GE :: Volume #14

#1313 Part 2: Extinguishes Three Saints!

When opens again, both eyes had been covered by the black, does not see Dao Law Star ray of light, does not have Heaven and Mortal azure light flashes to be bright again. 再睁开时,双目已被黑色笼罩,再不见道法星辰光芒,也再无天人青芒闪烁。 Like the present all, sank to the Eternal endless night... 如同眼前的一切,都沉入到了万古长夜之中... If sinks to the Eternal endless night is not World, but is he himself... 又如沉入万古长夜的不是世界,而是他自己... I am willing to do a 10,000 matter to save you, but actually I make 1 million unable to retain you. What makes my sad is, my matter cannot achieve... 我愿意做一万件事来拯救你,但其实我做一百万件也留不住你。更让我难过的是,我连一件事都做不到... Even so, I actually want to make anything for you, responded to your wish... 纵使如此,我却还是想要为你做些什么,回应你的心愿... If the heart has Flame, I hope for your Vidyakara... 倘若心有火焰,我愿为你持明... If the heart has orchid plant, I hope the Incarnation wind and rain... 倘若心有兰草,我愿化身风雨... If the heart like the bright moonlight, I hopes the keeping watch endless night... 倘若心如明月,我愿守望长夜... If the heart holds the sword, I am willing to present the sword such as the feudal official... 倘若心持刀剑,我愿奉剑如臣... If the heart paper folding is loose, I am willing Life and Death to track down! 倘若心折纸散,我愿生死追寻! If the heart is the reverse motion, I am willing to hold day of Bu Zhou! 倘若心为逆动,我愿扶天不周 If the heart like the dying embers, I am willing to light Mortal World! 倘若心如死灰,我愿点燃红尘 If the heart is chess piece, I hope the forever guard five spirits! 倘若心为棋子,我愿永镇五灵! World malicious 1 day extracted from you, my sword 1 day will not then put down! 世界的恶意一日不从你身上剥离,我的剑便一日不会放下! Made you not get good results, under my sword, gave up any idea of that obtained any good results! 令伱不得善果者,在我剑下,休想得到任何善果! kā kā kā kā kā! 喀喀喀喀喀 Even if four people maintain strongly, Heaven and Earth Furnace cracked more fissures, Inverse Saint Palm Mark on furnace, was takes the lead to collapse, in the in the palm mark, cracked ten side lightnings! 纵使四人竭力维持,天地烘炉还是裂出了更多裂痕,炉上的逆圣掌纹,更是率先崩溃,于掌纹之中,裂出了十方闪电! Is Reversing Fate Thunder Technique is tearing these Inverse Saint Palm Mark! 逆命雷术在撕裂那些逆圣掌纹 Is such as thunder obsession, in the bombardment named World evil intention! 是如雷的执念,在轰击名为世界的恶意! Butterfly that may not extinguish, the break free bird cage, wants to go out from the fire from flint dream body! 是不可灭的蝴蝶,正挣脱樊笼,欲从石火梦身之中走出! The Heaven and Earth Furnace interior, like the universe that side Primal Chaos has not opened, because of Extinguishing Grasping Stake, in the universe flooded Extinguishing Grasping Sea of Fire. 天地烘炉的内部,如同一方混沌未开的宇宙,又因灭执火刑,宇宙中充斥了灭执火海 Ning Fan flesh and blood was burnt down by the stake were innumerable, in the stake innumerable new student/life. 宁凡血肉被火刑烧毁了无数次,亦于火刑中无数次新生。 May extinguish the average man obsession stake, actually burns not his obsession, instead made his obsession even more blazing! 可灭常人执念的火刑,却烧不尽他的执念,反而令他的执念愈发炽烈! in Wushu destroy and in the new student/life, Ning Fan obsession achieved the pinnacle, Undying/not dead also in this time about is Undying/not dead Dao Lineage, and produced not Extinguish! in Dao Lineage 于无数毁灭和新生中,宁凡执念达到了极致,一身不死亦在此时合为不死道统,并于道统中生成了一丝不可灭! Extinguishing Grasping Stake is no doubt dreadful, in front of Fire Executor that but in cannot be extinguished, is only the trivial firefly candle! 灭执火刑固然滔天,但在不可灭的执火面前,也只是区区萤烛! Will not have what Flame, can burning trillion all ages obsession was more blazing than! 