GE :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 2: Fights to fight the ape, Dawn's Moon Dragon!

What is fearful is Illusion Technique of opposite party, resembles to revise others Will unexpectedly directly, and that strength disregards the defense of Heaven and Mortal Third Realm sufficiently... 可怕的是对方的幻术,竟似能直接修改他人意志,且那力量足以无视天人第三境的防御... If defends six senses to be insufficient close, that shut the keep nightwatch to be knowledgeably good! 倘若闭守六识不够,那就闭守更多识好了! 7th knowledge, end that knowledge, closed! 第七识,末那识,闭合! The 8th knowledge, Araya knows, closed! 第八识,阿赖耶识,闭合! The 9th knowledge, hut knows, closed! 第九识,庵摩罗识,闭合! Ning Fan defends nine knowledge one after another close, unties Void Space that the giant ape plants Illusion Technique, thorough break free from Illusion Technique. 宁凡接连闭守九识,才解开巨猿种下的虚空幻术,从幻术中彻底挣脱 Then, Ning Fan nine know all shuts, just like crashing into not bright hell, regarding outside world and lost the sensation thoroughly. Nine knowledge place oneself in the nihility, the day also nihility , the nihility, oneself are also the nihility. 如此一来,宁凡九识皆闭,宛如坠入到了无明地狱,对于外界和自身彻底失去了感知。九识置身于虚无之中,天也虚无,地也虚无,自身亦是虚无。 That is World that the 9th feeling is unable to touch! 那是第九感都无法触及的世界 So under the situation, Ning Fan naturally cannot again by Void Space Illusion Technique influence, side effect actually also obvious: Once nine know all shuts, the average person can only stand was waiting for death, is unable again, in Life and Death slaughters takes the action, not helpfuls but harmful. 如此情形之下,宁凡自然不会再被虚空相的幻术影响,副作用却也明显:一旦九识皆闭,普通人只能站着等死了,再无法在生死厮杀间做出行动,有害无益。 At this time, the consciousness of Ning Fan is unable to control the body again, isn't able to induce outside world again, so what? 此时,宁凡的意识无法再掌控身体,更无法再感应外界,该当如何 That all action power, gave body to process! 那就将所有行动权,交给身体自己处理好了! Shuts tightly the instance that nine know, Ning Fan opened the killing intent sensation, the action power of body, gave the slaughtering instinct of body. Like the breath is the body instinct, slaughters can similarly the becoming instinct, Ning Fan, but such as breath common nature. 紧闭九识的瞬间,宁凡开启了杀意感知,将身体的行动权,交给了身体的杀戮本能。就像呼吸是身体本能,杀戮同样可以成为本能,于宁凡而言,可如呼吸一般自然。 As this generation of Slaughter Emperor, can with slaughter the instinct to come sensation outside world, slaughter entire life, is very reasonable? 身为此代杀帝,能用一生杀戮本能来感知外界、与人厮杀,也很合理吧? Only by slaughtering the instinct, Ning Fan defends the instance that nine know close, immediately chooses some direction, leaves then to draw back. 只凭借杀戮本能,宁凡闭守九识的瞬间,立刻选择了某个方向,抽身便退。 Also is this draws back, Ning Fan successfully avoided one to condense by the Black Moon light 【The arrow of Void Space, without/has not was killed by the arrow arrow. 也是这一退,宁凡成功躲开了一道由黑色月光凝聚成的【虚空之矢】,没有被箭矢射杀。 Void Space Illusion Technique, not only can be stranded the person nine knowledge, can condense the bow arrow, wipes to extinguish the trapped consciousness! 虚空相的幻术,不仅能困人九识,更能凝聚弓矢,抹灭受困者的意识! If Ning Fan is unable to avoid this arrow, then he vertical is Undying and Inextinguishable lifeform, consciousness to wither away after arrow, degenerates into, only then Mortal Body eternal life Undying/not dead pitiful live corpse... 倘若宁凡无法躲开这一箭,则他纵是不死不灭生灵,也会在中箭之后意识消亡,沦为只有肉身永生不死的可悲活尸... Similar to that only to be great such as Starry Sky Undying Divine Silkworm, Mortal Body eternal Undying/not dead, the consciousness had actually withered away, although lives such as dies... 