GE :: Volume #14

#1310 Part 2: Monarch are witch peak clouds

【To come one with me the travel of Time and Space spans monster and god ~, if you told me your name, I led you to go ~ 【想和我来一场跨越妖和神的时空之旅吗~如果你告诉我你的名字,我就带你去~】 What a pity, Ning Fan by no means plans to point out frankly the real name, therefore this matter then did not have the later word. 可惜,宁凡并不打算道破真名,故而此事便也没了后文。 That time he, has not understood the monster and god the travel of Time and Space refers to anything. 那时的他,并未读懂妖和神的时空之旅指的是什么。 Now looks like, this matter in the grave with Starry Sky silkworm mouth is perhaps related, otherwise Ji Fuyao does not need to test his geomancy knowledge specially. 如今看来,此事或许和星空蚕口中的墓葬有关,否则姬扶摇也没必要特意考他风水知识了。 Said of pleasant to hear, she thinks the appointment, coming travel of ; romantic Time and Space to say coarse, she wants to rob a grave and fight... 说好听点,她是想约会,来一场浪漫的时空之旅说难听点,她是想盗墓、倒斗... Also does not fear in the grave meets the 4th step steamed rice dumpling, is really a bold woman, has with Man Zhi spells, no wonder in the name of Ji Shui, in the name of Jiang Shui... 也不怕在墓里遇到第四步的粽子,真是个胆大包天的女人,和满智有得一拼,难怪一个以姬水为名,一个以姜水为名... The riddle topic of scabbard, then also without/has not unties, but Ning Fan can feel indistinctly, inside also hid a voice to leave a message. 剑鞘的谜题,则还没有解开,但宁凡隐约感受得到,里面同样藏了一条语音留言。 This riddle topic actually did not encrypt by Five Sounds Resonating Law, unexpectedly encrypts in the tokharia language. 此谜题却不是以五音谐律来加密了,居然是用月氏语加密。 This may baffle Ning Fan, where he speaks the tokharia language. 这可难倒了宁凡,他哪里懂月氏语。 To seek for advice Ant Lord, the Ant Lord assistant general tokharia language forgot clean. 欲求教蚁主,蚁主偏将月氏语忘了个一干二净。 If by Divine Technique solution puzzle, can easily untie, but... 若以神术解谜,自是可以轻易解开,但... ... ... When the matter, consulted the litigant to be good directly. Also or, did she come to study in wait for me? Just was also so, she always wants to teach me anything, suspended the dignity of teacher. Her, giving me, when the teacher was a very interesting matter... that then such as she hopes unexpectedly, was only my being correct reason tribulation in the body, performed the Master and Disciple taboo the appeal is still permissible with her occasionally, true Master and Disciple Karma does not may have. When consults the tokharia language , conducted with the reputation of transaction, poured also conforms with her road...” “待此间事了,直接请教当事人好了。又或者,她本就在等我上门求学?刚刚也是如此,她总想教我点什么,摆一摆老师的威严。于她而言,给我当老师竟是一件十分有趣的事情么...那便如她所愿好了,只是我有道缘劫在身,与她偶尔上演师徒禁忌的情趣尚可,真正的师徒因果则万万不可结下。待请教月氏语时,也用交易的名头进行好了,倒也合乎她的商道...” Faces 4th step die huge Karma obviously, Ning Fan is caring, is actually and her related short in the future. 明明面对着第四步陨落庞大因果,宁凡更加在意的,却是和她有关的短暂未来。 After all, he stays in Dao Sense games, itself/Ben for person of nothing more. 毕竟,他之所以在道念中停留,本就是为了一人而已 If no her here, after his second falls Ji Chen, will turn around to depart, how can not know that this place the secret of Far Ancient Ten Spirits, all will be the Man Zhi trap and use. 若无她在此,他秒掉稷辰后,转身就会离去,岂会不知此地的远古十灵之秘,皆是满智的陷阱、利用。 The so-called collection information copes with Man Zhi, the itself/Ben is also only the performance looks to Fate Samsara. 所谓的搜集情报对付满智,本也只是表演给宿命轮回看的。 