GE :: Volume #14

#1307 Part 3: Even if meets by chance should not to know

Purple clothes youth: No need, this is his industry, should repay by him, now the period of indeed restore, should have this one to meet. Compared with this matter, the idea of Butterfly made my accident/surprise on the contrary, by this butterfly individuality, will develop so useless Divine Technique unexpectedly. But this useless, not because of tiny, because utmost, really respects the young, the idea of young people, always makes people be hard to understand all...” 紫衣青年:“不必,这是他的业,理应由他偿还,如今正是归还之期,合该有此一遇。比起此事,蝴蝶的想法反倒更令我意外,以此蝶个性,居然会开发如此无用的神术。但此无用,非因渺小,而是因为至大,真是后生可畏,年轻人的想法,总让人难以尽数理解...” ... ... As a result of the Ning Fan use technique mistake, originally was sentenced Jiang Yuan of forever guard Jishan, becomes the merits and faults to add 3rd Rank. 由于宁凡施术失误,原本被判永镇稷山的姜嫄,成功罪加三等 No longer was the forever guard Jishan, after that suppressed days and nights, was the receiving punishment days. 不再是永镇稷山了,此后被镇压的日日夜夜,都是受刑日。 The ordinary suppression crime actually puts under house arrest in the hole, but if the crime on this foundation adds 1st Rank, then needs the town/subdues in the mountain bottom, but lost/carrying mountain town/subdues. 普通的镇压罪其实只是软禁洞中,但若在此基础之上罪加一等,则需要镇在山底,负山而镇。 Again additional 1st Rank, will then serve with zu of not dormancy, is unable to go to sleep to rest again. 再加一等,则会被施以不眠之诅,再无法入睡休憩。 Again additional 1st Rank, was most High Rank suppression crime, will be pecked the food heart by the Land Dragon daily, withstood pain of ; being insane daytime to be insane, because at night Curse Technique grew the heart again, so day duplicate/restores 1 day, withstood this pain unceasingly, will never end, the up to longevity completely person perished... 再加一等,则是最高级别的镇压罪了,会被地龙日日啄食心脏,承受失心之痛白日失心,夜晚又因诅术再度长出心脏,如此日复一日,不断承受此苦,永不终结,直至寿尽人亡... This wants to prevent Earth Giant Clan to lose First Concubine, finally actually harms the First Concubine fate more miserable, this somewhat was awkward. 本想要阻止地巨族失去元妃,结果却害得元妃下场更惨,这就有些尴尬了。 Is good because of being Ning Fan of chief criminal, because similarly Jiang Yuan from exposing the fact of trespasses restricted area, the crime added ten, raises the castration happily. 好在身为罪魁祸首的宁凡,同样因为姜嫄自曝了擅闯禁地的事实,罪加十等,喜提宫刑。 In front of a more awkward matter, the First Concubine bitter experience was not so also awkward. 在更尴尬的事情面前,元妃的遭遇也就不那么尴尬了。 What a pity, must disappoint Man Zhi. Castration anything, palace a point. 可惜,要让满智失望了。宫刑什么的,宫不了一点。 Just was only slightly made a mistake, next one struck him to hit the goal, the solution was troublesome. 刚刚只是小小失误了一下,下一击他就能打中目标,解决麻烦。 After learning the lessons of failure, Ning Fan one time starts Myriad Things Communication again, toward hiding to hit in this's two Immortal Emperor Ancestor. 总结了失败的经验后,宁凡一次发动万物沟通,朝躲藏于此的两名仙帝老祖打去。 this time without/has not hits crookedly, successfully hit these two people. 这一次没有打歪,成功打中了这二人。 Two people this are still struggling, must violate the clan regulations to rescue hesitant Jiang Yuan, after all after therefore person, cannot really the female see somebody in danger and do nothing. 二人本还在挣扎、犹豫要不要违反族规救一救姜嫄,毕竟是故人之后嘛,总不能真对此女见死不救。 One was hit by Myriad Things Communication, true ideas in two people of heart immediately became uncontrolled, immediately appeared figure. 