GE :: Volume #14

#1311 Part 2: Big wind blows cloud Yuyu!

Such Heaven Splitting Artifact, his without/has not has really heard, but is very familiar with too 12 characters, is on the cultivation road the extremely common glossary. 这样的开天之器,他果然没有听说过,但却对太一二字十分熟悉,属于修真路上极为常见的词汇。 Obviously is the so common words and expressions, once above additional various this bronze wheels, then meets the becoming world taboo... 明明是如此常见的词语,一旦加诸此青铜轮之上,便会成为世间禁忌么... Why although does not know, when Ning Fan read aloud this secretly, truly felt the intense and ominous Karma aura. 虽不知为何,但宁凡暗诵此名时,确实感到了强烈而不祥的因果气息。 Really, the real names of something, cannot read aloud randomly, read aloud incurs evilly, hundred read aloud incurs ominous, ten thousand read aloud decays, if hundred million read aloud, Immeasurable to read aloud, how then really did not know to be able... 果然,有些东西的真名,是不可以乱诵的,一诵招邪,百诵招不祥,万诵则一朽,而若亿诵、无量诵,则真不知会如何了... Me, knows the name of this thing to receive its evil, does not know that instead is a luck. If that is right, then the Man Zhi behavior then appeared felt strange, if he really wants to harm me, making me know this talent more reasonable ;, if said his not evil intent, actually also not necessarily, as long as I on weak little, leaked calculates the least bit, the body has fallen in this person various plans, belonged to the destruction, becoming his puppet will not have... Man Zhi this person by opportunity that he will suppress, I could not completely understand, although could not completely understand that his idea, gradually has actually cleared off his behavior logic...” “于我而言,知此物之名则受其害,不知反而是一种幸运。若如此,则满智的行为便显得十分奇怪了,他若真想害我,令我知此名才更合理若说他无歹意,却也未必,但凡我弱上少许,漏算半点,早已身陨于此人诸算计中,归于毁灭,连成为他木偶被他镇压的机会都不会有...满智此人,我看不透,虽看不透他的想法,却已渐渐理清他的行为逻辑了...” But to the present situation, cleared off this matter as if to have no use, because of my enemy, temporarily no longer was Man Zhi, but became this bronze round...” “但对眼前的局势而言,理清此事似乎没什么用场了,因我的敌人,暂时不再是满智,而是成了此青铜轮...” Ning Fan no longer said a bronze round real name, but by may not think to proclaim this, exempted incurs the bad cause. 宁凡不再直呼青铜轮的真名,而是以不可思自封此名,免招恶因。 When walks in Wu Shan again, Ning Fan clearly feels, was short of the disturbance of Man Zhi, the geomancy pattern of this place is to become dangerous unexpectedly extremely, eight winds give birth in this, for bright multitudious wind, the clear understanding wind and Jing wind, cool breeze, west wind, Bu Zhou wind and broad don't wind, northeast wind of beginning of spring. 再行走于巫山时,宁凡分明感受到,少了满智的干扰,此地的风水格局竟是变得万分凶险,有八风在此生出,为明庶风、清明风、景风、凉风、阊阖风、不周风、广莫风、融风。 In a twinkling, this place every bit of property became killing intent four to bend down, seemed to be bigger dangerous to be close faintly unceasingly. 霎时间,此地就连一草一木都变得杀机四伏了,更隐隐似有更大的凶险不断接近着。 Really with flying to kick to save others, but also is really the straightforward explanation... 果然是用飞踢来救人呢,还真是浅显易懂的解释... But if this person not only does not want to fall into the cliff, does not want to be kicked the bone fracture, how and works as? 但若此人既不想堕入悬崖,也不想被人踢骨折,又当如何? Self-help then. 自救即可。 Self-help? But you, can achieve...】 【自救?但你,做得到吗...】 A sound resounds, is not Man Zhi, but is the bronze wheel that damn goes, actually because of Jiang Ming offered a sacrifice, obtained the short return. 