GE :: Volume #14

#1311 Part 1: Big wind blows cloud Yuyu!

Present Wang Zhi, what once met with Ning Fan is the same person. 眼前的王质,和宁凡曾经遇到的是同一个人。 This same, is not Parallel Space-Time another possibility, but is the genuine same round of same body. 这种相同,并非平行时空的另一个可能,而是真正的同轮同体。 Why at this time does not only know, Wang Zhi that meets, is only the body of mortal, and without/has not exceedingly high penetrating place cultivation base. 只不知为何,此时遇到的王质,只是凡人之躯,并没有通天彻地的修为 Although is the mortal, actually does not know that comprehended the Eternal Life method from where, may depend on body of Eternal Life Undying/not dead mortal, the command longevity not increases and decreases, oneself also not by harassing of Measuring Tribulation and Immeasurable. 虽是凡人,却又不知从何处领悟到了长生法,可凭凡人之躯长生不死,令寿无增损,自身亦不受量劫无量之扰。 Some this Nitian (heaven defying). 这就有些逆天了。 World exist(ence) Eternal Life type, exist(ence) by every becoming a lay priest the gentleman of self-torture, but so-called Eternal Life and cultivator, was still in the inexorable fate actually, must receive harassing of Measuring Tribulation, named Eternal Life, has actually finally, only if can become a Saint. 世间存在长生种,也存在由凡入道的苦修之士,但所谓的长生种和修士,实则仍处于劫数之中,要受量劫之扰,名为长生,实则有终,除非可以成圣 How however Wang Zhi actually does not know, took another road, if must describe this person with the glossary surely, Ning Fan will take it as every Saint or the human world Saint. 然而王质却不知如何,走出了另一条路,若定要用个词汇描述此人,宁凡会将其称作凡圣或者人间圣。 Does not only know, this person by -path the method of cultivation, is Wang Zhi self-created comes, Senior Expert teaches. 只不知,此人间道的修行之法,是王质自创而来,还是前辈高人所传授。 Also does not know, since why oneself cultivate Dao, never heard excellent by-path the method of cultivation, the law has the type inexplicably familiar... 亦不知,为何自己修道以来,从未听说过人间道的修行之法,却对此法有种莫名的熟悉... And, Wang Zhi is not only a human world Saint, why also ultimately had profound cultivation base, actually instead lost Axe... 且,王质既是一尊人间圣,又为何最终拥有了高深修为,却反而失去了斧头... Is it possible that... 莫非... This axe truly makes Ning Fan feel to look familiar, is very similar to Mountain and Seas Axe that his observed some Yun Zhongjun holds. 此斧确实让宁凡觉得眼熟,和他观测到的某個云中君所持的山海斧十分相似。 But the present axe, actually is also only every axe..., although is every axe, above this axe, the feelings of similarly person by-paths, making this axe have some change slowly. 但眼前之斧,却还只是一把凡斧...虽是凡斧,此斧之上,却同样有一股人间道的感觉,令此斧缓缓产生着某种变化。 What a pity. 可惜了。 Wang Zhi spoke incorrectly. 王质说错了。 I come this place am not too late, but is too early... 我来此地不是太迟,而是太早... Therefore said goodbye to Wang Zhi, goes to named Wu Shan five fingers Immortal Mountain alone. 于是告别了王质,独自前往名为巫山的五指仙山 Wang Zhi wants to urge again, actually may not think to cause trouble suddenly, forgot all. 王质欲再劝,却忽然自身不可思作祟,遗忘了所有。 When looks at Ning Fan again, the thought becomes muddy chaotic dun suddenly, is very chaotic. 再看宁凡时,思维一时间变得浑浑沌沌,十分混乱。 Who is that person? Why does he want to go to Wu Shan? Should I prevent him? But if, he is Wu Shan Master?” “那人是谁?他为何要去巫山?我该阻止他吗?但如果,他就是巫山主人呢?” Right, I thought! He naturally is Wu Shan Master! In Immortal that initially played chess, not on led by him? Originally I have entered Wu Shan, gives my Eternal Life, the itself/Ben is this Immortal...” “对,我想起来了!他当然是巫山主人!当初下棋的仙人中,不就以他为首么?原来我已经进过巫山了吗,授我长生者,本就是这位仙人...” But why, he at this moment, is not he... is too late, is too early...” “可为何,此刻的他,还不是他...