一被万物沟通打中,二人心中的真实想法顿时变得不受控制了,当即现出了身形 But sees two to cover giant shadow in ten color Fate comes to Heaven and Earth, countless Earth Giant Clan people immediately one startled, salutes in abundance. 但见两道笼罩在十彩气运中的巨影现身天地,无数地巨族人顿时一惊,纷纷行礼。 Does not dare to sit God Step King again, sets out hurriedly, salutes upon meeting to two emperors with clansman together said. 就连神足王都不敢再坐着了,匆忙起身,和族人们一同对二帝见礼道。 Welcomed Giant God Ancestor to go out!” “恭迎巨神老祖出关!” Welcomed Giant Void Ancestor to go out!” “恭迎巨虚老祖出关!” nobody dares not to welcome, except for Ning Fan. 无人敢不恭迎,除了宁凡 Sees Ning Fan not to salute in same place, notices this matter's person only saying that Ning Fan was scared by the immortal Emperor Might pressure, has not been him to think. 宁凡愣在原地不行礼,注意到此事的人只道宁凡是被仙帝威压吓傻了,并未作他想。 Giant God and Giant Void two emperors do not have the time to pay attention to Ning Fan, they care about the Jiang Yuan situation, will be busy getting angry flies into a rage on God Step King. 巨神巨虚二帝同样没功夫理会宁凡,他们更在意姜嫄的处境,忙着将怒火发在神足王身上。 Giant Void: Sufficed! The Jiang Yuan good and evil is your First Concubine, but scolded you several, you treat unkindly to unexpectedly must pick the heart to take the liver her daily! If this matter spreads, how you make other nine generations regard my clan! Gou Eggy, to a Old Man explanation!” 巨虚:“够了!姜嫄好歹是你的元妃,不过骂了你几句,你竟寡恩到要将她日日摘心取肝吗!此事若是传出,你让其余九族如何看待我族!苟蛋儿,给老夫一个解释!” God Step King: Was Giant Step, Gou Egg is in the past, the younger generation given name is Giant Step, if called king, shouted small God Step and little king and so on name, the younger generation was also accepts...” 神足王:“是巨足,苟蛋已是过去,晚辈大名已是巨足,若称王号,喊一句小神足、小王之类的称呼,晚辈也是接受的...” Giant Void: Puts your good Gou Fart! Old Man shouted you Gou Egg, you must be Gou Egg! Shouted that you Gou Egg thinks highly of you, otherwise shouted that you egg you must respond! In front of Old Man, you also want the face, your face value several money, this God Step King you do competently, is not competent, gets the hell out to me!” 巨虚:“放你良的苟屁老夫喊你苟蛋,你就必须是苟蛋!喊你苟蛋是看得起你,不然喊你鸡蛋你也得应着!在老夫面前,你还想要面子,你的面子值几个钱,这神足王你能干就干,不能干,就给我滚蛋!” God Step King: „, Second Ancestor do not appease anger! Is the younger generation Gou Egg, the line not? As for giving the Jiang Yuan crime adds the matter of 3rd Rank, but also asked Second Ancestor to allow me to protest! My disciplinary punishment imperial concubine, is not damaged because of individual face, but was furious in her believed the Jiang Shui Daoist wild talk, dared trespasses my clan restricted area, this was violates the grave offense of clan regulations...” 神足王:“别别别,二祖息怒!晚辈就是苟蛋,行不?至于给姜嫄罪加三等之事,还请二祖容我申辩!我惩戒此妃,并非是因个人颜面受损,而是震怒于她听信了姜水道人的妄言,竟敢擅闯我族禁地,这可是违反族规的重罪...” Giant Void: Gou Fart does not pass! Gou Makes a Mess! Thinks with your Gou Naozi! I and Giant God defend in the restricted area daily, the wonder of insight Starry Sky tracks, if the without me two people permitted, depending on her Void Fragmentation junior, how could to contact the restricted area tracks! When really my two people of dotards inadequate! If investigated that violates the clan regulations incident, I and Giant God are also same party members, how you treat, wants to suppress my two people together, daily picks the heart to take the liver to be inadequate! Gives you ten careless courage, you, dare!” 