再不会有什么火焰,能比烧了亿万万世执念更加炽烈了! In the drying furnace universe, Ning Fan by Fan Barbarian Yang God Technique, oneself will light, oneself will change to a Fire Executor flaming Sun! 于烘炉宇宙中,宁凡借由樊蛮阳神术,将自身点燃,将自己化作一轮执火熊熊的太阳! Then by the Blood God Sentry Crow technique, will change to of Sun... the detonation! 而后以血神更乌术,将化作太阳的自己...引爆! In integrated Ant Lord Heaven Splitting five light Divine Ability, making the prestige of explosion be able even more terrifying! 更于其中融入了蚁主开天五光神通,令爆炸的威能愈发恐怖了! Vast such as Great Thousand World universe, in starts the inflation and collapse at this moment! 浩瀚如大千世界的宇宙,于此刻开始膨胀、崩溃! All live to extinguish all in vanish into thin air at this moment! 一切生灭皆于此刻化为乌有! Heaven and Earth Furnace, broken! 天地烘炉,碎! Also and has destruction Sea of Fire, to puncture eye's radiance, sweeps across from the furnace, that ray of light shape, seems like Fen Chi (Burning Wings) Butterfly faintly, is launching the covers the sky pair of wings slowly! 并同时有毁灭的火海、刺目的光芒,从炉中席卷开来,那光芒的形状,隐隐像是一只焚翅蝴蝶,在徐徐展开遮天的双翼! This matter happened in suddenly, Demon Monarch Zi Wei Unrestrained Extreme Intent actually made dealing instantaneously, obviously was not first time is exploded by Sentry Crow. 此事发生于瞬息间,紫薇魔君自在极意却瞬间做出了应对,显然不是第一次更乌炸了。 Fast draws back!” “速退!” Demon Monarch Zi Wei only said two characters to Purple Qi Three Gods with enough time, then cuts the river immediately, oneself will hide in named Past In Samsara coordinate somewhere. 紫薇魔君只来得及对紫炁三神说出二字,便立刻自斩长河,将自身藏在了名为【过去】的某处轮回坐标中。 He once borrowed from this law , becomes aware the Dao World three parties to clash in Immortal Ancestral Land and Immortal Whale, sought a slim chance of survival, deeply believed that at this moment similarly can An Ran (safely) be well. 他曾借由此法,于仙祖国仙鲸、悟道界三方对撞中,寻得了一线生机,深信此刻同样可以安然无恙。 The bonus is the side that he draws back is quick, both eyes was actually punctured blindly by Burning Butterfly Wings ray of light, this made him feel one with amazement: He cultivated/repaired the Boundless Vast Eye technique obviously, Magic Eye once peeped an eternal say/way, should ten thousand laws not invade is right, at this moment had the damage, was simply unthinkable! 饶是他退的极快,双目却还是被焚翅蝶光芒刺瞎,这令他感到了一丝骇然:他明明修有广目无边术,法目更曾窥得一丝永恒道,本应万法不侵才对,此刻却还是有了损伤,简直匪夷所思! Therefore Zi Wei has to pay the price, cuts the one time river again, making oneself return to both eyes complete condition, in the heart to crazy of Ning Fan had a more direct-viewing cognition. 于是紫薇不得不付出代价,再斩一次长河,令自身回归到了双目完好的状态,心中则对宁凡的疯狂有了更加直观的认知。 This demon exceptional, cultivated/repaired in nine counter say/way quite unexpectedly the most difficult comprehension cannot extinguish... 此魔好生了得,竟修出了九逆道中最难领悟的不可灭... This demon unfortunately quite crazy, depends unexpectedly cannot extinguish, oneself will regard the bomb to use, no wonder assigns/life the lantern festival is so weak... 此魔偏又好生疯狂,竟仗着不可灭,将自身当成炸弹来使用,难怪命灯会如此虚弱... Does not only know whether my Purple Qi Three Gods can survive, generally had no chance, this San Shen/three Gods unable to learn after all cuts the river... also fine, trivial San Shen/three Gods, will cultivate in the future is...” “只不知,我的紫炁三神能否存活下来,大抵是没什么希望了,毕竟此三神无法习得自斩长河...也罢,区区三神,日后再修便是...” Foresaw the destruction of Purple Qi Three Gods obviously, Zi Wei actually slightly felt regrettably, then got over an emotion in a flash. 明明预见了紫炁三神的毁灭,紫薇却只是略感遗憾,转瞬便释怀了。 