GE :: Volume #14

#1310 Part 1: Monarch are witch peak clouds

The moment when the Divination type plate rotates, Samsara Time and Space in Ning Fan eye had the change. 遁甲式盘转动的一刻,宁凡眼中的轮回时空出现了变化。 World Samsara regarding Ning Fan, static. 世界轮回对于宁凡而言,静止了。 This is one type relatively static, when oneself Samsara and World Samsara keep the same speed, can see frames in eternal checks. 这是一种相对静止,当自身轮回世界轮回保持相同的速度,便可看到定格于永恒的一刹。 Others could not detect that this static, only has the person of activates type plate to detect. 旁人察觉不到这种静止,唯有催动式盘之人可以察觉。 Therefore World in Ning Fan eye, the snowflake no longer fell gently, frames in the in the air ; north wind no longer call letter, World quiet fearful. 于是宁凡眼中的世界,雪花不再飘落,定格在了空中北风不再呼号,世界安静地可怕。 lifeform all silent such as silent to extinguish, only has originally at first sight as if static Immemorial Starry Sky, resembled the living creature to be the same unexpectedly, wriggled. 生灵皆寂静如默灭,唯有原本乍看之下仿佛静止的太古星空,竟似成了活物一般,蠕动了起来。 Has the inexhaustible celestial chart change, because of the operation of Divination type plate, appeared in the Ning Fan eye. 更有无穷无尽的星图变化,因遁甲式盘的运行,出现在了宁凡眼中。 These celestial charts can make clear and in the future, if supplements with the star air/Qi to occupy the law, then may observe ancient Zhijin by Star Technique. Such star air/Qi occupied the law, Ning Fan also recovered several in Grand History Pavilion, such as «sweet Shixing after», «Otomi Occupied», «Gautama Siddha Founds a nation To occupy», «5-stars Occupies», «Monster Star Occupies» wait a minute/etc.. 那些星图可以昭示过去和未来,若辅以星气占法,则可借由星术观古知今。这样的星气占法,宁凡也在太史阁复原了几本,如《甘石星经》、《乙巳占》、《瞿昙悉达开元占》、《五星占》、《妖星占》等等 If supplements with the Star Technique cultivation method, then may absorb the star air/Qi, promoting Star Technique. Such Secret Technique, Ning Fan recovered similarly several, such as «Star Plucking Page», «Scarlet Tunnel Page», «White Piercing Page», «Comet Outline Page», «Shooting Star Page», «Heaven Prison Page», «Moon Holding Double Stars Page» wait a minute/etc.. 若辅以星术修行法,则可吸收星气,提升星术。这样的秘术,宁凡同样复原了几本,如《摘星篇》、《赤贯篇》、《白贯篇》、《彗星总纲篇》、《奔星篇》、《天狱篇》、《月衔双星篇等等 Working overtime of Heaven and Mortal Third Realm is daily, is such unadorned, and is arid. 天人第三境的加班日常,就是这么朴实无华,且枯燥。 The Heaven and Mortal Cultivator gentleman as Third Realm, Ning Fan does not need to observe past and present with the complex method in the future, air/Qi cultivation Star Technique to be actually good with the star, but he cares at this time, is actually Starry Sky creeping motion. 身为第三境天人修士,宁凡自不需要用复杂手段观测古今未来,拿星气修炼星术倒是不错,但他此时更在意的,却是星空蠕动一事。 That creeping motion is very weak, many Earth Giant Clan Expert have observed this matter, actually nobody knows this matter means goal that what —— these people observe the stars, itself/Ben also to observe past and present, or refining up the star air/Qi. 那蠕动十分微弱,许多地巨族强者都观测过此事,却无人知晓此事意味着什么——那些人观星的目的,本也只是为了观测古今,又或是炼星化气。 But has some exceptions. 但也有例外。 According to the clan history record, that Jiang Ming Ancestor establishes to pick the star stage at first, to observe Starry Sky wriggles, finally actually does not know observed anything, died for justice by the body unexpectedly, offered a sacrifice to his heart under Starry Sky... 根据族史记载,那位姜螟老祖最初建立摘星台,就是为了观测星空蠕动,最终却不知观测到了什么,竟是以身殉道,自祭其心于星空之下... The content of clan history about this part is insufficiently detailed, but Ning Fan detected behind this matter huge Karma keenly. 