GE :: Volume #14

#1312 Part 2: Sword Finger Origin Spirit 1st Star!

Broad not wind blows cloud Yuyu, therefore eight winds all get up, the pattern changes, the wind and rain howls, Golden God Spirit Domain starts to strive for the World leading power with Purple Immortal Spirit Domain, suddenly unexpectedly is the difficult minute/share high under. 广莫风起云欲雨,于是八风皆起,格局改变,风雨呼啸间,金色神灵领域开始和紫色仙灵领域争夺世界的主导权,一时间竟是难分高下。 What a pity... 可惜了... If Ning Fan Demon Spirit remains, even if only Demon Spirit, may make the domain get makes the numbers of two spirit, direct steamroll Zi Wei domain. 宁凡魔灵尚存,哪怕只是一丝魔灵,也可令自身领域变作二灵之数,直接碾压紫薇的领域。 He cannot achieve will have passed the matter of Demon Spirit recalling, he cannot so, because of that wisp of elapsing Demon Spirit, indeed rewrite all hopes, in the Inverse Moon light, conceals into cannot know... 他不是做不到将已逝魔灵召回之事,他只是不能如此,因那缕逝去的魔灵,正是改写一切的希望,于逆月光中,藏入了不可知... Dissipation Demon Spirit, is he is used to rescue her must kill strikes, may not waste on Zi Wei. 消逝的魔灵,是他用来救她的必杀一击,自不可浪费在紫薇身上。 Only fights with God Spirit Domain and opposite party, foot. 只拿神灵领域和对方交手,足矣。 Only depending on acquired God Spirit Domain, may rank the position of Divine Ancestor unexpectedly secretly, reaches a stalemate with my Innate Grand Unrestrained Transformation... not, is not right, this person of this exist(ence) 2nd spirits, but actually defect. He and I are the same , cut actually Demon Spirit, destroyed True Self... I to lack, he also had to lack, if I and he all did not have to lack, whose actually did not know who weakly...” “只凭后天神灵领域,竟可窃居祖神之位,与我先天大化自在相持不下...不,不对,此人身上本还存在第二灵,但却缺失了。他和我一样,也斩却了魔灵,毁灭了真我...我有缺,他亦有缺么,若我和他皆无所缺,却不知孰强孰弱了...” The Demon Monarch Zi Wei thoughts revolve rapidly, the hand actually non-stop, ten fingers pinch finger joints with the thumb, revolves nine character true words sends, to strengthen Immortal Spirit Domain all sorts, making in the domain appear the inexhaustible Immemorial celestial chart and Ancient Killing Formation. 紫薇魔君心思飞转,手却不停,十指掐诀间,将九字真言运转至极致,强化着仙灵领域的种种,令领域内现出了无穷无尽的太古星图、远古杀阵 Ning Fan also in counterattacks. 宁凡亦在予以还击。 The land of under foot changed to the broad wildness not, the 7000 Death Qi dense Golden giant tree broke out from the ground, in the wind and rain, formed the geomancy pattern of Great Misfortune big ghost, constructed Immemorial Inversed Dust Formation corner/horn Array Diagram... 脚下的大地化作了广莫之野,七千死气森森的金色巨木破土而出,于风雨中,形成了大凶大煞的风水格局,构造出了太古逆尘阵的一角阵图... Array Diagram of this only corner/horn, is actually the Ning Fan limit, and only has to use God Spirit Domain to construct the embryonic form, many Array Diagram were still at the condition that is unable to understand. 这区区一角的阵图,却是宁凡的极限,且唯有动用神灵领域才可构造出雏形,更多的阵图则仍处于无法理解的状态。 Actually sees! Zi Wei evolved the infinite celestial chart and Array Diagram, Ning Fan only evolved corner/horn remnant formation. 却见!紫薇演化了无穷星图和阵图,宁凡只演化了一角残阵 Only this corner/horn remnant formation, actually hits smash into pieces Zi Wei infinite celestial chart Array Diagram instantaneously, what end is strange, terrifying. 只此一角残阵,却是瞬间撞碎了紫薇无穷星图阵图,端的是诡异、恐怖 Suddenly, originally was only the god and immortal that domain pattern 55 opened, turned into seven and three opened! 瞬息间,原本只是五五开的神、仙领域格局,变成了七、三开! Zi Wei fell unexpectedly leeward! 