GE :: Volume #14

#1309 Part 1: I such as milky way potable well-water

North God Step City, Emperor Temple. 神足城北,帝君庙 Because the Ji Shui Emperor has the en in Earth Giant Clan, therefore Earth Giant Clan constructed the temple, wants to consecrate Emperor Incense Fire, thinks of gratefully its en. 姬水帝君有恩于地巨族,故而地巨族建了庙宇,欲供奉帝君香火,感念其恩。 The emperors accepted the temple, actually rejected Incense Fire. 帝君收下了庙宇,却拒绝了香火 She to Incense Fire without/has not many interests, likes the money for incense and lanterns actually, but if has the believers to worship daily is really noisy, therefore is not necessary. 她对香火没有多少兴趣,倒是更喜欢香油钱,但若有信众日日朝拜实在过于吵闹,所以大可不必。 Finally, the small temple acted as the temporary laboratory by her, this place also becomes area that the Earth Giant Clan person does not dare to enter. 最终,小庙被她充作临时实验室,此地也成了地巨族人不敢擅入的区域 She is unhappy others to disturb her work. 她不喜旁人打扰她的工作。 Only then some only Butterfly, is her only exception. 只有某只蝴蝶,是她唯一的例外。 But, afterward...” A sound of nearly aside, how does not know, suddenly resounding, is very strange. “但,后来呢...”一声近乎旁白的声音,不知如何,突然响起,十分灵异。 But that butterfly, leaves her to go finally, only keeps the 1st Stage story, hands down in this Mouth, and finally, the story together with entire World, sinks to the deep sea together, nobody knows that night Emperor Temple, bell sound altogether resounded several times again...” “但那只蝴蝶,最终还是离她而去,只留一段故事,在此口口相传,并最终,故事连同整个世界,一同沉入深海,再无人知晓那一夜的帝君庙,钟声一共响起了几次...” The aside is still continuing, as the Emperor Temple scenery also the narration of aside, started to transform in a hurry. 旁白还在继续,帝君庙的景色也随着旁白的叙述,开始匆匆变换了。 Therefore the string of time, like checked long, has dialed a echo of 100 billion field Dawn's Moon. 于是时光的弦,漫长如一刹,拨过了一千亿朝月的回响。 Change of the seasons, Samsara lives to extinguish, the river and deep sea traded the innumerable appearances, buried the innumerable historical site remnant walls and loves to hate Karma. 物换星移,轮回生灭,长河与深海换了无数次的模样,亦葬了无数古迹残垣、爱恨因果 Actually the line in the visitor from afar of time bitter travel, in one day, seeks the remnant of destroyed building finally somewhere. 却有一名行于时光苦旅的远客,终于在某一天,寻得某处断壁残垣。 Before his indeed read , the person of aside, the name, Ni Fan! He stands by everywhere flying snow Ancient Temple ruins, looks at the person to go to the temple to destroy, the gradually heart such as the lamp extinguishes. 正是念出之前旁白的人,其名,逆樊!他站在漫天飞雪的古庙遗迹旁,望着人去庙毁,渐渐心如灯灭。 He as if sought anything finally, but actually came too late, therefore the desperate fragrance was luxuriant shakes down, if exactly the snowflake fell on the shoulder, fell the full heart. 他仿佛终于寻得了什么,但却来得太迟,于是绝望芳菲菲兮摇落,恰若雪花落在肩上,落满心头。 The past person has passed, cannot recall, Bodhi Tree that only lost plant the innumerable years, stands upright in this as before, dies, but not but actually. 昔人已逝,不可追思,唯有一棵枯死了无数岁月的菩提树,依旧挺立于此,死而不倒。 Ni Fan static looks at dry bodhi, gaze profound like deep pool, the wild aura that named cannot think, such as isolates the Time and Space dimension the wall, making one be hard to see through his true idea, even if saw, should still forget. 逆樊静静看着枯菩提,目光深邃如渊,名为不可思的荒之气息,如隔绝时空维度的墙壁,令人难以看穿他的真实想法,即使看到,也会遗忘。 But he looks is not the bodhi, seems penetrating this bodhi, is observing the Karma of whole wide world and other shore, is tracking down anything tenaciously. 