GE :: Volume #14

#1309 Part 3: I such as milky way potable well-water

Actually originally, so-called ending full page Star Plucking Page, unexpectedly is Ning Fan writes with work hours! 却原来,所谓的完整版摘星篇,居然是宁凡用上班时间自己写出来的! As behavior normal Devil, Ning Fan will not have the reason to work overtime daily, he does that to contact many Grand History Pavilion literature. 身为一个行为正常的魔头,宁凡自不会毫无理由天天加班,他这么做,是为了接触更多的太史阁文献。 Grand History Pavilion is not Scriptures Pavilion, many of depositing is clan history, but also some value not big Divine Ability incomplete books, abandon this guarantee exist(ence) this place, with act as the historical data appendix. 太史阁不是藏经阁,存放的多是族史,但也有少量价值不大的神通残本、废本保存在此地,用以充作史料附录。 On, Ning Fan day Heavenly Capital is working outwardly earnestly, works overtime diligently. 明面上,宁凡天都在认真工作,努力加班。 On secret, he turned the Grand History Pavilion number million book literature completely, paid more attention to these Divine Ability incomplete books with emphasis. 暗地上,他将太史阁的数百万册文献全部翻了一遍,更是重点关注了那些神通残本。 The incomplete book value is not big, but must look to anyone. 残本价值不大,但也要看对谁。 Becoming aware by Ning Fan Heaven and Mortal Dao, although the restoration incomplete book has the difficulty, is not not possible. 宁凡天人道悟,复原残本虽有难度,却也并非绝不可能。 Therefore after a series of working overtime, he not only recovered Earth Giant Star Technique Star Plucking Page, but also recovered many Secret Technique. 于是一连串的加班之后,他不仅复原了地巨星术摘星篇,还复原了诸多秘术 Because this city Earth Giant merely is only the God Step branch, cultivates the Earth Giant technique to lack since birth, by the Earth Giant technique that Ning Fan recovers, complete above God Step Lineage. 又由于此城地巨仅仅只是神足分支,所修地巨术生来有缺,借由宁凡复原的地巨术,完整度更在神足一脉之上。 Ji Xiaoyao: Thinks person and the disparity of person is so huge, inexplicable a little uncomfortable...” 姬小摇:“一想到人和人的差距如此巨大,莫名有点难受...” Ning Fan: Also spoke Star Plucking Page, I very liked listening...” 宁凡:“还讲摘星篇么,我挺爱听的...” Ji Xiaoyao: Likes listening to your head! Next class! Then, I the application method that teaches you to pick the heart stage stargazing instrument. You look, this center, constructs a special type plate, the the name Dao Spirit type plate. The Dao Spirit plate has ten types, quite common is following 4 Types: For traditional fortune telling, Taiyi, Divination and god of thunder four. The type plates of different type, need the different type laws to come activates. The plate of this place is the Divination plate, must therefore first study «Dao Spirit Divination Page», but activates this operation.” 姬小摇:“爱听你个头!下一课!接下来,我会教你摘心台观星器械的使用方法。你看,此台中心处,建有一座特殊的式盘,其名道灵式盘。道灵盘有十种,较为常见的则是以下四种:为六壬、太乙遁甲、雷公四盘。不同种类的式盘,需要不同的式法来催动。此地之盘属于遁甲盘,所以要先学《道灵遁甲篇》,才可催动此盘运行。” Ning Fan: so that's how it is.” 宁凡:“原来如此。” Ji Xiaoyao: „The Divination type is divided into Heaven, Earth, and Human three, the compass arranges in order 9-star, the person the plate arranges in order eight, domain row Eight Trigrams/gossip, according to Yang Dun, escapes Yin , purple white, three wonderful six meters and nine gods matches with the imperial palace. In «Divination Page», two imperial palace gods can use, the former is the value symbol, Nine Heavens, Sun and six platforms, cancels Chen, too often, Vermilion Bird, nine places and flying snake mentioneds in ancient legends, the latter is too one, absorbs to raise, Xuanyuan, free, the day symbol, Azure Dragon, Xianchi, Sun and day one...” 