就如同那只巨如星空不死神蚕,肉身永恒不死,意识却早已消亡了,虽生如死... Avoided killing of Void Space arrow, Ning Fan flew to draw back again, avoided 2nd, 3rd, 4th to say the Void Space arrow. 避开了虚空矢的射杀,宁凡再度飞退,又躲开了第二第三第四虚空矢。 And finally, even 5th said that the Void Space arrow successfully avoided. 并最终,连第五虚空矢都成功避开了。 might of Void Space arrow, an arrow strong an arrow, does not have one to be able hit Ning Fan, so, all might became the empty talk, does not hit, that is zero injury. 虚空矢的威力,一箭强过一箭,却无一能命中宁凡,如此,所有威力都成了空谈,打不中,那就是零伤害。 From the past arrow arrow, raids to the future arrow arrow, Ning Fan can by slaughtering the instinct comes predict, dodging. Slaughters, Evil Qi are more, it slaughters the instinct the killing intent sensation is keen. 无论是来自过去的箭矢,还是袭向未来的箭矢,宁凡都能凭借杀戮本能来预判、闪躲。杀戮越多,煞气越多,其杀戮本能的杀意感知便越是敏锐。 This is just like the mortal to close the vision, the sense of hearing will be keener, this moment Ning Fan nine know all shuts, the instinct was promoting to the unprecedented altitude. 这就好比凡人关闭视觉,听觉就会更加敏锐,此刻宁凡九识皆闭,本能反应自是提升到了空前高度。 The arrow arrow projects, must have the potential of drawing, how quick arrow arrow, so long as can catch its potential of drawing, is all traceable, sufficiently out of the way. 箭矢射出,须有开弓之势,无论是多么快的箭矢,只要能够捕捉其开弓之势,则皆有迹可循,足以躲开。 This matter difficulty is to people enormous, but actually can only be the conventional operation to this time Ning Fan. 此事对常人而言难度极大,但对此时的宁凡而言却只算得上是常规操作。 After hiding five arrows continually, Zi Wei without/has not towards Ning Fan shoots down the 6th arrow. 连躲五箭之后,紫薇没有朝宁凡射落第六箭。 Probably because the arrow of Void Space is one type does not offend somebody, then the method of wound oneself, misses an arrow every time, Zi Wei must withstand few backlash, after losing five arrows continually, backlash already quite deep, if misses again, perhaps damages the magical skill, has to give up. 盖因虚空之矢是一种不伤人、则伤己的手段,每射失一箭,紫薇都要承受少量反噬,连失五箭之后,反噬已然颇深,若再射失,恐损道行,只得放弃。 Is actually also receiving to bend the instance of arrow, divulged again received the potential of bow, was caught the flaw by Ning Fan. 却也在收弓回箭的瞬间,再度泄露了收弓之势,被宁凡捕捉到了破绽。 Therefore west the previous moment still hides Ning Fan that draws back in east, suddenly did not draw back instead entered, treadonned God Spirit Domain, wielded Against the Sea Sword in some direction directly, cut to count billion saying that instantaneously Yin-Yang 5 Swords sword light, successfully hit at will switch over Demon Monarch Zi Wei in Time River. 于是前一刻还在东躲西退的宁凡,忽然不退反进了,脚踏神灵领域,直接朝着某个方向挥动逆海剑,瞬间斩出了数十亿阴阳五剑剑光,成功命中了在时光长河间随意切换的紫薇魔君 Yin-Yang 5 Swords was known as that does not have the thing not to cut, is cut number billion sword light that by Ning Fan, the momentum is obliterates Great Dao sufficiently, but who that must look at the opponent is. 阴阳五剑号称无物不斩,由宁凡斩出的数十亿剑光,声势更是足以将大道磨灭,但那也得看对手是谁。 Zi Wei sees with own eyes sword light near the body, when is startled, actually also reacted instantaneously, sacred body Golden Body revolved sends, to bear counted billion sword light, the body like Indestructible Diamond, what end defends without rival! 紫薇眼见剑光临身,吃惊之余,却也瞬间做出了反应,圣体金身运转至极致,硬受了数十亿剑光,身如金刚不坏,端的是防御无敌 Common Saint sacred body Golden Body then has the defense that nearly cannot be damaged, fighting to fight Golden Body is few exist(ence), the common attack cut off monkey wool to use energy continually, 2nd step Great Emperor Ancient Chaos saw fought to fight Golden Body also to heave a deep sigh. 寻常圣人的圣体金身便有着近乎不可损毁的防御,斗战金身更是其中屈指可数的存在,寻常攻击连砍掉一根猴毛都费劲的,第二步乱古大帝见了斗战金身也须摇头叹息。 