巨虚:“苟屁不通!苟使一堆!用你的苟脑子想想好吗!我和巨神日日守在禁地,参悟星空足印之妙,若无我二人许可,凭她一介碎虚小辈,岂能接触到禁地足印!真当我二人老糊涂了不成!若追究违反族规一事,我和巨神亦是同党,你待如何,想将我二人一同镇压,日日摘心取肝不成!给你十个苟胆子,你,敢吗!” God Step King: Younger generation then has a 100 courage not to dare! two Ancestors expensive/noble is remote antiquity Elder, not in clan regulations limit, but this female is the 1st step junior, its child is the Bloodlines waste...” 神足王:“晚辈便是有一百个胆子也不敢啊!二位老祖贵为太上长老,自不在族规限制之列,但此女不过是第一步小辈,其子更是血脉废物...” Giant God: Shut up! Old Man endured you to be very long, Old Man always 1st hated, discriminated against the weak one Bloodlines clan regulations! Old Man the test did not pass an examination three times, thus understood that the Bloodlines test is the pretence of deceiving people. On the eve of the 4th Tribulation test, Old Man received the ancestor of kindness Jiang Yuan fortunately, went through by luck, kept clan land, because his ancestor supported repeatedly, this had the body of today's Immortal Emperor. Your opened mouth waste, the silent waste, listens in me, is scolding me radically!” 巨神:“住口!老夫忍你很久了,老夫平生第一恨的,就是歧视弱者血脉的族规!老夫曾三度测试不及格,因而懂得血脉测试不过是欺人的幌子。幸而第四次测试前夕,老夫受了姜嫄之祖恩惠,侥幸过关,留在了族地,又因其祖多次扶持,这才有了今日的仙帝之身。你张口废物,闭口废物,在我听来,根本是在骂我!” God Step King: Undeserved! The younger generation is a 100 courage, does not dare...” 神足王:“冤枉啊!晚辈便是一百个胆子,也不敢...” Giant God: Shut up! Old Man has not said! Clan regulations that Old Man also 2nd hates, that is the castration!... Old Man is not willing to raise as for the reason again! But you are booing, you did not say to a parent-child waste, must exert the castration to it unexpectedly, in my opinion, you are... go too far simply simply! Mudd Old Man and you exploded! Today you and Old Man must die, choose, dies your live I!” 巨神:“住口!老夫还没说完!老夫还有第二恨的族规,那就是宫刑!至于原因...老夫不愿再提!可你倒好,你对亲子一口一个废物不说,竟还要对其施加宫刑,在我看来,你简直是...简直是欺人太甚!玛德老夫和你爆了!今日你和老夫必须死一个,选吧,死你还是活我!” God Step King: Great Ancestor appeases anger, appeases anger, can't be that bad, has the words to say...” 神足王:“大祖息怒,息怒啊,何至于此,有话好说...” God Step King not understand! 神足王理解! God Step King detected unusual, but actually could not discover the unusual source from where! 神足王察觉到了反常,但却找不出反常的源头从何而来! God Step King: First is Jiang Yuan, this girl nature is spiritless, just unexpectedly had the guts to insult to my overhead, looked like Body Possession is been simply same!” 神足王:“先是姜嫄,此女生性懦弱,刚刚居然有胆量对我当头辱骂,简直就像是被人夺舍了一样!” God Step King: Then is this two Ancestors, usually in which does not hang the clan regulations on the mouth, today actually with coming under a spell to be the same, ran to maintain Jiang Yuan stemming from the selfishness unexpectedly, set at the clan regulations where? Sets at Clan where? Sets at this King face where? Old but Undying/not dead for the thief, these two old Undying/not dead, should get the hell out early! If not cannot be victorious these two old fogies, I pour really to want them to suppress under Jishan, always can not be reincarnated...” 神足王:“接着又是这两位老祖,平日里哪一个不是把族规挂在嘴上,偏偏今日却和中了邪一样,竟出于私心跑来维护姜嫄了,置族规于何地?置一族于何地?置本王颜面于何地?老而不死是为贼,这两个老不死的,早该滚蛋了!若非打不过这两个老家伙,我倒真想把他们镇压到稷山之下,永世不得超生...” God Step King: What's the matter? How I cannot control the mouth, said the innermost thoughts? can it be I also by Body Possession?” 