GE :: Volume #14

#1308 Part 1: At that time is frustrated

The God Step experience, is the God Step Lineage calendar, is first established by generation of remote antiquity Elder Jiang Ming. 神足历,是神足一脉的历法,由先代太上长老姜螟编制。 The legend, Jiang Ming once in Zhaixing the stage last daytime view sundial, the night stargazing moon/month, had a feeling finally, generated was the God Step Lineage calendar dating system specially. 传说,姜螟曾于摘星台上昼观日晷,夜观星月,终有所感,制出了专属于神足一脉的历法纪年。 Why latter does not know, Jiang Ming dies for justice by the body unexpectedly, offers a sacrifice to his heart under Starry Sky, the picking star stage that after that it constructs personally, changed the name to pick heart stage, by passing of this engraved inscription elder. 后不知为何,姜螟竟以身殉道,自祭其心于星空之下,此后,其亲手所建的摘星台,被更名为摘心台,以此铭记这位长者之逝。 In the God Step experience, Jiang Ming decides as ten months one year, taking nine for extremely, ten are limitless, therefore, is in harmony with the say/way of Far Ancient Ten Spirits by this. 神足历中,姜螟将一年定为十个月,以九为极、十为无极之故,以此合于远古十灵之道。 Every month decides as for 36 days, being in harmony with Heavenly Dipper ; added separately on the 5 th is the year, was in harmony with five spirit ; every three years for intercalary, the multi- in addition, was on the 1 st the king closes door to rest the day of washing. 每个月定为36天,合于天罡另加五日为年,合于五灵每隔三年为闰,多加一日,为君王闭门休沐之日。 From initial reign title great Yuan, again to afterward great Shanghai and great industry, in each one time clan power transfer, will change the Yuan. 从最初的年号巨元,再到后来的巨申、巨业,每一次族中权力交接时,都会改元。 Reign title that this generation of God Step King set, is Giant Step, this reign title altogether only used in 4721... 此代神足王定下的年号,是巨足,此年号一共只使用了4721年... Giant Step discipline in 4721, spring three months, day in Heaven's Fate, king Ji Heaven and Earth, Blood Awakening, disadvantageous, abandons by the prince.】 巨足纪四七二一年,春三月,日在天机,王祭天地,醒血,不利,逐王子弃。】 First Concubine is disadvantageous, exiles Jishan, punishment 3rd Rank.】 元妃不利,谪稷山,刑三等。】 Second Ancestor reprimanded the king, the philosophers were chaotic, burn the royal palace.】 二祖斥王,诸子乱,焚宫室。】 king racing, the popular resentment, seizes king in wild.】 【王奔,民怨,擒王于野。】 Ji, then stops randomly.】 【姬君至,乱遂止。】 Day was idle in the day, king Zhen Jishan, punishment 1st Rank.】 【日在天闲,王镇稷山,刑一等。】 Day was brave in the day, Second Ancestor administration, philosophers hundred officers for auxiliary, the number said that republican, the Singapore dollar decided.】 【日在天勇,二祖行政,诸子百官为辅,号曰‘共和’,新元定。】 Like this deleted should be OK? I already to the utmost subtle and guarded criticism, if Second Ancestor were still discontented, I have no alternative...” In Grand History Pavilion, official historian Si Luo puts down the pettifoggery and bamboo slip, before remembering, matter of several days, complexion somewhat was still complex. “这样删改应该可以了吧?我已极尽春秋笔法,若二祖仍旧不满,我也无可奈何...”太史阁中,史官司罗放下刀笔、竹简,一想起前几日发生的事情,面色仍旧有些复杂。 The Blood Awakening ceremony should be in the clan the magnificent ceremony, this time will actually go wrong unexpectedly unexpectedly. 醒血仪式本该是族中盛典,却不料这次竟会出了乱子。 It is said is in the legend Inugami Bewitching Curse Is delivered from oppression, sweeps across the entire city, this causes the entire clan to go crazy together, unexpectedly one mind, own Great King overthrowing... 