是太迟,还是太早...” But in any event, he returns to oneself Immortal Cave, I do not need to urge...” “但无论如何,他回自己的洞府,我不必劝的...” Therefore toward the Ning Fan respectful ritual of going far away, resembled thanks past the en of preach the Dao. 于是朝着远去的宁凡恭恭敬敬一礼,似感谢昔日传道之恩。 But then may not think to wipe out all thoughts, wipe out together, also remembers some segment Daoyuan who and actually puts behind absent-minded absent-minded. 但转而又被不可思扫灭了所有念头,一同扫灭的,还有恍惚想起、却又恍惚忘却的某段道缘。 Who I am... 我是谁... I where... 我在哪儿... I must make anything... 我要做什么... Wang Zhi rubs their head, for a while actually somewhat cannot find out the mind... 王质摸了摸头,一时却有些摸不清头脑... ... ... Ning Fan then enters Wu Shan. 宁凡遂入巫山 The line approximately 56 li (0.5 km), have infinite Cloud Qi to give birth from Wu Shan suddenly, this Cloud Qi is concealing slightly cannot think of the strength, the average man touches it, immediately must lose memory. 行约五六里,忽有无穷云气巫山生出,此云气隐含着细微的不可思之力,常人触之,顿时就要失去记忆的。 But actually naturally cannot block Ning Fan. 但却自然挡不住宁凡 even if so, Ning Fan parts the fog, was still some feelings. 饶是如此,宁凡一路拨开云雾,仍是有些感触。 He just comprehends some is not possible to think now to change to Cloud Qi to display the Divine Ability method, not truly perfect, but Cloud Technique of this place is so completely mature,... he with this place fog, feared that is away from quite remote Samsara... 他如今不过刚刚领悟了一些将不可思化作云气施展神通的法门,还未真正完善,可此地的云术却已如此成熟、完整了...他与此地云雾之间,怕是隔着相当遥远的轮回... Parted the fog, Ning Fan actually instead saw the 1st Stage Illusion mirage, appeared after the fog dissipated. 拨开云雾,宁凡却反而看到了一段幻象蜃景,出现在了云雾消散之后。 This is actually not the illusion of Wu Shan, but is Man Zhi adds the play by the bronze gear forcefully, tries to surround the footsteps that Ning Fan goes forward by Illusion. 这却并非巫山之幻,而是满智借由青铜齿轮强行加戏,试图以幻象困住宁凡前进的脚步。 And at the same time, resounds the sound that Man Zhi slightly under hit obviously. 并于此同时,响起了满智略显欠打的声音。 Yeah, aren't you how clear? The secret is the secret , because will bring the pain. You can also be painful, I can also be painful, why to injure mutually? If you are willing to halt in this, I can show mercy, taking advantage of this imaginary, is only stranded you thousand to live all ages, so as to avoid also ends up five spirit chessgame town/subdues demon bones the death of destiny finally, how? Among your me, stops there to make peace? Only pitifully, if you want from the beginning, when Old Man's raises the line puppet, is only stranded hundred to live thousand th enough, leaning you must annoy Karma, what a pity, what a pity...】 【哎,你怎么就不明白呢?秘密之所以是秘密,就是因为会给人带来痛苦。你也会痛,我也会痛,何必互相伤害?若你愿止步于此,我可以大发慈悲,借由此幻,只困你千生万世,也免得最终落得五灵棋局镇魔骨的命定之死,如何?你我之间,就此罢手言和吧?只可惜,若你一开始就愿意当老夫的提线木偶,只困个百生千世就够的,偏伱要惹更多因果,可惜,可惜...】 Ning Fan without/has not pays attention to Man Zhi. 宁凡没有理会满智 Probably because present Illusion is dangerous, has the mistake slightly, will then sink, forever will be stranded in this! 盖因眼前的幻象过于危险,稍有差池,便会沉入其中,永困于此! Wu Shan mountain road, in this moment turned into innumerable intriguing stone-paved roads! 巫山的山路,于此刻变成了无数错综复杂的石道! The stone-paved road follows the number of 12, intertwining is huge Array Diagram, and in the 12 position, all exist(ence) Stone Seat. 石道遵循十二之数,交错为巨大的阵图,并于十二方位,皆存在着一尊石坐 In each Stone Seat, Seal many type laws, were separated Stone Seat, is hard to judge internal method. 每一尊石坐内,都封印了诸多式法,间隔石坐,难以判断内部手段。 