Stated differently, before stayed for her, because did not abandon. He understands certainly, oneself will depart finally, beside Dao Sense games, his also Northern Barbarian Immeasurable needs to save, but actually wants to do anything before departure for her... 不同的是,之前为她停留,只是因为不舍。他当然明白,自己终将离去,在道念之外,他还有北蛮无量需要拯救,但却还是想在离去前为她做些什么... But... he when 13th time adds the bell, faintly detected something, therefore the significance of stay had the small change. 但...他在第十三次加钟时,隐隐察觉到了某事,于是停留的意义有了小小的改变。 Hopes this Dao Sense games back truth, is not such that I guessed...” “但愿这场道念背后的真相,不是我所猜测的那样...” Therefore by Life Boundary, Yin-Yang of Poison and not Dead Silkwork Poison of promoting within the body to the Dao Source big accomplishment level. 于是借由生境,将体内的毒阴阳和不死蚕毒提升到了道源大成的层次。 In a twinkling, not Dead Silkwork Poison and induction of Starry Sky of silkworm within the body, intense ten times of not just. 霎时间,体内的不死蚕毒星空蚕的感应,强烈了十倍不止 Crude person Five Sounds Resonating Law technique that also in this time, Ning Fan by Life Boundary, will study from Ant Lord there, strengthened pinnacle Realm. 也在此时,宁凡借由生境,将从蚁主那里学来的半吊子五音谐律术,强化到了极致境界 His itself/Ben also plans to try 12, and without/has not too many assurance can produce the resonance with the Starry Sky silkworm. 他本也只是打算尝试一二,并没有太多把握能和星空蚕产生共鸣。 However this time attempts, finally unexpectedly was successful. 然而此番尝试,最终居然获得了成功。 With the instance of Starry Sky silkworm resonance, Ning Fan was feeling own Will and Will of Starry Sky silkworm, entered the short frequency condition. 在和星空蚕共鸣的瞬间,宁凡感到了自己的意志星空蚕的意志,进入到了短暂同频的状态。 The Starry Sky silkworm has elapsed, even the frequency, is unable again and Ning Fan talked, but Ning Fan can actually consult Will of Starry Sky silkworm to remain unilaterally. 星空蚕已然逝去,即使同频,也无法再和宁凡交谈了,可宁凡却能单方面查阅星空蚕的意志残留。 This behavior is dangerous, the side conducts, Ning Fan then felt the impact of Will level! Will of opposite party, vastly like universe, but his Will scale, actually only such as a star in universe. 只是这种行为过于危险,方一进行,宁凡便感受到了意志层面的冲击!对方的意志,浩瀚如宇宙,而他的意志规模,却只如宇宙中的一颗星球。 His Will by no means is tiny, Will actually huge of opposite party must surpass the restraint of Samsara Time and Space, but distance that this indeed Ning Fan and 4th step cannot be spanned, even the opposite party is only a deceased... 他的意志并不渺小,对方的意志庞大得超出了轮回时空的约束,而这正是宁凡第四步不可跨越的距离,即使对方只是一名逝者... Ning Fan Devour(ing) Tribulation Lord Will in Dust Tree, but so-called Dust Tree, but is Tribulation Lord by the thing that a Will seed plants, may not be generally spoken with Starry Sky silkworm Will of complete scale at present. 宁凡吞噬尘树中的劫主意志,但所谓的尘树,不过是劫主以一粒意志种子种出来的东西,和眼前完整规模的星空意志自是不可一概而论。 Can open Inverse Saint residual complete Will, is the Ning Fan limit, wants to see anything, at least also Desolate Saint may accomplish, he cannot achieve. 能够翻开逆圣残留的完整意志,已是宁凡的极限,想要从中看出些什么,至少也得荒圣才可办到,他是做不到的。 But, achieves so the situation, already enough... 但,做到如此地步,已经够了... Really has achieved nothing.” “果然一无所获。” Ning Fan such as said. 宁凡如是道。 Then closed the Divination type plate, ended stargazing. 而后关闭了遁甲式盘,结束了观星。 Suddenly, the pressure gave on Man Zhi! 瞬息间,压力给到了满智身上! In Side World, observes Dao Sense games Man Zhi by the special method, frowns. 一方界中,借由特殊手段观察道念满智,皱起了眉头。 With the fight of Sky River Pig, three seconds had ended, relaxed. 