据说是传说中的【犬神妖诅】重见天日,席卷全城,这才导致全族一起发了疯,竟上下一心,把自家大王给推翻了... Was, this certainly was Bewitching Curse in legend, otherwise why even Immortal Emperor difficult self-made, then even my this kind of hid Bloodlines and cultivation base Immortal King, is unable to escape by luck unexpectedly. 是了,这一定是传说中的妖诅,否则为何连仙帝都难自制,便连我这等隐藏血脉修为仙王,竟都无法幸免。 Thinks the ashamed opinion at that time saying, Si Luo then surface black like coal, wishes one could to commit to flames this black history. 一想到当时说的羞耻言论,司罗便面黑如炭,恨不能将此黑历史付之一炬。 I called Si Luo, the predecessor year not to have from morning until evening, this body temporarily was the 3300 year, currently lives in the God Step City eastern suburbs You Huang forest, unmarried. I go to work in Grand History Pavilion, a day only works four double-hour, does not work overtime, although is Immortal King, is actually willing to fit out the Void Fragmentation junior, wholeheartedly has only thought the tranquil life. My not near female sexual attractiveness, because does not like weak Monster, the woman like Jiang Yuan made me be sick that the ; liquor also was only restricted in superficial, when because of the liquor flavor, will only remind me of Heaven Prison received punishment, the executioner spurts in cutting town/subdues Spirit Wine on blade, superficial to overcome Heart's Demon. I like powerful, the monster class that most likes is the Zhen Ming shape, next is Earth Giant ; I likes tenaciously, the plant that most likes is the bamboo, likes listening to the noise of the rain of You Huang forest, that will make my Heart Orifice belong to tranquilly, thus suppresses killing intent that day by day loses control. But since the Dawn's Moon Dragon palace seven child are born, the this world winter disaster is then unceasing, three months flying snow. I because of a long time lose Rain Intent, Murderous Qi overflow full, in the near future will see the bamboo slip that other official historians abandon, regretted the bamboo of in the heart love was abandoned, wants to conquer by killing Grand History Pavilion... I once to look for Daoist to tell fortunes by physiognomy, Daoist also said that I am very normal.】 【我叫司罗,前身岁无朝夕,此身则暂为三千三百岁,目前住在神足城东郊幽篁林,未婚。我在太史阁上班,一天只工作四个时辰,绝不加班,虽为仙王,却甘愿装成碎虚小辈,一心只想过平静的生活。我不近女色,因为不喜欢软弱的妖物,像姜嫄那样的女人就令我厌烦酒亦仅限于浅尝,只因酒的味道,会让我想起天狱受刑时,刽子手喷在斩头刀上的镇灵酒,浅尝则是为了克服心魔。我喜欢强大,最喜欢的妖类是镇冥象,其次才是地巨我喜欢坚韧,最喜欢的植物是竹,爱听幽篁林的雨声,那会让我心窍归于宁静,从而抑制日益失控的杀意。可自从朝月龙宫七子降世,此界便冬灾不绝,三月飞雪。我因久失雨意,杀气盈溢,近期一看到其他史官遗弃的竹简,就遗憾于心爱之竹被弃,想要血洗太史阁...我曾找过一位道人看相,道人也说我十分正常。】 It is not good, cannot again thought to speak on that day the words... 不行,不能再想那一天说过的话了... The Ji Shui Emperor lowers Dividing Spirit fortunately, solved Bewitching Curse, stilled the turmoil. 幸而姬水帝君降下分神,解了妖诅,才将动乱平定。 But at this time, king Zheng was overthrown has become the fact, —— that the clansman not possible ignores old king to restore ganged up on the old king at that time may be not infrequent, many people fear to bide one's time for punishment. Therefore after the philosophers hundred officers agree, finally decides the God Step King town/subdues in Jishan... 但此时,王政被推翻已成事实,族人自不可能放任旧王复辟的——当时群殴旧王的可不在少数,许多人都怕秋后算账。于是诸子百官合议后,最终决定将神足王镇于稷山... What sarcasm is, the Great King itself/Ben wants to suppress own First Concubine, finally suppressed actually became itself. 