姬小摇:“遁甲式分为天地人三盘,天盘列九星,人盘列八门,地盘列八卦,按阳遁、阴遁,与九宫、紫白、三奇六仪、九神相配。在《遁甲篇》中,有两种九宫神可以使用,前者为值符、九天、太阳、六台、勾陈、太常、朱雀、九地、腾蛇,后者为太一、摄提、轩辕、招摇、天符、青龙、咸池、太阳、天一...” Ning Fan: Originally is this.” 宁凡:“原来是这样。” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” Ji Xiaoyao: How you did not ask that my imperial palace god respective law is anything, I learned here initially, but are the direct people were ignorant... you have studied «Dao Spirit Divination Page»...” 姬小摇:“你怎么不问我九宫神各自的式法是什么,我当初学到这里,可是直接人都懵了...你是不是学过《道灵遁甲篇》...” Ning Fan: Has studied a point...” 宁凡:“学过一点...” Ji Xiaoyao: Where studies?” 姬小摇:“在哪里学的?” Ning Fan: Grand History Pavilion...” 宁凡:“太史阁...” Ji Xiaoyao: My is the defect version, your edition is complete...” 姬小摇:“我的是缺失版,你的版本完整么...” Ning Fan: „To look...” 宁凡:“想看么...” Ji Xiaoyao: wait a minute/etc., should not be first anxious, allowing me to struggle...” 姬小摇:“等等,先别急,容我挣扎一下...” Ji Xiaoyao good to cry! 姬小摇好想哭! She of reaching an agreement attended class to Ning Fan! 说好的她给宁凡上课呢! Why this teacher, teaching material not entire ; opposite party student, can compile the teaching material directly! 为何她这个老师,连教材都不全对方这个学生,直接就能编教材! Is your goes to work in Grand History Pavilion? You completed the Earth Giant Clan family property! 你那是在太史阁上班?你是把地巨族的家底学完了吧! Ji Xiaoyao has not studied «Dao Spirit Divination Page» that ends the full page, therefore, she wants to look... 姬小摇都没学习过完整版的《道灵遁甲篇》,所以,她想看... But she was too poor! Complete «Dao Spirit Divination Page» value, in «Star Plucking Page» above, she, if yes, may be unable to put out 100,000 golds to settle account Karma. 可她太穷了!完整《道灵遁甲篇》的价值,更在《摘星篇》之上,她要是看了,可拿不出十万结清因果 But, said that the reason is clearly close, compels not to look, similarly harms Dao Heart... 可,道缘分明近在咫尺,硬逼着自己不看,同样有损道心... Her also without/has not struggled the result, Ning Fan has spread out the bamboo slip. 她还没有挣扎出结果,宁凡已经把竹简摊开了。 Ji Xiaoyao calls out in alarm one, covered the eye directly, but the finger was uncontrolled revealed a seam... 姬小摇惊呼一声,直接捂住了眼睛,但手指却不受控制般露出了一条缝... Thereupon... 于是乎... Owed many. 欠得更多了。 Ning Fan: Attractive...” 宁凡:“好看么...” Ji Xiaoyao: Attractive...” 姬小摇:“好看...” Ning Fan: Does not need to intertwine, these regarded are you to the reward that I behaved righteously...” 宁凡:“不必纠结,这些都当成是你对我见义勇为的奖励好了...” Ji Xiaoyao: Do not coax me, behaves righteously to you, where has such valuable...” 姬小摇:“别哄我了,对你见义勇为,哪有这么值钱...” Ning Fan: Also yes, I not am quite truly valuable, but one time is not good, ten times, ten times are not good hundred times...” 宁凡:“也是,我确实不太值钱,但一次不行,就十次,十次不行就百次...” Ji Xiaoyao: Hundred your heads! Then is the last class! «Five Spirit Wheels Art», this technique taboo is very big, I have also incomplete book about First Round/Wheel...” 姬小摇:“百你个头!接下来是最后一课!《五灵轮之术》,此术禁忌很大,我持有的也只是关于第一轮的残本...” Ning Fan: Said quickly, likes listening.” 宁凡:“快讲,爱听。” Ji Xiaoyao: Likes listening to your head, you met! Also in Grand History Pavilion study? But this is impossible, God Step Lineage the method of Spirit Wheel has broken the biography, you are impossible to learn!” 姬小摇:“爱听你个头,你是不是又会了!又是在太史阁里学的?但这根本不可能,神足一脉灵轮之法早已断传,你不可能学得到!” Ning Fan: Un, Grand History Pavilion truly without/has not...” 宁凡:“嗯,太史阁确实没有...” Ji Xiaoyao: Therefore you can...” 姬小摇:“所以你到底会不会...” Ning Fan: Meets a point...” 宁凡:“会一点...” Ji Xiaoyao: „A point is many...” 姬小摇:“一点是多少...” Therefore Ning Fan demonstrated own Spirit Wheel. 