GE :: Volume #14

#1307 Part 2: Even if meets by chance should not to know

Ji Chen sneers, then puts together completely all cultivation base methods, attacks to go toward the purple clothes youth. 稷辰冷笑一声,而后拼尽一切修为手段,朝紫衣青年攻击而去。 But these attacks actually touch the youth unable to achieve continually. 但那些攻击却连触及青年都做不到。 The named spatial strength, all attack isolation, any dozen to the attack of purple clothes youth, can only be close to toward the youth infinitely. But that infinite, will not have the end point forever, in the journey of unattainable, the attack of Ji Chen is unceasingly feeble, finally all attacks disperse to mix, empty, emperor and strength of buddhist four emptying, belongs to the true nihility. 名为空的力量,将一切攻击隔绝,任何打向紫衣青年的攻击,都只能朝着青年无限接近。但那无限,偏偏永无终点,于遥不可及的旅途中,稷辰的攻击不断衰弱,最终所有攻击散为混、虚、帝、梵四空之力,归于真正的虚无。 This...This is the First Ancestor elusive strength, is precisely I have never seen to High Grade, is impossible, how even if that Butterfly cheats again, should not make the strength outside Three Worlds reappear the world! Far Ancient Ten Spirits has all elapsed, can it be, can it be said, you unexpectedly are First Ancestor that lives this life ten spirit...” 这、这始祖空灵之力,且是我从未见过的至高等级,不可能,就算那蝴蝶再怎么作弊,也不该令三界之外的力量重现人世!远古十灵皆已逝去,难道,难道说,你竟是一尊活到今世的始祖十灵...” You guessed mistakenly, the young people, should not be confused the eyes by the strength. The strength is very good thing, it can make the mortal reach Immortal Path, is on par five spirit ten ancestors. But the strength will hoodwink five to feel six senses sometimes, making one forget the thing of innermost feelings true hope. Your cultivation is insufficient, but I finger/refer, actually non- cultivation base, but is Dao Heart. Previous the child who comes this to study, but Divine Transformation nothing more, but his at that time Will, then far far exceed your immediately. Your my wicked reason, but you are the Profound Bird family member, therefore I am willing to make an exception to give your class. This «Three Character Immortal Passing through», may read aloud 12 taking advantage of you, last Profound Bird Karma that so, owed past, then calculated two clear.” “你猜错了,年轻人,不要被力量迷惑双眼。力量是很好的东西,它可以让凡人登顶仙路,比肩五灵十祖。但力量有时又会蒙蔽五感六识,使人遗忘内心真正渴望之物。你的修行远远不足,但我指的,却非修为,而是道心。上一个来此求学的孩子,不过化神而已,但他彼时的意志,便已远远超过你的当下。你我本无道缘,但你是玄鸟眷属,故而我愿破例授你一课。此《三字仙经》,可借你诵读一二,如此,昔日所欠的最后一桩玄鸟因果,便算两清了。” Profound Bird... 玄鸟... Such terrifying exist(ence), knows Profound Bird... 这样恐怖存在,也认识玄鸟吗... Ji Chen received the books in youth hand, my faulty vision such as he, does not understand at this moment what oneself has is the what kind of mysterious scrip­tures. 稷辰怔怔接过青年手中的书卷,眼拙如他,根本不明白自己此刻持有的是何等玄妙的经文。 Only depended on the Profound Bird face merely, Ji Chen obtains unexpectedly observed the Inverse Saint scroll sutra opportunity, but was actually restricted in the perception, is unable to see too many, can only understand first reluctantly several shallow contents. 仅仅只凭玄鸟的面子,稷辰竟得到了一观逆圣经卷的机会,但却限于悟性,无法看到太多,只能勉强读懂首篇的几句粗浅内容。 