Although Ning Fan has not broken through the defense of Demon Monarch Zi Wei, actually by counting billion sword light, planted on Demon Monarch Zi Wei mark that counts billion Reversing Fate Thunder Technique, five swords are only the representation, the mark are the real motives! 宁凡虽未攻破紫薇魔君的防御,却借由数十亿剑光,在紫薇魔君身上种下了数十亿逆命雷术的标记,五剑只是表象,标记才是真实目的! This is the Hui Shi Immortal Sovereign method! The Zi Wei method no doubt emerges one after another incessantly, Ning Fan method actually also many. 这是惠施仙皇的手段!紫薇的手段固然层出不穷,宁凡的手段却也一点不少。 In the past, the present and future many time line, Reversing Fate Thunder Technique will mark counted the billion Demon Monarch Zi Wei possible point. 于过去、现在、未来的诸多时间线中,逆命雷术标记了数十亿紫薇魔君可能出现的点位。 the next moment, Ning Fan body lightning ray, shuttles back and forth in various marking points, split second then Time and Space jumped counted the billion time, and from counting the billion Time and Space direction, started Second Round to cut to strike toward Demon Monarch Zi Wei! Commonplace lifeform may be unable so crazy Time and Space jump, Zi Wei also not to dare so, probably because the body cannot withstand the radical transformation of Samsara speed, but Ning Fan may not extinguish lifeform, body anti- Cao, is not worth mentioning! 下一刻,宁凡身化雷光,在诸标记点穿梭,一瞬间便时空跳跃了数十亿次,并从数十亿时空方向,朝紫薇魔君发动了第二轮斩击!等闲生灵可无法如此疯狂的时空跳跃,紫薇亦不敢如此,盖因身体根本承受不住轮回速率的剧烈变换,但宁凡是不可灭生灵,身体耐曹,不值一提! What a pity, finally same! 可惜,结果还是相同! The attack of which time line regardless, is unable to break the Golden Body defense of Zi Wei giant ape, actually also took the opportunity to plant many Time and Space marks on the giant ape. 无论哪一个时间线的攻击,都无法打破紫薇巨猿的金身防御,却也借机在巨猿身上种下了更多时空标记。 First counts the billion number billion power of exponent, then counts the billion power of exponent, so after moving back and forth innumerable, marks some quantity many, the Ning Fan slaughtering instinct does not know. 先是数十亿的数十亿次方,而后再是数十亿次方,如此往复了无数次之后,标记数量到底有多少,宁凡的杀戮本能也不知道。 Zi Wei by cutting the river technique, can switch over with river in any momentarily, the past and future that range but he limited to cultivation base, can touch was not infinite. 紫薇凭借斩长河术,可以和长河中的任何一个自己随时切换,但他限于修为,可以触及到的过去、未来范围到底也不是无限。 Ning Fan mark quantity similarly is not infinite, enough has actually covered the Zi Wei moving range, quick has cut the river because of the Reversing Fate Thunder Technique Time and Space jump speed, may make to cut the river technique to impede everywhere. 宁凡的标记数量同样不是无限,却已足够覆盖紫薇的移动范围,更因逆命雷术时空跳跃速度快过斩长河,可令斩长河术处处掣肘。 Sees Ning Fan to shut tightly nine knowledge, unexpectedly can also achieve the degree, Zi Wei is so startled is not small. 宁凡紧闭九识,居然还能做到如此程度,紫薇吃惊非小。 1st startled, what startled is the Butterfly Heaven and Mortal Third Realm fierce being at variance with average man! Common Third Realm cultivator cannot achieve defends nine knowledge close, this butterfly actually! 第一惊,惊的是蝴蝶天人第三境厉害的异于常人!寻常第三境修士根本做不到闭守九识,此蝶却可以! 2nd startled, what startled is nine knowledge all close Butterfly, has the means only to depend on unexpectedly slaughters the instinct to fight! In Three Worlds, can slaughtering the instinct utilizes so the degree, formerly had only heard a Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign person, this butterfly has the capital of Big Dipper unexpectedly! 第二惊,惊的是九识皆闭的蝴蝶,竟有办法只凭杀戮本能来战斗!三界之中,能将杀戮本能运用到如此程度的,从前只听说过北斗仙皇一人,此蝶竟有北斗之资! No, not just so! 