讽刺的是,大王本想要镇压自己的元妃,最终被镇压的却成了自己。 The so old king abdicates, new king Dangding. 如此旧王退位,新王当定。 But strives for the power to be unsuccessful because of the philosophers, does not take respectively, is difficult to decide the royal power, in the clan has to the temporary regulations or system handed down by the royal ancestors, the by republican system, by two remote antiquity Elder directors, participates in government by Prince various and hundred officers, discusses together the clan matter. 但因诸子争权未果,各不相服,难定王权,族内不得不暂行祖制,以共和之制,由两位太上长老主政,由诸王子、百官参政,共商族事。 Naturally also many people recommend the Second Ancestor heavy palm royal power, but Second Ancestor is busy with untying the secret of Starry Sky tracks, is uninteresting about the power and influence, this matter has to give up ; is the so-called director, only planned the important matter that actually manages these to concern the Clan rise and fall, the common minor matter does not plan to inquire. 当然也有不少人推举二祖重掌王权,但二祖忙于解开星空足印之秘,对权势并无兴趣,此事只得作罢便是所谓的主政,实则也只打算管那些关乎一族兴亡的大事,寻常小事是不打算过问的。 But has the incident, Second Ancestor actually cares especially, that is the record of clan history... 但有一事,二祖却格外在意,那便是族史的记录... Second Ancestor by no means hopes that the official historian records this turmoil detailed, together what after all the entire clan rabies manifest suddenly, can this matter record? Is planned that makes the later generation descendants always ridicule ancestor's black history? 二祖并不希望史官详实记录这场动乱,毕竟全族一起狂犬病发作什么的,这种事情是能记录的?是打算让后世子孙永世嘲笑祖先的黑历史吗? Therefore, Si Luo must weigh words repeatedly, once clan history written does not suit the Second Ancestor intention, will then strike back the recomposition. 所以,司罗必须反复斟酌字句,一旦族史写的不合二祖心意,便会打回重写。 He has rewritten five times, does not want to write 6th Tribulation again. 他已经重写了五次,不想再写第六次 Was the rush hour will mainly draw near, his Si Luo, did not work overtime. 主要是下班时间快到了,他司罗,绝不加班。 Therefore brings the dossier of 5th version, leaves the government office, goes to the clan the restricted area to report on accomplishments. 于是带着第五版的卷宗,离开官署,前往族中禁地交差。 All the way, Si Luo met many colleagues and same clan, some before can with clansman that Si Luo gave regards, at this moment met Si Luo, actually all somewhat dreaded, are only willing to salute upon meeting distantly. 一路上,司罗遇到了不少同僚、同族,一些以前会和司罗问好的族人,此刻遇到司罗,却全都有些畏惧,只肯遥遥见礼。 Only camouflaged the Void Fragmentation junior for a lifetime because of Si Luo, actually exposed because of rabies as the Immortal King fact. 只因司罗伪装了一辈子的碎虚小辈,却因一场狂犬病暴露了身为仙王的事实。 If only Immortal King also on forget it/that's all, he is a spirit is not quite stable and has anti-social personality issue Immortal King doubtful... 若只是仙王也就罢了,偏他还是一個精神不太稳定、疑似拥有反社会型人格的问题仙王... When Si Luo nonsense, mentioned oneself once received punishment in Heaven Prison, therefore there is a busybody to consult the Heaven Prison record, turned some that Si Luo hid unexpectedly in the past, therefore once colleague and friend all with amazement. 又因司罗胡言乱语时,提到了自己曾在天狱受刑,于是有好事者查阅了天狱记录,竟把司罗隐藏的某段过去翻了出来,于是曾经的同僚、友人全都骇然了。 When this Si Luo is young, unexpectedly once was a suppression in Heaven Prison Monster! 司罗年少之时,竟曾是一个镇压于天狱怪物 Such Monster, why actually does not know, was emitted Heaven Prison, concealed identity... this also too terrifying in Grand History Pavilion! 