If Purple Qi Three Gods destroys, then he will save 56 on Purple Qi Three Gods to record cultivation base then to lose forever. 紫炁三神若毁,则他存于紫炁三神身上的56纪修为便会永失。 Changes into anyone to lose 56 to record cultivation base, generally must fly into a rage and hate bitterly, how Zi Wei actually by no means cares, even can treat with indifference. 换成任何一人痛失56纪修为,大抵都要勃然大怒、痛心疾首,紫薇并不如何在意,甚至可以淡然处之。 Is similar by no means that he will lose is 56 records cultivation base, merely is only 56 taels of Heavenly Dao Gold. 就仿佛他将失去的并不是56纪修为,仅仅只是56两天道金 His True Self may lose, what also there is not possible to lose. 他连真我都可失去,又有何物不可失去。 Fortunately, he is the person in world cultivation speed 1st, him, cultivates 56 to record the cultivation base time needed, but closes up becoming Emperor to be much shorter than certain heaven's chosen. 幸而,他是世间修炼速度第一之人,于他而言,修出56纪修为所需要的时间,可是比某些天骄闭关成帝还要短暂得多。 His natural talent was powerful, because, him in the 1st world, will be so envied by group Saint various Inverses. 他的资质过于强大了,也因如此,他才会于第一世中,被群圣诸逆所忌。 Five live Fifth Generation, five Reversing Fate not, since, is actually defeated finally, got the fate of suffering a defeat and fleeing by five spirit chessgames... 五生五世,五次逆命不从,最终却俱都失败,更被五灵棋局打上了败亡的定数... Then made the concession in the 6th world, finally chose having dealings with the secular world, obtained entered the counter possibility. 遂于第六世中做出了让步,终于选择了和光同尘,得到了入逆的可能。 Yet now, with light, with the dust, actually came to his demand repayment... 可如今,曾经和过的光,同过的尘,却又来向他讨债了... Can't suffering a defeat and fleeing that the fate sets rewrite seriously? 宿命定下的败亡当真不可改写吗? If I do not believe... 若我偏不信呢... This demon is vicious, if Purple Qi Three Gods and Extinguishing Grasping Stake town/subdues he does not even live, then I may endure the method of fighting, is only left over All Dharmas Are Useless...” “此魔过于凶狠,若连紫炁三神灭执火刑都镇他不住,则我可堪一战的手段,便只剩下【诸法空相】了...” If can repel this demon, in the future may repair Purple Qi Three Gods greatly, only has Side World and North Pole Origin Spirit makes no mistake...” “若能击退此魔,日后大可重修紫炁三神,却唯有一方界北极元灵不容有失...” This is I for the 6th world that oneself set, ascends a height to get a broad view sufficiently first of counter road, North Pole Origin Spirit is I for the 7th world that oneself prepare. If loses North Pole Origin Spirit, then the 7th world is insignificant in me, counter path afraid of 6th world also escapes the result of difficultly suffering a defeat and fleeing... this is I with the last war of fate, if the result may still not rewrite, then I am willing to bet to concede, will also say in the boundlessness, the command You Return...” “这是我为自己定下的第六世,是足以登临逆路的一世,北极元灵则是我为自己准备的第七世。若失北极元灵,则第七世于我再无意义,第六世的逆路怕也难逃败亡的结果...这是我与宿命的最后一战,倘若结局仍旧不可改写,则我愿赌服输,会还道于苍茫,令【你】归来...” ... ... If Zi Wei expects, his Purple Qi Three Gods cannot escape from the impact of self-detonation. 紫薇所料,他的紫炁三神没能逃出自爆的冲击。 Explodes the instance of furnace, Clear All, Great Heaven and Vast Joy clearly escapes the remote distance, and launched the Grand Unrestrained Transformation method respectively, actually embezzles by Sea of Fire and ray of light... 炸炉的瞬间,清都钧天广乐分明遁出遥远距离,并各自展开了大化自在法,却还是被火海光芒吞没... How to describe embezzle instantaneous? 如何描述被吞没的瞬间呢? In this instantaneous, the itself/Ben is also only Purple Qi Three Saints, cannot withstand the self-detonation impact and blazing high temperature of such scale, instantaneously on die. 于此瞬间,本也只是一口紫炁所化的三圣,根本承受不住此等规模的自爆冲击、炽烈高温,瞬间就陨落了。 