GE :: Volume #14

#1315 Part 3: Thousand wicked industry Dao Fruit comes

Dying Bainiu, had remembered the dead child voice and face, immediately is angry. 已然垂死的白牛,想起了死去孩儿的音容,顿时愤怒起来。 Purple Golden emperor spatial Flame concentrates on the fist, separates to fight with the fists spatially spatially toward the calamity, Space-Time Samsara distortion under this fist, tearing, the destruction shock-wave sweeps across Heaven and Earth immediately, directly to/clashes the calamity spatially flies, breaks everywhere hashed meat in endless Purple Gold Smokewind. 紫金色的帝空火焰凝在拳上,朝着祸空隔空一拳打出,时空轮回顿时在这一拳之下扭曲、撕裂,毁灭般的冲击波席卷天地,直接将祸空冲飞,于无尽紫金风烟中震碎成漫天碎肉。 But that calamity was spatially impossible easily dead, by Heavenly Ox skin patttern Undying/not dead mark Strength, instantaneously in marking place rebirth. 但那祸空自不可能轻易死去,借由天牛皮纹不死纹】的力量,瞬间于标记处重生了。 In the instance of rebirth, summoned one sword of witch monster contains the strength of 12 ancestor witch, Sword passed through Bainiu fine skin patttern, passed through his heart. 更在重生的瞬间,召出了一把蕴含着十二祖巫之力的巫妖之剑,一剑贯穿白牛精的皮纹,贯穿其心脏。 cough cough cough... misleads you to kill the brother to murder the father, originally is... the seventh lunar month...” The Bainiu essence does not attend to injury, is a fist shakes to rumble spatially, the bang kills the calamity to be spatial again. 咳咳咳...蛊惑你杀兄弑父的,原来是...霜月...”白牛精不顾伤势,又是一拳空震轰出,再度轰杀祸空。 But this fist also exhausted the final strength. 但这一拳也用尽了最后的力气。 His even without/has not unnecessary strength, comes through, but the seventh lunar month sword pulled out. 他甚至没有多余的力气,来将穿心而过的霜月剑拔出来了。 This sword is Desolate Ancient Third Mountain lord —— seventh lunar month the thing of Great Saint, he and seventh lunar month has fought several times, is not possible to admit mistakes. 此剑是荒古第三山——霜月大圣之物,他和霜月交手过数次,自是不可能认错。 Past when cultivation base still, fights all triumphed, will actually die under this sword unexpectedly finally. 昔日修为尚在时,所战皆是得胜,却不料最终会死在此剑之下。 sword light is cold, like the seventh lunar month, passes the body, actually a without/has not drop of blood stream leaves, probably because the Bainiu fine blood had been frozen becomes Cold Ice. 剑光寒冷,如同霜月,透体而过,却没有一滴血流出,盖因白牛精的血液已被冻成寒冰 Subsequently the whole body was all frozen in the giant ice piece, skin patttern freezes, is not revivable. 继而全身皆被冻结在了巨大冰块之中,皮纹冻结,不可复生。 Is spatial as for the calamity, then once again depended the Heavenly Ox skin patttern strength rebirth, saw gets rid of the adoptive father finally, the calamity only thought spatially excitedly incomparable, wishes one could Devour(ing) to fall adoptive father's emperor spatial Dao Fruit immediately. 至于祸空,则又一次仗着天牛皮纹的力量重生了,见终于干掉了义父,祸空只觉兴奋无比,恨不能立刻吞噬掉义父的帝空道果 Cannot help but has a good laugh again, actually at this moment, drank mouthful Blood Rain. 不由得再度仰天大笑,却于此刻,喝了满嘴的血雨 That is... anything...” “那是...什么...” The originally self-satisfied calamity empty, suddenly felt absolutely terrified. 原本志得意满的祸空,忽然感到了毛骨悚然。 Reacts without enough time, will then see a giant ape palm to span future all time lines, extended toward him. 来不及做出反应,便见一只巨猿手掌跨越过去未来所有时间线,朝他伸了过来。 But he uses all means that causes the strength of completely all skin patttern, cannot avoid the palm of this terrifying unexpectedly! 而他倾尽一切手段,使尽所有皮纹之力,竟都躲不开这恐怖的手掌! Do not eat me! I, I can be your son, the entire life gives loyalty to you...” The Root beer float essence instigated. “别吃我!我、我可以给你当儿子,一生一世效忠于你...”黑牛精怂了。 The giant ape actually pays no attention to the good essence of this protruding bones in the occipital region. 巨猿却理都不理这一身反骨的牛精。 Then swallowing whole Root beer float essence, but also wants to eat the Bainiu essence again, was actually blocked by Black Dragon. 