GE :: Volume #14

#1312 Part 1: Sword Finger Origin Spirit 1st Star!

The poem said: 诗曰: Purple Qi flower bloom Heaven and Earth root, a thought group star various Fasheng. 紫炁花开天地根,一念群星诸法生。 Wants the card profound female to struggle Dao Fruit, how to lose actually scarlet valley God. 欲证玄牝争道果,如何失却赤谷神。 The flexible can it be that really counter road, Immeasurable is false Saint. 圆通岂是真逆路,无量皆为假圣人 Meets the demon to locate in this Spirit Platform, should smile loses one all year long. 于此灵台逢魔处,应笑终年失一真。 Said since Demon Monarch Zi Wei cultivate Dao, suffers the same level steamroll for the first time, at this moment was stepped on the soil by the opposite party, actually instead the body about the topography, stimulated him Grand Unrestrained Transformation Immortal Spirit Innate Skill, in Unrestrained Extreme Intent, the whole body revolved Flooding Spirit Nine Secrets, Sweeping various Nianzhu is with all one's heart wicked, belongs to the pinnacle the calmness. 却说紫薇魔君修道至今,还是首次遭受同级碾压,此刻被对方踩进泥土,却反而身合地势,激发了他【大化自在】的仙灵天赋,于自在极意之中,周身自行运转起了【洪灵九秘】,扫尽心头诸念诸恶,归于极致的冷静。 This Flooding Spirit Nine Secrets, is he in nine character true words that the Baopu Saint place learns, at times cultivates it, then obviously element Baopu, little private lessening desires, are:, Fights, and all, and row near, soldier, former, line. 洪灵九秘,是他于抱朴圣人处习得的九字真言,时时修之,则可见素抱朴,少私寡欲,为:临、兵、斗、者、皆、阵、列、前、行。 This moment Nine Secrets revolves, Demon Monarch Zi Wei lags behind the discovery, unexpectedly when oneself do not know, wore the Ning Fan say/way. 此刻九秘运转,紫薇魔君才后知后觉发现,自己竟不知何时,着了宁凡的道。 Even facing counting 10 Eras Beginning Saint, his not so rude ; even if encounters Immortal Ancestral Land and Immortal Whale, to become aware the Dao World three parties to clash, he has the means to seek a way out in the crevice. He not possible small and weak, at present by a Immortal King steamroll, naturally has its reason ruthlessly. 即使是面对数十纪始圣,他都不曾如此失态即使遭遇仙祖国仙鲸、悟道界三方对撞,他都有办法于夹缝中寻得一条生路。他自不可能弱小的,眼下却被一名仙王狠狠碾压,自然有其理由。 The strength of opposite party cannot do false, but his Zi Wei Dao Law was decoded and restrained overall, is the real issue is. 对方的实力做不得假,但他紫薇道法被全盘破解、克制,才是真正的问题所在。 The opposite party are familiar with his Dao Law, even has to decode the law, this for his Dao Law by to subdue|grams, because. 对方对他的道法了如指掌,甚至持有破解法,此为他道法受克之因。 When the opposite party do not know , cannot think by Five Aggregates Treasure Light sneak attacked him in secret, this for his mental state jitter, because. 对方更不知何时,以五蕴宝光、不可思暗中偷袭了他,此为他心境失稳之因。 But disturbs Five Aggregates because of Five Aggregates Treasure Light, there cannot think to affect memory, he until had detected unexpectedly at this moment. 但因五蕴宝光干扰五蕴,又有不可思影响记忆,他竟直到此刻才有所察觉。 If not Immortal Spirit Innate Skill revolves, if not the Nine Secrets true words suppressed Five Aggregates Treasure Light and cannot think, he feared until finally, is difficult to detect this matter. 若非仙灵天赋自行运转,若非九秘真言压制了五蕴宝光和不可思,他怕是直到最后,都难察觉到此事。 so that's how it is, on you, not only has Big Dipper, Drifting Kun, Hong Jun and other Karma, has the fighting number and Thunder Law that Chi Wei Karma... you just used, is Chi Wei passes on... becomes aware in Dao World to go bad my important matter, wants to come is also you...” 原来如此,在你身上不仅有北斗混鲲鸿钧因果,更有赤薇因果...你刚刚所用的斗数和雷法,皆是赤薇所传...悟道界中坏我大事的,想来也是你了...” Bang! 轰! Saw to be seen through Chi Wei Dao Law, Ning Fan not keeps the hand again, in the hand Virtue Umbrella switches over Chi Wei Lance instantaneously, the desire sewed a Demon Monarch Zi Wei lance on the ground. 见被识破赤薇道法,宁凡再无留手,手中功德伞瞬间切换成了赤薇矛,欲将紫薇魔君一矛钉在地上。 