族史关于这部分的内容语焉不详,但宁凡还是敏锐察觉到了此事背后的巨大因果 These Karma, perhaps then and Man Zhi secret related... 那些因果,或许便和满智的秘密有关... If not eternal divine creative force, will then increase and decrease the change every time, absolute rest Immemorial Starry Sky, from the beginning not exist(ence). This point, Ning Fan naturally must know. 若非永恒造物,则每时每刻都会增损变化,绝对静止的太古星空,从一开始就不存在。这一点,宁凡自然不会不知。 True eternally unchanging, only exist(ence) in theory and concept, but that indeed 4th step and 3rd step distance. 真正的永恒不变,只存在于理论和概念中,而那正是第四步第三步的距离。 However the Starry Sky crawl makes clear, is actually not the relatively static and relative motion, eternally unchanging and other concepts and theories, but is something about life level... 然而星空蠕动现象所昭示的,却不是相对静止、相对运动、永恒不变等概念和理论,而是某种关于生命层次的东西... Jiang Ming dies for justice by the body, deciding observes the matter that others without/has not saw. 姜螟之所以以身殉道,定是观测到了旁人没有看到的事情。 But in the clan history of Ning Fan consult, had mentioned Jiang Ming is God Step Lineage, Star Technique will cultivate to person of the highest Realm only. 而在宁凡查阅的族史中,提到过姜螟乃是神足一脉,唯一将地星术修至最高境界之人。 If I display the pinnacle to observe Star Technique, could see World that Jiang Ming sees...” “若我施展极致观星术,或许能看到姜螟看到的世界...” Although Ning Fan has duplicate/restores same place Star Technique Dao Enlightenment, but Star Technique cultivation, not in one single day can achieve highest Realm. 宁凡虽有复原地星术道悟,但地星术修行,并非一朝一夕便可达到最高境界 Therefore Ning Fan entered Primal Chaos Life Boundary, displayed pinnacle Star Technique by Life Boundary. 于是宁凡进入了太极生境,借由生境施展出了极致地星术 Then, he saw life unforgettable one! 而后,他看到了此生难忘的一幕! All stars fall in the Ning Fan eye, all turned into granule that composes some colossus, his World, is only in the innumerable granules, insignificant. 所有的星辰落在宁凡眼中,皆变成了组成某个庞然大物的粒子,就连他脚下的世界,也不过只是无数粒子之中,微不足道的一个。 The innumerable granules combine in together, formed huge Will that is inconceivable. 无数粒子组合在一起,形成了一股难以想象的庞大意志 That Will is unsubstantial, if insists to describe by some image, Ning Fan will describe it greatly such as the universe silkworm! 意志并无实体,若硬要以某种形象来描述,宁凡会将其描述成一只巨如宇宙的蚕! But that is actually silkworms that died the innumerable years, its Will has clearly withered away, is that is inactive but will come back, reason that still revolving, that indeed Starry Sky crawl is presenting! 但那却是一只死去了无数岁月的蚕,其意志分明已经消亡,却死而不僵,仍旧运转着,那正是星空蠕动现象出现的原因! Has the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas Rank pressure in silkworm Will to spread since then, actually only then the pinnacle observes the stars the talent to feel! 更有九山八海级别的威压从此蚕意志之中传出,却只有极致观星之人才可感受! That pressure, by no means compared with becoming aware Dao World Ancient Immortal Whale difference many, has achieved 4th step Rank! 那股威压,并不比悟道界远古仙鲸差多少,已然达到了第四步级别 In the mouth of this Starry Sky silkworm, holds a bronze gear that is burning Black Fire. This gear is passing the Heaven Splitting Artifact aura faintly, but is actually thing of the damage. 更在此星空蚕的口中,衔着一个燃烧着黑火的青铜齿轮。此齿轮隐隐透着开天之器的气息,但却是一件损毁之物。 Although has damaged, but the real name of this gear still profound cannot the knowledge hide, even the Heaven Splitting list is unable to know its real name and origin. 虽已损毁,但此齿轮的真名仍旧被深邃的不可知隐藏着,连开天榜也无法知晓其真名和来历 The strength of gear, hid all of Starry Sky silkworm similarly, who making the world all not be possible to know this silkworm is. 