GE :: Volume #14

#1308 Part 2: At that time is frustrated

The black moonlight flashes through, in the hand of Ji Xiaoyao are many immediately treasure(d). 黑色的月光闪过,姬小摇的手中顿时多出一件宝贝 That is one... the rotten wood material quality scabbard. 那是一个...朽木材质的剑鞘。 When different Time and Space, the similar experience, he is young, once had Little Monstress taking advantage of others the hand, goes through many places donates his to decay the Wooden Sword sheath. 不同的时空,相似的经历,他年少时,曾有小妖女借他人之手,辗转赠予他一个朽木剑鞘。 Once that scabbard, was only Low Grade Spirit Treasure, but above brought wisp of Sword Intent, was away from the Eternal years, had not annihilated... 曾经那枚剑鞘,只是一件下品灵宝,但其上却带了一缕剑意,隔着万古岁月,仍未湮灭... Heaven and Earth Fiendgod, is the ants. If I fold the sword, the world does not have the military...】 天地神魔,皆为蝼蚁。若我折剑,天下无武...】 The scabbard has together other broken Void Level Sword Qi, the when female has not folded sword talking to oneself. 剑鞘藏有一道碎虚级别的剑气,更有一名女子未折剑时的自语。 Present scabbard different... its even Low-Rank Spirit Treasure not, its material quality, is really only the wood/blockhead of the world of mortals, but the type of this lumber, is actually Ning Fan has never seen the material quality. 眼前的这枚剑鞘则不同...它甚至连低阶灵宝都不是了,其材质,真就只是凡间的木头,但此木材的种类,却是宁凡从未见过的材质。 Middle also no Sword Intent preserves, but has her aura to preserve, but Ning Fan is unable to judge, which she this aura is remains, or, is only Ji Xiaoyao touches after merely, remains... 当中亦无任何剑意留存,但却有她的气息留存,只是宁凡无法判断,此气息是哪一个她所留,又或者,仅仅只是姬小摇触碰之后所留... Ji Xiaoyao: Aiya, you as if recognize this scabbard, can actually tell me this scabbard to have what function, in my many methods, after counting a million experiment , can only determine that this is a significance unknown scabbard, but the issue on... the scabbard, why will be so made here is Divine Storehouse, deposits in that and other in the central tomb chambers in grave, was really strange ~ or, this thing in Muzhu, has compared in world any treasure more vital significance ~ actually, but the back significance was what, really good wants to know. If you dispel doubt for me, I then buy one and get one free, deliver you treasure(d) that suppresses Fate, so, you can more relaxed growth Earth Giant Clan transport/fortune ~ 姬小摇:“哎呀,你似乎认得这个剑鞘,可以告诉我这个剑鞘究竟有何功用吗,以我的诸多手段,数百万次实验之后,也只能确定这是一个意义不明的剑鞘,可问题就在这里...如此剑鞘,为何会被制为神藏,存放在那等墓葬的中央墓室之中,真是太奇怪了~又或者,此物于墓主而言,有着比世间任何珍宝都更重要的意义~可背后的意义究竟是什么呢,真的好想知道呀。若你为我解惑,我便买一送一,送你一件镇压气运宝贝,如此,你就能更轻松的增长地巨族运啦~” Ji Xiaoyao another turns the hand, takes out small bell Magical Treasure, impressively unexpectedly is Ning Fan has seen something. 姬小摇又一翻手,取出一尊小钟法宝,赫然竟是宁凡见过的某物。 Eastern Heaven World Treasure, Heaven Suppression Bell... 东天界宝,镇天钟... Ji Xiaoyao: Interesting, looks at your look, resembles to see this bell to be the same unexpectedly, I just now appear and disappear from Divine Storehouse this bell fragment obviously for several years, recovered this bell also to depend on your little strongbox truly, this world should nobody see this bell to be right, I, only tested this thing in suppressing the Fate incident faintly has the wonderful effectiveness. But you resemble to see this thing unexpectedly, can tell me, you have been seeing this bell when where, has what origin with this bell, I can add money Oh ~ 姬小摇:“有趣,看你的眼神,竟似见过此钟一般,明明我才刚将此钟碎片从神藏中切出没几年,真正复原此钟也还是靠了你的小金库,此世应无人见过此钟才对,就连我,也只隐隐测试出此物于镇压气运一事极具神效。