xumi mountain was destroyed by what fierce character Spirit Seizing, who concrete is destroys, is actually unknown. 世人只知,古须弥山是被什么厉害人物夺灵毁去了,具体是何人所毁,却又不得而知。 Probably because Karma in Tai Yi Dream, the average person is hard to observe from outside, because of so, this place sealed world too many secret. 盖因太一梦中的因果,普通人从外面是难以观测的,也因如此,此地封存了世间太多秘密。 Man Zhi can observe Tai Yi Dream, explained that he is not very ordinary, if changes into others, then is Inverse Saint also only several people can accomplish this matter —— in other words , Man Zhi the technique of observation, even also in certain Inverse Saint Omniscient versatile above. 满智能观测太一梦,说明他还不够普通,倘若换成旁人,则便是逆圣也只有区区数人可以办到此事——换言之,满智的观测之术,甚至还在某些逆圣全知全能之上。 The idle talk does not mention, only said the past events of that Xumi mountain. 闲话休提,只说那须弥山的往事。 nobody knows, who was Spirit Seizing the Xumi mountain, only had the murderer to know the truth, afterward actually the entire life does not dare to disclose outward, for fear that drew fire to oneself. 无人知,是何人夺灵须弥山,唯有凶手知晓真相,事后却一生一世不敢对外声张,唯恐引火烧身。 At that time multi- valuable Tathagata, being converted monk, body become a Saint, had not just had reading of become a Saint. 彼时的多宝如来,才刚刚皈依沙门,身未成圣,却有了成圣之念。 The corrupt being angry crazy itself/Ben is the Buddhism taboo, but if is related to become a Saint, then destroyed the Xumi mountain, multi- valuable Tathagata also refuses to balk. 贪嗔痴本是佛门大忌,但若事关成圣,则便是毁灭了须弥山,多宝如来也是在所不惜的。 This matter faces universal condemnation, may not disclose, can only attempt it Yin. 此事冒天下之大不韪,自是不可声张,只能阴图之。 In order to achieve to hope, multi- valuable Tathagata plans long time, plans innumerably, finally found opportunity in some Great Tribulation. 为了达成所愿,多宝如来谋划良久,算计无数,才终于在某次大劫之中找到了机会 The Xumi mountain is the Ancient Country Divine Mountain, was 3rd God King past one of the various Dao Temple, if he can Spirit Seizing the Xumi mountain, not only entered the Saint by Buddha sufficiently, even was likely to capture Divine Mountain God Spark, becoming Acquired God Spirit! 须弥山是古国神山,为第三神王昔日诸道场之一,若他能夺灵须弥山,不仅足以以佛入圣,甚至有望夺取神山神格,成为一尊后天神灵 God Spirit is world taboo, after is Ancient Country destroys matter. 神灵是世间禁忌,乃是古国毁灭后的事情。 This time multi- treasures, to become Shenshang was unsurpassed the glory and lifetime pursue, world all living things, all took to become Shenwei as the highest wish, he was also unavoidable this custom. 于此时的多宝而言,成神尚还是无上荣耀、毕生追求,世间众生,皆以成神为最高心愿,他也难免此俗。
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