齿轮的力量,同样将星空蚕的一切隐藏了起来,令世人皆不可知此蚕是谁。 Since Ning Fan cultivate Dao, never heard that passed away presents one to endure to compare 4th step Silkworm Clan Monster Spirit. 宁凡修道至今,从未听说过世间出现过一只堪比第四步蚕族妖灵 relates to Huaiwo destruction, Ning Fan lives the guess secretly: Group Saint various Inverses destroys Huaiwo World, wants to cancel truly, is it possible that is this silkworm... 联想到淮涡毁灭一事,宁凡不禁暗生猜测:群圣诸逆毁灭淮涡世界,真正想要抹去的,莫非就是此蚕... All of Starry Sky silkworm are all unknowable, if Divine Technique has not sealed, Ning Fan could by Divine Technique, clarifies secret. 星空蚕的一切皆不可知,若神术未封,宁凡或许可以借由神术,弄清此间隐秘。 Therefore his can Divine Technique by Man Zhi wariness and Seal? Can this silkworm, be Man Zhi the secret that wants to hide? by no means that also or, the opposite party wants to hide is the Starry Sky silkworm, but is the Heaven Splitting gear that this silkworm holds, or silkworm mouth internal thing... 所以他的神术才会被满智忌惮封印么?此蚕,会是满智想要隐藏的秘密吗?又或者,对方想隐藏的并不星空蚕本身,而是此蚕所衔的开天齿轮,又或是蚕口内部的东西... By the bronze the giant slit of gear and silkworm mouth, Ning Fan can observe, in the silkworm mouth, exist(ence) dreadful Death Qi and Evil Qi, has vast red soil Continent exist(ence). 透过青铜齿轮与蚕口的巨大缝隙,宁凡可以观测到,在蚕口之中,存在着滔天死气煞气,更有一望无际的红土大陆存在其中。 Although can see that piece of Continent, but is actually not able to enter, only has by Heaven Splitting gear-driven of silkworm mouth, can enter, however the gear has damaged, is unable to rotate again. 虽看得到那片大陆,但却无法进入,唯有借由蚕口的开天齿轮转动,才能进入其中,然而齿轮业已损毁,再无法转动了。 That piece of Continent feels, somewhat looks like Dark Earth Continent, can see that faintly the innumerable ancient graves save. When Ning Fan tries to observe the ancient grave, innumerable Ghost Flame faint shine, resembles in the grave gaze of dead spirit, is looking at each other with Ning Fan, in the instance of looking at each other, huge to not unimaginable may not think embezzled Ning Fan instantaneously. 那片大陆给人的感觉,有些像冥土大陆,更隐隐可以看到无数古墓存于其中。而在宁凡试图观测古墓之时,无数鬼火幽幽亮起,似墓中亡灵的目光,在和宁凡对视,更在对视的瞬间,庞大到无法想象的不可思瞬间吞没了宁凡 Even if Ning Fan cannot think to resist by oneself, still forgot before , in most graves that see the scenery, actually remembered little. 即使宁凡以自身不可思去对抗,也还是遗忘了之前看到的大部分墓中景色,却还是记住了少许。 Observes merely from afar, by so degree cannot think of the attack, if goes down to this grave, should be what kind of dangerous...” “仅仅只是远远观测,也还是会被如此程度的不可思攻击么,若是深入此墓,又该是何等凶险...” This picture, making Ning Fan remember some experience. He had once seen the head of Dark Lord, has entered the mouth of Dark Lord, in Dark Earth World, snatched Sword Ancestor Remnant Soul. Mysterious grave dangerous that but that piece of Dark Earth, as if also without/has not sees at this time... 这一幕画面,让宁凡想起了某段经历。他曾见过冥主的头颅,更是进过冥主之口,于冥土世界,抢回了剑祖残魂。但就连那片冥土,似乎也没有此时见到的神秘墓葬凶险... This silkworm mouth contains the stance of grave, is quite similar to Dark Lord, but this silkworm aura, obviously is different from Dark Lord, is not a same person. 此蚕口含墓葬的姿态,和冥主极为相似,但此蚕气息,却和冥主明显不同,并非同一人。 The most different places, Ning Fan can distinguish now clearly: Dark Lord is Ghost Spirit, as if also minored in God Spirit ; this Starry Sky silkworm is Monster Spirit, and not cultivation base God Spirit. 最不同的地方,宁凡如今可以清晰分辨了:冥主是一尊鬼灵,似乎也兼修了神灵星空蚕则是一尊妖灵,且并未修为神灵 But the grave in this silkworm mouth, is passing the God Spirit aura unfortunately, about, then endures compared with the monster god... 