GE :: Volume #14

#1308 Part 4: At that time is frustrated

Smilingly looks at Ning Fan, such as was only ordinary in the past, deceives the Ning Fan wealth. 只笑眯眯地看着宁凡,如往常一般,骗起了宁凡的钱财。 I helped you repel Dawn's Moon Four Emperors, this matter you must remember to pay money, Donor Sir that I most liked, without/has not several hundred several daughters, I may somewhat suffer a loss ~ “我帮你击退了朝月四帝,此事你可得记得付钱呀,我最最喜欢的金主大人,没有个几百几千金,我可有些吃亏了~” After Ning Fan and Ji Xiaoyao meet, throughout is quiet, does not plan any overstepping. 宁凡姬小摇相遇后,始终沉默寡言,亦不打算有任何逾越。 Actually in the moment that Ji Xiaoyao this time cheats out of money, suddenly extends take action, gripped the hand of opposite party. 却在姬小摇此番骗钱的一刻,忽然伸出手,握住了对方的手。 And while gripping palm, together named Breaking Speech Seal law seal, from Ji Xiaoyao within the body, inhales own within the body forcefully. 并在握住手掌的同时,将一道名为【解言印】的法印,从姬小摇的体内,强行吸入到自己体内。 Do not fear, but Dao Law prints nothing more, is not difficult except it.” Ning Fan faint sigh. “别怕,只是一道法而已,除之不难。”宁凡幽幽叹息。 He only wants to try hard to maintain the Ni Fan person to suppose, may work as the present person to present the danger, he is actually not able to sit by and do nothing. 他只想努力维持逆樊的人设,可当眼前之人出现危险,他却还是无法坐视不理。 That law seal, indeed Man Zhi by Dawn's Moon Four Emperors, to planning that Ji Xiaoyao plants. 那法印,正是满智借由朝月四帝,对姬小摇种下的算计。 Planned is not Ji Xiaoyao oneself, but attempts by way of the hand of Ji Xiaoyao, making this law seal fall on Ning Fan finally. 算计的也不是姬小摇本人,而是试图经由姬小摇之手,令此法印最终落于宁凡身上。 Plans Ning Fan with the schemes and tricks, was looked through and evaded easily by Ning Fan. 拿阴谋诡计算计宁凡,容易被宁凡看破、避掉。 This open intrigue, Ning Fan is not only able to give way to traffic, has should. 唯此阳谋,宁凡无法避让,不得不应。 If were hit by Breaking Speech Seal seriously, Ji Xiaoyao holds may not Speech Seal probably counter-balance immediately mutually, temporarily loses may not the strength of Speech Seal. 若当真被解言印打中,姬小摇所持的不可言印立刻就要相互抵消,暂失不可言印之力。 But in Hong Jun Saint Sect, holds Speech Seal to excel at Breaking Speech Seal, is the grave offense, will be suppressed 10 Samsaras by Punishment Mountain. 而在鸿钧圣宗,持言印者擅解言印,乃是重罪,会被刑山镇压十纪轮回 Only almost, Ji Xiaoyao must suffer to plan and commit the grave offense. 只差一点,姬小摇就要遭受算计、犯下重罪了。 Therefore Ning Fan must take action, for Ji Xiaoyao except this seal, then, Man Zhi plan, became him. 所以宁凡必须出手,替姬小摇除去此印,如此一来,中满智算计的,就成了他。 By Breaking Speech Seal of Ning Fan inspiration within the body, the side was entered the body, then technique transforms, turned into Immeasurable divine seal. 宁凡吸入体内的解言印,方一入体,便术式转变,变成了【无量神印】。 So-called Breaking Speech Seal, with two phase technique -type technique refining, simultaneously has Breaking Speech Seal and Immeasurable divine seal effect from the beginning, why specifically shows a stance, who depending on receives seal is. 所谓的解言印,从一开始就是用二相术式的手法炼制的,同时具备解言印无量神印的功效,具体表现为何种姿态,取决于受印者是何人。 If attacks Ji Xiaoyao to use 1st, if attacks Ning Fan to change into 2nd. 若攻击姬小摇则用第一相,若攻击宁凡则化为第二相。 Ning Fan looked through this one step chess, even so, he also has should. 宁凡看破了这一步棋,即使如此,他也不得不应。 Hey! you are all right! This seal or the also subsequent hand, you are how silly directly attract toward within the body!” Ji Xiaoyao somewhat worried rarely. 