那样的怪物,却不知为何,被人放出了天狱,于太史阁中隐姓埋名...这也太恐怖了! Tranquil life, was broken finally, in view of this, obeys the advice of that Daoist would rather, complies with own innermost feelings...” In the Si Luo eye killing intent is turbulent, is omen that Dao Heart will soon lose control. “平静的生活,终是被人打破了么,既如此,倒不如听从那位道人的建议,遵从自己的内心...”司罗眼中杀意汹涌,是道心即将失控的前兆。 He is resisting causing trouble Heart's Demon strongly, but his look at this moment, frightened surrounding clansman flees helter-skelter... 他竭力对抗着作祟的心魔,可他此刻的眼神,还是将周围的族人吓得鸟兽散了... World even more made him feel lonely and vacant, he from the birth, then unlike world monster class, was different kind. But if others without/has not issue, then there is an issue , can only be he himself... 世界愈发令他感到了孤独、茫然,他自出生起,便与世间妖类不同,是个异类。但若旁人没有问题,那么有问题的,也只能是他自己了吧... Therefore, Heaven Prison is also good, the hell is also good, him, when where, and difference of without/has not essence, nothing but is the punishment that faces has the difference. 所以,天狱也好,地狱也好,于他而言,待在哪里,并没有本质的不同,无非是面对的刑具有所差异。 The time in his without/has not significance, the life also does not have the sense of reality in him. Former he, when are only has the body, to drift away the malicious ghost outside in the world spatially, but finally, Yin Mountains Ghost Creature in prison told him, he malicious ghosts was not, they were not similar... 时间于他没有意义,生命于他亦无真实感。从前的他,只当自己是个空有躯壳、游离于世界之外的恶鬼,但最终,狱中的阴山鬼物告诉他,他连恶鬼都不是,他们不是同类... cultivate Dao, has the direction, is correct. 修道,有方向,才有道。 He could not find the way forward, around cannot distinguish clearly, cannot touch about, regardless of which direction, only then far in the future darkness, line, he whether really went forward is unable to determine. 他找不到前进的方向,分不清前后,触不到左右,无论哪一个方向,都只有遥遥无期的黑暗,行于其中,他连自己是否真的前进了都无法确定。 Actually the person gives him to redeem, carried over ice-cold Heaven Prison him, passes on the method of his Heart Orifice to suppress in the heart the malicious ghost. That person in him, such as master Rufu, such as entire World, but that person finally actually chose died for justice under Starry Sky, making him belong to again at a loss... 却有一人予他救赎,将他带出了冰冷天狱,更传他心窍之法抑制心中恶鬼。那人于他,如师如父,如整个世界,但那人最终却选择了殉道于星空之下,令他再度归于茫然... World loses the color again, even so, he actually influenced subtly, likes that Teacher leaving his calm life. 世界再度失去颜色,即使如此,他却潜移默化,喜欢上了那位师长留给他的平静生活。 But now, such tranquil daily, must lose finally... 可现在,这样平静的日常,终是要失去了... If his killing intent loses control, feared that must return to Heaven Prison again, or, this time waits for his, meets compared with Heaven Prison ice-colder Punishment Hold... 若他杀意失控,怕是要再度回归天狱的,又或者,这一次等待他的,会是比天狱更加冰冷的刑牢... He can endure the darkness, if has not seen the light, yet now, the sunlight actually shines his lonely more desolate... 他本可以忍受黑暗,倘若不曾见过光明,可如今,阳光却把他的孤独照耀的更加苍凉... The World light, will not shine for his such ghost again 2nd Tribulation, only if the miracle appears... 世界的光,不会再为他这样的鬼照耀第二次了,除非奇迹出现... „When a person is lonely, a person finds another person, a few words looks for another a few words, similarly is also lonely. The life of some people, being doomed to experience three rain. In the 1st field rain, understands that lonely taste ; in 2nd field rain, understands that World by no means lonely ; in 3rd field rain, the line... you cannot deal with the darkness in the wind and rain and endless night with lonely, must use the fire.” “一个人时是孤独,一个人找另一个人,一句话找另一句话,同样也是孤独。