GE :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 1: Fights to fight the ape, Dawn's Moon Dragon!

【A flower good and evil, what should by final judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buried.】 【一朵花的善恶,应由何物盖棺定论。】 【A star to the mistake, what should decide the weak points and strong points by theory.】 【一颗星的对错,应由何物论定短长。】 If loses enough long, retrieves this thing whether degenerates into the evil.】 【倘若失去足够漫长,寻回此物是否沦为罪恶。】 If survives all plunders, by spoliator whether confessed innocently.】 【倘若生存皆是掠夺,被掠夺者是否自认无辜。】 If this mortal world good and evil is variable, why is mean is worth spurning.】 【倘若尘世善恶无常,卑鄙因何值得唾弃。】 If destroys returned, why the life is worth eulogizing.】 【倘若毁灭本是归去,生命因何值得歌颂。】 If suitability survives only then, how is small and weak the extravagant demands equality.】 【倘若适者方可生存,弱小如何奢求平等。】 If the domestic animal is the food, raises the en whether is worth hating.】 【倘若牲畜皆是食粮,养恩是否值得怨恨。】 If all living things all are gods, gods whether shape with mortal.】 【倘若众生皆是神明,神明是否形同凡人。】 If mulberry field once were a sea, turned over to the sea, but mulberry field hoped.】 【倘若桑田曾是沧海,归海可是桑田所愿。】 I come for Starry Sky, why the group star did not say.】 【我为星空而来,群星因何不言。】 Pays no attention to my words, picks you, eats.】 【不理我的话,就把你摘下来,吃下去。】 May you be so hard, and bone of monkey is equally hard, the taste decides is not good. Such thing, is not willing to eat 2nd Tribulation...】 【可你那么硬,和猴子的骨头一样硬,口感定也不好。这样的东西,再不愿吃第二次了...】 If you pay no attention to me, I then also pay no attention to you, the entire life did not speak with you, then speaks, only told the lie, did not tell the truth.】 【若你不理我,我便也不理你,一生一世不和你说话,便是说了话,也只说假话,不说真话。】 I knew that Starry Sky has the reason that does not dare saying that also knows the human affairs is not exactable, but if I am bent on having reluctantly.】 【我自知星空有着不敢言的理由,亦知世事不可强求,但若我偏要勉强呢。】 Saw with own eyes that Demon Monarch Zi Wei must open in a big way, Ning Fan then must prevent immediately, his take action is extremely quick, the predict attack of Demon Monarch Zi Wei actually comes is quicker, then has mighty current common Purple Will instantaneously, first one step banged into Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness. 眼见紫薇魔君又要开大,宁凡立刻便要阻止,他出手极快,紫薇魔君预判攻击却来的更快,瞬间便有洪流一般的紫色意志,先一步撞入了宁凡识海 Same interruption, does not seem able to Grand Unrestrained Transformation immortal effective 2nd Tribulation. 同样的打断,似乎无法对大化自在仙奏效第二次了。 Purple Will along with the numerous and disorderly and chaotic information flows, swarmed, making the thought of Ning Fan fall into the confusion and jamming, in Sea of Consciousness presented the innumerable significance unclear sounds, reverberated repeatedly. 紫色意志伴随着庞杂而混乱的信息流,一拥而入,令宁凡的思维陷入混乱和堵塞,识海中更是出现了无数个意义不明的声音,反复回荡。 These sounds overlap in the same place, like the monster incantation, read aloud like the buddhist, not being able to hear clearly the content was anything, harmed others specially Free from Earthly Desires. 那些声音重叠在一起,如同妖咒,如同梵诵,听不清内容是什么,专门损人六根清净 Indistinct can only listen, this is named Zi Wei Mortal World Flower innumerable spoken languages of female , talked with Starry Sky day duplicate/restores 1 day year after year. 隐约只能听出,这是一个名为紫薇红尘花的女子的无数言语,和星空日复一日、年复一年地对话。 If puts together the Ning Fan life spoken language, is counted every number the dialogue quantity, then this female airway about the collection, at least is 100.02 million every huge scales, only quarrelled Ning Fan splitting headache, the hoop-tightening incantation and Drifting Heaven incantation was ordinary like. 