喂!你没事吧!此印或还有后手,你怎得傻乎乎直接往体内吸!”姬小摇难得有些着急了。 Is only Sealing Technique forget it/that's all, the minor matter.” “只是封印术罢了,小事。” Sealing Technique? Seal what?” 封印术封印了何物?” Seal you most want in the thing that on me studies, you, was actually a pity...” 封印了你最想在我身上研究的东西,于你而言,却是可惜了...” Pitifully your head! When, you also feigned madness and played dumb with me here! Once such exist(ence) take action, will not be aimless, is not good! Goes to my temporary laboratory, I must make the whole body to examine Investigate! to you “可惜你个头!都什么时候了,你还在这里跟我装疯卖傻!那样的存在一旦出手,绝不会无的放矢,不行!去我的临时实验室,我要给你做全身检查! Whole body, did you determine?” “全身,你确定?” Few idle talk! this Palace Master makes you do, you give me to do, are disinclined to explain with you! You to terrifying of person of that Jiang Shui, know nothing radically!” “少废话!本宫让你干嘛,你就给我干嘛,懒得跟你解释!你对那姜水之人的恐怖,根本一无所知!” Impatient under Ji Xiaoyao, the tone no longer such as in the former tea the tea air/Qi, instead was close to the Ant Lord silly condition like that. 心急之下的姬小摇,口气不再如从前那般茶里茶气,反而更接近蚁主傻里傻气的状态。 Also or, at this time overanxious out of concern she, is real she, usually exposes outside, small mask that but she deliberately puts on. 又或者,此时关心则乱的她,才是真实的她,平时展露在外面的,只是她刻意戴上的小小面具。 But also no wonder Ji Xiaoyao overanxious out of concern. 但也怪不得姬小摇关心则乱 In these ancient documents that she consults, as long as mentioned Jiang Shui Text, but without/has not several were the words of praise! Obviously even the Ancient Country God Spirit time, and even the remote beforehand great antiquity extinguishes the time painstakingly, as long as mentioned that the name of Jiang Shui, record almost is all sorts cheating deeds of this person. 在她查阅的那些古文献中,但凡提到姜水文字,可没有几句是好话!显然即使是古国神灵时代,乃至更久远以前的洪荒苦灭时代,但凡提到姜水之名的,记录的几乎全是此人的种种坑人事迹。 This person of method is treacherously difficult to guard, it may be said that is the 1st pit goods that in the historical data records! Difficult to guarantee Ning Fan after she withstands Breaking Speech Seal, will not have other accidents to happen! 此人手段诡谲难防,可谓是史料中记载的第一坑货!难保宁凡代她承受解言印后,不会有其他变故发生! She is not Ning Fan, did not know this seal Ning Fan within the body, Seal Ning Fan Divine Technique several tenths, whether other also side effects, but also many subsequent hand who guessed correctly Breaking Speech Seal cannot do without cautiously. 她不是宁凡,自不知此印进了宁凡体内,封印宁凡神术几成、是否还有其他副作用,但也多少猜出解言印的后手不可不慎。 Therefore cannot the Ning Fan resistance, bring Ning Fan immediately, returns to her temporary laboratory, made the general physical checkup to Ning Fan, the process of inspection, is hard to avoid, needs thus and such and such, so so. 于是不许宁凡反抗,立刻带着宁凡,回到她的临时实验室里,给宁凡做了全身检查,检查的过程,自是难以避免,需要如此这般,这般如此。 This somewhat felt embarrassed Ning Fan. 这就有些为难宁凡了。 He wants to maintain the person to suppose actually, but he most can only maintain does not suppose, matter about the two months two dragon raised the head, is actually hard to control hardly... 他倒是想维持人设,但他最多只能维持不设,关于二月二龙抬头之事,却是难以硬控... And must be busy prohibiting the line of sight of Ji Chen, was the without/has not unnecessary strength has scruples some details. 且还要忙着把稷辰的视线给封禁掉,自是没有多余的力气顾忌些许细节了。 