GE :: Volume #14

#1313 Part 1: Extinguishes Three Saints!

One Qi Into Three Purities is one type situated in the Clone technique and Illusion Technique Divine Ability, the user may depend on Origin Energy, transformation Three Saints meets the enemy. 一炁化三清本是一种介于分身术和幻术神通,使用者可凭一口元气,幻化三圣迎敌。 But this Three Saints is unable to injure and enemy actually truly, only may delay for a while, and is unable to continue is too long. 但这三圣实则无法真正伤及敌人,仅可拖延一时,且无法持续太久。 However Demon Monarch Zi Wei uses, actually non- such Three Purities technique. 然而紫薇魔君用的,却非此等三清术。 He in I was once besieged by the Galaxy nine Saints, actually instead killed nine Saints respective ten to count Samsaras cultivation base, captured many Dao Law. 他曾于某一世被天河九圣围攻,却反杀了九圣各自十数纪轮回修为,从中夺得诸多道法 One Qi Into Three Purities is one of the various Dao Law, is based on this, after integrating Dao Enlightenment, Zi Wei created Purple Qi Three Gods Technique. 一炁化三清便是诸道法之一,以此为基础,融入自身道悟后,紫薇创出了【紫炁三神术】。 His main body is Heaven Splitting Spiritual Root in Primal Chaos, then has Purple Qi body protection since birth, Purple Qi Three Gods that from this cultivates, can achieve the matter that others are unable to achieve. 他的本体乃是混沌中的一株开天灵根,生来便有紫炁护体,由此修出的紫炁三神,能做到他人无法做到的事情。 If he, then went out of one not to save the in the world become a Saint road by Purple Qi Three Gods! 如他,便借由紫炁三神走出了一条不存于世成圣路! He not does not know that present age refining up the qi technique to plan, but actually has no alternative. Because at that time him, has only had dealings with the secular world and cut actually True Self. 他并非不知当世炼炁术皆有算计,但却别无选择。只因彼时的他,已然和光同尘、斩却真我 True Self loses, is unable Soul Severing and to come become a Saint about the corpse. 真我既失,则无法斩尸、合尸来成圣了。 As for Force Prove Dao, then had been proven the dead end by him... 至于以力证道,则早已被他证明此路不通... Three Corpse prove Dao, damages Immeasurable Karma of all living things makes up is insufficient. 三尸证道者,损【无量】众生之因果而补不足。 Force Prove Dao, damages Return to Ruins Karma of World makes up is insufficient. 以力证道者,损【归墟世界因果而补不足。 At the difficulty, the Three Corpse method be easier than Force Prove Dao. 以难度而言,三尸法要比以力证道容易许多。 Immeasurable Tribulation that probably because the former directs, will often not have the Saint fate. 盖因前者引下的无量劫,往往不会有圣人下场。 The latter directs Return to Ruins tribulation, Actually can present Beginning Saint and even the Nirvana Saint anti- road. 后者引下的【归墟劫】,却可以出现始圣乃至涅圣阻路。 Naturally, so long as Inverse Saint is not out, then capital of regarding any Inverse Saint, all may extinguishing Return to Ruins ten have a nightmare, card Return to Ruins Saint. 当然了,只要逆圣不下场,则对于任何一个逆圣之资者,皆可灭度归墟十魇,证得【归墟圣】。 His Zi Wei is different! 偏他紫薇不同! He Force Prove Dao, actually all in the final moment, pinched out the Saint road by Inverse Saint four times personally. 他曾四度以力证道,却皆于最后关头,被逆圣亲手掐灭了圣路。 In 5th Tribulation, the fate lowers bronze Black Fire, burninged out personally in Zi Wei various Samsara all Force Prove Dao possibilities, ironed for him May not Return to Ruins be Saint Must defeat Fate Standard... 更于第五次时,宿命降下青铜黑火,亲手烧尽了紫薇轮回中所有以力证道的可能,为他烙上了【不可归墟为圣】的必败命格... Also at that time, Demon Monarch Zi Wei realized finally nobody can break fate sorrowful and helpless... 也在那时,紫薇魔君终于体会到了“无人可以打破宿命”的悲哀和无奈... Is placed in front of him, as if was only left over a virtue Saint road ; or, these keeping aloof, planned to take him as chess piece, planned sidereal revolution virtue. 