一个声音响起,并非满智,而是本该死去的青铜轮,却因姜螟的自祭,获得了短暂的归来。 This sound mixes in sound of wind, making eight winds howl, has the Black Fire flaming person's shadow together suddenly in eight winds the governing wind, but, overlook Ning Fan like ant. 此声音混在风声中,使得八风呼啸间,忽有一道黑火熊熊的人影于八风中御风而至,俯瞰宁凡如蚁。 The person's shadow facial features, Ning Fan cannot see clearly, who one such as the opposite party cannot see clearly Ning Fan is. 人影的面容,宁凡看不清,一如对方看不清宁凡是谁。 Even so, who Ning Fan guessed correctly the opposite party is! 即使如此,宁凡还是猜出了对方是谁! Also therefore a person white hair, all has with the Lie Yukou similar makings! 既因此人一头白发,皆有着和列御寇相似的气质! Therefore in the person hand, holds Little Shan (small mountain), a mountain North Pole, that is the thing that he is unable to admit mistakes absolutely... 更因此人手中,持着一尊小山,山名北极,那是他绝对无法认错的东西... „In this become a Saint, gave birth to Tai Yi Dream unexpectedly, if not cut actually this dream, feared that is hard to be perfect become a Saint... you, is my Tai Yi Dream Spirit Seizing.” “于此成圣之际,竟生出了太一之梦,若不斩却此梦,怕是难以完美成圣的...你,便是我太一梦夺灵者么。” Spirit Seizing... 夺灵... Ning Fan gaze falls on North Pole above the mountain, closed the eye slowly. 宁凡目光落在北极山之上,缓缓闭上了眼。 When opens again, has the rainstorm to fall in torrents in Wu Shan like the note, such as sad Runu. 再睁开时,已有暴雨在巫山倾泻如注,如悲如怒。 Really comes to this Origin Spirit Aura, does not only know, what your back stands is where Inverse Saint, must block me to have dealings with the secular world unexpectedly. This Rainwater seems the Boundless Sea aura, are you Big Dipper Immortal Cultivator? Also or, you are Big Dipper arrive... even if you are Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign, concerned about the Tai Yi Dream rule, you still can only be coordinated with my cultivation base, I have what fear...” “果然是冲着此元灵气息而来么,只不知,你背后站的是哪尊逆圣,竟要阻我和光同尘。此雨水似有无涯海的气息,你是北斗仙修?又或者,你是北斗亲临...但就算你是北斗仙皇,碍于太一梦的规则,你也只能与我修为对等,我有何惧...” Demon Monarch Zi Wei seems to be speaking, but had bloody glow together to cut suddenly to the Ning Fan surface gate, started the sneak attack without delay. 紫薇魔君似乎只是在说话,但却有一道血光突然斩向了宁凡的面门,二话不说就发动了偷袭。 Zi Wei Tai Sovereign Blade! 紫薇太皇刃 This technique was Demon Monarch Zi Wei stole Tai Yi Dream to become aware past, was in itself type extremely fierce Divine Ability. 此术乃是紫薇魔君昔日盗取太一之梦所悟,本身就是一式极厉害的神通 That too character, referred to indeed Tai Yi Dream. 那一个太字,指的正是太一之梦 But sovereign character, is Demon Monarch Zi Wei the chance obtained from the grave somewhere, is its biggest hidden and card in a hand, will not make anybody know this secret! 而那皇字,则是紫薇魔君从某处墓葬获得的机缘,是其最大的隐藏和底牌,也绝不会让任何人知晓此秘密! This is to the Immortal Sovereign special-purpose technique, could not cut true Immortal Sovereign, but actually killed the wasn't concerned about martial ethics Immortal Sovereign trumpet specially! 此乃对仙皇专用之术,斩不了真正的仙皇,但却专杀不讲武德仙皇小号! Which Inverse Saint if there is to dare with the Dividing Spirit trumpet to cope with him, he must make these Dividing Spirit come but not return! 若有哪个逆圣敢以分神小号对付他,他必让那些分神有来无回! Therefore offered a sacrifice to Tai Sovereign Blade to sneak attack, but this Tai Sovereign Blade, finally actually from Ning Fan entire world World Passage. 