神足王:“怎么回事?我怎么控制不住嘴巴,把心里话都说出来了?难道我也被夺舍了?” Giant God and Giant Void: You have without/has not by Body Possession, we do not know, but you must take a beating immediately, we determined very! Gou Egg looks to hit!” 巨神巨虚:“你有没有夺舍,我们不知道,但你马上要挨揍,我们十分确定!苟蛋看打!” Clansman A: Ancestor hits well, great! Looked early this stupidly forked Great King is not feeling well, beat to death his him!” 族人甲:“老祖打得好,打得好啊!早看这傻叉大王不爽了,揍死他丫的!” Clansman B: Do not only apply makeup, hits the small snail, hits his small snail, he wants to abandon my good brothers unexpectedly to the castration! That is the brothers who I most like, small snail that most likes! How not to be controlled the mouth, unexpectedly said to the abandoned affections me completely, good ashamed ah... 族人乙:“别只打脸啊,打牛牛,打他牛牛,他竟想把我好兄弟弃给宫刑了!那可是我最喜欢的兄弟,最喜欢的牛牛!遭了,怎么控制不住嘴巴了,居然把我对弃的爱意全部说出来了,好羞耻啊... Clansman C: This broken clan was really one second cannot treat, really wants to switch Monstress many Drought Demon Clan, what a pity Bloodlines cannot elect, really can only next generation again reincarnation?” 族人丙:“这破族真是一秒都待不下去了,真想转投女妖最多的旱魃族啊,可惜血脉不能自己选,果然只能下辈子重新投胎了吧?” Clansman D: Drought Demon Clan Monstress you? That Ugly Woman Clan were you also certainly OK? Actually I, I like physique big Monstress, I am bigger than three times likes, after all female big three, holds the gold brick!” 族人丁:“旱魃族女妖你都可以?那嫫母一族你一定也可以了吧?其实我也可以,我就喜欢块头大的女妖,比我高大三倍的就更喜欢的,毕竟女大三,抱金砖啊!” Clansman Son: Our such doesn't looks at, go to the manages manages? If Royal Father were killed incautiously, to say... other may displace!” 族人子:“我们就这么看着,不去管管?倘若父王一不小心被打死了,岂不是说...彼可取而代之!” Ugly Clansman: Holds on a minute! I am the Royal Father Bloodlines most powerful son, although I am the leaning imperial concubine live, but if Royal Father died, I should be the 1st position successor! World how can there be 3700 year Crown Prince! The heaven has eyes, finally was waited by the day by me!” 族人丑:“且慢!我才是父王血脉最强的儿子,虽说我是侧妃所生,但若父王死了,我才该是第一顺位继承人!天下岂有三千七百年的太子乎!苍天有眼,终于被我等到这一天了!” Clansman Yin: Real man was born in Heaven and Earth, how could to be an underling for a long time elegantly! If Elder Brother has to murder the heart of father seizing power, and calculates that my, the careless riches and honor, do not forget!” 族人寅:“大丈夫生于天地间,岂能郁郁久居人下!哥哥若有弑父夺权之心,且算我一个,苟富贵,勿相忘!” Clansman Mao: Does not hide! I actually am the Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan spy, most likes looking at Earth Giant Clan to kill one another, but this is the secret, I will die will not tell you!” 族人卯:“不藏了!我其实是朝月龙族的间谍,最爱看地巨族自相残杀,但这可是秘密,我死也不会告诉你们的!” This... 啊这... Ning Fan looks at becomes piece of God Step City randomly, did not acknowledge that all of these is his writing skill. 宁凡看着乱成一片的神足城,绝不承认这一切是他的手笔。 Has striven Myriad Things Communication, unexpectedly accident/surprise somewhat easy-to-use. 有所精进的万物沟通,竟意外的有些好用呢。 At present the chaotic aspect, really can let the innumerable living beings mutual understanding, probably not Taihang ah... 只是,眼前混乱的局面,真的能让芸芸众生互相理解么,好像不太行啊... And I did these, Earth Giant Clan can clan's fate really rise? Always thought that clan's fate instead fell much, ok, definitely is the misconception... 且我做了这些事后,地巨一族族运真的能涨么?