At this moment, the thought of Three Saints was elongated suddenly, obviously is only an instant, has to plant the long feeling of experiencing 14 billion years. 这一刻,三圣的思维突然就被拉长,明明只是一瞬,却有种经历140亿年的漫长感。 Scenery that both eyes sees, then framed in so one: Butterfly ray of light, embezzles entire World... 双目看到的景色,则定格在了如此一幕:蝴蝶光芒,将整個世界吞没... Sentry Crow self-detonation, terrifying in this way! 更乌自爆,恐怖如斯! Back then, is only True Blood 5-stars Immeasurable Sentry Crow self-detonation, then killed 33 sufficiently in the past( referred to Ning Fan before 1000 years bloody battle). 想当年,只是真血五星无量更乌自爆,便足以炸死三十三个过去凡(指千年血战前的宁凡)。 If lights Sentry Crow by Yang God Technique, then may kill 300 in the past. 若以阳神术点燃更乌,则可炸死三百个过去凡。 If enters the one step in addition to hold by the Heaven Splitting five light, then killed 600-700 in the past is also gently. 若以开天五光进一步加持,则炸死六七百个过去凡也是轻轻又松松。 If self-detonation is not Immeasurable Sentry Crow, but is Undying/not dead Ning Fan, then killed 600-700 present, was enough. 倘若自爆的不是无量更乌,而是不死宁凡,则便是炸死六七百个现在凡,都足够了。 Also is Demon Monarch Zi Wei Divine Ability vast and great, was opportunistic to avoid this struck, changes into world most Beginning Saint and Nirvana Saint, could not evade this to strike. 也就是紫薇魔君神通广大,取巧避开了这一击,换成世间大多数始圣涅圣,都是避不掉这一击的。 The Three Venerables Purple Qi god cannot avoid similarly, even if there is Unrestrained Extreme Intent, cannot evade burning through to live to extinguish strikes. 三尊紫炁神同样没能避开,纵有自在极意,亦避不掉烧穿生灭的一击。 But Saint die, by no means direct die will be complete, but was meets Ji Ji dead, every time lost Samsaras, but retrieval one time new student/life. 圣人陨落,并不会直接陨落全部,而是会一纪纪死去,每损失一纪轮回,都可重获一次新生。 Thereupon. 于是乎。 In the explosion of First Round/Wheel, Clear All, Great Heaven and Vast Joy Three Saints, destroyed Samsaras respectively. 第一轮的爆炸中,清都钧天广乐三圣,各自毁灭了一纪轮回 Relaxes without enough time, should die Ning Fan in self-detonation, actually because of not be possible to extinguish to return, started 2nd Tribulation self-detonation. 来不及松口气,本该于自爆陨落宁凡,却因不可灭而归来,发动了第二次自爆 This was too much! 这就有点过分了! Then made Three Saints destroy Samsaras again respectively. 遂令三圣再度各毁一纪轮回 Pants for breath without enough time, Third Round exploded comes! 来不及喘息,第三轮爆炸又来了! Then is 4th, 5th and 6th explodes... 而后是第四第五第六爆... At this moment, named Undying/not dead awaken of terrifying in Butterfly Flame. 这一刻,名为不死恐怖蝴蝶火焰苏醒 Three Saints is not resigned to be exploded up Samsara by this crazy Butterfly, although launches the counter-attack by Grand Unrestrained Transformation at risk of life, was actually exploded up all. 三圣自是不甘心被此疯狂蝴蝶生生炸光轮回,虽以大化自在拼死展开反击,却还是被炸光一切。 In the face of the absolute strength, any countermeasure seemed pale and weak. 在绝对的力量面前,任何反抗手段都显得苍白无力了。 In favor in Tai Yi Dream, the commonplace method may escape radically roadless, Three Saints can only brace oneself injured in a bombing. 偏于太一梦中,等闲手段根本无路可逃,三圣只能硬着头皮挨炸。 Ning Fan to hitting Undying/not dead evil is the same, the destruction of again and again, the return of again and again, each one time self-detonation, the necessity carries off a Three Saints life to be willing to give up. 宁凡则跟打不死的孽物一样,一次次的毁灭,一次次的归来,每一次自爆,必要带走三圣一条命才肯罢休。 In a 15th round of explosion, Clear All Great Dharma Master thorough die. 第十五轮爆炸中,清都大法师彻底陨落 In a 19th round of explosion, Great Heaven Great Dharma Master thorough die. 