At the beginning of immortal, the nature this does not have, the ascending to heaven road, enters sea map, Magic Force is broad, non- may admire, Dao Heart is firm, stared at... the following content unable to see only then, if looked forcefully, feeling that some of my unexpectedly Dao Heart collapsed, actually this was what scripture, was so as deep as a well unexpectedly!” “仙之初,性本无,登天路,入海图,法力广,非可慕,道心坚,方可瞩…后面的内容看不到了,若强行去看,我竟有道心崩溃的感觉,这究竟是什么经书,竟如此高深莫测!” In the school, many children are reading aloud «Three Character Immortal Passing through» similarly, they before Ji Chen the Divine Ability method of making turns a blind eye, is engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world. 学塾内,诸多孩童同样诵读着《三字仙经》,他们对稷辰之前打出的神通手段视若无睹,两耳不闻窗外事。 In the middle of content that the children read aloud, content that many Ji Chen are still not able to read. 孩童们诵读的内容当中,有不少稷辰尚无法阅读的内容。 The content that but pitifully, Ji Chen cannot see, does not listen similarly clearly, can see and can hear, from beginning to end, only then that eight. 但可惜,稷辰看不到的内容,同样听不真切,能看到、能听到的,从始至终,只有那八句。 More does not understand what is heard, more is longs for understanding. 越是听不明白,越是渴望了解。 Because Ji Chen studies cherished, the surrounding time at the astonishing speed, the twinkling then passed 1000 years. 稷辰求学心切,周围的时间以惊人速度,瞬息便度过了千年 Entire 1000 years, Ji Chen in self-torture, actually in any event, can only learn eight. 整整千年,稷辰都在苦修此经,却无论如何,只能学会八句。 even if so, Ji Chen felt the greatest harvest, if received severe warning, only thinks Dao Heart to advance triumphantly, should be corroded the conscience completely by Nightmare Qi, had a big sublimation unexpectedly. 饶是如此,稷辰还是感到了莫大收获,如受到了当头棒喝,只觉道心高歌猛进,本该被魇气侵蚀殆尽的本心,竟有了不小的升华。 This passes through surely is unsurpassed Supreme Treasure, therefore resembles my this kind of false Saint, only may learn eight ;, if common cultivator, feared that is one cannot understand and cannot hear...” “此经定是无上至宝,故而似我这等假圣,也只可习得八句若是寻常修士,怕是一句都看不懂、听不到...” Ji Chen long breathes a sigh of relief, on the face hostility reduced much, finally is willing to face directly is in itself only the fact of false Saint. 稷辰长舒了一口气,脸上戾气消减了不少,终于愿意直面自己只是假圣的事实了。 In his eye were also many thought deeply, ponder was actually the status of purple clothes youth, actually naturally could not guess correctly concretely. 他的眼中也多了许多深思,思考的却是紫衣青年的身份,却自然猜不出具体。 Then in this time, in the academy some child will find out out of the window, the speech. 便在此时,塾中某个孩童将头探出窗外,说话了。 That is a back row youngster by the window, the name Ning Gu, similarly goes to school in the school. 那是一个后排靠窗的少年,其名宁孤,同样在学塾上学。 He disdained in paying attention to Ji Chen, but sees Ji Chen to blow own horn, cannot help but spoke to refute. 他本不屑于理会稷辰,但见稷辰自吹自擂,不由得出言相驳。 You just said is not right, when my Big Brother arrived initially, but only used for seven months, carried after entire three character immortals, and has not observed the Teacher hand scroll, only by listened to read aloud seven times then achieved this matter.” “你刚刚说的不对,我大哥当初到来时,可是只用了七个月,就将三字仙经全篇背下了,且未曾观过先生手卷,只靠门外七次听诵便做到了此事。” Seven months? Entire?” The disparity of person and person is so unexpectedly huge, if beforehand Ji Chen, will decide will deny this matter directly. “七个月?全篇?”人与人的差距竟然如此巨大,若是之前的稷辰,定会直接否定此事。 At this time actually several points calm and ponder, result that this indeed Dao Heart strives. 此时却有了几分冷静和思考,这正是道心精进的结果。 