Has this one to meet, he does not even know that should hate Man Zhi... the so-called drinking water not to forget the digging a well person, originally wants the mood that Man Zhi is cut to pieces, because of drinking little well water, became only wants to cut the Man Zhi 1000 1 blades. 有此一遇,他甚至不知道该不该怨恨满智了...所谓吃水不忘挖井人,原本想把满智千刀万剐的心情,也因喝到了少许井水,变得只想砍满智一千零一刀了。 Few that blade, indeed to thanks of Man Zhi, what, you said that has not been short, instead were many? Sorry, the number cannot learn, really cannot reckon up these. 少的那一刀,正是满智的感谢,什么,你说没少,反而多了?对不起,数学不好,实在算不清这些。 You! No! Noisy!” “你!别!闹!” Not noisy...” “没闹...” You think! Does!!” “那你这是想!干!嘛!” Asked yourself, you have been bumping, your without/has not has stopped...” “问你自己,你一直在碰,你都没有停过...” I... I in a Wenxianli, have seen dying without a heir poison of Jiang Shui Daoist under to the race, some reason people seek help from him, said that is bears children Tai Ku is too tired...” “我...我在一本文献里,看到过姜水道人对人种下断子绝孙毒,理由是有人向他求助,说是生儿育女太苦太累...” „, Jiang Shui this person also blames, helped the person solve the difficulty directly fundamentally. The care wants to come, his each one time plans in people, must some people of has demanding in him, is it possible that this matter...” “如此说来,姜水此人还怪好呵,直接从根本上帮人解决困扰了。细细想来,他每一次算计于人,必是有人有求于他,此事莫非...” You were insane! Even if cracks a joke, please do not think that person of cruelty, you are inconceivable! wait a minute/etc., strangely why you lick me to point at... disgusting...” “你疯了!就算是开玩笑,也请你不要这么想,那人的阴损,非你可以想象!等等,你舔我手指干嘛...怪恶心的...” „Not careful...” “不小心...” „, Putting on airs, you are not the good person, is short in my attire big tail wolf, I do not eat this set! The unseemly behavior, gave your tongue to shear again! I can also install in any case afterward to you, a nerve will not meet wrong...” “嘁,装模作样,你就不是什么好人,少在我这里装大尾巴狼,我不吃这套!再作怪,给你舌头割了!反正我事后还能给你装回去,一丝神经都不会接错...” Ji Xiaoyao is going against the gradually strange atmosphere, stands firm Dao Heart forcefully, is making the health examination to Ning Fan. 姬小摇顶着渐渐奇怪的气氛,强行稳住道心,给宁凡做着身体检查。 Formerly she did the experiment with Ning Fan, should still avoid having many limbs contacts with Ning Fan, at this moment actually only wants to sliver the 108 ten thousand pieces Ning Fan, a confirmation piece by piece was unmistakable, but relax... 从前她拿宁凡做实验,尚会避免与宁凡产生过多肢体接触,此刻却只想把宁凡切成一百零八万片,一片片的确认无误,才可放心... As for Ning Fan, then also needs to maintain the person who slightly creakies obviously to suppose, cannot excessively tease even more is close to the Ant Lord character Ji Xiaoyao. 至于宁凡,则还需要维持略显摇摇欲坠的人设,不能过多逗弄愈发接近蚁主性格的姬小摇 Then, he also can only shift the attention, otherwise has been staring at the Ji Xiaoyao earnest face, he feared continually final does not suppose is difficult to defend. 如此一来,他也只能转移自身注意力了,否则一直盯着姬小摇认真的脸,他怕是将连最后的不设都难守住。 Therefore the thinking gets up this time suffers Man Zhi to plan the incident, cannot help but slightly frowned. 于是思索起此番遭受满智算计一事,不由得微微皱眉 Why frowned, will here hurt? Comfortable?” “为何皱眉,这里会疼?还是舒服?” „...” “...” „, Also started to install the big tail wolf!” “嘁,又开始装大尾巴狼了!” „...” “...” This time plans, he in bright, Man Zhi in dark, his also weakness follows in the side, immediately is understood clearly the will of the people Man Zhi to use. 此番算计,他在明,满智在暗,偏他还有弱点跟在身边,立刻就被洞悉人心的满智加以利用了。 Also because of so, this time encounters he to meet the chess to miss one, Man Zhi move of Sealing Technique. 