但此蚕口中的墓葬,偏又透着神灵的气息,合则堪比妖神... That grave geomancy pattern, is somewhat similar to Godly Void Pavilion God Tomb, however the scale and degree of hazard all not latter may compare. 那墓葬风水格局,与神虚阁神墓有些相似,然而规模及危险程度皆远非后者可比。 After all Godly Void Pavilion grave, but 2nd step Godly Void First Ancestor is Great Emperor Ancient Chaos build ; but this grave, then exist(ence) 4th step die big Karma and big terrifying... 毕竟神虚阁的墓葬,只是第二步神虚始祖乱古大帝搭建的而这片墓葬,则存在着一位第四步陨落的大因果和大恐怖... Man Zhi is really bold, even 4th step die Karma dares to mix unexpectedly, with this matter compared to, mixed reversing a verdict of Northern Barbarian Immeasurable truly is not anything... 满智果然胆大包天,竟连第四步陨落因果都敢掺和,和此事相比,掺和北蛮无量的翻案确实不算什么了... Even the pinnacle observes Star Technique, cannot observe the real name and origin of this silkworm, but Yin-Yang of Poison of Ning Fan within the body, had the weak induction with the Starry Sky silkworm. 即使是极致观星术,也还是观测不到此蚕的真名和来历,但宁凡体内的毒阴阳,和星空蚕产生了微弱感应。 Is induction that Undying Divine Silkworm in Yin-Yang of Poison has poisonously. 毒阴阳中的不死神蚕毒产生的感应。 Why can Ning Fan cultivate/repair the poison of Divine Silkworm? This is related with his several experiences. 宁凡为何能修有神蚕之毒?这却和他的几段经历有关。 First, he ate Revered Demon silkworm clump of sacrificial meat, but that silkworm clump of indeed Undying Divine Silkworm Bloodlines, Mount Shu loses the people. 其一,他吃了魔尊蚕丛的祭肉,而那蚕丛正是不死神蚕血脉,蜀山氏遗民。 Second, he is becoming aware Dao World and Saint Yufu has fought, in later insights Divine Silkworm Poison, has striven Yin-Yang of Poison by this specially. That Saint Yufu, is Undying Divine Silkworm Bloodlines, Mount Shu loses the people similarly. 其二,他在悟道界鱼凫圣交手过,又在之后特意感悟神蚕毒,以此精进毒阴阳。那鱼凫圣,同样是不死神蚕血脉,蜀山氏遗民。 Also has cultivated Divine Silkworm Poison because of Ning Fan, in Man Zhi repeatedly encounters, he detected a matter indistinctly: The body of Man Zhi as if cultivated/repaired Undying Divine Silkworm Poison Bag, doubtful was also Mount Shu loses the people... 也因宁凡修过神蚕毒,所以在和满智的屡次交锋中,他隐约察觉到了一件事:满智的身上似乎修出了不死神蚕毒囊,疑似也是蜀山氏遗民... Relates again at this moment, when Ning Fan facing the Starry Sky silkworm, Divine Silkworm Poison in within the body had an induction unexpectedly, this made him have the suspicion, at present is the real status of this only Starry Sky silkworm, is it possible that also Undying Divine Silkworm? 再联系此刻,宁凡面对星空蚕时,体内的神蚕毒居然有了一丝感应,这令他不禁产生了怀疑,眼前这只星空蚕的真实身份,莫非也是一只不死神蚕 If seriously so, between this Starry Sky silkworm and Man Zhi, whether originally exist(ence) some Karma relationship... 若当真如此,此星空蚕和满智之间,是否本就存在着某种因果关系... This truly is a valuable clue, is worth seeking 12! 这确实是一個有价值的线索,值得探求一二! Myriad Things Communication unable to use temporarily, therefore Ning Fan decides to borrow Ji Fuyao the technique of westminster chime clock law, tries whether to use own Divine Silkworm Poison, produces the silkworm poisonous level harmony law resonance with the Starry Sky silkworm. 万物沟通暂时是用不了了,所以宁凡决定借用一下姬扶摇的五音钟律之术,来试试能否利用自己的神蚕毒,与星空蚕产生蚕毒层面的谐律共鸣。 Some people could ask, when has Ning Fan studied Five Sounds Resonating Law? 有人可能要问了,宁凡什么时候学过五音谐律 This actually and Ji Fuyao lent Ning Fan Heaven Suppression Bell to be related. 这却和姬扶摇借给宁凡镇天钟有关了。 Ji Fuyao altogether lent the Ning Fan two things ; first, Heaven Suppression Bell ; first, wood/blockhead scabbard. 姬扶摇一共借给了宁凡两个东西,一是镇天钟,一是木头剑鞘。 