有些人的一生,注定要经历三场雨。于第一场雨中,明白孤独的滋味第二场雨中,明白世界并不只有孤独第三场雨中,行于风雨和长夜...你不能用孤独去应对黑暗,要用火。” The sound suddenly resounds together. 一道声音突然响起。 A palm pressed from the rear area in the shoulder of Si Luo, making vast such as sea calm Rain Intent flow in his body, among the command returned the thoughts in the tranquility. 一只手掌从后方按在了司罗的肩头,令浩瀚如海的镇静雨意流进了他的身体,令其内心归于平静。 Can use... the fire?” “要用...火?” „Are you... the prince abandon? Many thanks your highness rescues...” “你是...王子弃?多谢殿下相救...” Si Luo complexion gratitude, in heart very accident/surprise. 司罗面色感激,心中则十分意外 Does secretly thought this prince abandon is not a mortal? Before because must be pursued small and weakly, why had so deeply such as deep Rain Intent unexpectedly, can make demon Outer Dao that Heaven Prison did not blow, split second belong to tranquilly, this was the what kind of heaven shaking method, how possibly to appear on a mortal. 暗道这王子弃不是一介凡人吗?之前还因为弱小要被驱逐,为何竟拥有如此深如渊海的雨意,能让一个天狱都镇不住的邪魔外道,一瞬间归于平静,这是何等惊天的手段,怎可能出现在一位凡人身上。 Is it possible that this person and former I was the same , is deliberately hiding the strength, has only thought the calm life? 莫非,此人和从前的我一样,也在刻意隐藏实力,只想过平静生活? Also or world really has the person, can fresh and sacred... 又或是世间真有人,可以生而神圣... Slight effort forget it/that's all, Brother Si Luo does not need to say thanks. Now Heaven and Earth does not have the rain, if killing intent loses control again, can look for me at any time.” Ning Fan pledged. “举手之劳罢了,司罗兄不必言谢。如今天地无雨,倘若杀意再度失控,可以随时找我。”宁凡承诺道。 In the smile, color of the recalling flashes through, obviously from Si Luo, saw the shadows of certain old friends, will therefore be helpful. 笑容中,有一丝追忆之色闪过,显然是从司罗身上,看到了某些故人的影子,所以才会乐于助人。 But actually does not need to state clearly. 但却不必言明。 In this strange Samsara, Ji Fuyao has not even recognized him, others did not recognize. 在这场陌生轮回,连姬扶摇都没认出他,旁人更加认不出了。 That does not will certainly all expose, should fulfill the road of his Ni Fan on the contrary, stirs muddy Samsara taking advantage of this good opportunity again. 那就不必将一切点破,反倒更应践行他的逆樊之路,借此良机再搅浑一个轮回 If he is only Ning Fan, he can talk about old days with this Si Luo, chats opposite party Parallel Samsara other possible. 若他只是宁凡,他可以和这位司罗叙旧,聊一聊对方平行轮回的另一些可能。 But at this moment, he can only be Ni Fan. 但此刻,他只能是逆樊 This is my own illness, how to dare exhausted your highness...” Si Luo seems a heart movement, but Ning Fan is not ripe, friendship pale like water, this is that elder's guidance, he records at times, is never willing to owe debt of thanks. “这是我自己的病症,如何敢劳烦殿下...”司罗似有一丝心动,但到底和宁凡不熟,君子之交淡如水,这是那位长者的教导,他时时记着,从不愿多欠人情。 But some kindness he does not dare to put behind that this similarly is that elder's guidance. 但既有的恩惠他绝不敢忘却的,这同样是那位长者的教导。 Ning Fan just exerted the Rain Intent treatment in him, this benevolence, he needs to consider well, how should return to seem serious. 宁凡刚刚施加雨意救治于他,此恩情,他需要好好斟酌,该如何回报才能显得郑重。 This is the obligation, if he just killing intent lost control, massacres the butcher clan, must lose the present tranquil —— this surely is that elder leaves his final thing, he does not want to lose. 此为大恩,若他刚刚杀意失控,残杀胞族,定要失去眼下的平静——这是那位长者留给他的最后东西,他不想失去。 