第十九轮爆炸中,钧天大法师彻底陨落 In 22nd discipline explosion, Vast Joy Great Dharma Master thorough die. 第二十二纪爆炸中,广乐大法师彻底陨落 Hence, Ning Fan cut completely Purple Qi Three Gods, Evil Qi at this moment, increased the unprecedented altitude, may make most Beginning Saint scared! 至此,宁凡斩尽了紫炁三神,一身煞气更是于此刻,攀升到了空前的高度,可令绝大多数的始圣胆寒! After all, most Beginning Saint without/has not have killed Saint truly, most also wipes out some others Samsara numbers... 毕竟,大多数始圣没有真正杀死过一尊圣人,最多也不过打掉别人一些轮回数... Cannot extinguish does not have the price, the Ning Fan life lamp infinites, trades the life by the life the fighting method, damages enormously him. 不可灭并非毫无代价,宁凡命灯所余无多,以命换命的打法,于他而言损伤极大。 He of this moment Ghost Mask silver hair, still could not have looked, but if withdraws the Ghost Mask silver hair, is then witnessable, the elderly people of Ning Fan two temples, appear again, becomes more. 此刻鬼面银发的他,尚还看不出来,但若撤去鬼面银发之相,便可看到,宁凡两鬓的斑白,再度出现,变得更多。 His a little bit/bit by bit sits in Daoist meditation the destruction to walk... 他正一点点朝真正的毁灭走去... It seems like you without/has not ample force self-detonation too many is inferior, although you cultivated/repaired is not possible to extinguish, but this cannot extinguish eventually is too few, as long as can extinguish the ancient Divine Silkworm one out of a hundred scale, I feared that was one defeats your may not have...” “看来你已经没有余力自爆太多次了,你虽修出了不可灭,但此不可灭终究还是太少,但凡能有灭古神蚕百分之一的规模,我怕是连一丝战胜你的可能都不会有了...” Saw with own eyes that the Ning Fan life lamp stopped self-detonation weakly and finally, Zi Wei will then cut. 眼见宁凡命灯虚弱、终于停止了自爆,紫薇遂将自身斩了回来。 And opened 2nd Immortal Spirit Innate Skill simultaneously, All Dharmas Are Useless. 并同时开启了第二仙灵天赋,诸法空相 The Ning Fan aura is somewhat weak, the Zi Wei condition was not quite also good, loses Purple Qi Three Gods to injure his foundation, causing his aura somewhat is also weak. 宁凡气息有些虚弱,紫薇的状态同样不太好,失去紫炁三神伤到了他的根基,致使他的气息同样有些虚弱。 And this weak, is unable through cutting to repay, has lost because of that San Shen/three Gods forever... 且这份虚弱,无法通过斩回过去补回,因那三神已经永远失去了... Then in this last resort, with You Decided the victory and defeat well...” “便以这最后手段,和【你】分出胜负好了...” By All Dharmas Are Useless and Grand Unrestrained Transformation overlay use, Zi Wei melted to use some Ancient Monster Spirit the strength of Bloodlines unexpectedly! 借由诸法空相大化自在叠加使用,紫薇竟化用出了某种远古妖灵血脉之力! In a twinkling, the Purple arrogance starts in the Zi Wei whole body combustion. 霎时间,紫色的气焰开始在紫薇周身燃烧。 Named Battle Saint Ape Monster Spirit Aura, starts to gush out from Zi Wei within the body... 名为【斗战圣猿】的妖灵气息,开始从紫薇体内涌出... In the mouth was saying must decide the victory and defeat with Ning Fan, but Zi Wei look actually looked remotely to somewhere, resembles is placing future Mortal World Flower looking at each other with some. 口中说着要和宁凡分出胜负,但紫薇眼神却看向了更遥远的某处,似是在和某朵身处未来的红尘花对视。 Also or, looked does not place future Mortal World Flower, but once... 又或是,看的也不是身处未来的红尘花,而是曾经的自己... Chi Wei... 赤薇... I really made a mistake... 我真的错了么... Zi Wei closes one's eyes. 紫薇闭上眼。 In the instance of closing one's eyes, resembled remembered some young female(s) that wore the Nu Luo corolla and love number star and named Zi Wei Mortal World Flower. 于闭眼的瞬间,似又想起了某个头戴女萝花冠、爱数星星、名为紫薇红尘花少女 【The star of space is really attractive...】 【天上的星星真是好看...】 Decided, regardless of pays many prices, I must take off the star!】 【决定了,无论付出多少代价,我都要将星星摘下!】
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