Is it possible that your is Big Brother, what Nirvana Saint Desolate Saint?” “莫非你那大哥,是什么涅圣荒圣?” „, Then he should not be only Divine Transformation, I do not understand, because I have not studied cultivation base Realm with Teacher, studies only has a mind together, after all this is World that believes can exist(ence).” “不是啊,当时的他应该只是化神吧,我不太懂,因为我没和先生学过修为境界,所学只有心之一道,毕竟这是一个相信就能存在世界。” what! Divine Transformation then can only become aware completely entire with July, is it possible that he is perfect Bloodlines Innate lifeform! Also or what Great Saint is reincarnated!” Ji Chen was greatly disappointed, actually put down the envy above Dao Heart quickly, this was the matter that former he is unable to achieve. 什么!化神便能只用七月悟尽全篇,莫非他是一尊完美血脉先天生灵!又或是什么大圣转世!”稷辰大受打击,却很快扫平了道心之上的嫉妒,这是从前的他无法做到的事情。 „, Big Brother is not only ordinary butterfly, lives, but for the words of person, can only just experienced the 1st world? Teacher said that crosses as for what 42 looks back on, 43 to cross the lie the words, I listened not to understand. Big Brother the firmness of Dao Heart, Teacher commended, because of so, Teacher often regretted that Big Brother is not willing to shoulder the World incident, said continually the 44 sound was a pity. Teacher often taught us, cannot lose in the strength two characters. I did not understand this word true meaning, until meeting Big Brother. Can the mortals abandon? Can Immortal fear? The without/has not strength on the helpless person, laughable believing, obtains the strength to achieve anything unexpectedly. intent does not gather with the body, the will does not gather with the say/way, its strong? Is the say/way firm? Does not know that strong of person, how hears the firmness of immortal. The wood of joint holding, was born in the stage of ends of long fine hairs ; 9th stratum, results from tired earth ; 7 million Immortal Stone, begins in a thought... aiyu!” “不是啊,大哥只是凡蝶,生而为人的话,只能算是刚刚经历第一世吧?先生是这么说的呢,至于什么四十二渡回首、四十三渡妄语的话,我就听不太懂了。大哥道心之坚,就连先生都赞许有加,也因如此,先生时常遗憾大哥不愿背负世界一事,一连说了四十四声可惜。先生时常教导我们,不可迷失于力量二字。我本不懂此言真意,直到遇见了大哥。凡人可弃乎?仙人可惧乎?没有力量就无能为力的人,居然可笑的认为,得到力量就能做到什么。意不与身合,志不与道合,其身韧乎?其道坚乎?不知人之韧,岂闻仙之坚。合抱之木,生于毫末九层之台,起于累土七百万仙石,始于一念...哎呦!” Pa! 啪! Is the purple gold disciplinary ruler knocks the sound of head. 紫金戒尺敲脑袋的声音。 Purple clothes youth: Good easy to learn, is not possible to divert attention, so possibility of return...” 紫衣青年:“好好学经,不可分心,如此才有一丝归来的可能...” Ning Gu: Yes, Teacher...” 宁孤:“是,先生...” Purple clothes youth: Was familiar with «Three Character», then starts to read «Lights», Butterfly hurricane not my original intention, but he caused the time of hurricane is was just appropriate. The matter that ten spirits have not achieved, must be facilitated by Butterfly unexpectedly accidentally, this is actually I not observed view, is aloof in the profound variables of five spirit chessgames. If the Butterfly lights illuminate into the Eternal endless night seriously Return to Ruins World, if no and other lights to receive and instruct, feared that will lose the direction for a long time. Hugs firewood for the people, cannot make him freeze to death in the wind and snow, you as the Zi Dou worthy people of former times, when is descendant leads the way.” 紫衣青年:“熟读了《三字篇》,便开始读《灯火篇》吧,蝴蝶的飓风非我本意,但他引起飓风的时机却是刚刚合适。十灵尚未做到的事情,竟要被一只蝴蝶偶然促成,这却是我不曾观测到的景致,亦是超脱于五灵棋局的深远变数。