总觉得族运反而掉了不少,算了,肯定是错觉... Ji Xiaoyao: Aiya, plan Dividing Spirit Lower Realm rescued some losing footing youngster, can actually see unexpectedly so lively, should all of these, not be your writing skill? After all this place everyone is talking nonsense, only then you did not say a word, was quite suspicious ~, therefore, how you achieved this matter, can tell me? Also or, you are willing to be made the slice by me, research material of becoming next Dao Scroll report? Why did not speak, was frightens ~ should not be afraid, mischievous small milk dog, so long as you are willing to receive your smart-alecky Ancient Country Divine Technique, and stilled this city to be chaotic along with me together, I was not cannot turn a blind eye Oh to you, said, you are willing to issue a warrant for arrest by entire Dao Spirit World ~ 姬小摇:“哎呀,本打算分神下界救一救某个失足少年,却不料能看到如此热闹,这一切,该不会是你的手笔吧?毕竟此地所有人都在胡言乱语,偏只有你一言不发,好可疑呀~所以,你到底是如何做到此事的,可以告诉我吗?又或者,你更愿意被我做成切片,成为下一篇道卷报告的研究素材?为什么不说话呢,是吓到了吗~别害怕呀,淘气的小奶狗,只要你愿意收起你那俏皮的古国神术,并随我一同平定此城混乱,我也不是不能对你睁一只眼闭一只眼,还是说,你更愿意被整个道灵世界通缉~” A black small sparrow descends before the Ning Fan body lithely, the moonlight flashes, turned into black skirt young female(s), smilingly looks at Ning Fan. 一只黑色的小麻雀轻盈降落在宁凡身前,月华一闪,变成了一个黑裙少女,笑眯眯地看着宁凡 She is Ji Fuyao Dividing Spirit, the appearance looks like Ji Fuyao, the appearance and build are younger than True Body/this Senior. Because Ji Fuyao True Body/this Senior cannot leave the free star, at most can Dividing Spirit Lower Realm, will therefore send her to come to save Ning Fan. 她是姬扶摇分神,容貌肖似姬扶摇,外貌和体型却比本尊年轻不少。因姬扶摇本尊不可擅离招摇星,最多也只能分神下界,故而才会派她前来拯救宁凡 The play notebook should be the youngster meets to pick the pain of heart, but she drops from the clouds, taking the contamination billowing Mortal World risk, the woman to save the youngster, then redeems the life of youngster again. 剧本本该是少年遇到摘心之苦,而她从天而降,冒着沾染滚滚红尘的风险,女侠救少年,接着再救赎少年的一生。 But who can tell her, why the present mortal youngster, has disaster Secret Clan exaggerating Divine Force unexpectedly, even this clan two Immortal Emperor Ancestor, played with by the youngster in the stock palm, is to the utmost rude! 可谁能告诉她,为何眼前的凡人少年,居然拥有祸乱秘族的夸张神力,连此族两位仙帝老祖,都被少年玩弄于股掌之中,极尽失态! Also is her body does not hold Speech Seal, without/has not because of the Divine Technique nonsense of youngster, if this is not the case, even her this kind of close to become a Saint exist(ence), possibly can words and deeds without merit. Therefore this is what Divine Technique, in she has consulted the Ancient Country Wenxianli, may never present so evil and cruel Divine Technique... 也就是她身持不可言印,才没有因少年的神术胡言乱语,若非如此,连她这等临近成圣存在,都可能会言行无状了。所以这到底是什么神术,在她查阅过的古国文献里,可从未出现过如此歹毒的神术... Can force innumerable living beings to say in the heart unexpectedly to think? 竟能强迫芸芸众生说出心中所想? World needs the white lie embellishment, if everyone will only tell the truth, does not know that will have many sentiments to be broken. 世界需要善意的谎言点缀,若人人都只会说真话,不知会有多少感情被打破呢。 But is very interesting, not ~ how creative is Divine Technique, is it possible that self-created of this boy? He certainly is the talent ~ 但很有趣,不是么~多么富有创意的神术,莫非是这小子的自创?那他一定是天才吧~ Her Hong Jun Sect disciple -based the standpoint, was detecting 1st time that Ancient Country descendant presents, she should report Dao Spirit World to be right. 