GE :: Volume #14

#1309 Part 2: I such as milky way potable well-water

The Dawn's Moon envoy attacks, is the matter of noontime moment occurrence. 朝月使者来袭,是午时一刻发生的事情。 When Ning Fan is Ji Xiaoyao adds the thirteen times bell, the time is midnight. 等到宁凡姬小摇加完十三次钟,时间已是子夜。 Ji Xiaoyao and without/has not liver too long paper, only roughly recorded some data, flows, feeling and experience. 姬小摇没有肝太久论文,只大致记录了一些数据、流程、感受、心得体会。 Her beginning human affairs, the human relations her, like opening new World, may reexamine the say/way and Dao of Saint person from another angle, is not can complete this paper in a few words. 她初经人事,人伦于她而言,如同开启了新世界,可从另一个角度重新审视人之道、圣人之道,自不是三言两语就能完成这篇论文的。 Therefore, she will use then very long 1st Stage time, completes this discussion Saint with every paper, at this moment actually only wants to rush through matters, then before such as, general that pledged, bringing Ning Fan to look at the star. 所以,她会用接下来很长一段时间,完成这篇探讨圣与凡的论文,此刻却只想草草了事,然后如之前承诺的一般,带宁凡去看星星。 This is her first time brings Ning Fan to look at the star. 这是她第一次宁凡看星星。 Formerly without/has not did that is because Immemorial Starry Sky her, long and lonely memories. 从前没有这么做,是因为太古星空于她而言,只有漫长而孤独的回忆 But she, by no means planned that demonstrates own passing to Butterfly that this only accident/surprise intrudes. 而她,并不打算对这只意外闯入的蝴蝶展示自己的过往。 She is only among vast galaxy, insignificant one scoop drinks, does not hope to obtain anything, does not dread loses anything. 她只是浩瀚银河间,微不足道的一瓢饮,既不期许得到些什么,也不畏惧失去些什么。 But this time, Jiang Shui appeared... 这一次,姜水出现了... She from the attack of Jiang Shui Daoist, saw some clue, therefore plans to assist Ning Fan, resists Jiang Shui together. 她从姜水道人的袭击中,看出了一些端倪,所以打算相助宁凡,一同对抗姜水 Starry Sky has the Huaiwo World secret, she brings Ning Fan to look at the star, indeed must indicate to Ning Fan. 星空藏有淮涡世界的秘密,她带宁凡看星星,正是要给宁凡一些点拨。 The body holds may not Speech Seal she, many secrets are unable say out loud. 身持不可言印的她,很多秘密都无法宣之于口 Therefore, she will show the way for him, even until finally, her still does not know that who he is. 所以,她会为他指路,即使直到最后,她仍旧不会知道他是谁。 ... ... In God Step City, everywhere is the wind and snow, only has to pick on the heart stage, wind and snow not. 神足城内,处处都是风雪,却唯有摘心台上,风雪不至。 Probably because here is equipped with observes the stars formation, is Jiang Ming Ancestor before death the arrange/cloth, regardless of the Yin clear sleet, will not affect to observe the stars. 盖因此处设有观星阵法,乃是姜螟老祖生前所布,无论阴晴雨雪,都不会影响观测星辰。 This once name, did not pick the heart, but picked the star, that indeed picked the star stage initial significance. 此台曾经的名字,并非摘心,而是摘星,那正是摘星台最初的意义。 But now, few people will have come this place to observe the stars. 但如今,已经很少有人会来此地观星了。 Picked heart stage turned into the execution place of Blood Awakening ceremony, only to pick person heart, but exist(ence). 摘心台变成醒血仪式的行刑地,只为摘人心脏而存在 As executing important location, this place did not allow others enter, is equipped with the Monster Soldier guard. 身为行刑重地,此地自是不容许旁人擅入的,设有妖卒守卫。 But if the Ji Shui Emperor brings Ning Fan, then nobody will prevent. 