Above each Stone Seat, sat a zhang (3.33 m) six high puppet, is the person of Ning Fan getting to know each other well! 每一尊石坐之上,都坐了一尊丈六之高的木偶,俱是宁凡相熟之人! The first 11 puppets, are Bao Kuo (including) Hundred Plays Great Emperor many Man Zhi Disciple, in Northern Barbarian Immeasurable, had all been cut to kill by Ning Fan, now appears by the body of puppet in Illusion. 前十一个木偶,是包括百戏大帝在内的诸多满智徒儿,于北蛮无量中,皆已被宁凡斩杀,如今却以木偶之身出现在了幻象中。 But on 12th Stone Seat, sat impressively unexpectedly is the Great Humble Clan Founder —— Southern Medicine Saint puppet! 而在第十二石坐上,坐的赫然竟是大卑族祖师——南药圣的木偶! The small puppets of some innumerable palm of the hand sizes, such as the good-for-nothing, wanders in Illusion Formation at a loss, can not extricate. 更有无数巴掌大小的小木偶,如行尸走肉般,茫然徘徊于幻阵之中,不得解脱。 Middle had many people, Ning Fan felt looking familiar, all was certain people who and in the Man Zhi confrontation cut to kill, because was only the passer-by, Ning Fan remembered by no means entire. 当中有不少人,宁凡都感到了眼熟,皆是和满智交锋中所斩杀的某些人,但因只是路人,宁凡记得并不全。 The puppets are reading aloud the ancient scrip­tures at a loss, read aloud the sound to gather the mighty current innumerably, headed on. 木偶们茫然诵着古老经文,无数诵声汇聚成了洪流,扑面而来。 This is Illusion Technique, ten thousand chant decays! 此为幻术,万诵一朽! This technique was known as that is world most powerful Illusion Technique, but ten thousand chant, by far is not the final shape of this technique. 此术号称是世间最强幻术,但万诵,远远不是此术的最终形态。 If only ten thousand chant the degree, present Ning Fan does not fear, but must deal full power. 若只是万诵的程度,如今的宁凡已然不惧,但还是要全力应对。 His Heaven and Mortal Third Realm, can endure broken Illusion ; to enter Death Boundary, extinguished is the color , is actually thought that line, to know Five Aggregates. 他的天人第三境,本就可以堪破幻象又进入了灭境,灭的却是色、受、想、行、识五蕴 Five Aggregates all spatial, Ning Fan was even more not invaded by Illusion Technique, even the also ample force, put forth the Illusion Technique rebound. 五蕴皆空之下,宁凡愈发不受幻术侵扰,甚至还有余力,使出了幻术反弹。 Rebound Illusion Technique needs to look through opposite party technique, Ning Fan is not first time sees ten thousand chant to decay, therefore achieved this matter. 反弹幻术需要看破对方的术式,宁凡并非第一次见万诵一朽,故而做到了此事。 In a twinkling, Illusion Formation in Ning Fan eye vanished, the puppets change to the black flame, belongs to slowly dies out. 霎时间,宁凡眼中的幻阵消失了,木偶们都化作黑色火光,徐徐归于寂灭。 Man Zhi at present presents rebound Illusion Formation, but he is prepared early, will not be injured by trivial ten thousand chant, therefore fishes out in rain to spend from the sleeve, holds the flower, ten thousand Songjie extinguishes. 满智的眼前则出现了反弹的幻阵,但他早有准备,自不会被区区万诵所伤,于是从袖中摸出一朵雨中花,持花一点,万诵皆灭。 How ten thousand read aloud reveres a word, criticism/human language common people were completely silent. How extinguishes the ashes fire, various aflame chaotic worlds.】 【万诵如何尊一言,一人言尽苍生默。默灭如何烬余火,诸火熊熊乱人间。】 The Man Zhi sound suddenly resounds, the spoken language like the riddle, resembles in sigh Ning Fan without/has not such as he expects general, jumps out of Karma, accepts him to suppress thousand to live the all ages good intention. 满智的声音突然响起,言语如谜,似在叹息宁凡没有如他期望一般,跳出因果,接受他镇压千生万世的好意。 He obviously is in world 1st big good man, since the great antiquity extinguishes starting from the time painstakingly, then brought salvation to innumerable all living things, but actually believes him from nobody. Yeah, people always like believing matter that oneself like to believe that therefore the meeting good person is difficult to make ah... 