但你竟似见过此物,可以告诉我吗,你是在何时何地见过此钟,又与此钟有何渊源,我可以加钱~” Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“...” Ning Fan did not say a word, is only looking at this bell, in the heart slightly the stabbing pain. 宁凡一言不发,只望着此钟,心中微微刺痛。 My this world gives your Heavenly Dao Gold, you actually took away to recover this bell, then incurred certain Fate of next life... 我此世给你的天道金,你却拿去复原了此钟,而后招致了来世的某些命运么... If I do not give you to say the gold/metal to spend freely, whether Eastern Heaven will then not have this bell, will not have bell sacrifice, will not have Sen Luo to destroy the bell, will not have Little Monstress nearly to by Nascent Divinity offer a sacrifice to the liquor Fate... 若我不给你道金挥霍,是否东天便不会有此钟,不会有钟祭,不会有森罗毁钟,不会有小妖女险些要被元神祭酒的命运... Is the resistance, more incurs the misfortune for you... 越是反抗,越是为你招致厄运吗... But is I do not revolt, these people are willing to let off you... 但便是我不反抗,那些人就肯放过你吗... Ji Xiaoyao: Your look looks toward left, resembles deeply hides a pain in the memories ; look, it seems like quite some past events of finding it unbearable to recall, making me even more want to inquire into that 12 ; I mentioned the past events two characters, you actually looked unknowingly to me, is it possible that was unexpectedly related with me? You knew I who different world, I guessed right ~ 姬小摇:“你的眼神望向左下,似在回忆神色深藏一丝痛苦,看来其中颇有些不堪回首的往事呢,让我愈发想要探究一二了我言及往事二字,你却不经意望向了我,莫非竟还与我有关?你认识异世的我,我猜对了吗~” Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“...” Samsara is really wonderful, can let so intelligent Young Lady unexpectedly, finally a turned into cute fool. 轮回真是妙不可言,竟能让一个如此聪慧的姑娘,最终变成一个可爱的笨蛋。 Everyone is Ji Fuyao, in my head, without/has not this only why so intelligent at present... 大家都是姬扶摇,为何我脑袋里的这只,没有眼前这只那么聪明... Ant Lord: „?” 蚁主:“?” Ant Lord: „Won't you be scolding me? But you praised me unfortunately cute... this anything meaning!” 蚁主:“你不会是在骂我吧?可你偏又夸我可爱...这到底什么意思!” Ji Xiaoyao: Aiya, heard probably extraordinarily the sound, between you and me, also this kind of relationship, actually this may make me more curious unexpectedly you are who ~ 姬小摇:“哎呀,好像听到了不得了的声音,原来你我之间,居然还有这等关系吗,这可让我更好奇你究竟是谁了~” Ant Lord: „?” 蚁主:“?” Ant Lord: Inconceivable! This imitates the this Palace Master woman everywhere, as if can hear the this Palace Master aspiration unexpectedly!” 蚁主:“不可思议!这个处处模仿本宫的女人,竟仿佛能听到本宫的心声!” Ji Xiaoyao: Cannot hear Oh, Samsara not the thing, cannot only hear with the ear, but if the soul of frequency, then may follow the 12 bell Lv progressive fluctuation, making in the soul five sounds produce the resonance, eventually achieved the wonder of Five Sounds Resonating Law, did not surpass Realm. Blows the law to listen to the sound, the soul sound abreast, its sound madame ; simultaneously, since, the nature of thing, what Zuguai? I am the palace sound, but you most can only be the feather sound, by palace hears feather, why must listen surely ~ 姬小摇:“听不到,轮回不可言之物,只用耳朵是听不到的,但若是同频之魂,则可遵循十二钟律的递进增减,令魂中五音产生共鸣,最终达成五音谐律之妙,超出不可言之界限。吹律听声,魂音相并,其音尚宫同声相从,物之自然,何足怪也?我是宫音,而你最多只能算是羽音,以宫闻羽,又何必定要去听呢~” Ant Lord: Five Sounds Resonating Law 12 bell! This is the technique of this Palace Master original creation, but during this Palace Master also somewhat forgot the essence , your imitated the this Palace Master woman everywhere, unexpectedly plagiarize this Palace Master Secret Art, and studied ended the full page, this was how possible!” 