于是祭出了太皇刃来偷袭,但此太皇刃,最终却从宁凡的全世界路过。 last time fights, before is Northern Barbarian Kingdom 1000 years bloody battle . 上一次交手,还是北蛮国千年血战前。 But now, Ning Fan is different. 但现在,宁凡已然不同。 His heart, has swept completely confusedly, is only angry and sorrowful. 他的心,已然扫尽了迷茫,只余愤怒和悲哀。 His eye, has looked at completely the bitter fruit, only killing intent and obsession. 他的眼,已然看尽了苦果,只余杀意执念 He knows certainly, at this moment what oneself faces is solemn Demon Monarch Zi Wei, was that Immortal Sovereign past some moment before become a Saint. 他当然知道,自己此刻面对的乃是堂堂紫薇魔君,是那位仙皇昔日成圣前的某一刻。 But that so what! 但那又如何 You face, is Ni Fan! 你所面对的,可是逆樊 Demon Monarch Zi Wei: this kind of lives becoming aware of extinguishing, you are really Big Dipper! But why Tai Sovereign Blade without/has not became effective... is I miscalculates... he to come to block my, but why his without/has not came... can it be that to have the same technique, reduced and solved the Tai Sovereign Blade effect... that to compel you to appear the appearance/portrait to be good!” 紫薇魔君:“这等生灭之悟,你果然是北斗!但为何太皇刃没有生效...是我算错了么...他本应来阻我的,但为何他没有前来...莫不是有同等之术,化解了太皇刃的功效...那就逼你现出真容好了!” Zi Wei flower bloom Zi Wei star! 紫薇花开紫微星! Zi Wei fight of numbers, open! 紫微斗数,开! Enters instantaneously fights to count Fourth Stratum Demon Monarch Zi Wei, the strength turns time directly, and spans the time and Space, approaches instantaneously, in the palm Thunder Law thunders, the towards Ning Fan surface gate presses down. 瞬间进入斗数第四层紫薇魔君,战力直接翻倍,并跨越时间和空间,瞬间来临,掌中雷法轰鸣,朝宁凡面门按下。 Under the influence of Tai Yi Dream, Ning Fan that he sees, will be covered the status, by without surface condition shows. 太一梦的影响下,他所看到的宁凡,会被掩去身份,以无面之态示人。 But the so-called no surface, the itself/Ben is also only Tai Yi Dream is in harmony with mask nothing more that nine counter say/way produce! 但所谓的无面,本也只是太一之梦合于九逆道产生的面具而已 He will tear down the mask of opposite party personally! 他会亲手撕下对方的面具! Living of Ning Fan extinguishes very thornily, therefore he by this place eight style bureaus, surrounded Ning Fan Death Boundary, deciding in Life Boundary, and will make it unable to transform in a short time freely. 宁凡的生灭十分棘手,所以他以此地八风格局,困住了宁凡灭境,将之定在了生境,并令其短时间内无法自如转换。 This strikes, will not hit spatially! 这一击,绝不会打空! But by Ning Fan by Thunder Law Sword, was actually truncated the palm directly! 但却被宁凡雷法一剑,直接削断了手掌! Even if Demon Monarch Zi Wei opens the defense technique that Hundred Flowers gathered to withstand/top instantaneously, actually only blocked Thunder Law on sword, during cannot block Fire Executor! 即使紫薇魔君瞬间开启了百花聚顶的防御术,却只挡住了剑上的雷法,没能挡住当中的执火 Demon Monarch Zi Wei take action is extremely quick, but Ning Fan responded that is quicker! 紫薇魔君出手极快,但宁凡反应更快! He entered the Chi Wei fight to count Fourth Stratum similarly, this was the Life Boundary limit, made the strength turn time sufficiently! 他同样进入了赤薇斗数第四层,此为生境的极限,却足以令战力翻倍! He put forth Chi Wei Thunder Law similarly, Flame and Thunderbolt that in the heart thunders, poured into above Against the Sea Sword all, Sword cut off in the palm that Demon Monarch Zi Wei was proud arrogant the thunder. 他同样使出了赤薇雷法,将心中轰鸣的火焰雷霆,尽数灌注到了逆海剑之上,一剑斩断了紫薇魔君傲慢而自负的掌中雷。 Used to be stranded his eight style bureau as for Demon Monarch Zi Wei, was changed the pattern by him by wind Dao Source early. 