一口吃掉了黑牛精,还欲再吃白牛精,却被黑龙所阻。 Black Dragon was intelligent! 黑龙聪明了! He can not eat the Bainiu essence, but does not give opportunity that the giant ape eats up, will then freeze the Bainiu fine ice piece to swallow into the abdomen, actually without/has not refining. 他可以不吃白牛精,但绝不给巨猿吃下的机会,遂将冻结白牛精的冰块吞入腹中,却没有将之炼化 This actually frightened Hu Buddha, skin and bones multi- valuable Tathagata. 这却吓到了口呼佛号、瘦骨嶙峋的多宝如来。 He with the character of Bainiu essence not same time, but actually recognized the Bainiu essence once is Desolate Saint. 他和白牛精并非同时代的人物,但却认得出白牛精曾是一尊荒圣 This dragon dares to eat Desolate Saint unexpectedly! 此龙竟连荒圣都敢吃! compared to, oneself were so eaten is really the extreme good fortune, may with Desolate Saint side-by-side! 如此相比,自己被吃果然是泼天的幸事,可与荒圣肩并肩! With raises the food of dragon for the by body, should help each other. 同为以身饲龙的食材,理应互相帮助。 At this moment the multi- valuable magical skill all loses, but Dharma has not put behind, is reading aloud Ancient Buddhist to the Bainiu essence. 此刻多宝道行全失,但一身佛法都没忘却,遂对着白牛精诵起了古佛经。 Said also mysteriously, this passes through seems the effect, may scatter the strength of ancestor witch, finally melted unexpectedly Bainiu fine freezing, made the strength of Bainiu fine skin patttern this damn went to revolve, because of the Undying/not dead skin patttern strength, died and was reborn unexpectedly. 说也神奇,此经似有奇效,可驱散祖巫之力,最终竟消融了白牛精的冰冻,更令得本该死去的白牛精皮纹之力运转,因不死皮纹的力量,竟死而复生了。 „Haven't I died unexpectedly... am Fellow Daoist saved me from the calamity empty-handed? Many thanks.” Bainiu fine weak thanks said. “我居然没死...是道友从祸空手中救了我吗?多谢。”白牛精虚弱感谢道。 Donor misunderstood, rescues your is not a monk, but is Black Dragon Senior. Senior merit ginseng/partake good fortune, justice and humanity unparalleled, I and others by its kindness, should take the food, returns.” The multi- treasures saw with own eyes the Bainiu essence once are Desolate Saint, now has dropped the Saint boundary, a heart this cow may also spend( deceives) the person, became a buddhist monk ox Jinglai. “施主误会了,救你的可不是小僧,而是黑龙前辈前辈功参造化,仁义无双,我等受其恩惠,理应作为食粮,予以回报。”多宝眼见白牛精曾是荒圣,如今已然跌落圣境,心道此牛亦是可度(骗)之人,不由得度化起牛精来。 Food? so that's how it is, is it possible that this place is in your mouth in the abdomen of Black Dragon Senior... this dragon swallows me, actually not refining, actually the obligation, I actually cannot know the en not to report...” “食粮?原来如此,此地莫非是你口中黑龙前辈的腹中...此龙吞我,却不炼化,实为大恩,我却不能知恩不报...” Although the Bainiu essence does not recognize the multi- treasures, can actually see the multi- treasures is a Buddha, and should be about to become a Saint Buddha. 白牛精虽不认得多宝,却看得出多宝是一尊佛陀,且本该是一尊行将成圣的佛陀。 What a pity, Buddha unexpectedly the suck dry the magical skill, the skin and bones, unexpectedly own situation was been so more pitiful, become a Saint feared that was far in the future. 可惜,如此佛陀竟被人吸干了道行,瘦骨嶙峋,竟比自己的处境更加凄惨,成圣怕是遥遥无期了。 The suck dry magical skill, had not died obviously unfortunately, wants to come this Buddha also to be planned in Tai Yi Dream, was rescued by Black Dragon. 明明被人吸干道行,偏又未死,想来此佛陀也是在太一梦中被人算计了,而后又被黑龙所救了。 Also or, this Buddha is first rescued by Black Dragon, then raises the dragon by the body on own initiative, offered the magical skill, if that is right, this Buddha understands to be full of gratitude actually, it may be said that present age really Buddha, cannot younger generation regarding it. 又或者,此佛陀是先被黑龙所救,而后主动以身饲龙,献出了道行,若是如此,此佛陀倒是懂得知恩图报,可谓当世真佛,不可以晚辈视之了。 Can the shuttle life-saving in Tai Yi Dream, this Black Dragon method seriously exceptional. 能在太一梦中穿梭救人,此黑龙手段当真了得 What is rarer is this provides relief the heart of life-saving... Black Dragon as if to use to slaughter the instinct to act, named slaughters, the instinct is actually saving others, this is the what kind of compassion... 