他明明是世间第一大善人,自洪荒苦灭时代开始,便普度了无数众生,但却从无人相信他。哎,人们总是更爱相信自己愿意相信的事情,所以才会好人难做啊... In view of this, Old Man then put aside the helping other complex, to respect others Fate to be good! 既如此,老夫便放下助人情结、尊重他人命运好了! One such as the past has made innumerable such. 一如从前无数次做过的那样。 Therefore Man Zhi withdrew itself to arrange in the Wu Shan infinite subsequent hand. 于是满智撤去了自己布置于巫山的无穷后手。 But because of being short of his subsequent hand, the named Mouth Mouth bronze gear, was actually short of the suppression in this time, became dangerous. 但因少了他的后手,名为口口口口的青铜齿轮,却在此时少了压制,变得过于危险了。 Look, Old Man is really a good person! 看吧,老夫真的是好人! Some people soon falling down cliff, therefore Old Man flies to kick, delivered him to leave the deathtrap, the opposite party actually instead blamed me to kick the bone fracture him, was how laughable! 有人快要掉下悬崖,于是老夫一个飞踢,送他离开了死地,对方却反而怪我把他踢骨折,何其可笑! But you can hold on him obviously directly, not?” “但你明明可以直接拉住他,不是吗?” The Ning Fan sound actually in this time, resounds in the heart of Man Zhi directly. 宁凡的声音却于此时,直接在满智的心中响起。 A Man Zhi brow wrinkle, this notices Ning Fan once again by Five Sounds Resonating Law, produced the resonance with the silkworm of Starry Sky silkworm poisonously, and by the Starry Sky silkworm, resonance his silkworm poison! 满智眉头一皱,这才注意到宁凡又一次借由五音谐律,和星空蚕的蚕毒产生了共鸣,并借由星空蚕,共鸣了他的蚕毒! this child can achieve so the matter unexpectedly! Old Man may never hear Five Sounds Resonating Law to be able the frequency multiple sound! 此子居然能做到如此事情!老夫可从未听说过五音谐律能同频复数声音的! This matter surpassed the general knowledge, therefore Man Zhi cannot detect beforehand, but he especially fonds to consider that the worst result, this is used for the method that copes with various Inverses to peep, applies in this time. 此事超出了常识,故而满智没能事先察觉,但他惯爱考虑最坏的结果,本用来对付诸逆窥视的手段,于此时派上了用场。 Tai Yi Wheel, extinguishes ten inspirations! 太一之轮,灭十灵感! By the strength of bronze gear, Man Zhi successfully cut off Ning Fan frequency —— forcefully even if in fact he does not cut off, Ning Fan is unable to maintain this three people of frequencies is too long, who called in three people, was the 4th step deceased, regarded the signal base depot by Ning Fan? 借由青铜齿轮的力量,满智成功斩断了宁凡的强行同频——事实上就算他不斩断,宁凡也无法维持这种三人同频太久,谁叫三人之中,有一位第四步逝者,被宁凡当成了信号基站呢? Man Zhi should not take action, but his by no means knows how long the Ning Fan frequency can continue, has to take action, for fear that was peeped secrets in many Heart Realm by Ning Fan. 满智不该出手的,可他并不知道宁凡的同频能持续多久,不得不出手,唯恐被宁凡窥得更多心界中的秘密。 Seven orifices God Heart, all has Heart Realm, that is a person heart deep place, is most suitable to hide the secret the place. 七窍神心,皆有心界,那是一个人内心深处,最适合隐藏秘密的地方。 If Ning Fan many secret conceals in Heart Realm, Man Zhi similarly so. 宁凡将诸多秘密藏于心界,满智同样如此。 Because of wrong take action, some secret in Man Zhi Heart Realm, was known by Ning Fan! 但因为错误出手,满智心界内的某个秘密,被宁凡知道了! That is... the real name of bronze gear! 那就是...青铜齿轮的真名! This is the taboo that the Heaven Splitting list is unable to record, Three Worlds, only then the small number of people knows! 这可是开天榜都无法记录的禁忌,三界只有少数人知晓! But now, Ning Fan became one of the insiders! 但现在,宁凡成了知情者之一! Originally this bronze wheel, named Tai Yi Wheel...” Ning Fan secretly thought. “原来此青铜轮,名叫太一之轮...”宁凡暗道
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