倘若将宁凡此生言语加在一起,算作一凡数目的对话量,则此女的音声合集,至少是亿万万凡的庞大规模,只吵得宁凡头痛欲裂,如同中了紧箍咒和混天咒一般。 But with Ning Fan closes/obstructs Shouyan, ear, nose, tongue, body, intent, various Demon Sound lies vanished into thin air immediately. 但随着宁凡闭守眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意,诸魔音妄语顿时烟消云散了。 But this starts merely, these broke in Sea of Consciousness Purple Will still not to dissipate, started new round causing trouble, had the flaming purple flame, desire Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness burning through. 可这仅仅是开始,那些冲入识海紫色意志仍未消散,开始了新一轮的作祟,又生出熊熊紫焰,欲将宁凡识海烧穿。 Falls to roll in the oil like wisp of flame, initiated to boil the fire of sea instantaneously, and in in Zhuzi the flame, had one to lose plant innumerable year of Bodhi Tree , the Buddha Light deathly stillness, Spiritual Root was gloomy. 如同一缕火苗落入滚油中,瞬间引发了煮海之火,并于诸紫焰中,生出了一棵枯死无数年的菩提树,佛光死寂,灵根晦暗。 This tree lives a 49 flower bud, the flower all withers, is difficult to put the ; tree root place 100.02 million bronze quality of material the root hair, is passing the immortal aura, until now is still maintaining the vitality, is wriggling strangely. 此树生有四十九个花骨朵,花皆枯萎,再难盛放树根处则有亿万万青铜质地的根须,透着不朽的气息,至今仍旧保持着生命力,诡异蠕动着。 That creeping motion is suddenly fierce, then some innumerable root hair find out the sharp sharp thorn, pricks toward Ning Fan Sea of Consciousness crazily. The copper light that the point punctures, resembling to pass through myriad things, no matter what your Sea of Consciousness is rock-solid, all became the bean curd in its front. 那蠕动突然剧烈,遂有无数根须探出锋锐尖刺,朝着宁凡识海疯狂刺入。尖刺上的铜光,似能将万物贯穿,任你识海坚如磐石,在其面前也俱都成了豆腐块。 The bonus was the Ning Fan 1st time cuts completely the copper to puncture sharp, was still punctured Sea of Consciousness by some root hair, suction some Spiritual Sense, then made Sea of Consciousness have the little damages. 饶是宁凡第一时间斩尽了铜须尖刺,仍旧被一些根须刺破了识海,被吸走了部分神识,遂令识海有了少许损伤。 But after taking Ning Fan Spiritual Sense, dry Bodhi Tree gave full play to the vitality immediately, the flower bud that originally loses plant, one by one blooms. 而在吸食了宁凡神识后,枯菩提树顿时焕发了生机,原本枯死的花骨朵,也一一绽放开来。 flower bloom is an instant, Ning Fan actually in this instantaneous, had five million years long feelings: Saw that flower bud five million years open, changes sets up Dust Flower ; to see flower bloom three quarters on the wane, ground 100.02 million grains of Mortal World ; to see Mortal World to fall gently, the desire levelled Sea of Consciousness, the desire Will burying, the desire changed to mulberry field the sea... 花开本是一瞬,宁凡却于此瞬间,生出了五百万年的漫长感:眼看花骨朵五百万年一开,化作一树尘花眼看花开三刻凋零,碾碎成了亿万万粒红尘眼看红尘飘落,欲将识海填平,欲将意志埋葬,欲将沧海化作桑田... , Somewhat is faintly identical with Ning Fan had seen Dust Tree, Dust Flower, but also has the differences. 一幕幕,隐隐和宁凡曾经见过的尘树尘花有些雷同,但也有不同之处。 Has the identicalness, that then generally knows how to deal. 有雷同,那便大致知道如何应对了。 Ning Fan dares to swallow Tribulation Lord Dust Tree, even huge Will of Starry Sky silkworm dares to contact, how when to fear 2nd step Zi Wei Will. 宁凡劫主尘树都敢吞,连星空蚕的庞大意志都敢接触,又岂会惧怕第二步之时的紫薇意志 Therefore does not need Mortal World to level Sea of Consciousness, Ning Fan Will emerges similarly, changes to an abyss huge mouth, gobbles up into the abdomen billowing Mortal World all! 于是不待红尘填平识海,宁凡自身意志同样涌现出来,化作一个深渊巨口,将滚滚红尘尽数吞吃入腹! Ate clean Mortal World still not to give up, was wounded in battle the dry Bodhi Tree root continually eats completely! 