不,不止如此! This butterfly by no means only depends on slaughters the instinct to fight, so was 3rd startled! 此蝶并不是只凭杀戮本能在战斗,如此便是第三惊了! Slaughters instinct is Master to want the aspect, but if only then slaughters the instinct, this butterfly by no means precise predict I cut the river Time and Space path sufficiently!” “杀戮本能是主要方面,但若只有杀戮本能,此蝶并不足以精确预判我斩长河时空轨迹的!” This butterfly also imitated me unexpectedly Grand Unrestrained Transformation The technique, tries to make itself enter the Unrestrained Extreme Intent condition, optimizes by this slaughters the instinct the behavior logic... this is the matter that ordinary butterfly can achieve?” “此蝶竟还模仿了我的【大化自在】之术,试图令自身进入自在极意的状态,以此优化杀戮本能的行为逻辑...这是一只凡蝶可以做到的事情?” Only pitifully, Ning Fan is not Ancient Immortal Spirit, cannot imitate complete Immortal Spirit Innate Skill Grand Unrestrained Transformation. 只可惜,宁凡并非远古仙灵,自是模仿不出完整的仙灵天赋大化自在 But what makes Zi Wei shock, in imitation of Ning Fan, perhaps exist(ence) 9000 900 place error and insufficient, but actually imitated Grand Unrestrained Transformation flavor seriously... 但让紫薇震撼的是,宁凡的模仿中,或许存在九千九百处谬误和不足,但却当真模仿出了一丝大化自在的韵味... Are not many, but real exist(ence), following also is even striving, the perfect possibility! 不多,但真实存在着,后续甚至还有精进、完善的可能! Also because of this Grand Unrestrained Transformation flavor exist(ence), the Ning Fan slaughtering instinct revolves is smoother, perfect, among the gears of precise rotation, obtained the lubrication. 也因这一丝大化自在的韵味存在,宁凡的杀戮本能运转的更加流畅、完美,如同精密转动的齿轮间,得到了润滑。 This moment Ning Fan, because of shutting tightly nine knowledge, before fight style no longer such as, generally impulses, often self-detonation ; his action will not become more reasonable, will have the logic meticulously, like a machine of perfect operation, will not actually pursue the pinnacle to be perfect with purpose, but will follow careful that the instinct, the choices ; his Magic Force is revolving, effect that without/has not tiny bit unnecessary and waste, will present, will be the passing clouds and flowing water walked and offensive, the strength does not reduce actually instead increases! 这一刻的宁凡,因紧闭了九识,战斗风格不再如之前一般冲动,更不会动不动就自爆他的行动变得更加合理,缜密而有逻辑,如同一台完美运行的机器,却也不会刻意追求极致完美,而是遵循本能、自行取舍着他的法力运转的更加细致,没有一丝一毫的多余和浪费,呈现出来的效果,就是行云流水的走位和攻势,战力实则不减反增了! If said that slaughters the instinct is manifestation of capital of its Big Dipper, Grand Unrestrained Transformation is manifestation of capital of its Zi Wei, when the two superimpose, manifestation of capital of indeed Zi Dou! 若说杀戮本能是其北斗之资的体现,大化自在便是其紫薇之资的体现,而当二者叠加,正是紫斗之资的体现! Ning Fan, he first knows Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, Zi Wei that then knows. 宁凡而言,他是先知道紫斗仙皇,再知道的紫薇 But this time Zi Wei, he actually sees the holder of capital of Zi Dou for the first time, the dropping variance feeling in heart can be imagined, even had me to be inferior to the sober cognition of person again. 但于此时的紫薇而言,他却还是首次见到紫斗之资的持有者,心中的落差感可想而知,甚至再度有了我不如人的清醒认知。 His main body is born Zi Wei Mortal World Flower in Primal Chaos, as Heaven Splitting Spiritual Root, his life level from the beginning is 4th step, the body, but for cultivation of person, retrieved former days the journey of strength merely. 他的本体乃是诞生于混沌中的紫薇红尘花,身为开天灵根,他的生命层次从一开始就是第四步,身而为人的修行,仅仅只是寻回旧日力量的旅途。 Others cultivate Dao, like the traveler, he actually returns from abroad. 旁人修道,如同行客,他却是归客。 Others track down the end point of journey, he cares about the homeward journey the scenery. 旁人追寻旅途的终点,他更在意归途的风景。 