但若是姬水帝君带着宁凡,则无人会阻止。 In order to be on good terms Ji Shui Senior, God and Void Two Ancestors has ordered, in the restricted area except for the clan, all places may open to Senior, for its research and use. 为了交好姬水前辈,神、虚二祖早已下令,除了族中禁地,所有地方都可对前辈开放,供其研究、使用。 Even if Ji Shui Senior wants to study the restricted area tracks, may in the Second Ancestor accompaniment next view outcome. 纵使姬水前辈想要研究禁地足印,也可在二祖的陪同下一观究竟的。 What is the pattern, this then. 什么是格局,这便是了。 „Can Senior need the stars to manage the stargazing instrument?” guardian Monster Soldier asked respectfully. 前辈可需要星官代为操持观星器械?”镇守妖卒恭敬问道。 No need.” “不必。” Understood! Younger generation this leads the person to leave picks the heart stage, does not dare to disturb Senior and few history observes the stars!” “明白!晚辈这就带人离开摘心台,绝不敢打扰前辈和少史观星!” Monster Soldiers evacuated in abundance tactful picked the heart stage, for fear that disturbed the Senior appointment, will annoy Senior is not quick. 妖卒们纷纷识趣地撤离了摘心台,生怕搅扰了前辈的约会,会惹前辈不快。 Actually some busybodies, analyze Ji Shui Senior and few history secretly abandon the nightwalking to pick the goal of heart stage, analyzed several editions instantaneously: Was romantic, or treacherous, or flooded the innumerable reverses... 却有一些好事者,暗暗分析起姬水前辈和少史弃夜游摘心台的目的,瞬间就分析出了好几个版本:或香艳、或诡谲、或充斥了无数反转... Ji Xiaoyao: Hope do not have the too strange rumor to be good, my memory deepest edition, said that my corrupt ni beauty, imprisons you in the temple, cannot describe the entire 108 time, compelling you almost to commit suicide by hanging, dies, but melts the butterfly...” 姬小摇:“希望不要有太奇怪的流言才好,我记忆最深的一个版本,说我贪伱美色,把你囚禁在庙中,不可描述了整整一百零八次,逼得你几乎悬梁自尽,死而化蝶...” Ning Fan: 108 time?” 宁凡:“一百零八次?” Ji Xiaoyao: Your emphasis, should not melts Oh that the butterfly two characters... I know, you presently in this place, are only wisp of Dao Sense. You are not the prince abandon, this matter my first time sees you apparent, but your main body is the matter of Butterfly, I actually am experiment after you repeatedly is definite. But in this city, mentioned the rumors of butterfly two characters to be actually not infrequent, you know that what this does mean?” 姬小摇:“你的关注点,不应该是化蝶二字吗...我知道的,你现于此地的,只是一缕道念吧。你并非王子弃,此事我第一次见你便知,但你本体是蝴蝶之事,我却是对你多次实验之后才确定的。可这城中,提及化蝶二字的流言却不在少数,你知道这意味着什么吗?” Ning Fan: Means the coincidence?” 宁凡:“意味着巧合?” Ji Xiaoyao: Also the plan continues to conceal, you clearly can guess correctly, is actually who disperses the rumor of arrange/cloth butterfly in secret.” 姬小摇:“还打算继续隐瞒吗,你分明能够猜出,究竟是何人暗中散布了化蝶的流言。” Ji Xiaoyao: From the beginning, I only think that you are in Dao Sense games astray Dream World travel, seeing you are calm throughout, then did not plan Dao Sense games that disturbs you to have victory in the hand. But Jiang Shui appeared, and he clearly comes to you..., therefore I can take action, help you resist Jiang Shui, even so, my actually also without/has not too many confidence, can help you defeat him in Dao Sense games, most also only then the confidence guarantees your Dao Sense to leave this place safely.” 