吃光了红尘犹不罢休,又将枯菩提树连根带花全部吃掉! After eating wiped net the dry bodhi dry/does, another drinks completely various Purple Fire that ignited Sea of Consciousness. 待吃干抹净了枯菩提后,又一口饮尽了引燃识海的诸紫火 Saw with own eyes that Ning Fan Will is so maneating, the Zi Wei Will heart startled, wants to run away again, is actually too late, had been bitten by the Ning Fan Will huge mouth does not put, is hard break free. When tears, by Ning Fan swallowing whole many Will, seized the chance to escape unexpectedly, does not dare to take Will to attack Ning Fan casually. 眼见宁凡意志如此凶悍,紫薇意志心惊不已,再想遁去,却为时已晚,已被宁凡意志巨口咬住不放,难以挣脱。撕扯之余,竟被宁凡一口吃掉了不少意志,余者则趁机逃了回去,再不敢随随便便拿自身意志冲击宁凡了。 Gobbled up Zi Wei some Will, Ning Fan not only made Sea of Consciousness belong to tranquilly, made damage Spiritual Sense make up the shortage, even the also earnings, obtained many nutrition obviously, did not owe instead gains. 吞吃了紫薇的部分意志,宁凡不仅令识海重新归于平静,亦令损伤的神识补足了缺数,甚至还有盈余,显然从中得到了许多营养,不亏反赚。 But the without/has not half a point happy expression, instead the facial expression even more was dignified. 但却没有半分喜色,反而神情愈发凝重了。 The goal that the opposite party this strikes, this to not injure him, wants to delay merely for a while. 对方这一击的目的,本也不是为了伤他,仅仅只是想要拖延一时。 Although there is a loss, the Zi Wei goal was actually achieved! 虽有亏损,紫薇的目的却还是达到了! He successfully opened the All Dharmas Are Useless 【Void】 divine protection, called 100.02 million guard moonlight ; in billowing Emperor empties In the purple flame, changes a body becoming Purple giant ape! 他成功张开了诸法空相【虚空】加护,唤出了亿万万道护身月光又于滚滚【帝空】紫焰中,变身成为一头紫色巨猿! This non- Eternal True Body, rather Sacred body Golden Body, Is the method that 3rd step great expert/power may use, actually by cultivate successfully of Zi Wei in 2nd step. 此非万古真身,而是【圣体金身】,是第三步大能才可施展的手段,却被紫薇第二步修成了。 This sacred body Golden Body is not a common type, but fights to fight Golden Body solemnly, is unable to refine to learn through acquired cultivation, but Zi Wei had once obtained the extreme good fortune, therefore may by All Dharmas Are Useless 108 change The strength, the artificial has the Battle Saint Ape strength. 此圣体金身并非寻常种类,而是堂堂斗战金身,本无法通过后天修炼习得,但紫薇曾获得过泼天造化,故可借由【诸法空相】的【一百零八般变化】之力,拟似出斗战圣猿的力量。 If said Grand Unrestrained Transformation Divine Ability, all in one 【】 In character, then the All Dharmas Are Useless essence, is one Changes Character, difference only in thing, thing. 若说大化自在神通,皆在一个【化】字上,则诸法空相的精髓,便是一个【变】字,区别只在物外、物内。 Once were changed is the ape, the Zi Wei aura rose suddenly directly ten times of not just, Magic Force cultivation base, wants huge compared with some 16, seven Samsaras Beginning Saint unexpectedly! 一经变化为猿,紫薇气息直接暴涨了十倍不止,一身法力修为,竟是比一些十六、七纪轮回始圣还要庞大 Zi Wei of 2nd step magical skill, is the strength is dreadful, it can be imagined this time Zi Wei can be the what kind of danger, the wild imposing manner that the whole body reveals, seeming to stir to turn, Sun and Moon to tread Heaven and Earth! 只是第二步道行的紫薇,已是战力滔天,可想而知此时的紫薇会是何等危险,周身流露的狂暴气势,好似要把天地搅翻、日月踏碎! Situation split second reversal! 形势一瞬间逆转! On the field Immortal Spirit and God Spirit Domain pattern, split second arrived at 9 : 1, Zi Wei obtained the overwhelming superiority, gets the winning side thoroughly, its Immortal Spirit Domain, caught the Monster Spirit color! 场上仙灵神灵领域的格局,一瞬间来到了九比一,紫薇获得了绝对优势,彻底占据上风,其仙灵领域,更是染上了妖灵的颜色! The giant ape that he changes lives three items, Third Eye is forehead vertical eye, three items all have the Black Moon light divine protection, resembling to pierce world all Void Space. 