蚁主:“五音谐律十二钟!这是本宫独创之术,但就连本宫也有些遗忘当中精髓所在了,你这处处模仿本宫的女人,竟偷学本宫绝学,且学的还是完整版,这怎么可能!” Ji Xiaoyao: „?” 姬小摇:“?” Ji Xiaoyao: You think unexpectedly seriously I am imitating you? Does not know who seriously I am? Isn't all of these, playing the fool unexpectedly?” 姬小摇:“你竟当真以为我在模仿你?当真不知道我是谁?这一切,居然不是在装傻?” Ji Xiaoyao: Quite sad, suddenly some do not want to speak with the fool. Before this fool asked that as if never understood the ponder, but the reply did not have the issue of level, toleration of indeed to fool, therefore Donor Sir, I can ban the word her? Otherwise I possibly really awkwardly to taking hit the wall, I may most fear that hurt ~ 姬小摇:“好难过,突然有些不想和笨蛋说话了。这个笨蛋发问前,似乎从来不懂得思考,而回答没水平的问题,正是对笨蛋的纵容,所以金主大人,我可以把她禁言了吗?不然我可能真会尴尬到拿头撞墙的,我可最怕疼了~” Ant Lord: Whom scolded the fool! Had this hateful Butterfly to despise this Palace Master daily also enough, matched to despise this Palace Master depending on your sparrow... wu wu wu...” 蚁主:“骂谁笨蛋!有这讨厌蝴蝶天天轻视本宫也就够了,凭你一只麻雀也配轻视本宫...唔唔唔...” Ji Xiaoyao started may not the Speech Seal strength. 姬小摇发动了不可言印的力量。 Ant Lord as frequency feather soul, is unable to say a word immediately, felt this and common origin cocurrent flow strength, Ant Lord thought through something instantaneously, actually only thought unbelievable! 身为同频羽魂的蚁主,顿时无法言语了,感受到这和自身同源同流的力量,蚁主瞬间想通了某事,却只觉难以置信! False, this little girl is not imitating me unexpectedly... she unexpectedly is once I! 假的吧,这小丫头竟不是在模仿我...她竟是曾经的我! But this by no means is reasonable, my without/has not any about her memory, does not remember that once had a wisp of Dividing Spirit, in the name of Ji Xiaoyao, is body of the Remnant Soul at this moment is broken, doesn't have this memory? But even the memory defect, should not the blank have so huge 1st Stage to be right, should not have the mark homing, however the resonance of soul sound cannot create a false impression, this matter outcome... 但这并不合理,我没有任何关于她的记忆,更不记得曾有一缕分神,以姬小摇为名过,是此刻的残魂之体过于残破,才不具备这段记忆么?但就算记忆缺失,也不该空白出如此巨大的一段才对,更不该无迹可寻的,然而魂音的共鸣造不得假,此事究竟... If she is I, that then said, I have then met with Ning Fan Dao Sense in the past, but I also do not remember this matter, even Karma of without/has not about this matter preserves, was similar to by anyone is cancelled... 且若她是我,那便是说,我早在过去便和宁凡道念相见过,但我同样不记得这件事,甚至没有关于此事的一丝因果留存,就如同被什么人抹去了... Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“...” Troublesome. 麻烦了。 If she and she had the contradiction, whom I should help... 倘若她和她自己有了矛盾,我该帮谁... Ant Lord: wu wu wu... 蚁主:唔唔唔... Ji Xiaoyao: Do not fear! You are my feather soul, how I am willing to bully you, but lets your quiet a while forget it/that's all ~ much study study my family Donor Your Highness ~ you looked, he knows the way of the world to be dangerous, therefore some countless words want to inquire me obviously, actually the choice pities the language like the gold/metal. Wants the lengthy speech with Si Luo obviously, to me in front, actually instead hesitated in making a move, riddle person like him, because of anyone but the innermost feelings vacillate, is somewhat inconceivable ~ 姬小摇:“别怕!你是我的羽魂,我怎舍得欺负你,只是让你安静一会儿罢了~多学学我家金主殿下好吗~你看,他知世道险恶,故而明明有千言万语想询问我,却还是选择惜语如金。