天河猪的战斗,早就三秒结束了,轻轻松松。 Present he, refreshed, is watching the development of Dao Sense games, anxious and anticipation. 如今的他,正神清气爽,关注着道念的发展,紧张而又期待。 Because even if cultivation base drops, from 10 Eras Saint turned into nine discipline, he was still glowing with health, before as if , the air/Qi to is not who Ning Fan shouted abuse is common. 即使因为修为跌落,从十纪圣人变成了九纪,他却仍旧红光满面,就仿佛之前气得对宁凡破口大骂的不是自己一般。 Mainly is this matter, truly lets person refreshed! Former 10 Samsaras was really white cultivate, is present nine Samsaras is more fragrant! 主要是这事,确实让人神清气爽啊!从前的十纪轮回真是白修了,还是现在的九纪轮回更香! False! Too false!” “假!太假了!” This boy the say/way of Ni Fan, the itself/Ben is deceiving of wasn't concerned about martial ethics said! His spoken language, cannot all believe that also cannot all not believe! Takes this word as First Stratum, from Second Stratum view it, then this child must lie! He said that has achieved nothing, that has then harvested!” “这小子的逆樊之道,本就是不讲武德的骗道!他的言语,不可全信,也不可全不信!以此言为第一层,从第二层观之,则此子必是在说谎!他说一无所获,那便是有所收获了!” „But if from Third Stratum view it, by the this child discrete individuality, knew perfectly well I am peeping, possibly thought aloud absolutely not. His without/has not reason say out loud, the matter leaves unusual, then extremely possible to mislead me intentionally! Mislead me into thinking that he has harvested, making me worry the secret has exposed, thus confuses own situations, on his chess, actually steps on his deceiving to incur carelessly finally...” “但若从第三层观之,则以此子谨慎的个性,明知我在偷看,断不可能自言自语的。他没有理由宣之于口,事出反常,则极可能是为了故意误导我!让我误以为他已有所收获,让我担心秘密已然暴露,从而自乱阵脚,胡乱应他的棋,最终却踩进他的骗招...” „But if he actually stands in Fourth Stratum, then the fact will be just the opposite, if he stands in Fifth Stratum, Sixth Stratum...” “可若他其实站在第四层,则事实就会恰恰相反,而若他站在第五层,第六层...” Yeah, open intrigue anything, truly makes head hurt...” “哎,阳谋什么的,确实让人头疼呢...” Man Zhi shakes the head reluctantly. 满智无奈地摇摇头。 He has the assurance determination of 99 of hundred points, Ning Fan and without/has not ability gains the information, some little uncertainties, were actually worried that this matter will really turn over. 他有百分九十九的把握确定,宁凡没有能力获取情报,却也有少许的不确定,担心此事真的会翻车。 Although the probability is very low, but is significant because of his secret, cannot accommodate the general idea/careless continually tiny bit. 虽然概率很低,但因他的秘密过于重大,连一丝一毫都容不得大意的。 Therefore... 所以... Even if the boy anything performs does not do, this one step chess, I still have should! 那小子即使什么表演都不做,这一步棋,我也是不得不应啊! But he performed intentionally, he air/Qi me intentionally! After all I just planned him, settled account Karma that loses Primordial Yang, he is hates me surely bone to inter the body. 但他还是故意表演了,他就是故意在气我吧!毕竟我才刚刚算计了他,结清了损失元阳因果,他定是恨我入骨。 Also or so-called performance, is only misleading, he stood in the atmosphere actually... 又或者所谓的表演,也只是一种误导,他实则站在了大气层... Very good! Old Man approved your deceiving to say! 很好!老夫认可你的骗道了! Can make Old Man all layouts let slip completely, and becomes so overcautious and indecisive, Old Man really without/has not misreads you! 能让老夫所有布局全部失手,且变得如此瞻前顾后,老夫果然没有看错你! What a pity, only by Dual Cultivation together, you was actually the pats the horse is also less than Old Man. 可惜啊,只论双修一道,伱却是拍马也不及老夫了。 