他所变化的巨猿生有三目,第三目眉心竖眼,三目皆有黑色月光加护,似能洞穿世间一切【虚空相】。 As the giant ape intention moves, its whole body is burning Purple Flame, changes to a Flame cassock, threw over by it on the body, whether there is to perform the buddhist sect aura to reveal, may make various law not invade. 随着巨猿心念一动,其周身燃烧着紫色火焰,化作一件火焰袈裟,被它披在身上,有无尽梵宗气息从中流露,可令诸法不侵。 Purple Fire is the fire of emperor emptying, therefore on whether there is the Emperor Qi pressure shows, shocks eight sides sufficiently, but actually the fear does not only kill. 紫火乃是帝空之火,故有无上帝气威压从中透出,足以震慑八方,但却只慑不杀。 The fire of emperor emptying, does not burn all living things, only burns. Only has a temperature completely to be stupid, proves only then Emperor empties! 帝空之火,不烧众生,只烧自我。唯有烧尽自身冥顽,方可证得【帝空相】! But, the legitimate emperor spatial fire should be the purple gold two colors, Zi Wei the strength of emperor emptying has actually resembled not to gather with six, is hard to achieve the demon to turn over to this to gather Nascent Divinity. 但,正统帝空火本该是紫金二色,紫薇的帝空之力却似与自身六根不合,难以做到断魔归本合元神 Therefore in its Purple Fire, is only passing little golden light, spatial, but not emperor, the non- really emperor empties, can only change 30% (slightly) flavor. 故其紫火之中,只透着少许金光,空而不帝,非真帝空,只能变化出其中三分味道。 even if so, Demon Monarch Zi Wei of giant ape, obtained strength of not the own Ancient Monster Spirit eventually, sufficiently heaven shaking! 饶是如此,巨猿化的紫薇魔君,终究还是获得了不属于自己的远古妖灵之力,足以惊天 He at this moment, no longer is pure Immortal Spirit, but is Monster Immortal, Monster Qi rock the earth at the same time, has Immortal Qi to have dust Peerless, the monster that the makings could not say different! 此刻的他,不再是单纯的仙灵,而是一尊妖仙,妖气震天动地的同时,亦有仙气出尘绝世,气质说不出的妖异! Tai Yi Dream cannot see clearly each other facial features, from the Ning Fan angle of view, can only see that this is one does not have the face giant ape, the whole body is passing the destruction monster flame and three eye socket places of monster different and dark moonlight ; giant ape, although looks at not coming into sight pupil, can actually see that faintly the Black Moon light winds around in this, seems real is imaginary, danger. 太一之梦看不清彼此面容,从宁凡的视角,只能看到这是一只无脸巨猿,周身透着毁灭般的妖焰、妖异而幽暗的月光巨猿的三个眼窝处,虽看不到眼眸,却隐隐能看到黑色月光缭绕于此,似真似幻,危险至极。 Has huge the strength of illusion in the moonlight dense, whether there is to perform the buddhist to sing in the moonlight reverberates. 庞大的幻梦之力在月光中氤氲,有无尽梵唱在月光中回荡。 These buddhists sang ten thousand chant in the moonlight, 100,000 is reading aloud, million is reading aloud, continuous, decayed falls myriad things, imaginary intent was dreadful. 那些梵唱在月光中万诵着,十万诵着,百万诵着,绵绵不绝,朽落万物,幻意滔天。 So the stance giant ape, as if only needs look, can make Beginning Saint be stranded into Illusion Technique, is hard to extricate oneself! 如此姿态的巨猿,仿佛只需要一个眼神,便可令始圣都困入幻术之中,难以自拔! This Black Moon light made Ning Fan feel to look familiar, felt the danger, cannot help but lived the guess secretly, actually cuts off all distracting thoughts immediately. 黑色月光令宁凡感到眼熟,感到危险,不由得暗生猜测,却又立刻掐断了所有杂念。 Facing giant ape imaginary intent dreadful gaze, Ning Fan does not dare to have any Dividing Spirit, must do utmost to resist! The Life and Death instinct is reminding him, as long as he has moment Dividing Spirit, will immediately fall into opposite party not well-known Illusion Technique ;, even if there is Heaven and Mortal Third Realm endures broken True Illusion, he must defend strictly Five Aggregates six senses, may contend reluctantly! 