而他看的也不是菩提,仿佛是在透过此菩提,观测着八荒和彼岸的因果,固执追寻着什么。 But actually, could not find... 但却,找不到... Could not find, why could not find...” “找不到,为何还是找不到...” Person said that the slanting moon/month 3-stars place, must have the bodhi to live, but Subhuti, is unable to solve me to be puzzled...” “人说斜月三星处,必有菩提生,但就连须菩提,也无法解我惑...” I lit the lamp in heart, actually silent to extinguish World fire...” “我点燃了心中的灯,却默灭了世界的火...” „When I seek came the road, actually alarmed all night snow...” “我寻得了来时的路,却惊扰了彻夜的雪...” But this snow, is one reads actually absurdly...” “但就连这雪,实则也是一场妄念...” In my in Wangnian, entangles with that naked female crazily, actually only trades disappointedly...” “我于妄念中,与那赤身女子痴缠,却只换来失望...” I in the endless night, look back on human world fireworks, actually only sees waningly...” “我于长夜中,回首人间烟火,却只看到阑珊...” „To grip the photographic memory the glow, actually only grips the wicked industry of Immeasurable Titled God...” “想要握住过目不忘的萤火,却只握住无量封神的恶业...” Sitting in meditation of 10 years one time, only becomes aware completely at a loss, in Jie called the turn still not...” 十年一次的打坐,也只悟尽茫然,于解言中仍是不可言...” Boundless seeks a star in billion, cannot meet, cannot ask, not.” “于十亿苍茫中寻一颗星,不可遇,不可求,不可言。” awaken after 10 years Dawn's Moon, cannot think, cannot extinguish.” “于十年朝月苏醒,不可思,不可灭。” Is vacant in the life.” “于此生茫然。” Cannot have a reunion next life.” “于来世不可重逢。” Ni Fan spreads out both hands. 逆樊摊开双手。 In the left hand, the glow scatters, only has the seal of Immeasurable Titled God stays behind... 于左手之中,萤火流散,留下的只有无量封神之印... The right hand moonlight dissipates , only then the seal of solution word stays behind... 右手月光消逝,留下的只有解言之印... Resembling to named Jiang Shui Karma, pester ruthlessly in named Ni Fan Karma together, has a look to not the well-known anyone. 似要将名为姜水因果,狠狠与名为逆樊因果纠缠在一起,给不知名的什么人看看。 Resembling to tell certain specially designated groups, Jiang Shui is his Ni Fan love relatives and friends, when you killed Ni Fan, do not forget to kill one person... 似要告诉某些特定人群,姜水可是他逆樊的挚爱亲朋,尔等杀逆樊时,勿忘了要多杀一人... Cannot think in his spoken language twines, causes his spoken language, part can be heard by everyone, another part such as the encryption is ordinary, can only be heard by certain specially designated groups. 不可思在他的言语之中缠绕,使得他的言语,一部分可以被所有人听到,另一部分则如加密一般,只能被某些特定人群听到。 He immerses in the desperate and sad atmosphere. 他沉浸在绝望而悲伤的气氛中。 Until the women's sound, spreads from the room together. 直到一道女子声,从屋内传出。 Ji Xiaoyao: Can quiet some, dear Donor Sir ~ you quarrelled I to write the paper. Did not burn your small treasure(d), why must heave a sigh to a tree, your also without/has not extremely suffers a loss, not ~ 姬小摇:“可以安静些吗,亲爱的金主大人~你吵到我写论文了。不就是烫了你的小宝贝嘛,干嘛要对着一棵树唉声叹气呢,你也没有太过吃亏,不是吗~” Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“...” Really fierce Five Sounds Resonating Law technique, by cannot think of the riddle person behavior that covers, she can also hear unexpectedly slightly, fortunately what hears is only the immaterial part, otherwise was really not good to explain... 真是厉害的五音谐律术,以不可思覆盖的谜语人行为,她竟也能略微听到一些么,幸而听到的只是无关紧要的部分,否则还真的不好解释了... Therefore Ning Fan diverged Illusion Technique, originally, this place where has what remnants of destroyed buildings and desperate sigh, but is his performs forget it/that's all extemporaneously. 