姬小摇:“一开始,我只以为你是道念中误入梦界的旅者,见你始终从容,便不打算干扰你胜券在握的道念。可姜水出现了,且他分明是冲着你来的...所以我会出手,助你对抗姜水,即使如此,我其实也没有太多信心,能助你在道念中战胜他,最多也只有信心保你道念安全离开此地。” Ning Fan: Many thanks.” 宁凡:“多谢。” Ji Xiaoyao: „, Now is actually polite, how not to have just seen you is so polite! If you are surely polite, I instead also want many thanks you, thanks Donor Your Highness thirteen times to add the bell, thanks sympathizing of Donor Your Highness not broken Primordial Yin, can pace back and forth thirteen times not to enter outside the free palace, Donor Your Highness may really be the heart firm such as the stone, the girl admires.” 姬小摇:“嘁,现在倒是客气起来了,刚刚怎么没见你这么客气!若你定要客气的话,我反而还要多谢你呢,谢谢金主殿下十三次加钟,谢谢金主殿下不破元阴的体贴,能在招摇宫外徘徊十三次而不入,金主殿下可真是心坚如石呢,小女子佩服。” Ning Fan: impolite.” 宁凡:“不客气。” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” Ji Xiaoyao: Really thinks that I thanked you! When I agreed that you added the bell!” 姬小摇:“真以为我谢你呢!我何时同意你加钟了!” Ning Fan: But haven't you said no?” 宁凡:“可你没说不啊?” Ji Xiaoyao: Nonsense! You are stopping up the mouth, how I said!” 姬小摇:“废话!你堵着嘴巴,我怎么说!” Ning Fan: That was really my not, next time will certainly pay attention.” 宁凡:“那确是我的不是了,下次一定会注意的。” Ji Xiaoyao: Was anything gave you also next misconception! without/has not!” 姬小摇:“是什么给了你还有下次的错觉!没有了!” Ning Fan: If I were planned by Jiang Shui?” 宁凡:“倘若我又被姜水算计了呢?” Ji Xiaoyao: You are long the dessert, should not be planned by him! wait a minute/etc., stops! I am teach you stargazing law, does not come to flirt with one another with you.” 姬小摇:“那你就长点心,不要被他算计!等等,打住!我是来教你观星法的,可不是来和你打情骂俏的。” Ji Xiaoyao ill-humoredly white Ning Fan. 姬小摇没好气地白了宁凡一眼。 Cannot smile not to smile! 笑不出来就别笑好吗! clear(ly) engaged in introspection the rainstorm to fall in torrents, on the face must hang the riddle person same smile, really let the life air/Qi. 明明心中暴雨倾泻,脸上还要挂个谜语人一样的笑容,真是让人生气。 But if stared by Jiang Shui this kind of fierce Saint, will hide itself but actually also to understand everywhere. 但若是被姜水这等厉害圣人盯上,会处处隐藏自己倒也可以理解。 To defeat Jiang Shui to be not quite realistic, but wants to sum or small lost/carrying is likely to achieve. 想要战胜姜水不太现实,但想要求和或是小负却还是有望达成的。 Although Dao Sense games dangerous extremely, but surely do not branch out Life and Death, Ji Xiaoyao plans to do, is helps Ning Fan avoid the worst result appearing. 道念虽说凶险万分,但也不是定要分出生死,姬小摇打算做的,便是帮助宁凡避免最坏的结果出现。 Ji Xiaoyao: Before has studied Star Technique?” 姬小摇:“以前学过星术么?” Ning Fan: Has studied some.” 宁凡:“学过一些。” Ji Xiaoyao: You are right Ten Spirits Star Technique How many understands?” 姬小摇:“你对【十灵星术】了解多少?” Ning Fan: Roughly understood. Ten Spirits Star Technique is the Ancient Monster Spirit compulsory technique, ten branches, ten may divide two Faction, is Mountain Spirit and Sea Spirit. Mountain Spirit has five, is Hong, desolate and Yuan, bright and muddy ; Sea Spirit has five, is, extinguishes, mixes painstakingly, spatial and clear. But Mountain Spirit and Sea Spirit also not remain unchanged, sometimes will have the ancestor to transpose, the matter of Mountains and Seas exchange spirit, the matter of academic general Shan Hailing transposition, is called as Sang spirit to transform, takes the meaning of its sea mulberry field. Different because of Ten Spirits Star Technique from other Star Technique, therefore needs the special stargazing law to study...” 