摆在他面前的,似乎只剩下功德圣一条路了又或者,那些高高在上者,本就打算以他为棋子,算计周天功德 But his by no means plans Virtue Become Saint. 但他并不打算功德成圣 Even has dealings with the secular world, he still had choices, finally depending on Dao Enlightenment, foundation North Pole Saint Saint road. 即使和光同尘,他仍有所取舍,最终凭一身道悟,开创了【北极圣】的圣路。 Then cultivated/repaired really such as Void Space Purple Qi Three Gods, in addition True Body/this Senior was the North Pole four gods. 遂修出了真如虚空紫炁三神,加上本尊则是北极四神。 When four god normalizing, then True Body/this Senior can becoming North Pole Saint. 待四神归一,则本尊便可成为一尊北极圣 If according to this law become a Saint, Dividing Spirit cultivation base will shift to the main body above instantaneously. 若依此法成圣,分神修为瞬间就会转移到本体之上。 Therefore if Zi Wei become a Saint, such as ordinary Saint, the opening is not only Samsaras cultivation base. 故而紫薇若是成圣,不会如普通圣人般,开局只是一纪轮回修为 But based on Samsaras, will obtain Dividing Spirit complete Samsara directly, the opening is 57 records Beginning Saint! 而是会在一纪轮回的基础上,直接获得分神的全部轮回,开局便是57纪始圣 Person as world cultivation speed 1st, Zi Wei has the skill, breaks world the general knowledge. 身为世间修行速度第一之人,紫薇自有本事,打破世间的常识。 Because Zi Wei become a Saint is unusual, Ning Fan will prevent this matter, otherwise Ning Fan must face may not be 2nd step Zi Wei, but is a Zi Wei Saint of 57 discipline, will certainly face the phenomenally huge Grade suppression... 正因为紫薇成圣过于不同寻常,宁凡才会阻止此事,否则宁凡要面对的可就不是第二步紫薇了,而是一尊57纪的紫薇圣,必将面临空前巨大的等级压制... ... ... Three Saints that Zi Wei summons at this time, non- Illusion Technique, did not invite Divine Technique, indeed he cultivation Purple Qi Three Gods. 紫薇此时召出的三圣,既非幻术,也非请神术,正是他所修炼紫炁三神 Because is Purple Qi, the Three Saints not real Saint, has cultivation base spatially, does not have exist(ence), is in no way different from Magical Treasure Divine Ability, therefore not in Tai Yi Dream limit. 因是紫炁所化,三圣并非真圣,空有修为,却无存在,和法宝神通并无二致,故不在太一梦的限制之列。 But because of building up the qi technique exist(ence) drawback, Zi Wei before cleaning out drawback, is not willing excessively to use this technique, at present actually can only give it all! 但因炼炁术存在弊端,紫薇在除尽弊端前,本不愿过多使用此术,眼下却只能放手一搏! Under besieging of Three Saints, Ning Fan falls immediately leeward. 三圣的围攻下,宁凡顿时落入下风。 black and white never may hold, thousand chapters of surrounding area Life and Death knowledge, the empty gate said innumerably tribulations, should smile struggles one all year long crazily.” 黑白从来不可执,千回方圆生死知,空门说得恒沙劫,应笑终年争一痴。” In the Clear All mage/master mouth mumbled, in the Grand Unrestrained Transformation method, transformation had/left 24 delimitation Yang God bead shadow. 清都法师口中念念有词,以大化自在法,幻化出了二十四颗定界阳神珠的虚影 This treasure once appeared, duplicate/restores transformation has two 14th layer Vidyakara Space. 此宝一经出现,复又幻化出二十四重持明空间 various Mingjie unites, then has billowing Vidyakara Saint Fire to flood into Ning Fan God Spirit Domain, shortly, 7000 Divine Tree will fall into black Sea of Fire, will burn down God Territory, a thought will burn forever! 诸明界合一,遂有滚滚持明圣火涌入宁凡神灵领域,顷刻间,七千神树陷入黑色火海,火烧神域,一念永燃! As for Ning Fan oneself, was stranded in Black Fire flaming. 至于宁凡本人,则困在了黑火熊熊之中。 This 24 bead is Parting Ancestor Dividing Spirit held, but once borrowed Tai Yi Dream to cut completely Parting Ancestor Dividing Spirit because of Zi Wei, captured the good fortune shadow of this treasure, therefore may melt uses this valuable some prestige energies. 二十四珠本是离祖分神所持之器,但因紫薇曾借太一梦斩尽了离祖分神,夺取了此宝的造化影,故可化用此宝部分威能。 