于是宁凡散去了幻术,却原来,此地哪有什么残垣断壁、绝望叹息,不过是他的即兴演出罢了 The significance of performance, is he to confuse Karma, maintains the creakying Ni Fan person to suppose. 演出的意义,是他为了搅乱此间因果,维持一下摇摇欲坠的逆樊人设。 Supposed supposed, only after the strong point, recovered, what is done? 设都设了,只能事后补救一下了,如之奈何? Believe his riddle nonsense as for can some really people, not in his consideration category. 至于会不会真有人相信他的谜语鬼话,则不在他的考虑范畴。 People always like to believe thing that oneself like to believe that not? So long as some people chose believe that then Karma gets will make deep pool turbid water, may not carelessly the conclusion. 人们总是更愿意相信自己愿意相信的东西,不是么?只要有一部分人选择了相信,那么此间因果就会变作一潭浑水,再也不可草草定论了。 Then is so good. 如此便好。 wait for me, do not quarrel again, immediately wrote, quick ~ under led you to look that star ~ in room spread the Ji Xiaoyao sound. “再等我一下,别吵,马上就写好了,很快~等下带你去看星星~”屋子里传出了姬小摇的声音。 Good.” In the courtyard fed in the answer of Ning Fan. “好。”院子里传回了宁凡的答复。 The women said that and other, that was to wait to be very long, at least Ning Fan by no means thinks that the liver paper incident, can handle in a short time. 女人说等一下,那就是要等很久了吧,至少宁凡并不认为肝论文一事,能在短时间内搞定。 He is unable to understand similarly, why before also tired paralysis Ji Xiaoyao, raises liver paper record human relations experience, unexpectedly can spunk up, full blood resurrects. 他同样无法理解,为何之前还累瘫了的姬小摇,一提“肝论文记录人伦体验”,居然就能打起精神,满血复活。 But might as well, he has the ample patience, can wait. 但无妨,他有足够的耐心,可以一直等待下去。 Also or, he can when the waiting, come another one to perform again extemporaneously, does confusingly Karma? 又或者,他可以在等待之时,再来另一场即兴表演,把因果搞得更加扑朔迷离? That is latter voice, develops one again, do not quarrel others to work... 那就小声一些,再演一场吧,不要吵到别人工作了... Therefore pinnacle Illusion Technique launches, the new scene and new person supposed one time to appear again. 于是极致幻术展开,新的场景与新的人设再一次出现了。 „The Joyous Union tribulation, increases and decreases fatality of this world ; but also to have the person, does not fear Joyous Union.” 合欢劫,增损尘缘但也有人,不惧合欢。” Fellow Daoist may be able to believe, once the person, in in Huanjie, was naked and right with a female, has not had the least bit desire unexpectedly.” 道友可敢相信,曾有一人,于欢劫中,与一女子赤身而对,竟未生出半点欲念。” I cannot see the female facial features, cannot hear the female voice, actually spans True and False with her, is in harmony with the happy tribulation, but that indeed world initial understanding.” “我看不到女子面容,听不到女子声音,却还是和她跨越真虚,合于欢劫,而那正是世间最初的理解。” Just likes the generation after generations does not meet, meets by chance in this. Does not need to guard, does not need to care about the common custom, irrelevant True and False, good and evil and Karma, irrelevant in any standpoint...” “恍若生生世世的不遇,于此相逢。无须防备,无须在意世俗,无关真假、善恶、因果,更无关于任何立场...” Does not need to understand that who she is, does not need to know me is.” “不必了解她是谁,亦无须知晓我是谁。” In hand has not held the sword, in the heart the sword has also put down.” “手中未持刀剑,心中刀剑亦已放下。” When had suddenly clearly became aware, raised eyes to look at the day, looked down, actually could not seek the trail of that women's again.” “待恍然间有了明悟,举目望天,低头看地,却再也寻不到那女子的踪迹。” She has really come...” “她真的来过么…” I have really come...” “我又真的来过么…” Only has under present Bodhi Tree, remained the snow mark, but that is our exist(ence) trace.” “唯有眼前菩提树下,残留了雪痕,而那便是我们存在过的痕迹了。” Resembled, resembled