regarding then dominates Zi Wei above all living things since birth, he has its proud capital, then present age Inverse Saint does not put in the eye, is natural. 对于生来便凌驾于众生之上的紫薇而言,他自有其骄傲的资本,便是不将当世逆圣放入眼中,也是理所当然。 But so arrogant he, actually two times cognition to own mediocre and tiny, despicable and ugly. 但如此高傲的他,却曾两度认知到自身的平庸和渺小、卑鄙和丑陋。 1st takes to him to feel, is named Zixiao Heart ape. This ape body holds four elusively the light of Haoyue, is holy and busy, is much more beautiful, unfortunately is bold, dares by an enemy five, the alone war five types of blasphemies perish. With this ape compared to, world all happy as if turned into firefly candle, arrogant Zi Wei Mortal World Flower, first time feels inferior. 第一个带给他如此感受的,是名为【紫霄】的心猿。此猿身持空灵四相的皓月之光,圣洁而无暇,美得动人心魄,偏又胆大包天,竟敢以一敌五,独战五逆而亡。和此猿相比,世间一切美好仿佛都变成了萤烛,就连高傲的紫薇红尘花,也第一次自惭形秽。 He so yearns for the happiness of heart ape, but ape die, loses the ancestor be careful elusively, at that moment, Zi Wei Mortal World Flower understood the frailty of life. 他是如此地向往心猿的美好,但当心猿陨落,空灵失祖,那一刻,紫薇红尘花明白了生命的脆弱。 Extinguishing is the turning over to place, but some people go home to expect unexpectedly continually, may not return ;, even if changes to the heart ape to look back on the world, was still the difficult escaping heart ape destruction, this was what kind of pitiful... 灭是归处,但有些人竟连回家都是奢望,再不可归来即使化作心猿回首人世,仍是难逃心猿毁灭,这是何等的可悲... Remains Lost of heart ape in Primal Chaos, after going through many places, finally by Zi Wei Mortal World Flower Devour(ing). Also because of so, Zi Wei may rely on the assistance of dual Immortal Spirit Innate Skill, changes the Battle Saint Ape 30% (slightly) strength reluctantly. 心猿的遗骨失落混沌之中,几经辗转,最终被紫薇红尘花吞噬。也因如此,紫薇才可凭借双重仙灵天赋的辅助,勉强变化出斗战圣猿三分力量。 2nd Tribulation shocks, after is his becoming person, goes out from Primal Chaos, astrayed somewhere Starry Sky. That by no means is the Starry Sky silkworm Immemorial Monster Spirit Starry Sky, but another piece of broken Star Break that covers entirely the scarlet birthplace crack empty. That is the stars tomb, is burying Mortal World 7000 ancient Xing old Hinokage ; there Starlight, is scarlet and biased, is silent and sad, beautiful must unable to move to gaze unfortunately. Therefore he stops there, told with the star many concerns, tries to smooth sad of star, but the star never pays attention to his spoken language... 第二次震撼,是他成为人后,从混沌之中走出时,误入了某处星空。那并不星空蚕所化的太古妖灵星空,而是另一片布满赤贯裂缝的破碎星空。那是星辰的坟墓,葬着红尘七千古星的旧日之影那里的星光,猩红而偏执,沉默而哀伤,偏又美得让人移不开目光。于是他停在那里,和星星诉说了许许多多的心事,试图抚平星星的难过,可星星从不理会他的言语... Finally, he had the regret to depart... 最终,他带着遗憾离去了... He thinks that he would, but actually could not go back again... 他以为他总会回去的,但却再也回不去了... He from Starry Sky, understood the eternal frailty, actually also therefore dissipation of even more moved Starry Sky. 他从星空中,明白了永恒的脆弱,却也因此愈发伤感星空的消逝。 Now is 3rd Tribulation shocks! 如今则是第三次震撼! Present Butterfly is clearly mediocre with the foot, with him at two extremes, an underground, a space! A mediocrity, Heaven Splitting! 眼前的蝴蝶分明跟脚平庸,和他处在两个极端,一个地下,一个天上!一个凡俗,一个开天 But Life and Death slaughters when seriously, this butterfly actually becomes the archenemy who his entire life only saw, many Innate lifeform is more dangerous than he has fought, compelling him to wrestle by the fate! 但当真生死厮杀时,此蝶却成了他生平仅见的大敌,比他交手过的诸多先天生灵都要危险,逼得他不得不以命相搏! Small and weak lifeform obsession, really can huge be in so the degree! 弱小生灵执念,真的可以庞大到如此程度吗!
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