Although cannot see the concrete situation, but you fight time, unexpectedly needs six double-hour, if the world look like you so, how could it not be what proper business does not serve as, day in day out only sleeps and sleeps? How cultivation? 虽看不到具体情形,但你战一场的时间,居然需要六个时辰,若世人都像你这般,岂非什么正事都不用做了,一天到晚只睡觉和睡觉?如何修行 Notice, Saint inexpensive foot wall, but heavy inch Yin, sometimes is rare and volatile it! If not your toxicant harms me, making my efficiency weaken ten times, Old Man may also be stronger, but this was Beginning Saint Expert and trivial Immortal King disparity! 须知,圣人不贵尺之壁,而重寸之阴,时难得而易失之!若非你的毒药误我,令我效率衰减十倍,老夫还可更强,而这便是始圣强者与区区仙王的差距了! Old Man was different, even if the toxicant made me decelerate, you fought time, still on enough Old Man games 14400 times! 老夫就不同了,即使毒药令我减速,你战一场的时间,也足够老夫上14400次了! oh? 嗯? Probably has the people of other shore to ridicule me? You only knew the human relations, actually does not understand the Saint road, what a pity, what a pity. Actually does not know, corporal hears say/way laughs it, does not smile thinks to say insufficient. Oh? Unexpectedly also person does natural talent endure to compare Old Man? Good! Good! I observe Fellow Daoist to have the capital of become a Saint, if there is a leisure, might as well comes to a dust shore to chat! Didn't come? That somewhat was actually a pity. But might as well! When which day of dust An mixed does not get down, I then go to Fellow Daoist there to hide, presents as a gift from being correct reason. relax! Trivial say/way reason, being able dead person! I am in world 1st big good man, the fate silk of dust shore, could not entangle the reducing person in other shore. You will not be said the reason disaster and! Wants the system to have the Man Zhi system, wants the grandfather to have the Man Zhi grandfather, wants the beautiful woman to have Man Zhi Elder Sister, satisfaction guaranteed!” “好像有彼岸之民在嘲笑我?呵,尔等只知人伦,却不懂圣路,可惜,可惜。却不知,下士闻道大笑之,不笑不足以为道。?居然还有资质堪比老夫?不错!不错!我观道友成圣之资,若有闲暇,不妨来尘岸一叙!来不了?那却有些可惜了。但无妨!等哪天尘岸混不下去了,我便去道友那里躲躲,自有道缘相赠。放心!区区道缘,死不了人!我可是世间第一大善人,尘岸的宿命丝,缠不了彼岸的沦落人。尔等是不会被道缘劫波及的!要系统有满智系统,要老爷爷有满智老爷爷,要美女有满智姐姐,包你满意!” Now is a little small needs to process troublesome, Fellow Daoist will chat next time again! Thought that Man Zhi person commander Xinshan, remembers casts the recommendation ticket to «Wisdom Demon»! oh? you look unexpectedly isn't «Wisdom Demon»? Unexpectedly is the pirating book of harmonics? The recorder who you elect feared that was not blind, does not know unexpectedly who was dust shore true protagonist! Holds? Holding to have what is good to record, can only, only meet... yeah, what a pity... and others is not my fans, that then had no reason to present as a gift, said goodbye!” “不过现在有点小麻烦需要处理一下,道友们下次再聊哈!觉得满智人帅心善的,记得给《智魔》一书多投点推荐票!嗯?你们看的居然不是《智魔》?居然是谐音的盗版书?你们选的记录者怕不是眼瞎了,竟不知何人才是尘岸真正的主角!执?执有什么好记录的,只会,只会...哎,可惜了...尔等既不是我的粉丝,那便没什么道缘相赠了,告辞!” Man Zhi disappointed pinched complex Finger Secret Art. 满智一脸失望地掐出了复杂的指诀 In a twinkling, originally has damaged some bronze gear that and is unable transfer again, above unexpectedly wisp of Monster Soul appears slowly, that once offered a sacrifice to his heart the soul of Jiang Ming unexpectedly! 