于是宁凡展示了一下自己的灵轮 Ji Xiaoyao person hemp. 姬小摇人麻了。 In the teacher hand only had the incomplete book, the student has cultivated Spirit Wheel beforehand, this returned a ghost class! 老师手上只有残本,学生已经事先修出了灵轮,这还上个鬼的课! Go home! Sleep! 回家!睡觉! This class cannot go to a point! Who falls in love with whom to get up! 这课根本上不了一点!谁爱上谁上! Ning Fan: wait a minute/etc..” 宁凡:“等等。” Ji Xiaoyao: Does?” 姬小摇:“干嘛?” Ning Fan: „To study...” 宁凡:“想学么...” Ji Xiaoyao: „!!!” 姬小摇:“!!!” Ji Xiaoyao wants certainly to study! She is the scholar, intellectual curiosity within the area of interest is very strong! 姬小摇当然想学!她是学者,兴趣范围内的求知欲可是很强的! But she does not have money... 但她没钱... Suddenly the innermost feelings struggled, were in a state of Heaven and Mortal battle. 一时间内心挣扎,陷入了天人交战的状态。 Self- Ji Xiaoyao: He is willing to me, why I study, the strange talent not to discuss Karma to have a deficit, I and he, but the bell friend of lost/carrying distance, how went to school a technology from his hand! Does not draw cash directly! 自我姬小摇:他愿意给我,我为何不学,陌生人才谈因果亏欠,我和他可是负距离的钟友,从他手上学点技术怎么了!又不是直接拿钱! This my Ji Fuyao: May not! Our generation business cultivates, may owe people absolutely not Karma not also! hatred/enemy Bibao, the en must recompense, freeload is ignominious! 本我姬扶摇:不可!我辈商修,断不可欠人因果不还!仇必报,恩必偿,白嫖可耻! Self- Ji Xiaoyao: But he loves me, my not hateful he... 自我姬小摇:可是他爱我,我也不讨厌他... This my Ji Fuyao: Said instead! How I thought that is you are giving instead of taking! Reaching an agreement to save Huaiwo tries hard, halfway actually turned into love brain! Incurable, destruction. 本我姬扶摇:说反了吧!我怎么觉得是你在倒贴呢!说好要为了拯救淮涡而努力,半路却变成了恋爱脑!没救了,毁灭吧。 Self- Ji Xiaoyao: relax relax, owes him, I later surely also he, but has a deficit temporarily nothing more... 自我姬小摇:放心放心,欠他的,我之后定会还他,只是暂时亏欠而已... This my Ji Fuyao: You take anything also! A your day made 100 gold! A while he takes big treasure(d) to coax you to be happy again, you may probably owe him ten to count ten thousands gold! At this time does not walk, when treats! 本我姬扶摇:你拿什么还!你一天挣得了一百金吗!等会儿他再拿个大宝贝哄你开心,你可又要多欠他十数万金了!此时不走,更待何时! Self- Ji Xiaoyao: This word is rational, but... his real are also more big treasure(d)? cultivation method and literature that should also other I not want to look at? 自我姬小摇:此言有理,但...他真的还有更多大宝贝吗?该不会还有其他我想看的功法、文献吧? This my Ji Fuyao: Help! Who saves me! I must be given the corrosion by the love brain! 本我姬扶摇:救命!谁来救救我!我要被恋爱脑给侵蚀了! Superego: Feared not! I save you! 超我:莫怕!我来救你! ... ... Ji Xiaoyao stares suddenly. 姬小摇忽然一愣。 The reason of god, is her distinct without/has not cultivates the superego, but in this time aspiration, actually had/left the sound of superego. 愣神的原因,是她分明没有修出过超我,但此时的心声中,却多出了超我的声音。 World cultivator is tracking down True Self, but the answer is never only. 世间修士都在追寻真我,但答案从来不是唯一。 Some people will decide True Self Three Corpse at the past, the present and future, some people to decide Three Corpse good, evenly and wickedly, some people decided Three Corpse by the heart, spirit and blood. 有人以过去、现在、未来定真我三尸,有人以善、平、恶定三尸,有人以心、灵、血定三尸 The solution of True Self are innumerable, the Ji Xiaoyao choice, is actually self-, this I, True Self Three Corpse of superego. 真我之解无数,姬小摇选择的,却是自我、本我、超我的真我三尸 And, True Body/this Senior Ji Fuyao decides as this me, various Dividing Spirit Dividing Soul decide as, as for the superego, her cultivation many years of cultivate successfully, with hardship why has actually not known, was bewildered to cultivate/repair in this. 