更难得的是这份济世救人之心...黑龙似乎在用杀戮本能行动,名为杀戮,本能却在救人,这是何等的慈悲心... How does donor plan to do?” The multi- treasures taught with skill and patience. “施主打算怎么做?”多宝循循善诱道。 Black Dragon, although not refining up my heart, but he with the person Life and Death fight, must also need to boost at this moment, when I raise it by the body , helping its war!” Although Bainiu fine conduct crazy evil, never has a deficit Karma. 黑龙虽无炼我之心,但他此刻与人生死斗,必也需要助力,我当以身饲之,助其一战!”白牛精行事虽然狂邪,却从不亏欠因果 Only painstakingly Root beer float fine person. 只苦了黑牛精一人。 Feeling sorry for that calamity empty, at this moment was swallowed into the abdomen by the giant ape, the small snail was frightened to shrink, only thinks that the entire life meets all evil spirits, unexpectedly not giant ape dangerous evil and cruel. 可怜那祸空,此刻被巨猿吞入腹中,牛牛都被吓得缩了回去,只觉生平所遇所有凶煞,竟都不似巨猿凶险歹毒。 Did not say that in Tai Yi Dream Spirit Seizing won't have the other people involvement? Why will have the giant ape, Black Dragon to appear! 不是说太一梦夺灵不会有外人介入吗?为何会有巨猿、黑龙出现! Is cannot help but too late to regret, knows Tai Yi Dream so dangerous early, he really should murder the father with other ways... 不由得追悔莫及,早知太一梦如此凶险,他真该用其他方式弑父... Now is booing, the father has not murdered, the life also lost ;, even if escapes by luck assigns/life, actually lost seventh lunar month Senior Treasure Sword, was still difficult to escape dies... 如今倒好,父没弑成,命也丢了就算侥幸逃得一命,却又遗失了霜月前辈宝剑,仍是难逃一死... The Root beer float essence is sighing woefully, quick by giant ape refining was the Dao Fruit absorption. 黑牛精哀叹着,很快就被巨猿炼化道果吸收了。 His Second Level Quasi-Saint, murders the father to depend entirely on the sneak attack, how to block refining of giant ape, shortly on the belch fart, Heavenly Ox skin patttern is not all able to contend with refining of giant ape, is unable dead , but rebirth. 他不过二阶准圣,弑父全靠偷袭,如何挡得住巨猿的炼化,顷刻就嗝屁了,一身天牛皮纹皆无法抗衡巨猿的炼化,更无法死而重生。 Also dies too quickly because of the Root beer float essence, causing Black Dragon to hit to spit the giant ape without enough time, the opposite party had finished eating the food. 也因黑牛精死得太快,导致黑龙来不及把巨猿打吐,对方就已经吃完饭了。 Damn! This only Root beer float unexpectedly is the waste in waste!” Giant ape success refining Root beer float, actually without/has not least bit happy expression, probably because this nutrition of Root beer float, even being insufficient makes his strength strive 1/10000! “该死!这只黑牛竟是废物中的废物!”巨猿成功炼化了黑牛,却没有半点喜色,盖因此黑牛的营养,甚至不足以让他实力精进万分之一! Opposite Black Dragon, actually resembles after the Devour(ing) Bainiu essence, gained the greatest advantage. 对面的黑龙,却似在吞噬白牛精之后,获得了莫大好处。 Above this moment Black Dragon dragon claw, has emperor spatial Dao Law Purple Gold Smokewind to wind around, with the Dragon Tears the Moon stance wound enemy, might formerly, only ripped the giant ape to be bruised and lacerated again, blood stream like rain. 此刻黑龙龙爪之上,已有帝空道法紫金风烟缭绕,再用龙撕月的姿态伤敌,威力更甚从前,只撕得巨猿皮开肉绽,血流如雨。 Although obviously falls leeward, the giant ape actually does not admit defeat, War Intent is more abundant, once were injured, immediately therapy with Heaven Splitting Purple Qi, ignores totally this act to have the damage foundation how! 虽明显落入下风,巨猿却是绝不认输,战意更盛,一经受伤,立刻用开天紫炁来疗伤,全然不顾此举有多么损伤根基! Under, then among Tai Yi Dream 3rd punctured at risk of life, arrived among 4th. 拼死之下,遂又将第三太一梦打穿,来到了第四间。 Among Tai Yi Dream 4th punctures, crashes into among 5th. 第四太一梦打穿,坠入第五间。 Then is among 6th, among 7th, among 8th... 而后是第六间,第七间,第八间... At this moment, tried to ascend using old complete(ly) who Tai Yi Dream killed a person and took his possessions innumerably, feels by the Virtuous True Monarch control fear! 