has not understood, at this time the wind has blown, piece of bodhi leaf drop in the wind, fluttered leaf gap/between in this, I saw an original appearance.” “似懂了,又似未懂,此时风吹过,一片菩提叶落于风中,于此飘叶间,我看到了道本来的模样。” I met by chance Dao Truth, or in Dao Truth, retrieved True Self.” “我偶遇了道真,抑或是于道真中,寻回了真我。” Withered leaf falls gently, the youth no longer, sways, I saw the withered leaf pro and con entirely different color.” “枯叶飘落,青春不再,飘摇间,我看到了枯叶正反两面截然不同的颜色。” Leaf has two colors, one deep one shallow.” “叶有两色,一深一浅。” Deep that is real, tinted that is also real.” “深色那面,是真,浅色那面,也是真。” „The life of person, such as leaf both sides.” “人之一生,如叶两面。” Also such as is.” “道亦如是。” Short time, there is new Karma to be fictionalized by Ning Fan, pulled with the Joyous Union tribulation ghost in one. 短短时间,又有新的因果宁凡虚构了出来,和合欢劫鬼扯在了一起。 Then, will have certain specially designated groups, deeply believed that this both hot romantically was the Joyous Union tribulation was the result, the Ni Fan person supposed can also continue to rescue... 如此一来,又会有某些特定人群,深信此次干柴烈火是合欢劫所致了,逆樊的人设还能继续抢救一下... Had not finished the paper...” “还没写完论文么...” That developed the next edition again well...” “那再演下一个版本好了...” What fictionalizes the historian, this then. 什么是虚构史学家,这便是了。 The Ant Lord entire journey looks mental handicap general, the looks at Ning Fan braindead behavior, actually without/has not responds Ning Fan one actually. 蚁主全程看智障一般,看着宁凡脑瘫行为,却硬是没有搭理宁凡一声。 She at this moment, is at the condition of ashamed and resentfully wanting, how is willing with the Ning Fan speech. 此刻的她,正处于羞愤欲死的状态,如何肯和宁凡说话。 Why will want ashamed and resentfully as for Ant Lord, then must , since Emperor Temple 13th time adds bell homicide incident Started to mention. 至于蚁主为何会羞愤欲死,则还得从【帝君庙第十三次加钟杀人事件】开始说起了。 ... ... This is to recall recalled. 此为忆中忆。 But, was OK! I only planned that helps you treat one time, may not have to agree that you add the bell...” “可、可以了吧!我只打算帮你治疗一次,可没同意你加钟...” Whom anything... agreed without consultation the 12 bell law... to deceive for successive 12 times! Obviously... thirteen times...” “什么十二...暗合十二钟律...骗谁!明明都...十三次了...” Stopped and stops... soon... to lose control...” “停、停一下...快要...失控了...” Out-of-control, what loses control? 失控,什么失控? Before Ning Fan wants to understand this issue, has the pain first one step to transmit. 宁凡想明白这个问题以前,已有痛感先一步传来。 Like was been ordinary by solar Saint Fire Devour(ing), had some named Little Fanfan good brothers to receive to become Dun to injure instantaneously... 如同被太阳圣火吞噬一般,瞬间就有某個名为小凡凡的好兄弟受到了成吨伤害... ... ... Why does Ant Lord want ashamed and resentfully? 蚁主为何羞愤欲死? Is because Ning Fan unexpectedly and Ji Xiaoyao cannot describe. 自是因为宁凡居然和姬小摇不可描述了。 And not just one time, but is thirteen times! 不止一次,而是十三次 Reason that is thirteen times, is not 30 times, is when 13th time, had/left certain accidents, making Ning Fan has to strike a gong the armistice. 之所以是十三次,不是三十次,乃是因为第十三次时,出了某些变故,令宁凡不得不鸣金休战。 But because of the wonder of Five Sounds Resonating Law, the Ant Lord entire journey resonance the Ji Xiaoyao 1/10 body feelings, the immension drew the taste that will arrive at completely appropriately cannot be described. 但因五音谐律之妙,蚁主全程共鸣了姬小摇十分之一的体感,沉浸感拉满得体会到了不可描述的滋味。 Her anything without/has not does obviously, actually as if anything did! Her against day against, actually without defending another gives for nothing, how can not be ashamed and resentful! 