倘若蝴蝶的灯火当真照入万古长夜的归墟世界,若无尔等灯火接引,怕是会迷失方向许久。为众人抱薪者,不可使其冻毙于风雪,尔等身为紫斗先贤,当为后人引路。” Ning Gu: Yes, Teacher! If receives and instructs the lights for Big Brother, I am willing the cinders in the endless night, what to pity this body forever!” 宁孤:“是,先生!若是为了大哥接引灯火,我愿永烬于长夜,何惜此身!” Purple clothes youth: You have this heart to be then good, but was not necessary to put to sacrifice. Butterfly Samsara has shot the 7th surface, he shouldered too many, or will withstand, you increase his burden not again, only needs your slight glow lights, believes him then, after all, this is World that believes can exist(ence).” 紫衣青年:“你有此心便好,但大可不必付诸牺牲。蝴蝶轮回已然掷出了第七面,他背负了太多,或还将承受更多,你莫再增添他的累赘,只需用你微芒的灯火,去相信他即可,毕竟,这是一个相信就能存在世界。” ... ... Jiang Yuan is child asks favor generation of crimes, is plot that Samsara has not presented. 姜嫄为子求情代罪,是轮回不曾出现的剧情。 Perhaps, in Ji Chen true Samsara, Jiang Yuan had a mind so, actually to lack the last courage throughout, is unable to take that one step truly. 或许,在稷辰真正的轮回中,姜嫄本就有心如此,却始终缺少最后一丝勇气,无法真正迈出那一步 The difference of so-called a thought, said is this matter. 所谓一念之差,说的便是此事。 When Butterfly tilts the breeze, blows a straw, made the rationality and perceptual balance that its struggle could not hold unexpectedly, truly had the weak incline. 而当蝴蝶掀动微风,吹来一根稻草,竟令其争持不下的理性、感性天平,真正有了微弱倾斜。 Her love not exist(ence) to Ji Chen, but timid in revealing, struggles and hesitates repeatedly. 她对稷辰的爱并非不存在,只是怯于流露,反复挣扎、迟疑。 She is First Concubine, the woman who actually non- God Step King most loves, is not also able to depend Ji Chen mother Pingzi to be expensive, therefore needs in the deep palace step by step alarmed. 她是元妃,却非神足王最爱的女人,亦无法仗着稷辰母凭子贵,所以更需要在深宫之内步步惊心。 She is timid, she is uncommunicative, her vanity, she envies. 她怯懦,她寡言,她虚荣,她嫉妒。 She also longs for that oneself child is situated in above ten thousand people, hoping that a son will grow up to be successful, is hoping for that own child will take the body of promote step Earth Giant as the legend dragon in of title candle, increases the honor for oneself. 她同样渴望自己的孩子立于万人之上,望子成龙着,希冀自己的孩子会以地巨之身晋阶为传说中的衔烛之龙,为自己增添荣光。 She disappointed, she has regretted. 她失望过,她追悔过。 Some of her innumerable shortcomings, but in moment of kneeling down, all no longer important. 她更有无数缺点,但在跪下的一刻,一切都已不再重要。 Ning Fan and without/has not move any hands and feet, this time all, truly are another possibility of Ji Chen exist(ence) in Samsara. 宁凡没有动任何手脚,此时的一切,确实是稷辰存在轮回中的另一个可能。 Ji Chen, the father loves perhaps is really only the vain effort, cannot touch, but maternal love actually not so... 稷辰而言,父爱或许真的只是水中捞月,不可触及,但母爱却非如此... If Ji Chen is willing to understand, is willing to believe that perhaps he will detect, depending on him the body of emaciated mortal, is unable to span Thousand Mountains ten thousand water initially, successfully arrives has Tai city who the mortal lives, and experiences the later all. 稷辰愿意去理解,愿意去相信,或许他会察觉,凭他当初羸弱的凡人之躯,本无法跨越千山万水,成功抵达凡人聚居的有邰城,并经历之后的一切。 Decides however some people to help him. 定然有人帮助过他。 Also or, Ji Chen guessed correctly some people help him, actually only works as all help, all the warmth from Profound Bird, and for this reason, denied entire World. 