Vidyakara Saint Fire may burn down to live to extinguish two simultaneously, making the enemy of fresh extinguishing not have to hide, was Primal Chaos lives to extinguish is unable to dodge. 持明圣火可同时焚烧生灭二界,令生灭之敌无所遁形,便是太极生灭也无法闪避。 Although Ning Fan is Creation Origin Spirit Physique, is actually not able to bear this fire to add the body, probably because in this fire, contains bright Spirit Dao Law the prestige of Vidyakara, before had not deeply understood principle of bright Spirit Dao Law, Ning Fan could not have achieved direct Yin-Yang to compromise this fire. 宁凡虽是创始元灵体,却也无法硬受此火加身,盖因此火之中,蕴含着明灵道法持明之威,在未深入了解明灵道法的原理前,宁凡还做不到直接阴阳调和此火。 Then offered a sacrifice to Flooding Bottle, by the Inverse Sea, Boundless mighty waves, kept off 24 Vidyakara Saint Fire. 遂祭出了水淹瓶,借由逆海无涯的波涛,挡下了二十四持明圣火 Without enough time how actually looks at the result, then to have Big Dipper 3000 Seals immediately, makes toward Great Heaven mage/master and Vast Joy mage/master of both sides sneak attacks. 却来不及看结果如何,立刻便又结出北斗三千印,朝着两侧偷袭的钧天法师广乐法师打出。 In a hurry, how can actually by an enemy two, keep off the next two Saints the offensive jointly. 仓促间,却如何能以一敌二,挡下二圣的联手攻势。 Therefore palm print was shattered, Ning Fan cut off an arm by the Great Heaven mage/master Kunlun virtue sword, the chest is held the blood hole by the Vast Joy mage/master counter sea Samsara sword. 于是掌印破碎,宁凡钧天法师昆仑功德剑斩断一臂,胸口则被广乐法师的逆海轮回剑捅了个血窟窿。 But the next moment, the body has 27 Types power of Undying Ning Fan, flickered the interrupted arm restoration and wound healing. 下一刻,身具二十七种不死之力宁凡,瞬间断臂复原、伤口愈合了。 Is actually continued to make up the blade by Great Heaven mage/master immediately. 却立刻又被钧天法师继续补刀。 black and white who can enter Profound Sect, thousand chapters of surrounding area Life and Death differences. The empty gate said innumerably tribulations, should smile seeks one all year long.” 黑白孰能入玄门,千回方圆生死分。空门说得恒沙劫,应笑终年求一真。” Sees Ning Fan power of Undying to be somewhat thorny, Great Heaven mage/master also mumbled, in the Grand Unrestrained Transformation method, melted Divine Province ten shadow, toward Ning Fan in abundance knock down. 宁凡不死之力有些棘手,钧天法师亦是念念有词,以大化自在法,化出了神州十器的虚影,朝着宁凡纷纷打落 This ten, are bell, sword, axe, pot, and pagoda, zither, cauldron, seal, mirror, and stone, is Zi Wei in Tai Yi Dream, cuts completely Hong Jun various Dividing Spirit to capture. 此十器,为钟剑斧壶塔,琴鼎印镜石,乃是紫薇太一梦中,斩尽鸿钧分神所夺得。 bell, sword, axe, pot, and pagoda unites, then may display of Void Space. 钟剑斧壶塔合一,则可罗列虚空之阵。 this formation by spatial Spirit Dao Law, may seal enemy Void Space, making the enemy dodge roadless, use technique may by Great Dao of Void, simultaneously launch the attack from the pasts, the present and future three directions. 此阵借由空灵道法,可封敌虚空,令敌无路闪躲,施术者则可借由虚空大道,从过去、现在、未来三个方向同时发动攻击。 zither, cauldron, seal, mirror, and stone unites, then may display loses actually. 琴鼎印镜石合一,则可罗列失却之阵。 this formation by Desolate Spirit Dao Law, may evolve in the crack the colt and in stone Zhonghuo, dream body 3 Layers to change, about, then to extinguish thinks to extinguish recalls the Heavenly Wasteland fire, burns Five Aggregates six senses specially. 此阵借由荒灵道法,可演化隙中驹、石中火、梦中身三重变化,合则为灭思灭忆天荒火,专烧五蕴六识 Ning Fan then by corner/horn Inverse Dust remnant formation, hits smash into pieces Void Space, to lose actually two formations, and offered a sacrifice to the Divine Artisan palaces and various treasure simultaneously, blocked Divine Province ten besieging. 宁凡遂以一角逆尘残阵,撞碎了虚空、失却二阵,并同时祭出了神匠宫及诸宝,挡住了神州十器的围攻。 