这一刻,无数试图利用太一梦来杀人越货的老毕登,感受到了被道德真君支配的恐惧! Only said that long of that casualty list, was the 100 chapter could not finish unexpectedly... 只说那受害者名单之长,竟是一百章也写不完... The Black Dragon war is fiercer, the giant ape was getting more and more weak... found some good things to eat up sometimes with great difficulty, will actually be hit to spit immediately by Black Dragon, ate is all robbed ; to be able occasionally some refining food, actually mostly was the waste. 黑龙越战越猛,巨猿却越来越虚弱了...有时好不容易找到些好东西吃下,却立刻就会被黑龙打吐出来,吃食皆被抢走偶尔能炼化一些食材,却又大多是废物。 Already without/has not any odds of success... 已经没有任何胜算了... But even if died in battle, he must fight to the last minute surely! 但就算是战死,他也定要战至最后一刻! If Starlight is unavailable, Butterfly Fire cannot ask, then at least this ape bone, he cannot disappoint its fight to fight the reputation! 倘若星光不可得,蝶火不可求,则至少这一身猿骨,他绝不可辜负其斗战美名! He engages in a decisive battle to finally, one like Zixiao! 他会战至最后,一如紫霄! He will retrieve, therefore the sword, cuts off the fate! 他会寻回故剑,斩断宿命! He will always remember the pledge, up to destroys Extinguish! 他会铭记誓言,直至灭! This was all my! Butterfly!!!” “这便是我的一切了!蝴蝶!!!” Strength, Emperor shakes spatially! 力之极,【帝空震】! Read, Void Space wave! 念之极,【虚空波】! The giant ape fights with the fists purple gold fist glow that the emperor shakes spatially, another hand is actually condensing the Black Moon light wave, made the Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth energy wave toward Black Dragon. 巨猿一拳打出帝空震的紫金拳芒,另一只手却凝聚着黑色月光波,朝着黑龙打出了毁天灭地的能量波。 Before Black Dragon wields claw, a claw tears into shreds fist glow, a claw tears into shreds the moon/month light wave, finally the Dragon Mouth tear and bite, gave to nip ape. 黑龙则挥动前爪,一爪撕碎拳芒,一爪撕碎月光波,最后龙口撕咬,将猿头都给咬了下来。 Another Evil Dragon swings the tail, hits hard the giant ape again flies, the body of flying upside down hits to put on Tai Yi Dream again. 再一个恶龙摆尾,将巨猿重重击飞,倒飞之躯再度撞穿此间太一梦 Meanwhile, Black Dragon within the body resounded a more than 1000 applauding sound, majority are unlucky sad old complete(ly) ascends, but also the part is victim alliance, was rescued conveniently by Black Dragon. 与此同时,黑龙体内响起了一千多个叫好的声音,大多数都是倒霉悲催的老毕登,但也有一部分是受害者联盟,被黑龙顺手救下了。 Trash giant ape! Feels the Virtuous True Monarch strength!” “垃圾巨猿!感受一下道德真君的力量吧!” One group of old complete(ly) ascend, Complete Heaven knows to plan the person, asked and others to know by person Spirit Seizing is what feeling!” “一群老毕登,成天就知道算计人,也叫尔等知晓被人夺灵是何感受!” Hedgehog hydnum! Hands over your magical skill, enters the abdomen of my Dragon Venerable, I and others then forgave your becoming Multi- valuable alliance, Washes the wicked industry, turns over a new leaf!” “猴头儿!交出你的道行,入我龙尊之腹,我等便宽恕你成为【多宝联盟】的一员,洗尽恶业,重新做人!” Seizes person, the person seizes it permanently! World morals model, only my Virtuous True Monarch! True Monarch was also hungry! My constant speed fast offers Dao Fruit, takes for it, does not lose Food dead disciple Loyalty and reputation!” “夺人者,人恒夺之!世间道德楷模,唯我道德真君!诸位,真君又饿了!我等速速献出道果,供其服食,不负【食死徒】的忠义和美名!” In dragon belly, described that withered multi- valuable Tathagata ascended, victim to crowd around by more than 1000 old complete(ly). His tongue resplendent golden lotus, is comforting the people spirited mood. 龙腹中,形容枯槁的多宝如来被一千多个老毕登、受害者簇拥着。他正舌灿金莲,安抚着众人激昂的情绪。 Simultaneously taught with skill and patience, the people, gave the strength on own initiative, gave Black Dragon Devour(ing). 同时循循善诱、度化众人,主动献出自身力量,交给黑龙吞噬 He turned toward Black Dragon, won't always be determined the enemy by the Black Dragon slaughtering instinct again? without/has not merit, there is efforts! 他都这么向着黑龙了,总不会再被黑龙的杀戮本能判定成敌人了吧?没有功劳,也有苦劳啊!
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