宁凡:“大致了解了一些。十灵星术远古妖灵的必修之术,共有十个分支,十支又可划分两个派系,为山灵海灵山灵有五,为洪、荒、元、明、浊海灵有五,为苦、灭、混、空、清。但山灵海灵也并非一成不变,有时也会有祖灵易位、山海互换之事,学术上将山海灵易位之事,称作桑灵转变,取其沧海化桑田之意。因十灵星术不同于其他星术,故而需要特殊观星法才可修习...” Sees with own eyes Ning Fan to mention Ten Spirits Star Technique, unexpectedly is incessant, Ji Xiaoyao cannot help but digs out a question mark slowly. 眼见宁凡说起十灵星术,居然滔滔不绝,姬小摇不由得缓缓抠出一个问号。 A little strange. 有点怪。 The normal people can know that Ten Spirits Star Technique was divided into the Mountains and Seas two schools has been rare, this man can say the names of ten spirit unexpectedly accurately, known rather also too many... 正常人能知道十灵星术分为山海二派已属难得了,这男人居然能准确地说出十灵之名,知道的未免也太多了些... Even Huaiwo Ten Clans, still only then Ancestor of various clans may know the names of ten spirit, and this secret always only spreads in Huaiwo World, outside world spreads are not many, in Real World, at least is also Saint matches to know this secret... 即使是淮涡十族,也只有各族的老祖才可知晓十灵之名,且此秘历来只在淮涡世界流传,外界流传的不多,真界之中,至少也得是圣人才配知晓此秘的... Ji Xiaoyao: Good, you know these, I then do not need to explain this matter.” 姬小摇:“不错,你既知晓这些,我便无须讲解此事了。” In fact, changes into her to explain, could not mention ten spirit real names. 事实上,换成她来讲解,是讲不出十灵真名的。 In she holds may not in Speech Seal, ten spirit real names are not part, if there is to attempt the heart of considering, even if opportunistic, but is, still can not be possible the Speech Seal disciplinary punishment. 在她所持的不可言印之中,十灵的真名便属于不可言的部分,若有试图相告之心,即使取巧而为,也会被不可言印惩戒的。 Ji Xiaoyao: Then, we start ten spirit stargazing laws directly cultivation. I must teach you, is the Earth Giant stargazing law, because of cannot the Speech Seal limit, middle many contents be the content that technique cannot be passed on lightly, only may teach you 1st step category shallow knowledge. I first teach you Earth Star method 1st, «Star Plucking Page», this I have had the rare book, slightly has the defect...” 姬小摇:“接下来,我们直接开始十灵观星法的修行吧。我要教给你的,是地巨观星法,但因不可言印限制,当中许多内容都属于术道不可轻传的内容,只可教你第一步范畴的粗浅知识。我先教你地星第一篇,《摘星篇》,此篇我只得过孤本,略有缺失...” Ning Fan: „The «Star Plucking Page» words, I have the full page, do you want?” 宁凡:“《摘星篇》的话,我有完整版,你要不要?” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” It is not. 不是。 Your will via Butterfly of this place, why have Earth Giant Clan not to pass on the Secret Technique ending full page? Earth Giant Clan without/has not ends the full page to preserve, the editions of defect very serious ; my few defects, from Dao Spirit World in the virtue exchange after the pavilion comes, that is laborious several million years, makes 500 virtue enough... 你一个途经此地的蝴蝶,为何会有地巨族不传秘术的完整版?地巨族自己都没有完整版留存,缺失十分严重我这少量缺失的版本,还是从道灵世界的经阁之中功德兑换而来,那可是辛辛苦苦几百万年,才挣够的五百功德... Do you have the full page? 你却有完整版? I do not believe! 