又或者,稷辰猜到了有人帮他,却只当所有的帮助,皆来自玄鸟的温暖,并以此为由,否定了整个世界 Communication is very important, if abandons knows mother's intention sooner, even if goes down in the world Jiang Hu, decides is still insufficient to repent...” “沟通果然很重要,若弃早些知晓母亲的心意,即使落魄江湖,定也不至于自怨自艾吧...” I can with Myriad Things Communication, but this technique, as if still had the leeway of striving, still had huge development Space...” “我能与万物沟通,但此术,似乎仍有精进的余地,尚有巨大的开发空间...” Myriad Things Communication, Myriad Things Communication... , if only I and Myriad Things Communication, somewhat is rather lonely, has the arrogance that people all are drunk I to awake alone. If can make this technique enter one step, perhaps, this technique not only can make me and Myriad Things Communication, can make myriad things each other communicate, the mutual understanding... this function is very at first sight useless, but useless is useful one. My god like tree, utmost useless, although useless tree, but also the tree without to have the township, the broad wildness not, paces back and forth inactivity its side, the free and unfettered the bedroom lies its , not the young ax, thing harmless, does not have available, peacefully poverty-stricken...” 万物沟通,万物沟通...若只是我与万物沟通,未免有些寂寞,更有种众人皆醉我独醒的傲慢。若能令此术更进一步,或许,此术不仅能令我与万物沟通,更能令万物彼此沟通,互相理解吧...此功能乍一看十分无用,但无用何尝不是有用的一种。我神如树,至大无用,虽无用之树,亦可树于无可有之乡,广莫之野,彷徨乎无为其侧,逍遥乎寝卧其下,不夭斤斧,物无害者,无所可用,安所困苦...” Ning Fan more becomes aware is deeper, always understands a wonderful principle, may make Divine Technique even more strive. 宁凡越悟越深,每多悟出一丝妙理,都可令神术愈发精进。 originally can only by oneself and Myriad Things Communication Divine Technique, gradually surpassed the general knowledge and Realm, started becomes unthinkable. 原本只能让自己和万物沟通神术,也渐渐超出了常识与界限,开始变得匪夷所思了。 But that surpasses the part of general knowledge, indeed Man Zhi the thing that is hard to know in advance, the opposite party is very difficult beyond the thing to general knowledge to make the pointed layout, this matter Ning Fan had proven one time successfully. 而那超出常识的部分,正是满智难以预知的东西,对方很难对常识之外的事物做出针对性的布局,此事宁凡已经成功证明了一次 Because there are Jiang Yuan generation of crimes, originally surrounds Ning Fan law enforcement Monster Soldier, all surrounded Jiang Yuan. 因有姜嫄代罪,原本包围宁凡的执法妖卒,皆去包围姜嫄了。 Saw with own eyes that Jiang Yuan was detained to go to Jishan to suppress quickly, Ning Fan decides took action. 眼见姜嫄就快被押去稷山镇压了,宁凡决定出手了 He must make the Earth Giant Clan clan's fate prosperous big good person, whatever if Clan First Concubine harms, must damage to reduce clan's fate, will let the Man Zhi happy result, must avoid! 他可是要令地巨族族运昌隆的大好人,若任由一族元妃有损,必会损减族运,会让满智高兴的结果,必须避免! But the Ning Fan actually without/has not use military force prevents this matter, but used in secret slightly had striving Myriad Things Communication, planned to test just insights. 宁凡没有使用武力阻止此事,而是暗中动用了略有精进的万物沟通,打算实验一下刚刚的感悟 This is Ning Fan first time uses this technique on other people, the result of first attempting, is this technique is unable the locking target, hit randomly a audience. 这是宁凡第一次将此术用在外人身上,初次尝试的结果,是此术根本无法锁定目标,随机命中了一位受众。 Good skillful unfortunately, this 1st round step version Myriad Things Communication, hits Jiang Yuan- nature, others cannot see Ning Fan take action, probably because Myriad Things Communication is silent, traceless does not have the mark, utmost useless, average man not considerable it. 