Ning Fan: Is polite, you are Immortal King, is my clan clan's fate important first cycle , helping you, is prosperous for clan's fate. This non- private affair, but is the official business. Naturally, if you feel sorry, at the appointed time is portable the doctor's fee to come. The brother has not to know, in my family recently were many squandering money meter/rice insect, every day will request the large amount of research fund from me, although I have the gold and silver mountains, wants to support this meter/rice insect, slightly feels strenuously...” 宁凡:“无须客气,你是仙王,是我族族运的重要一环,帮你,也是为了族运昌隆。此非私事,而是公事。当然,若你过意不去,届时可携带些诊金前来。兄有所不知,我家中近日多了个挥金如土的米虫,每日都会向我索取巨额研究经费,我虽有金山银山,想要养活这只米虫,也是略感吃力的...” Ji Xiaoyao: Makes me have a look, was which only small milk dog in the back said that person Malicious remarks Aiya, this was not Donor Your Highness that others most liked ~ your highness was affluent, only used your a little bit/bit by bit change nothing more, why to love dearly, you by no means suffered a loss ~ I made tea for you poured water many times, the most beloved tea leaves was drunk several hundred jin (0.5 kg) by you, you looked, my without/has not any loved dearly, instead the mood wrote several Dao Scroll to report joyfully ~ 姬小摇:“让我看看,是哪只小奶狗在背后说人坏话~哎呀,这不是人家最最喜欢的金主殿下嘛~殿下腰缠万贯,只用了你一点点小钱而已,何必如此心疼呢,伱并不吃亏呀~我可是为你烹茶倒水了许多次,就连最心爱的茶叶都被你喝了好几百斤呢,你看,我就没有任何心疼,反而心情愉悦地写了好几篇道卷报告~” Ning Fan: Young Lady was certainly joyful, if also some people hundred gold/metal spend freely to me every day, and also kills the Undying/not dead material to be possible for me to act and collect the data in any event independently, I can also a becoming joyful person.” 宁凡:“姑娘当然愉悦了,若也有人每天给我百金挥霍,且还有一个无论如何都杀不死的素材可供我放手施为、收集数据,想必我也能成为一个愉悦之人。” Ji Xiaoyao: You have fun obviously, not ~ I by the Qilin tea collection data, you also made Dao of Poison increase day by day, desolate of strength this tea, in Pangren had zu, actually may strive in you cannot think. Others only collected your only hundred gold/metal, this where is doing the research, clearly makes the charity ~ 姬小摇:“你明明也乐在其中,不是嘛~我以麒麟茶收集数据,你也令一身毒道与日俱增,此茶之荒力,于旁人而言有诅,于你却可精进不可思。人家只收了你区区百金,这哪里是在做研究,分明是做慈善呢~” Si Luo: Your highness, hundred gold/metal are not truly many. Ji Shui Senior in my clan en, if Jishan, even does not consider this matter, many people want to kneel to ask by 10 billion and 100 billion golds, Senior has not looked encouragingly. Then resembles my this kind of official historian, even the camouflage is the Void Fragmentation junior, yearly salary still have several million Divine Storehouse golds, only hundred gold/metal are really unworthy one...” 司罗:“殿下,百金确实不多。姬水前辈于我族恩若稷山,即使不考虑此事,多少人想以百亿千亿跪求,前辈都不曾假以辞色。便似我这等史官,即使伪装为碎虚小辈,年俸也有数百万神藏,区区百金实在不值一...” Ning Fan: What I said is Heavenly Dao Gold.” 宁凡:“我说的是天道金。” Si Luo: „?” 司罗:“?” How many 10 billion Divine Storehouse golds not just taels of Heavenly Dao Gold can exchange, you determined that every day can give the opposite party hundred taels of Heavenly Dao Gold? 两天道金可是能兑换几百亿神藏不止的,你确定每天要给对方百两天道金 Si Luo: Disturbed, was the younger generation pattern lowered, the younger generation still had the assignment, please allow the younger generation to advance one step, two Senior chatted slowly...” 