紫薇居然落了下风! This is what array, the evil spirit in this way, made my back grown cold unexpectedly...” “这是何阵,竟凶煞如斯,令我脊背生寒...” In this horn formation mark, Demon Monarch Zi Wei felt not the unimaginable evil spirit and ominous. In gaze touches 7000 Golden Divine Tree, produced had been passing the misconception of Ancient Saint looking at each other with the 7000 name, therefore the both eyes stabbing pain, has to take back gaze, in the heart turned the difficult situation. 于此一角阵纹中,紫薇魔君感到了无法想象的凶煞和不祥。更在目光触及七千金色神树时,产生了在和七千名已逝古圣对视的错觉,于是双目刺痛,不得不收回目光,心中则翻起了惊涛骇浪。 7000 Saint, 7000... 七千圣,七千... Actually this person is, cultivated/repaired so terrifying God Spirit Domain unexpectedly! If there is a 1 day this person of domain to have, then is Inverse Saint enters sleepily, feared that must lose... 此人究竟是谁,竟修出了如此恐怖神灵领域!若有一日此人领域有成,则便是逆圣困入其中,怕是也要铩羽而归吧... Each other when collision of domain, is corresponding odds of success of Zi Wei facing Ning Fan. 彼此领域的碰撞,正对应着紫薇面对宁凡时的胜算。 He only has 30% odds of success, and only has spells full power, but 30% ;, if he has to keep the hand slightly, then must defeat today without doubt... 他只有30%胜算,且唯有全力相拼,才可30%若他稍有留手,则今日必败无疑... Said star return!” “道星归位!” In the Demon Monarch Zi Wei eye the Starlight twinkle, called own Dao Law Star, in this Immortal Spirit Domain Starlight World, then presented 108 Main Star immediately, was in harmony with the Heavenly Dipper evil spirits! 紫薇魔君眼中星光闪烁,唤出了自己的道法星辰,于此仙灵领域星光世界中,顿时便出现了108颗主星,合于天罡地煞! When that indeed his become a Saint the Dao Law Star number, may make Immortal Spirit Domain Dao Law rise suddenly! 正是成圣之时持有的道法星辰数目,可令仙灵领域道法暴涨! Holds in the Dao Law Star in addition, the situation that the immortal and god contend with, from the three vs. seven, gradually arrived at four and six. 道法星辰的加持下,仙、神相争的局势,从三七开,逐渐来到了四和六。 But as Ning Fan calls 43 Dao Law Star similarly, situation one time reversed again! 但随着宁凡同样唤出43颗道法星辰,局势再一次逆转了回来! The pattern of god and immortal, arrived at eight and two! 神、仙之格局,来到了八和二! this child Dao Enlightenment unexpectedly above me!” 此子道悟竟在我之上!” The odds of success in Zi Wei heart even more reduced. 紫薇心中的胜算愈发降低了。 By the number, is his Dao Law Star are only more, but Dao Law Star not only need look at quantity, must look at the quality. 只论数目,是他的道法星辰更多,但道法星辰不仅要看数量,更要看质量。 Each Dao Law Star, correspondence is Great Dao, if one of the Great Dao, then has opportunity to visit the Saint road. 每一颗道法星辰,对应的都是一种大道,若得大道之一,便有机会踏足圣路。 Dao Law Star can comprehend, may present and plunder. 道法星辰可以自行领悟,也可馈赠、掠夺。 But only has comprehension voluntarily Dao Law Star, has the opportunity helping other to cultivate/repair Dao Lineage, such Dao Law Star, was called as by Three Worlds cultivator Dao Law Real Star. If the average men become aware a real star fortunately, then the life will have enormous probability cultivate successfully Dao Lineage Saint! 但唯有自行领悟的道法星辰,才有机会助人修出道统,这样的道法星辰,也被三界修士称作【道法真星】。常人若有幸自悟一颗真星,则此生会有极大几率修成一尊道统圣人 This is the Dao Law Star 1st significance, quantity of real star, symbolizes a person to cultivate/repair many Dao Lineage potential currently! 此为道法星辰第一意义,真星的数量,象征着一个人当下拥有修出多少种道统的潜力! Therefore comprehends Dao Law Real Star, often will have the elephants of flock of star, corresponds its Dao Lineage potential. 故领悟道法真星,往往会有群星之象,对应其道统潜力。 The 2nd layer significance, then responded a Dao Enlightenment height of person intuitively. 第二重意义,则是直观反应一个人的道悟高低了。 Therefore cultivating of Soul Severing also often directs the stars phenomenon, actually must correspond the real star and Dao Lineage, are generally spoken. 斩尸之修亦往往引下星辰异象,却非对应真星和道统了,不可一概而论。 If said person Dao Enlightenment is 1, was bestowed stars, Dao Enlightenment can + 1, becomes aware a real star, Dao Enlightenment can + 10. 