基于她鸿钧门徒的立场,在察觉到古国后人出现的第一时间,她就该上奏道灵世界才对。 May see youngster 30% (slightly) is limpid, look of 70% pleasure person, she somewhat moved to not Open Eyes, let alone reported the youngster Ancient Country surviving member status... 可一看到少年三分清澈、七分乐子人的眼神,她就有些移不开眼了,更别说是跟人举报少年古国余孽的身份了... Strange matter. 怪事。 She can understand oneself feel the youngster to be interesting, actually too did not understand oneself will move to not Open Eyes to the youngster unexpectedly. 她可以理解自己觉得少年有趣,却不太理解自己居然会对少年移不开眼 She is not Profound Bird that fool, how to be puzzled by the trivial wine and women chaotically mental. She has stopped drinking for many years, only if Profound Bird asked her to drink the dew to ferment, otherwise she was glad to drink tea. 她又不是玄鸟那个笨蛋,岂会被区区酒色惑乱心智。她早已戒酒多年,除非玄鸟请她喝露水酿,否则她更乐意喝茶的。 The liquor could not be puzzled she, the beauty was not also good. 酒惑不了她,美色同样不行。 And the present youngster beauty can only be outstanding, misses far from the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, does not have Innate Bewitching Bone, had not been exerted any Bewitching Art. 且眼前的少年姿色只能算是优秀,距离倾国倾城差得还远,更不具备天生媚骨,亦未被人施加任何魅术 Even so, can actually confuse her, is really the fearful and mysterious youngster ~ 即使如此,却还是能迷惑她么,真是个可怕而又神秘的少年呢~ This is unscientific, but the profound studies, behind this matter have in -depth reason very much, if can it digging out, she write several Dao Scroll papers of influence educational worlds either, either she can dig out several plans to plan her old enemy taking advantage of this youngster... 这不科学,但很玄学,此事背后定有更深层的理由,若能将之挖出,要么她会写出好几篇影响学界的道卷论文,要么她能挖出好几个打算借此少年算计她的老对头... Even if plans still indifferently, she has been used to it in any case, pouring to be insufficient to vent anger as the chess piece youngster. 即使是算计也无所谓,反正她早就习惯了,倒不至于迁怒身为棋子的少年。 Feared that feared this youngster not others plan, but is destiny first cycle of her become a Saint inexorable fate... at the appointed time, can she cut him? Slightly some are not cruel enough... 怕就怕这少年并非他人算计,而是她成圣劫数的命定一环...届时,她要斩了他么?稍微有些不忍心呢... Tramples his life life, exchanges own Saint road, such person really with being called as Saint? 践踏他人生命,交换自己的圣路,这样的人真的配称作圣人吗? Before wants to be clear what Weisheng, what manner, her by no means plans become a Saint, even Sect urged unceasingly, even if Dao Spirit World transmitted 12th to say gold/metal command some time ago, compelling her to make the resolution, but... 在想清楚何为圣、何为人之前,她并不打算成圣,即使宗门不断催促,即使道灵世界不久前传来了第十二道金令,逼她做出决断,可... Only is person of become a Saint, then directs the disaster tribulation, to slaughter innumerably in Great Thousand World, such really... 只为一人成圣,便在大千世界引下灾劫、杀戮无数,那样真的好吗... She requires the time to ponder these issues, but after running into youngster, the issue that she needs to ponder were also many. 她需要时间思考这些问题,而在遇到少年之后,她需要思考的问题又多了一个。 At present this youngster, his real status, is actually who... 眼前这个少年,他的真实身份,究竟是谁... This is very important. 这很重要。 The development level, is next to her to the Ancient Country Divine Boat and Ancient Country Divine Bow and Ancient Country Divine Arrow and other grave cultural relic of the interests... 其重要程度,仅次于她对古国神舟古国神弓古国神矢等墓葬文物的兴趣...
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