我不信! Only if shows me! 除非给我看看! Therefore Ning Fan toward surroundings powder arrange/cloth more cannot think, deep of this place isolation. 于是宁凡朝着周围散布了更多的不可思,将此地隔绝的更深。 Then pulled out several volume of bamboo slips, the character on bamboo slip is he copies, the bamboo slip is the Grand History Pavilion official historian special-purpose thing, Duke private use belonged. 而后掏出了几册竹简来,竹简上的字是他誊抄的,所用竹简则是太史阁的史官专用之物,公器私用了属于。 Ji Xiaoyao flips the content of bamboo slip, experimented a middle cultivation method, un, is the quality goods right, the effect is very evident. 姬小摇翻了翻竹简的内容,试验了一下当中的修行法门,嗯,是正品没错,效果十分显著。 Ji Xiaoyao: Unexpectedly real! If according to this bamboo slip content cultivation Earth Star method first, the effect at least is three times of my incomplete edition. If this thing takes away Transaction Formation to sell in secret, at least can sell integer ten thousands gold...” 姬小摇:“居然是真的!若依此竹简内容修行地星法首篇,效果至少是我残缺版本的三倍。此物若拿去交易阵暗中出售,至少能卖个数万金...” Ning Fan: Unexpectedly is so valuable?” 宁凡:“居然这么值钱么?” Ji Xiaoyao: That natural, this is the thing that and ten touch on slightly spirit, rich not necessarily can buy, otherwise initial I, is insufficient to exchange remnant volume laborious several million years...” 姬小摇:“那当然,这可是和十灵沾边的东西,有钱都未必买得到,否则当初的我,也不至于为了兑换一本残卷辛苦几百万年了...” Read reaches to this, Ji Xiaoyao somewhat cannot help but puzzled. 念及于此,姬小摇不由得有些纠结了。 She is road cultivator, cannot receive the person advantage in vain, looked at Ning Fan several ten thousands gold complete Star Plucking Page, all in all, should give money. 她是商道修士,不可白白受人好处,既看了宁凡好几万金的完整摘星篇,于情于理,都该给钱的。 The issue is, she is very poor! The scientific research is a bottomless pit, as long as she is rich, will all put in the restoration project of Ancient Country grave, could not put out several ten thousands gold to settle account Karma. 问题在于,她很穷!科研是一个无底洞,她但凡有钱,皆会投入古国墓葬的复原项目,根本拿不出几万金来结清因果 If is not so poor, how she can every day make Ning Fan 100 gold... 若非如此贫穷,她又怎会每天挣宁凡一百金... Was then good, makes day of 100, owes at least 50,000 to start, how this actually must be able to pay off this sum of money... 这下好了,挣才一天一百,一欠至少五万起步,这却要如何才能还清这笔钱... Her friend is few, must go with fool Profound Bird taking advantage, but fool Profound Bird is probably poorer than her, day Heavenly Capital has nothing to eat... 她的朋友很少,要去和笨蛋玄鸟借一些吗,但笨蛋玄鸟好像比她更穷,天天都喝西北风... Ning Fan: „Should you not intertwine to give me money?” 宁凡:“你该不会是在纠结要给我钱吧?” Ji Xiaoyao: Right! If we had known first does not look, waited to contribute money looks again is good. Has owed people Karma not, but harms my Dao Heart.” 姬小摇:“对啊!早知道就先不看了,等攒够钱再看就好了。一直欠人因果不还,可是有损我道心的。” Ning Fan: „Don't you plan to teach me the stargazing law? This did not average.” 宁凡:“你不是也打算教我观星法吗?这不就扯平了。” Ji Xiaoyao: How that can be the same! I can teach you, is the technique of defect, value at all not coordinated ; these takes the thing that pays off a debt in labor sufficiently, may not Speech Seal limit, to you...” 姬小摇:“那怎么能一样!我能教给你的,全是缺失之术,价值根本不对等那些足以拿出来抵债的东西,偏偏都在不可言印的限制之列,给不了你...” Ning Fan: „Does that consider the tip of bell?” 