若说一個人自身道悟是一,则受赐一颗星辰,道悟便可,自悟一颗真星,道悟便可。 When become a Saint Zi Wei, although 108 Dao Law Star, actually only then 12 are the real stars, all gains the artificial star that comes in all sorts of methods. 成圣时的紫薇,虽有108颗道法星辰,却只有12颗是真星,余者皆是以种种手段获取而来的假星。 Discussed by the number, his 108 Dao Law Star, were only equivalent to 21.6. 以数而论,他的108颗道法星辰,只相当于21.6。 Ning Fan is actually 43! Almost is his two times! 宁凡却是43!几乎是他的两倍! Origin Spirit together, most regards as important is Dao Enlightenment natural talent, only by cultivation Origin Spirit natural talent, has into counter natural talent Zi Wei, unexpectedly is far inferior Ning Fan! 偏偏元灵一道,最看重的就是道悟资质,只论修行元灵资质,有着入逆资质紫薇,竟是远不及宁凡 Then, once was used Dao Law Star, the Zi Wei disadvantage was instead bigger, this time the struggle of Origin Spirit, even more fell leeward. 如此一来,一经动用道法星辰,紫薇的劣势反而更大了,此番元灵之争,愈发落入了下风。 The odds of success is even more uncertain, but Zi Wei walks, the dangerous situation has met: He was once chased down by Desolate Saint, but lives today's ; he to be planned by various Inverses, actually also with having dealings with the secular world to reduce and solve the dead end. Therefore he naturally understands, is among Life and Death, more must dare to wrestle by the fate, may put together an outlet! 胜算愈发渺茫,但紫薇一路走来,更凶险的情况都遇到过:他曾被荒圣追杀,但还是活到了今日他被诸逆算计,却也用和光同尘化解了死局。所以他自然明白,越是生死之间,越要敢于以命相搏,才可拼出一条出路! Therefore does not draw back instead enters, melted again used Big Dipper 3000 Seals, treadonned Immortal Spirit Domain, faced directly Ning Fan. 于是不退反进,再度化用了北斗三千印,脚踏仙灵领域,直面宁凡而来。 Ning Fan also no longer uses Chi Wei Dao Law, but also used Big Dipper 3000 Seals. 宁凡亦不再使用赤薇道法,而是同样使用了北斗三千印 This is Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign Inverse Saint Dao Law, common Big Dipper Immortal Cultivator cannot learn completely, is better than Slaughter Palace First Generation Slaughter Emperor, only studied seven to print nothing more. 此为北斗仙皇逆圣道法,寻常北斗仙修学不到全部,强如杀戮殿初代杀帝,也只学了七印而已 Zi Wei uses is actually the 22 seal! 紫薇用出的却是二十二印! He once cut to kill Big Dipper Immortal Domain six to record Beginning Saint, this 22 seal, the indeed murder via must come. 他曾斩杀过一名北斗仙域的六纪始圣,此二十二印,正是杀人取道得来。 If only the far view, depending on negligible Origin Spirit that he holds, is not enough to melt with Inverse Saint Dao Law, therefore he by murder via achieving this matter. 若只是远观,凭他所持的微末元灵,远不足以化用逆圣道法,所以他借由杀人取道达成了此事。 22 seal of this moment use, the prestige can six record Beginning Saint not the slightest difference from that! 此刻使用的二十二印,威能和那尊六纪始圣别无二致! But Ning Fan actually used the 43 seal to counterattack, this seal one was durable, endured compared with 12 unexpectedly records Saint to strike! 宁凡却用出了四十三印还击,此印一经用出,竟堪比十二圣人一击了! 1000 years bloody battle, 1000 years enlightenment! Ning Fan has studied Big Dipper Dao Law carefully, why has clearly become aware Big Dipper palm print is the number of 3000. 千年血战,千年悟道宁凡细细研究过北斗道法,早已明悟北斗掌印为何是三千之数。 The correspondence, clearly is Great Dao 3000 of the world of End of Law! 其对应的,分明就是末法之世的大道三千 The number of palm print, actually is the number of Dao Law Real Star! 掌印之数,实则便是道法真星之数! First Generation Slaughter Emperor palm print that he studies, is only seven palms, but actually by these seven palms, integrates Dao Law Star, self-created has the 43 palm! 他学来的初代杀帝掌印,只是七掌,但却借由这七掌,融入自身道法星辰,自创四十三掌! He uses at this time, has not been original palm print, but is palm print after improvement! 