But the body of Demon Monarch Zi Wei actually in Unrestrained Extreme Intent, direct empty dealt, penetrates this struck, oneself by living to change over to extinguishing, extinguished was actually the inherent shape that all phenomena on earth held. 紫薇魔君的身体却于自在极意中,直接虚化应对,穿透了这一击,自身由生转入了灭,灭的却是万象所执的固有之形。 Ning Fan knew that Demon Monarch Zi Wei cultivated/repaired the Unequalled Nation Manager technique, the twinkling reverses living of Chi Wei Lance to extinguish the attribute, necessary in health/life, extinguished one side, succeeded to lock Zi Wei. 宁凡自知紫薇魔君修有持国无敌术,瞬息逆转了赤薇矛的生灭属性,必要于生、灭的某一侧,成功锁定紫薇 But Demon Monarch Zi Wei Unrestrained Extreme Intent actually also same transforms is living to extinguish, switch over instantaneously a lot of times, had not been hit by Chi Wei Lance actually. 紫薇魔君自在极意却也同等转换着生灭,瞬间切换了千百次,硬是没被赤薇矛所命中。 Demon Monarch Zi Wei: „It is not clear, Grand Unrestrained Transformation Immortal Spirit, the similar attack, is unable effective 2nd Tribulation, but when that indeed you facing me because the biggest defeat, your Chi Wei Lance, was unable to hit again I...” 紫薇魔君:“不明白么,于大化自在仙灵而言,同样的攻击,是无法奏效第二次的,而那正是你面对我时最大的败因,你的赤薇矛,已经再也无法打中我了...” At this moment although places in Tai Yi Dream, actually does not hinder Zi Wei to use the Unequalled Nation Manager technique, national territory that probably because he protects wholeheartedly, is never somewhere World, but is own say/way. 此刻虽身处太一梦中,却不妨碍紫薇用出持国无敌术,盖因他一心守护的国土,从来不是某处世界,而是自己的道。 He is one pure sought, the life only to untie the secret of Starry Sky saved, was only becoming group Star Lord lives. 他是一个纯粹的求道者,此生只为解开星空之秘而存,只为成为星之主而生。 If may set up the body profession, then world good and evil Karma in him is the passing scene, is named True Self Chi Wei, he may also say that cuts then cuts, does not hesitate! 若可立身行道,则世间善恶因果于他皆是过眼烟云,便是名为真我赤薇,他也可说斩便斩,绝不犹豫! He may kill, world who cannot kill! 他连自己都可杀,世间何人杀不得! Then under Unrestrained Extreme Intent, body billion Starlight, flies to sky above instantaneously, counter world treads the heaven stands, a white hair also changes to the black hair dance in this time. In a twinkling, the innumerable Purple meteors fall from the day, but at the Zi Wei angle of view, is actually the stars of under foot in the going against the flow world road, hits the sky, wants to replace Heaven and Earth by the group star! 遂于自在极意下,身化十亿星光,瞬间飞至高天之上,逆世踏天而立,一头白发也在此时化作黑发狂舞。霎时间,无数紫色流星从天而落,但以紫薇的视角,却是脚下的星辰在逆行世路,撞击天空,欲以群星取代天地 The Wu Shan illusion that also in this time, has by Tai Yi Dream was forced counter to change by him, by own Grand Unrestrained Transformation Immortal Spirit Domain, replaced world all sceneries! 也在此时,由太一梦生出的巫山幻境被他强行逆改,以自身大化自在仙灵领域,取代了世间一切风景! The Wu Shan eight style bureaus are favorable for Ning Fan, that replaces the battlefield directly! 巫山的八风格局对宁凡有利,那就将战场直接换掉! Also is unable to be opportunistic to defeat the opposite party by become a Saint, that then loses life lamp Unequalled Nation! That then body enters plans Immortal Spirit fully opened! Only must fight full power is! 既无法借由成圣取巧战胜对方,那便损耗命灯持国!那便身入算计仙灵全开!只须全力一战便是! become a Saint nears, he should preserve the life lamp full power, avoids stepping into the Immortal Spirit trap as far as possible, at present has actually had no alternative! 成圣在即,他本应全力保全命灯,尽量避免踏入仙灵的陷阱,眼下却已别无选择! Facing at present the opponent of this kind of danger, the leeway of basic without/has not consideration success and failure! 面对眼前这等危险的对手,根本没有考虑得失的余地! Naturally, if the opposite party is willing to give way before difficulties, he pours is not cannot melt this arms... 