霎时间,原本已经损毁、无法再转的某个青铜齿轮,其上竟有一缕妖魂徐徐浮现出来,那竟是曾经自祭其心的姜螟之魂! Jiang Ming: Senior, saves the Huaiwo time, finally arrived?” 姜螟:“前辈,拯救淮涡的时机,终于来到了吗?” Man Zhi: Good, will you be afraid?” 满智:“不错,你会害怕吗?” Jiang Ming: Hehe, Senior rotates Mouth Mouth directly is, if may depend on my Samsara, trades Huaiwo to re-enter the hope of Return to Ruins, then my what fears falls into does not turn over to...” 姜螟:“呵呵,前辈直接转动口口口口便是,若可凭我一人之轮回,换得淮涡重入归墟的希望,则我何惧堕入不归...” Man Zhi: Ok, you do not regret on the line, Mouth Mouth, the start!” 满智:“行吧,你不后悔就行,口口口口,启动!” ... ... The bronze gear when should not rotate, by the Will one time rotation of Jiang Ming, Ning Fan felt a suction to head on again, inhaled in his wisp of Dao Sense the gear instantaneously. 当不该转动的青铜齿轮,以姜螟意志一次转动,宁凡感受到了一股吸力扑面而来,瞬间就将他这一缕道念吸入到了齿轮之中。 Really, is related to the Man Zhi secret whether exposes, this open intrigue, his meeting should surely. 果然,事关满智的秘密是否曝光,此阳谋,他必定会应的。 Ning Fan regarding was inhaled the gear incident, is prepared early, will not have any flurry, does not plan to evade. 宁凡对于被吸入齿轮一事,早有准备,自不会有任何慌乱,亦不打算逃避。 He has something to in this place confirmation, Man Zhi will plan him to attack the problem one manifestation at a time, will only have this matter he to do! 他有某事必须要在此地确认,满智的算计他会见招拆招,唯有这件事他是非做不可! Therefore whatever the suction will take into law Treasure Space of gear, Ning Fan entire journey without/has not any resistance, but is damage Heaven Splitting Artifact forget it/that's all, he was fully the subsequent hand, could not only surround him depending on this remnant treasure! 于是任由吸力将自己带进齿轮的法宝空间,宁凡全程没有任何抗拒,不过是件损毁的开天之器罢了,他做足了后手,只凭此残宝困不住他! Made Ning Fan have doubts only, was he enters the law Treasure Space instance, a soul of wisp of dissipation sees. 唯一令宁凡疑惑的,是他进入法宝空间的瞬间,所看到的一缕消散的魂。 That was the Jiang Ming soul, Ning Fan observes a clue beforehand, this was insufficient to have doubts, when but he saw Jiang Ming, the words that wants to speak actually forgot suddenly, does not know that must say anything. 那是姜螟的魂,宁凡事先观测到了一丝端倪,本不至于疑惑,但当他看到姜螟之时,本想说的话却忽然遗忘,不知道要说些什么了。 Also no longer remembers that who at present the soul of dissipation is. 亦不再记得眼前消散之魂是谁。 Mouth: Asked...” 口口:“拜托了...” Ning Fan: relax, if this place really three Inverse Saint bad causes, then this bad cause cuts off by me, but, who is Fellow Daoist? I should remember, but is actually not able to recall suddenly...” 宁凡:“放心,若此地真有三位逆圣的恶因,则此恶因由我斩断,只是,道友是谁?我本该记得,但却突然无法记起了...” Mouth: Many thanks...” 口口:“多谢...” , Ning Fan sighed inexplicably, actually did not understand at this time sad from where. Why he does not know the reason, but the instinct made pinnacle Return to Ruins Finger toward soul of not the well-known dissipation, hopes that can help this wisp of strange Monster Soul... 莫名地,宁凡叹了口气,却不明白此时的感伤从何而来。他不知原因为何,但还是本能地朝着不知名的消散之魂打出了一道极致归墟指,希望能帮到这缕陌生妖魂吧... ... ... In Mouth Mouth law Treasure Space. 口口口口的法宝空间中。 Ning Fan is looking at present by the scenery of Illusion Technique creation, hesitates slightly. 宁凡望着眼前由幻术创造的风景,微微沉吟。 Looking into the distance, thousand peaks operate the halberd, ten thousand ancient measures of length spread the tail. 放眼望去,千峰开戟,万仞开屏。 