明明和司罗都愿意长篇大论,到了我面前,却反而举棋不定了呢,像他这样的谜语人,也会因什么人而内心动摇吗,有些难以想象呢~” Ji Xiaoyao: Is this, I then am curious, or, making me so care, is this releasing in order to catch true goal, if so, my Donor Sir, as if understood seriously very much attracts girl's method ~ should once not have many women? I know a fool bird, among in the world in each illusion, all met with a youngster, each youngster is not same ~ you should not have the same quantity little girlfriend ~ 姬小摇:“越是这样,我便越是好奇,又或者,让我如此在意,便是这场欲擒故纵的真正目的,若当真如此,我这位金主大人,似乎很懂得吸引女孩子的方法嘛~该不会曾有过很多个女人吧?我就认识一只笨蛋小鸟,于世间每一场幻梦中,皆邂逅了一个少年,每一个少年都不相同~你该不会也有同等数量的小女友吧~” Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“...” Ji Xiaoyao: I crack a joke nothing more, you can actually deny...” 姬小摇:“我只是开玩笑而已,你其实可以否认的...” How can Ning Fan deny? 宁凡要如何否认呢? He really has so many women, the difference lies in... each is she. 他真的有这么多女人,区别在于...每一个都是她。 Lying is a deceit. 撒谎是一种欺骗。 Honest actually and Ni Fan person supposed incompatible. 坦诚却又和逆樊的人设不符了。 He can feel oneself spoken language, has made the opposite party have the misunderstanding, but actually unable to explain... 他能感受到自己的言语,已令对方产生误解,但却无法解释... Ji Xiaoyao: Do not care, even you compared with fool bird unfaithful/stamen 100 million time, with my still without/has not relationship. Compared with this matter, I care about your passing.” 姬小摇:“别在意,就算你比笨蛋小鸟花心一亿倍,和我也没有关系呢。比起此事,我更在意你的过往。” This is the lie. 此为谎言。 She actually somewhat cares... 她其实还是有些在意的... Ji Xiaoyao: You recognize many funerary objects in my hand, but also doubtful and I have had the bad cause, otherwise my feather soul will be impossible to stake everything on a single throw of the dice, will kill since with you. I cannot the thing of knowledge all have the curiosity to all, but your not agrees said certainly that right ~ interrogates this fool ant actually simple many, can know all in ant eye directly, but that somewhat is rather senseless, and its soul sound obvious exist(ence) deletion, then, even if depends on Five Sounds Resonating Law to come the information, its authenticity is also hard to guarantee, instead easy to be misled in the details.” 姬小摇:“你认得我手中的诸多随葬品,还疑似和我结下过恶因,否则我的羽魂不可能会孤注一掷,和你相杀至今的。我对一切不可知之物皆有好奇,但你一定不肯说的,对吧~审讯这只笨蛋蚂蚁倒是简单的多,直接就能知晓蚂蚁眼中的一切,但那未免有些无趣,且其魂音明显存在删改,如此一来,纵使靠着五音谐律得来情报,其真实性也难以保证,反而容易于细微处被人误导。” Ji Xiaoyao: Truth and fake distance, often only needs the absence of one word, even can word for word, only trade a tone to state sometimes, can obtain the clearly opposite fact. The scholars need to be rigorous, I am willing in a more rigorous method, to carefully examine all your, but... you should pay money before then, Donor Your Highness that I most like ~ 姬小摇:“真相与假相的距离,往往只需一字之差,甚至有时可以一字不改,只换一个口气陈述,便可得到截然相反的事实。学者需要严谨,我愿以更严谨的手段,审视你的一切,但在此之前...你该付钱了,我最最喜欢的金主殿下~” She spoke thoughtlessly to tease, but she had not even detected, liking in oneself mouth, was the what kind of real intention. 她只是随口调笑,但连她自己都未察觉,自己口中的喜欢,是何等真实的心意。 Therefore the transaction achieves, she will decay the Wooden Sword sheath and Heaven Suppression Bell to lend Ning Fan, obtained the 100 gold research fund, smilingly departed. 于是交易达成,她将朽木剑鞘、镇天钟借给宁凡,又得到了一百金的研究经费,笑眯眯地离去了。 In the mouth is humming the joyful folk song handed down from old times, the song that then sang with the tokharia language, only heard Ning Fan to be moved. 口中哼唱着愉悦的古谣,那以月氏语唱出的歌谣,只听得宁凡怅然若失。 When that disappointed, by the induction of soul sound, the feedback to Ji Xiaoyao, was makes the Ji Xiaoyao mood even more joyful finally. 