司罗:“打扰了,是晚辈格局低了,晚辈尚有差事,请容晚辈先行一步,二位前辈慢慢聊...” Si Luo even more determined that the Ning Fan is not Mortal person, posed as the younger generation simply directly. 司罗愈发确定宁凡不是凡人,索性直接以晚辈自居了。 If not fresh and sacred, who can every day spend freely 100 gold not to blink? Beginning Saint does not dare so to squander money! 若非生而神圣,谁能每天挥霍一百金不眨眼?始圣都不敢这般挥金如土吧! Heart overawes the Huaiwo World Ji Shui Emperor no wonder, is willing to run to pester the prince to abandon daily. clansman does not dare to discuss this matter outwardly, has actually spread many rumors secretly. 心道难怪威震淮涡世界姬水帝君,愿意跑来天天纠缠王子弃。族人不敢明面议论此事,暗地里却早已传出诸多流言。 The edition of rumor has several, or romantic, or treacherous, or flooded the innumerable reverses... 流言的版本有好几个,或香艳、或诡谲、或充斥了无数反转... Actually behind this matter real reason, merely is only the family property of this your highness, rich somewhat is at variance with the average man? 却原来此事背后的真正原因,仅仅只是这位殿下的家底,丰厚的有些异于常人吗? Truth by no means is explosive , is very reasonable. If some people are willing to start out for day hundred gold/metal the price, the real Saint must move, let alone not yet become a Saint Ji Shui Emperor... 真相并不劲爆,却也十分合理。若有人肯开出一天百金的价格,真圣都要为之动心的,何况是尚未成圣姬水帝君... The issue is... 问题是... If this your highness is so rich, when I pay a visit gives money directly, appears insufficiently serious... 若这位殿下真的这么有钱,我登门拜访时直接送钱,是否显得不够郑重... Si Luo is guessing fondness of Ning Fan secretly, after planning carefully to prepare one, visits to thank Ning Fan again today rescues. 司罗暗暗揣测着宁凡的喜好,打算认真准备一番之后,再去登门感谢宁凡今日的相救。 Guesses others' fondness, to him is somewhat difficult, but the master assigns/life is absolute, the en must report, the resentment must recompense, if even/including Shiming put behind, in his heart then really does not save on a glimmer. 揣测别人的喜好,对他来说有些困难,但师命不可违,恩必报,怨必偿,若连师命都忘却掉,他的心中便真就一点微光都不存了。 Then, these words that your highness spoke before, actually have what profound meaning... 说起来,殿下之前说的那些话,究竟有何深意... Must defeat the darkness with the fire... 要用火去战胜黑暗吗... But, the fire came from where... 可,火从何来... Although has a mind to consult 12, but your highness is busy talking with Senior, he should not disturb. 虽有心请教一二,可殿下正忙着和前辈谈话,他不应打扰的。 ... ... Si Luo tactful departure. 司罗识趣的离去了。 Ning Fan looks at the form that Si Luo is getting off work eagerly, only thinks big of World, really every possible strange thing. 宁凡望着司罗急于下班的身影,只觉世界之大,果然无奇不有。 Mu Luo Ming Luo, likes the bamboo bamboo ; Sen Luo hanging the head finally, cannot pray for rain rain ;, but this Si Luo, has actually only thought the tranquil life, is alone in the world, busy... 木罗冥罗,爱竹终得竹森罗悬头颅,求雨不得雨而这司罗,却只想过平静的生活,孑然一身,忙忙碌碌... Limitless Nature Manifestation, all phenomena on earth, but thousand, this is also side... 森罗万象,万象而千面,这也是其中的一面么... Similar to her, has flower bloom thousand, each appearance is different... 就如同她,亦有花开千面,每一个样子都不尽相同... Ji Xiaoyao: „Do you care about this person named Si Luo very much? Is it possible that is the different world body of acquaintance ~ or, you help him, wants to grow Earth Giant Clan clan's fate purely? Needs me to help your one, I have many treasures, is absolutely excellent in quality and reasonable in price, for example this... ascends ~ 姬小摇:“你很在意这个叫司罗的人?莫非是熟人的异世身~又或者,你之所以帮助他,单纯只是想要增长地巨族族运?需要我帮你一把么,我有诸多宝物,绝对物美价廉,比如这一件...登登~”
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