day reflects the mist light light lock green jade, the rain receives black color cold Hanqing. The dry vine entangles the old tree, the ancient ferry quiet regulation. Wonderful flowered auspicious plant, tall bamboo Himalayan pine. The tall bamboo Himalayan pine, ten thousand years evergreen bullies the paradise ; wonderful flower auspicious plant, when four did not thank match Penglai. The quiet bird cry is near, the source sound slid clear. The numerous valley gully irises and orchids circle, the chan cliff moss lives everywhere. Fluctuating fortune-telling by terrain features Dragon Veins is good, must have the Expert hidden name. 日映岚光轻锁翠,雨收黛色冷含青。枯藤缠老树,古渡界幽程。奇花瑞草,修竹乔松。修竹乔松,万载常青欺福地奇花瑞草,四时不谢赛蓬瀛。幽鸟啼声近,源泉响溜清。重重谷壑芝兰绕,处处巉崖苔藓生。起伏峦头龙脉好,必有高人隐姓名。 Is watching, hears the forest deep place suddenly, some people sang, looked at the woodcutter that sang again, somewhat looked familiar vaguely unexpectedly. 正观看间,忽闻得林深之处,有人歌唱,再看那唱歌的樵子,依稀竟有些眼熟。 Chesses Ke rotten, logging penis, near the cloud valley entrance crawls. Sells the firewood to buy wine, laughs wildly from the happiness and contentment. The dark green diameter autumn is high, to the moon/month pillow loose root, thinks Tianming (daybreak). Recognizes the old forest, hikes cliff Guoling, holds the axe to break the dry vine. Receives one bucket, good song market, easy meter/rice three rises. Does not have some child wrangles over, the market price is average. The scheme does not calculate skillfully, without the honor or disgrace, extends indifferent to fame or gain lives. The meeting by chance place, the non- immortal said, sits in meditation to speak «Golden Hall».” “观棋柯烂,伐木丁丁,云边谷口徐行。卖薪沽酒,狂笑自陶情。苍径秋高,对月枕松根,一觉天明。认旧林,登崖过岭,持斧断枯藤。收来成一担,行歌市上,易米三升。更无些子争竞,时价平平。不会机谋巧算,没荣辱,恬淡延生。相逢处,非仙即道,静坐讲《黄庭》。” Oh? This your familiar by face, where have we seen quite?” ?这位兄台好生面善,我们是不是在哪里见过?” The named Wang Zhi woodcutter at the back of one bunch of firewood, enters slowly, in his waist, don't one Axe that lets some Ning Fan looking familiar. 名为王质的樵夫背着一捆柴,徐徐走进,在他的腰间,别着一把让宁凡有些眼熟的斧头 This world has not seen, in Monarch next life or meets by chance.” Ning Fan replied. “此世并未见过,于君来世或有相逢。”宁凡回答道。 This world has not seen, showed that brother were not a native, brother were come a mind/square inch mountain to seek the immortal to ask? If that is right, that may come late, that Subhuti Founder had passed away, a mind/square inch mountain does not know where to vanish. After that actually five fingers Immortal Mountain falls from the day, is only that mountain is much weird, the person of going are many, the person of coming out are few, even if becomes an official, still with being as if in a trance to be the same, the matter of not Cheongsan-ri. Some people said, this mountain is occupied by some Divine Immortal ; also people who several loves play chess saying that what in the mountain lives is a god god talks on endlessly the big witch, therefore the mountain is called Wu Shan, if some people dare to make impertinent remarks to witch greatly, the big witch the person turned into stone, will be is really false is difficult to say...” “此世未见过,说明兄台不是本地人了,兄台是来方寸山求仙问道的吗?若如此,那可来得太晚了些,那位须菩提祖师早已仙去,就连方寸山都不知消失到了哪里。自那之后,倒是有一座五指仙山从天而落,只是那山邪门得厉害,进去的人多,出来的人少,即使出了山,也会和丢了魂一样,记不清山里的事情。有人说,此山住着几个爱下棋的神仙也有人说,山里住的是一个神神叨叨的大巫,故此山又被称作巫山,若有人敢对大巫出言不逊,大巫就会将人变成石头,是真是假却是难说...”
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