而当那份怅然,借由魂音的感应,回馈给姬小摇,终是令姬小摇心情愈发愉悦了。 Really foolish-looking Donor Sir ~ saw me to walk, so did not abandon unexpectedly, was so sad ~ so, the tomorrow's relaxation time, pulled out again some sees him well ~ 真是一个傻头傻脑的金主大人~见我走了,竟然如此不舍,如此难过吗~既如此,明天的休息时间,再抽一些来见他好了~ After all this is earth moneybags that thousand th all ages is difficult to meet, was squandered by 100.02 million little girlfriends with its ignores his little strongbox, might as well makes me spend, right ~ 毕竟这可是千世万世都难一遇的土财主,与其放任他的小金库被亿万万小女友花光,还不如让我来花,对吧~ Really good ~ this type does not need the high-ranked reply, can momentarily rich life ~ 真好呀~这种不需要上级批复,就能随时有钱的生活~ This donor, is really more looks more likes ~ 这金主,真是越看越喜欢~ Therefore, even if Donor Sir is really an enemy, all show good will all are the traps, all happy will change to the sword finally, still without/has not relationship, right ~ dreads with it loses, takes delight in immediately, me would rather does not owe in any case ~ 所以,即使金主大人真是敌人,一切示好皆是陷阱,一切美好终会化作刀剑,也没有关系的,对吧~与其畏惧失去,倒不如行乐于当下,反正我不亏呢~ Does not know the scabbard of function, buries the bell to lend Donor Sir, may help him, may seize the chance to clarify these funerary objects certain hidden uses. 将不知功用的剑鞘、葬钟借给金主大人,既可帮助他,也可趁机弄清楚这些随葬品的某些隐藏用途。 Doubtful Ancient Country descendant Donor Sir, truly recognizes these funerary objects, if can persuade him , helping me study Divine Boat, Divine Bow, Divine Arrow and other thing, can perhaps my research progress, rapid progress? Is worth waiting for ~ 疑似古国后人金主大人,确实认得这些随葬品呢,若能说动他,助我研究神舟神弓神矢等物,或许我的研究进度,可以一日千里?值得期待一下呢~ Then, buried the bell to try the Donor Sir level to be good with this scabbard, if he can succeed to demonstrate two valuable the hidden functions, or he can break open me to keep small riddle topics in two treasure, I did not mind that invited him to go to that piece of God Tomb Oh together ~ 便以此剑鞘、葬钟试一试金主大人的水平好了,若他能成功展示二宝的隐藏功用,又或者他能够破开我留在二宝之中的小小谜题,我不介意邀请他一同前往那片神墓~ This may really be transaction that the blood gains does not owe ~ 这可真是血赚不亏的交易~ And there is my treasure(d), Donor Sir grows Earth Giant Clan to transport, deciding will also be more convenient. This is the matter of cooperation will benefit both sides, I do not amass money, does not cheat out of money, I only make money ~, and I may the blood gain, Donor Sir does not owe absolutely, but this, was all that I conducted oneself in society... 且有我的宝贝在,金主大人增长地巨族运之时,定也会更加便利。此乃合则两利之事,我不抢钱,也不骗钱,我只赚钱~且我或许会血赚,金主大人也是绝对不亏的,而这,便是我立身处世的一切了... This is... Dao of Business! 此为...商之道 Business, said in Li, was in harmony with the agreement. Harming others to benefit oneself, loses in Dao of Business, damages oneself altruist, losing far. 商者,言于利,合于契。损人利己者,失于商之道,损己利人者,亦失之远矣。 Only has cooperation for win-win situation, is true business. 唯有合作共赢,才是真正的商。 The openness and cooperation, the harmony contains, market operation, mutually beneficial and win-win..., if can achieve my heart to hope, perhaps in society's dispute, really can reduce some... 开放合作,和谐包容,市场运作,互利共赢...