至于紫薇魔君用来困他的八风格局,早被他以风道源改了格局。 In this eight winds, counter is the position, the fence is the good and bad fortune! 于此八风中,逆才是方位,樊才是吉凶! Resembles the anticipation of response Zi Wei to be the same, should not have surface Ning Fan, appeared the stance of Ghost Mask silver hair, but this actually non- Ning Fan original intention, but was the behest of Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign. 更似回应紫薇的期待一般,本该无面的宁凡,显现出了鬼面银发的姿态,但这却非宁凡本意,而是北斗仙皇的遗志。 His Big Dipper, is never the generation of revealing only part of the truth! 北斗,从来不是藏头露尾之辈! His non- good kind, is actually insufficient is not concerned about face. Plans a Zi Wei junior, but also is insufficient to be out personally. 他非善类,却不至于不要脸。算计一个紫薇小辈,还不至于亲自下场。 He will throw down various Ghost Mask in remote Time and Space, has to receive his reason, will follow the boundless direction to complete this matter. Even Big Dipper Immortal Sovereign does not know that boundless will direct to come, Karma of these submersion in boundlessness are profound, is he is unable to see clearly... 他会在遥远的时空投下诸鬼面,自有承其道缘者,会遵循无涯的指引完成此事。即使北斗仙皇也不知无涯会将何人指引而来,那些沉没于无涯之中的因果过于深邃,便是他也无法看清... But, the emergence of Ghost Mask silver hair, made Zi Wei believe firmly own guess was unmistakable, blocking him was really Big Dipper Immortal Cultivator, but came unexpectedly was not Big Dipper oneself, stemmed from his expectation. Opposite party... how arrogant! 但,鬼面银发的出现,还是令紫薇确信了自己的猜测无误,阻他者果然就是北斗仙修,但来的竟然不是北斗本人,着实出乎了他的预期。对方...何其傲慢! Really thinks that Big Dipper Immortal Domain carries one casually, blocks me to become enlightened sufficiently. 真以为北斗仙域随便拎出一个,就足以阻我成道么。 North Pole Primordial Magnetism Spirit Suppression Art!” “北极元磁镇灵诀!” Saw with own eyes that opposite party Treasure Sword is so sharp, which Demon Monarch Zi Wei also dares to be close, has compelled the opposite party mask to reappear in any case, the goal has achieved. 眼见对方宝剑如此锋锐,紫薇魔君哪还敢接近,反正已经逼得对方面具浮现出来了,目的已然达成。 Therefore spread out instantaneously, and will offer a sacrifice to as the North Pole mountain of thing of protector simultaneously, broken hand instantaneous regeneration at the same time, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, put forth 7th that Zi Wei 6 Layers Dao Law had not included to say! 于是瞬间拉开了距离,并同时将作为护道之物的北极山祭了出去,断手瞬间再生的同时,双手掐诀,使出了紫薇六重道法所未收录的第七道! But this is his most powerful Attacking Technique, actually also therefore annoyed Ning Fan more anger. 而这才是他一身最强攻伐之术,却也因此惹来了宁凡更多怒火。 Only cuts Zi Wei still to think with the Thunder Fire sword does not dispel anger, then the left hand holds the sword, the right hand holds the umbrella, immediately then has together the great Big Umbrella shadow, strikes smash into pieces Spirit Suppression Art at the same time, castrates does not reduce, strikes the Hundred Flowers defense of smash into pieces Demon Monarch Zi Wei again, the whole person will pound into rock mud soil. 只拿雷火剑砍紫薇犹觉不解恨,遂左手持剑,右手持伞,顿时便有一道巨大伞影,一击击碎了镇灵诀的同时,去势不减,再度击碎了紫薇魔君百花防御,将之整个人砸入到了山石泥土中 The Tai Yi Dream Illusion Technique divine creative force, this has the nature that cannot be damaged, at this moment was actually pounded the smash into pieces rock, making Demon Monarch Zi Wei be startled is not small. 