也因如此,此番交锋他才会棋差一着,中了满智一招封印术 This Immeasurable divine seal, truly meets Seal his Divine Technique, but is insufficient permanent Seal, is only in this Dao Sense games, he is unable to use Divine Technique forget it/that's all temporarily. 无量神印,确实会封印他的神术,但不至于永久封印,只是在这场道念中,他暂时无法动用神术罢了 This seal to aim at Ning Fan Divine Technique specially comes, and what aims is not Myriad Things Recognize the Lord, was not former Myriad Things Communication, but was Ning Fan enters step later Myriad Things Communication. 此印专为针对宁凡神术而来,且针对的并非万物认主,也非从前的万物沟通,而是宁凡进阶之后的万物沟通 The evidence is, Man Zhi formerly to Ning Fan Divine Technique, many somewhat despised, from the beginning, even only plans Ning Fan this God Father of Wood, building up is puppet Puppet, from the start without/has not puts in God Spirit and Divine Technique the eye. 证据就是,满智从前对宁凡神术,多少有些蔑视,一开始,甚至只打算将宁凡这尊木之父神,炼为一具木偶傀儡,压根没有神灵神术放入眼中。 But this time, Man Zhi actually borrowed the hand of Dawn's Moon Four Emperors and Ji Xiaoyao, Seal Ning Fan Divine Technique, in view , the layout no longer resembled to the utmost formerly was like that meticulous, instead hasty feeling. 这一次,满智却借朝月四帝姬小摇的手,封印宁凡神术,极尽针对,布局不再似从前那般缜密,反而给人仓促之感。 Only blames strangely, Ning Fan according to the script action of Man Zhi, has not been Divine Technique cultivates the new function unexpectedly. 怪只怪,宁凡没按满智的剧本行动,居然为神术修出了新的功用。 Man Zhi did not fear Ning Fan formerly these Divine Technique, felt the threat about the Myriad Things Communication new function only, therefore rather exposed Immeasurable divine seal and Breaking Speech Seal exist(ence), must seal Ning Fan Divine Technique in this Dao Sense games surely. 满智不惧宁凡从前那些神术,却唯独对万物沟通的新功用感到了威胁,于是宁可暴露无量神印解言印存在,也定要在此道念中封了宁凡神术 In fact, the thing that Breaking Speech Seal or Immeasurable divine seal, cannot reveal to the public, all involved huge Karma. 事实上,无论是解言印还是无量神印,都不是可以公之于众的东西,皆牵涉了庞大因果 Immeasurable divine seal is related with Far Ancient God Spirit, does not need to talk too much. 无量神印远古神灵有关,自不必多言。 Breaking Speech Seal in view of not the method, is actually not the Dao Ancestor Special ability, once this seal exposes, how you do make Dao Ancestor think? Also is disturbance. 解言印则是针对不可言的手段,不可言却是道祖看家本领,此印一旦曝光,你让道祖如何想?又是一场风波。 If only the common confrontation, by individuality that Man Zhi is not willing to suffer a loss, will not resort to such taboo method. 若只是寻常交锋,以满智不愿吃亏的个性,绝不会动用此等禁忌手段。 The price is too big, the income actually can only seal Ning Fan in Dao Sense games merely temporarily for a while, obviously is loses money to buy and sell. 代价太大,收益却仅仅只能在道念中暂封宁凡一时,明显是亏本买卖。 May even loses money, Man Zhi actually did that take action in the hastiness, made Ning Fan slightly owed at the same time, oneself also had a big loss. 可即使亏本,满智却还是这么做了,于仓促中出手,令宁凡小亏的同时,自身同样有了不小的亏损。 This was just like both sides to move the central disk, Man Zhi changed the style suddenly, no longer sought to fight steadily, but produced wariness to some Ning Fan nonchalant chess piece, direct selection exchange big dragon... 这就好比双方行棋到了中盘,满智忽然一改棋风,不再寻求稳扎稳打,而是对宁凡不经意的某颗棋子产生了忌惮,直接选择互换大龙... The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, thought through the key to be at instantaneously. 宁凡心思飞转,瞬间想通了关键所在。 