若能达成我心所愿,世间的纷争,或许真能减少一些吧... Really, only has the approach of cooperation will benefit both sides, conforms to my Saint Heart, so outside king, but in the Saint, become a Saint is not also far. But, Three Corpse become a Saint is not a difficulty, makes Immeasurable water tribulation actually me not hope in this world. Virtue Become Saint conforms to me the anticipation to Saint, I because of rendering meritorious service become a Saint, this world may also receive to benefit because of me, but Dao Spirit World cannot certainly I so handle affairs... they want, the this world destruction, making my become a Saint also regard to incur the Measuring Tribulation tool me. master Mingnan disobeys, only if I can Yangfeng, but disobeys Yin, then, the research progress of Ancient Country grave, but also the need is quicker the line...” “果然,唯有合则两利的做法,才更符合我的圣心,如此外王而内圣,成圣亦不远矣。可,三尸成圣并非难点,在此界引下无量水劫却非我所愿。功德成圣最符合我对圣人的期待,我因立功成圣,此界亦可因我受利,但道灵世界一定不许我这般行事的...他们想要的,是将此界毁灭,令我成圣也只是将我当成招致量劫的工具。师命难违,除非我能阳奉而阴违,如此一来,古国墓葬的研究进度,还需要更快一些才行...” Said, Donor Sir certain aspects, conform to me very to business definition, therefore, why he does want to use an alias to abandon? He should call the agreement is right! He should not stay in this little Jishan, if needs to increase person clan's fate to achieve certain goals, why not along with me together, jointly to construct happy Ji mountain Ji Shui ~ “说起来,金主大人某些方面,十分符合我对商的定义呢,所以,他为何要化名为弃呢?他该叫契才对呀!他也不该留在这小小稷山,倘若需要增人族运才能达成某些目的,何不随我一道,共同建设美好姬山姬水呢~” In addition, I see oneself Saint Heart hopes, but a character still had the unclear place to people of... what Weifan? What manner? This thinks that can absorb some inspirations from some mortal youngster, actually unexpectedly so-called mortal, the pretence that but Donor Sir deceives people, thinks that the become mortal words, can only seek the goal in addition, went to other places to travel? But in that case, I and Donor Sir distinguished temporarily, he does not seem able to stay for a long time in this, if respectively, can not have manifestation to see at this time again...” “此外,我已明白了自身圣心所愿,但却对人之一字尚有不明之处...何为凡?何为人?本以为能从某个凡人少年身上汲取些灵感,却不料所谓的凡人,只是金主大人欺人的幌子,想化凡的话,只能另寻目标,去其他地方游历了吧?但那样一来,我就得和金主大人暂时分别了呢,他似乎无法久留于此,如若此时分别,会不会再也无法相见呢...” Or, I can try to invite him, accompanies my together become mortal ~ will he comply? His meeting, but, why... I can feel the dispute that he and my Remnant Soul has, begins in the bad cause, his by no means seems like can with the individuality that the bad cause falls in love over time, this matter back decides also in-depth Karma, but he intentionally is actually concealing to me, is really very excessive...” “又或者,我可以试试邀请他,陪我一同化凡~他会答应么?他会,可,为什么呢...我能感受到他与我的残魂产生的纠葛,是始于恶因,他并不像是会与恶因日久生情的个性,此事背后定还有更深层的因果,但他却对我刻意隐瞒着,真是很过分呢...” 100 gold is willing the person, a truth is not willing to say...” 一百金都愿意给的人,一句真话偏偏不愿说么...” „The thoughts of man are really difficult to guess, can consult the annoying bird? But if this matter aroused her interest, how could it not be runs to covet my family donor... to harm my family donor, has the innumerable brothers-in-law in various Samsara instantaneously? As if very interesting, but, cannot...” “男人的心思果然难猜,要不要去请教一下烦人小鸟?可若此事引起了她的兴趣,跑来觊觎我家金主...岂非害得我家金主,瞬间于诸轮回中拥有无数连襟?似乎很有趣呢,但,不可以...” Ji Xiaoyao denied this thought. 姬小摇否定了这个念头。 She most liked the interesting matter, only had this pleasure, she does not want to look, even, thinks merely this possibility, some of her pit of the stomach were depressed... 她最喜欢有趣的事情了,却唯有这件乐子,她一点也不想看,甚至于,仅仅只是想到这种可能性,她就有些心口发堵... ... ... Ant Lord: wu wu wu... oh? can speak! That hateful woman! Next time will meet, this Palace Master must return the favor to her surely!” 