好巧不巧,这第一发进阶版万物沟通,打中的还是姜嫄-自然,旁人看不到宁凡出手,盖因万物沟通无声无息,无痕无迹,至大无用,常人不可观之。 Hit randomly this person, actually does not know what effect... my original intention, but hits that two to hide in this in secret, pays attention to Jiang Yuan Earth Giant Immortal Emperor uh, unexpectedly hit crookedly, was in Divine Technique the Yin and Yang proportion and structure was not too right...” The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, learned the lessons of many use technique failure instantaneously, gradually had obtained. “随机命中了此人么,却不知有何效果...我的本意,可是命中那两位暗中隐藏于此、关注姜嫄地巨仙帝,居然打歪了么,是神术阴与阳的比例、结构不太对么...”宁凡心思飞转,瞬间总结出了诸多施术失败的经验,渐渐有所得。 Another side, was hit by Myriad Things Communication Jiang Yuan, suddenly spat the real medicament and courage medicament to be the same like take, is unable to control the spoken language, shouted abuse toward God Step King. 另一边,被万物沟通打中的姜嫄,忽然如同服下了吐真药剂、勇气药剂一般,无法控制言语,朝着神足王破口大骂起来。 You are what Great King! Takes seriously face over to take seriously Clan, compared with Clan Protecting gauge, you cares to maintain own power and influence! The lascivious is lascivious, being fickle, is unkind for the father, is unkind for the king, to not pity steadily! You are cold-hearted, first wife's wife said that the shed then abandons, sad will not reveal, as for the children, regards as the tool entirely, can discard momentarily! I know a day of family/home not to have the en, but does not have en you, shames for the couple seriously!” “你算是什么大王!重视颜面超过重视一族,比起维护族规,你更在意维护自己的权势!贪花好色,喜新厌旧,为父不慈,为王不仁,为长不恤!你冷心无情,原配之妻说舍便舍,连一丝悲戚都不会为之流露,至于子女,更是通通视为工具,随时可以舍弃!我知天家无恩,但无恩似你者,当真羞为夫妻!” Also looks in the Ning Fan direction. 又朝着宁凡的方向望去。 also, abandoned, my child! Your father by no means loves you, but you do not need therefore to deny World, does not need to deny! World often is not entirely as desired, at this moment but perhaps also without/has not you see that bad... in your future, certainly will meet to take seriously your person, even are not many, still certain exist(ence). Therefore, do not give up! Do not evade! Do not be hoodwinked the eyes by the Bloodlines two characters! The mother misses one time, wrong letter/believed Jiang Shui Daoist, wrong thinks, so long as obtains Bloodlines and strength, can obtain the happiness, finally bore the consequences of evil acts... mother to regret, truly what also finally clear oneself wanted was anything. Even if your life is unable to be built in the person, but in mother's eyes, you as before is that for the good child who mother cooks the bean food secretly. Lovable, the Monster Cultivator Inedia, does not eat human world Five Grains, is the feed also only eats the blood food, but your bean food, is mother has actually eaten the most unforgettable thing, what a pity, will unable to eat from now on, but does not need to be sad, from now on will have others to anticipate that your bean food, anticipated your smile, anticipates you safe pleasant every day...” 还有,弃,我的孩子!你的父亲并不爱你,但你不必因此否定世界,更不必否定自我!世界往往不尽如人意,但或许也没有你此刻看到的那么糟糕...在你的未来,一定会遇到重视你的人,就算不多,也一定存在着。所以,不要放弃!不要逃避!不要被血脉二字蒙蔽双眼!娘错过一次,错信了姜水道人,错以为只要获得血脉与力量,就能获得幸福,最终自食恶果...娘后悔了,也终于明白了自己真正想要的是什么。就算你此生无法立于人上,但在娘的眼中,你依旧是那个会为娘亲偷偷烹制豆饭的好孩子。