Man Zhi more is wariness Myriad Things Communication, more explained own this time Myriad Things Communication, may pose the huge threat to Man Zhi! Big of that threat, was Man Zhi does not hesitate wickedly Dao Ancestor this kind of Inverse Saint, thing that must aim at! 满智越是忌惮万物沟通,越说明自己此时的万物沟通,可对满智产生巨大威胁!那威胁之大,是满智不惜恶了道祖这等逆圣,也要加以针对的东西! This seal can only seal my Divine Technique in Dao Sense games, explained that Man Zhi fear, is I uses this technique in some link of Dao Sense games, thus incurs certain results, or learns about certain information...” “此印只能于道念中封我神术,说明满智害怕的,是我在道念的某个环节动用此术,从而招致某些结果,又或是知悉某些情报...” He is frightened, more explained that his asked that also or his weakness, here!” “他越是恐惧,越说明他的所求,又或是他的弱点,就在这里!” In this Dao Sense games, there is a goal that he does not hesitate all also to achieve, that goal, possibly is something, possibly is he secret that tries to hide...” “此道念中,有他不惜一切也要达成的目标,那目标,可能是某物,也可能是他试图隐藏的秘密...” I, although sealed Divine Technique temporarily, actually instead therefore, looked to the aspect clear... then, even temporarily is unable to use Divine Technique, I not necessarily cannot discover the Man Zhi weakness, this bothersome extremely bothersome planned the thorough eradication!” “我虽暂封了神术,却反而因此,对局面看得更清了...如此一来,即使暂无法动用神术,我也未必不能找出满智的弱点,将这场烦不胜烦的算计彻底根绝!” Must connect... his behavior logic all clues, his caring to clan's fate, his wariness to Myriad Things Communication, he resembled to live the endless glorious years...” “必须将所有线索串联起来...他的行为逻辑,他对族运的在意,他对万物沟通忌惮,他似活过了无尽悠久的岁月...” Ning Fan seriously is thinking there, because of earnest, two months two then also no longer dragon raised the head. 宁凡在那里认真思索着,因过于认真,二月二便也不再龙抬头了。 Ji Xiaoyao charming face was getting more and more ugly. 姬小摇俏脸越来越难看了。 What's the matter! 怎么回事! Just also the full of vitality little fellow, how... ceased all activities... 刚刚还生机勃勃的小家伙,怎么...偃旗息鼓了... can it really be that is the dying without a heir poison! After all this and Ancient Book description similar 90%... 难道真是断子绝孙毒!毕竟这和古籍描述的相似了九成... Breaks breaks, does not close my matter in any case, I am not one in his 100.02 million little girlfriend... 嘁,断就断呗,反正又不关我事,我又不是他亿万万小女友中的一个... But this matter actually gets up because of me. 可此事却是因我而起。 He to save me injures, how could I looked on he shut out by 100.02 million little girlfriends... 他为救我而伤,我岂能坐视他被亿万万小女友所嫌弃... Also or, can I give him newly rewiring one? 又或者,我可以给他重装一个新的? No, is not good! If the Will level toxicant, then replaces the 10,000 root, cannot withstand uses again. 不,不行!倘若是意志层面的毒药,便是更换一万根,也还是不堪再用。 And the poison of Will will also nibble the whole body, once whole body Will all perishes, then must bury in in Qingtong, Black Fire, dies of ominous. 意志之毒还会蚕食全身,一旦全身意志皆亡,则必葬于青铜、黑火之中,死于不祥。 Must awaken survival Will of little fellow to be possible! 必须唤醒小家伙的生存意志才可! Stands to me! Cannot admit defeat! Do not bow to the ice-cold reality! 给我站起来!不许认输!不要向冰冷的现实低头! Ss! you must do!” 嘶!你要干嘛!” You leave alone... this for the method of daytime Ascending the fool bird creates, if this is also even useless, you really can only give up...” “你别管...此为笨蛋小鸟所创的白日飞升之法,若连这也无用,你就真的只能放弃了...” Talent and fool, actually far? 天才与笨蛋,究竟有多远? Un, is the fool... 嗯,已经是笨蛋了...
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