当然,若对方愿意知难而退,他倒也不是不能化此干戈... Not everyone is worth him yielding, the present person made him feel the danger, had the qualifications to make him compromise slightly. 并非所有人都值得他让步,眼前之人让他感到了危险,自有资格令他稍稍妥协。 North Pole Primordial Magnetism Spirit Suppression Art! Turns over to!” “北极元磁镇灵诀!归!” The North Pole mountain cannot do to Ning Fan, instead has the risk of loss, was taken back Side World by Demon Monarch Zi Wei, makes no mistake. This mountain by refined into his protector, if his intent income Side World, then no one is able to prevent this matter, only if the opposite party can destroy his Side World. 北极山奈何不了宁凡,反有丢失的风险,遂被紫薇魔君收回了一方界,不容有失。此山被炼成了他的护道之器,若他一意收入一方界,则谁也无法阻止此事,除非对方能打碎他的一方界 Then, 7th Dao Law cannot use again, other 6 Dao were also all restrained, was not suitable uses. 如此一来,第七道法便不可再用,其余六道也皆被克制,不宜使用了。 You, although is only the Big Dipper lineage people, but I approved you natural talent, you indeed with me exist(ence) with Rank, have the possibility of attacking the counter road. But your Chi Wei Dao Law, Chi Wei Technique that also truly strong cultivates in me, by having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, the gram completely my Zi Wei said. This matter is really you occupies completely the winning side, but if I melt with others Dao Law, how you should deal?” “你虽只是北斗裔民,但我认可了伱的资质,你的确是与我同级别存在,有着冲击逆路的可能。而你的赤薇道法,也确实强于我所修的赤薇术,更以有心算无心,克尽了我的紫薇道。此事确是你占尽上风,但若我化用他人道法,你又该如何应对呢?” You want to seize my Origin Spirit, when knows me as holding Origin Spirit, these that method far not just who can use cultivate/repair. If you retreat, I may not go into one's past...” “你欲夺我元灵,当知晓我身为持元灵者,可以动用的手段远不止自身所修的那些。若你就此退去,我可既往不咎...” Bang! 轰! Replied Demon Monarch Zi Wei, was another Chi Wei Lance, crossed Immortal Spirit Domain billion Starlight directly, hit on Demon Monarch Zi Wei. 回答紫薇魔君的,是又一记赤薇矛,直接越过仙灵领域十亿星光,打在了紫薇魔君身上。 But actually by Unequalled Nation Manager and Immortal Spirit fully opened Demon Monarch Zi Wei single-handed according to having palm print, kept off this to strike. 但却被持国无敌仙灵全开紫薇魔君单手按出掌印,挡下了这一击。 Negotiations failure, nothing more to be said...” Zi Wei gaze by the calmness of pinnacle, transfers the pinnacle killing intent. “谈判失败了么,那就没什么好说的了...”紫薇目光由极致的冷静,转为极致的杀意 Grand Unrestrained Transformation no doubt can dodge this to strike, but if he avoids, this will strike will then hit above his Immortal Spirit Domain, will damage his Immortal Spirit road, goes bad concealing one's abilities and biding one's time that he will have dealings with the secular world. 大化自在固然可以闪避掉这一击,但若他避开,这一击便会打在他的仙灵领域之上,损他仙灵路,坏他和光同尘的韬光养晦。 This is the open intrigue, has should. 此为阳谋,不得不应。 That then did not hide not to evade! 那便不躲不避好了! He will receive this to strike, but will actually not resist with own Dao Law again! He has the Nine Secrets true words to protect Sea of Consciousness, Five Aggregates Treasure Light and cannot think all cannot injure, an innermost feelings piece spatial bright: If gathers to withstand/top by Hundred Flowers with Zi Wei fight of numbers keeps off, cannot keep off Chi Wei Lance decisively, all Zi Wei that probably because he cultivates said, was all restrained by this lance, easily can pass through. 他会接下这一击,但却不会再用自己的道法来抵挡!他有九秘真言守护识海,五蕴宝光和不可思皆不能伤,内心一片空明:若以百花聚顶和紫微斗数去挡,断然挡不下赤薇矛,盖因他所修的一切紫薇道,皆被此矛克制,轻易便可贯穿。 If said that Tai Sovereign Blade to hunt and kill the Inverse Saint trumpet specially lives, then this Chi Wei Lance then to hold to kill Zi Wei to live specially... 若说太皇刃是专为猎杀逆圣小号而生,则此赤薇矛便是专为捅杀紫薇而生... Then by Grand Unrestrained Transformation Origin Spirit Dao Law, imitated others the technique, kept off this to strike. 遂以大化自在元灵道法,模仿出了他人之术,挡下了这一击。 Melts the move of using is... Big Dipper 3000 Seals! 