他此时使用的,早已不是原版掌印,而是改良后的掌印 Reason that is not the original, is 43 palm that because he comprehends, although the principle is like Big Dipper 3000 Seals, actually without/has not type palm print and that 3000 seal superposition. 之所以不是原版,乃是因为他所领悟的四十三掌,原理虽还和北斗三千印相同,却没有一式掌印与那三千印重合。 Probably because the Great Dao number, is not 3000, but is 10,000! 盖因大道的数目,本不是三千,而是一万 The Big Dipper 3000 seal, is Life Seal. 北斗三千印,皆是生印 The Ning Fan use, actually extinguishes seal, experienced 7000 Saint after striking, the say/way of not saving becomes aware! 宁凡使用的,却是灭印,是见识了七千圣人的一击后,所悟到的不存之道! Demon Monarch Zi Wei Unrestrained Extreme Intent, can in all attacks to Great Dao 3000 have the counter-attack, when in 2nd Tribulation was attacked has the independent defense. 紫薇魔君自在极意,可以对大道三千内的一切攻击产生反击,并于第二次受攻击时产生自主防御。 But if thing of Ning Fan use not in its database, then is Grand Unrestrained Transformation, cannot reduce and solve his attack! 但若宁凡使用的东西不在其数据库中,则便是大化自在,也化解不了他的攻击! Therefore the 43 seal strikes the smash into pieces 22 seal. 于是四十三印击碎了二十二印。 Demon Monarch Zi Wei was broken through the defense of Grand Unrestrained Transformation unexpectedly, spits blood flying upside down! 紫薇魔君竟是被攻破了大化自在的防御,吐血倒飞而出! Ning Fan continues to make up the blade, is the 43 seal makes, a palm palm, an seal is then linking an seal, such as the god town/subdues immortal, such as the demon bites the immortal, such as the monster counter immortal, destroys Demon Monarch Zi Wei Immortal Bone unexpectedly completely! 宁凡则继续补刀,又是四十三印打出,一掌接着一掌,一印连着一印,如神镇仙,如魔噬仙,如妖逆仙,竟将紫薇魔君一身仙骨全部打碎! Golden God Spirit Domain, even more cracks-up Purple Immortal Spirit Domain! 金色神灵领域,愈发撞碎紫色仙灵领域 But insufficiently, is insufficiently! 但不够,还是不够! If not crush Zi Wei Side World, then she cannot return! 若不击碎紫薇一方界,则她便不可归来! Therefore started misfortune Big Dipper, originally wanted to melt billion Starlight to escape Demon Monarch Zi Wei of palm print range , was attracted by the Ning Fan reversal galaxy instantaneously. 于是发动了逆运北斗,原本欲化十亿星光遁出掌印范围的紫薇魔君,瞬间就被宁凡逆转星河、吸了回来。 What is Xixingdafa, this then! 什么是吸星大法,这便是了! „It is not good! He wants to break to pieces my Side World unexpectedly!” “不好!他竟想碎我一方界!” Demon Monarch Zi Wei is startled is not small, then pays to lose the Origin Spirit price, in the Grand Unrestrained Transformation method, forcefully One Qi Into Three Purities. 紫薇魔君吃惊非小,遂付出损耗元灵的代价,以大化自在法,强行一炁化三清 Immediately then has Three Venerables unable to see clearly the facial features Beginning Saint exist(ence), suddenly arrived before the Ning Fan body, kept off Ning Fan various law to attack, making Zi Wei be able to pant for breath finally 12. 顿时便有三尊看不清面容的始圣存在,突然降临在了宁凡身前,挡下了宁凡的诸法攻击,令紫薇终于得以喘息一二。 I for Clear All Great Dharma Master!” 15th Samsara Beginning Saint such as said. “吾为清都大法师!”一位十五纪始圣如是道。 I for Great Heaven Great Dharma Master!” 19th Samsara Beginning Saint such as said. “吾为钧天大法师!”一位十九纪始圣如是道。 I for Vast Joy Great Dharma Master!” 22nd Samsara Beginning Saint such as said. “吾为广乐大法师!”一位二十二纪始圣如是道。 This is Tai Yi Spirit Seizing Dream, Fellow Daoist planned unexpectedly broken person Side World, did not feel some! In Fellow Daoist eye, but also Heavenly Creed Law!” “此为太一夺灵梦,道友竟打算碎人一方界,不觉得有些过了吗!道友眼中,可还有天条律令!” Three people are saying excessively, towards Ning Fan besieges to come, did not think unexpectedly Three Venerables Beginning Saint besieges Immortal King to have what suspicion of bullying the weak... 三人一面说着过分,一面朝宁凡围攻而来,竟不觉得三尊始圣围攻一尊仙王有何以大欺小之嫌...
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