太一之梦幻术造物,本有着不可损坏的性质,此刻却还是被砸碎了山石,令紫薇魔君吃惊非小。 But that is stranded eight wind controls that his figure, is unable to dodge, made Zi Wei not be willing to acknowledge, actually has to acknowledge, own Zi Wei Dao Law in the opposite party eyes, fundamental without/has not any secret, took in everything at a glance unexpectedly, but oneself to him, actually knew nothing, does not know why this person also had the Big Dipper surface, the Drifting Kun sword and Hong Jun umbrella... the fate to formulate having dealings with the secular world Fate for him obviously, the involvement of Big Dipper but actually also in the fate, but why the latter two will appear! 而那困他身形、无法闪避的八风掌控,亦令紫薇不愿承认,却不得不承认,自己的紫薇道法在对方眼中,根本没有任何秘密,竟是一览无余,而自己对他,却是一无所知,更不知此人为何同时持有北斗面、混鲲剑、鸿钧伞...宿命明明为他制定了和光同尘的命运,北斗的介入倒还在宿命中,但后二者为何会出现! nobody can break the fate, is the World general knowledge! 无人可以打破宿命,乃是世界的常识! But if the chaotic fate, were deliberately confused by somebody, with the child lance, attacks the shield of child, how should also! 但若是混乱的宿命,被某人刻意搅乱,以子之矛,攻子之盾,又该如何! „It is not good! He must seize my North Pole Shan Town spirit! If its were seized, I will lose Zi Wei 7th to say forever!” “不好!他要夺我北极山镇灵!若被其所夺,我将永失紫薇第七道!” In gaze of Demon Monarch Zi Wei startled anger, the palm of Ning Fan, according to North Pole above the mountain, unexpectedly how did not know, comforted all this mountain Spirit Suppression Art Evil Sense and complaint. 紫薇魔君惊怒的目光中,宁凡的手掌,按在了北极山之上,竟不知如何,将此山镇灵诀恶念和怨念尽数安抚住了。 The mountain, no longer attacks Ning Fan. 山,不再攻击宁凡 Such as she, never endures to injure oneself Small Butterfly... 就如她,从来不忍伤害自己的小蝴蝶... Cannot hesitate, meets this demon anti- road, perfect become a Saint has become flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake, that rejection perfect good... Chi Wei, although you cut for me, Dao Law that but you leave behind, actually should borrow me to use one time... Zi Wei 6 Dao to fuse Chi Wei 6 Dao again, that is the number of true 12...” “不能再犹豫了,既逢此魔阻路,完美成圣已成镜花水月,那就舍弃完美好了...赤薇,你虽为我所斩,但你遗留的道法,却合该再借我使用一次...紫薇六道融合赤薇六道,那才是真正的十二之数...” Beginning Saint aura, gives birth from Demon Monarch Zi Wei within the body suddenly. 一股始圣气息,骤然从紫薇魔君体内生出。 This is having no other choice one step, but he has to so. 这是不得已的一步,但他不得不如此。 Although this demon only Immortal King, is excessively strong, then in his direct dream become a Saint, bullied 2nd step by 3rd step no wonder! 此魔虽只仙王,却强得过分,则莫怪他直接梦中成圣,以第三步来欺负第二步了! When Tai Yi Dream only limited fell asleep Realm, may not have stipulation falling asleep unable in the dream broken through! 太一之梦只限制了入梦时的境界,可没规定入梦者不能在梦中有所突破的! Northern Barbarian Immeasurable has lowered, at the present when indeed takes back! 北蛮无量早已降下,而今正是收回之时! I permitted your become a Saint!” “我允许你成圣了吗!” Has the Ghost Mask person's shadow together, brutally foot treads falls, steps on into the soil the head of Demon Monarch Zi Wei ruthlessly, before breaking opening of opposite party to be big, swung. 却有一道鬼面人影,无情一脚踏落,将紫薇魔君的头颅狠狠踩入泥土,打断了对方的开大前摇。 Whatever if the opposite party opens in a big way, Ning Fan also without/has not grasped wins steadily. 倘若任由对方开大,宁凡没有把握稳赢了。 Therefore... 所以... In my eight winds, you will not have any opportunity! 在我的八风之中,你不会有任何机会
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