多可爱呀,妖修辟谷,不食人间五谷,便是进食也只吃血食,但你的豆饭,却是娘亲吃过最难忘的东西,可惜,今后再也吃不到了,但不必难过,今后还会有其他人期待你的豆饭,期待你的笑容,期待你平安喜乐的每一天...” She seems like looking at Ning Fan, however the focal distance of pupil actually betrayed her sincerity. 她似乎是在看宁凡,然而瞳孔的焦距却出卖了她的真心。 She looked truly, is distant place that the life is unable to attain somewhere again, is some astrays the branch road and poor youngster. 她真正看的,是某处此生再也无法企及的远方,是某个误入歧路、孤苦无依的少年。 Ss! 嘶! Everyone was startled by the sudden burst of Jiang Yuan! 所有人都被姜嫄的突然爆发惊到了! What this female really is that easily bullied First Concubine Jiang Yuan? Why unexpectedly becomes so valiant! What person of Body Possession should not by? 此女真的是那个软弱可欺的元妃姜嫄?为何竟变得如此彪悍!该不会是被什么人夺舍了吧? Unexpectedly dares to be in front of entire clan to give scolding God Step King, how could it not be to know Great King heaviest face, so enrages Great King, this does not suppress the crime that Jishan can counter-balance. 居然敢当着全族的面痛骂神足王,岂不知大王最重颜面,如此触怒大王,这可不是镇压稷山就能抵消的罪过。 ... ... Mother, is speaking with me..., but this is how possible, how possibly, these words... how possibly really...” This in forcefully insights «Three Character Immortals after» Ji Chen, in innermost feelings severely shakes and severe pain, such as was actually being ripped open the wound that the life most is not willing to touch at this moment towering, Dao Heart direct out-of-control. “娘,在和我说话...但这怎么可能,怎么可能,这些话...怎么可能是真的...”本在强行感悟《三字仙经》的稷辰,此刻却在内心剧震、剧痛着,如被人突兀撕开了此生最不愿触碰的伤口,道心直接失控。 If mother said is the past thinks, if she to my emotion never were false, then, 6th Nightmare Disaster that then... was initiated by my one hand, and Earth Giant Clan of disaster destruction, made me... lose anything... to obtain anything from this... 若娘亲所言皆是昔日所想,若她对我的情感从来不是虚假,那么,那么...由我一手引发的第六魇灾,并由此灾覆灭的地巨一族,到底令我...失去了什么...得到了什么... I lost... cherished my mother silently... 我失去了...默默爱护我的娘亲吗... ... Killed mother for Profound Bird... 为了玄鸟...害死了娘亲吗... Is impossible, this is how possible... 不可能,这怎么可能呢... I made anything... to make anything... 我到底做了什么...做了什么... Earth Giant abandons me, my rather turned into Demon, Nightmare Disaster, all living things all may extinguish today, Earth Giant not will also save. But does not need to be sorrowful, when I create new Samsara, will bestow and other 1st Stage new students, even if others could not be joined to my gracious gift, but, you were brutal, I never do not have the righteousness...】 地巨弃吾,吾宁成魔,今日魇灾至,众生皆可灭,地巨亦将无存。但不必悲哀,待我创造出新的轮回,会赐尔等一段新生,即使尔等配不上我的恩赐,但,尔等无情,我却从未无义...】 No, let alone, these words are not my real soul talk, is not, is not... 不,别说了,那些话不是我的真心话,不是,不是... Sorry, abandoned, mother does not blame all that you make, because this is mother's mistake, is mother without/has not teaches you, was mother abandoned you...】 【对不起,弃,娘不怪你所做的一切,因为这全是娘的错,是娘没有把你教好,是娘抛弃了你...】 Yes, this is your mistake, why you blame me, why also to forgive me. Even and others lost/carrying I in first, me are actually willing and others to leave the space in new World, I am a good person, I am... 是啊,这本就是你的错,你凭什么怪我,又凭什么原谅我。就算尔等负我在先,我却还是愿意在新的世界为尔等留一席之地,我才是好人,我才是... But why, I am not... 可为何,我不是... Ning Gu: Teacher, this person was probably insane, must manage him...” 宁孤:“先生,这人好像疯了,要管他么...”
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