她明明什么都没有做,却仿佛什么都做了!她防天防地,却没防住另一个自己白给,如何能不羞愤! To blame Ning Fan, the cause of matter, is giving in vain that another carry out! 想怪宁凡,偏偏事情的起因,是另一个自己搞出的白送! To blame another, that does not blame itself! The victims and murderers are I, the pain, was too painful! 想怪另一个自己,那不还是怪自己吗!受害者和凶手都是我自己,痛,太痛了! The place that the not just heart pain, cannot be described is also very painful! 不止心痛,不可描述的地方也很痛! And, she recently with great difficulty the talent and Ning Fan mix ripe, each other relationship from personal enemy step by step the level that moves toward the brothers. 且,她近来好不容易才和宁凡混熟,彼此的关系正从仇人一步步走向好兄弟的层面。 But result... 可结果... She rested the brothers... 她把好兄弟睡了... It is not able to face the brothers, is unable to face me... 无法面对好兄弟了,更无法面对我自己了... Destruction! 毁灭吧! ... ... What reason is, lets be additional bell Wild Demon Ning Fan unexpectedly, only additional bell did thirteen times then receive the hand? 那么是什么原因,竟让身为加钟狂魔宁凡,只加钟十三次便收手了呢? The answer is, Ji Xiaoyao has studied some Nitian (heaven defying) Physique —— Devouring Yang Physique! But because her body holds cannot the strength of knowledge cover up this matter, causing Ning Fan unable to detect beforehand. 答案是,姬小摇修习过某种逆天体质——噬阳之体】!但由于她身持不可知之力遮掩此事,导致宁凡没能事先察觉。 When thirteen times adds the bell, finally surpassed the load of Ji Xiaoyao, for a while carelessly, her Physique lost control unexpectedly. 而当十三次加钟,终于超出了姬小摇的负荷,一时不慎,她的体质居然失控了。 Made Ning Fan realize the Devouring Yang Physique taste instantaneously! 瞬间就让宁凡体会到了噬阳之体的滋味! The moment that Yang Physique loses control, responded that quick such as Ning Fan somewhat is also unexpected, by over one 400 million 10000.0001 trillion every fire temperature bit power of Yang to burn somewhere, broke a skin. 阳体失控的一刻,反应快如宁凡也有些猝不及防,被超过一点四亿亿亿亿凡火温度的噬阳之力烧到了某处,破了点皮。 Also was Ning Fan Yin-Yang cultivation base strided in the Primal Chaos beginning boundary, instantaneous counter Yang Weiyin, and cultivated/repaired exaggerating qi and blood, the good brothers who changed into others one to be struck by this, being better than Beginning Saint must be greatly remnant. 也就是宁凡阴阳修为跨入了太极始境,瞬间逆阳为阴,且修出了夸张气血,换成旁人的好兄弟受此一击,强如始圣也要大残的。 Devouring Yang Physique, terrifying in this way, made Ning Fan remember a named Tantai Weiyu old friend... 噬阳之体,恐怖如斯,不禁让宁凡想起了一个名为澹台未雨的故人... When with the Tantai Weiyu meet, Ning Fan still could not do to Devouring Yang Physique. 澹台未雨相遇时,宁凡尚奈何不了噬阳之体 He of Primal Chaos beginning boundary, then may suppress this Physique slightly, but must achieve disregards thoroughly, but also need higher magical skill. 太极始境的他,则可稍稍压制此体质了,但要做到彻底无视,还需要更高的道行。 Now the magical skill is insufficient, Ning Fan also can only halt in thirteen times, is unable to continue. 如今道行不足,宁凡也只能止步于十三次了,无法继续了。 Although only conducted thirteen times, but he by the pinnacle Dual Cultivation technique, helped Ji Xiaoyao promoting some Dao Enlightenment. 虽只进行了十三次,但他还是借由极致双修术,帮助姬小摇提升了一些道悟 But Ji Xiaoyao that Dao Enlightenment strives, then planned that in the way of paper, records this human relations insights, this is the unprecedented experience, she attaches great importance to. 道悟精进的姬小摇,则打算以论文的方式,将此次人伦感悟记录下来,这是前所未有的经历,她十分重视。 ... ...
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