But actually goes well by the Clear All mage/master sneak attack immediately, only thinks that a back of the body pain, the Vidyakara Inverse Crane claw of transformation had been punctured the defense of Five Colors immortal clothes by Clear All mage/master, rips the smash into pieces body god bone. 但却立刻又被清都法师偷袭得手,只觉后心一痛,已被清都法师幻化持明逆鹤爪打穿了五色仙衣的防御,撕碎了道体神骨。 Ning Fan Mortal Body changes to Blood Mist to explode, actually instead escaped taking advantage of bloody glow, escapes to be grasped broken endless Void World by the claw shadow, arrived at Clear All mage/master behind. 宁凡肉身化作血雾爆开,却反借血光一遁,遁出了被爪影抓碎的无尽虚空界,来到了清都法师身后 Mortal Body instantaneous restoration at the same time, the backhand shot Ant Lord five light god stone Dao Armament, is hitting above the back of the head of Clear All mage/master, strikes then hits Clear All mage/master to be badly beaten. 肉身瞬间复原的同时,反手掷出了蚁主的五光神石道兵,正打在了清都法师的后脑勺之上,一击便打得清都法师头破血流。 The time that actually the without/has not least bit pants for breath, went well by the Vast Joy mage/master sneak attack again. 没有半点喘息的时间,再度又被广乐法师偷袭得手。 black and white who can use into unreliably, thousand chapters of Life and Death body surrounding areas. The empty gate said innumerably tribulations, should smile all year long is one first.” 黑白谁能用入玄,千回生死体方圆。空门说得恒沙劫,应笑终年为一先。” In the Vast Joy mage/master mouth mumbled, under Grand Unrestrained Transformation, transformation had/left Unequalled Nation, growth, the broad items and widely experienced four bodhi wonderful trees. 广乐法师口中念念有词,大化自在下,幻化出了持国、增长、广目、多闻四菩提妙树。 Four trees sweep fall, then has infinite Samsara to surge instantaneously, this wave may decide 3 Desolate Samsara, may make Beginning Saint unable break free, then freeze Ning Fan Samsara. 四树扫落,瞬间便有无穷轮回波荡开,此波可定三荒轮回,可令始圣无法挣脱,遂定住宁凡轮回 Also in this time, should by Ning Fan broken completely Immortal Bone Zi Wei, by a type River Cutting Technique, Will place Present Cut, exchanged placing Past, Immortal Bone not broken. 亦在此时,本该被宁凡碎尽仙骨紫薇,以一式【斩长河之术】,将身处【现在】的自己斩去,交换成了身处【过去】、仙骨未碎的自己。 Then made Immortal Bone restored such as beginning, subsequently transformation leaves to execute the Saint, to unite the Saint and falling Saint, certainly Saint four Sword Formation to come, to join besieging. 遂令仙骨恢复如初,继而幻化出诛圣、戮圣、陷圣、绝圣四剑阵来,加入到了围攻之列。 Then has North Pole sword light to change to the galaxy to unfold, cuts everywhere Blood Mist Samsara tied up Ning Fan again. 遂有北极剑光化作星河铺开,将轮回受缚的宁凡再度斩成漫天血雾 After Blood Mist dispersing, Ning Fan actually without/has not such as beforehand general Mortal Body reconstruct, but was still in decides under the fetter of Samsara unable to move, and by freeze revolution of power of Undying. 血雾散开后,宁凡没有如之前一般肉身重塑,而是仍处于定轮回的束缚之下动弹不得,并被定住不死之力的运转。 But Zi Wei understands, but 3 Desolate Rank deciding Samsara, is not enough freeze present Devil is too long. Then uses Great Thousand World as the base, changed Heaven and Earth Furnace, when Ning Fan has not modelled Mortal Body, directly everywhere Blood Mist in Heaven and Earth Furnace, wanted by Extinguishing Grasping Stake to suppress this demon. 紫薇明白,只是三荒级别的定轮回,远不足以定住眼前的魔头太久。遂又以大千世界为基,变化出了一尊天地烘炉,趁宁凡未塑肉身之际,直接将漫天血雾封进了天地烘炉内,欲以灭执火刑镇压此魔。 Clear All: Vidyakara Saint Fire!” 清都:“持明圣火!” Great Heaven: Dao Spirit Saint Fire!” 钧天:“道灵圣火!” Vast Joy: Samsara Saint Fire!” 广乐:“轮回圣火!” Zi Wei: Spring and Autumn Period Saint Fire! Heaven Desolate Saint Fire!” 