蚁主:“唔唔唔...嗯?可以说话了!那个可恶的女人!下次见面,本宫定要对她还以颜色!” Ning Fan: Tooth and tongue will really have the friction time, but the tooth and tooth can also fight, this was actually the miracle in Samsara, was really interesting.” 宁凡:“牙齿和舌头确实会有摩擦的时候,但牙齿和牙齿也能打架,这却是轮回中的奇迹了,真是太有趣了。” Ant Lord: Snort! Don't with the this Palace Master speech! You and she is a heart, she bans to say me, you do not help me punch her unexpectedly! You will only look at the pleasure!” 蚁主:“哼!别和本宫说话!你和她才是一条心,她禁言我,你竟不帮我揍她!你只会看乐子!” Ning Fan: This word is bad, if I punch her seriously, you will be glad? I care about your feeling, this restrains everywhere. Otherwise with my style, pays her 100 gold, will not be anything will generally rent the Magical Treasure expense, may be over night fee/spent...” 宁凡:“此言差矣,若我当真揍她,你会乐意?我可是十分在意你的感受,这才处处收敛呢。否则以我行事风格,付给她的一百金,大抵不会是什么租借法宝的费用,更可能是过夜费...” Ant Lord: Your head! You presumptuously think to with another me pass the night unexpectedly and unexpectedly! It is not good! She is growing the appearance that and this Palace Master is exactly the same, if you, how could it not be if with her... is I... in brief not!” 蚁主:“过你个头!你竟然、竟然妄想要和另一个我过夜!不行!她长着和本宫如出一辙的容貌,你若是,若是和她...岂非是和我...总之不可以!” Ant Lord: Ok, this Palace Master and her gratitude and grudges, you do not need to manage again, cannot raise a rumpus to her! Next time will meet, this Palace Master has to haggle over, decides to ask her to know fierce of this Palace Master! Saint is not the silly girl, dares to despise my solemn Saint, and unexpectedly also succeeded... the this Palace Master past, is so unexpectedly fierce, can only easily act bashful depending on Great Cultivator cultivation base records Beginning Saint ~ this thinks that this Palace Master and you and Man Zhi by no means is the same Rank species, but perhaps, wise often appear slow-witted of this Palace Master is only temporary, intelligent is the this Palace Master synonym ~ 蚁主:“算了,本宫和她的恩怨,你不必再管,也不可对她动手动脚!下次见面,本宫自有计较,定叫她知道本宫的厉害!嘁,一个圣人都不是的黄毛丫头,竟敢轻视我堂堂圣人,且居然还成功了...本宫的过去,竟然如此厉害,只凭大修修为就能轻易拿捏一纪始圣吗~本以为本宫与你和满智并不是同一级别的物种,但或许,本宫的大智若愚只是暂时的,聪明才是本宫的代名词~” Ning Fan: Very is truly intelligent, really can become a Saint, on without/has not one be fool ;, if degenerates into the fool unfortunately, then decided suffered the huge inexorable fate and misery...” 宁凡:“确实挺聪明的,果然能成圣的,就没有一个是笨蛋倘若不幸沦为笨蛋,则定是遭受了天大的劫数与苦难...” Ant Lord: Calculates that you said right one time! this Palace Master is really not what fool, this is only trivial Remnant Soul, if you experienced complete me, decides will fall under this Palace Master brilliant Mountains and Rivers Skirt ~ 蚁主:“算你说对了一次本宫自不会真是什么笨蛋,此身只是区区残魂,若你见识了完整的我,定会倾倒在本宫光彩照人的山河裙下~” Ning Fan: Has fallen, fell in that wanted above clear Saint Heart compared in world any moonlight... perhaps, if world Saint such as she so, the tragedy will reduce many...” 宁凡:“已经倾倒了啊,倾倒在了那颗,比世间任何月光都要澄澈的圣心之上...若世间圣人都如她这般,或许悲剧会减少很多吧...” Ant Lord: Calculates that you are insightful! wait a minute/etc., you are praising her, praised me!” 蚁主:“算你有眼光!等等,你是在夸她,还是夸我!” Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“呵...” Ant Lord: Hey! talks clearly, whom you are praising... not to smile, day-by-day, you will only laugh at me!” 蚁主:“喂!说清楚啊,你到底是在夸谁...不许笑,一天天的,你就只会笑我!” ... ...
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