面对巨猿幻意滔天的目光,宁凡不敢有任何分神,必须竭尽全力来抵挡!生死本能提醒着他,但凡他有片刻分神,立刻就会陷入对方不知名的幻术之中纵有天人第三境堪破真幻,他也必须紧守五蕴六识,才可勉强抗衡! Therefore, Ning Fan of Ghost Mask silver hair, both eyes had azure light flashes to be bright again, and revolved Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye sends, within the body 27 Yin-Yang also transformed in this time as dark power of Yin-Yang all, entered one step to strengthen own Illusion Technique defense by this. 于是,鬼面银发的宁凡,双目再度有了青芒闪烁,且将天人法目运转至极致,体内二十七阴阳也在此时尽数转化为暗阴阳之力,以此进一步强化自身的幻术防御。 The Illusion Technique defense draws full at the same time, Ning Fan also understood the opposite party uses at this moment, yes Two phase Rank spatial Spirit Dao Law. 幻术防御拉满的同时,宁凡亦理解了对方此刻使用的,是【二相】级别的空灵道法 Spatial Spirit Dao Law altogether has four, is Void Space, emperor empties, to mix to empty, buddhist to empty. 灵道法共有四相,为虚空相、帝空相、混空相、梵空相。 Under four between are not high division, single-phase between engenders and overcomes mutually, about , is the First Ancestor elusive say/way. In brief, cultivates empties the number more, then more was close to once that First Ancestor elusive Realm. 四相之间并无高下之分,单相之间互有生克,合则为始祖空灵之道。简而言之,修出的空相数目越多,便越接近曾经那位始祖空灵的境界 As if only then that First Ancestor elusive cultivate successfully completely elusive four, besides him, is Inverse Saint also can only have both three-phase, can not counter spatial. 似乎只有那位始祖空灵修成过全部空灵四相,除他之外,便是逆圣也只能兼具三相,不得逆空。 Elusive two phase that Demon Monarch Zi Wei uses, is strength that Void Space and emperor empties. And, Void Space is the energetic pinnacle, the emperor empties is the Mortal Body pinnacle. 紫薇魔君用出的空灵二相,是虚空相和帝空相的力量。其中,虚空相是精神的极致,帝空相则是肉身的极致。 The become a Saint then body has the elusive two phase, this natural talent, past and present is only rare, does not lose the Mortal World Flower reputation. 紫薇成圣便身具空灵二相,只此资质,古今罕有,不负红尘花的美名。 Today a war, fearing is difficult to win, then flees by luck, another day must suffer a defeat and flee in the hand of fate, but different way with turning over. 今日一战,恐难取胜,便是侥幸逃离,他日亦必败亡于宿命之手,殊途而同归。 The human affairs is not exactable, to stretch out the neck would rather unites, feels better by the person butcher knife, experiences suffering to humiliate... 世事不可强求,倒不如引颈自戮,也好过受人屠刀,受尽折辱... Mt. Liba the air/Qi is unparalleled, is sometimes disadvantageous the butterfly not to pass... 力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮蝶不逝... Ning Fan heaved a deep sigh, only thinks that the heart like the dying embers, then turned the hand to summon Against the Sea Sword, in the nape of the neck place, must stretch out the neck horizontally shortly unites. 宁凡长叹一声,只觉心如死灰,遂翻手召出了逆海剑,横在脖颈处,顷刻间就要引颈自戮了。 But in instance that actually suicides about, recaptured the Will control forcefully, in the heart was startled is not small. 但在却行将自刎的瞬间,强行夺回了意志的掌控权,心中则是吃惊非小。 Even if the defense draws fully, unexpectedly Illusion Technique of opposite party! 即使防御拉满,居然还是中了对方的幻术吗! This ape look, has such might unexpectedly, only shuts to defend six senses insufficiently unexpectedly also by far! 此猿一个眼神,竟有如此威力,只闭守六识竟还远远不够! Fearful suiciding incident actually not, as lifeform that cannot be extinguished, wants dead difficultly, trivial suicides is not worth mentioning. 可怕的倒不是自刎一事,身为不可灭的生灵,想死都难,区区自刎不值一提。
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