所化用的招数则是...北斗三千印 This is the Big Dipper Immortal Cultivator method, is Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign creates, should be able to block is Inverse Saint Dao Law Chi Wei Lance! 此为北斗仙修的手段,为北斗仙皇所创,合该挡得住已是逆圣道法赤薇矛 Saw this one, Ning Fan had split second frowned, actually then understood this matter reason. 见此一幕,宁凡有了一瞬间皱眉,却转而理解了此事缘由。 The world has ten Spirit Dao Law, all on whether there is prestige energy. And, named Origin Spirit Dao Law, can melt uses others 's Divine Ability Magical Treasure and other good fortune, what end is the wondrous use is infinite. 世有十灵道法,皆有无上威能。其中,名为元灵道法,可以化用他人的神通法宝等一切造化物,端的是妙用无穷。 Holds Origin Spirit Dao Law, so long as has seen one time Divine Ability and Magical Treasure, and can understand that its basic principle and structure, can imitate the use directly! 元灵道法者,只要是见过一次神通法宝,且能理解其基本原理、构造,便可直接模仿使用! Is lower than Realm, available the 100% prestige can ; with Realm, then can only imitate several tenths prestige to be able the thing of ; exceed(ing) level to be difficult saying that must look to hold Yuan natural talent specifically, as well as its holds Origin Spirit quantity and quality. 低于自身境界的,可用出十成威能境界的,则只能仿出数成威能了越级之物则难说,具体要看持元者的资质,以及其所持元灵数量、质量。 If First Ancestor Origin Spirit in legend, even can make obtained Divine Ability evolve to the pinnacle that oneself can understand infinitely... 而若是传说中的始祖元灵,甚至能令所得神通无限进化到自己能够理解的极致... Demon Monarch Zi Wei Grand Unrestrained Transformation, without a doubt is Origin Spirit Dao Law one. 紫薇魔君大化自在,毫无疑问就是元灵道法的一种。 Understood instantaneously this matter at the same time, the Ning Fan regarding Origin Spirit two characters, had a clear(ly) to become aware unexpectedly, probably because some people, when his surface used Origin Spirit Dao Law. 瞬间理解了此事的同时,宁凡对于元灵二字,竟也生出了一丝明悟,盖因有人当他面使用了一种元灵道法 He, saw... 他,见到了... Origin Spirit... 元灵么... Old demonic reputation is Han Yuanji, in various Dao Law that he cultivates, there is Origin Spirit Dao Law... 魔名韩元极,他所修的诸道法中,也有元灵道法么... The Ancient Chaos Master's Dual Cultivation technique and Sun and Moon Stele all may gather others Divine Ability, contained the wonderful principle of Origin Spirit Dao Law... 乱古师父的双修术、日月碑皆可收取他人神通,也包含了元灵道法的妙理么... My Creation Origin Spirit Physique, whether is also Origin Spirit Dao Law one... 我的创始元灵体,是否也是元灵道法的一种... But she will be planned by group Saint various Inverses repeatedly, whether is also because the body contains wisp of Origin Spirit... 而她会被群圣诸逆反复算计,是否也是因为身含一缕元灵... Spirit Seizing,... 夺灵,呵... Wu Shan no longer, this place is Demon Monarch Zi Wei Immortal Spirit Domain, middle all celestial phenomenon topography and position good and bad fortune, all should lead by Demon Monarch Zi Wei, at this moment presented the violent storm and pattern change! 巫山已然不再,此地已是紫薇魔君仙灵领域,当中一切天象地势、方位吉凶,皆该由紫薇魔君主导,此刻却还是出现了狂风暴雨、格局改变! This made Demon Monarch Zi Wei be somewhat unexpected, if only used Void Wielding or Dao Source Void Space, could not interfere with his Immortal Spirit Domain. 这令紫薇魔君有些始料不及,若只用掌位虚空或是道源虚空,是干涉不了他的仙灵领域的。 Only if the opposite party also has five spirit ten ancestor Rank domains! 除非对方也持有五灵十祖级别的领域! Sure enough. 果不其然。 In Demon Monarch Zi Wei dignified gaze, Ning Fan also opened own God Spirit Domain! 紫薇魔君凝重的目光中,宁凡同样张开了自己的神灵领域 By God Spirit, fights Immortal Spirit! 神灵,战仙灵 Down to the greatly useless tree, fights the Grand Unrestrained Transformation immortal! 以至大无用树,战大化自在仙! God, is utmost and useless, by useless, therefore, locates utter void, then broad wildness not! 神者,至大而无用,以无用之故,处无何有之乡,遂得广莫之野!
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