紫薇:“春秋圣火天荒圣火!” Four people offer a sacrifice to 5 Layers Saint Fire toward the drying furnace, in the law of stake, about five fires is Inverse Saint Palm Mark, and attaches the lines on the hand on Heaven and Earth Furnace, there is Flooding Spirit Nine Secrets talisman paper to paste above. 四人朝着烘炉祭出五重圣火,以火刑之法,合五火为逆圣掌纹,并将掌纹附于天地烘炉上,又有洪灵九秘符纸贴于其上。 The lines on the hand altogether has hundred Dao Mark roads, may suppress hundred Samsaras, is hundred records Beginning Saint by this Extinguishing Grasping Stake, is difficult to escape! 掌纹共有百道纹路,可镇压百纪轮回,便是百纪始圣受此灭执火刑,也难逃脱! But in the heart of Zi Wei, actually the without/has not least bit went well the feeling, has occupied completely the winning side obviously, in the heart the sense of discomfort actually in does not reduce instead increases! 紫薇的心中,却没有半点得手了的感觉,明明已经占尽上风,心中不安之感却在不减反增! kā kā kā kā kā! 喀喀喀喀喀 The innumerable fissures appeared above Heaven and Earth Furnace, obviously was in the furnace person break free decided Samsara, has completed Mortal Body reconstruct, the desire breaks open this furnace! 无数裂痕出现在了天地烘炉之上,显然是炉中之人挣脱了定轮回,业已完成肉身重塑,欲将此炉破开! Extinguishing Grasping Stake special town/subdues obsession, this stake after my take action, hundred records Grasping Cultivator to suppress full power for a while, does not blow this demon unexpectedly!... I was destroyed this demon obsession actually huge to what degree five times, obsession is actually less than this demon half a point, actually he experiences many destructions to be able so...” 灭执火刑专镇执念,此火刑经我全力出手,百纪执修都可镇压一时,竟还是镇不住此魔吗!此魔执念究竟庞大到了什么程度...我曾五度遭受毁灭,执念却不及此魔半分,他究竟见识过多少毁灭才会如此...” Zi Wei, Clear All, Great Heaven and Vast Joy all revolve Grand Unrestrained Transformation send, restores the Heaven and Earth Furnace fissure , to continue to increase the Flame output. 紫薇清都钧天广乐皆将大化自在运转至极致,一面修复天地烘炉的裂痕,一面持续加大着火焰输出。 Zi Wei was melts uses Mount Shu bronze technique, Reinforces the drying furnace again, made its firm degree, was as good as Heaven Splitting Artifact. 紫薇更是化用了【蜀山青铜术】,再度加固烘炉,令其坚固程度,不亚于次开天之器 But insufficiently, is insufficiently! 但不够,还是不够! Only township area hundred Samsaras obsession, how can blow Grasping Demon Butterfly that experienced to destroy 100.02 million times! 只镇区区百纪轮回执念,如何镇得住经历了亿万万次毁灭的执魔蝶 Ning Fan lives, but is, although only first, but as ordinary butterfly it, in Time River, had actually experienced 100.02 million destructions and loses... 宁凡生而为人虽只一世,但作为凡蝶的它,却早已在时光长河中,经历了亿万万场毁灭和失去... All living things all before Samsara, cultivate/repair the unfamiliar road, solving is now vacant. 众生皆于轮回前,修来生道,解今茫然。 Ning Fan similarly so. 宁凡同样如此。 When he pushes the Heaven Splitting person 3rd layer door, when he peeps ordinary butterfly various Samsara passing, at that moment, he was clear compared with anybody his small and weak, understood the difficulty of way of the world compared with anybody. 当他推开天第三重门扉,当他窥得自己凡蝶时的诸轮回过往,那一刻,他比任何人都清楚了自身的弱小,亦比任何人都懂得了世道的艰难。 He has been losing, actually anything cannot achieve... 他一直在失去,却什么都做不到... He has been destroying, leaves desperately her actually... 他一直在毁灭,留给她的却只有绝望... The secret is the secret, indeed, because will bring the pain. 秘密之所以是秘密,正是因为会给人带来痛苦。 These words, by no means needs Man Zhi to tell him, he has understood... 这句话,并不需要满智来告诉他,他早就懂了... When peeping Butterfly Samsara passing, he then knew Samsara is the what kind of heavy thing... 早在窥得蝴蝶轮回过往时,他便知晓了轮回何等沉重的东西... In Heaven and Earth Furnace, Ning Fan closes one's eyes slowly. 天地烘炉中,宁凡缓缓闭上眼。
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