其中,本尊姬扶摇定为本我,诸分神分魂定为自我,至于超我,她苦苦修行多年都未修成,却不知为何,于此莫名其妙之时修了出来。 What has she conducted cultivation about superego? 她有进行过什么关于超我的修行么? And without/has not. 没有 Then this superego, actually came from where... 那么此“超我”,究竟从何而来... Self- Ji Xiaoyao: The superego, why I will have the superego! 自我姬小摇:超我,为什么我会有超我! This my Ji Fuyao: How you cultivate/repair, can tell us! 本我姬扶摇:你是如何修出来的,可以告诉我们吗! Superego: The wording meaning, read two times much. 超我:字面意思,多读两遍 Self- Ji Xiaoyao:??? 自我姬小摇:??? This my Ji Fuyao:!!! 本我姬扶摇:!!! Superego: Happy! 超我:乐! ... ... Help! 救命啊! oneself Ji Fuyao, my World 1st black history appeared! 本人姬扶摇,我的世界第一黑历史出现了! wait a minute/etc.! 等等 Therefore , was he helps me cultivate/repair the superego? No wonder he must add bell thirteen times maliciously... 所以说,是他帮我修出了超我?难怪他要恶意加钟十三次... The superego lives, then I only need the Three Corpse fusion or Three Corpse all cut, but then the card results in True Self. 超我既生,则我只需三尸融合或是三尸皆斩,便可证得真我 Also True Self, Saint Heart perfection, and I prepared become a Saint required thing early, then I even can directly in this did pick on the heart stage Three Corpse become a Saint? 既得真我,圣心圆满,且我早准备了成圣所需之物,则我甚至可以直接在这摘心台上三尸成圣了? Is precisely the success rate extremely high that type! 且是成功率极高的那一种! Can directly in this become a Saint? 要直接在此成圣么? No, is not good, Ancient Country Divine Boat has not recovered, at this moment directs to launch tribulation, in lifeform will not save. 不,不行,古国神舟尚未复原,此刻引下水劫,界内生灵都将不存。 But in any event, this helping my become a Saint huge Karma, was owes. 但无论如何,这种助我成圣庞大因果,算是欠下了。 Online! Anxiously! Some people helped my become a Saint, how much money can I return him to settle account Karma? 300,000 golds? 500,000 golds? 在线等!急!有人助我成圣了,我得回报他多少钱才能结清因果三十万五十万 This I: Could not pay off, destruction... 本我:还不清了,毁灭吧... : Could not pay off, pledges yourself... 自我:还不清了,以身相许吧... Superego: Could not pay off, read aloud my real name... 超我:还不清了,诵我真名吧... Oh no! Family's good fortune furnace forgot to close the fire...” “糟糕!家里的造化炉忘记关火了...” The excuse of Profound Bird, was embezzled by Ji Xiaoyao directly. 玄鸟的借口,直接被姬小摇盗用。 She flees to the wilderness directly, in heart turmoil of war... 她直接落荒而逃,心中兵荒马乱... Evaded is not the debt, but is own innermost feelings. She feared that she does not run away, self-, this I, superego will unite becoming True Self, finally compels her facing the sincerity, gives instead of taking Ning Fan at the scene... 逃避的不是债务,而是自己的内心。她怕自己再不逃,自我、本我、超我就会联合成为真我,最终逼她面对真心,当场倒贴宁凡... Because, she really dares... 因为,她真的敢... Finally, Emperor Senior travelled in a panic, only remains as Ning Fan of student, remains to pick the heart stage alone , to continue to study diligently the wonder of Immemorial Starry Sky. 最终,帝君前辈仓皇跑路了,只留身为学生的宁凡,独自留在摘心台,继续钻研太古星空之妙。 This is also good. 这样也好。 After all in Immemorial Starry Sky, has ten spirit echoes, if I spy on this secret, must annoy the Man Zhi subsequent hand. She here, Man Zhi then does not injure her seriously...” “毕竟太古星空中,藏有十灵的回声,若我窥探此秘,必会惹出满智后手。她不在此,满智便伤她不得了...” ” Then, was our time, Man Zhi! Makes me have a look, you do not hesitate to seal my Divine Technique also to hide, is actually the what kind of secret... the Divination type plate, the start! ” ”那么接下来,是我们的时间了,满智!就让我看看,你不惜封我神术也要隐藏起来的,究竟是何等秘密...遁甲式盘,启动!”
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