宁凡:“那就当是加钟的小费?” Ji Xiaoyao: Bah! Tip your head! to say again where has such high tip, who will seek the spring evening with several ten thousands gold once... wait a minute/etc.! Your anything meaning! I treat the wound for you with good intention, you think rob unexpectedly I!” 姬小摇:“呸!小费你个头!再说哪有这么高的小费,谁会拿几万金寻求春宵一度...等等!你什么意思!我好心替你治伤,你竟想剽我!” Ning Fan: Slip in speech, that does not regard the tip, regarding was the bonus that you behaved righteously is good. You looked, you risked neck, to save me bravely, making three 50,000 golds was not excessive, but I put out this thing to you a view, should settle account Karma, not?” 宁凡:“口误,那不当成小费,当成是你见义勇为的奖金好了。你看,你冒着生命危险,勇敢拯救了我,挣个三五万也不过分吧,而我拿出此物给你一观,合该结清了因果,不是吗?” Ji Xiaoyao: But this is somewhat forced...” 姬小摇:“可这还是有些牵强...” Ning Fan: All right, if you need a reason surely, I will look for 100 for you, 1000.” 宁凡:“没事的,若你定需要一个理由,我会为你找一百个,一千个。” Ji Xiaoyao: Do not be disgusting! I am lead you to study, does not come to be in love with you!” 姬小摇:“别肉麻!我是带你来学习的,不是来和你谈恋爱的!” Ji Xiaoyao: In brief, we first learn/study well... teach you to study, should also be possible to convert some Karma, although are not many and that's the end...” 姬小摇:“总之,我们先好好学习吧...教你学习本身,应该也可折算一些因果的,虽然不多就是了...” Also there is Star Plucking Page that ends the full page, Ji Xiaoyao naturally does not need to teach the Ning Fan incomplete edition again. 既有了完整版的摘星篇,姬小摇自然不需要再教宁凡残缺版本了。 But she just now the plan is Ning Fan explains the Star Plucking Page content, discovered an issue. 可她才刚打算为宁凡讲解摘星篇的内容,就发现了一个问题。 Content why she explained that Ning Fan metropolis/can, and to Star Plucking Page the depth of comprehension, was unexpectedly higher than this instructor, does not know that but also thinks that he was this author! 为什么她讲解的内容,宁凡都会,且对摘星篇的领悟之深,竟比她这位讲师还要高,不知道的,还以为他是此篇的作者! Ji Xiaoyao: These, can you?” 姬小摇:“这些,你都会了?” Ning Fan: Meets a point... you to continue saying that I like listening to you to speak.” 宁凡:“会一点...你继续讲,我爱听你说话。” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” Ji Xiaoyao: Teacher attended class to you, you were distracted to hear the teacher voice of pleasant to hear! To be honest, you are, is can completely!” 姬小摇:“老师给你上课,你走神去听老师声音好听了是吧!老实说,你是会一点,还是全部都会!” Ning Fan: Metropolis...” 宁凡:“都会吧...” Ji Xiaoyao: When learns!” 姬小摇:“什么时候学会的!” Ning Fan: Recovers this time learned...” 宁凡:“复原此篇的时候学会的...” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” Under questioning of Ji Xiaoyao, Ning Fan has to release the disclaimers. 姬小摇的追问下,宁凡只得发了个免责声明。 Disclaimers: His by no means wants to attack Ji Xiaoyao, he really likes listening to Ji Xiaoyao to study very much the sound of teaching for him, has the type safely, and helps the feeling of dormancy. Is Ji Xiaoyao insists to closely examine, all attack that from this comes under have nothing to do with him... 免责声明:他并不想打击姬小摇,他真的很喜欢听姬小摇为他念书讲课的声音,有种安心且助眠的感觉。是姬小摇硬要追问的,由此所受到的一切打击与他无关... Then said the reason. 而后道出缘由。
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