These two thing, all left behind the small riddle topic, whether seeming like wants to test school Ning Fan solution puzzle to succeed. 这两件东西里,全都留下了小小谜题,似乎是想考校宁凡能否解谜成功。 The riddle topic in Heaven Suppression Bell, Ning Fan successfully untied, but actually borrowed the help of Ant Lord. 镇天钟内的谜题,宁凡成功解开了,但却是借了蚁主的帮助。 Probably because this riddle used the Five Sounds Resonating Law unique encryption method, if not know five sound code word that Ji Fuyao is in sole possession, then feared that cannot read the riddle, discussed the what meaning riddle? Naturally, Ning Fan also Divine Technique can cheat, direct violence solution puzzle, making riddle Young Lady give instead of taking on own initiative, the person but who, had/left the riddle in that case feared wanted small was disappointed. 盖因此谜用了五音谐律特有的加密方式,若不知姬扶摇独有的五音暗语,则怕是连谜面都读不出来,谈何解谜?当然,宁凡还有神术可以作弊,直接暴力解谜,令谜语小姐主动倒贴,但那样一来,出谜的人怕是要小小的失望了。 He does not want to disappoint her again, even is only these insignificant minor matters... 他已经不想再让她失望了,即使只是这些无足轻重的小事... Therefore his without/has not cheats, but consulted the Five Sounds Resonating Law code word pronunciation to Ant Lord. 所以他没有作弊,而是向蚁主请教了五音谐律的暗语读法。 From the beginning, Ant Lord is filled with does not hope. This is her special Secret Technique, how can teach casually! And her body does not hold Speech Seal, cannot... almost forget her without/has not is not possible the fetter of Speech Seal. 一开始,蚁主自是满心不愿。这是她的独门秘术,怎能随便传授!且她身持不可言印,不可...差点忘了她早就没有不可言印的束缚了。 But is not good! Other matter she does not remember, this matter she actually remembers, this code word creates at first, is used to write the encryption document, on Bao Kuo (including) her certain black history diaries. 但还是不行!别的事情她不记得,此事她却记得,此暗语最初创造出来,乃是用来书写加密文件的,其中就包括她的某些黑历史日记。 The normal people naturally cannot keep a diary, but she as the scholar, needs to record the job schedule frequently, gradually also had this custom. 正常人自然不会写日记,可她身为学者,常常需要记录工作进度,久而久之也就有了这个习惯。 Therefore such private thing, how can teach casually, can a little sense of distance and boundary feeling? 所以这么私密的东西,怎可以随便传授,能不能有点距离感和边界感? May use the named negotiations method thus and such and such with Ning Fan, the Ant Lord instantaneous compromise. 可随着宁凡使用了名为如此这般的谈判手段,蚁主瞬间妥协了。 Passes to you and that's the end! The god suburb anything, please must do not do that for a long time! 传给你就是了!神郊已久什么的,请务必不要这么做! Reached an agreement, we must be for a lifetime the good brothers! 说好了啊,咱们可是要做一辈子好兄弟的! Afterward... 后来呢... Afterward Ant Lord turned over. 后来蚁主翻车了。 She and Ning Fan turned into good brothers of quilt... 她和宁凡变成了一被子的好兄弟... ... ... After learning the Five Sounds Resonating Law foundation method and commonly used code word, Ning Fan successfully untied the Heaven Suppression Bell riddle topic. 学会了五音谐律的基础式法和常用暗语后,宁凡成功解开了镇天钟的谜题。 What this riddle topic tests the school is about Heaven Star, Earth Star, Mortal Star, God Star and Ghost Star geomancy general knowledge, itself and without/has not too high difficulty, Ning Fan only used few work hours to untie the riddle topic, some discovered the senior historian who while convenient he caught a fish by hand cannot think. 此谜题考校的是关于天星地星人星神星鬼星的风水常识,本身并没有太高难度,宁凡只用了少量的上班时间就解开了谜题,顺带把某个发现他摸鱼的老太史给不可思了。 After untying the riddle topic, Ning Fan obtained a voice to leave a message. 解开谜题后,宁凡得到了一条语音留言。
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